
Your age when...

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16 years and 7 months since death.

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same question.
16 (edit:) years and 234 days since entrance upon this reality.

your age when you first had a crush
13, or so. the first real crush i had, as far as i'm aware.

she's about 2 years older than myself, and had a this kind of radiant optimism that dwarfed my nihilistic aura.

she's an artist, primarily, but she can play the piano, ukulele, and ocarina, without much trouble. nowadays, she's able to work with digital art and animation fairly well. goddamn, playing the piano was fun around her. she also is likely one of the reasons i'm still alive, as she was one of the people that kept me clinging to life to see what it'd offer.

we're still distant friends as of now, but yeah. unsure if i'm entirely over it, but i'm fine with things as they are, although it would've been amazing had something actually happened, but my depressive, nihilistic, and clingy nature probably 100% creeped her out, i'd imagine. she knows of how i felt back then by now, but not much can be done.

now, we're mostly just creative people that check in on each other to see what we've made and compliment each other's work. we can enjoy each other's company, and considering the experience when i attended her post-grad party several months ago, it seems like i'm still particularly awkward around her, as always. the only person i've felt the most awkward and pleasant around. i don't think i'll ever have that again in my life.


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same question.
Tad Fibonacci
Is it weird that I've never had a crush before?


Same question.


Your age when you first have a phone?

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your age when you last had every single strand of hope for something you aimed to do torn out despite the most immense effort and time you've invested in it?
literally today, so...
16 years and 237 days.

your age when you first gave up on something
dont think i can remember, but probably a really young age for something small (like maybe trying to reach for something idk)

age you got your first pc/laptop?
somewhere around 5 or 6, i think.

i distinctly remember Diablo and Starcraft 1 + SC1:BW.

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your age when you first discovered the concept of porn in general?
I don't really remember. I learned about it quite young, I'd say maybe around 12 but I started to actually comprehend what it was at around age 15.


Your age when you first watched a show/series that has been very important to your growth.
I mean childhood show is always important for your growth so maybe 2. Doraemon was my thing back then and it really develops my personality a lot

NOVA and Nature were fucking awesome. they helped me develop my inquisitive nature about all things scientific, and eventually, all things in general. i got to exercise my mind with different ideas of how things work through the lens of astrophysics and such, and ended up talking to my dad about quasars, different kinds of stars, and gravitational singularities by age 6. those times were fun.

i still love it, but it's just not in my immediate scope of interests. i might come around to watch more someday.

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Achromalia wrote:

your age when you first discovered the concept of porn in general?
10 - thanks, sex ed

your age when you first learned about events in other countries
I don't know, probably around 15-16 years old since that's when I started to use the internet more intensively.

Your age when you first decided to work-out outside of school.
n/a. i don't believe i've really "worked out" anywhere outside of mandatory school programs through classes like PE.

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your age when you first used a desktop or laptop computer.
Tad Fibonacci
I was very little back then so my memories are a bit fuzzy but I think it was from about 3 to 5 years old.


Same question.

How old were you when you first experienced alcohol?

your age you first learned santa isn't real
Oh boy. There is no Santa in Russia, however there is another fairytale man. Same shit either way. 11, once I saw those candy bags in convenience store.

Same question
never believed it was a real thing in the first place.

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your age when you first spent money.
9; i bought a basketball with the pocket money my cousin forgot in his jacket when he gave it to me

your age when you discovered your first childhood toy
Yikes, I don't know when I had my first childhood toy. But I do remember being obsessed with a doll, called Mary, for years. Think I was pretty old for toy attachments, too. Like, around 10? I still attach to things and people way too easily. I hate it. It's good because it makes me very friendly and I would give my life for someone who simply said 'hello' to me... But damn, it hurts. But I'm getting off topic.

Your age when you had your first crush.
I am not sure I have ever had a genuine crush though this session I noticed a new student coming to school and she is pretty darn cute and maybe a little more than pretty darn cute to me so it might be right now at 19. I don't think I'll ever talk to her though, I don't ever talk to new people if I don't have a good reason to.

