
Add players' Star Rating Potential to profiles, like in Arcaea

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +21
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Arcaea has a system that shows what difficulty a player would be expected to be able to pass based of all their past scores. From my view, Arcaea makes it work by not adding or removing from the potential when the player pass a map that they have already passed with a better score. And getting a good score on a map higher than your potential will increase the potential significantly. Getting bad scores on difficulties below your potential will decrease the potential slightly. Basically taking all the best scores the player have on all the maps they've played into account.

Now, how can this be useful? It can help players know just about where they are on terms of difficulties, allowing them to stick to just slightly above their potential and improve a lot faster.

I am thinking this can be shown on players' profiles, and possibly also have an option to hide it.

Other than just acting like a guide for players to improve faster, it will have no other purposes.
Potential should also not be affected by fcs and acc the same way pp is. Rather, it should just be for passes and nice scores to actually show the real star rating potential a player has, even if they may not have any fcs near that.
This is essentially already a thing, although is private rather than a public stat. You can find the current implantation of this on this page beatmapsets directly underneath the search bar. ("Recommended difficulty (blah)"). This star rating is based off of your top plays as far as i know.

You can make a request for them to make this a public stat etc etc here: since this is a web request
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but that's the thing, it's based of your top plays and not all the scores you've submitted, so it's far from accurate. Players like me can easily fc 6 stars, but because of no motivation to farm, that number stays much lower than what our actual potential is. So the star rating potential would be based of your real skill as opposed to your top plays.
I like this idea, it will be very useful in multiplayer lobby so that the host can choose maps based on the ability of every player in the room

Aprixia wrote:

but that's the thing, it's based of your top plays and not all the scores you've submitted, so it's far from accurate. Players like me can easily fc 6 stars, but because of no motivation to farm, that number stays much lower than what our actual potential is. So the star rating potential would be based of your real skill as opposed to your top plays.
so we are back to square one: inaccuracy of how star rating represent skills
like i cant even fc most 5* maps yet at one point i farmed a lot and got some 6*pp, how can the purposed system know what i need to play and suggest suitable maps for me?

Kolmas wrote:

so we are back to square one: inaccuracy of how star rating represent skills
I would just ignore this issue for now, as that should be fixed over time with SR reworks. The base idea of this post is still very nice and a neat thing to have that shouldn't be too much effort as this number already is stored somewhere.

Since this is an osu-web related suggestion please bring it up on GitHub by making a new issue
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RockRoller wrote:

Since this is an osu-web related suggestion please bring it up on GitHub by making a new issue
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