
ClariS - Anemone -TV MIX-

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, August 09, 2016 at 6:57:37 PM

Artist: ClariS
Title: Anemone -TV MIX-
Source: Classroom☆Crisis
Tags: Classroom Crisis ending tv size ed クラスルーム☆クライシス
BPM: 140
Filesize: 17779kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.5 stars, 75 notes)
  2. Hard (3.16 stars, 222 notes)
  3. Insane (4.12 stars, 293 notes)
  4. Normal (1.75 stars, 124 notes)
Download: ClariS - Anemone -TV MIX-
Download: ClariS - Anemone -TV MIX- (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Yes, another one!

Awaiting for my mods. c:

1/6 stream are the orange colour combos in Insane!

Chihara Minori
NM From my Weekend Modding Queue

• 00:20:450 (3) - well this old beat is trappy, prefer move it to 00:20:236 - and add note here 00:20:665 -
• 00:31:593 (6) - better slider here
• 00:46:272 (1) - add light up curve before angle to emph vocal
• 00:58:379 (4,5) - those sliders are just unformed well
• 01:04:165 (2) - move the first angle closer to slider start
• 01:12:093 (4,5) - nope
• 01:14:236 (2) - add light left curve

• 00:14:236 (3) - add more distace betwen first angle point and the secong
• 00:47:236 (1,2,3) - reccomend to add slight distace between one to others
this classic style mapping fit really well

none fs

overall i like this thing, theres a star
and good luck
Topic Starter

eclipselotus wrote:

NM From my Weekend Modding Queue

• 00:20:450 (3) - well this old beat is trappy, prefer move it to 00:20:236 - and add note here 00:20:665 // but I'm following the vocal, trappy or not ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
• 00:31:593 (6) - better slider here // I suck at doing slider art goddamnit :c
• 00:46:272 (1) - add light up curve before angle to emph vocal // nopee, looks quite weird
• 00:58:379 (4,5) - those sliders are just unformed well //fixed
• 01:04:165 (2) - move the first angle closer to slider start // purposely made it near the back but fixed a little
• 01:12:093 (4,5) - nope //fixed
• 01:14:236 (2) - add light left curve //naah

• 00:14:236 (3) - add more distace betwen first angle point and the secong //yea
• 00:47:236 (1,2,3) - reccomend to add slight distace between one to others // I want this part to be like a relaxing point with no movement :)
this classic style mapping fit really well // I actually don't know what my mapping style is LOL kekeke

none fs

overall i like this thing, theres a star //wow, thanks!
and good luck // :)

Thanks for modding!
Hi, M4M from my queue
BG soooooo cute

  1. 00:11:665 (4,1) - In easy, you should avoid stack note. plz read
  2. 00:27:093 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:35:665 (3,1) - ^
  4. 01:08:236 (4,1) - ^
  5. 01:11:236 (2,3) - if you attend to make blanket, plz more beautiful? and no attend keep okok
  6. 00:40:379 (2,3,4) - it is better to keep same distance in detail. it mean 0.87 or 0.93 match to 0.9
  7. 00:48:950 (2) - delete note and start 1/1 slider at 00:48:522 - ?
  8. 00:58:379 (3) - add slider curve point to a head of slider? it mean this image
  9. 01:22:379 (1) - drum clap maybe miss because this point is normal 01:08:665 (1) -
  1. 00:25:808 (1) - absolutely screen out lol. you must change it.
  2. 00:18:950 (1) - also sliderend screen out.
  3. 00:41:665 (5) - in normal and easy, reverse more 2 times maybe unrakable.
  4. 00:48:093 (2) - add circle at 00:47:879 - and 00:48:950 - ? there are piano sound.
  5. 01:22:379 (1,2) - need drum here? same reason in easy.
  1. 00:20:665 (1,2,3,4) - i dont think it a good flow. change angle and move over?
  2. 00:25:808 (1) - maybe, it is better to change because screen out a little.
  3. 00:40:379 (3) - move down a little to make better flow.
  4. 00:48:093 (2) - fit piano sound too
  5. 00:54:736 (5,6,1) - add clap
  6. 01:22:379 (1,3) - change drum by same reason for other diffi.
  1. 00:11:986 (6,1) - stack miss?
  2. 00:48:093 (1,2) - change to fit piano sounds too? in insane diffi, kick is better.
  3. 00:48:950 (6) - maybe better to change for out of screen too.
  4. 00:54:308 (1,2,3) - kick and double? i think there is sound at 00:54:522. add circle and making triple is better.
  5. 01:11:879 (7) - maybe move to left to make better flow.
good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

-Zelos- wrote:

Hi, M4M from my queue
BG soooooo cute // took my quite long to find this and still needed to edit it xD

  1. 00:11:665 (4,1) - In easy, you should avoid stack note. plz read
  2. 00:27:093 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:35:665 (3,1) - ^
  4. 01:08:236 (4,1) - ^
  5. 01:11:236 (2,3) - if you attend to make blanket, plz more beautiful? and no attend keep okok
  6. 00:40:379 (2,3,4) - it is better to keep same distance in detail. it mean 0.87 or 0.93 match to 0.9 // I don't see why though? :O Mind explaining through PM? .-.
  7. 00:48:950 (2) - delete note and start 1/1 slider at 00:48:522 - ? // nope, I don't want to add much circles/sliders at this certain part from 00:42:950 (1) - 00:49:808 (1)
  8. 00:58:379 (3) - add slider curve point to a head of slider? it mean this image //fine as it is, dw to much curve/curvy
  9. 01:22:379 (1) - drum clap maybe miss because this point is normal 01:08:665 (1) - //okay so here's the thing. I didn't use drum clap .-. I used the same normal clap here but it gave me drum clap so idk what to do ;___;
  1. 00:25:808 (1) - absolutely screen out lol. you must change it. // but the AiMod didn't catch it kekekeke, will change if BN(s) or if it's really a big problem even the if the AiMod didn't catch it :/
  2. 00:18:950 (1) - also sliderend screen out. //^
  3. 00:41:665 (5) - in normal and easy, reverse more 2 times maybe unrakable. // Don't think so... there's like 4 reverse for some especially streams. But not sure whether 5 could
  4. 00:48:093 (2) - add circle at 00:47:879 - and 00:48:950 - ? there are piano sound. // the piano sound at 00:47:879 is really soft though imo, and if I didn't change the front one I guess the 00:48:950 doesn't need to be changed/ put as it's a slider ald :) and the same reason with Easy, didn't want to put much notes
    ^ saw this like after I wrote my comment xD
  5. 01:22:379 (1,2) - need drum here? same reason in easy. // Refer to Easy ^
  1. 00:20:665 (1,2,3,4) - i dont think it a good flow. change angle and move over? //changed but different angle
  2. 00:25:808 (1) - maybe, it is better to change because screen out a little. // review normal mod pls
  3. 00:40:379 (3) - move down a little to make better flow.
  4. 00:48:093 (2) - fit piano sound too // same reason as the previous mod ^ Not too many notes on this section, and it's quite weird if a red tick slider suddenly pops out here as i'm going 1/1 (if I'm not mistaken) except for the triplets infront
  5. 00:54:736 (5,6,1) - add clap
  6. 01:22:379 (1,3) - change drum by same reason for other diffi. // Refer to Easy ^
  1. 00:11:986 (6,1) - stack miss? // if you meant by not stacking here then no, I purposely made it to stack here :)
  2. 00:48:093 (1,2) - change to fit piano sounds too? in insane diffi, kick is better. // not changing... ok so basically, 00:48:093 (1,2) - these two beats are way much more noticeable than the ones you gave. yes, they have a beat no doubt. For this, no kicks and slider as I want the 00:48:522 (2) - to be "clicked" on.
  3. 00:48:950 (6) - maybe better to change for out of screen too. //a little bit is fine actually. xD
  4. 00:54:308 (1,2,3) - kick and double? i think there is sound at 00:54:522. add circle and making triple is better. // emphasizing on the two obvious beats here, just remove them and you'll know :D
    ***did change 00:54:736 (3) - to clap, as I didn't notice this until you mentioned it in "Hard"
  5. 01:11:879 (7) - maybe move to left to make better flow. //I think it's fine as it is, I wanted to straight up flow in addition :P
good luck~ :) // thanks!
Fixed = No reply
Blue = Comment
Red = Rejected

Thanks for the mod!

you might want to check on the metadata, I saw other people use TV MIX all capital leters


00:09:950 (5,6,7,8) - this is wrong snap, it's suppose to be 1/6. so I recommend switching to 1/6 and use repeat slider if you don't want to make it too hard

00:11:986 (6) - ^

00:22:593 (2) - this jump is out of nowhere, because it's a weak beat, much better put jump on 00:22:379 (1) - because it's more important sound. 00:24:093 (1,2,3) - the way you space this is very good, so try to make it like this

00:33:736 - 00:34:165 - I think it's better if you have these clickable aswell, the voice really goes up here

00:38:022 (2) - this jump shouldn't exist either imo, nothing to justify it

00:41:665 (2,3,4,5) - this is fine, but this plays very linear cursor movement, so might be a bit awkward to play

00:46:165 (5,1) - I don't think you should hide repeat arrows like that, try to make the arrow visible

00:54:308 (1,2) - even if it's visually a 1/2 gap it's a 3/4 gap playability wise, because you don't click or hold the short slider end, so it might be too difficult to catch the rhythm here. usually there is 1/4 gap here so I suggest you put a note on the white tick aswell

01:01:808 (1) - weird beat emphasis again, you imply that this beat is much weaker than 01:00:308 (2,4,2,4) - . I disagree tbh and think you should lower the other ones and increase this downbeat spacing.

