
uma vs. Morimori Atsushi - Re:End of a Dream

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ok vin


lit song


maybe add an eazy? even tho normal is lesss than 2* and is technically rankable, i think it's a bit too hard for new players. can i make it

why no silly 7* dank jump map xdddddddddddddddddddddd


00:38:930 (1,2) - i feel like this could line up better

00:53:223 (2,3) - blanket better?

idk how 2 mod normals


01:10:487 (6,1) - i think stack is better

idk how 2 mod advanced eithe


imgonna suspect this isnt hitsouunded because it isnt finished but if it is plz hitsounds or somethig

00:17:421 (1,2,3) - im pretty sure people wont read the 1/3 gaps as is and will read it as 1/2, i think the best choice is to convert into reversing sliders like this rhythm

01:52:515 (3) - can line up with 01:51:383 (1,2) - better

02:11:760 (1) - gonna need to map end i guess lol


i think you should rename the diff to Hyper cuz Another (from my expirience) is a diff that is harder than an Insane but easier than an Expert (a light extra so to say) so remane to Hyper or Light Insane or something like that

00:01:289 (3,4,5) - the 1/2 stack is visually the same, but a 1/1 gap in the thythym is there, isnt this unrankable as the stacks look the same so they suggest that the rhythm is the same, but really it isnt? same for other patterns, even tho this is intended, i think you should consider changing it and/or getting more opinions on it (this couldve been said in 2 sentances lol)

nice diff


00:16:289 (1,2,1,2) - these are the same sounds but are visually different from 00:16:855 (1,2,3,4) - wot

02:08:364 (1,2,3,4) - dont u have to signafy that they are chanign sv with ncs or else itlll be unranble?

vinxis is best mapper tbh


00:17:987 (1) - remove nc?

01:02:326 (1,2,3,4) - how are people supposed to read the 1/3 lol same with 01:03:081 (1,2,3) - 01:12:043 (1,2,3,1) - and 01:38:930 (1,2,3) - if its the spaced streams then can you fix 01:10:062 (1,2,3,4) - cuz the spacing looks alot like the 1/3 streams you introduced

01:11:194 (1) - remove nc?

01:29:307 (1) - ^

02:08:930 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ok why are these 1/3 not spaced like the others


00:26:902 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - N I C E M O N S T R A T A

01:10:416 (7,8,9,1) - these are spaced 1/4 streams but you previously has spaced 1/3 streams at 01:01:949 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - so wouldnt players be accustomed to it and expect those 1/3 spaced instead of those 1/4 spaced streams

01:11:760 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is a really nice pattern

01:17:845 (3,4) - these visually look the same as 01:17:421 (1,2) - but are 1/1 instead of 1/2 so maybe fix so players wont be confused?

toybots xtra

holy sith this is amazing

i cant find any problems
amazing diff

r e vi v a l

i cant find any problems with it. nice diff

then afain, i cant mod 6*+ LOL

SUper nice mapset, cant wait to see ranks

Topic Starter
For the easy thing, I think the normal suffices enough for new players, a lot of rhythms are very simple, with usage of >1/1 length sliders with a very easy introduction into 1/2s, if only slightly, justifies it as being the lowest diff without being overly complex

as for advanced, I didn't stack 01:10:062 (5,6,1) - because this is a sequence that goes from regular 1/2 snapping to 1/3, since this is the only instance where this occurs in the mapping I decided not to stack it to give a hint to players that something different was happening; rest fixed though
00:16:289 (1,2,1,2) - ebin buildup
wanted to wait for more mods but also wanted to fix timing so 👀
00:17:987 (1) - y tho

01:02:326 (1,2,3,4) - 1/3 are introduced by sliders usually and have distinct spacing and comboing and the kickslider 1/4 you linked is pretty different alreay lol

01:11:194 (1) - e
01:29:307 (1) - yea at that point you might have noticed how I nc these lol

02:08:930 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - different sounds and 7 note stream fits music better/better differentiation here but would be too hard with the other spacing

fixed timing and some minor visual things
Topic Starter

no changes so far on my part, first point was alright, but the increased spacing is to emphasize the high pitch. I'll keep that in mind if people complain a lot when playing, but I had no issues with it.

Second point well, there is a spacing difference so I don't see the need ^^ thanks for the mod
Topic Starter
Replying for Regraz

CraEZy wrote:

imgonna suspect this isnt hitsouunded because it isnt finished but if it is plz hitsounds or somethig Copied HS

00:17:421 (1,2,3) - im pretty sure people wont read the 1/3 gaps as is and will read it as 1/2, i think the best choice is to convert into reversing sliders like this rhythm tbf the hit window is pretty generous, the spacing may not look like 1/3 (even though it's noticeably larger to me) but the game will more often than not register it as a good hit instead of a 100

01:52:515 (3) - can line up with 01:51:383 (1,2) - better Sure

02:11:760 (1) - gonna need to map end i guess loll Since he didn't seem to wish to map the end I'll choose to respect that choice, since it's a GD it makes as much sense to end here as it is to end at the very end of the song, it's very much up to interpretation

Fixed your offset Liiraye, hopefully it didn't mess up anywhere, went over to make sure everything was as it was but I'm not too sure, feel free to recheck though
00:01:289 (3,4,5) - the 1/2 stack is visually the same, but a 1/1 gap in the thythym is there, isnt this unrankable as the stacks look the same so they suggest that the rhythm is the same, but really it isnt? same for other patterns, even tho this is intended, i think you should consider changing it and/or getting more opinions on it (this couldve been said in 2 sentances lol)
i see ur point but it shouldnt actually be unreadable, id expect the player to land this. its at the super start anyway so they can just restart if its actually that big of a deal
Topic Starter
Fixed offset for your diff

  1. 00:17:415 (1) - Imo it would be better to end this at 00:18:358 for the sake of landing it on where the sound actually cuts out. Doing this shouldn't make the next object be misread with it being such a predominant sound
  2. 00:59:301 (1,2,3,4,1) - So many objects at 1/2 a beat apart is really ideal for the lowest diff. How about this?
  3. 01:01:566 (1) - and this just glosses over so many sounds it just feels unfitting. Try this
  4. 02:01:566 (1) - Not sure if you will like this suggestion but if you map this slider as a circle it would create a nice break in between the kiai which would be nice for the lowest diff with the amount of clicking at this bpm. If you choose to do so then adding an additional circle at 02:02:698 would be a good idea too to map the strong beat
  5. OD 4? lol. Yeah it's high bpm and that but this is suppose to be the lowest diff in the set (if I were a BN I wouldn't even allow this and make you map an easier diff on top) OD 3 would be nice

  1. 00:18:169 (2,3) - I can't see many ppl getting 300s on these objects. 00:17:415 (1) - glosses over so many of thse 1/3 sounds that it doesn't make the 2 circles intuitive. Basically I just dont see this rhythm feasible
  2. 00:26:754 (5,1) - imo it doesnt look so nice with 1 being so close to 5. Maybe have 1 for as part of the square pattern with 00:26:471 (4,5,6) ?
  3. 02:01:566 (1,2,3,4,5) - I just feel it would be more appropriate to map this as 2 reverse sliders and a circle; like the hard diff. because reasons
  4. 00:04:254 (6,7) - deleting this would be good undermapping imho. The lower object density would make it a good reflection of the calmer part of the song and these sounds aren't a part of the main melody. Would make be smack bang in the middle of normal and hard too in terms of difficulty.
  5. 02:15:575 (6,7) - ^

  1. 01:02:698 (3) - having this as a straight slider then making 01:01:566 (1,2,3) into a triangle would be cool. They are all mapping the same sounds in the same melody
  2. 01:11:188 (2) - similar to above. It's the same sound as 01:10:622 (1) so it feels fitting to have them as the same slider shape imo. A bit like this
  3. 02:11:754 (1) - Feels slightly bizzare for this to be unmapped when it's mapped in normal and advanced. even more so that you mapped this melody in the beginning of the song

