
DECO*27 - Ghost Rule

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Harubi Lira
00:08:290 (1,2,3,5) - 堆叠状态下看着有点别扭
00:20:576 (4,5,6) - 不如让滑条尾和00:20:290 (2) - 叠在一起
00:40:719 (7,8,1) - 01:37:862 (7,8,1) - 凡是这种梗,都没包好
01:56:148 (3) - wow~~~~wow最后两声我觉得都用该有打击感,个人偏向于拆开
02:37:862 (1) - 02:39:433缩到这里,哦!在这停顿!感觉节奏会更好一些

00:23:005 (1) - 考虑挪远一点,我电脑这边堆叠效果下和00:22:576 (2) - 压在一起了
01:15:148 (4,5,6,1) - 现在这样不好看也不是很好打,01:15:433 (6) - 挪到X-305 Y-141左右试试好像能好打一些
01:23:576 (1,2,3,4) - 我个人的话会选择把它们直接摆成四方,更规整
01:40:148 (4) - 怎么耷拉下来的感觉。。
01:42:005 (1,2,3) - 试试加速?
01:45:005 (2) - 感觉尾音有点多余了
01:55:291 (1,2) - 这一组明显离前面远了
02:15:005 (1,2,3,4) - 没摆好角度
02:17:862 (3) - 挪到X-295 Y-230试试看
02:37:862 (5) - 尾巴挪到02:39:433和ins一样,而且,这个条子有点丑啊。
03:09:290 (1,2,3) - 1->3 2->1 3->2的话flow会更舒服,你这里本意也不是为了反flow

好几个diff都是100%音量 加几条绿线调一下
Harder Insaner 思考
00:20:719 (1) - NC可以去掉 as you did later
00:20:719 (1) - ^
00:34:433 (2) - ^
00:39:005 (1) - 这个NC感觉也可以去掉 后面你也去掉了
00:43:576 (2) - 这个clap有点响
01:15:576 (1) - 不是很美观
01:31:576 (3) - NC
01:36:148 (2) - 建议去掉NC
01:40:719 (1) - ^
02:19:576 (2) - ^
02:24:148 (1) - ^
02:28:719 (3) - ^
02:57:862 (3,1) - 转盘和滑条距离有点近
03:15:576 (1) - 身体去掉finish改在head加比较好
02:56:148 (1) - 尾部改成clap比较好啊 这里几乎都是clap
[Regraz's Normal]
00:40:148 (3,4,1) - 这个看起来不美观啊 距离没调好的样子
01:03:576 (4,1,2) - 这个也是感觉贴太近
01:42:433 (4) - 我觉得这个可以搞成平行 现在有点挤
02:12:719 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这段clap可以去掉
02:21:862 然后这里开始的clap也不用这么密集 大概1小节1clap就可以
02:39:862 (1,2) - 1移到2上面是不是比较好啊 不知道会不会误读
03:01:862 (3,4) - 我觉得这里改成滑条比较好 两个circle接两个1/2有点坑
00:20:148 (3,4) - ctrl+g一下比较好
00:31:862 (4) - clap
00:35:719 (2,3,4) - 三连会不会有点难啊
00:40:719 (3) - 四次折返好像不是很好
00:43:005 (3) - 这里的clap去掉听起来比较舒服
02:58:433 (1) - 虽然可能会增加难度 但是感觉先来个circle再转盘比较有气♂势
03:11:005 (1) - nc as you did before
03:15:576 (5) - ^
02:30:433 (1) - the shape ._.
[G's Harder]
00:25:290 (1) - 重叠的话可能会误读为·1/2 建议7和1之间有点间距
00:43:005 (2,3,1) - 这里好容易误读 23stack起来或者用不同的间距可能会好一点
02:48:576 (3,4,5,6) - 试玩了几次感觉这里好难找到三连的节奏 拆成两个连续折返或者三连之后空个拍再接折返会比较好
02:50:433 (4,5,6) - 这里好像可以做个blanket
03:16:148 (8) - 加个finish
[Habi's Insane]
Setting kiai times seems better
All is 80% volume
Use another kind of clap instead of default?
01:35:862 (4) - Add a point in the medium to make it curve a bit? Looks better than two straight sliders
02:21:576 (4) - move this clap so that it wouldn't sound so crowded, and I see you did at 02:26:719 (2) -
03:25:005 (3) - I'd prefer to move this clap since you did same in previous similar patterns.

