Hi, so as most osu!mania mappers know, getting a hold of a BN is really hard right now. So hard in fact, that a lot of people have kind of resigned themselves to other tactics such as waiting for new BNs to come around or taking advantage of nepotism.
So why is it so hard to get one? Well that questions has two answers. Firstly though, let me give you a rundown on the state of the BNs.
Out of 15 BNs at the moment of making this post. ONE is taking requests. That number could be slightly higher depending on how you interpret their userpages, but even an optimistic take would give you a figure of 2-4. I compiled a quick list on what's listed on each BNs userpage or at least a summary here (dead does not mean dead)
My theory on why is frankly, just a critical lack of active BNs. Once a certain number is hit, the remaining members are so overloaded with requests that they close their doors as well. Check https://osu.ppy.sh/u/protastic101 for one such example. If all 15 members were active or at least, a majority, the system could work pretty well. But as it is now, anyone who starts taking requests will be spammed immediately essentially forcing them to close again. I fear that the incoming BNs well get this treatment as well and before long, instead of 14 inactive BNs, we'll just have 19 inactive BNs.
I'm making this thread for discussion and possibly ideas on what we can do about this. I'm not advocating forcing BNs to mod anything because that's just a terrible idea.
Personally I think the current BN split is a good idea if we also lower the bar for tier 1 BNs significantly. The only cure I see for this problem is increasing the number of BNs dramatically or changing the system altogether. With a BN split, lowering the bar could not be as bad of an idea as it might seem. Having a number similar to STD BNs is pretty attractive.
So why is it so hard to get one? Well that questions has two answers. Firstly though, let me give you a rundown on the state of the BNs.
Out of 15 BNs at the moment of making this post. ONE is taking requests. That number could be slightly higher depending on how you interpret their userpages, but even an optimistic take would give you a figure of 2-4. I compiled a quick list on what's listed on each BNs userpage or at least a summary here (dead does not mean dead)
My theory on why is frankly, just a critical lack of active BNs. Once a certain number is hit, the remaining members are so overloaded with requests that they close their doors as well. Check https://osu.ppy.sh/u/protastic101 for one such example. If all 15 members were active or at least, a majority, the system could work pretty well. But as it is now, anyone who starts taking requests will be spammed immediately essentially forcing them to close again. I fear that the incoming BNs well get this treatment as well and before long, instead of 14 inactive BNs, we'll just have 19 inactive BNs.
I'm making this thread for discussion and possibly ideas on what we can do about this. I'm not advocating forcing BNs to mod anything because that's just a terrible idea.
Personally I think the current BN split is a good idea if we also lower the bar for tier 1 BNs significantly. The only cure I see for this problem is increasing the number of BNs dramatically or changing the system altogether. With a BN split, lowering the bar could not be as bad of an idea as it might seem. Having a number similar to STD BNs is pretty attractive.