  1. 00:00:434 (1,2,3) - Bad flow lol
  2. 00:01:283 (3,4,5) - same spacing? No emphasis?
  3. 00:02:556 (6,7) - please hitsound these with whistles for feedback otherwise it feels like im playing ghost notes
    Rinse and repeat the above points. Goes for the ending too
  4. 00:12:603 (4,1,2,3,4,1) - Maybe I have shit reading but the way all these are stacked is really annoying to read
  5. 00:18:830 (1) - This is the only slider in the map that uses 2 red anchor points iirc . To keep in line with the aesthetics of teh rest of the map I would cut out one and perhaps shape it like 00:21:235 (4) -
  6. 01:01:566 (1,2,3,4,5) - This doesn't feel intuitive at all. You map 01:01:754 as a slider end then go on to map all the other 1/3 beats as sliderheads, it's like you were going for one rhythm then switched to another out of nowhere. I would either map the whole thing as 1/3 sliders are make the transition for intuitive. Eg
  7. 01:01:849 (2,3,4,5) - If you don't change the above then delete the whistles on the end. They are really jarring and the aren't needed as the hitnormals on the sliderheads give more than enough feedback
  8. 01:02:698 (1,2,3) - ^ same but with hitnormals
  9. 01:53:358 (1,1,1) - This is like really hard to acc
  10. 02:08:924 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - You don't need to NC spam this as you've made the rhythm clear with the first 2 reverse sliders 02:08:358 (1,2)
  11. 02:09:396 (1,1) - This is a bit messy and unpolished tbh. How about restructuring things?

  1. 00:21:943 (1,2,3,4) - The flow here is completely different to 00:19:679 (1,2,3,4) and 00:24:207 (1,2,3,4) . And tbh doesn't seem fitting for this section of the map
  2. 00:40:622 (3,4) - I kind of dont see the point in mapping these as 1/4s if youre going to map 00:40:693 (4) - as a slider and skip out all the sounds underneath
  3. 01:28:735 (1,2) - These objects dont feel like they need a difference in SV listening to how the song is. On top of that you didn't NC (2) like you NC spammed the rest of your map
  4. 01:29:867 (1,1) - for the sake of readability it would be ideal if you didn't perfectly stack these 2 objects. It's actually against the RC but i cba to get the exact quote

  1. 00:17:981 (1) - NC is unnecessary imo
  2. 01:11:188 (1) - ^same. goes for others like this too
  3. 00:02:556 (1,2) - would be nice if you could add whistles to give the same feedback 00:02:698 (3) has. Atm they do feel a bit like ghosts notes. goes for 00:07:084 (1,2) - too. Also the end section

  1. 00:02:556 (1,2) - would be nice if you could add whistles to give the same feedback 00:02:698 (3) has. Atm they do feel a bit like ghosts notes. This goes for 00:07:084 (1,2) and the end section too
  2. 00:31:495 (7) - I dont hear a sound here in the song. I also dont see what the overmap does in terms of playing
  3. 01:03:405 (1) - feels like it would make sense to NC the start of a new stream of different snapping.
  4. 01:26:330 (4) - add normal whistle

  1. 00:02:556 (1,2) - same as liiraye
  2. 00:47:273 (3) - This object feels like it really does need a hitsound addition for feedback so it doesnt feel so empty
  3. 00:51:801 (3) - ^
  4. 01:02:132 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - I can't really figure out why you chose to split up the stream in this way, 4 2. Was it for aesthetics or something else?
  5. 01:43:169 (1,2) - really minor aesthetics, but it might be nice to structure this so 2 doesn't overlap with 1 ever so slightly. Or just overlap it more
  6. 02:18:547 (3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2) - The spacing here is quite different from all the other patterns like it. I feel like the stronger beats are 02:19:113 (2,2) and small jumps dont really reflect that. Imo it just feels like a forced pattern

  1. 00:02:556 (1,2) - same as liiraye
Hi, m4m from your q! Sorry for 1 day delay plz


  1. Try moving your offset by +6, ( 440 ) seems a little bit better
  2. Maybe try to lower video "weight"? 20 Mb is too heavy imo
  3. Check Widescreen Support through all diffs

  1. SliderMultiplier:0.999999999999999 in .osu is kinda strange, fix it? Though I think you choosed too fast slider velocity for lowest diff in mapset, but this is only my feeling
  2. 00:01:283 (2,2,2,2) - Maybe make them identical or like use 2 forms? As these sliders represent similar sounds
  3. 00:09:490 (1,2) - uhh blanket can be better :D ( Also 00:05:811 (2,1,2) - 00:08:500 (3,4) - 00:20:103 (4,1) - 00:27:603 (1,2) - 00:34:396 (3,4) - 00:37:084 (2,3) - ( <-- This especially ) 00:54:773 (1,2) - 01:06:094 (1,3) - 01:12:886 (1,2) - ( <-- This too ) 01:29:867 (2,3) - 02:02:981 (1,2) - )
  4. 00:26:471 (3,4) - These are too different sounds, maybe show it by using 2 different sliders? ( Same here 01:10:622 (1,2) - and here 01:28:735 (1,2) - 01:37:792 (1,2) -
  5. 00:27:037 (4,2) - Make a stack maybe? Alsom you could try to stack 00:25:339 (1,1) - these too
  6. 00:33:264 (2,3) - Maybe try to blanket them? As you used many blankets before it wouldn't hurt map's structure
  7. 00:49:113 (3,3) - You can represent this break in music by using some sliders with non standart form like
  8. 01:01:000 (4) - Spacing error
  9. 01:11:754 (2,3) - Try to stack?
  10. 01:17:132 (4,3) - Try to avoid this overlap ( though it's easy )
  11. 02:01:566 (1) - Cool!
  12. 02:12:603 (2,2,2,2) - Oh you did what I wrote in about these sliders here lol why not making the same in the beginning?
Nice diff, no rhythm errors in my eyes!


  1. 00:02:556 - Maybe place circle here? Same goes for 00:07:084 - 02:13:877 - 02:18:405 -
  2. Blankets that can be improved (or objects that can be mapped as blankets): 00:03:264 (3,5) - 00:04:679 (7,1) - 00:55:198 (2,4) - 00:56:471 (6,1) - 01:06:660 (3,4) - 01:16:849 (6,1) - 01:35:528 (1,4) - 01:37:792 (1,2) - 01:56:754 (3,4) - 02:15:292 (5,6) -
  3. 00:11:047 (5,6) - Spacong error
  4. 00:14:584 (2,5) - Stack them?
  5. 00:17:415 (1,2,3) - 1/3 in Advanced is kinda uhh but difference in spacing bothering me more
  6. 00:24:207 (4) - I would put here same 1/2 slider as you did 00:23:075 (1,1) - here, because sound is very strong
  7. 00:40:622 (5) - Highly recommend to make 2 1/2 sliders here, otherwise you miss strong sound on 00:40:905 -
  8. 00:52:509 (1,2,3) - Maybe try this thythm instead? Circle with your rhythm supports pretty weak sound imo
  9. 01:04:254 - I would make here a circle, though you did it 01:06:094 (1,2,3) - here
  10. 01:46:424 - Make a circle?
  11. 02:02:981 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I can't really catch what you are following here.. Try my rhythm, it seems much better with that
Regraz's Hard:

