
Pendulum - Hold Your Colour

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 28 декабря 2015 г. at 15:43:59

Artist: Pendulum
Title: Hold Your Colour
Tags: dnb drum and bass marathon
BPM: 174
Filesize: 8374kb
Play Time: 05:15
Difficulties Available:
  1. Old version (5,33 stars, 1417 notes)
  2. What Color You Hold? (5,44 stars, 981 notes)
Download: Pendulum - Hold Your Colour
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Remapping in progress
Hold your colors against the wall
When they take everything away
Привет, М4М отсюда.

  1. Добавить ещё тегов

  1. 00:01:098 (1) - попробуй изогнуть или сделать продолжением предыдущего (повернуть конец влево), думаю, что так смотрится лучше
  2. 00:01:098 (1) - предлагаю таймлайн как на скриншоте: Здесь 00:01:270 сильный бит, который приходится на конец слайдера, а здесь 00:01:442 стоит сёркл, хотя особо слышимого тут ничего нет
  3. 00:02:822 (2) - скопировать-отразить (1)
  4. 00:04:546 (3) - сдвинуть влево, чтобы выглядело симметрично
  5. 00:06:615 (1) - сдвинуть ниже-левее, чтобы выглядело как одна линия, либо сдвинуть куда-нибудь ещё, чтобы выглядело не как плохо сделанная линия ꞉) (так, например: )
  6. 00:10:063 (2) - скопировать-отразить (1)
  7. 00:18:166 (3) - если тут бланкет с (1), то он может быть лучше
  8. 00:20:408 (1) - скопировать-отразить 00:19:718 (3) , хотя тут, в принципе, не так заметно
  9. 00:22:822 (4) - может, сдвинуть ниже-левее для лучшего флоу
  10. 00:32:994 (1,2,3) - сделать одинаковое расстояние между началами слайдеров?
  11. 00:34:029 (4,1,2,3) - сделать спейсинг как между 00:33:683 (3,4)
  12. 00:39:891 (2) - попробуй сделать более красивую волну:
  13. 00:39:891 (2,3) - бланкет получше
  14. 00:49:373 (1) - сделать точки симметричными относительно середины (может, уменьшить для этого размер сетки), как-то так, например:
  15. 00:52:132 (1) - убрать НК?
  16. 00:54:029 (2) - можно скопировать-отразить (1), хотя текущий вариант тоже ничего
  17. 01:02:822 (6) - стакнуть с 01:01:614 (8)?
  18. 01:10:063 (1,2) - сделать спейсинг как дальше в стриме
  19. 01:12:822 (1) - стакнуть с (3)
  20. 01:14:201 (1,2) - спейсинг как в стриме
  21. 01:19:029 (6) - сдвинуть ниже для флоу
  22. 01:25:235 (1,2) - спейсинг как в стриме
  23. 01:30:236 (5,6) - спейсинг
  24. 01:32:132 (1,2) - бланкет
  25. 01:36:873 (4,5) - может, сделать их параллельными или изогнуть (5)?
  26. 01:37:908 (2) - скопировать-отразить (1)
  27. 01:37:908 (2,3) - бланкет немного неаккуратный
  28. 01:39:029 (1,2,3) - сделать этот треугольник копированием-поворотом (1), как-то так:
  29. 01:41:873 (1) - оверлап с (3) не особо нравится
  30. 01:43:253 (2,3) - ^
  31. 01:44:287 (7) - копировать-повернуть (6)
  32. 01:52:477 (8) - немного повернуть, чтобы форма была как у стрима
  33. 01:56:615 (7) - сделать волну получше
  34. 01:58:166 (9) - сделать как бы продолжением стрима, но текущий вариант тоже нормальный
  35. 02:04:029 (2,3,4) - может, сделать тут треугольник? Либо прямую линию
  36. 02:11:270 (2,3,4,5,6) - сдвинуть ниже для флоу, либо поставить красную точку на (1) (так, наверное, даже лучше):
  37. 02:12:132 (1) - может, разделить на несколько обычных/повторяющихся слайдеров, т. к. вот тут 02:12:908 идёт изменение звучания
  38. 02:25:063 (4,5) - сделать расстояние между началами как между (3,4) - сдвинуть выше-левее, мне кажется, что так выглядит лучше:
  39. 02:39:718 (1,2) - спейсинг
  40. 02:48:511 (5) - может, сделать изогнутым, чтобы был бланкет с (4)?
  41. 02:49:029 (7) - Ctrl+J?
  42. 02:50:753 (1) - не очень нравится оверлап с (5)
  43. 02:51:011 (2,3) - бланкет
  44. 02:59:201 (2) - может, копировать-отразить 02:58:684 (8)?
  45. 03:34:201 (3,4) - сделать симметричными
  46. 03:37:822 (1) - зачем тут НК?
  47. 03:44:718 (2,3,4) - может, сделать такой же угол, как 03:44:546 (1,2,3)
  48. 03:45:580 (8) - сдвинуть конец вниз, выглядит лучше
  49. 04:14:718 (7) - его почти не видно, предлагаю передвинуть куда-нибудь
  50. 04:30:925 (6) - передвинуть выше-правее к концу стрима
  51. 04:41:270 (2,3,4) - угол как 04:41:098 (1,2,3)
  52. 04:43:856 (1,2,3,4) - сделать (2,4) параллельными
  53. 04:59:804 (6,7) - спейсинг
  54. 05:04:546 (1) - может, скопировать-отразить 05:04:029 (8)
  55. 05:07:304 (1) - передвинуть вниз, чтобы избежать оверлапа
  56. 05:08:166 (6,7) - изменение спейсинга объяснимо, но выглядит не очень хорошо, на мой взгляд
  57. 05:08:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - предлагаю разделить: при первой игре выбил конец на 100 и 50 (потому что воспринимал как 1/2) и в результате сфейлил на следующем спиннере из-за нехватки хп
  58. 05:10:063 (1) - предлагаю закончить спиннер здесь 05:13:166. Здесь заканчивается основной вокал, а слишком долгий спиннер и рука устаёт крутить, и если ты потерял хп, то можешь сфейлить, а это обидно

