
Osu! Balkan Community Meet-Up

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Osu! Balkan Community Meetup 2016

This thread is dedicated to the organization of a grand Balkan osu! community meet-up which will be held somewhere in late May or early June of 2016. The goal of this meet-up is to bring the whole Balkan community together and make a memorable experience for everyone. Because this will be a large scale event, organization will take a long time. This thread will be filled with polls and suggestions about the meet-up until the 20th of May when we will finalize everything we’ve decided.
The staff will always be available to you in private messages as well as in game chat, so if you have any questions which aren’t answered in this thread you can feel free to ask us directly.

Organization and Staff:

Currently, the staff organizing the meet-up consists of Gumica and myself. The team is not full, as we would like to have one person from each country organizing the necessities within their country (busses, trains etc.). Finally, all of the staff should report to me as I am located where the meet-up will be held, therefore I will be making the final bookings and communicating with the owners of the specific places where we will be spending our meetup.


The only thing we have decided before making this thread is the general location, and that decision is final. Zagreb will be the location for the meet-up because of simple geography. It is somewhere in the middle-ish, and it also contains one of the largest numbers of active players from the Balkan region.
However, the specific place or places we will be renting (a hotel, a bar etc.) are yet to be decided. We will be taking suggestions until we have enough to make a poll and vote on the location.


As was mentioned earlier in the thread, the date for the meet-up is yet to be decided. However we are certain the meet-up will not be held before the 20th of May because we need enough time to organize it and make sure everything goes as planned.

Budget (Generally):

Because this thread was posted early enough (April 15th),everyone is expected to be able to put away some amount of money for the meet-up. Ideally, everyone should be able to save around 50 Euro for the purposes of this meet-up. Given that everyone has a month to do so, it shouldn’t be a problem. However, if there is one, and if someone truly cannot save that amount of money, I’m sure everyone can help with one or two Euro. Just try to save SOME money, no matter how little.


We are currently researching the cheapest options to get from any major city in the Balkan to Zagreb. This section will be updated once we’ve found the ideal price. A rough estimate for this will be at most 30 Euro for a two way ticket. Cities closer to Zagreb vary, but are on average 20 Euro.
If anyone has a car, you’re encouraged to take people from your city with you as it is the cheapest and fastest option for you all if you split the gas money.


Non-Alcoholic Beverages:
There will be no vote about these because they are not really the main focus here. This is the list of non-alcoholic drinks we will buy per 5 people coming:
- One Coca-Cola 2,5 l bottle
- One Fanta 2,5 l bottle
- One Juicy apple juice 1l bottle
- One Juicy orange juice 1l bottle

Alcoholic Beverages:
These drinks we will have to vote on in the thread. There are basic things we will buy which are listed below, however strong alcoholic drinks will be voted on in the thread. There will be three 1 l bottles of strong drinks bought per 5 people coming. The drinks which will definitely be purchased are the following:
- One Pan beer 2,5 l bottle
- One Ožujsko beer 2,5 l bottle
- One l of any white wine
- One l of any black wine
The Strong Drinks:

Other Expenses:

There are probably things you'd be willing to buy too which aren't listed in this thread, so in this box we're just suggesting you bring around 10 euro extra.


In order to confirm that you will be coming, simply post in this thread and we will count you in.
The current list of players coming to the meet-up:
Shohei Ohtani
I didn't even know Balkan consisted of more than like 5 people
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Reditum wrote:

I didn't even know Balkan consisted of more than like 5 people
Well surprise surprise there's more. Congratulations on making the most pointless comment in history.

Reditum wrote:

I didn't even know Balkan consisted of more than like 5 people
I bet you thought Europe was a country.

