
ClariS - CLICK(Soleily Remix) [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年7月16日 at 下午 10:23:54

Artist: ClariS
Title: CLICK(Soleily Remix)
Source: ニセコイ
Tags: nisekoi false love opening clara alice dnb drum and bass
BPM: 166
Filesize: 8365kb
Play Time: 05:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. ONI (4.83 stars, 1761 notes)
Download: ClariS - CLICK(Soleily Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
CLICK the circle

iloveyou4ever wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年5月6日 at 下午 11:14:24

Artist: ClariS
Title: CLICK(Soleily Remix)
Source: ニセコイ
Tags: nisekoi false love opening clara alice
BPM: 166
Filesize: 8365kb
Play Time: 05:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. CLICK ONI (4.77 stars, 1758 notes)
Download: ClariS - CLICK(Soleily Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
22:39 iloveyou4ever: Hi,可唔可以試譜?
22:40 ll-oscar: hi
22:40 ll-oscar: k
22:40 iloveyou4ever: :3
22:40 iloveyou4ever: ... 8a7389894e
22:40 ll-oscar: 我終於搬翻屋企有wifi >_>
22:40 iloveyou4ever: >搬番屋企
22:40 iloveyou4ever: 係wo你不嬲都住宿舍?
22:41 ll-oscar: no
22:41 ll-oscar: 屋企前排裝修
22:42 ll-oscar: 嘩呢首
22:42 ll-oscar: 我諗過map
22:46 iloveyou4ever: buffer左成分鐘o.o
22:48 ll-oscar: wtf
22:48 ll-oscar: 呢張圖
22:48 ll-oscar: 我諗mod下d細仔
22:48 ll-oscar: 走去rank
22:48 ll-oscar: 我打一次會即比10分
22:48 ll-oscar: 有質素 =w=b
22:48 ll-oscar: 但有d細位明顯我諗可以有野改到
22:52 iloveyou4ever: hi back
22:52 iloveyou4ever: 有無咁好w
22:53 ll-oscar:
22:53 ll-oscar: 呢類位 我知你跟足音 但我個人會咁寫
22:53 iloveyou4ever: 本身我好鐘意呢首歌,可能有靈感d
22:53 ll-oscar: 個漸入感會舒服過跟曬音
22:54 ll-oscar: 呢d我係我寫咁多圖經驗得出既寫法 睇下你明唔明 可以參考下 :3
22:54 ll-oscar: 169 174係大圓
22:55 ll-oscar: 講真 你呢張圖真心除左一d細位可以汁 大體結構真係有質素
22:55 iloveyou4ever: 我覺得如果呢d跟唔足有d怪
22:55 iloveyou4ever: 本身我都係以漸入為主
22:55 iloveyou4ever: 不過你個map法都可取
22:55 iloveyou4ever: Thanks -3-
22:56 ll-oscar: 我個人會咁map姐 無話咁一定好d既 XD
22:56 ll-oscar: 你既紅藍音入得幾好 我幾中意
22:57 ll-oscar: 我好憎d人為左跟足音 可能一首歌既最後入個濕9 pattern troll人 =w=
22:58 iloveyou4ever: 我大部份情況都跟足音
22:58 ll-oscar: 你呢首輕鬆向 入d易拆圖同舒服既pattern 我會感覺好d =w=
22:58 ll-oscar: 強逼症
22:58 iloveyou4ever: 唔會troll人w
22:58 ll-oscar: 我會跟足主要好明顯果d
22:58 iloveyou4ever: 01:02:348 (344,345,346,347,348) -
22:58 iloveyou4ever: 最多都係有呢d dkddk/kdkkd
22:58 ll-oscar: 但都會多考慮玩家既舒適度
22:58 ll-oscar: 但每人唔同
22:59 ll-oscar: 呢d我ok既
22:59 iloveyou4ever: 我玩落去無咩問題qaq
22:59 ll-oscar: 唔好入 dkkdkdd 呢d根本極唔常見又伏既pattern就得
22:59 ll-oscar: dkkkkdk呢d又on99
22:59 iloveyou4ever: 舒適度
22:59 ll-oscar: 我好憎QAQ
23:00 iloveyou4ever: 我無試過map果d dkkdkdd ww
23:00 ll-oscar: 我咪讚你個舒適度好好
23:00 ll-oscar: 我中意
23:00 iloveyou4ever: 成首歌overall density都幾平均,而且d pattern又consistent
23:00 iloveyou4ever: 我自己都幾滿意w
23:01 iloveyou4ever: 而且DT又可以打pp
23:01 ll-oscar: 有d位我有意見 :3
23:01 ll-oscar: 介唔介意聽下
23:02 iloveyou4ever: 當然:3
23:02 ll-oscar: 03:57:288 -
23:02 ll-oscar: 呢個位
23:02 iloveyou4ever: 有咩問題?
23:02 ll-oscar: 當你前面高密stream完後
23:02 ll-oscar: 正常入kiai 係好高潮既feel
23:02 ll-oscar: 如果空左會無咁正
23:02 ll-oscar: 我個人會加粒d入去
23:03 iloveyou4ever: 你又岩wo :3
23:03 ll-oscar: 04:08:131 -
23:03 ll-oscar: 呢個都係 =w=
23:03 iloveyou4ever: 我之前係諗住做番consistent
23:03 ll-oscar: btw…
23:03 ll-oscar: 我發現左我有個問題 = =
23:04 ll-oscar: 03:57:288 - 呢度如果入左d 04:08:854 - 就會逼你呢度都入…
23:04 ll-oscar: 04:08:854 - 呢度入左同前面痴住就好怪…
23:04 ll-oscar: 03:57:378 -
23:04 ll-oscar: 一係加係度
23:04 ll-oscar: 做個2連
23:04 iloveyou4ever: 岩岩諗住講w
23:04 ll-oscar: 感覺點都好過中空
23:04 ll-oscar: 你都識諗 consistent =w=
23:05 ll-oscar: 有潛力做神mapper =w=
23:05 ll-oscar: 我識好少人會諗
23:05 iloveyou4ever: 不嬲我都好著重consistent...ww
23:05 ll-oscar: 佢地通常只會諗我聽乜入乜
23:05 ll-oscar: 然後miss左勁多細節位
23:05 iloveyou4ever: 如果唔consietent咁就無左連貫性:3
23:06 iloveyou4ever: 仲有無其他位?
23:06 ll-oscar: 03:57:378 - 04:08:131 - 04:08:944 - 04:17:529 - 04:17:619 -
23:06 ll-oscar: 試下呢d位加個d note
23:06 ll-oscar: 04:18:252 - del呢個
23:07 ll-oscar: 04:18:071 - 呢度入個K
23:07 ll-oscar: 呢個大圓可以用翻係前面度
23:07 iloveyou4ever: 04:18:071 - 呢個唔岩整大圓o.o
23:07 ll-oscar: 雖然呢度無鼓聲
23:07 ll-oscar: 但入KK我聽落都舒服
23:07 iloveyou4ever: 無鼓聲
23:07 ll-oscar: 你試下F5 再auto睇下
23:08 ll-oscar: 我聽落都ok既
23:08 ll-oscar: 呢d位就由mapper自由發揮
23:08 iloveyou4ever: 但係無鼓聲...唔太岩-3-
23:08 ll-oscar: 呢個就係你style :3 你follow翻舊做法都得
23:08 iloveyou4ever: 04:18:071 - 不過又有vocal :3
23:08 ll-oscar: btw
23:09 ll-oscar: 我係咪話03:57:378 - 呢個位入d 整個2連既
23:09 iloveyou4ever: yes~
23:09 ll-oscar: 01:00:992 - 呢個位我建議唔洗整喎
23:09 ll-oscar: 有難度flow change個feel會好d
23:10 iloveyou4ever: 個原因被你講左w
23:10 ll-oscar: 唔一定完全成首所有kiai 一樣先叫好
23:10 ll-oscar: 呢d你知架可 :3