Topic Starter

NewPlayer wrote:

Привет, М4М отсюда.

  1. Добавить ещё тегов Особо много тегов тут не по добавляешь, допишу разве что Marathon

  1. 00:01:098 (1) - попробуй изогнуть или сделать продолжением предыдущего (повернуть конец влево), думаю, что так смотрится лучше
  2. 00:01:098 (1) - предлагаю таймлайн как на скриншоте: Здесь 00:01:270 сильный бит, который приходится на конец слайдера, а здесь 00:01:442 стоит сёркл, хотя особо слышимого тут ничего нет Особо разницы не вижу, но изменил на всякий случай
  3. 00:02:822 (2) - скопировать-отразить (1)
  4. 00:04:546 (3) - сдвинуть влево, чтобы выглядело симметрично
  5. 00:06:615 (1) - сдвинуть ниже-левее, чтобы выглядело как одна линия, либо сдвинуть куда-нибудь ещё, чтобы выглядело не как плохо сделанная линия ꞉) (так, например: )
  6. 00:10:063 (2) - скопировать-отразить (1)
  7. 00:18:166 (3) - если тут бланкет с (1), то он может быть лучше Бланкета не планировалось, но даже если и так, то тут все впорядке
  8. 00:20:408 (1) - скопировать-отразить 00:19:718 (3) , хотя тут, в принципе, не так заметно тоже не вижу различий
  9. 00:22:822 (4) - может, сдвинуть ниже-левее для лучшего флоу
  10. 00:32:994 (1,2,3) - сделать одинаковое расстояние между началами слайдеров? Все три слайдера следуют одному спейсингу, так что пока менять не буду
  11. 00:34:029 (4,1,2,3) - сделать спейсинг как между 00:33:683 (3,4) По задумке тут меняется спейсинг, но я уже и сам понял, что это так себе идея
  12. 00:39:891 (2) - попробуй сделать более красивую волну:
  13. 00:39:891 (2,3) - бланкет получше
  14. 00:49:373 (1) - сделать точки симметричными относительно середины (может, уменьшить для этого размер сетки), как-то так, например:
  15. 00:52:132 (1) - убрать НК?
  16. 00:54:029 (2) - можно скопировать-отразить (1), хотя текущий вариант тоже ничего Да, ничего)
  17. 01:02:822 (6) - стакнуть с 01:01:614 (8)?
  18. 01:10:063 (1,2) - сделать спейсинг как дальше в стриме
  19. 01:12:822 (1) - стакнуть с (3) не стакается
  20. 01:14:201 (1,2) - спейсинг как в стриме
  21. 01:19:029 (6) - сдвинуть ниже для флоу
  22. 01:25:235 (1,2) - спейсинг как в стриме
  23. 01:30:236 (5,6) - спейсинг
  24. 01:32:132 (1,2) - бланкет
  25. 01:36:873 (4,5) - может, сделать их параллельными или изогнуть (5)? И так нормально
  26. 01:37:908 (2) - скопировать-отразить (1) ^
  27. 01:37:908 (2,3) - бланкет немного неаккуратный
  28. 01:39:029 (1,2,3) - сделать этот треугольник копированием-поворотом (1), как-то так:
  29. 01:41:873 (1) - оверлап с (3) не особо нравится тут много идеальных одеял, так что оставлю
  30. 01:43:253 (2,3) - ^
