
OSU | First Tablet & Introduction.

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Hello everyone, I recently started playing OSU! a lot more than I used to. When I started playing again I was still doing 2 STAR with HR and early 3STARS now I have multiple SS graded runs on 3STAR songs and most of the maps I have for 3STAR are now S graded. I've been falling in love with the game and watching myself improve more and more each day. I want to shoot for top 15000 in my local which is Canada then see where I go from there. I'm starting to play a lot more 4 STAR maps so hopefully soon I will be able to S grade some of those. Outside of OSU I play a very large selection of games. These range from games like CS:GO to Super Smash Bros. I also have a dream to start a small Twitch Channel just for fun. I hope to make even more friends from the OSU community as I have already met so many nice people in the Multi Lobbies.

As for my first Tablet I have recently ordered a Wacom One tablet. I was recommended this tablet by many different people and I hope it treats me well for a first tablet. I want to start streaming OSU! with the tablet when it comes in so if you want to check out my

Well thanks for stopping to check out the post, I want to become for active on the forums so I will be reading any and all replies! Also feel free to add me on Discord!

Discord: OGChroma#1566
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