Your age when you started to doubt what your parents told you.
Eh, maybe 13. Y'know the drill, cabbages and storks. Ended up being something like inserting a USB flash drive in reality.

Same question.
For me it was 14 years old. It was because I explained the basics of vaccine to my mother and she told me to not fully trust what I was being told about vaccines and that they could be dangerous.

Tad Fibonacci
Pretty early on. I think I was 7 or 8.
Don't know if it's a bad thing or not but my parents have broken quite a lot of promises with me as a kid.
Though I'm pretty sure they just forgot or was just too busy to think about them.


9. i was really suspicious of my parents when my dad decided to start praising krishnamurti, so that helped with my situation.

your age when you made your first friend.
I used to have a childhood whom I had know for as long as I could remember but I lost all ties with him when I moved to another city.

As for friend with whom I am still in touch it would be 14 years old.


Your age when you first lost something important to you?

7. i lost my brother's bakugan. :^(

Nate Bait
~7, may that spongebob balloon forever rest in peace

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your age when things seemed to start going 'downhill' (mine was 11)
about 12 or so. that's when shit really hit the fan.

it shorted the fan when i was 14, and i decided to just not give a damn after turning 16, even though the metaphorical house was burning down. ever since then, i think it's fair to say i'm about ready to buy a new fan.

really, i'd say "downhill" is a very complicated term to assess when there's so much context to consider. i mostly say 12 because my mental health just fucking took a dive and thought the Mariana Trench was worth visiting.

still, the circumstances leading to that preceded my birth, and really, it involved a fuckton of factors. my parents fought frequently, i was spanked like hell, and i only knew two things-- i had homework to do, and that i was somehow smart. those expectations came in as a toddler all throughout my elementary school life, and issues just accelerated when i got to my new middle/high school.

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same question.
Every stage of my life has had uphills and downhills, the worst ones being in elementary, realizing that I was popular, but in the bad way, that went worse when I attended middle school, ah, these days of being bullied and suffering from emotional unstability, eating disorders and being incredibly clumsy. IT STILL HURTS But I thank myself that I prevailed, now, I am finding a way to overcome these dark days, I stopped hurting myself and having breakdowns at least.

Your age when you first realized Santa doesn't exist? (If you still think Santa does exist, sorry)
reality usually has a kink of hitting me early that i can't really remember when i believed and stopped believing santa is real...

i would say i stopped believing at age 7, this is probably the same time i started believing santa is real...

so this belief probably lasted a few months, and it ended when christmas started.

you wouldn't realize how disappointed i felt when there were no presents under the tree... not even coal... so i just drew something and mark it as a present...


your age when you got your first pet
5. i still remember what he looked like.

your age when you first got rejected by anyone for anything.
I don't think that's ever happened to me. I don't ask favors off of other people so that doesn't leave any opportunity to be rejected.

Yor age when you discovered the beauty of music?
Zelzatter Zero
When I was eight.

When did you start playing computer games?
ERA Puzzle
Computer games is a bit of a different story than Video games in general.

I know I played oldschool runescape back in like... at least 2006. I remember when hunter was released as a skill. So that puts me at about 10 years old at that time. But I didn't really get into computer games until I was maybe 12 or 13. I had a step brother at the time who played this game called Shadowbane, and let me tell you, Shadowbane was the most fucking ballerest game to ever fucking exist, ever. Goddamn that game was dope. There's an emulator for it and I've played it recently and it's still fun as fuck; it's just hard to get into because the whole game is around PvP and the PvP is really complex and requires a lot of learning.

But yeah, that would have been around 2008. So that's about when I really seriously got into computer games, specifically.

Your age when you first decided to really seriously dedicate yourself to a passion?
At... 12?

Your age when you discovered how wonderful the internet is.
haha i rolypoly
your age when you started playing osu
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