01:13:808 (1,2) - beat emphasis again, swap spacings of these notes

01:14:236 (3,4,1,2) - this plays a bit awkward because you go in a circle motion which makes it harder to snap into notes

01:20:450 (2,3) - emphasis
01:21:308 (3,1) - emphasis and transition into the stream can be improved if you rotate it a bit so it goes more downwards

this diff looks good, just need to mainly fix the beat emphasis and it will be great


00:21:522 (7) - not sure if you are allowed to this, slowing slider pathing with red nodes isn't allowed as far as I know, but might want to ask QAT or BN if it's acceptable, since this one isn't that bad


00:07:272 (1,2,3) - using 3/4 gaps for newbies is confusing, better if you used repeat sliders for such things ... 2a3a41.png

00:24:522 (4,1) - would look better if they weren't completely straight, rotate like 5-15 degrees would be good

00:41:665 (5) - also repeat sliders that repeat more than once isn't recommended unless they are long sliders


00:12:093 (1) - can rotate this one too

00:45:522 (3,1) - making two harsh flow breaks is maybe too much

00:51:522 (3) - rotate a bit up ... 94bc94.png

seems fine just worries me a bit the SV changes

DeRandom Otaku
hi dad


  1. 00:03:950 - why didnt u put anything here while u have a note at 00:02:236 -
  2. 00:17:665 (3) - abit farther from 00:17:450 (2) - would be nicer and would make a more perfect triangle with 00:17:236 (1,2) -
  3. 00:22:165 (9,1,2) - your concept of spacing is a bit wrong here ~ spacing between between 00:22:165 (9,1) - should be more than 00:22:379 (1,2) -
  4. 00:34:808 (1) - u dont need nc here
  5. 00:36:736 (4,5) - why is 5 so close to 4
  6. 00:41:236 (1) - sliderend appears offscrean
  7. 00:46:379 (1,2) - spacing here is huge compared to your average spacing throughout the map .. there is no beat u need to emphasize so yea u better bring them closer
  8. 00:54:522 - u can hear a continuous stream here in the background so add circles on white and blue tick also
    kiai seems ok
thats all from me ... gl gl
Topic Starter

Strategas wrote:


note that I check your mod from the easiet to hardest.

you might want to check on the metadata, I saw other people use TV MIX all capital leters // yup, changed. forgot to caps it


00:09:950 (5,6,7,8) - this is wrong snap, it's suppose to be 1/6. so I recommend switching to 1/6 and use repeat slider if you don't want to make it too hard // er, it's actually 1/4 ._. listen in 75% or lower

00:11:986 (6) - ^ // ^

00:22:593 (2) - this jump is out of nowhere, because it's a weak beat, much better put jump on 00:22:379 (1) - because it's more important sound. 00:24:093 (1,2,3) - the way you space this is very good, so try to make it like this

00:33:736 - 00:34:165 - I think it's better if you have these clickable aswell, the voice really goes up here

00:38:022 (2) - this jump shouldn't exist either imo, nothing to justify it

00:41:665 (2,3,4,5) - this is fine, but this plays very linear cursor movement, so might be a bit awkward to play //fine imo

00:46:165 (5,1) - I don't think you should hide repeat arrows like that, try to make the arrow visible

00:54:308 (1,2) - even if it's visually a 1/2 gap it's a 3/4 gap playability wise, because you don't click or hold the short slider end, so it might be too difficult to catch the rhythm here. usually there is 1/4 gap here so I suggest you put a note on the white tick aswell // just added more distance, like how you would play like the other jumps.

01:01:808 (1) - weird beat emphasis again, you imply that this beat is much weaker than 01:00:308 (2,4,2,4) - . I disagree tbh and think you should lower the other ones and increase this downbeat spacing.

01:13:808 (1,2) - beat emphasis again, swap spacings of these notes

01:14:236 (3,4,1,2) - this plays a bit awkward because you go in a circle motion which makes it harder to snap into notes

01:20:450 (2,3) - emphasis
01:21:308 (3,1) - emphasis and transition into the stream can be improved if you rotate it a bit so it goes more downwards // no rotate

this diff looks good, just need to mainly fix the beat emphasis and it will be great


00:21:522 (7) - not sure if you are allowed to this, slowing slider pathing with red nodes isn't allowed as far as I know, but might want to ask QAT or BN if it's acceptable, since this one isn't that bad // wasn't trying to make it slow down though, but I'll change if they mention.


00:07:272 (1,2,3) - using 3/4 gaps for newbies is confusing, better if you used repeat sliders for such things ... 2a3a41.png //will take in account but no changes for now

00:24:522 (4,1) - would look better if they weren't completely straight, rotate like 5-15 degrees would be good

00:41:665 (5) - also repeat sliders that repeat more than once isn't recommended unless they are long sliders //I'll try to do smtg about this


00:12:093 (1) - can rotate this one too // er I don't get but I'll take this as curving? pls tell me if you want to. :O

00:45:522 (3,1) - making two harsh flow breaks is maybe too much // okay, i didn't take this in account lol. Since my map are so boring I guess, having this little thing will be okay. Will change IF it's an unrankable issue/ BN complains.

00:51:522 (3) - rotate a bit up ... 94bc94.png

seems fine just worries me a bit the SV changes

no reply = fixed!
I think i made the emphasis thing worse x_x
Thanks for the mod!
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

hi dad // hi son ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  1. 00:03:950 - why didnt u put anything here while u have a note at 00:02:236 // causeee. I don't even know. But I won't put a note there
  2. 00:17:665 (3) - abit farther from 00:17:450 (2) - would be nicer and would make a more perfect triangle with 00:17:236 (1,2) -
  3. 00:22:165 (9,1,2) - your concept of spacing is a bit wrong here ~ spacing between between 00:22:165 (9,1) - should be more than 00:22:379 (1,2) -
  4. 00:34:808 (1) - u dont need nc here
  5. 00:36:736 (4,5) - why is 5 so close to 4
  6. 00:41:236 (1) - sliderend appears offscrean //appears to be but the AiMod didn't catch it so :/ but made it in a little. very little
  7. 00:46:379 (1,2) - spacing here is huge compared to your average spacing throughout the map .. there is no beat u need to emphasize so yea u better bring them closer
  8. 00:54:522 - u can hear a continuous stream here in the background so add circles on white and blue tick also
    kiai seems ok // actually focusing on 00:54:308 (1,2,3) - the "de deng de deng"LOL xD part here
thats all from me ... gl gl
no reply = fixed

Thanks for the mod!

_IxApplePie_ wrote:

Strategas wrote:

00:09:950 (5,6,7,8) - this is wrong snap, it's suppose to be 1/6. so I recommend switching to 1/6 and use repeat slider if you don't want to make it too hard // er, it's actually 1/4 ._. listen in 75% or lower
I'm like 101 % sure it's 1/6 because I can hear 7 piano beats and not 5, unless you're not following it, but that would be weird

and in easy I meant rotating as in rotating (ctrl shift r) just a bit so it's not completely straight
Topic Starter

_IxApplePie_ wrote:

Strategas wrote:

00:09:950 (5,6,7,8) - this is wrong snap, it's suppose to be 1/6. so I recommend switching to 1/6 and use repeat slider if you don't want to make it too hard // er, it's actually 1/4 ._. listen in 75% or lower
I'm like 101 % sure it's 1/6 because I can hear 7 piano beats and not 5, unless you're not following it, but that would be weird

and in easy I meant rotating as in rotating (ctrl shift r) just a bit so it's not completely straight
I'll be checking this when I go online ltr

00:09:950 (5,6,7,8) - this is wrong snap, it's suppose to be 1/6. so I recommend switching to 1/6 and use repeat slider if you don't want to make it too hard // er, it's actually 1/4 ._. listen in 75% or lower
// yeea, heard it now :3 after lots of concentration hahaha. changed the later on wrong snap one too! thanks!

and in easy I meant rotating as in rotating (ctrl shift r) just a bit so it's not completely straight // okey, changed into straight but with angleee!