23:10 ll-oscar: 我驚你大太consistent果度都改埋w
23:10 ll-oscar: 01:11:745 -
23:10 ll-oscar: 呢個位我就建築照加
23:10 iloveyou4ever: 平衡consistency同variation我都知w
23:11 ll-oscar: 01:21:143 - 01:21:233 - same
23:11 iloveyou4ever: 01:11:745 added~
23:11 ll-oscar: 因為原本你空左怪怪地
23:12 iloveyou4ever: 02:31:625 -
23:12 iloveyou4ever: 呢串咁放會唔會有d怪
23:13 ll-oscar: 呢個又係一個我唔中意既野
23:13 ll-oscar: 入串前插穿BPM線
23:14 ll-oscar: 串野會好樣衰
23:14 ll-oscar: 除非逼於無奈
23:14 ll-oscar: 如果唔係我會盡整到唔會插穿BPM做一個stream既開頭
23:15 iloveyou4ever: 02:31:806 - 如果我呢到開頭
23:15 iloveyou4ever: 02:31:625 - 咁呢個就單音o.o
23:15 iloveyou4ever: 我呢度又係想漸難,因為sfx fade in
23:15 ll-oscar:
23:15 ll-oscar: 我既做法
23:15 ll-oscar: 漸入派 :3
23:16 ll-oscar: 你講左個問題
23:16 ll-oscar: 因為你cut左由02:31:806 - 做開頭
23:16 ll-oscar: 所以你擔心原本一堆連打又整粒單音(02:31:625 - )會好奇怪
23:17 iloveyou4ever: 係
23:17 ll-oscar: 我就會用我岩岩比你張圖果種map法解決問題
23:17 ll-oscar: 有漸入感 又唔會睇落怪
23:17 ll-oscar: 唯一問題會跟唔足音
23:17 ll-oscar: 但都係果句 個人唔會覺得跟足音最好
23:17 iloveyou4ever: 02:31:173 -
23:18 iloveyou4ever: 呢個加個音會唔會好d
23:18 iloveyou4ever: 照你種改法
23:18 iloveyou4ever: 始終咁少音好怪:3
23:18 ll-oscar: 你果個就係爭議點!!
23:19 ll-oscar: 在漸進上 我果種會自然d 但細仔聽02:31:083 (835) - 同02:31:806 - 條女有同時唱同一個音
23:19 ll-oscar: 咁既話以consistent既concept
23:19 ll-oscar: 02:31:173 - 呢度加粒note會好d
23:19 iloveyou4ever: 條女lol
23:19 ll-oscar: w
23:20 iloveyou4ever: mapping真係要理好多野w
23:21 ll-oscar: 睇下想成首歌既入音係貫徹flow既意念定係主跟音樂既意念
23:21 ll-oscar: flow為主就唔加
23:21 ll-oscar: 跟歌就加
23:21 ll-oscar: make your choose ;w;
23:21 iloveyou4ever: 跟歌~
23:21 iloveyou4ever: 唔加有種undermapped既感覺
23:23 ll-oscar: 1,2粒note唔會影響好大
23:23 iloveyou4ever: 02:33:432 -
23:24 iloveyou4ever: 仲有呢度有個音會唔會好d?
23:24 ll-oscar: 唔會
23:24 ll-oscar: 斬段好d
23:24 iloveyou4ever: 係真係唔會ge ww
23:24 iloveyou4ever: 02:33:252 (858,861) -
23:25 iloveyou4ever: 呢兩個音我想放finisher...
23:25 iloveyou4ever: 但係前一個音又跟住1/4
23:25 ll-oscar:
23:25 ll-oscar: 咁樣好d
23:25 ll-oscar: 我覺得
23:25 ll-oscar: 854係D
23:26 iloveyou4ever: 但其實兩個鼓聲pitch一樣
23:26 iloveyou4ever: 一個藍一個紅唔consistent o.o
23:27 ll-oscar: 02:33:613 -
23:27 ll-oscar: 但個鼓聲係似呢度多…
23:27 ll-oscar: 我聽到係紅 ;w;
23:27 ll-oscar: 人聲就K
23:27 ll-oscar: 鼓就D
23:28 iloveyou4ever:
23:28 iloveyou4ever: 咁樣好似好d
23:28 ll-oscar: 呢d就隨意啦 :3
23:28 ll-oscar: 呢d少少野mod下就搞掂
23:28 ll-oscar: 好主觀w
23:29 iloveyou4ever: 呢個位係一個我最concern ge位...
23:29 ll-oscar: btw我同fd睇片先
23:29 ll-oscar: 唔傾住 :32
23:29 ll-oscar: mapping唔會有絕對岩
23:29 iloveyou4ever: ok~
23:29 ll-oscar: follow翻你自己啦 \:3/
23:29 ll-oscar: mod只係聽人意見
23:29 ll-oscar: 聽完其實可以完全唔改
23:30 iloveyou4ever: 除非係BN ge mod ww
23:30 ll-oscar: anyway過左今次同你傾我對你對mapping既細心有進一步睇法 \:3/
23:30 ll-oscar: 加油努力!
irc log
00:30 Charlotte: 01:11:203 - move to 01:11:294 - 
00:31 iloveyou4ever: emm I think kD is not allowed
00:31 Charlotte: oh sorry
00:31 iloveyou4ever: and 01:11:203 - has a strong beat
00:32 Charlotte: okay.please ignore above suggestion
00:32 iloveyou4ever: okay :D
00:33 Charlotte: 01:34:788 - You can add notes.
00:34 Charlotte: 02:03:794 (738,739) - swao
00:34 Charlotte: swap
00:34 iloveyou4ever: I think no specific sound here,and I want to emphasize 01:35:059 (572,573,574,575,576) - these notes
00:35 iloveyou4ever: ok accepted 02:03:794 :D
00:35 Charlotte: okay
00:37 Charlotte: 02:39:758 - k?
00:38 iloveyou4ever: ok :D
00:39 Charlotte: 03:32:890 (98) - d?
00:40 iloveyou4ever: vocal higher pitch
00:41 Charlotte: 03:32:258 -
00:41 Charlotte: sorry here
00:41 Charlotte: please ignore this suggestion 03:32:890 (98) - d
00:42 Charlotte: 03:33:342 - move to 03:33:252 -
00:42 Charlotte: because more clean
00:43 iloveyou4ever: no sound effect/vocal at 03:33:252 -
00:44 iloveyou4ever: 03:33:342 (101,102,103,104) - only these four time have sound effect
00:45 iloveyou4ever: and accepted the 03:32:258 - one,changed to d :D
00:46 Charlotte: hmm kkk dddk...
00:47 iloveyou4ever: it may feel a bit weird,but I enjoy it when I am playing XDD
00:47 iloveyou4ever: I will seek for other modders opinion :l
00:48 Charlotte:
00:48 Charlotte: try
00:48 Charlotte: You can try it
00:49 iloveyou4ever: I think 1/2 space is not enough to emphasize the sound effect :<
00:50 iloveyou4ever: there should be space for 03:33:161 - and 03:33:252 I think
00:51 Charlotte: okay
00:51 iloveyou4ever: sorry :<
00:56 Charlotte: 03:51:324 - 03:55:661 - hmm...maybe more clean pattern.
00:57 iloveyou4ever: any suggestion?
01:02 Charlotte:
01:02 Charlotte: time stanp is above
01:05 Charlotte: That's all
Live mod (?)


