
P*Light feat. mow*2 - Homeneko*Sensation [OsuMania]

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Historia Sound Voltex and Bad Maniacs got DQ because of that.

That mapset has 2 unrankable issues and IM REALLY surprised that QAT qualified it:

1, Difficulty spread between 2 highest difficulties in 8k is too huge, around 2* (3* -> 5*), that is unnacteable.
2. 8K spread doesnt have difficulty below 2*, different keymode is considered as a ANOTHER GAME MODE, so it MUST HAVE 8K difficulty under 2 stars.

Well, qualifing friend maps is getting at higher lvl, but DQ soon, hope that map will be improved!

Tidek wrote:

Historia Sound Voltex and Bad Maniacs got DQ because of that.

That mapset has 2 unrankable issues and IM REALLY surprised that QAT qualified it:

1, Difficulty spread between 2 highest difficulties in 8k is too huge, around 2* (3* -> 5*), that is unnacteable.
2. 8K spread doesnt have difficulty below 2*, different keymode is considered as a ANOTHER GAME MODE, so it MUST HAVE 8K difficulty under 2 stars.

Well, qualifing friend maps is getting at higher lvl, but DQ soon, hope that map will be improved!
Lol, I didn't noticed that the easiest 8k diff was higher than 2*. There goes another thing to fix I guess :\

EDIT .....

[8K Lv.12]
00:03:235 (3235|1) - what sound? if this part you follow vocal sound, this note doesn't have vocal sound.
00:16:510 (16510|0,16660|0) - these note must be 1/6 beat snap (incorrect snapped)
00:45:310 (45310|0,45460|0) - ^
01:52:510 (112510|0,112660|0) - ^

[4K ExTrA]
00:16:510 (16510|2,16660|0) - 1/6 (same as above)
00:19:660 (19660|1,19735|1) - i think this pattern is really not fun
00:45:310 (45310|3,45460|3) - 1/6

[4K Insane]
00:16:510 (16510|1,16660|1) - 1/6
00:19:660 (19660|2,19735|2) - again (i think staiain or jhlee doesn't like this too)
00:45:310 (45310|2,45460|2) - 1/6
01:52:510 (112510|1,112660|3) - 1/6

this map needs more mods, i think pattern can be better. (ignore this, just my opinion)
but above this is major issue (incorrect snapped). you should fix this.
and diff spread..... 3>5 stars o.O

We have found some potential areas for improvement that we feel are important enough to address before continuing:


Spread issues:
  1. The easiest 8K difficulty is above 2*. Since each keymode acts as a different gamemode, you must make the easiest difficulty for each keymode below 2*, to conform with the ranking criteria.
  2. The spread between 8K Lv.12 and 8K Lv.9 seems to be too big. Lv.9 often uses 1/2 and 1/1 3 note chords, whilst 8K Lv.12 uses 5 note chords with integrated 1/4 streams. You should fix the gap or add a new difficulty in-between to compensate for this.

After going over these suggestions, if you disagree with any change, please reply to this thread stating your reasoning so that alternatives may be discussed.

Otherwise, please reply to this thread when the suggestions have been applied.

Thank you for working with us towards higher quality beatmaps, we hope to see your beatmap ranked soon!

Topic Starter
bye . 心寒
Ameth Rianno
what bye o.o

delete all the tags, add back: ZUN Team Shanghai Alice ティアオイエツォン(withered leaf) touhou youyoumu 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom Chen BEMANI×東方Project Ultimate MasterPieces なすBeatStream DanceDanceRevolution DDR jubeat prop REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper

from : ... edirect=no
Satoshi Kazuki
dafuq bye -_-
Yet another case of being mad that you can't perm rank a map with obvious mistakes. It would actually help if you would stop bitching and just fix those issues.
Topic Starter

-Kamikaze- wrote:

