
Clarifying the Hybrid Qualification process

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Please choose a method that you feel would be better for handling hybrid sets

1. Require 2 full nominators of separate modes, taking partial responsibility for any mode neither are proficient in.
2. Require as many full nominators as there are modes, where 2 nominate and any remaining modes require approval in the discussion before qualifying.
Total votes: 51
Topic Starter
Full poll options as the website has truncated them:
1. Require 2 full nominators of separate modes, taking partial responsibility for any mode neither are proficient in.
2. Require as many full nominators as there are modes, where 2 nominate and any remaining modes require approval in the discussion before qualifying.

While this thread is similar to , this is primarily aimed at clarifying the current systems and slightly modifying it for the sake of that rather than changing the qualification process for hybrids entirely.

Presently our rule regarding them is this:

Do not qualify beatmaps of modes which you are not a full member of, unless they were nominated by someone who is. This ensures that a full nominator is always part of the process for each mode. New nominators become full members after 1-2 months depending on how they did in that period.

Which means
- A map can not be qualified unless nominated by people who are full members of the modes on a hybrid mapset. The current wording isn't the clearest, and only addresses the qualification step which is misleading.
- This means in most cases probation bns shouldn't nominate hybrids at all, which is not immediately obvious.

After some internal discussion, this is the new proposal for hybrids:

Please note that this is not final and this thread is being opened to be sure there is community input, whether that be a better way to handle these cases or suggesting rewording to make the rules clearer.

Hybrid beatmapsets must be nominated by two full nominators from separate modes in order to be qualified, as well as gain clear approval from any remaining modes' nominators in the modding discussion. This means only full members may nominate hybrid sets, and ensures that a full nominator is part of the process for each mode, to take the responsibility for it (regardless of nominating or just giving approval in the discussion).

tl;dr: One full BN per mode

This new beatmap nominator rule would essentially being setting in stone what has been common practice for a long time now. It is very rare already for 3-4 hybrid mode sets to be ranked without approval from nominators for each mode, whether that be via nomination or posting in the map thread.
By having this clearly detailed in the rules, the ambiguity of the system would be reduced and it would be more clear that probation BNs can not nominate hybrids.

We have also considered making it so just 2 full nominators total would be needed for a beatmapset, with each nominator being of a different mode. They would then take partial responsibility for any mode neither are proficient in. (Two BNs for a mapset, always)

Each method has its pros and cons, so the poll at the top is to get an overall idea of which method everyone feels would be the better choice.

This thread will be open for discussion until March 1st, 2019.
Nao Tomori
why would you put responsibility for mania issues on a standard bn? lol

the system should either require 1 full bn at all or 1 full bn in each mode. and responsiblity should be placed on the bn that nominated that mode. ideally each mode should be nominated separately, and once all 4 are nominated the map gets qualified (or, to also solve the hybrid abuse issue prevalent recently, you need a "capstone" nomination for the mode with the most diffs), anything else doesn't make sense
anna apple
can timing be a mode
"You have been kicked from standard mode because you didn't show enough understanding of taiko"
Creamy Candy

Sinnoh wrote:

"You have been kicked from standard mode because you didn't show enough understanding of taiko"

This what I wanna ask lol

U need to clarify about dq point for each modes so hybrid is still exists in the future.

If somethin like sinnoh said, all nominator from each mod wont nominate becuase that thing.

The bn who approved/nominated their mode should take full responsibility for DQ's/vetoes caused by that mode, unless it was for general stuff (ie metadata).

Sinnoh wrote:

"You have been kicked from standard mode because you didn't show enough understanding of taiko"

Nao Tomori wrote:

why would you put responsibility for mania issues on a standard bn? lol
I don't want to get blamed for a mode I am not proficient, that just make no sense at all.

Also, how'll the technical aspect work? Do we get a overhaul of the nomination page where the respective BN needs to click on the nomination button to have that mode nominated?
" **Hybrid beatmapsets must be nominated by full nominators from two of its modes in order to be qualified**, as well as gain clear approval from any remaining modes' nominators in the modding discussion. This means only full members may nominate hybrid sets, and ensures that a full nominator takes responsibility for each mode (regardless of nominating or just giving approval in the discussion)."

I don't think this was implemented in the way the public clearly wanted as shown by the poll. The way it was written in the official ruling is that it only requires two Full Mode nominators, not one full mode nominator per gamemode. The way its currently is written opens up 3-4 gamemode hybrid sets being nominated by 2 Full mode BNs and having the other 2 gamemodes being approved by probation BNs. I don't think this is at all what the public wanted.

It seems obvious to me that most people want 1 full mode nominator per gamemode.

Noffy wrote:

2. Require as many full nominators as there are modes, where 2 nominate and any remaining modes require approval in the discussion before qualifying.
This can be easily fixed by changing

Hybrid beatmapsets must be nominated by full nominators from two of its modes in order to be qualified, as well as gain clear approval from any remaining modes' nominators in the modding discussion. This means only full members may nominate hybrid sets, and ensures that a full nominator takes responsibility for each mode (regardless of nominating or just giving approval in the discussion).

Hybrid beatmapsets must be nominated by full nominators from two of its modes in order to be qualified, as well as gain clear approval from any remaining modes' full nominators in the modding discussion. This means only full members may nominate hybrid sets, and ensures that a full nominator takes responsibility for each mode (regardless of nominating or just giving approval in the discussion).
Would it be possible to update the modding discussions panel to automatically change number of nominations required depending on how many modes were detected in the map set?

Like making the nomination bar have three ticks instead of 2 when three modes are detected, and four when 4 modes are detected?

This would make the amount of nominations clearer for everyone and would be a welcome visual change.
so am i two bns if i'm modding osu! / osu!taiko hybrids or am i one bn?
Serizawa Haruki
It doesn't really make sense that multi mode BNs can approve 2 modes but they can't qualify a hybrid map along with a probationary BN. Like, if they are full BNs in 2 modes, they already take the responsibility for both of them so why is another full BN needed?
Btw "In this scenario, nominators proficient in multiple modes can approve more than one mode." sounds like they can nominate more than one mode (idk if hybrid v1 maps still exist but it's better to clarify it nonetheless) so I would just add "but only nominate one of them" at the end.
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