  • 01:09:848 add d
    01:09:938 (402,403) - Ctrl+G
    01:10:571 del

    02:07:860 add a k

    02:10:842 (780,781,782,783,784) -
    change ->

    02:18:432 k

    03:39:035 d
    03:39:396 add k

    04:33:432 add somthing here :D
Good luck :)
Topic Starter

stu00608 wrote:

Live mod (?)


  • 01:09:848 add d
    01:09:938 (402,403) - Ctrl+G
    01:10:571 del
    I changed like this,becuz I think ddkddkk is too hard and a bit weird
    02:07:860 add a k
    want to develop flow for 02:07:589 - and 02:09:035 -,that's why I put k at 02:09:306 - to emphasize that the music is getting more intense
    02:10:842 (780,781,782,783,784) -
    change ->
    02:18:432 k
    ok :D
    03:39:035 d
    03:39:396 add k
    跟歌聲是不錯,但我覺得structure會被打斷了,因為03:45:179 - 這也是沒音的,一邊連著一邊沒連好像有點inconsistent...會想想
    04:33:432 add somthing here :D
    04:31:806 - 這裡的音樂比 04:20:239 - 這靜了,所以我這裡放少了一點音,整個flow會好看一點
Good luck :)
Thanks for modding :)
via modding queue.

