
The journey Begins

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Hello everyone

This is the day I will start playing osu! So I'm still a blood beginner, at the time I write this thread here, I have already played one beatmap. Difficulty was 1 star, what else would you expect.

Let's get to me, my name is Paul, I'm 18 years old and I spend most of my free time watching anime or playing video games. I used to play chess in a club, but nowadays I'm a bit of a dweeb when it comes to strategy....

How did I come across osu! Well... I already knew the game from hearing about it, but never really got into it, now I want to give it a try. So if you are a bit more experienced, don't be shy to give me some tips how to improve as a beginner! :D

Now a few key points to the end:

Favorite anime: Attack on Titan & Bungou Stray Dogs
Favorite manga: Aion
Video game I have played the most so far: Minecraft
Goals: Improving at clicking circles
Too bad the journey had a bad ending
Osu is like every action/fantasy anime ever

figuring things out
training arc
knowing your enemy

but you never get good ending lmao, i almost gave up playing Osu! cuz i found out that WhiteCat that was ranked 1, is 13 or smtg
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