  31. 01:44:287 (7) - копировать-повернуть (6)
  32. 01:52:477 (8) - немного повернуть, чтобы форма была как у стрима
  33. 01:56:615 (7) - сделать волну получше Поменял на прямой слайдер
  34. 01:58:166 (9) - сделать как бы продолжением стрима, но текущий вариант тоже нормальный Этот вариант не нарушает спейсинг, так что оставлю
  35. 02:04:029 (2,3,4) - может, сделать тут треугольник? Либо прямую линию выбрал первое
  36. 02:11:270 (2,3,4,5,6) - сдвинуть ниже для флоу, либо поставить красную точку на (1) (так, наверное, даже лучше):
  37. 02:12:132 (1) - может, разделить на несколько обычных/повторяющихся слайдеров, т. к. вот тут 02:12:908 идёт изменение звучания меня все устраивает
  38. 02:25:063 (4,5) - сделать расстояние между началами как между (3,4) - сдвинуть выше-левее, мне кажется, что так выглядит лучше:
  39. 02:39:718 (1,2) - спейсинг
  40. 02:48:511 (5) - может, сделать изогнутым, чтобы был бланкет с (4)?
  41. 02:49:029 (7) - Ctrl+J? Сделал по другому
  42. 02:50:753 (1) - не очень нравится оверлап с (5)
  43. 02:51:011 (2,3) - бланкет
  44. 02:59:201 (2) - может, копировать-отразить 02:58:684 (8)? не вижу в этом необходимости
  45. 03:34:201 (3,4) - сделать симметричными
  46. 03:37:822 (1) - зачем тут НК? лол, сам не знаю
  47. 03:44:718 (2,3,4) - может, сделать такой же угол, как 03:44:546 (1,2,3) Также необходимости не вижу
  48. 03:45:580 (8) - сдвинуть конец вниз, выглядит лучше
  49. 04:14:718 (7) - его почти не видно, предлагаю передвинуть куда-нибудь
  50. 04:30:925 (6) - передвинуть выше-правее к концу стрима
  51. 04:41:270 (2,3,4) - угол как 04:41:098 (1,2,3) Тоже менять не буду
  52. 04:43:856 (1,2,3,4) - сделать (2,4) параллельными
  53. 04:59:804 (6,7) - спейсинг
  54. 05:04:546 (1) - может, скопировать-отразить 05:04:029 (8) хм, зачем?
  55. 05:07:304 (1) - передвинуть вниз, чтобы избежать оверлапа
  56. 05:08:166 (6,7) - изменение спейсинга объяснимо, но выглядит не очень хорошо, на мой взгляд хм, хотелось бы знать почему
  57. 05:08:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - предлагаю разделить: при первой игре выбил конец на 100 и 50 (потому что воспринимал как 1/2) и в результате сфейлил на следующем спиннере из-за нехватки хп
  58. 05:10:063 (1) - предлагаю закончить спиннер здесь 05:13:166. Здесь заканчивается основной вокал, а слишком долгий спиннер и рука устаёт крутить, и если ты потерял хп, то можешь сфейлить, а это обидноЯ сильно упростил предыдущие ноты, так что теперь этой проблемы не возникнет. А спинер уменьшать не буду, дрейн тайм станет меньше 5 минут, из-за чего мапа не будет доступна для апрува