  1. I feel like notes are coming ealier than drum sounds. what about changing offset to 3ms (+4)?
  2. About the slider velocity range 0.9x ~ 1.05x, I think it's actually difficult to feel the velocity in this BPM. feeling the changes, you should extend the velocity range to 0.8x ~ 1.1x or 1.2x in my opinion.
  3. 00:34:788 ~ 00:46:264 - Some velocity changes actually no needs. for example, inherited points from 00:40:390 to 00:44:818 - Actually, there are volume changes on the song, but i don't think it's something that should be changed for emphasizing. Rather, those velocity changes make it worse to express overall feeling on the song. so I think it would be better feeling to separate calm part and others by removing these velocity changes.
  4. 02:29:637 ~ 02:30:360 - Instead, It would be not bad to start increasing velocity every 1st, 3rd white ticks on 02:30:360.
  5. 03:33:974 - Surely, overall sounds to map are just a few but not feeling of tempo. so I think these velocity changes are not needed.
  1. 00:11:203 (29,30,31) - It's definitely 1/6 rhythm.
  2. 00:14:276 (51) - 00:20:059 (93) - 00:25:842 (134) - d for consistency with 00:12:830. even if you don't care about it, it is definitely lower than next two notes.
  3. 00:16:986 (70,71,72,73,74) - It's also 1/6 rhythm. but you don't want all 1/6 patterns, dd(kkkd) would be not bad, perhaps...
  4. 00:22:589 (110,111,112,113,114) - Actually, there is no certain sound on 00:22:679. how about changing this to k kkd following melody?
  5. 00:30:179 (164,165) - seem to forget adding notes here. dkd or kkd for consistency with similar things.
  6. 00:33:703 (194) - 05:05:510 (167) - How about changing to k? it would be fit the melody more, in my opinion.
  7. 00:43:553 (247) - I think, it would be not bad to remove this for make specific patterns (like as grouping similar parts).
  8. 00:56:565 (302) - Well, it may be not bad to make it emphasize the next stream by removing this note.
  9. 01:00:179 (327,328,329,330,331) - based on the melody, it would be more nice rhythm and flow changing to kkkdk, in my opinion.
  10. 01:11:926 (416,417,418) - 02:01:083 (720,721,722) - 04:08:312 (308,309,310) - 04:31:444 (466,467,468) - Same as 00:11:203.
  11. 01:29:998 (539,540,541,542) - I don't know why this part is different with 01:24:215 completely even though those have similar melody.
  12. 01:54:758 (684) - Similar as 00:56:565.
  13. 03:33:974 - Overall sounds are less, but not tempo. so I think it is not needed.
  14. 03:55:119 (201,202) - would more fun changing to d, in my opinion.
Topic Starter

Sylphi wrote:

via modding queue.

  1. I feel like notes are coming ealier than drum sounds. what about changing offset to 3ms (+4)?
    change to 0ms first...will ask for check later
  2. About the slider velocity range 0.9x ~ 1.05x, I think it's actually difficult to feel the velocity in this BPM. feeling the changes, you should extend the velocity range to 0.8x ~ 1.1x or 1.2x in my opinion.
    It's a relax song,so I don't think it need to be so fast,maybe I will decide to put 1.1x in kiai maybe
  3. 00:34:788 ~ 00:46:264 - Some velocity changes actually no needs. for example, inherited points from 00:40:390 to 00:44:818 - Actually, there are volume changes on the song, but i don't think it's something that should be changed for emphasizing. Rather, those velocity changes make it worse to express overall feeling on the song. so I think it would be better feeling to separate calm part and others by removing these velocity changes.I think the sv should be increase as the volume increase too...
  4. 02:29:637 ~ 02:30:360 - Instead, It would be not bad to start increasing velocity every 1st, 3rd white ticks on 02:30:360.
  5. 03:33:974 - Surely, overall sounds to map are just a few but not feeling of tempo. so I think these velocity changes are not needed.ok
  1. 00:11:203 (29,30,31) - It's definitely 1/6 rhythm.
    reason I put 1/4 is that
    1.I just simply follow the drum here but not the melody
    2.the whole flow will be weird,since non-kiai time has 1/6 but kiai time doesn't,seems weird isn't it?
    3.don't really match the song
  2. 00:14:276 (51) - 00:20:059 (93) - 00:25:842 (134) - d for consistency with 00:12:830. even if you don't care about it, it is definitely lower than next two notes.
    Okay :)
  3. 00:16:986 (70,71,72,73,74) - It's also 1/6 rhythm. but you don't want all 1/6 patterns, dd(kkkd) would be not bad, perhaps...
    sorry but I don't even want one 1/6 rhythm XD
  4. 00:22:589 (110,111,112,113,114) - Actually, there is no certain sound on 00:22:679. how about changing this to k kkd following melody?a lot better,thanks :D
  5. 00:30:179 (164,165) - seem to forget adding notes here. dkd or kkd for consistency with similar things.
    putting 1/4 finisher is weird :<
  6. 00:33:703 (194) - 05:05:510 (167) - How about changing to k? it would be fit the melody more, in my opinion.
    inconsistent with 00:22:138 -
  7. 00:43:553 (247) - I think, it would be not bad to remove this for make specific patterns (like as grouping similar parts).
    the music is getting louder and more intense,I put more notes here for this purpose.
  8. 00:56:565 (302) - Well, it may be not bad to make it emphasize the next stream by removing this note.
    I see your point,but I don't want to ignore the vocal here...will think about it...
  9. 01:00:179 (327,328,329,330,331) - based on the melody, it would be more nice rhythm and flow changing to kkkdk, in my opinion.
    yes it's better :D
  10. 01:11:926 (416,417,418) - 02:01:083 (720,721,722) - 04:08:312 (308,309,310) - 04:31:444 (466,467,468) - Same as 00:11:203.then same reason for reject :<
  11. 01:29:998 (539,540,541,542) - I don't know why this part is different with 01:24:215 completely even though those have similar melody.not the's more intense at 01:29:998
  12. 01:54:758 (684) - Similar as 00:56:565.
    removing this will affect the structure(1+5+7+ notes in each bars here)
  13. 03:33:974 - Overall sounds are less, but not tempo. so I think it is not needed.
    the main beat can't be ignored lol
  14. 03:55:119 (201,202) - would more fun changing to d, in my opinion.
    03:54:939 (199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206) - these 8 notes have same pitch,I want to keep them as blue
Thanks for modding :)
Hi from my Modding Queue

d = don
k = kat
D = finish don
K = finish kat

The map's pretty solid, but to be honest it's kinda boring to play because everything is pretty much the same. A little test if you don't believe me.
01:00:722 -
02:36:144 -
These two chorus' are pretty different. They've got different instruments going for them with different rhythms. Some instruments are found in both chorus' but they're really muted the second time round. These two excerpts are completely musically distinguishable as two separate chorus' to anyone.

Make sure that you make a copy of the original beatmap file, & update it just to be sure.
Now copy + paste those sections into each other. Put the chorus 1 into chorus 2, test it and revert.
Put chorus 2 into chorus 1, test it and revert.
You're not really bringing these chorus' anything new. When I first sightread it I legit thought you copy and pasted them. It's OK to reuse themes, ideas and patterns but I think you're leaning too close to the edge on this one.

