
Hello, I'm here now.

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All of my life choices ended me up here. Let me explain how.
So I was going on Youtube and I saw a vid of someone playing osu. After a while, I started getting into rythm games, and I decided to download osu. I don't know, the game seemed cool.
And it is pretty cool.

Anyways, I'm Serenalav. You can call me Seren or Ser. I joined today at the time of writing. I like Harry Potter and stuff. I suck
at the game.
I'll try to be active on the forums.
Bye. -Serenalav
Hello ^^

Serenalav wrote:

All of my life choices ended me up here. I decided to download osu.
Oh no no no no you can still escape, this game is a trap monkaS

Serenalav wrote:

I suck at the game.
Everyone who starts does (I still do, Sadge), you will get better and see improvement. Just try to not get frustrated by the pp system and have fun with the game. Play maps and songs you like and you wont get burned out so quick by retrying the same map 100 times back to back ^^.
You're going down a dark path right now
you came, and now you're trapped.

Serenalav wrote:

All of my life choices ended me up here. Let me explain how.
So I was going on Youtube and I saw a vid of someone playing osu. After a while, I started getting into rythm games, and I decided to download osu. I don't know, the game seemed cool.
And it is pretty cool.

Anyways, I'm Serenalav. You can call me Seren or Ser. I joined today at the time of writing. I like Harry Potter and stuff. I suck
at the game.
I'll try to be active on the forums.
Bye. -Serenalav
everyone sucks when they 1st start the game if you want to improve spam retry harumachi clover and only play maps under 2mins thank me later
Don’t listen to the guy above me

If you want to improve, only play maps 10 minutes or longer and use the touchpad
I just play with mouse, since I don't have any plans on getting a tablet due to hand-eye coordination issues.
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