
I'm not new at all but come and say hello !

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Hi !

It's been a long time I started playing this game but I never created a post to introduce myself, so I'm doing it now!

I could spend so much time to explain my osu "career" but I will keep it short for now because you may not want to read for too long...

I'm a french player who turned 18 recently, and I've been playing this game for more than 5 years now. I started playing in february 2016 on an old account (that got deleted later because of multi account) but I really got into the game in late 2017 (i remember poland winning the owc).

I think my life would be completely different if I never knew osu back in 2016. This game and this community really helped me when I was feeling sick of my surroundings/other people, that's why i wanna give back to this community as much as I can (idk really how, but i will...).

That's what i can say about my career without writing an entire book ^^'

If you read my entire post and are feeling about commenting, I have one question for you :
-How and why have started playing osu ?
Hey! Glad you have found an outlet through osu!

I discovered osu as I was trying to get better at overwatch and a friend recommended that I should play osu! To get better at aiming. After I hit masters in overwatch, I quit that game to focus more on osu!

I really enjoy listening to music and overwatch was a game that required immense focus to a point that I could not listen to music and play, thus why I had stuck to osu.
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