Thanks again!! :) <3
Natteke desu
00:03:736 (2) - if i'm correct about track you chose to follow this circle isn't really needed, because it's mapped on the synth sounds which doesn't makes sense rhythmwice at this case, also 00:04:165 (2,3) - replacing these by circles would be nice, because all of these samples you mapped by using sliders is strong, which isn't really good emphazised by sliders, due to uncklickable ends
00:11:022 (2) - what the point if this 1/6? There is no stuff you can follow like that and it doesn't work good as overmap for arrange purporses, simple 1/2 would be better

there is some jumps which i found pretty random so i'll just put them in one line and after explain why i dislike them:
00:16:808 (4,5) -
00:18:522 (5,6) -
00:22:593 (2,3) -
main thing which bothers me about these is idea of jumps is right, but you emphazise things which isn't really call for being emphazised with jumps, while samples which call for being emphazised like that isn't emphazised at all, for example the first one 00:16:808 (4,5) - :
vocals here isn't that high for making a jump, but 00:17:236 (1) - is fine for jump, because it's strong downbeat, so something like this (the idea of how it's should be spaced in general, not the actuall spacing) would be more logical to go with
Just check same stuff there i do believe there is no need in gigantic mod which would mention all these places.
Also, 00:29:236 (1) - this part suddenly had literally 2-3 jumps while being pretty same with one before which has many of them, so i believe you should reconsider it
00:45:308 (3,4) - why no 1/6? It would fit, since you used them often already
00:47:450 (2,3) - too many spacing immo
00:54:308 (1,2,3) - uh, this would be cool if only white tick here 00:54:522 - hadn't pretty strong sample on it, so i'd say you should keep 1/4
01:24:093 (1) - would work much better
Topic Starter

EvilElvis wrote:

00:03:736 (2) - if i'm correct about track you chose to follow this circle isn't really needed, because it's mapped on the synth sounds which doesn't makes sense rhythmwice at this case, also 00:04:165 (2,3) - replacing these by circles would be nice, because all of these samples you mapped by using sliders is strong, which isn't really good emphazised by sliders, due to uncklickable ends
00:11:022 (2) - what the point if this 1/6? There is no stuff you can follow like that and it doesn't work good as overmap for arrange purporses, simple 1/2 would be better

there is some jumps which i found pretty random so i'll just put them in one line and after explain why i dislike them:
00:16:808 (4,5) -
00:18:522 (5,6) -
00:22:593 (2,3) -
main thing which bothers me about these is idea of jumps is right, but you emphazise things which isn't really call for being emphazised with jumps, while samples which call for being emphazised like that isn't emphazised at all, for example the first one 00:16:808 (4,5) - :
vocals here isn't that high for making a jump, but 00:17:236 (1) - is fine for jump, because it's strong downbeat, so something like this (the idea of how it's should be spaced in general, not the actuall spacing) would be more logical to go with
Just check same stuff there i do believe there is no need in gigantic mod which would mention all these places.
Also, 00:29:236 (1) - this part suddenly had literally 2-3 jumps while being pretty same with one before which has many of them, so i believe you should reconsider it
00:45:308 (3,4) - why no 1/6? It would fit, since you used them often already //erm, I've gotta say no cause I want this to be a "slow" part
00:47:450 (2,3) - too many spacing immo
00:54:308 (1,2,3) - uh, this would be cool if only white tick here 00:54:522 - hadn't pretty strong sample on it, so i'd say you should keep 1/4
01:24:093 (1) - would work much better
All fixed except for one!
Thanks for the mod :)
I have no idea how to emphasis beats :c I'll do my best though!
Ayyyyyy, I'm here for the NM request from my Modding Queue !

00:24:950 (6,7,8) - Do something more symmetric, I think
00:36:093 (1,2,3) - Asymmetric
00:37:808 (1,2,3) - Asymmetric
00:47:879 - Make a note there, instrumental follow
01:03:950 (2,3,4,5) - 3,4,5 doesn't have the same distance as 2,3,5 I think you should fix it
01:16:593 - Make a note there and there 01:16:700, make a slider there 01:16:808 until it reaches there 01:17:129, make the slider direction to the way on that note 01:17:236 (1), it will follow the instrumental

I love the music, and I like your mapping, I'm a very symmetric mapper so I don't know if my mods will help you. If it doesn't, sorry.
[ D Myung ]
Yohoo o/ From My modding Queue

00:15:094 - You could start here, not at 00:15:522(here should be the slider) and adding a circle here 00:15:308

00:05:986 - Add a circle and link with this slider 00:06:093 (2)

Btw It's all OK. It's a really good map :D. I hope that my mod has been helpful :|
Topic Starter

yaleufeu wrote:

Ayyyyyy, I'm here for the NM request from my Modding Queue !

00:24:950 (6,7,8) - Do something more symmetric, I think
00:36:093 (1,2,3) - Asymmetric
00:37:808 (1,2,3) - Asymmetric
00:47:879 - Make a note there, instrumental follow
01:03:950 (2,3,4,5) - 3,4,5 doesn't have the same distance as 2,3,5 I think you should fix it //they do kekeke, I used ds before crtl + g them
01:16:593 - Make a note there and there 01:16:700, make a slider there 01:16:808 until it reaches there 01:17:129, make the slider direction to the way on that note 01:17:236 (1), it will follow the instrumental //following vocal here so no instrument beat but good point!

I love the music, and I like your mapping, I'm a very symmetric mapper so I don't know if my mods will help you. If it doesn't, sorry. // it helped! thanks!
No reply = Fixed!

[ Korox ] wrote:

Yohoo o/ From My modding Queue

00:15:094 - You could start here, not at 00:15:522(here should be the slider)// I actually did not map this part of the song in all diff except for Insane and adding a circle here 00:15:308 // er no, as 00:15:736 (2) - has the instrument sound at the back.

00:05:986 - Add a circle and link with this slider 00:06:093 (2) // will consider

Btw It's all OK. It's a really good map :D. I hope that my mod has been helpful :|
Gave kds anyways as I might be changing that one thing in Hard.

Thanks for the mod!
I feel like you should add another hitsound fitting to the sound on the white ticks because with the standard skin you literally have no feedback at all when clicking.
You might wanna check yourself what objects are off-screen because at one point I stopped pointing them out.

00:27:522 (3) - This slider is really close to being off-screen on 4:3 resolution. Mind moving it a bit to make it less awkward?
00:54:522 (2) - I'd prefer to have the downbeat here clickable as it's a transition into a new melody.
01:23:450 (2) - And this one is actually off-screen on 4:3.

00:18:950 (1) - Off-screen. You seem to like to live on the edge. :^)
00:21:522 (5) - Slidershape looks a bit weird, maybe try this?
00:36:522 (2) - 00:38:236 (4) - Kinda weird that you ignored the sound on the first red tick here. You always mapped it before. There aren't even vocals on it that would allow that easily.
00:41:236 (4,5) - If you really want to do more than one repeat on the slider you should consider to unstack them as the hitburst of the circle would hide the second repeater and there's not other indicator for it. Even though I really do not recommend to use more than one on 1/2 sliders as it's not common anymore.
00:54:522 (2) - As in Easy. If you change it here you can actually think about a different rhythm that emphasizes the whole music here better.
01:01:808 (3,4,5) - Shouldn't they all stacked if the stack structuring you used? Like, the patch is on all 3 objects the same, so it doesn't make sense to just stack the later two objects.

00:20:879 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why do you ignore the sound on the blue tick that is perfectly audible? Maybe use two 1/4 repeats instead like you did before in this diff so you cover all sounds.
00:23:879 (6,1,6,1) - I wonder why you prefer to emphasize the first two but not the later two objects.
00:48:093 (2) - There is one piano sound before and some after this circle, would be cooler to map them as your current two circles here aren't really mapped to anything special.
01:08:665 (1,2,3,4) - You never used any real jump patterns and didn't even do it in the second kiai which has a similar ending, so you might wanna nerf this to make it the same as 01:22:379 (1,2,3,4) ?

00:09:950 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - I'm almost sure that you can't use 1/6 streams on Insanes of this difficulty. They didn't even learn how to stream this BPM properly and you give them a hard burst here. :<

Other than that there's not much to say, I just dislike the way you used jumps as you sometimes emphasize literally nothing more than some vocals pre-kiai.
hello NM

00:20:665 (2,3) - I feel it's weird change a position
00:42:950 (1) - not perfect in shape
01:10:379 (1,2) - please align
01:23:450 (2) - out of screen why ai mod have not find this problem..
00:04:165 (1,2) - how about this?
00:13:808 (2,3,4) - bad follow
00:18:950 (1) - out of screen
00:25:808 (1) - ^
00:35:236 (5) - align
00:51:522 (3,1) - not perfect blanket
01:17:236 (1) - out of screen
00:14:022 (2,3,4) - this is 1/4 stream
00:25:808 (1) - out of screen
00:51:522 (1) - ^
01:19:593 (2) - ^
00:09:950 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - pls use slider
00:15:093 (8,9,1,2) - bad follow
00:21:522 (8) - out of screen
00:30:736 (7,1) - ^
00:35:236 (5,6) - bad follow
00:41:236 (1) - out of screen
00:48:950 (3) - ^

Luel Roseline
Hi, from my taxi.

01:08:665 (1) - Unreadable slider for starter.

00:01:808 ~ 00:08:450 - Sample set to normal at strong beat. For example, 00:07:808 (2)

00:01:808 ~ 00:08:450 - Same as blne text in normal
00:20:879 (2,3,4) - Change to this slider.
00:42:522 (4,5,6,7,1) - Compress this stream

00:01:808 ~ 00:08:450 - Same as blne text in normal
00:09:950 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - This 1/6 stream is too hard. I think change to 1/6 slider better.

I'm late due to holidays :3



00:27:093 (2) - Move to x 336 y 128 to make a line with the slider (1) it will make a better flow

00:55:379 (3) - That slider is really lower on the grid, you can probably change a bit the patterns to move it

00:56:236 (4,1) - Blanket ?

01:03:522 (1,2) - Flow looks strange

01:11:236 (2,3) - Small blanket problem

01:12:093 (3,2) - Stacking created an overlap

01:16:379 (5,1) - Strange flow


00:12:093 (1) - Point out of the grid

00:25:808 (1) - Point out of the grid

01:05:236 (4,5) - Strange pattern

01:12:950 (5) - Ctrl+H , Ctrl+G, and replace the slider, It's better now ? :3

01:17:236 (1) - Point out of the grid

I usually mod hards, but I haven't time, sorry :x
Foxy Grandpa
Reminder here to mod after i get sleep, i'm so sorry for the delay >_>
Topic Starter
Kekeke, no need to rush as I'm also really busy these days :P
Topic Starter
Easy mods.

