
AR 10 easier then lower AR's??

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I've been playing osu! for a while now, and I found that my accuracy and timing is a lot better when I play with AR10 compared to lower AR'S. One of the things I tried is playing an ar9 map with 5*, when I modded it to ar10 my accuracy was a lot better. Is this a common thing? Does anyone else have this? Tips? ;-; Anyone has some ranked ar10 maps with big cs and that doenst have too many *?
Any help would be appericiated :lol:

I have been trying hard for the past 3 days to get better at lower ar's, since HR is pretty hard due to the cs, improving slowly..

First time on the forums, i'd like to hear your thoughts :D
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Getting "used" for ar10 is very easy actually so it isnt really counting as a special improvement.The most important one is that you balance your low AR and HIGH AR reading skills.Example; if you are able to play 10.3 ar (ar9+dt) you also should be able to read ar=8 too.If you get used to only one type of AR; you will completely mess up your reading skills.

cs5 ar8 maps are ideal for that.

Keep spamming the very old maps as though you wont like them at all.They are very good for improving your reading skills.

About accuracy; try very high OD maps or edit the maps and make them OD 10

Im currently busy so I wont go more details ;w;
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