  • First, let's go over some d/k qualms;
  1. 00:07:228 (12,13,14,15) - Not really sure that I like this pitch relevancy. By strict pitch relevancy standards 00:07:771 (14) - this should be don but 00:07:771 (14,15) - these two notes are the same. Honestly I think kkdk or kddk is are better alternatives than the kdkk we have already.
  2. 00:11:837 (33,34) - even though the k is on a clap, the fact that 00:11:837 (33) - this d is on a high instrument kinda makes it feel like it misses the melody instead of emphasising the drums like it should. That's mostly because there's no drum here, just the synth. It'd be a lot better if 00:11:837 (33) - this note is omitted or alternatively; 00:11:927 (34) - this is omitted and the d is turned into a k. Having both just doesn't work.
  3. 00:35:421 (204) - this would fit the vocals a lot better as a k than a d.
  4. 00:36:506 (209) - it might be better to omit this.
  5. 00:37:409 (214,215) - swap the k and the d around.
  6. 00:37:771 - omit this one too.
  7. 00:38:313 (217) - k
    00:39:397 (223) - omit
  8. 00:39:759 (224) - k
  9. 00:41:385 (234,235) - swap d k.
  10. 00:44:277 (249,250,251) - swap d k.
  11. 00:50:783 (278) - This is way better off as a d since you can repeat 00:50:060 (275,276,277) - this again! Themes!
  12. 02:14:999 (785,786,787,788) - dd k k, kd k k or kd d k.
  13. 02:16:807 (789,790,791) - kdk or ddk.
  14. 02:18:433 (796,797,798) - kdd, ddd or ddk.
  15. 02:19:698 (799,800,801,802) - ddkk.
  16. 02:21:686 (806,807,808) - swap d k.
  17. 02:23:132 (810) - d?
  18. 02:26:566 (815,816,817,818) - see last time.
  19. 02:29:638 (823,824,825,826) - dddk or kddk.
  20. 03:15:722 (18) - d
  21. 03:16:626 (21) - k
  22. 03:18:795 (28) - d
  23. 03:22:409 (40) - you did this, so do 03:23:855 (44,49,53) - these as d and make 03:25:120 (48) - this k.
  24. 03:33:343 (101) - k
  25. 03:48:072 (147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164) - no idea what is this accenting so I have no idea if it's right. It's most certainly wrong though.

    Some other things;
  26. 00:11:295 (30,31) - ghost note. The run is in 1/6 and there's no drum hits here.
  27. 00:40:120 (227,228,229,230) - It would be a lot better to emphasise the vocals by missing out 00:40:481 (230) - this note altogether. Generally I feel like because the pitch relevancy is wrong for the whole thing. d kd is a lot better fitting than k dk and the missing note makes it clean and really accents the melody.
  28. 00:47:710 (266,267,268,269) - this section doesn't really slide with me, mostly because it's a bit vacant compared to the bits around it. This is especially true because the vocals are pretty active here. I recommend placing 00:47:981 - d 00:48:433 - d 00:48:614 (268) - changing this to k. 01:52:590 (672,673,674) - over here it works cause there's a kick drum, but it doesn't work this time.
  29. 01:58:915 (704) - If you didn't follow my point about these last time, at least move these to 01:58:825 - here. I really want something interesting to happen.
  30. 03:25:120 (48) - Why is this even here if you ignored the rest of the piano?
  31. 03:36:506 - Why are you leaving out the electronic noises in this section? You're omitting hella interesting parts.
    03:36:506 - could be a slider with tick 3 or a short 4-note triplet run, don't need to do a full 7. You can be a lot more free to only think about comfortability for this kinda rhythm.
    03:39:397 - grace note?
    03:42:289 - ddkk low vol.
    03:42:289 - kkdd low vol.

It's mapped fine but it kinda lacks interest - it feels like a chore to play as it is, but that might just be me.
Either way,
Good luck.
Topic Starter

Mykaterasu wrote:

Hi from my Modding Queue

d = don
k = kat
D = finish don
K = finish kat

The map's pretty solid, but to be honest it's kinda boring to play because everything is pretty much the same. A little test if you don't believe me.
01:00:722 -
02:36:144 -
These two chorus' are pretty different. They've got different instruments going for them with different rhythms. Some instruments are found in both chorus' but they're really muted the second time round. These two excerpts are completely musically distinguishable as two separate chorus' to anyone.

Make sure that you make a copy of the original beatmap file, & update it just to be sure.
Now copy + paste those sections into each other. Put the chorus 1 into chorus 2, test it and revert.
Put chorus 2 into chorus 1, test it and revert.
You're not really bringing these chorus' anything new. When I first sightread it I legit thought you copy and pasted them. It's OK to reuse themes, ideas and patterns but I think you're leaning too close to the edge on this one.
Do you even know what is consistency...
and I just can't hear what are the differences of two chorus,the volume,pitch,lyrics,instrument...all is similar
I couldn't say it's the same,but it's similar,that's why consistency is needed among the two chorus...
And about is the map interesting,I think it's so subjective.
In my opinion,the map itself has a good flow,with wide and proper uses of patterns
It also fits the instrument and lyrics,and it's a relaxing song
That's why I try not to overmap the song as to keep it simple lol

  • First, let's go over some d/k qualms;
  1. 00:07:228 (12,13,14,15) - Not really sure that I like this pitch relevancy. By strict pitch relevancy standards 00:07:771 (14) - this should be don but 00:07:771 (14,15) - these two notes are the same. Honestly I think kkdk or kddk is are better alternatives than the kdkk we have already.>well,the pitch of 00:07:771 (14,15) - are similar,I can't hear big differences among them.
    And 00:07:499 - is a bit lower than 00:07:228 - ,that's why I put d here