Yet another case of being mad that you can't perm rank a map with obvious mistakes. It would actually help if you would stop bitching and just fix those issues.
you are cool but im not
Fast rank = R.I.P
Satoshi Kazuki
i agree with kamikaze...if you aim ur map for rank then fix those issue... if you aim for graveyard then dont map this beatmap kinda rude right now :c
ptfff i didn't even notice this map was qualify ><
hope you will requalify masta!
-Silver King-
Didnt notice the obvious unrank issues
Qualified by QAT
Welcome to osu!mania
Part of that community is pathetic.
victorica, I just don't understand why are you always going "rip" "bye" or whtever when your map gets DQ'ed. I really wish you would just fix those issues and requalify this map asap, because I like it a lot
living yell

-Kamikaze- wrote:

victorica, I just don't understand why are you always going "rip" "bye" or whtever when your map gets DQ'ed. I really wish you would just fix those issues and requalify this map asap, because I like it a lot
I just have to agree with -Kamikaze-, this map is superb imo. So please don't give up with it.
Victorica, everyone that is here showing you errors that the beatmap has, it's because THEY ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE BEATMAP'S QUALITY. We are not here just to shit on your map (hopefully I'm talking for everyone here), we also want to increase the quality and playability of it. To be honest, I found this beatmap pretty fun to play (or at least what I have played so far). But I knew that if this went to ranked, it would be DQ'd because of the irregular 8K diff spread, so I warned you beforehand. I also was worried about the beatmap's quality (by that time, I had yet to try it out), as they were very few mods for it, that's why I also reccomended you to increase the number of mods before thinking of going for rank (even tho more mods doesn't exactly mean better map, it's always better to get as much mods as possible).

Don't feel bad when someone points out a problem on the beatmap, you are human, just like anybody else, you make errors, and we are just helping you out by pointing out those errors, that's what a modder does.

Anyways, don't give up, fix the errors and look for some mods to further increase map's quality. Good luck!
I need someone give me about spread gap rules in RC
Or, stop speaking shit like
"Didnt notice the obvious unrank issues
Qualified by QAT
Welcome to osu!mania"

Spy wrote:

I need someone give me about spread gap rules in RC
Or, stop speaking shit like
"Didnt notice the obvious unrank issues
Qualified by QAT
Welcome to osu!mania"
It's true that the ranking criteria only asks to have a difficulty spread like "Easy-Normal-Hard-Insane" or "Normal-Hard-Insane-Extreme", and that this beatmap is actually good when it comes to ranking criteria (with the exception of the easiest diff being lower than 2*, which should be fixed). But there has already been disqualifications regarding irregular spreads (your Historia Sound Voltex being one of them). Probably because it doesn't follows the reason why that rule was set up, which is to have a difficulty for each type of players. That's why I warned Victorica, because it has already happened, and it's better to avoid a DQ when it's possible.
stop please ...
Satoshi Kazuki
stop talking like kid and fix those issue already..cmon -_-
Can we please calm down in this thread a tad.
This is what disqualifications are for now - we are all able to discuss /after/ the disqualification happened. A disqualification is simply the introduction to a discussion.

In regard to the spread, please discuss why you think it is okay. And no, I didn't use star rating as the staple of my concern, please check the screenshots provided. Spread is subjective so an appropriate discussion can be based around it before a requalification.

This map is a very good map, so please don't give up on it.

Spy wrote:

I need someone give me about spread gap rules in RC
Or, stop speaking shit like
"Didnt notice the obvious unrank issues
Qualified by QAT
Welcome to osu!mania"
Ohh god, here we go again. So 2,26* -> 5,24* spread is ok for you, right? we have both H and I icons : /
And second issue about that 8K doesnt have <2* diff is OBVIOUS and YOU SHOULD SEE THAT.

I dont want to be offensive or something, but that kind of acting from QAT is unaccetable and staff really should do something with this...

And yes, map is good, it just doesnt have proper diff spread and its pretty easy to fix.
I agree with Starry, disqualifications aren't meant to be something negative, but simply pointing out that this map has not been deemed ready for rank and what should be improved in order to get it there. If you need help with spread I'm willing to help.