extra diffs 888888

map from hell confrimed?
Topic Starter

lsahi wrote:

00:08:290 (1,2,3,5) - 堆叠状态下看着有点别扭 应该还可以
00:20:576 (4,5,6) - 不如让滑条尾和00:20:290 (2) - 叠在一起 重新改了一下这里
00:40:719 (7,8,1) - 01:37:862 (7,8,1) - 凡是这种梗,都没包好 done
01:48:576感觉这里的音需要有打击的手感,建议拆开,后面同样的梗也是 这里有点难改啊
01:56:148 (3) - wow~~~~wow最后两声我觉得都用该有打击感,个人偏向于拆开 goodidea
02:37:862 (1) - 02:39:433缩到这里,哦!在这停顿!感觉节奏会更好一些 goodidea

00:23:005 (1) - 考虑挪远一点,我电脑这边堆叠效果下和00:22:576 (2) - 压在一起了 done
01:15:148 (4,5,6,1) - 现在这样不好看也不是很好打,01:15:433 (6) - 挪到X-305 Y-141左右试试好像能好打一些 改了一下梗
01:23:576 (1,2,3,4) - 我个人的话会选择把它们直接摆成四方,更规整 hmm more see see
01:40:148 (4) - 怎么耷拉下来的感觉。。
01:42:005 (1,2,3) - 试试加速?
01:45:005 (2) - 感觉尾音有点多余了
01:55:291 (1,2) - 这一组明显离前面远了
02:15:005 (1,2,3,4) - 没摆好角度
02:17:862 (3) - 挪到X-295 Y-230试试看
02:37:862 (5) - 尾巴挪到02:39:433和ins一样,而且,这个条子有点丑啊。
03:09:290 (1,2,3) - 1->3 2->1 3->2的话flow会更舒服,你这里本意也不是为了反flow


HighTec wrote:

map from hell confrimed?
interesting one
F D Flourite
00:19:290 (2) - 00:22:005 (5) - 滑条尾stack圈本身就有点难读,而且flow也不够好,节奏还不一样,简直神蛋疼 X, 節奏都是跟著鼓聲下的應該不會不一樣唄。00:22:005 (5) - 重疊是因為音調一樣
00:23:862 (2,6) - 00:26:577 (5) - ^
00:40:719 (3,1) - 很容易误读成1/2 改了
01:33:290 (1,2,3,4) - 看起来太散了,既不是等距的也不是平行四边形,而且也难了 X
01:40:861 (5) - NC? X
02:40:862 (2) - 嘛,稍微离1远一点,看起来太挤了 O

00:25:290 (1) - 重叠的话可能会误读为·1/2 建议7和1之间有点间距 X, 其實應該不會那麼容易被騙 :lol:
00:43:005 (2,3,1) - 这里好容易误读 23stack起来或者用不同的间距可能会好一点 X, 00:38:433 (2,3,1,2) - 前面這段已經算是提示了,吧 :|
02:48:576 (3,4,5,6) - 试玩了几次感觉这里好难找到三连的节奏 拆成两个连续折返或者三连之后空个拍再接折返会比较好 X, 音樂的鼓聲還算明顯唄
02:50:433 (4,5,6) - 这里好像可以做个blanket 不太懂 :?:
03:16:148 (8) - 加个finish X, 感覺不適合音樂這裡沒東西