  2. 00:11:837 (33,34) - even though the k is on a clap, the fact that 00:11:837 (33) - this d is on a high instrument kinda makes it feel like it misses the melody instead of emphasising the drums like it should. That's mostly because there's no drum here, just the synth. It'd be a lot better if 00:11:837 (33) - this note is omitted or alternatively; 00:11:927 (34) - this is omitted and the d is turned into a k. Having both just doesn't work.
    >emm I see your point here,but 00:11:837 - this is mapped to the synth,and 00:11:927 - this is mapped to the clap
    As the clap is pretty dominant,that's why I can't omit it.
    And I try to map to both synth and clap in this part,so I couldn't omit either one of them.
  3. 00:35:421 (204) - this would fit the vocals a lot better as a k than a d.
    [color=#FF0000]>00:35:421 - this has a lower pitch than 00:35:240 - ,so I put d for 00:35:421 -
  4. 00:36:506 (209) - it might be better to omit this.
    >will think about this...
  5. 00:37:409 (214,215) - swap the k and the d around.
    >changed 00:37:409 - to k only to represent the high pitch of vocal
  6. 00:37:771 - omit this one too.
    will think about this too
  7. 00:38:313 (217) - k
    d is better
    00:39:397 (223) - omit
  8. 00:39:759 (224) - k
    d better...
  9. 00:41:385 (234,235) - swap d k.
    ok c:
  10. 00:44:277 (249,250,251) - swap d k.
  11. 00:50:783 (278) - This is way better off as a d since you can repeat 00:50:060 (275,276,277) - this again! Themes!
    nice catch :>
  12. 02:14:999 (785,786,787,788) - dd k k, kd k k or kd d k.
    kd k k
  13. 02:16:807 (789,790,791) - kdk or ddk.
  14. 02:18:433 (796,797,798) - kdd, ddd or ddk.
    dkk XD
  15. 02:19:698 (799,800,801,802) - ddkk.
    02:19:698 - the pitch is a bit higher than next note
  16. 02:21:686 (806,807,808) - swap d k.
  17. 02:23:132 (810) - d?
  18. 02:26:566 (815,816,817,818) - see last time.
  19. 02:29:638 (823,824,825,826) - dddk or kddk.
    02:29:819 - change this to k
  20. 03:15:722 (18) - d
  21. 03:16:626 (21) - k
    nice,also change previous note to d :)
  22. 03:18:795 (28) - d
  23. 03:22:409 (40) - you did this, so do 03:23:855 (44,49,53) - these as d and make 03:25:120 (48) - this k.
    will think about it
  24. 03:33:343 (101) - k no
  25. 03:48:072 (147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164) - no idea what is this accenting so I have no idea if it's right. It's most certainly wrong by both sound effect and vocal here lul.

    Some other things;
  26. 00:11:295 (30,31) - ghost note. The run is in 1/6 and there's no drum hits here.
    explained in previous mod
  27. 00:40:120 (227,228,229,230) - It would be a lot better to emphasise the vocals by missing out 00:40:481 (230) - this note altogether. Generally I feel like because the pitch relevancy is wrong for the whole thing. d kd is a lot better fitting than k dk and the missing note makes it clean and really accents the melody.
    map by both synth and vocal here...
  28. 00:47:710 (266,267,268,269) - this section doesn't really slide with me, mostly because it's a bit vacant compared to the bits around it. This is especially true because the vocals are pretty active here. I recommend placing 00:47:981 - d 00:48:433 - d 00:48:614 (268) - changing this to k.
    emm idk how to explain...but I think original suits better
    01:52:590 (672,673,674) - over here it works cause there's a kick drum, but it doesn't work this time.
  29. 01:58:915 (704) - If you didn't follow my point about these last time, at least move these to 01:58:825 - here. I really want something interesting to happen.
    map by vocal and synth here...
  30. 03:25:120 (48) - Why is this even here if you ignored the rest of the piano?
    For a kind of variation
  31. 03:36:506 - Why are you leaving out the electronic noises in this section? You're omitting hella interesting parts.
    dividing them into small parts as to represent the vocals
    03:36:506 - could be a slider with tick 3 or a short 4-note triplet run, don't need to do a full 7. You can be a lot more free to only think about comfortability for this kinda rhythm.
    It will affect the structure :<
    03:39:397 - grace note?
    03:42:289 - ddkk low vol.
    03:42:289 - kkdd low vol.what???

It's mapped fine but it kinda lacks interest - it feels like a chore to play as it is, but that might just be me.
Either way,
Good luck.
Thanks for modding :)

00:08:493 (16) - with 00:09:216 (19) - maybe swap for better sphread
00:17:078 - change kat, sounds better
00:37:590 - change don, following flow like 00:39:036 - | 00:40:481 - | 00:41:927 -

01:05:692 - move 01:06:234 - ?? imo climax start at 01:05:783 -
01:17:259 - ^

01:22:138 - change kat to give variety with 01:22:680 -
02:10:843 (780,781,782,783,784) - make ddddkkkkd, there has stream
02:18:253 (796,797,798) - k d k change d k d to emphasize note in 02:18:795 -
03:21:686 - change kat ?
03:33:072 - change don

well maybe just that from me
good luck
Topic Starter

[R] wrote:


00:08:493 (16) - with 00:09:216 (19) - maybe swap for better sphread
00:17:078 - change kat, sounds better
00:37:590 - change don, following flow like 00:39:036 - | 00:40:481 - | 00:41:927 - want to emphasize the vocal

01:05:692 - move 01:06:234 - ?? imo climax start at 01:05:783 -
01:17:259 - ^I think the current version is better >_<

01:22:138 - change kat to give variety with 01:22:680 - don't fit the music...
02:10:843 (780,781,782,783,784) - make ddddkkkkd, there has stream change to ddkkddkkd
02:18:253 (796,797,798) - k d k change d k d to emphasize note in 02:18:795 -
03:21:686 - change kat ?it's k already?
03:33:072 - change don don't fit music too

well maybe just that from me
good luck
no reply=fix
Thanks for modding :)
Hey ily4e, from my modding queue.

