
German Top10 Catch the Beat Players 2014-2018-ish voting [ENDED]

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Da schon seit einiger Zeit kein Voting mehr dafür auf die Beine gestellt wurde, wird nach Jahren endlich wieder ein Top 10 Voting der besten deutschen osu!catch Spieler gestartet.
Da es seit ~2014 kein Voting gab, wird dies mit diesem hier nachgeholt.

Das Voting ist zuende und die Votes wurden ausgewertet:

  1. DakkyChan (277p)
  2. Sousaki (245p)
  3. namirin (189p)
  4. Vinci007 (183p)
  5. NoteKuroi (164p)
  6. Inryoku (125p)
  7. Tenshichan (101p)
  8. - Flutter - (100p)
  9. Lume (73p)
  10. Yoomara (51p)
Vielen Dank an alle die am Voting teilgenommen haben!
Big thanks to all who participated in the voting!

The Video is finished, you can find it HERE!

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Die Regeln müssten eigentlich klar sein, aber um sicher zu gehen:

  1. Jeder, der beim Voting mitmachen möchte, hat einen Kommentar mit 10 UNTERSCHIEDLICHEN Stimmen zur Verfügung. (Jeder Kommentar mit Doppelvote/-erwähnung eines Spielers oder sich selbst ist automatisch ungültig).
  2. Das Voting ist bitte ernst zu nehmen, d.h. keine Trollposts oder ähnliches.
  3. Das Voting geht 2 Wochen, also bis zum 15.Juli bis 23:59 sind eure Stimmen gültig.
  4. Deine Meinung sollte deine eigene sein und nicht von anderen beeinflusst werden!
  5. Gebannte Spieler sind NICHT zum Voting zugelassen!

  1. Spieler1 -> bekommt 10 Punkte
  2. Spieler2 -> bekommt 9 Punkte
  3. Spieler3 -> bekommt 8 Punkte
  4. Spieler4 -> bekommt 7 Punkte
  5. Spieler5 -> bekommt 6 Punkte
  6. Spieler6 -> bekommt 5 Punkte
  7. Spieler7 -> bekommt 4 Punkte
  8. Spieler8 -> bekommt 3 Punkte
  9. Spieler9 -> bekommt 2 Punkte
  10. Spieler10 -> bekommt 1 Punkt
Das ausgewertete Ergebnis wird zusätzlich von DakkyChan auf YouTube veröffentlicht. (wird hier angehängt sobald fertig)

Es wird noch ein separates Top5 German Catch the Beat Voting 2018 geben, also gebt mehr Rücksicht auf die vorherigen Jahre und nichtnur 2018 ;)


Translated by KAMPA

Is has been some time since the last voting was made, so now it's time to finally do a Top 10 voting of the best German osu!catch Players.
Because there wasn't a voting since 2014, this will catch up the past years.

The rules should be clear so far, but to be sure heres a little explanation:

  1. Everyone who wants to participate can leave a comment with 10 DIFFERENT votes. (Every comment with doublevote/-mention of a Player or yourself is automatically invalid.
  2. Please take the voting serious, that's means no trollposts or else.
  3. The voting is going for 2 weeks, so you can vote till the 15. July @ 11:59pm.
  4. The opinion should be your own and not influenced by others!
  5. Banned players are NOT allowed in this voting!
Points distribution:

  1. Player1 -> gets 10 points
  2. Player2 -> gets 9 points
  3. Player3 -> gets 8 points
  4. Player4 -> gets 7 points
  5. Player5 -> gets 6 points
  6. Player6 -> gets 5 points
  7. Player7 -> gets 4 points
  8. Player8 -> gets 3 points
  9. Player9 -> gets 2 points
  10. Player10 -> gets 1 point
The end result will be additionally released by DakkyChan as a YouTube video. ( it will be added to this post when its done)

There will be a separate Top5 German Catch the Beat Voting 2018, so please take more consideration on the previous years and not just 2018 ;)
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. namirin
4. Vinci007
5. NoteKuroi
6. - Flutter -
7. Lume
8. Inryoku
9. Tenshichan
10. Yume[K]

I guess irgendwie so ~
1. Sousaki
2. Vinci007
3. Notekuroi
4. Tenshichan
5. Namirin/Derunax
6. - Flutter -
7. Lume
8. Inryoku
9. FruitCatcher
10. Yoomara

I took for myself some time to think about this voting and this my own opinion :)
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. NoteKuroi
4. Tenshichan
5. Namirin
6. Inryoku
7. -Flutter-
8. Lume
9. FruitCatcher
10. Yoomara

My opinion,it was hard to decide.
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. namirin
4. NoteKuroi
5. Tenshichan
6. Inryoku
7. - Flutter -
8. Lume
9. Vinci007
10. Yoomara

my opinion, sorry if it's not perfect i researched but i'm not german so i may not know some unranked/offline players/plays :?
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. namirin
4. NoteKuroi
5. Tenshichan
6. Vinci007
7. Lume
8. Yoomara
9. Inryoku
10. FruitCatcher

Hard to decide.
I like pie.
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. namirin
4. Vinci007
5. NoteKuroi
6. Inryoku
7. - Flutter -
8. Tenshichan
9. Yoomara
10. Lume

hard decisions
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. NoteKuroi
4. namirin
5. Vinci007
6. - Flutter -
7. Lume
8. FruitCatcher
9. Yoomara
10. Inryoku
1. Dakkychan
2. Sousaki
3. NoteKuroi
4. namirin
5. Tenshichan
6. Vinci007
7. - Flutter -
8. Inryoku
9. Yoomara
10. Lume
why y'all putting inryoku so low he is a monster
1. Vinci007
2. Sousaki
3. DakkyChan
4. Derunax
5. Derpu
6. Yoomara
7. Lume
8. Inryoku
9. Harlequin
10. FruitCatcher
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. Vinci007
4. Inryoku
5. Namirin
6. Note Kuroi
7. - Flutter -
8. Tenschichan
9. Fruitcatcher
10. Lume