Довольно жирный мод, спасибо! Постараюсь написать в ответ тоже что-то крутое. Проверю позже!
No comment=fix
00:00:323 (1) - that timing point feels kind of pointless
00:07:994 (1,2) - rotate sliderend up for better flow
00:12:822 (4) - ^or make straight
00:15:580 (4,5,1) - triangle?
00:57:649 (1) - I think this would flow better
01:10:063 (1) - remove the red anchor? or add another one, it looks kinda weird now
01:19:029 (6) - align better withe the stream before
01:21:098 (1) - make sliderend point towards 2
01:28:339 (2,3) - space a bit more
01:29:373 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - constant ds would play better here
02:12:132 (1) - feels rly weird, maybe lower sv or split into 2/multiple?
02:34:201 (1) - 3x singletap (stacked) would feel better here
02:47:735 (6) - this slider looks really unfitting
03:40:321 (10) - move down a bit
03:40:753 (1,2,3,4) - these feel really overmapped
04:38:684 (2) - move end a bit up
05:06:960 (8,1) - better blanket
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

00:00:323 (1) - that timing point feels kind of pointless fixed
00:07:994 (1,2) - rotate sliderend up for better flow too
00:12:822 (4) - ^or make straight
00:15:580 (4,5,1) - triangle? nah?
00:57:649 (1) - I think this would flow better fixed
01:10:063 (1) - remove the red anchor? or add another one, it looks kinda weird now fixed
01:19:029 (6) - align better withe the stream before fixed
01:21:098 (1) - make sliderend point towards 2 okay
01:28:339 (2,3) - space a bit more this was done deliberately
01:29:373 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - constant ds would play better here fixed
02:12:132 (1) - feels rly weird, maybe lower sv or split into 2/multiple? reduced SV
02:34:201 (1) - 3x singletap (stacked) would feel better here ok
02:47:735 (6) - this slider looks really unfitting fixed
03:40:321 (10) - move down a bit fixed
03:40:753 (1,2,3,4) - these feel really overmapped
04:38:684 (2) - move end a bit up fixed
05:06:960 (8,1) - better blanket

  • Xtra

  1. 00:00:408 (1) - This slider should end here 00:00:696 -
  2. 00:20:408 (1) - I don't think claps fit here.
  3. 00:21:787 (3) - Same as above.
  4. 00:23:856 (3) - Fix this blanket like:
  5. 00:34:374 (2,3) - Avoid this little overlap, it looks awkward.
  6. 00:46:960 (2,3) - Fix blanket.
  7. 00:57:650 (1) - This slider is weird, can you reshape it so it has less points?
  8. 01:04:374 (8,1) - This spacing is really awkward. There should be a much bigger DS here.
  9. 01:08:167 (7,8) - Ctrl+G for better flow.
  10. 01:12:822 (1,3) - Stack properly?
  11. 01:23:684 (9,1) - Same as 01:04:374 (8,1)
  12. 01:27:994 (1) - Stack this on 01:26:615 (1) 's head.
  13. From this part 01:29:374 - to here 01:49:029 - Maybe you should recheck, and made the sliderends muted, to make it sound like it's not overmapped.
  14. 01:50:753 (1) - This should end here 01:51:040 -
  15. 01:51:443 (1,1) - Stack properly.
  16. 02:03:684 (8,1,2,3) - I suggest to make this a jump instead, not a DS'ed jump.
  17. 02:09:891 (3,4,5,6,7) - This stream is really weird, please make it more straight.
  18. 02:12:132 (1) - Please mute the sliderend to make it sound better.
  19. 02:18:684 (6,7) - This jump is too big, please make it a bit smaller.
  20. 02:24:891 (3,4) - Ctrl+G?
  21. 02:29:115 (2,3) - Im not sure about this..
  22. 02:31:787 (3,4) - Same as 02:18:684 (6,7) it's too big.
  23. From 02:35:581 - to 02:54:546 - You should do the same as 01:29:374 -
  24. 02:56:960 (1) - This should end here 02:57:247 -
  25. 03:12:822 (1,2) - These are too close to each other, make it more separated.
  26. 03:18:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Mute the sliderends.
  27. 03:33:512 (1) - Ctrl+G.
  28. 03:41:615 (4,1) - Too close to each other.
  29. 04:03:856 - to 04:22:994 - Mute the sliderends.
  30. 04:25:236 (1) - This should end here 04:25:523 -
  31. 04:25:925 - Kiai time?
  32. 04:46:270 (9,1,2,3,4,5) - Mute the sliderends.
  33. 04:47:650 (5) - NC, because of SV change.
  34. 04:47:994 - Kiai time?
  35. 05:08:684 (1) - Mute the sliderend.