  • d=Don
    D=Big Don
    K=Big Katsu

  • All seems fine

  • 00:16:807 - i suggest changing this note to k as the next d in 00:16:987 - sounds different and using d d d it feels a bit weird imo
    00:28:373 - if you applied ^ same here for consistency
    01:21:325 - change this note to k and 01:21:506 - to D? k D finishers fits better there imo
    01:22:048 - change to k? i think kdk fits better there due to that sound
    02:42:650 - as i see you are following more the melody here, i would suggest changing this 5plet 02:42:650 (927,928,929,930,931) - to ddkkd, d d k 02:43:012 (931,932,933) - fits good there imo
    02:46:084 (956,957) - control+g these notes for a better follow of the melody? (k d)
    02:51:867 (998,999) - as ^, control+g here too for a better follow of the melody? (d k)
    03:37:951 - you are following these sounds as a k but here not, i recomend changing this to k for the sound and for consistency with 03:43:734 -
    04:18:433 - as suggested in the first kiai 01:22:048 -, change this note to k?
    04:48:614 - as suggested in 00:16:807 - , change this note to k?
    05:00:180 - ^
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Hanjamon wrote:

Hey ily4e, from my modding queue.

  • d=Don
    D=Big Don
    K=Big Katsu

  • All seems fine

  • 00:16:807 - i suggest changing this note to k as the next d in 00:16:987 - sounds different and using d d d it feels a bit weird imo
    00:28:373 - if you applied ^ same here for consistency
    >both applied :D
    01:21:325 - change this note to k and 01:21:506 - to D? k D finishers fits better there imo
    >doesn't fit the vocal pitch at all
    01:22:048 - change to k? i think kdk fits better there due to that sound
    >same reason^
    02:42:650 - as i see you are following more the melody here, i would suggest changing this 5plet 02:42:650 (927,928,929,930,931) - to ddkkd, d d k 02:43:012 (931,932,933) - fits good there imo
    >I want to keep 02:43:012 - 02:44:457 - 02:45:903 - as k to keep connsistency
    02:46:084 (956,957) - control+g these notes for a better follow of the melody? (k d)
    02:51:867 (998,999) - as ^, control+g here too for a better follow of the melody? (d k)
    >^both nice catch,changed :)
    03:37:951 - you are following these sounds as a k but here not, i recomend changing this to k for the sound and for consistency with 03:43:734 -
    >want to give variation and keeping 1/1+1/2 with same pattern is boring
    04:18:433 - as suggested in the first kiai 01:22:048 -, change this note to k?
    >same reason
    04:48:614 - as suggested in 00:16:807 - , change this note to k?
    05:00:180 - ^
Good luck~
Thanks for modding :)
Heyo, from queue, nice map.

- The only difficulty lole -
00:21:506 (104) - I see no problem in changing this to d, and then 00:21:686 (105) - This to a K. The K shares the same effect in the music as the second one, and this d_K_d_kd__K sequence is more fun to play.

00:35:421 (204) - Change this to a k, and 00:35:963 (207) - this to a d. The pattern fits to the vocals better that way.

00:38:313 (218) - If you're mapping pitches still, this matches the note before it, so change to k.

00:39:759 (225) - Change to k for accurate pitch. If you're mapping something else (like the quiet synth in the bg??) then disregard this.

00:44:638 (252) - Change to d, matching the pitch here.

00:46:084 - Unless you need this space, I would map this sound to k.

00:47:981 - Same as above, but with a d.

00:56:024 (297) - Change to d, matches pitch and emphasizes the next note.

01:25:572 (511,512) - Would ctrl-g this, since there is a snare hit 01:25:662 - here, also keeps the 'k every white tick' pattern that's built here.

Boy howdy do I love subjectively mapping pitches. I'm not gonna try to convince you why whatever note should be d or k cause whatever reason, because I think I can do that with every note in the song, it's all up for interpretation.

Hope I could help!
Topic Starter

Nifty wrote:

Heyo, from queue, nice map.

- The only difficulty lole -
00:21:506 (104) - I see no problem in changing this to d, and then 00:21:686 (105) - This to a K. The K shares the same effect in the music as the second one, and this d_K_d_kd__K sequence is more fun to play.

00:35:421 (204) - Change this to a k, and 00:35:963 (207) - this to a d. The pattern fits to the vocals better that way.

00:38:313 (218) - If you're mapping pitches still, this matches the note before it, so change to k. ok

00:39:759 (225) - Change to k for accurate pitch. If you're mapping something else (like the quiet synth in the bg??) then disregard this. ok

00:44:638 (252) - Change to d, matching the pitch here. ok

00:46:084 - Unless you need this space, I would map this sound to k.
need the space for players to identify new music parts

00:47:981 - Same as above, but with a d. ^

00:56:024 (297) - Change to d, matches pitch and emphasizes the next note. nice

01:25:572 (511,512) - Would ctrl-g this, since there is a snare hit 01:25:662 - here, also keeps the 'k every white tick' pattern that's built here. ok

Boy howdy do I love subjectively mapping pitches. I'm not gonna try to convince you why whatever note should be d or k cause whatever reason, because I think I can do that with every note in the song, it's all up for interpretation.

Hope I could help!
Thanks for modding :)
dem ily i was planning to map this ;w;
Hi! :D Ticket modding? *i believe

iloveyou4ever wrote:

Hi,NM request :D
Thanks :D

Alwaysyukaz wrote:


I'm feels sorry about being very late in my modding because of my final exam thats I can't do modding anymore ;;
and in 1 week ago i'd like to start mod your beatmaps but i realized its already in qualified T_T
anway,if u want to ask me to mod a beatmaps for a change,you can reply this message asap and i promise i'll do it faster than anymore

ah yes,I already change my nickname so don't be confused about it haha
I want to send this on pm but its can't because you private it :(
so,i decided to mod this map *as i guess this is for serious ranked when i see the SR


01:34:157 (564,565,566) - prefer to change this part to kdk, its not fit when i try it in dkk

04:07:411 (301,302,303) - ^

03:38:314 (119) - delete this, i think the sound in this part isn't loud enough 03:36:687 (113,114) - <- just same as this part

