
osu!: the best movie I've ever seen.

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Ice Phinox
I always knew about a game where you clicked circles, but it felt odd and foreign to me, so I never really understood it or tried to research anything about it.

Imagine my surprise when one day, I get a video on my youtube watch feed, about something called a "50 Replay Knockout". I was curious, so I clicked on it. (The video is if anyone cares.) It was amazing. It had a cold intro, and jumped right into the action, 50 players, all preparing themselves in real-time at the ready. When the song kicks, a mass of several colored dots fly in a rhythmic pattern, as if they already knew the layout by heart. Early on, key players start to form. One of the higher ranking players is someone called "White Cat", and some purple-blue dot draws hearts during the spinners. As the song goes on, more and more players get eliminated, until 15 or so people are left. It seems to increase in difficulty, with harder and more complex patterns coming at lightning speed, one by one players' names fall into the dust. By the time the last verse comes, all but a few remain. The song does another short burst, then 2 fall. White Cat and the purple dot from before remain. Two titans stood before each other, both radiating their superior aura. There was only one way that this would end: if one will fall, and the other will stay. In their final duel, the dots raced across the screen faster than I could see, the clicking so deafening, that the song was barely heard, much less recognizable. All was going right, until White Cat's name falls off the screen. The song gets tougher, but it seems to not even phase the purple dot. Doing pixel-perfect movement, it dances across the screen like it was warming up. It was then that I learned the unfortunate truth that this dancing dot, this Danser, flaunts its skills over the fallen. After one last victory lap, a single "1" Circle rises above the screen. With the final click, all fades to black.

then I learned the game is no where near that cool
might stay tho, seems kinda fun ig
Hi! I watched the vid, it kinda sounds interesting when you put it that way.

Anyway, yeah do stay, it's not as cool when you first started, but if you give it a time you may gonna get addicted like me haha. Also welcome!
- Marco -
Welcome aboard ^^
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