Stjpa wrote:

I feel like you should add another hitsound fitting to the sound on the white ticks because with the standard skin you literally have no feedback at all when clicking. // ee, I feel like it's okai, since I'm using no skin form like the beginning of osu! but I'll try to find.
You might wanna check yourself what objects are off-screen because at one point I stopped pointing them out. //NOOOOO T^T

00:27:522 (3) - This slider is really close to being off-screen on 4:3 resolution. Mind moving it a bit to make it less awkward?
00:54:522 (2) - I'd prefer to have the downbeat here clickable as it's a transition into a new melody.
01:23:450 (2) - And this one is actually off-screen on 4:3.

Other than that there's not much to say, I just dislike the way you used jumps as you sometimes emphasize literally nothing more than some vocals pre-kiai. // I dislike it too. And I'm trying to fix it xD

Hey lululu wrote:

hello NM

00:20:665 (2,3) - I feel it's weird change a position // I really laike this position though :c
00:42:950 (1) - not perfect in shape// quite obv, but idk how to fix it now, but I'll ltr on when I have the time :)

01:10:379 (1,2) - please align
01:23:450 (2) - out of screen why ai mod have not find this problem.. // I'm very good at out-screen sliders! :D fixed from previous mod kekekeke but thx!

S A V E R Y wrote:

Hi, from my taxi. // yass, finnallyyy <3

01:08:665 (1) - Unreadable slider for starter. //I'll take some "newbies" to test this out, but I don't it's a problem to have a twist! :D

GL //thx!

Lexis wrote:

I'm late due to holidays :3



00:27:093 (2) - Move to x 336 y 128 to make a line with the slider (1) it will make a better flow

00:55:379 (3) - That slider is really lower on the grid, you can probably change a bit the patterns to move it // I like the side of the grids <3, okayokay, I actually like this flow with 4 and the first slider of kiai

00:56:236 (4,1) - Blanket ? //Don't think it's so obv and i think it's acceptable, will change it mentioned again :0

01:03:522 (1,2) - Flow looks strange //fine imo

01:11:236 (2,3) - Small blanket problem

01:12:093 (3,2) - Stacking created an overlap // don't think it's a problem as there's a 1/1 slider between theem

01:16:379 (5,1) - Strange flow // this flow is all over the map and the other diff xD so no change as it's fine imo

I usually mod hards, but I haven't time, sorry :x //it's okai!

Others will be done ltr
No reply = fixed!
Blue = comment/ fix/ no fix LOL so sry.
Topic Starter

Stjpa wrote:

00:18:950 (1) - Off-screen. You seem to like to live on the edge. :^)
00:21:522 (5) - Slidershape looks a bit weird, maybe try this?
00:36:522 (2) - 00:38:236 (4) - Kinda weird that you ignored the sound on the first red tick here. You always mapped it before. There aren't even vocals on it that would allow that easily. // I'll see what I can do with this.
00:41:236 (4,5) - If you really want to do more than one repeat on the slider you should consider to unstack them as the hitburst of the circle would hide the second repeater and there's not other indicator for it. Even though I really do not recommend to use more than one on 1/2 sliders as it's not common anymore. //previous mod mentioned it before. WILL change when I hace the time to think of new beats / patterns.
00:54:522 (2) - As in Easy. If you change it here you can actually think about a different rhythm that emphasizes the whole music here better.
01:01:808 (3,4,5) - Shouldn't they all stacked if the stack structuring you used? Like, the patch is on all 3 objects the same, so it doesn't make sense to just stack the later two objects. //unstacked 01:00:093 (1,2) - instead. following the stack like the second kiai,

Hey lululu wrote:

hello NM

00:04:165 (1,2) - how about this? // mine's fine
00:13:808 (2,3,4) - bad follow //the follow is fine
00:18:950 (1) - out of screen
00:25:808 (1) - ^
00:35:236 (5) - align
00:51:522 (3,1) - not perfect blanket
01:17:236 (1) - out of screen

00:01:808 ~ 00:08:450 - Sample set to normal at strong beat. For example, 00:07:808 (2)
// I want the front part to be soft, based on the music only

Lexis wrote:


00:12:093 (1) - Point out of the grid

00:25:808 (1) - Point out of the grid //fixed from previous mod.

01:05:236 (4,5) - Strange pattern // but naice

01:12:950 (5) - Ctrl+H , Ctrl+G, and replace the slider, It's better now ? :3

01:17:236 (1) - Point out of the grid //f.from previous mod

00:20:879 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why do you ignore the sound on the blue tick that is perfectly audible? Maybe use two 1/4 repeats instead like you did before in this diff so you cover all sounds. // I'll keep this in mind first Missing one is okay i guess.. will change if mention again
00:23:879 (6,1,6,1) - I wonder why you prefer to emphasize the first two but not the later two objects. //FIXING ALL THE EMPHASIS LTR. sorry for the caps .-.
00:48:093 (2) - There is one piano sound before and some after this circle, would be cooler to map them as your current two circles here aren't really mapped to anything special.
01:08:665 (1,2,3,4) - You never used any real jump patterns and didn't even do it in the second kiai which has a similar ending, so you might wanna nerf this to make it the same as 01:22:379 (1,2,3,4) ? //not going to nerf it lol, i'm just going to distance out the 2nd kiai's one

Hey lululu wrote:

hello NM
00:14:022 (2,3,4) - this is 1/4 stream // the slider fits well with the music, don't see a prob here ! :D
00:25:808 (1) - out of screen //actually it's not, checked trhough it ald with me play it on 800x600
00:51:522 (1) - ^ //^
01:19:593 (2) - ^ //^

S A V E R Y wrote:

Hi, from my taxi.
00:01:808 ~ 00:08:450 - Same as blne text in normal // same as in normal
00:20:879 (2,3,4) - Change to this slider. //nope since 00:20:986 (3) - is quite obv so making it as clickable would be nicer!

00:42:522 (4,5,6,7,1) - Compress this stream //why?


Stjpa wrote:


00:09:950 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - I'm almost sure that you can't use 1/6 streams on Insanes of this difficulty. They didn't even learn how to stream this BPM properly and you give them a hard burst here. :< //ee, ok

Hey lululu wrote:

hello NM
00:09:950 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - pls use slider //not sure yet :/
00:15:093 (8,9,1,2) - bad follow
00:21:522 (8) - out of screen //still in
00:30:736 (7,1) - ^ //^
00:35:236 (5,6) - bad follow //it's okai
00:41:236 (1) - out of screen //in
00:48:950 (3) - ^ //in

S A V E R Y wrote:

Hi, from my taxi.
00:01:808 ~ 00:08:450 - Same as blne text in normal //you know rite.
00:09:950 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - This 1/6 stream is too hard. I think change to 1/6 slider better.

Thanks for the mod! :)



  1. 01:12:093 (1,2) - Blanket.
  2. 00:14:236 (4) - Either you add more complexity here, or remove complexity from 00:21:522 (7). It will keep the slider shapes consistent.


  1. 00:03:736 - I don't like that you skipped over two notes here.
  2. 00:04:165 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't like that you broke the hexagon shape here.
  3. 00:15:522 (1,2) - For better looks, how about making those two the same as 00:15:093 (8,9) rotated 180 degrees?
  4. 00:23:665 (7,8,1) - Move this to the left so the spacing between 00:23:236 (6,7) is the same as in 00:23:879 (7,8,1).
  5. 00:25:808 (1) - Ctrl+G this and 00:26:450 (2) would give it a better flow imo.
  6. 00:38:236 (3) - Moving this to 295/178 would give you a better triangle shape.
  7. 00:39:522 (1,3) - Should blanket this.
  8. 00:45:415 - There really should be a note here to make a triple.
  9. 00:46:272 - Same here.
  10. 00:47:450 (2,3,4,1) - Your pentagon looks kinda wonky to me.
  11. 01:18:950 (1,1) - Stack these two?
Topic Starter

1Computer wrote:




  1. 01:12:093 (1,2) - Blanket.
  2. 00:14:236 (4) - Either you add more complexity here, or remove complexity from 00:21:522 (7). It will keep the slider shapes consistent. // reject. cause 00:14:236 (4) - to me, it feels like a wave (but i suck at doing wave slider so I gave up) and 00:21:522 (7) - to me, sounds shaky that's why I made that kind of sliders :)


  1. 00:03:736 - I don't like that you skipped over two notes here. //one note
  2. 00:04:165 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't like that you broke the hexagon shape here. //what. It's not a hexagon shape to begin with :P explain where and how if you think it's one xD
  3. 00:15:522 (1,2) - For better looks, how about making those two the same as 00:15:093 (8,9) rotated 180 degrees?
  4. 00:23:665 (7,8,1) - Move this to the left so the spacing between 00:23:236 (6,7) is the same as in 00:23:879 (7,8,1).
  5. 00:25:808 (1) - Ctrl+G this and 00:26:450 (2) would give it a better flow imo.
  6. 00:38:236 (3) - Moving this to 295/178 would give you a better triangle shape.
  7. 00:39:522 (1,3) - Should blanket this. // only blanketed the with the sideslider.
  8. 00:45:415 - There really should be a note here to make a triple.
  9. 00:46:272 - Same here.
  10. 00:47:450 (2,3,4,1) - Your pentagon looks kinda wonky to me.
  11. 01:18:950 (1,1) - Stack these two?
No reply / green = fixed~!
Red = rejected

