
[confirmed] Preferred Skin for beatmaps is broken for Taiko

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Problem Details:
When putting a skin in that magic box for your taikomap (or even your standard map and you try to play it as a convert) it won't be used no matter what you try unless it is called "taiko".
As far as I am aware this does work for standard at least and maybe also for the other modes but I didn't test this.
I confirmed this in #modhelp with blissfulyoshi, the preferred skin was definitely available.
Use Taikoskin and ignore beatmap skin were both unchecked.

Video or screenshot showing the problem:

Hard to show, just try it yourself.

Dntm8kmeeatu Edit: 6/4/2017
Not only does the name have to be specifically "Taiko" It also just doesn't use half the skin elements. Even though they exist and are packaged with the map, they are just not used correctly when being used as the beatmap skin.

osu! version: 20170404.2 (latest)
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Endaris wrote:

As far as I am aware this does work for standard at least and maybe also for the other modes but I didn't test this.
Other modes are working fine. It's only Taiko
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I'm aware that this probably won't be fixed in the old client but you could still mark it as confirmed.

Endaris wrote:

I'm aware that this probably won't be fixed in the old client but you could still mark it as confirmed.
Oh darn, Was meaning to do something with this but obviously forgot lol.

So uh, when is this issue going to be confirmed and fixed? Aspire is in a week, and considering it's one of the largest mapping competitions in the game, I think this should probably be fixed before a lot of other things.
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Well, just cope with it.
To be honest, all the broken "features" that work in the current client are not going to work in the lazerclient anyway so the Taiko Aspire is for the trash can more or less.

Endaris wrote:

Well, just cope with it.
To be honest, all the broken "features" that work in the current client are not going to work in the lazerclient anyway so the Taiko Aspire is for the trash can more or less.
More encouraging words have never been spoken.
Will look to get this resolved before Aspire judging starts, but no promises. Will keep it in mind when judging as well.
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