
Aim accuracy stat on the scoreboard?

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Current Priority: +0
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Title might be a little bit confusing so I'll explain:

Basically what I was thinking of was a percentage or something of the sorts on the scoreboard after the song of how accurate your cursor/aim was to the centre of the circle for example, or how well you followed the follow points (if there is any) for people who really enjoy knowing this kind of stuff as a way to improve almost.
I have actually looked into this in the past. Our aim is horrible. If you set linear radial judgment around the hit circle where the center is 100% and edges are 0%, then even top players get somewhere about 56% at CS 4 iirc.
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

I have actually looked into this in the past. Our aim is horrible. If you set linear radial judgment around the hit circle where the center is 100% and edges are 0%, then even top players get somewhere about 56% at CS 4 iirc.

Interesting. I think something like this would actually really help to see where we're actually missing the note/misaiming, etc.
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