Spy wrote:

I need someone give me about spread gap rules in RC
Or, stop speaking shit like
"Didnt notice the obvious unrank issues
Qualified by QAT
Welcome to osu!mania"
It's not written in ranking criteria but just like starry said, do you think this spread has good quality to go ranked state? ofcourse not. The 8k set is awfully bad because the gap is over 2* and that's really not acceptable. Not to mention the others issues but as a QAT you should understand a simple issue like this. And if you can't take critism then don't make you make yourself looks like a fool, this is why you don't get respected by osumania community if you keep thinking that you're always right. Stop acting like a kid and be mature.
It's good, so I qualified it.
I don't think spread is an issue except easiest diff must <2 stars.
And you did rank it knowing (or not) that without <2* diff it's unrankable? Just wow. I don't know what to say anymore, but that I'm diappointed. You should know this, being in QAT, that ranking criteria aren't the only thing that you should look at.

Kaito-kun wrote:

Victorica, everyone that is here showing you errors that the beatmap has, it's because THEY ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE BEATMAP'S QUALITY. We are not here just to shit on your map (hopefully I'm talking for everyone here), we also want to increase the quality and playability of it. To be honest, I found this beatmap pretty fun to play (or at least what I have played so far). But I knew that if this went to ranked, it would be DQ'd because of the irregular 8K diff spread, so I warned you beforehand. I also was worried about the beatmap's quality (by that time, I had yet to try it out), as they were very few mods for it, that's why I also reccomended you to increase the number of mods before thinking of going for rank (even tho more mods doesn't exactly mean better map, it's always better to get as much mods as possible).

Don't feel bad when someone points out a problem on the beatmap, you are human, just like anybody else, you make errors, and we are just helping you out by pointing out those errors, that's what a modder does.

Anyways, don't give up, fix the errors and look for some mods to further increase map's quality. Good luck!
nice words kaito!

oh hey he's already know that. Stop blaming, it's better to focus improving this map for the qualification

victorica_db wrote:

-Kamikaze- wrote:

Yet another case of being mad that you can't perm rank a map with obvious mistakes. It would actually help if you would stop bitching and just fix those issues.
you are cool but im not

Spy wrote:

I need someone give me about spread gap rules in RC
Or, stop speaking shit like
"Didnt notice the obvious unrank issues
Qualified by QAT
Welcome to osu!mania"

Spy wrote:

It's good, so I qualified it.
I don't think spread is an issue except easiest diff must <2 stars.
That's not constructive. Either be constructive or let it be.
我很吃惊某些人居然在评论里随便用不文雅词。 I am totally "impressed" at people using swear words when coming up with "suggestions". 8k set is a simple beatmania IIDX difficulty thread: lv6<lv9<lv12. Honestly I don't see any problem with this.
Topic Starter
你们都很吊 在下佩服
9跳12我觉的更本就很正常。什么缺乏质量 有很明显的瑕疵。 行 我也觉的老子的图很垃圾 你们自己做自己的图 别来这喷我 可以?
你们都是大神 我十分跪拜你们
虽然我做的菜 请你们尊重一下别人
作图是一个很爽的事 ,被你们喷就不爽了
我当时很年轻 和你们对搞 现在发现我当时真煞笔。
我的图 你们爱打不打 我又不需要强行要求你们一定要来
我作图一个一个note 凭心而论 都是认真的摆出来的 打起来的感觉 代表啥音 我都是一一对音
我承认我的snap并不行 但是我相信我自己的图还是可以看的
你们每次都说我的图垃圾 我的人品不好 我反正也就算了
你们为何不看看自己的图 去提升一下自己的作图技巧 偏偏来搞我
当有人喷你们自己认真完成的图的时候 你们总会伤心的不是吗?
我也不是什么圣人 能够无视你们所有的言论
我已经隐匿许久,我也很少在关心现在你们怎么样,我也不在说一些你们的图很屎,很垃圾。希望你们尊重一下别人的劳动成果 也不要在我这里drama了 谢谢。