  1. 00:01:000 (3,5) - Why no blanket(
  2. 00:03:264 (4,5) - They aren't fully parallel, fix it
  3. 00:08:924 (7) - NC?
  4. 00:48:405 (2,3) - Maybe space 00:48:688 (3) - this circle out? Because you did stack in previous pattern with 1/2 gap in between, this could prevent reading difficulties
  5. 00:51:801 (3,4) - Why no stack like 00:47:273 (3,4) - here?
  6. 01:02:698 (3,2) - Try to stack?
  7. 01:53:641 (1) - Inconsistency in NC placement with 00:18:547 (4) -
  8. 02:06:943 (8) - Give this slider some new shape as it represents different sound
  9. 02:08:924 (3,2) - Try to avoid this overlap
  10. You mapped 00:00:434 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this section in the beginning, maybe map same in the end for consistency?
Nice, like your structure

Hobbes2's Another:

  1. Check blankets: 00:11:047 (2,3) - 01:15:433 (3,5) -
  2. 00:00:434 (1,2,3,4,5) - The rhythm you are trying to follow isn't right. Music pattern here is like
  3. 00:16:849 (1,1) - Kinda strange that you make here bigger spacing than 00:08:924 (1,1) - here, though sounds in 2nd situation is louder than in 1st
  4. 00:26:471 (1) - Too passive slider imo, you could try something like 2 1/2 sliders and circle here
  5. 01:01:566 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try my rhythm instead, it follows main sounds imo
  6. 01:17:839 (1,1,1,1,1) - Better show some difference between 1/1 and 1/2 rhythms here
  7. 01:46:000 (1) - Stack is broken, though same suggestion here ^
VINXIS' Insane:

  1. set kiais pls
  2. 01:27:886 (2) - Stack is broken
Vinxis gooooooooooooooooooood ( it's like good xd )

Liiraye's Extra

  1. 00:17:415 (1,1) - Why they aren't stacked like all next sliders? This may cause reading difficulties

I really can't find anything in highest difficulties, sorry plzzz :( :?

my map:

This mapset is awesome, GL!
Hi M4M from your queue

OMG this map lets hope il be able to find smth ...
Hmmm what I'm confused is does it has to have this BG i mean this map doesn't have any relations with anime xd

Re: Vival

Widescreen suport isn't turned on
  • 00:11:047 (4,5) - Polish blanket
    00:18:358 (2) - This is the only slider that has a red anker point in this pattern this slider could be straight like all the others cause you don t have anything to emphasis with this slider so it should be the same as ones before it
    01:33:830 (4,2) - Stack them
    01:46:990 (2,3) - Also fix blanket xd
    01:31:212 (2,2,3) - Why are these different they are the same sound. Consistency! 01:33:476 (2) - This too I think the problem is this one 01:32:344 (2,3) - cause only this part is not consistent
toybot's Extra

  • You are missing Kiai parts in the map!
    00:09:915 (4,4) - These are the same which i understand but why are these 00:12:179 (3,4) - not the same. My preference is to keep consistency and make the forth straight or third what ever shape that is xd
    00:48:830 - Im actually missing circle here you can hear that the sound is exactly the same as your hit hitsound so circle would be awesome here
    00:51:094 - ^ Also you can blanket it with 00:51:943 (1) - and delete this inherited points no need to have them :D
    02:05:528 (1,2,3,4) - Why is your DS so small here its such an intense part
Liiraye's Extra

  • 00:32:556 (3,2) - Why you didn t stack them
    00:37:792 (4) - NC
    00:51:094 - Put a circle here
    01:11:754 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Nice fidget spinner you got there
    01:16:283 (1,2,3,4,5) - Since you are putting NC here you can map it differently, maybe make this stream like this
    01:49:113 (9) - NC
Lasse's Insane

  • 00:15:575 (4) - I think this is poor emphasis for Clap and white tick try to make 2 circles or smth else cause slider end is really bad emphasis
    01:00:433 (3,3) - The SV would need to get increased on these 2 since the music is getting intense on those parts
    01:39:490 (1) - This one is really hard to read in gameplay. Maybe blanket it with 01:38:924 (1,2,3,1) - I looks nice tho
    I'm happy I found this much tho
Lexis will mod Vinxis' Insane cause he is a nice guy :D

Hobbes2's Another

  • 00:23:500 (4) - I think this one is too close to his previous note cause this one has really low DS which is the only place in this part where you put such low DS on this sound cause every time you mapped this part you made some kind of sharp jump change slider shape and this one is kind hmm lame xd
    00:26:188 (4,5,6,7,1) - This part would look so much better like this
    I really cant find anything here ...
Regraz's Hard

  • 01:11:754 (3) - This slider is not that nice and also in my opinion slider here is so undermapped so im suggesting you to make smth with 1/2 beat 5 circles would be awesome cause every sound is intense and circle is perfect for that
    01:44:584 (1) - Also this can be 1/2 slider idk why u ignored that sound on red tick its pretty loud
    Ok its really hard for me to mod hard diffs specially when Regraz made it so i hope that at least one of these 2 things i said will make you think about changing smth :D

.......Im too bad to find anything



Hope you won t be mad cause i CAN'T mod these 2 cause I really such at low diffs ....
I hope that this mod was somewhat helpful and GL with the map!
This is the map from me to you but don t mod it yet lets say its a ticket :D Il PM you in 2 weeks probably when i get all the mods people owe me on this map
Don't kudo

I just help Invertable by modding this diff

[VINXIS' Insane]

  1. 00:10:622 (1,2) - They aren't symmetrical, stack them and see c:
  2. 00:11:754 (1,2) - You can also improve this blanket, check here : 00:11:896 - the sliderfollowcircle of your skin might help
  3. You can add something here 00:39:844 - and here 00:39:985 - or replace 00:39:773 (5,6) - by sliders like you did here : 00:38:641 (5,6) - It will more follow the song
  4. 01:04:396 (3) - I don't recommend the double reverse here, I'll explain it : The BPM is really fast (>200), and so the sliders are fast too, the reverse will be really hard to see so, it will not be intuitive at all, maybe delete 1 reverse and add one to (4) ?
  5. 01:04:820 (1,2) - Not symmetrical : stack them & see
  6. 01:57:886 (5) - Maybe turn it into a 1/2 slider and add circle ? The 1/2 beat feels empty in my opinion.
  7. You didn't mapped the end ?! (02:11:754 - to 02:19:820 - ) That's a shame :/ You could do really good things on it D:
Kisses: I like my current nc, I think they look cute there
did the whistle thing for all triples in intro/outro and adjusted overall hitsounding in that part a bit (was copied from highest diff a while ago lol)

Invertable: first thing follow melody fine though, which is what I prioritize
idk how you perceive sv/intensity relation but second point makes no sense to me
last thing isn't hard to read at all?
Seto Kousuke
hi hi, sorry a bit late mod xD had some stuff to do this weekend c: my part of the m4m from your queue o/