Thanks for the mod! c:
  1. 00:07:808 (2,3,4) - nc because of the rhythm change? it makes the whole stuff more readable
  2. 00:09:950 (5) - wouldn't hurt to add NC because of the 1/6 stream (i'd would even recommend a custom combo color for the 1/6 sections)
  3. 00:11:986 (5) - this is wrongly snapped, there should be two 1/6 notes
  4. 00:15:093 (8,9,1) - increasing the distance in a linear way is really stressful to play, i also disagree with the rhythm usage on this section, where you decided to use 2 circles on 00:15:522 (1,2) - it's really weird to play since the beat on 00:15:736 - is barely noticeable, id change these two circles for a slider instead
  5. 00:17:236 (1,2) - same stuff happens here
  6. 00:29:022 (4,1,2) - another example of linear movements
  7. 00:48:950 (3) - i think this doesn't follow the music properly, an 1/6 repeater plays exactly the same, and fits better if you ask me
  8. 00:57:415 (4) - isn't it overmapped? :'( i personally don't like the random triplets
  9. 00:57:522 (5,6,7,1) - i think this transition could be improved, the angles are awkward to play and 00:58:379 (1) - could have more emphasis to highlight the vocals
  10. 01:09:308 - kinda sad that you ignored the drums here (just noticed that 01:09:307 (4) - is unsnaped by 1 ms lmao but who cares)
  11. 01:16:593 - ^
  12. 01:20:236 (1,2) - nazi stack
  13. 01:23:022 - and again... i thought you were going to use 1/6 like you did at the beginning :'(
good luckk
Hey, here is ur m4m :)

In general, I think I'd extend the spinner a few more white notes out. It's really short as is.

00:17:236 (3) - Something like this: seems to be more aesthetically pleasing to me? Since it matches the follow point better imo
00:27:522 (3) - Too sharp of an angle perhaps?
00:30:093 (2) - Curved slider would probably flow better
00:34:379 (2) - Super nazi, but the blanket is one pixel off. You can tell by using the approach circle:
00:35:665 (3,1,2) - Something like this, maybe? (Moved 1 and 2 to the right)
00:41:665 (5) - Move this so it's horizontal with 00:40:379 (2)?
00:56:236 (4,1,2) - Ayy nazi blanket :P

Also, I feel like the distance spacing should be increased slightly at the part where you decreased slider velocity. You have 0.9 DS for 1x SV, I'm thinking 1.1 DS for 0.75 SV?

00:04:165 (1,2) - This might be better: Strong beats should be clickable
00:06:522 (4,1,2,3) - Make 4 a circle, and then change the rest so it looks like this: It makes it more natural to play, and the strong beats are correct this way.
00:46:379 (1,2,1) - Low amount of notes, it's like this in other sections of the difficulty too. I feel like it makes it kinda random (random might be too extreme, maybe the correct way to say it is it breaks the flow?)
01:15:522 (3) - Push this more to the right so its straight with the slider

00:47:665 (3) - Try making this the slider, and 00:48:093 (4) as a circle instead.
01:05:879 (2) - The slider looks kinda weird compared to rest of the map, angle to 3 is kinda weird too
Pretty good diff, didn't find much error

00:04:165 (1) - NC?
00:15:093 (8) - NC
00:25:593 (8) - Blanket this under 00:24:736 (4) instead
00:42:093 (4) - Make this point more down so its mirror of 00:41:665 (2)
01:03:522 (1) - Why less spacing than the 2 notes before it?
01:09:736 (1) - Not gonna perfect stack this?
01:22:379 (1,2) - ctrl + g these

Nice set, the Normal could use some tweaking, I think the other diffs are good though :)
Topic Starter

Kagetsu wrote:

  1. 00:07:808 (2,3,4) - nc because of the rhythm change? it makes the whole stuff more readable
  2. 00:09:950 (5) - wouldn't hurt to add NC because of the 1/6 stream (i'd would even recommend a custom combo color for the 1/6 sections) //ooo naice
  3. 00:11:986 (5) - this is wrongly snapped, there should be two 1/6 notes
  4. 00:15:093 (8,9,1) - increasing the distance in a linear way is really stressful to play, i also disagree with the rhythm usage on this section, where you decided to use 2 circles on 00:15:522 (1,2) - it's really weird to play since the beat on 00:15:736 - is barely noticeable, id change these two circles for a slider instead
  5. 00:17:236 (1,2) - same stuff happens here //remapping this part and the front
  6. 00:29:022 (4,1,2) - another example of linear movements //^
  7. 00:48:950 (3) - i think this doesn't follow the music properly, an 1/6 repeater plays exactly the same, and fits better if you ask me
  8. 00:57:415 (4) - isn't it overmapped? :'( i personally don't like the random triplets // I don't think it's overmapped as the vocal went down/up a bit here
  9. 00:57:522 (5,6,7,1) - i think this transition could be improved, the angles are awkward to play and 00:58:379 (1) - could have more emphasis to highlight the vocals
  10. 01:09:308 - kinda sad that you ignored the drums here (just noticed that 01:09:307 (4) - is unsnaped by 1 ms lmao but who cares)
  11. 01:16:593 - ^
  12. 01:20:236 (1,2) - nazi stack
  13. 01:23:022 - and again... i thought you were going to use 1/6 like you did at the beginning :'(
//used all the drum beats and I'm going to remap the whole thing (cough just the jumps and drums + triplets)
Your mod was verrrrry helpful! <3

good luckk

Shiguma wrote:

Hey, here is ur m4m :)

In general, I think I'd extend the spinner a few more white notes out. It's really short as is. // I think it's okai

00:17:236 (3) - Something like this: seems to be more aesthetically pleasing to me? Since it matches the follow point better imo // I don't see the [problem with mine xD no change
00:27:522 (3) - Too sharp of an angle perhaps? // need to wait more mods on this :)
00:30:093 (2) - Curved slider would probably flow better // The music here is like a flat whole beat so i think a straight slider fits :)
00:34:379 (2) - Super nazi, but the blanket is one pixel off. You can tell by using the approach circle: // ._. No? And I'm using the AR this way
00:35:665 (3,1,2) - Something like this, maybe? (Moved 1 and 2 to the right) //it definately looks nicer but it'll break my flow at the back :/
00:41:665 (5) - Move this so it's horizontal with 00:40:379 (2)? //actually changed the shape due to ^
00:56:236 (4,1,2) - Ayy nazi blanket :P

Also, I feel like the distance spacing should be increased slightly at the part where you decreased slider velocity. You have 0.9 DS for 1x SV, I'm thinking 1.1 DS for 0.75 SV? // I purposely followed the 0.9 DS at /.75 SV cause I want it to be slow paced :)

00:04:165 (1,2) - This might be better: Strong beats should be clickable
00:06:522 (4,1,2,3) - Make 4 a circle, and then change the rest so it looks like this: It makes it more natural to play, and the strong beats are correct this way. // no change as I think the beats and flow now are really superb nice to play
00:46:379 (1,2,1) - Low amount of notes, it's like this in other sections of the difficulty too. I feel like it makes it kinda random (random might be too extreme, maybe the correct way to say it is it breaks the flow?)
01:15:522 (3) - Push this more to the right so its straight with the slider // wasn't meant to be straight as the slider is also not straight + for flow found the prob xP

00:47:665 (3) - Try making this the slider, and 00:48:093 (4) as a circle instead. //nope
01:05:879 (2) - The slider looks kinda weird compared to rest of the map, angle to 3 is kinda weird too //changed angle only
Pretty good diff, didn't find much error

00:04:165 (1) - NC? // nope, as I only NC every white big tick :)
00:15:093 (8) - NC //NC-ed this cause it's a new vocal and 00:15:522 (1) - bc it's a big tick xD
00:25:593 (8) - Blanket this under 00:24:736 (4) instead
00:42:093 (4) - Make this point more down so its mirror of 00:41:665 (2)
01:03:522 (1) - Why less spacing than the 2 notes before it? // I'm not sure whether this was not correctly spaced or what but it looked ugly so I re-spaced it! xd
01:09:736 (1) - Not gonna perfect stack this?
01:22:379 (1,2) - ctrl + g these

Nice set, the Normal could use some tweaking, I think the other diffs are good though :)
No reply/ green = fixed
Red = rejected

Thanks for the mod guys! :)
hello, m4m here from my queue C:


  1. Personally I would add 'Clara' and 'Karen' to the tags, because they are the names of the singers of ClariS. But not sure if 'Alice' would be included, I guess not because she didn't take part in this project.
  2. Try using this whistle. It would sound nicer for notes like these (in insane) 00:01:808 (1) , 00:08:665 (1) - and 00:57:522 (5) and similar.


  1. I know the music does slow down. However for easy difficulty, it is highly recommended that the SV stays consistently throughout the song at 1x.
  2. 01:18:950 (2,3) - Can blanket better.


  1. Normally I would say the SV should be consistently at 1x, but since the song slows down in the middle, I guess this SV change should be acceptable. But just to be sure, better ask a BN to double check..
  2. 00:36:736 (2,4) - Overlap doesn't really look appealing. Maybe just make a normal curve slider to flow to 00:39:522 (1) .


