I realized that I'm slightly more accurate with ring-index than middle-index when I play bursts maps with 5 circles (180bpm)
The first image is my UR when I play with middle-index. As you can see, my middle finger is slower than my index when I play a bursts map but my stream ability is good.
The second image is my UR when I play with ring-index knowing that I've never tried this play style before. The big difference is the fact that I use my hand much more than my fingers to move, which looks better I think?
My ring has a little bit of trouble though, I can only do bursts like max. 11 circles perfectly but not stream.
The first image is my UR when I play with middle-index. As you can see, my middle finger is slower than my index when I play a bursts map but my stream ability is good.
The second image is my UR when I play with ring-index knowing that I've never tried this play style before. The big difference is the fact that I use my hand much more than my fingers to move, which looks better I think?
My ring has a little bit of trouble though, I can only do bursts like max. 11 circles perfectly but not stream.