我说完了 @loctav 禁言我吧。
別激動嘛 維多
我明白你的心情 畢竟是自己的心血

間諜: 沉默是金 你老大又發火了
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

別激動嘛 維多
我明白你的心情 畢竟是自己的心血
我有点难过 不用在回复了

RYU L wrote:

我很吃惊某些人居然在评论里随便用不文雅词。 I am totally "impressed" at people using swear words when coming up with "suggestions". 8k set is a simple beatmania IIDX difficulty thread: lv6<lv9<lv12. Honestly I don't see any problem with this.
While I can agree, this is against the ranking criteria.
Easiest diff must be less than 2 stars, which means the star rating system here is to blame.
原本码了快论文的话 你跟我说了后我想还是算了



请找一个更能让自己顺心的 让自己快乐的游戏 与你的朋友一起玩 这多好?
I have been trying to understand you, victorica, to the point that I even translated what you said to be able to know what you said. I have been trying to help you make this apt for ranking, and I'm still willing to help you.

EDIT: Just noticed you just somewhat fixed it lol
Let's halt the discussion for a while as the creator has no tendency to push this forward currently.

Please poke any moderators for a revival of the thread if you change your mind, victorica.
who care now :V now rebubbled
i forgot to check bubble insteal

P*Light feat. mow*2 - Homeneko Sensation [OsuMania]

Hi, i come because of offset and many thing more

BPM: 200.000
Offset: 2333

i will recheck tomorrow
okay, recheck
no unrankable issues, nice


[4K Normal]
00:14:183 - there is a sound same with 00:14:333 (14333|0,14483|1,14633|2,14783|3) - in here too, how about one another note in here
00:18:683 (18683|1,18983|1) - it's different pitch, move the hold to 1
01:32:033 (92033|3) - random F, it should be on 01:32:183 - (hitsound)
01:49:433 (109433|1) - this long note should began on 01:49:583 - , based on 00:13:583 -
01:50:183 - add a note, have a sound same with 01:50:333 (110333|3,110483|2,110633|1) -
01:54:683 (114683|3,114983|3) - different pitch

[8K Normal]
00:18:683 (18683|1,18983|1) - different pitch
00:18:683 (18683|1,18983|1) - same as 4K Normal
01:30:683 (90683|1,90833|3,90983|5) - wrong snap, should be:
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 -
01:41:933 - missed finish
01:49:583 - seem you missed a note on here, based on 00:13:583 -
01:54:683 (114683|2,114983|2) - different pitch

[4K Hard]
00:14:183 - add a note in here? same reasons on normal
01:11:933 (71933|1,72008|0,72083|1,72158|2,72233|3,72308|2,72383|1,72458|0,72533|1,72608|2,72683|3,72758|2,72833|1,72908|0,72983|1,73058|2) - make it different than before, it's not same with the stream before it, the pitch is higher
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 -

[8K Hard]
00:14:183 - add a note for the sound, reason in normal
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 -

[8K Hard+]
00:26:633 - seem you missed a note in 2nd column, for the kick you follow before and after it
01:32:033 - move finish to 01:32:183 -

[4K Insane]
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 -

[4K Extra]
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 -
01:40:733 - no stream? like as 01:09:533 -