the mod
[Lasse's Extra]
  1. 00:12:886 (1) - Why reverse arrow here? o: everytime this rythm showed up you somehow made a good clickable feedback, reverse arrow feels empty and off
  2. 00:18:547 (1) - this has a bad feedback for the starting section...these kind of sliders don't usually work when they end on a strong and important sound followed by a 1/1 slider...I highly suggest you remove a few reverses to make it end on 00:18:759 - and place a single note at the white tick to make a good feedback for 00:18:971 (2) -
  3. 00:21:943 (1) - I would point this out too, but here it kinda feels like a reverse slider because the triplet for some odd reason is lower here...but just poiting anyway~
[Liiraye's Extra]
  1. 00:00:575 (2,4) - hiding the reverse arrow is not a good idea, I suggest you place it anywhere else
  2. 00:31:424 (6,7,8) - something similar to what I pointed in the last diff although here isn't so big the issue...some overmaps are ok when they actually are felt in the song, there is no sound to be represented as a triplet...for the pattern and ''logic'' on your case it ''makes sense'', but again: there's no triplet in the I highly consider you remove this triplet and make something simple that fits this calm part
  3. 01:58:169 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - - this feels off in the entire all your previous logics and previous pattern, it was supposed to the rythm be something like 01:54:066 (2,3,4) - or even 01:55:905 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ...the pattern you made here is something that will only be ''heard'' and felt at near 02:00:433 (1) - . So I suggest you change this rythm to something like the examples I pointed out
  4. 02:02:981 (1,2,3) - this starting 1/2 with the 1/4 feels kinda weak for what you've done after (...maybe start with a 1/4 kick slider and a triplet stacked on 02:03:193 (3,4) - . The next 02:03:264 (3) - also feels weak as a 1/2 and together with the first 1/2 the rythm gets really confusing because it don't ''match'' with what you've done after 02:03:830 (1) - I suggest you apply the triplet idea I said about the first 1/2 and also make 02:03:264 (3) - a 1/4 kick slider with another triplet at 02:03:476 (4) - . This will make this entire burst feel and play better
[Toybot's Extra]
  1. 00:02:698 (3) - NC ? I know it was on purpose and that you've also done that on the ending suggestion is not about ''hurrr is hard to read'', but because on every single other moment of the song you've used NCs to represent change of rythm and here is a really good moment to also use it :P consider it. 00:07:084 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - here is fine because the DS already says everything...way different from the one I pointed out
  2. 00:40:481 (6,7,1,2) - the NCs and angle(to the 2) makes it really confusing, at first i thought they were some kind of 1/6 or idk...I suggest placing the NC on 00:40:693 (2) - and making the visual something like This you can still have the DS on the 4th note, but this makes it way more readable and less harsh
  3. 01:03:405 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - palce the stream just a bit to the right to make the jumpstream feel better on the flow...something like This, the jump will already give you the effect you want, placing it on this flow feels better and also looks better :P
  1. 00:02:981 (2,3,4,5) - That 3->4->5 plays in a hurtfull way...I highly suggest you do something like you did for 00:07:650 (2,1,2) - where is the same segment and you did the ''same thing'', but the last 2 notes feels way better when you don't place the last note of the intensity pattern on a full linear motion :P
  2. 00:21:660 (6,7,1,2) - this pattern breaks the flow and logic you were using previously of making a good angle for the starting of 00:21:801 (7,1) - compared to the 3rd note 00:22:084 (2) - . I would suggest that you place the single note 7 at the same place of the Kick slider 1 and place that kickslider somewhere else, for example stacking in the head of 00:21:235 (4) - or any other good alternative you find ^^
  3. 00:31:000 (1,2) - in all honesty and respect of the world, this is a really bad overmap even for this star difficulty...some overmaps are fine when they do actually ''feel'' something, but here it's literally a punch in the stomach because of the current music >3< I suggest you just keep the single tap rythm here...the double on 00:31:778 (8,9) - is actually ''ok'' because of the change in the piano, but this other one needs fixing >3< the same applies to 00:32:910 (3,4) - and 00:34:042 (3,4) - it's simply too much for this calm section
  4. 01:00:292 (2,1) - why not adapt this and 01:00:858 (2,1) - for something like you did on 00:59:301 (1,2,1) - plays and feels so much better, these other 2 plays a bit too much forced :c
  5. 01:19:679 (1,2) - nothing important...but a nice ''plus'' you could add for just a bit of visuals, is to adjust the position of 2 so the tail of the slider can be perfectly in the center of the head and tails of 1, like this for example. it won't actually change nothing, but it's just some visual polishing :P the same can be applie to the other on at 01:20:245 (1,2) -
  6. 01:22:509 (3,4) - another useless nitpicky thing...maybe stack it's tail to the tail from 01:21:660 (5) - ?
  7. 01:32:344 (2,3) - same thing as before, feels to much just makes the tapping harder for no apparent reason...specially because players will foresee a rythm like 01:31:000 (1,2) - and 01:33:264 (1,2) - ...if you really want to keep this double, i highly suggest that you make the same for 01:31:000 (1,2) - and the other one to teach the player the proper rythm
  8. 01:56:117 (2,3,4) - way too much overkill compare to all the other moments you had this same thing like 01:53:924 (2,3) - ,01:54:985 (2,3,4) - , 01:57:320 (3,4) - , 01:58:452 (4,5) - 01:59:514 (2,3,4) - ...the motion that the player will have to do is also overdone...I suggest you adjust both DS and angle
  9. 02:05:386 (3) - this 1/4 is so fast that the only big important part of is his Head, not his your intention of giving flow to 02:05:386 (3,1) - is kinda useless because the harsh motion from 02:05:174 (2,3) - kills it...a simple and perfect solution for it is a simple Ctrl + G on 02:05:386 (3) - to not make harsh movements and still have a good transition to 02:05:528 (1,2,3) -

can't wait for this mapset to be ranked <3
00:21:943 (1,2,3,4) - therrrrr not even the same thing in the Song VRO
00:40:622 (3,4) - ths rhythm plays much mor easily thannnnnn 1/4 circl 2 1/2 slider to 1/4 circle
01:28:735 - i ncd it buttttttt Fuc U >: /
When perfectly overlapping two slider bodies, the first slider must be fully faded out before the second slider is fully faded in.

no kiai >: /
01:27:886 (2) - use stack view

00:10:622 (1,2) - its ok Tho moment is too fast 4 players 2 even notice so not a prob
00:39:844 - this part sounds different tho
01:04:820 (1,2) - broooooooooooo no1 carez >: /
01:57:886 (5) - song and map feel lik they contextually hold a 3/4 slider better tbh but idk
didnt map end cuz id fuk it up, thts y the intro is open 2
the reverses are just my usual way of varying rhythm, follows the same thing overall but avoid just repeating same rhythm
don't see a problem with the other thing, making the white tick clickable doesn't work that well with melody and all
fixed a lot of stuff
Topic Starter
upd to this point (except for all the stuff i need to reply to lol)
rank when ?!
Topic Starter
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

  1. 00:17:415 (1) - Imo it would be better to end this at 00:18:358 for the sake of landing it on where the sound actually cuts out. Doing this shouldn't make the next object be misread with it being such a predominant sound It starts on the same kinda sound thing that it ends with so ye, plus it's not really misreadable considering all the 1/2 is touching lol
  2. 00:59:301 (1,2,3,4,1) - So many objects at 1/2 a beat apart is really ideal for the lowest diff. How about this?
  3. 01:01:566 (1) - and this just glosses over so many sounds it just feels unfitting. Try this mm
  4. 02:01:566 (1) - Not sure if you will like this suggestion but if you map this slider as a circle it would create a nice break in between the kiai which would be nice for the lowest diff with the amount of clicking at this bpm. If you choose to do so then adding an additional circle at 02:02:698 would be a good idea too to map the strong beat Kinda want to keep up the tempo here so ye, I'll keep the slider
  5. OD 4? lol. Yeah it's high bpm and that but this is suppose to be the lowest diff in the set (if I were a BN I wouldn't even allow this and make you map an easier diff on top) OD 3 would be nice 3.5

  1. 00:18:169 (2,3) - I can't see many ppl getting 300s on these objects. 00:17:415 (1) - glosses over so many of thse 1/3 sounds that it doesn't make the 2 circles intuitive. Basically I just dont see this rhythm feasible There's also the fact that the hit window for the 1/3 is pretty generous though,
    the 1/3 is also shown differently from the 1/2 stuff since it doesn't touch each other and they're spaced just enough for them to not have follow points
  2. 00:26:754 (5,1) - imo it doesnt look so nice with 1 being so close to 5. Maybe have 1 for as part of the square pattern with 00:26:471 (4,5,6) ? more square
  3. 02:01:566 (1,2,3,4,5) - I just feel it would be more appropriate to map this as 2 reverse sliders and a circle; like the hard diff. because reasons
  4. 00:04:254 (6,7) - deleting this would be good undermapping imho. The lower object density would make it a good reflection of the calmer part of the song and these sounds aren't a part of the main melody. Would make be smack bang in the middle of normal and hard too in terms of difficulty.
  5. 02:15:575 (6,7) - ^