  1. 00:43:808 (3) - Add a note before this one the red bar? That vocal is too dominant to be missed. If you do remember to fix the DS.
  2. This hard is mapped similar to a light insane style I guess. Also be careful of the spread. From normal to hard it is quite big, but it should probably still be rankable.


  1. 00:20:879 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I suggest decreasing DS for this stream. The music isn't intense enough - like this one 00:13:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) , for such a large spaced stream.
  2. 00:36:522 (3) - The distance of this note should be equal to both of these 00:36:308 (2,4) . It plays better that way imo.
  3. 01:01:808 (1,2,3,4) - I would use a square instead. Maybe you can try something like this.
  4. 01:09:308 (1,2,3,4) - Clapping only note 4 is very awkward. However if you clap all 4 it is also awkward. Hence I suggest adding that whistle I suggested and just whistle all 4.
  5. 01:10:236 - You missed 1/6 stream here. The reason I pointed this out is because you've been mapping 1/6 streams consistently, and skipping this makes the whole thing inconsistent. I'd suggest doing something like this.
  6. 01:13:380 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - Good jump concept, but the flow is off. Maybe try something like this flow instead? It is not a neat placement, but the flow concept is there.
  7. 01:16:593 - Inconsistent 1/6 stream, as you missed it. Try something like this instead. Just stack the stream on top of 01:17:450 (2) . Again, why you should change this is because it is better to be consistent.
  8. 01:21:093 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - I'd stack this on 01:20:236 (1) to make it neater.
  9. 01:22:379 (1,2) - Ctrl-g for better flow.
  10. 01:23:450 (1,2,3) - Try something like this jump. It emphasises the intensity at the end of the song.

That all from me, and good luck C:
From my Q!

I see you've been increasing the OD of each diff by 2 but the hard,right now is like: Easy 3, Normal 5, Hard 6 and Insane 8
Should't be better? : EZ: 3.5 NM: 5 HR: 6.5 IN: 8 ?

In other words, Ez + 0.5 OD and HR + 0.5 OD for a difference of 1.5+ OD on each diff.

-Remove "Clasroom crisis" in the tags, as is already in the source
-Add "Karen" and "Clara" to the tags!

00:15:093 - Note here and:
00:15:308 - Note here, don't ignore the voice here when you're mapping it later, also, a simple 2 notes stack to slider plays well.
00:17:879 (2,1) - Stack 1 tail with 2 head
00:21:522 (1) - In my opinion, a new combo should go here, specially when is such a weird looking slider and the it fits the song because the change of stream to hold up.
00:34:808 - This should be a note, it plays MUCH better than just a the ending of the reverse arrow, you could add a bit of DS seeing as the voice is stronger than the rest of the part, shame to not use it for a note
00:39:522 (1,2,3,4) - This could play better if 00:21:522 (1) - was a slider and 00:21:522 (1) - and 00:21:522 (1) - notes, like this:

This way you're using in a more efficient the voice

00:43:593 - Missing a note here, it keeps the player moving and it follows the voice
01:05:022 (5,1) - get rid of these 2 silent sliders, they don't play well and they are not properly following the voice, try 01:05:022 - this being a note and 01:05:236 - slider here and another note 01:05:665 - here, like this:



01:18:736 (5,1) - same theory here, these 2 silent sliders are not good to play because the strong beat is in the tail, and even the voice start
delete them and do this:
01:18:736 - Note here
01:18:950 - 01:19:165 - Slider here
01:19:379 - Note here.
It plays much more intuitive

Rest of the map looks awesome! also I really like how clean your map looks!

00:03:522 - No reason for new combo to be here, if anything, I would:
00:04:165 - New Combo here, yes, red tick, but you could use it as a way to make emphasis on the stop 00:03:950 - here and also, it looks good!
00:07:808 (1) - Remove new combo, yes, there is an addition to the strong beat, but is still the same kind of sound as the sliderbefore it
00:09:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you're gonna go with this, first of all, good luck, second, reduce the DS, the music is not as strong here (well the background is, but NOT the sound used for the stream)
00:23:665 (7,8,1) - What are you exactly using as base for this MASSIVE DS here? try listening this compared to 00:25:379 (7,8,1) - , this second segment has a stronger voice than the first one, and is still ALMOST the same DS, try reducing overall the DS of 00:23:665 (7,8,1) - because doesn't make sense for it to be so large when nothing is happening.

01:06:522 (4,1,2) - try removing this for:
01:06:522 - note
01:06:736 - Note (silent slider plays kinda... awful)
01:06:950 - 01:07:165 - Slider here (using the voice as base)
01:11:879 (7,2) - Stack slider tail with 7
01:23:665 (2,3) - Higher DS, the last note is on a really strong sound, you could go a bit "crazier" here (just don'tgo TOO crazy tho xD)

Really good map , fun to plays besides those silent sliders and stuff, but still, I can totally see it ranked <3

See ya! (sorry if a link or time copy doesn't work, I'm rusty)

Topic Starter
Choooocox's mod!

Chocox wrote:

hello, m4m here from my queue C:


  1. Personally I would add 'Clara' and 'Karen' to the tags, because they are the names of the singers of ClariS. But not sure if 'Alice' would be included, I guess not because she didn't take part in this project. // I actually took the tags + source from the ranked beatmap, but will ask for a metadata check soon! :)
  2. Try using this whistle. It would sound nicer for notes like these (in insane) 00:01:808 (1) , 00:08:665 (1) - and 00:57:522 (5) and similar. // can you teach me how to save/enconde the file? ._. Not good at codes thingy....


  1. I know the music does slow down. However for easy difficulty, it is highly recommended that the SV stays consistently throughout the song at 1x. ///asking BN abt this
  2. 01:18:950 (2,3) - Can blanket better.


  1. Normally I would say the SV should be consistently at 1x, but since the song slows down in the middle, I guess this SV change should be acceptable. But just to be sure, better ask a BN to double check.. //i will! but will they come :c
  2. 00:36:736 (2,4) - Overlap doesn't really look appealing. Maybe just make a normal curve slider to flow to 00:39:522 (1) . // it's fine imo


  1. 00:43:808 (3) - Add a note before this one the red bar? That vocal is too dominant to be missed. If you do remember to fix the DS.
  2. This hard is mapped similar to a light insane style I guess. Also be careful of the spread. From normal to hard it is quite big, but it should probably still be rankable. //oke


  1. 00:20:879 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I suggest decreasing DS for this stream. The music isn't intense enough - like this one 00:13:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) , for such a large spaced stream. //it's fine as I want the violin sound here is loud. not as loud as that but still, loud :)
  2. 00:36:522 (3) - The distance of this note should be equal to both of these 00:36:308 (2,4) . It plays better that way imo.
  3. 01:01:808 (1,2,3,4) - I would use a square instead. Maybe you can try something like this.
  4. 01:09:308 (1,2,3,4) - Clapping only note 4 is very awkward. However if you clap all 4 it is also awkward. Hence I suggest adding that whistle I suggested and just whistle all 4.
  5. 01:10:236 - You missed 1/6 stream here. The reason I pointed this out is because you've been mapping 1/6 streams consistently, and skipping this makes the whole thing inconsistent. I'd suggest doing something like this.
  6. 01:13:380 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - Good jump concept, but the flow is off. Maybe try something like this flow instead? It is not a neat placement, but the flow concept is there.
  7. 01:16:593 - Inconsistent 1/6 stream, as you missed it. Try something like this instead. Just stack the stream on top of 01:17:450 (2) . Again, why you should change this is because it is better to be consistent. //adding but not stacking!
  8. 01:21:093 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - I'd stack this on 01:20:236 (1) to make it neater. // it's stacked,it looks messy bcz of the stacking system thing lol
  9. 01:22:379 (1,2) - Ctrl-g for better flow. //changed this at the last mod which was my ori and changed back since it really flows better xD
  10. 01:23:450 (1,2,3) - Try something like this jump. It emphasises the intensity at the end of the song. // didn't want to emphasis on 01:23:879 (3) - so much as the vocal is not as strong as 01:23:450 (1,2) - imo. will change if mentioned agaaain~

That all from me, and good luck C:

Katyushaaaaa's mod!

Katyusha wrote:

From my Q!

I see you've been increasing the OD of each diff by 2 but the hard,right now is like: Easy 3, Normal 5, Hard 6 and Insane 8
Should't be better? : EZ: 3.5 NM: 5 HR: 6.5 IN: 8 ?

In other words, Ez + 0.5 OD and HR + 0.5 OD for a difference of 1.5+ OD on each diff. // I guess it's fine :) If mentioned again then I'll consider~!

-Remove "Clasroom crisis" in the tags, as is already in the source
-Add "Karen" and "Clara" to the tags! //Having metadata check soon!