  • Feedback

    I think you should work more on your jumps, and sliders.
    Good luck ^^
Topic Starter

-Tochi wrote:


  • Xtra

  1. 00:00:408 (1) - This slider should end here 00:00:696 -
  2. 00:20:408 (1) - I don't think claps fit here.
  3. 00:21:787 (3) - Same as above.
  4. 00:23:856 (3) - Fix this blanket like: this blanket all right
  5. 00:34:374 (2,3) - Avoid this little overlap, it looks awkward.
  6. 00:46:960 (2,3) - Fix blanket.
  7. 00:57:650 (1) - This slider is weird, can you reshape it so it has less points? slightly changed form
  8. 01:04:374 (8,1) - This spacing is really awkward. There should be a much bigger DS here.
  9. 01:08:167 (7,8) - Ctrl+G for better flow.
  10. 01:12:822 (1,3) - Stack properly?
  11. 01:23:684 (9,1) - Same as 01:04:374 (8,1)
  12. 01:27:994 (1) - Stack this on 01:26:615 (1) 's head.
  13. From this part 01:29:374 - to here 01:49:029 - Maybe you should recheck, and made the sliderends muted, to make it sound like it's not overmapped. I am not very sure about overmap here, so far only think about this idea
  14. 01:50:753 (1) - This should end here 01:51:040 -
  15. 01:51:443 (1,1) - Stack properly.
  16. 02:03:684 (8,1,2,3) - I suggest to make this a jump instead, not a DS'ed jump. nope, it suits me
  17. 02:09:891 (3,4,5,6,7) - This stream is really weird, please make it more straight.
  18. 02:12:132 (1) - Please mute the sliderend to make it sound better.
  19. 02:18:684 (6,7) - This jump is too big, please make it a bit smaller.
  20. 02:24:891 (3,4) - Ctrl+G?
  21. 02:29:115 (2,3) - Im not sure about this..
  22. 02:31:787 (3,4) - Same as 02:18:684 (6,7) it's too big.
  23. From 02:35:581 - to 02:54:546 - You should do the same as 01:29:374 -
  24. 02:56:960 (1) - This should end here 02:57:247 -
  25. 03:12:822 (1,2) - These are too close to each other, make it more separated.
  26. 03:18:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Mute the sliderends.
  27. 03:33:512 (1) - Ctrl+G.
  28. 03:41:615 (4,1) - Too close to each other.
  29. 04:03:856 - to 04:22:994 - Mute the sliderends.
  30. 04:25:236 (1) - This should end here 04:25:523 -
  31. 04:25:925 - Kiai time? not see the point because here the music not similar to the music in kiai
  32. 04:46:270 (9,1,2,3,4,5) - Mute the sliderends.
  33. 04:47:650 (5) - NC, because of SV change.
  34. 04:47:994 - Kiai time? ^
  35. 05:08:684 (1) - Mute the sliderend.

  • Feedback

    I think you should work more on your jumps, and sliders. okay ^_^
    Good luck ^^
Thanks for mod!
no reply=fixed