  1. 01:02:698 (3) - having this as a straight slider then making 01:01:566 (1,2,3) into a triangle would be cool. They are all mapping the same sounds in the same melody it looks pretty cool aesthetically tho
  2. 01:11:188 (2) - similar to above. It's the same sound as 01:10:622 (1) so it feels fitting to have them as the same slider shape imo. A bit like this true but at the same time it's a different pitch so having it a different shape fits enough too
  3. 02:11:754 (1) - Feels slightly bizzare for this to be unmapped when it's mapped in normal and advanced. even more so that you mapped this melody in the beginning of the song I mean, I kinda get why he would do this, it's just after the most intense part of the song so having that kind of moment of relief after all that intense circle clicking is rewarding

  1. 00:02:556 (1,2) - would be nice if you could add whistles to give the same feedback 00:02:698 (3) has. Atm they do feel a bit like ghosts notes. This goes for 00:07:084 (1,2) and the end section too
  2. 00:31:495 (7) - I dont hear a sound here in the song. I also dont see what the overmap does in terms of playing fair enough I guess
  3. 01:03:405 (1) - feels like it would make sense to NC the start of a new stream of different snapping.
  4. 01:26:330 (4) - add normal whistle

  1. 00:02:556 (1,2) - same as liiraye


MashaSG wrote:

Hi, m4m from your q! Sorry for 1 day delay plz


  1. Try moving your offset by +6, ( 440 ) seems a little bit better mm so like it was originally that but then it actually sounded too late in some places so this offset works fine
  2. Maybe try to lower video "weight"? 20 Mb is too heavy imo I don't rly know how to make it smaller without making the quality look like 144p so since it's still under the weight for a map w/ video i think it's fine lol
  3. Check Widescreen Support through all diffs doesn't really matter since there's no sb so it affects nothing
  1. SliderMultiplier:0.999999999999999 in .osu is kinda strange, fix it? Though I think you choosed too fast slider velocity for lowest diff in mapset, but this is only my feeling
  2. 00:01:283 (2,2,2,2) - Maybe make them identical or like use 2 forms? As these sliders represent similar sounds but them switching off and on straight and curved creates variety that doesn't really interfere with reading
  3. 00:09:490 (1,2) - uhh blanket can be better :D ( Also 00:05:811 (2,1,2) - 00:08:500 (3,4) - 00:20:103 (4,1) - 00:27:603 (1,2) - 00:34:396 (3,4) - 00:37:084 (2,3) - ( <-- This especially ) 00:54:773 (1,2) - 01:06:094 (1,3) - 01:12:886 (1,2) - ( <-- This too ) 01:29:867 (2,3) - 02:02:981 (1,2) - )fixed ones that needed to be blankets some weren't so those weren't changed
  4. 00:26:471 (3,4) - These are too different sounds, maybe show it by using 2 different sliders? ( Same here 01:10:622 (1,2) - and here 01:28:735 (1,2) - 01:37:792 (1,2) - but that doesn't really matter though?
  5. 00:27:037 (4,2) - Make a stack maybe? Alsom you could try to stack 00:25:339 (1,1) - these too not really noticeable in gameplay so naw
  6. 00:33:264 (2,3) - Maybe try to blanket them? As you used many blankets before it wouldn't hurt map's structure I'd rather not I don't like using blankets and my blankets are just done by eyeballing
  7. 00:49:113 (3,3) - You can represent this break in music by using some sliders with non standart form like I don't really like shapes like that on lower diffs
  8. 01:01:000 (4) - Spacing error
  9. 01:11:754 (2,3) - Try to stack? naw
  10. 01:17:132 (4,3) - Try to avoid this overlap ( though it's easy ) It's only there for a fraction of a second though :(
  11. 02:01:566 (1) - Cool!
  12. 02:12:603 (2,2,2,2) - Oh you did what I wrote in about these sliders here lol why not making the same in the beginning? tbf I never even noticed by when making it but hey it's the end of the song and is kinda just after the climax so it can be different lol, not like the straight and curved 1/2 sliders really are groundbreaking to the design anyways
Nice diff, no rhythm errors in my eyes!


  1. 00:02:556 - Maybe place circle here? Same goes for 00:07:084 - 02:13:877 - 02:18:405 - I don't want the intro to be too dense
  2. Blankets that can be improved (or objects that can be mapped as blankets): 00:03:264 (3,5) - 00:04:679 (7,1) - 00:55:198 (2,4) - 00:56:471 (6,1) - 01:06:660 (3,4) - 01:16:849 (6,1) - 01:35:528 (1,4) - 01:37:792 (1,2) - 01:56:754 (3,4) - 02:15:292 (5,6) -
  3. 00:11:047 (5,6) - Spacong error
  4. 00:14:584 (2,5) - Stack them? naw
  5. 00:17:415 (1,2,3) - 1/3 in Advanced is kinda uhh but difference in spacing bothering me more I mean the spacing is distinct so :shrug:
    it makes it clear that it's not 1/2 so ye
  6. 00:24:207 (4) - I would put here same 1/2 slider as you did 00:23:075 (1,1) - here, because sound is very strong not really, it kinda is just a 1/2 for variety so idk, i don't really get what you're saying here since the sound is expressed enough imo
  7. 00:40:622 (5) - Highly recommend to make 2 1/2 sliders here, otherwise you miss strong sound on 00:40:905 - once upon a time there was a mapping meta that had strong sounds end off on sliders? why was it allowed? because had a really strong stopping sound that sliders also provide,
    that's basically what mapping this with a slider does
  8. 00:52:509 (1,2,3) - Maybe try this thythm instead? Circle with your rhythm supports pretty weak sound imo it's mostly for polarity sake, the pause seems kinda awkward to me as well so i'll keep it as is
  9. 01:04:254 - I would make here a circle, though you did it 01:06:094 (1,2,3) - here there's a difference though, this is leading up the build up while the other one is where the intensity is pretty high already so ye
  10. 01:46:424 - Make a circle? You don't really want to make things too dense
  11. 02:02:981 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I can't really catch what you are following here.. Try my rhythm, it seems much better with that
Regraz's Hard:
  1. 00:01:000 (3,5) - Why no blanket they're not even close enough to blanket tho
  2. 00:03:264 (4,5) - They aren't fully parallel, fix it
  3. 00:08:924 (7) - NC?
  4. 00:48:405 (2,3) - Maybe space 00:48:688 (3) - this circle out? Because you did stack in previous pattern with 1/2 gap in between, this could prevent reading difficulties i mean tbf hard diffs have a generous kinda "you pressed this button too early window" so that kinda helps, plus the sounds are similar enough to group and make 4,5 feel more separate
  5. 00:51:801 (3,4) - Why no stack like 00:47:273 (3,4) - here? kinda right before the tone of the song changes so it makes sense imo
  6. 01:02:698 (3,2) - Try to stack? naw
  7. 01:53:641 (1) - Inconsistency in NC placement with 00:18:547 (4) -
  8. 02:06:943 (8) - Give this slider some new shape as it represents different sound not every different sound needs to be expressed with shapes tbh
  9. 02:08:924 (3,2) - Try to avoid this overlap
  10. You mapped 00:00:434 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this section in the beginning, maybe map same in the end for consistency?same reply as previous mod
Nice, like your structure