00:15:093 - Note here and:
00:15:308 - Note here, don't ignore the voice here when you're mapping it later, also, a simple 2 notes stack to slider plays well. //I actually mapped this vocal at Insane diff only, so I guess it's okay to leave it out
00:17:879 (2,1) - Stack 1 tail with 2 head //then it'll break the distance I left for 00:18:736 (4,1) >///<
00:21:522 (1) - In my opinion, a new combo should go here, specially when is such a weird looking slider and the it fits the song because the change of stream to hold up. //declined because 00:14:236 (4) - didn't need an NC too...
00:34:808 - This should be a note, it plays MUCH better than just a the ending of the reverse arrow, you could add a bit of DS seeing as the voice is stronger than the rest of the part, shame to not use it for a note
00:39:522 (1,2,3,4) - This could play better if 00:21:522 (1) - was a slider and 00:21:522 (1) - and 00:21:522 (1) - notes, like this:

This way you're using in a more efficient the voice

00:43:593 - Missing a note here, it keeps the player moving and it follows the voice
01:05:022 (5,1) - get rid of these 2 silent sliders, they don't play well and they are not properly following the voice, try 01:05:022 - this being a note and 01:05:236 - slider here and another note 01:05:665 - here, like this:



01:18:736 (5,1) - same theory here, these 2 silent sliders are not good to play because the strong beat is in the tail, and even the voice start
delete them and do this:
01:18:736 - Note here
01:18:950 - 01:19:165 - Slider here
01:19:379 - Note here.
It plays much more intuitive

Rest of the map looks awesome! also I really like how clean your map looks! //TQ :)

00:03:522 - No reason for new combo to be here, if anything, I would:
00:04:165 - New Combo here, yes, red tick, but you could use it as a way to make emphasis on the stop 00:03:950 - here and also, it looks good! // 00:03:522 (4) - remove this, 00:04:165 (1) - Nc-ed this.
00:07:808 (1) - Remove new combo, yes, there is an addition to the strong beat, but is still the same kind of sound as the sliderbefore it
00:09:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you're gonna go with this, first of all, good luck, second, reduce the DS, the music is not as strong here (well the background is, but NOT the sound used for the stream) //yes I'm going with this unless the BN says nononononono to this >_<and reduced the ds
00:23:665 (7,8,1) - What are you exactly using as base for this MASSIVE DS here? try listening this compared to 00:25:379 (7,8,1) - , this second segment has a stronger voice than the first one, and is still ALMOST the same DS, try reducing overall the DS of 00:23:665 (7,8,1) - because doesn't make sense for it to be so large when nothing is happening. // I'm actually reputting all my jump patterns and etc. so this is like under construction and I forgot to put this as WIP

01:06:522 (4,1,2) - try removing this for:
01:06:522 - note
01:06:736 - Note (silent slider plays kinda... awful)
01:06:950 - 01:07:165 - Slider here (using the voice as base)
01:11:879 (7,2) - Stack slider tail with 7
01:23:665 (2,3) - Higher DS, the last note is on a really strong sound, you could go a bit "crazier" here (just don'tgo TOO crazy tho xD)

Really good map , fun to plays besides those silent sliders and stuff, but still, I can totally see it ranked <3

See ya! (sorry if a link or time copy doesn't work, I'm rusty)

I might have replied to all my mods you gave. might. cause i'm sleepy and I'm quite blue rn... :c

No reply/ green = fixed!
Red = rejected!
Blue = comments and shyt

Thanks for the mod guys!
Hi, from my queue

sad mod


00:07:272 (1) - Should this be placed on white tick instead? I mean, it's doable on Normal but might catch players off guard. Plus I feel the SV is somewhat faster than the AR. Or a little bit fast for Normal. But for safety, don't change anything
01:06:950 - Try this beat, and you know where to add claps. The problem with these I pointed out is the missing from the hitsound, it sounds off. You might want to keep the hitsound consistent.

01:20:665 - Same
00:15:522 (1,2) - For this one, how about this.

00:19:593 (2) - Ye, this one missed the hs as well. Even if you want to emphasise a vocal line, make sure end it on somewhere reasonable to add hitsound.
00:33:308 (2) - same
For aesthetics, I think it's fine


00:07:808 (2,3,4) - this might rely a lot on reading ability + retries or players might get unfair 100s here. You can keep it as it is or make it a reverse slider.
00:08:986 (2,3) - Reduce the spacing of these 2 a bit, because keeping it as this state might cause the players to go fast and might miss the next slider or somewhat feel off. Or you can just stack them. Spacing like this would be good 00:10:235 (5,6,1) -
00:50:236 (2,3) - Ctrl+g to swap beat. And re-place them and fix hitsound
00:29:236 (1,2) - I don't think this spacing would be this big.
00:29:665 (3,4) - Ctrl+g
00:36:522 (3,4) - same
00:38:236 (3,4) - same
(note : Only if you feel like these are correct)
01:19:808 (5,1) - I feel like this spacing is kinda small for the music.
00:36:093 (1,2,3) - and 00:37:808 (1,2,3) - sounds similar, consider making the distance similar as well.
00:59:450 (1,2) - Try ctrl+g this. Because your placement makes the jump feels kinda weak in kiai. Don't forget the hitsound
01:14:665 (1) - I think if this note can be placed deeper it would make the jumps feel better because consider the music, it's strong

Mod this please hihi thx
jk you don't have to.
From my Queue!


  1. 00:05:236 (1,2) - Fix flow.
  2. 00:13:808 (2,1) - ^.
  3. 00:42:950 (1) - In easy diffs YOU CAN NOT change the slider speed.
  4. 01:12:093 (3,2) - Overlaps & Stacks ARE NOT permitted on easy diffs.

  1. 00:36:736 (2,4) - Random overlap.
  2. 00:42:950 (1) - In normal diffs YOU CAN NOT change the slider speed.
  3. 01:00:522 (2,3) - Fix flow.
  4. 01:05:236 (4,5) - Is this overlap necessary?.
  5. 01:16:379 (5,6,1,2,3) - More than 4 continous objects are really hard for beginners.
Really good map! :)

+1 Star :)
Topic Starter

Zyl wrote:

From my Queue!


  1. 00:05:236 (1,2) - Fix flow.
  2. 00:13:808 (2,1) - ^. // the flow was suppose to be cut here as there's quite a white beat in between the next note like 00:06:950 (2,1) -
  3. 00:42:950 (1) - In easy diffs YOU CAN NOT change the slider speed.
  4. 01:12:093 (3,2) - Overlaps & Stacks ARE NOT permitted on easy diffs. // I personally think this is fine. But I'll check with BN to make sure ( don't want to bother them much tho ;-;)

  1. 00:36:736 (2,4) - Random overlap.
  2. 00:42:950 (1) - In normal diffs YOU CAN NOT change the slider speed. // I think it's possible and the changes aren't much :/
  3. 01:00:522 (2,3) - Fix flow. //it's fine imo
  4. 01:05:236 (4,5) - Is this overlap necessary?. // yea?
  5. 01:16:379 (5,6,1,2,3) - More than 4 continous objects are really hard for beginners.//it's not a problem is2g :P will change if it's really a problem.
Really good map! :) //thanks! >_<!

+1 Star :)

Asaiga wrote:

Hi, from my queue

sad mod


00:07:272 (1) - Should this be placed on white tick instead? I mean, it's doable on Normal but might catch players off guard. Plus I feel the SV is somewhat faster than the AR. Or a little bit fast for Normal. But for safety, don't change anything // I think having a the right beat is a better option lol
01:06:950 - Try this beat, and you know where to add claps. The problem with these I pointed out is the missing from the hitsound, it sounds off. You might want to keep the hitsound consistent. // I personally don't think it's off, and it's a nice touch of two long sliders there, wouldn't want to make it the kiai time notes all to similar. and if I had a slidertick for it, I guess it'll go well but I suck at finding hs lol

01:20:665 - Same //^
00:15:522 (1,2) - For this one, how about this. // mine if sine as it follow the background music well

00:19:593 (2) - Ye, this one missed the hs as well. Even if you want to emphasise a vocal line, make sure end it on somewhere reasonable to add hitsound. // it sounds nice imo lol, and having a little suspense to the map is not that bad
00:33:308 (2) - same //^
For aesthetics, I think it's fine


00:07:808 (2,3,4) - this might rely a lot on reading ability + retries or players might get unfair 100s here. You can keep it as it is or make it a reverse slider. // I don't think so as I've already distance them using ds, so if they can't read it, it's their own wrong lol
00:08:986 (2,3) - Reduce the spacing of these 2 a bit, because keeping it as this state might cause the players to go fast and might miss the next slider or somewhat feel off. Or you can just stack them. Spacing like this would be good 00:10:235 (5,6,1) - // the spacings at 00:10:235 (5,6,1) is because they're 1/6, but reduce 00:08:986 (2,3) - ? it's a 1/4. But due to its "weird flow", I changed the position of the slider a bit
00:50:236 (2,3) - Ctrl+g to swap beat. And re-place them and fix hitsound // why? 00:50:236 (2) and 00:50:450 (3) - has a strong beat so rejected. 00:50:236 (2) - is to emphasis on the strong beat and 00:50:450 (3) - is for the strong beat and the guitar-like sound here
00:29:236 (1,2) - I don't think this spacing would be this big. // changed to a slider instead as the red tick is not a strong beat
00:29:665 (3,4) - Ctrl+g // the same as the swap beat reply ^
00:36:522 (3,4) - same //^
00:38:236 (3,4) - same //^
(note : Only if you feel like these are correct)
01:19:808 (5,1) - I feel like this spacing is kinda small for the music.
00:36:093 (1,2,3) - and 00:37:808 (1,2,3) - sounds similar, consider making the distance similar as well. // 00:37:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - there's the softer gypsy sound at the back.
00:59:450 (1,2) - Try ctrl+g this. Because your placement makes the jump feels kinda weak in kiai. Don't forget the hitsound
01:14:665 (1) - I think if this note can be placed deeper it would make the jumps feel better because consider the music, it's strong

Mod this please hihi thx
jk you don't have to. // this was where i got the inspiration from wtc yes I've modded it already LOL
No change / green = fixed!