  1. Combo colour 4 and 5 is too similar. is there a special reason?
  2. Here are a lot of maps without kiai. Idk It's fine all(wtf mistake) or not
[Regaz's Normal]
  1. 00:40:719 (4) - quite strange to me. I recommend 00:40:148 (3) - ctrl+hj
  2. 01:42:433 (4) - ^
  3. 00:49:862 (4,1) - not perfect symmetry.
  4. 01:47:005 (3,1) - ^
  1. 00:25:290 (1) - this slider can be developed. (blanket)
  2. 02:48:719 (3) - for unified into one if you get what i mean. end at 02:48:933 - or 02:49:005 (1) - // 02:49:148 -
[Habi's Insane]
  1. 01:15:862 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - 확실히 음이 들리기는 하지만 오히려 이렇게 꽉 채운게 곡을 잘 표현하지 못한게 아닐까 같은 생각이 들었습니다. 다른 모든 난이도를 보셔도 음이 들리더라도 일부러 보컬쪽만 넣는다던지 훨씬 순화된 박자를 사용한 것을 볼 수 있어요. 이건 아마도 다른 매퍼들도 저랑 같은 생각을 했기때문에 이렇게 한 거 같습니다. 박자를 조금 더 비우시는걸 추천드릴게요.
  2. 02:12:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - 이거도 대충 위랑 비슷합니다.
  3. 03:16:719 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 뭔가 크랩힛사가 안어울리는거같아요..
  1. 02:37:790 - Try to change the volume (5%).
[Flask's Extra]
  1. 02:03:005 (1,2) - ummmm... It seemed improvised. not good imo.
  2. 00:44:648 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I haven't seen a more difficult than this parts in 00:48:148 (1) - ~ 01:06:433 - I mean It is relatively difficult
[N a s y a's Extra+]
  1. 00:45:862 (1) - 01:43:005 (1) - well... I can't understand it. why used 3 reverse. It's tooooooo simple I guess. is this the best?
  2. 02:29:005 - ~ 02:29:862 - try it after initialization hitsound. 02:28:719 (3) - tail crap 02:29:433 (5) - crap 02:29:719 (7) - Normal sampleset 02:29:862 (1) - crap????
  3. 03:00:433 (1) - remove whistle 03:00:290 (2) - add whistle
  4. 03:09:433 (2,1) - ^
  5. 03:14:005 (2,1) - ^
  1. 00:47:719 (1,2) - 01:44:862 (1,2) - I can't understand these sliders... I can't hear any sounds at here. also not fit at all.
edit :

Awaken wrote:

hihi m4m here only modding for flask & nasya's diffs is enough!
I missed it... but these diffs are really fine. I don't have something to say seriously.
sry :(

I found a few things.
that's all from me. gl :)
I dig the jump patterns
Hello~ NM from my queue

Short mods cause I don't have much time.

  1. 00:39:005 (2,1) - Move (1) to x:329 y:232 because the current blanket isn't perfect.
  2. 01:24:433 (3,1) - Another blanket problem, move the head of the slider to x:435 y:348 and the third node to x:420 y:162

    Although the overlaps triggered me like f I guess that was the only logical way to map that lol

  1. 00:20:719 (1,2) - Blanket
  2. 00:31:005 (3,2) - These two are almost touching each other, try moving (2) down a bit
  3. 00:40:148 (3,4) - I would just make this parallel cause 00:42:433 (3,4) - this is parallel also
  4. 00:49:290 (3) - Why is there a clap on the head? It sounds awkward to me
  5. 00:51:290 (2,3) - Blankets lol not mentioning any more, please check on your own.
  6. 01:32:719 (3,2) - Copy and paste lol
  7. 01:41:862 (3,4) - ^
  8. 01:45:862 (1) - Why is there an NC here
  9. 02:19:290 (4) - I would move this to where the slidertick is on 02:20:719 (3) - don't worry you can blanket 02:19:576 (1) - as well too
  10. 02:55:005 (3) - Pitch rose, maybe make this into a 1/1 slider and circle to make it a bit harder

Just did the easier difficulties cause I'm bad at modding high bpm hard +

The mapset looks great! Good luck.
666 剛好回來刷個存在 DECOx瓦坑 信仰(❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
How come this isn't ranked?? :S Great job mate :3
English please? :'D ;) sorry, not into mapping/modding so dont know what that means :P
Nice mapset. Hope you don't increase the AR, lower AR is much better! Flask's Extra was lots of fun.
Cool map, but these jumps in mayday diff.. (Drama Boy Triggered)why ppl want to abuse star rating so much nowadays. If you just change spacing on these jumps at the end it's like -1star xDD Cool diff anyway :3
01:01:005 (2,6) - better stack
01:32:433 (5,1) - maybe stack?

Cool mapset (Flask's my fav so far XD)
- Lizunumi
Really nice I Love it :)
this map exhibits how easily osu can overweight/underweight the stars on maps....
yay loved <3
Living Flower
the gap between Regraz's Normal and Hard might be a bit too big. I recommend to put a LightHard in between..
bueno a mi me gusta la artista y creo que las difilcultades vallan avanzando conforme a la cancion
please make the Habi's Insane approach rate to 9 because it's more fun and thrilling...
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