Liiraye's Extra

  1. 00:17:415 (1,1) - Why they aren't stacked like all next sliders? This may cause reading difficulties


Invertable wrote:

Hi M4M from your queue

OMG this map lets hope il be able to find smth ...
Hmmm what I'm confused is does it has to have this BG i mean this map doesn't have any relations with anime xd

Re: Vival

Widescreen suport isn't turned on
  • 00:11:047 (4,5) - Polish blanket
    00:18:358 (2) - This is the only slider that has a red anker point in this pattern this slider could be straight like all the others cause you don t have anything to emphasis with this slider so it should be the same as ones before it it shows a gameplay change into the chorus
    01:33:830 (4,2) - Stack them
    01:46:990 (2,3) - Also fix blanket xd
    01:31:212 (2,2,3) - Why are these different they are the same sound. Consistency! 01:33:476 (2) - This too I think the problem is this one 01:32:344 (2,3) - cause only this part is not consistent
Liiraye's Extra

Regraz's Hard

  • 01:11:754 (3) - This slider is not that nice and also in my opinion slider here is so undermapped so im suggesting you to make smth with 1/2 beat 5 circles would be awesome cause every sound is intense and circle is perfect for that kinda does the little bounce thing that the beat does plus it's like, a hard diff lol, it doesn't need to be an insane level of following the music, plus in context he was supposed to make this diff a little easier but then he kinda made it into like a decently hard hard so that's why there's an advanced diff
    01:44:584 (1) - Also this can be 1/2 slider idk why u ignored that sound on red tick its pretty loud
    Ok its really hard for me to mod hard diffs specially when Regraz made it so i hope that at least one of these 2 things i said will make you think about changing smth :D


Seto Kousuke wrote:

hi hi, sorry a bit late mod xD had some stuff to do this weekend c: my part of the m4m from your queue o/

[Liiraye's Extra]
  1. 00:00:575 (2,4) - hiding the reverse arrow is not a good idea, I suggest you place it anywhere else
  2. 00:31:424 (6,7,8) - something similar to what I pointed in the last diff although here isn't so big the issue...some overmaps are ok when they actually are felt in the song, there is no sound to be represented as a triplet...for the pattern and ''logic'' on your case it ''makes sense'', but again: there's no triplet in the I highly consider you remove this triplet and make something simple that fits this calm part ye i just deleted it lol from a previous mod i think? idk i've been doing this for like an hour and honestly this is exhausting lmao
  3. 01:58:169 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - - this feels off in the entire all your previous logics and previous pattern, it was supposed to the rythm be something like 01:54:066 (2,3,4) - or even 01:55:905 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ...the pattern you made here is something that will only be ''heard'' and felt at near 02:00:433 (1) - . So I suggest you change this rythm to something like the examples I pointed out
  4. 02:02:981 (1,2,3) - this starting 1/2 with the 1/4 feels kinda weak for what you've done after (...maybe start with a 1/4 kick slider and a triplet stacked on 02:03:193 (3,4) - . The next 02:03:264 (3) - also feels weak as a 1/2 and together with the first 1/2 the rythm gets really confusing because it don't ''match'' with what you've done after 02:03:830 (1) - I suggest you apply the triplet idea I said about the first 1/2 and also make 02:03:264 (3) - a 1/4 kick slider with another triplet at 02:03:476 (4) - . This will make this entire burst feel and play better tbh i honestly don't know how to respond to this,
    i kinda just made the spacing bigger but I don't want to like totally change something in his diff since like, idk what he exactly wants to keep and stay, hopefully the slightly increased spacing makes it feel more intense :(
  1. 00:02:981 (2,3,4,5) - That 3->4->5 plays in a hurtfull way...I highly suggest you do something like you did for 00:07:650 (2,1,2) - where is the same segment and you did the ''same thing'', but the last 2 notes feels way better when you don't place the last note of the intensity pattern on a full linear motion :P uh I think i made it play better? at the very least I think I made it flow a bit smoother
  2. 00:21:660 (6,7,1,2) - this pattern breaks the flow and logic you were using previously of making a good angle for the starting of 00:21:801 (7,1) - compared to the 3rd note 00:22:084 (2) - . I would suggest that you place the single note 7 at the same place of the Kick slider 1 and place that kickslider somewhere else, for example stacking in the head of 00:21:235 (4) - or any other good alternative you find ^^
  3. 00:31:000 (1,2) - in all honesty and respect of the world, this is a really bad overmap even for this star difficulty...some overmaps are fine when they do actually ''feel'' something, but here it's literally a punch in the stomach because of the current music >3< I suggest you just keep the single tap rythm here...the double on 00:31:778 (8,9) - is actually ''ok'' because of the change in the piano, but this other one needs fixing >3< the same applies to 00:32:910 (3,4) - and 00:34:042 (3,4) - it's simply too much for this calm section okdad
  4. 01:00:292 (2,1) - why not adapt this and 01:00:858 (2,1) - for something like you did on 00:59:301 (1,2,1) - plays and feels so much better, these other 2 plays a bit too much forced :c kinda tried to do an expanding thing but I guess I can just sacrifice it for playability sake
  5. 01:19:679 (1,2) - nothing important...but a nice ''plus'' you could add for just a bit of visuals, is to adjust the position of 2 so the tail of the slider can be perfectly in the center of the head and tails of 1, like this for example. it won't actually change nothing, but it's just some visual polishing :P the same can be applie to the other on at 01:20:245 (1,2) -
  6. 01:22:509 (3,4) - another useless nitpicky thing...maybe stack it's tail to the tail from 01:21:660 (5) - ? nah I don't really do stacks that were like from a long ago unless I specifically plan the visuals to be focused around that kinda thing
  7. 01:32:344 (2,3) - same thing as before, feels to much just makes the tapping harder for no apparent reason...specially because players will foresee a rythm like 01:31:000 (1,2) - and 01:33:264 (1,2) - ...if you really want to keep this double, i highly suggest that you make the same for 01:31:000 (1,2) - and the other one to teach the player the proper rythm Changed in previous mod
  8. 01:56:117 (2,3,4) - way too much overkill compare to all the other moments you had this same thing like 01:53:924 (2,3) - ,01:54:985 (2,3,4) - , 01:57:320 (3,4) - , 01:58:452 (4,5) - 01:59:514 (2,3,4) - ...the motion that the player will have to do is also overdone...I suggest you adjust both DS and angle nerfed spacing, hopefully new positioning makes it feel less overexaggerated
  9. 02:05:386 (3) - this 1/4 is so fast that the only big important part of is his Head, not his your intention of giving flow to 02:05:386 (3,1) - is kinda useless because the harsh motion from 02:05:174 (2,3) - kills it...a simple and perfect solution for it is a simple Ctrl + G on 02:05:386 (3) - to not make harsh movements and still have a good transition to 02:05:528 (1,2,3) - okkk
can't wait for this mapset to be ranked <3


finally finished replying to all that

replied for regraz and liiraye as well since they told me to so ye

green ya blue no purple kinda no reply fix

also switched my colors to toybot's cuz his were cuter
had hard time figuring out the snaps 1/6s and 1/8s yet I'm probably still wrong