Red = Rejected!

Thanks for the mod!
Hello~ NM from my queue

Toggle widescreen support off for all difficulties please.

  1. Okay, so not a lot to mention but 00:17:236 (3) - right here should not be mapped this way as you are switching to instrumentals all of a sudden. 00:15:522 (1,2) - these are following the drums but then switching to instrumentals could and probably will give some confusion to playing the map. Since you used claps, I suggest that you follow the drums, using 1/1 sliders and so on
  2. 00:49:808 (1,2,3) - parts like these also, you're mapping to drums and on (3) you turn to vocals and the following slider 00:53:665 (4) - could be considered as following instrumentals. Consider these points when you map because these do become problems in the future.
  3. 01:12:093 (3,2) - These overlaps are not allowed on easy, no reason to ask a bn lol

  1. Changes in slider velocity is unrankable. Not sure why you didn't change when Zyl mentioned this. (It's not okay btw)
  2. 00:01:808 (1) - Assuming that you are following instrumentals, changing this into 2 sliders will follow better.
  3. 00:05:236 (1,2,3) - Awkward rhythm, try to make it so 00:06:950 - is clickable
  4. 00:06:522 (3,1,2,3) - Fix distance and try to make it an easier rhythm, maybe just 2 3/4 repeat sliders.
  5. 00:15:522 (1,2) - Why is there a circle on top of the slider, for all I know there isn't a separate sound to even map
  6. 00:19:593 (2,3) - Okay, so following vocals. I really don't recommend following vocals because it creates some weird rhythms sorta like this one which the player can get easily confused because 00:18:950 (1,2) - can be also considered as following instrumentals. I highly recommend following instrumentals on the section 00:15:522 - through 00:29:236 - because that creates easier rhythms that players can follow.
  7. 00:29:236 (1,2) - please no more of this rhythm, doesn't make sense at all as to what you're following
  8. 00:53:665 (1,2) - Not so sure about this rhythm. Three 1/2 sliders can work better.
  9. 00:56:665 (1,2,3,4,5) - So the first two sliders are following vocals, next three are following drums? Or is it just awkward because you didn't map some red ticks? Please map to one thing either the vocals or the drums because this is actually confusing to me

    There are more problems to choice of rhythm but I hope you can find it out yourself cause there's a lot of it.

  1. Always keep in mind of rhythm choice.
  2. 00:06:093 (6) - I'm not sure why you chose to map this way, this isn't really following anything prominent. This rhythm is the way how I would map, accordingly to the prominent sounds.
  3. 00:14:236 (4) - Missing all the sounds in between
  4. 00:34:808 (2,4) - Stack?
  5. 01:20:665 (5) - nc

  1. 00:11:950 (1,1) - This actually looks pretty confusing, try some other pattern or map differently
  2. 00:30:736 (6) - Just map with circles please lol
  3. 00:58:379 (1,2,3,4,5) - even though there may be very slight sounds, it is not prominent enough to let you map like this.

To be very honest, you're gonna have to keep practicing in order to make a rank-quality mapset. This wasn't bad, but definitely not great. Please take no offense because I'm only saying this so you can learn and become a better mapper. :) Good luck. ;)
nm from queue. Sorry I'm late, havent been in the mood to mod lately and I've been really busy
was gonna say something about 1/6 streams but saw map description
00:03:736 (5,1) - pls add a circle on the white tick between them. There's clearly a sound there that needs to be mapped
00:11:950 (1) - instead of a slider, just put a circle on the blue tick, less awkward to play

00:20:986 (3,4) - its kinda empty between these notes. I recommend extending the stream or putting a kick slider
00:34:808 (2) - pls overlap with sliderend of 00:35:236 (4) *nazi intensifies*

00:47:665 (2,3,4) - it kinda breaks the consistency of the map, i recommend this instead

gl ranking ^^
Topic Starter

ProEzreal wrote:

Hello~ NM from my queue

Toggle widescreen support off for all difficulties please.

  1. Okay, so not a lot to mention but 00:17:236 (3) - right here should not be mapped this way as you are switching to instrumentals all of a sudden. 00:15:522 (1,2) - these are following the drums but then switching to instrumentals could and probably will give some confusion to playing the map. Since you used claps, I suggest that you follow the drums, using 1/1 sliders and so on
  2. 00:49:808 (1,2,3) - parts like these also, you're mapping to drums and on (3) you turn to vocals and the following slider 00:53:665 (4) - could be considered as following instrumentals. Consider these points when you map because these do become problems in the future.
  3. 01:12:093 (3,2) - These overlaps are not allowed on easy, no reason to ask a bn lol // changing patterns when I have the time

  1. Changes in slider velocity is unrankable. Not sure why you didn't change when Zyl mentioned this. (It's not okay btw) // I'll change it when I have the time ;-;
  2. 00:01:808 (1) - Assuming that you are following instrumentals, changing this into 2 sliders will follow better. // This one slider already follows quite nicely imo
  3. 00:05:236 (1,2,3) - Awkward rhythm, try to make it so 00:06:950 - is clickable
  4. 00:06:522 (3,1,2,3) - Fix distance and try to make it an easier rhythm, maybe just 2 3/4 repeat sliders. // Now that would be boring, since my mapping style is personally following ds only. and it's nothing special, I just want to give them a little twist a little bit.
  5. 00:15:522 (1,2) - Why is there a circle on top of the slider, for all I know there isn't a separate sound to even map // there is. at 00:15:736 (2) -
  6. 00:19:593 (2,3) - Okay, so following vocals. I really don't recommend following vocals because it creates some weird rhythms sorta like this one which the player can get easily confused because 00:18:950 (1,2) - can be also considered as following instrumentals. I highly recommend following instrumentals on the section 00:15:522 - through 00:29:236 - because that creates easier rhythms that players can follow. // I'm leaving this place untouch for the moment.
  7. 00:29:236 (1,2) - please no more of this rhythm, doesn't make sense at all as to what you're following // okay read the first one and you still don't get it, there's basically a beat at 00:29:236 - 00:29:450 - 00:29:665 - 00:29:879 -. I choose to map 00:29:236 - 00:29:450 -00:29:879 - while only skipping 00:29:665 - beat.
  8. 00:53:665 (1,2) - Not so sure about this rhythm. Three 1/2 sliders can work better. // the rhythm is clearly there.
  9. 00:56:665 (1,2,3,4,5) - So the first two sliders are following vocals, next three are following drums? Or is it just awkward because you didn't map some red ticks? Please map to one thing either the vocals or the drums because this is actually confusing to me //.

    There are more problems to choice of rhythm but I hope you can find it out yourself cause there's a lot of it.

  1. Always keep in mind of rhythm choice.
  2. 00:06:093 (6) - I'm not sure why you chose to map this way, this isn't really following anything prominent. This rhythm is the way how I would map, accordingly to the prominent sounds.
  3. 00:14:236 (4) - Missing all the sounds in between // I'll hold onto this first
  4. 00:34:808 (2,4) - Stack?
  5. 01:20:665 (5) - nc

  1. 00:11:950 (1,1) - This actually looks pretty confusing, try some other pattern or map differently
  2. 00:30:736 (6) - Just map with circles please lol // I don't find this weird tbh, so no change for now until mentioned again!
  3. 00:58:379 (1,2,3,4,5) - even though there may be very slight sounds, it is not prominent enough to let you map like this.

To be very honest, you're gonna have to keep practicing in order to make a rank-quality mapset. This wasn't bad, but definitely not great. Please take no offense because I'm only saying this so you can learn and become a better mapper. :) Good luck. ;) // noproblem kekeke, thanks for the advise!

Seaweed wrote:

nm from queue. Sorry I'm late, havent been in the mood to mod lately and I've been really busy
was gonna say something about 1/6 streams but saw map description
00:03:736 (5,1) - pls add a circle on the white tick between them. There's clearly a sound there that needs to be mapped // there's no reason for that. And by the sound that I'm following is quite obvious not this one...
00:11:950 (1) - instead of a slider, just put a circle on the blue tick, less awkward to play

00:20:986 (3,4) - its kinda empty between these notes. I recommend extending the stream or putting a kick slider // I don't really like long streams in Hard. Kick sliders too. This beat is okay for a Hard beatmap imo
00:34:808 (2) - pls overlap with sliderend of 00:35:236 (4) *nazi intensifies*

00:47:665 (2,3,4) - it kinda breaks the consistency of the map, i recommend this instead // it's fine. since I'm following the instrument and I made 00:46:379 (1) - a slider like that with a tip that has a beat on it.

gl ranking ^^
Thanks for modding! :)

To those M4M which haven't arrived, there's no need for it anymore as I'm not going to fix this beatmap any sooner or later due to rl :)

me emo shet

  1. 00:40:165 (2,3) - not a perfect blanket here
  2. 01:06:522 (4) - no clap?
  1. 01:00:950 (4,5,6,7,1) - this isn't pretty neat pentagon shape here
that's all

Topic Starter

lit120 wrote:


  1. 00:40:165 (2,3) - not a perfect blanket here
  2. 01:06:522 (4) - no clap?
  1. 01:00:950 (4,5,6,7,1) - this isn't pretty neat pentagon shape here
that's all

Fixed everything! Thanks :)
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