[8K Extra]
diffspread was too high
3,58 - 5,02
i recomended to reduce it
00:06:383 (6383|7,6458|5) - snap conflict, this should be 1/6
00:06:383 (6383|7,6458|5,22133|3,22433|2) - fix the pattern by move those to 2nd column, follow kick sound on 2nd column, by you followed in 8K Hard
00:23:633 (23633|2) -
00:26:333 (26333|2) -
00:29:333 (29333|4,29633|3) -
00:49:133 - missed F
00:55:133 (55133|2) - move to 2, ...
00:54:533 - how about
00:58:133 (58133|2) - move to 2, ...
01:00:533 (60533|3,60833|2) -
move 01:00:683 (60683|1) - to another column, it's not a main kick / bass
01:16:733 (76733|2) - move to 2, ...
01:21:383 (81383|7) - move to 2, ...
01:30:383 (90383|7,90458|5) - this should be 1/6
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 -
01:38:633 (98633|2) - move to 2, ...
01:40:583 (100583|2) -

call me back soon
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

okay, recheck
no unrankable issues, nice


[4K Normal]
00:14:183 - there is a sound same with 00:14:333 (14333|0,14483|1,14633|2,14783|3) - in here too, how about one another note in herefixd
00:18:683 (18683|1,18983|1) - it's different pitch, move the hold to 1
01:32:033 (92033|3) - random F, it should be on 01:32:183 - (hitsound)fixd
01:49:433 (109433|1) - this long note should began on 01:49:583 - , based on 00:13:583 - fixd
01:50:183 - add a note, have a sound same with 01:50:333 (110333|3,110483|2,110633|1) - fixd

01:54:683 (114683|3,114983|3) - different pitch
[8K Normal]
00:18:683 (18683|1,18983|1) - different pitch
00:18:683 (18683|1,18983|1) - same as 4K Normalfixd

01:30:683 (90683|1,90833|3,90983|5) - wrong snap, should be:

01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 - fixd

01:41:933 - missed finishfixd

01:49:583 - seem you missed a note on here, based on 00:13:583 - fixd

01:54:683 (114683|2,114983|2) - different pitch

[4K Hard]
00:14:183 - add a note in here? same reasons on normalfixd

01:11:933 (71933|1,72008|0,72083|1,72158|2,72233|3,72308|2,72383|1,72458|0,72533|1,72608|2,72683|3,72758|2,72833|1,72908|0,72983|1,73058|2) - make it different than before, it's not same with the stream before it, the pitch is higher change some
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 - fixd

[8K Hard]
00:14:183 - add a note for the sound, reason in normalfixd

01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 - fixd

[8K Hard+]
00:26:633 - seem you missed a note in 2nd column, for the kick you follow before and after itfixd

01:32:033 - move finish to 01:32:183 - fixd

[4K Insane]
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 - fixd

[4K Extra]
01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 - fixd

01:40:733 - no stream? like as 01:09:533 - i want to make something different from before

[8K Extra]
diffspread was too highjust <1.5 i think it is fine!
3,58 - 5,02
i recomended to reduce it
00:06:383 (6383|7,6458|5) - snap conflict, this should be 1/6fixd

00:06:383 (6383|7,6458|5,22133|3,22433|2) - fix the pattern by move those to 2nd column, follow kick sound on 2nd column, by you followed in 8K Hardnot all kickshould be on 2 i just make a small different to change handfeeling

00:23:633 (23633|2) -
00:26:333 (26333|2) -
00:29:333 (29333|4,29633|3) -
00:49:133 - missed Ffixd

00:55:133 (55133|2) - move to 2, ...
00:54:533 - how about the pattern is ballenced with left and right sketch

00:58:133 (58133|2) - move to 2, ...
01:00:533 (60533|3,60833|2) -
move 01:00:683 (60683|1) - to another column, it's not a main kick / bass
01:16:733 (76733|2) - move to 2, ...
01:21:383 (81383|7) - move to 2, ...
01:30:383 (90383|7,90458|5) - this should be 1/6fixd

01:32:033 (92033|3) - move finish to 01:32:183 - fixd

01:38:633 (98633|2) - move to 2, ...
01:40:583 (100583|2) -

call me back soon
thank you
okay, after a full recheck, and as mentioned, all unsnapped, snapped conflicts, hitsound all fixed


[ A v a l o n ]
neko is back !
congratz :)
[ Full Moon ]
Qualified nice !! gg ; good luck !
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