toybot diff having edgy setting preview point tags timing blabla inconsistent
soft-hitwhistle.wav could have louder volume because the kiais feel no hitsounded for the bass drums as it doesn't stand out at all like the drums in background are slightly louder than the hitsound
uh timing is kinda wrong? especially at the ending the circles sound obviously delayed, I'm unable to playtest it right now so you should take care of it :/ yeah ur good at timing wouldn't bother much
00:18:547 (1) - is a burst which is quite loud and then the kiai after it has quiet hitsound overall maybe you can reduce the volume a bit here to balance out with the hitsounds around. also 00:18:830 (2,3) - shouldn't the finish be on the circle instead of the slider's head?
00:27:320 (1) - hitsounding here potentially works nicely.
00:31:778 (4) - I don't really think this suits to the calm part because the 1/4 jump is some sort of reading challenge (prob just me having hard time) thus removing the circle or less jump to create a pattern which fits to relaxing part of a map rather than always having some extra-ish pattern.
00:50:386 (2) - in this case without whistle can emphasize xD the (3) better in hitsounding.
01:15:150 (1) - normal sample
01:22:580 (4) - this doesn't fit piano? prob 01:22:603 -
01:29:867 (3) - combo is apparently one measure longer than the rest
00:11:902 (2) - 90 degrees thing will look neater with your mapping to me perhaps give a shot.
00:13:741 (5) - I can't tell if you're following the drum-ish sound or the melody here but since the melody stands out much more snap it in 1/6 to be more accurate? to be honest I don't really care of snapping as long as it plays literally same, but as ranking is strict with it I needed to point out lol. (liiraye did it right)
02:01:572 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - because the hitsound here is strong enough I was expecting the kiai after here to have some hitsounds as strong as here but was quite quieter than I expected. maybe try to take some normal whistles to decorate the climax in a cool way B).
02:07:939 (1,2,3) - to be honest i would stack it because this kinda plays forced lol
00:01:000 (4) - I would use a rotated slider here to make the reverse not really awkward to play like the another reverse later 00:05:528 (4) - plays a lot better so consider doing something like that.
00:23:830 (5,6) - I don't know if I'm wrong here but I don't hear any sound that supported for 1/6 and it's generally not comfy to play this would rather become a 1/4 insdead.
00:59:018 (5) - a slider form that blankets the slider end of 00:59:301 (1) - instead of making 00:59:018 (5) - 's end getting blanket'd by 00:58:735 (4) - could flow better imo. well they're actually not blanketing but because I suck at explaining things lmao
01:17:037 (8,9) - I've been mentioning the 1/6 streams again, it makes more sense for the sake of the music, but in game play this turns into a cancer which is dramatically hard to read on first try. 01:04:537 (5) - could use some kind of sliders like this one.
01:03:405 - start the 1/4 sliders from here? I know it would become much harder to play after these 1/3s but ignoring it feels more weird as there's a bunch of 3 sliders 01:04:396 (1,2,3) - but here :(
02:02:320 (1,1) - would put the normal whistles on the slider heads as well because the whistle doesn't really work nice here if they're on the body thus whistles on the heads can express that the sliders are something special in a better way.
01:22:226 - u forgot a break or what it fits if the blank is this long
02:09:490 (1,2) - maybe whistle is not the best choice here imo :/ clap
00:13:735 (2) - this might be 1/6 and an additional reverse if it's for the melody instead of the drums (liiraye did it right)
00:25:056 (1) - why is nc here
01:04:537 (4) - i think 1/4s are better to map here more simple and easier to understand the rhythm
01:18:830 (1) - this can go without the nc because it's not 1/1
01:46:000 (1) - same here
01:49:396 - insert a break here probably the length of the blank is same as 01:47:556 -
higher ar would be helpful for most people reading the map, map is pretty simply done but the bpm is pretty high after all.
01:29:867 (3) - perhaps shorten this slider by 1/2, the strong sound at 01:30:433 - would've needed to be a clickable object instead since 01:28:735 (1,2,3) - were, maybe just a circle.
01:49:679 (2) - uh just a single 1/1 slider at 01:49:537 - would be a better rhythm for sure, there's literally no reason to have the sound at 01:49:679 - picked because you immediatelly ignore it at 01:50:245 - lol
mapping the intro but outro okhand
00:03:688 (4) - if you move this slightly down the flow can be improved
00:18:169 (2,3) - this coulda just used a slider instead this looks incredibly hard as even the hard diff has used sliders. plus the previous 1/3 sounds are ignored by just a slider 00:17:415 (1) -
00:38:500 - 00:39:632 - whistle maybe, hitsound copier fucked it up lol
01:37:792 (1,2) - if you can avoid 01:37:792 (1) - overlapping to 01:36:660 (4) - it would be really cool, the overlap currently looks messed while this map doesn't really contain any overlaps it standed out
00:17:415 (1) - end the slider at 00:18:358 - ? it sounds much better for the sound though i'm not really sure if this being snapped in 1/3 would make the rhythm harder for beginners so uh..
01:21:660 (3) - whistle

lmao mod is long af

hitsounds thing generally goes for most of diffs that copied from your top diff
think I found a good solution for your first point
also added the normal whistles

Topic Starter

Delis wrote:

had hard time figuring out the snaps 1/6s and 1/8s yet I'm probably still wrong

toybot diff having edgy setting preview point tags timing blabla inconsistent k
soft-hitwhistle.wav could have louder volume because the kiais feel no hitsounded for the bass drums as it doesn't stand out at all like the drums in background are slightly louder than the hitsound
uh timing is kinda wrong? especially at the ending the circles sound obviously delayed, I'm unable to playtest it right now so you should take care of it :/ yeah ur good at timing wouldn't bother much fixed
00:18:547 (1) - is a burst which is quite loud and then the kiai after it has quiet hitsound overall maybe you can reduce the volume a bit here to balance out with the hitsounds around. also 00:18:830 (2,3) - shouldn't the finish be on the circle instead of the slider's head?
00:27:320 (1) - hitsounding here potentially works nicely.
00:31:778 (4) - I don't really think this suits to the calm part because the 1/4 jump is some sort of reading challenge (prob just me having hard time) thus removing the circle or less jump to create a pattern which fits to relaxing part of a map rather than always having some extra-ish pattern.
00:50:386 (2) - in this case without whistle can emphasize xD the (3) better in hitsounding.
01:15:150 (1) - normal sample
01:22:580 (4) - this doesn't fit piano? prob 01:22:603 -
01:29:867 (3) - combo is apparently one measure longer than the rest
00:01:000 (4) - I would use a rotated slider here to make the reverse not really awkward to play like the another reverse later 00:05:528 (4) - plays a lot better so consider doing something like that.
00:23:830 (5,6) - I don't know if I'm wrong here but I don't hear any sound that supported for 1/6 and it's generally not comfy to play this would rather become a 1/4 insdead.
00:59:018 (5) - a slider form that blankets the slider end of 00:59:301 (1) - instead of making 00:59:018 (5) - 's end getting blanket'd by 00:58:735 (4) - could flow better imo. well they're actually not blanketing but because I suck at explaining things lmao lol i just blanketed both kinda
01:17:037 (8,9) - I've been mentioning the 1/6 streams again, it makes more sense for the sake of the music, but in game play this turns into a cancer which is dramatically hard to read on first try. 01:04:537 (5) - could use some kind of sliders like this one.
higher ar would be helpful for most people reading the map, map is pretty simply done but the bpm is pretty high after all.
01:29:867 (3) - perhaps shorten this slider by 1/2, the strong sound at 01:30:433 - would've needed to be a clickable object instead since 01:28:735 (1,2,3) - were, maybe just a circle.
01:49:679 (2) - uh just a single 1/1 slider at 01:49:537 - would be a better rhythm for sure, there's literally no reason to have the sound at 01:49:679 - picked because you immediatelly ignore it at 01:50:245 - lol did something else
mapping the intro but outro okhand ugh idk man this is his diff and he was kinda just like do w/e with it so here I am replying
00:03:688 (4) - if you move this slightly down the flow can be improved
00:18:169 (2,3) - this coulda just used a slider instead this looks incredibly hard as even the hard diff has used sliders. plus the previous 1/3 sounds are ignored by just a slider 00:17:415 (1) -
00:38:500 - 00:39:632 - whistle maybe, hitsound copier fucked it up lol
01:37:792 (1,2) - if you can avoid 01:37:792 (1) - overlapping to 01:36:660 (4) - it would be really cool, the overlap currently looks messed while this map doesn't really contain any overlaps it standed out Well, I can't really change this w/o like fucking up the flow,
I think it can kinda just be the exception this time since like, there's not really a whole lot else that I can do without making it kinda awkward flow-wise sorry