05:07:772 (1,1,2,3) - you can try this one :D, i think the last piano part is more better to use in in note than only spinner imo

Sorry I don't do a lot modding on your map since there's no mistaken that i have seen :(

P.S: gotta shoot this one and add to my fav list since this song is good and i like nisekoi very much lol

Good Luck! :D///
Topic Starter

Alwaysyukaz wrote:

Hi! :D Ticket modding? *i believe

iloveyou4ever wrote:

Hi,NM request :D
Thanks :D

Alwaysyukaz wrote:


I'm feels sorry about being very late in my modding because of my final exam thats I can't do modding anymore ;;
and in 1 week ago i'd like to start mod your beatmaps but i realized its already in qualified T_T
anway,if u want to ask me to mod a beatmaps for a change,you can reply this message asap and i promise i'll do it faster than anymore

ah yes,I already change my nickname so don't be confused about it haha
I want to send this on pm but its can't because you private it :(
so,i decided to mod this map *as i guess this is for serious ranked when i see the SR

I just enabled it XD


01:34:157 (564,565,566) - prefer to change this part to kdk, its not fit when i try it in dkk

04:07:411 (301,302,303) - ^
can you explain it? I think kdk doesnt suit the pitch o.o
03:38:314 (119) - delete this, i think the sound in this part isn't loud enough 03:36:687 (113,114) - <- just same as this part
however there's obvious ''clap'' sound and I don't want to omit it
05:07:772 (1,1,2,3) - you can try this one :D, i think the last piano part is more better to use in in note than only spinner imo
emm I will consider it :)

Sorry I don't do a lot modding on your map since there's no mistaken that i have seen :(

P.S: gotta shoot this one and add to my fav list since this song is good and i like nisekoi very much lol

Good Luck! :D///
Thanks for modding :)
Hello iloveyou4ever, from my queue:

Your SV must be 1.40 or 1.60 only, fix it. Your SV looks so weird


My mistake, thought the SV wrong :thinking:

00:28:375: change to d? I think it will flow better

00:28:917: K? Strong and high emphasis

01:04:520: k here to get a better flow

01:08:315: change to k since it sounds weird

01:26:748: Change to D? Strong emphasis here

01:32:080: Delete this, no reason to put in. This would be a triplets better because it will emphasize better in 01:32:170

01:35:423: Add ddd, I hear vocal

03:32:532: D? Strong emphasis, though there is a stream there but it's not unrankable

03:33:255: Add d, feels weird if you put 4 circle stream

That's all issue imo.
GL on ranking, iloveyou4ever
Topic Starter

davidminh0111 wrote:

Hello iloveyou4ever, from my queue:

Your SV must be 1.40 or 1.60 only, fix it. Your SV looks so weird


My mistake, thought the SV wrong :thinking:

00:28:375: change to d? I think it will flow better
will think about it...just becuz I keep using d k d k d k things here
00:28:917: K? Strong and high emphasis
want to be consistent with 00:30:363 - this
01:04:520: k here to get a better flow
vocal is low,not suits here :c
01:08:315: change to k since it sounds weird
vocal low pitch here
01:26:748: Change to D? Strong emphasis here
not that really :l the beat is strong but not enough to put finisher
01:32:080: Delete this, no reason to put in. This would be a triplets better because it will emphasize better in 01:32:170
remap this part :D
01:35:423: Add ddd, I hear vocal
want to leave a space here for the finisher purpose
03:32:532: D? Strong emphasis, though there is a stream there but it's not unrankable
but would be strange :l and not that strong enough to put a finisher here
03:33:255: Add d, feels weird if you put 4 circle stream
map by instrumental sound here,since there is no sound at 03:33:255 - ,I dont put note here
That's all issue imo.
GL on ranking, iloveyou4ever
Thanks for modding :)
h e l l o t h e r e.

diff name kek :(
those are mainly suggestions.


  1. 01:34:158 (565,566,567) - how about removing the triplet to make a big note here 01:34:248 - ?
  2. 03:39:399 - quite strange to skip this in my opinion. I'd say, a simple d would be enough.
  3. 00:21:869 (106) - 04:53:676 (79) - might be just me, but I think this one as k is better to follow the melody.
    if you fix it, you might also want to change this one : 00:33:435 (191) - & 05:05:242 (164) - . But this one is different, since there's a big stream before this note. Even if you fixed the previous point, I'd say, this one a d is more okay than the other (mostly because of the stream/flow)
call me back \o
Topic Starter

Kin wrote:

h e l l o t h e r e.

diff name kek :( change to ONI anyways ww
those are mainly suggestions.


  1. 01:34:158 (565,566,567) - how about removing the triplet to make a big note here 01:34:248 - ?
    I mainly map to melody here,if the 1/4 melody is clearly lied on 01:34:158 (565,566,567) - ,therefore I dont want to ignore it
  2. 03:39:399 - quite strange to skip this in my opinion. I'd say, a simple d would be enough.
    add k cuz want to emphasize the finisher
    emm I decide to reject it becuz of the structure and the sound.
    Structure: I try to leave a space for every 2 bars like in 03:36:509 - ,and I don't want that there's no space for break here.
    Also for the sound,I map to clap sound and vocal here.I know there's outstanding sfx sound(idk how to describe it) here,but I think it's neither clap nor vocal,therefore I dont put note here
  3. 00:21:869 (106) - 04:53:676 (79) - might be just me, but I think this one as k is better to follow the melody. ok
    if you fix it, you might also want to change this one : 00:33:435 (191) - & 05:05:242 (164) - . But this one is different, since there's a big stream before this note. Even if you fixed the previous point, I'd say, this one a d is more okay than the other(mostly because of the stream/flow) nice and fixed
call me back \o
Also fix offset to +3 (+1 compare to original)
Also change 02:47:533 - to k to emphasis finisher
Thanks for modding :)
Okay, everything seems fine to me. Here you go!
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Kin wrote:

Okay, everything seems fine to me. Here you go!
Thanks man :)
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