Someone tell me how this works:
Lower score, but better stats beside the highest combo:
Lower score, but better stats beside the highest combo:
Score = BaseScore + BonusScore
BaseScore = (MaxScore * ModMultiplier * 0.5 / TotalNotes) * (HitValue / 320)
BonusScore = (MaxScore * ModMultiplier * 0.5 / TotalNotes) * (HitBonusValue * Sqrt(Bonus) / 320)
Bonus = Bonus before this hit + HitBonus - HitPunishment / ModDivider
Bonus is limited to [0, 100], initially 100.
MaxScore = 1 000 000
ModMultiplier = The score multiplier of the selected mods (difficulty reduction and/or nK)
ModDivider = The punishment divider of the selected mods (difficulty increase)
Judgement HitValue HitBonusValue HitBonus HitPunishment
MAX 320 32 2
300 300 32 1
200 200 16 8
100 100 8 24
50 50 4 44
Miss 0 0 ∞
Mod ModMultiplier ModDivider
Easy 0.5
NoFail 0.5
HalfTime 0.5
HardRock 1.08
DoubleTime 1.1
NightCore 1.1
FadeIn 1.06
Hidden 1.06
Flashlight 1.06