If i only i had more Specific skill :c
Since Naporitan isn't permitted, here is my top 10:

1. DakkyChan
2. Vinci007
3. NoteKuroi
4. Sousaki
5. namirin
6. Inryoku
7. - Flutter -
8. Lume
9. Tenshichan
10. Yoomara

mentionable players:

Only Hidden !
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. Vinci007
4. Inryoku
5. Namirin
6. Note Kuroi
7. - Flutter -
8. Tenschichan
9. Fruitcatcher
10. Lume
1. Dakkychan
2. Sousaki
3. namirin
4. Inryoku
5. Vicni007
6. Yoomara
7. Lume
8. NoteKuroi
9. Tenshichan
10. Fruitcatcher
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. Notekuroi
4. Vinci007
5. - Flutter -
6. Tenshichan
7. Lume
8. Yume[K]
9. Sternenstab
10. Nhelv
1. Dakkychan
2. NoteKuroi
3. Sousaki
4. namirin
5. Vinci007
6. Tenshichan
7. - Flutter -
8. Inryoku
9. Yoomara
10. Lume
1. DakkyChan
2. NoteKuroi
3. Inryoku
4. Sousaki
5. Tenshichan
6. namirin
7. - Flutter -
8. Fruitcatcher
9. Yume[K]
10. P i k u

maybe next year I get one 10th place
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. NoteKuroi
4. - Flutter - (even afk)
5. namirin
6. Lume
7. Vinci007
8. Tenshichan
9. FruitCatcher
10. Yoomara

honorable mentions:
1. Yume[K]
2. Only Hidden
3. -Rico

yea I think this is my opinion
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. namirin
4. Inryoku
5. NoteKuroi
6. Vinco007
7. Tenshichan
8. Yoomara
9. Lume
10. - Flutter -
1 Dakkychan
2 Sousaki
3 namirin
4 Vinci007
5 Yoomara
6 Inryoku
7 Lume
8 Tenshichan
9 NoteKuroi
10 FruitCatcher
1. DakkyChan, Sousaki : Just the best players in Germany, Sousaki is just amazing convert player, DakkyChan, is crazy in everything : D
3. namirin : Amazing HR and convert player
4. Vinci007 : God on HD
5. Inryoku : Amazing HR and DT player, just my senpai >w<
6. NoteKuroi : Crazy player, he is just legend of Germany osu!catch
7. Yoomara : Some good no mod, and HD scores : p
8. Tenshichan : Crazy marathon player, some FL scores, and HD senpai >w<
9. Lune : Some HDHR scores : D
10. - Flutter - : One of the best German player in 2015
He Ang CTB
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. Naporitan (RIP)
4. NoteKuroi
5. - Flutter -
6. namirin
7. Inryoku
8. Vinco007
9. Tenshichan
10. FruitCatcher
(withdrawn my vote :O)
11. Yoomara
12. Lume
13. Yume[K]
14. Nyan-Zapo
15. -Rico
16. Nhelv
17. Noobycore
18. Tagakashi
19. CaCtus112
20. Ylinestra44
(Ran out of placings D:)
21. Venlas (RIP)

He Ang CTB wrote:

21. Venlas (RIP)
He's unbanned though, haven't you heard ?
He Ang CTB

Kingkevin30 wrote:

He Ang CTB wrote:

21. Venlas (RIP)
He's unbanned though, haven't you heard ?
Am I allowed to know though? :eyes: :looksaround:
Plz read rules dont pick any banned users!
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. Vinci007
4. Inryoku
5. namirin
6. FruitCatcher
7. Lume
8. - Flutter -
9. NoteKuroi
10. Yoomara
5.- Flutter -
1. Dakkychan
2. Venlas
3. Kingkevin30
4. Sey
5. Vinci007
6. Tenshichan
7. Ylinestra44
8. Inryoku
9. Nyan-Zapo
10. Lume

888 post lul
1. dakkychan
2. sousaki
3. namirin
4. vinci007
5. notekuroi
6. lume
7. Inryoku
8. yoomara
9. - flutter -
10. fruitcatcher
1. DakkyChan
2. Sousaki
3. namirin
4. Vinci007
5. NoteKuroi
6. Tenshichan
7. - Flutter -
8. Lume
9. Inryoku
10. FruitCatcher
Suigetsu Kyouka
1 DakkyChan
2 Sousaki
3 namirin
4 Vinci007
5 Inryoku
6 - Flutter -
7 NoteKuroi
8 Tenshichan
9 Yoomara
10 Fruitcatcher
1. DakkyChan
2. Vinci007
3. NoteKuroi
4. Sousaki
5. namirin
6. - Flutter -
7. Kingkevin30
8. Lume
9. Inryoku
10. Yoomara
1. Dakkychan
2. Vinci007
3. Inryoku
4. Sousaki
5. NoteKuroi
6 - Flutter -
7. namirin
8. Tenshichan
9. Lume

honorable mentions:
Only Hidden
1. Dakkychan
2. Dakkychan
3. Dakkychan
4. Dakkychan
5. Dakkychan
6. Dakkychan
7. Dakkychan
8. Dakkychan
9. Dakkychan
10. Dakkychan
Shimoe Koharu
7.- Flutter -
Duck with Hat
Maurice ist besser als Berlin ich schwöre Amina Koyum
1. Dakkychan
2. Sousaki
3. NoteKuroi
4. Inryoku
5. Vinci007
6. Tenshichan
7. - Flutter -
I don't know the Players well enough...

mentionable players:
Only Hidden

My Opinion.
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