00:17:415 (1) - end the slider at 00:18:358 - ? it sounds much better for the sound though i'm not really sure if this being snapped in 1/3 would make the rhythm harder for beginners so uh..
01:21:660 (3) - whistle

lmao mod is long af

hitsounds thing generally goes for most of diffs that copied from your top diff

same colors i always use no reply always means fixed too z
00:13:735 (2) - this might be 1/6 and an additional reverse if it's for the melody instead of the drums (liiraye did it right) did
00:25:056 (1) - why is nc here oops
01:04:537 (4) - i think 1/4s are better to map here more simple and easier to understand the rhythm eh..maybe but i prefer to map out this buzzy sound with the buzzslider. should be fine in terms of readability imo
01:18:830 (1) - this can go without the nc because it's not 1/1
01:46:000 (1) - same here fixed both, cool idea
01:49:396 - insert a break here probably the length of the blank is same as 01:47:556 - did
Thanks a lot!
Topic Starter
fixed up to here, just waiting for vinxis
actually let me just fix some stuff

thanks for taking care of it battle
Topic Starter
aye you're back, i didn't really know how long you'd be kinda gone so i took care of the delis mod

regardless, still re-updating with your changes now

fixed vinxis' stuff on his req
00:00:434 (1,2,3) - Bad flow lol idk, the movement is pretty obvious and its quite simple to play
00:01:283 (3,4,5) - same spacing? No emphasis? right, the point is the pause provides the emphasis to 5
00:02:556 (6,7) - please hitsound these with whistles for feedback otherwise it feels like im playing ghost notes k
Rinse and repeat the above points. Goes for the ending too
00:12:603 (4,1,2,3,4,1) - Maybe I have shit reading but the way all these are stacked is really annoying to read hasnt been an issue for ppl so i think its fine
00:18:830 (1) - This is the only slider in the map that uses 2 red anchor points iirc . To keep in line with the aesthetics of teh rest of the map I would cut out one and perhaps shape it like 00:21:235 (4) - fair
01:01:566 (1,2,3,4,5) - This doesn't feel intuitive at all. You map 01:01:754 as a slider end then go on to map all the other 1/3 beats as sliderheads, it's like you were going for one rhythm then switched to another out of nowhere. I would either map the whole thing as 1/3 sliders are make the transition for intuitive. Eg I fucked up the rhythm here, fixed it
01:01:849 (2,3,4,5) - If you don't change the above then delete the whistles on the end. They are really jarring and the aren't needed as the hitnormals on the sliderheads give more than enough feedback yes
01:02:698 (1,2,3) - ^ same but with hitnormals it works here imo
01:53:358 (1,1,1) - This is like really hard to acc You think so? plays quite simply to me
02:08:924 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - You don't need to NC spam this as you've made the rhythm clear with the first 2 reverse sliders 02:08:358 (1,2) correct
02:09:396 (1,1) - This is a bit messy and unpolished tbh. How about restructuring things? K
Check blankets: 00:11:047 (2,3) - 01:15:433 (3,5) -
00:00:434 (1,2,3,4,5) - The rhythm you are trying to follow isn't right. Music pattern here is like I actually think both work here lol, based on the notes in the music. prefer mine
00:16:849 (1,1) - Kinda strange that you make here bigger spacing than 00:08:924 (1,1) - here, though sounds in 2nd situation is louder than in 1st mostly a result of the pattern, but also the fact that jumping to a slider with this rhythm in this diff level is easier to play and less unfair.
00:26:471 (1) - Too passive slider imo, you could try something like 2 1/2 sliders and circle here mostly the sharp contrast with the many instruments to just one is best represented with something very simple
01:01:566 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try my rhythm instead, it follows main sounds imo Addressed in earlier mod
01:17:839 (1,1,1,1,1) - Better show some difference between 1/1 and 1/2 rhythms here Ye, fixed comboing
01:46:000 (1) - Stack is broken, though same suggestion here ^ Ye
00:23:500 (4) - I think this one is too close to his previous note cause this one has really low DS which is the only place in this part where you put such low DS on this sound cause every time you mapped this part you made some kind of sharp jump change slider shape and this one is kind hmm lame xd I buffed it a bit
00:26:188 (4,5,6,7,1) - This part would look so much better like this doesnt fit music intensity imo
thanks yall, i responded to these earlier but apparently never posted it and lost all my changes when i updated once by accident. im stupid

Sorry to Battle for my mess up z-z
vinxis tilts

01:10:216 (5) -01:17:150 (3) - hitsounds so loud compared to liek 00:59:036 (8) - 01:04:555 (6) - 01:07:951 (6) - when they're all representing the same thing. would go with only normal sampleset for these, but if you want to keep the bass stuff lower volume = good

01:21:678 (1) - should silence tail. stands out a lot when song is getting quiet like this
01:24:791 (5) - what is this 3/16 snapping repeat nonsesne

00:17:415 (1,1) - stack so off that things arent actually stacking ingame
00:17:415 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - 02:01:584 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - should silence tails for pretty much same reason as toybot. the sound on tail actually stands out more than impacts on heads because song isnt loud enough (which makes interpreting when to click a pain)
01:03:848 (1,2) - hitsounding like 01:06:112 (1,2) - sounds more appropriate. sounds pretty gross to use that bass hitsound on 1's tail when in the song, the white tick has a bass noise lol
01:08:376 (1,2) - 01:09:508 (1,2) - shouldn't vary as much hitsounding wise since song issame
01:17:150 (9) - tail snapping? a mistake im guessing
01:42:834 (4) - song doesnt really support blue tick emphasis here:( rest of map doesnt do anything like this either, so you'd probably be better off with something prioritizing white like 01:43:400 (8,1) -
02:08:022 (4) - another missnapped tail. not sure why it's a slider at all though, since like white tick moer important

00:54:490 (1) - holding for more than 1/2 a beat seems more in line with what song is doing (and more supported by your baby spacing)

01:26:205 (1) - 02:10:639 (1) - snap
01:12:621 (1) - 01:39:790 (4) - comboing should be same since everything about them is same

01:28:753 (1,2,3) - should prioritize 1/3 since red ticks arent prioritized at all. rhythm in hobbes's diff would be okay, or if you prefer to keep long sliders

02:02:150 (2) - are u trying to screw people up lol. should go with same spacing as other 1/3, or if you're trying to do somethign special, make spacing bewteen 02:02:150 (2,3,1) - clearer since different rhythms are visually the same right now

pls extend 00:54:490 (1) - on my diff until next blue tick (00:54:702 - )

Topic Starter
fixed top extended the thing for lasse fixed adv and fixed regraz
Please donot rank this until 2018 so its not picked for OWC Thank You!
thank u pishi the fat
i think its 1/4 ?? not rly sure
Topic Starter

fieryrage wrote:

Please donot rank this until 2018 so its not picked for OWC Thank You!
rip u
addressed everything, thanks
some sloppy errors
d ddd d d dd d d
gg no re
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Oooo finally! Good job everyone~
cool, gj guys
[Lasse's Insane]

01:25:357 (1,1,1) - doesnt this look a bit more confusing than really nessecary?


00:40:905 (8,1) - is that really intended ?
no idea what's supposed to be confusing there except maybe allowing to mistake 01:25:923 - for 1/2, but due to slider leniency and movement after that's fine anyways
Topic Starter
ya it's intended it looks cool lol
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