Reditum wrote:

I didn't even know Balkan consisted of more than like 5 people
"im showing my ignorance haha look at me im so funny haha XD"
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Reditum wrote:

I didn't even know Balkan consisted of more than like 5 people
fyi, you just made all of these 5 people think you're an idiot.
Thing is mate, if we exclude the mongrels from Herzegovina and only count the people from Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia, we'd come to the conclusion that Zagreb isn't the geographical centre, but a city like Vinkovci. :p
prije banja luka, ali šta bi ti znao o geografiji
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Aurani wrote:

Thing is mate, if we exclude the mongrels from Herzegovina and only count the people from Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia, we'd come to the conclusion that Zagreb isn't the geographical centre, but a city like Vinkovci. :p
Yeah it's not, I said middle-ish. It's the best place to meet-up because there will be a large amount of players from Zagreb coming, so it's efficient to host it there rather than Vinkovci, kek.

Assuming most Serbians will be traveling from Beograd, and Slovenians from Ljubljana, it sounds like an alright location to host the meet-up.
yeah you know nobody outside of zg will come.
but you can hope
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Dostedt wrote:

yeah you know nobody outside of zg will come.
but you can hope
There will be a few slovenians for sure. Also, our meetups have been fun with ~7 people, so it's not really that important that everyone comes. We're simply inviting everyone.
I was taking into account what Dostedt said right above - no one of importance is going to come, and those who are from Southern Croatia wouldn't really be in a much better position since they'd already travel hundreds of kilometres, but yeah, I guess there is nothing wrong with Zagreb.

I was just throwing in my two cents, not ordering you to change the place. :p
well, fuck me being in Austria.
heyhey now, Austria aint that bad

Stefan wrote:

well, fuck me being in Austria.
Come over here q A q

I need my bear hug );

Aurani wrote:

No one of importance is going to come
Define who is important then and who isn't.

Stefan wrote:

well, fuck me being in Austria.
You have a 1h40min travel time from The border near Maribor to Zagreb if you go by car. It ain't that bad =^)

I'm currently researching prices with public transport and i'll publish them soon™
KaK smo spušili baš muški xD dobro je bilo dobar steam drugi put ćemo 5-0 a ne 4-1 xD
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Wot wot, novi meet-up!! Pa ča ima ćo? ^^

Evo ja bi ful došao, al sve ovisi o tome dal ću radit taj dan kad se mislimo naći. Npr. subota bi bila epska, ali assuming da ne radim tu subotu.
Ako smijem predložit, ja sam više za početak sedmog mjeseca. Ali dobro, to je samo moj opinion. Meni je u biti svejedno, samo da ne radim taj vikend.

Što se tiče transporta, ja imam auto i mogu povest nekoga iz Rijeke. Al ono, assuming da je osoba normalna, da se zna ponašat, i da ne radi sranja. Npr. da me neće ubit il tako nešto XD

Umm, vjerojatno imam još stvari za reć, al se treba sjetit. Još ću ja postat ovdje ovih dana kad se sjetim nečeg korisnog.
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Has anyone made any concrete plans yet?

As I said, I would love to come if my work doesn't screw me over. About transportation, if you're from anywhere near/around/in Rijeka, you can go with me
as long as you compensate somehow, be it financially or materially. Returning wise, you can or don't need to come with me; your choice.

About budget, I can't really afford much but maybe I can bring 50€. And it would be awesome if others could bring as much as they can, so we can organize and plan our shopping and stuff.

Make sure to take plenty of photos if this ends up happening!

We love featuring stuff like this in the weekly.
No idea about my availability time. Currently, it's like I got caught up in a storm, and I am just waiting for it to calm down to see where I actually am. :p

If you guys post updates here, maybe I could squeeze in a free day or something, but it's a long shot.

P.S: while Zagreb is a nice city to meet up in, take note that it's more expensive than any other city in the country (except for Dubrovnik lol). Food and stay prices are higher compared to other cities, so you should probably check the prices here as well.
Ovo je interesantno! Nisam znao da imamo takav tred o meeting. Zao mi je da necu moci doci posto zivim u nemacku a i imam puno da radim. Mozda drugi put? Heh
Bar cu od sat citati ovaj tred.

is this ever gonna happen?
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