-00:00:408 (1) - sounds better ending at the blue tick. Doesn't sound as 1/6 at all. same with 00:11:443 (1) - and similars
-00:04:374 (2) - would be cool if it was in the middle of 00:03:856 (1,3) - , like real symmetry
-00:05:925 (3,4,5) - kinda sharp angle you made here, moving (5) more up would be cool
-00:32:477 (3,1) - this kind of antijump doesnt work very well here cuz the sound at 00:32:994 - is very subtle so starting a slider from there doesnt feel too natural. Just space them more or change the rhythm a way that is more natural to play
-00:55:581 (3,4) - this overlap is very ugly ;w,. space these 00:55:236 (2,3,4) - more even and so the next slider is more readable
-01:04:029 (6,7) - the distance change feel a bit too exaggerated, if u move (7) to something like x360y240 feel better i think
-01:06:960 (5) - the drums finish here, so 01:07:046 (6,7,8) - feel so out of place. Maybe try a 3/4 slider from (5)
-01:08:339 (8,9,1) - the way this flow isn't too good..mostly due to the slider shape as you can see on this ugly example They're "similar" but play way different
-01:15:063 (7) - try to avoid sliders which end on strong beats like here. Instead you could use circle+slider starting from the write tick. It happens on several other places like here 01:30:236 (5) - 01:59:201 (7) - etc
-01:31:701 (5,6) - 01:33:167 (5,6,1,2) - you do this a lot on these sections, but it plays very bad because there's no reason for these. Use a more playable distance for those 1/4 distanced circles please. Slider-slider is ok due to the slider leneancy but circle-slider is ugh nono
-02:06:098 (7,8,1,2,3) - uhm weird flow, mostly cuz you'd expect other kind of movement, see this picture
-02:09:201 - this blank is really random;w; really consider filling it up
-02:18:339 (4) - i kinda expected to be farther apart of 02:18:167 (3) - cuz of the momentum you create between 02:17:994 (2,3) - . similar here 03:41:615 (4,1) -
-02:24:546 (1,2,3) - distance plays poorly cuz you reduce it way too abruptly between 2-3 from the distance you used right before
-02:30:063 (1) - try to make the curve to the other side so flow is better like pictures i showed you before
-02:42:736 (3,4,5,6) - there's a clear path between these sliders, do it in a way that you can see or atleast intuit that you're doing this
-03:08:167 (6,7) - this is most likely to be missread as 1/4 rather than 1/2
-03:40:753 (1,2,3,4) - there's actually no reason to use 1/8. Music is plain 1/4
-another thing that you should care of is the downbeats. Most of the time these have a lot of emphasis, so higher distance towards these is recommended at this level. For example here 01:09:719 (8,9,1) - having the same distance means the rhythm is basically the same, but (1) has emphasis that is lost by keeping your distance constant, or here 01:17:822 (7,8,9,1) - where you decided to reduce the distance by a far amount.

Hope it helps a bit, gl <3.
Topic Starter

Milan- wrote:


-00:00:408 (1) - sounds better ending at the blue tick. Doesn't sound as 1/6 at all. same with 00:11:443 (1) - and similars I think that 1/6 was good, though and changed
-00:04:374 (2) - would be cool if it was in the middle of 00:03:856 (1,3) - , like real symmetry ofc
-00:05:925 (3,4,5) - kinda sharp angle you made here, moving (5) more up would be cool fixed
-00:32:477 (3,1) - this kind of antijump doesnt work very well here cuz the sound at 00:32:994 - is very subtle so starting a slider from there doesnt feel too natural. Just space them more or change the rhythm a way that is more natural to play okay
-00:55:581 (3,4) - this overlap is very ugly ;w,. space these 00:55:236 (2,3,4) - more even and so the next slider is more readable fixed
-01:04:029 (6,7) - the distance change feel a bit too exaggerated, if u move (7) to something like x360y240 feel better i think perhaps, fixed
-01:06:960 (5) - the drums finish here, so 01:07:046 (6,7,8) - feel so out of place. Maybe try a 3/4 slider from (5) change on soft
-01:08:339 (8,9,1) - the way this flow isn't too good..mostly due to the slider shape as you can see on this ugly example They're "similar" but play way different I understood, fixed
-01:15:063 (7) - try to avoid sliders which end on strong beats like here. Instead you could use circle+slider starting from the write tick. It happens on several other places like here 01:30:236 (5) - 01:59:201 (7) - etc I will work on this
-01:31:701 (5,6) - 01:33:167 (5,6,1,2) - you do this a lot on these sections, but it plays very bad because there's no reason for these. Use a more playable distance for those 1/4 distanced circles please. Slider-slider is ok due to the slider leneancy but circle-slider is ugh nono I will also work on this
-02:06:098 (7,8,1,2,3) - uhm weird flow, mostly cuz you'd expect other kind of movement, see this picture fixed
-02:09:201 - this blank is really random;w; really consider filling it up filled
-02:18:339 (4) - i kinda expected to be farther apart of 02:18:167 (3) - cuz of the momentum you create between 02:17:994 (2,3) - . similar here 03:41:615 (4,1) - fixed
-02:24:546 (1,2,3) - distance plays poorly cuz you reduce it way too abruptly between 2-3 from the distance you used right before fixed
-02:30:063 (1) - try to make the curve to the other side so flow is better like pictures i showed you before fixed
-02:42:736 (3,4,5,6) - there's a clear path between these sliders, do it in a way that you can see or atleast intuit that you're doing this fixed
-03:08:167 (6,7) - this is most likely to be missread as 1/4 rather than 1/2
-03:40:753 (1,2,3,4) - there's actually no reason to use 1/8. Music is plain 1/4 and I so liked this sliders =(
-another thing that you should care of is the downbeats. Most of the time these have a lot of emphasis, so higher distance towards these is recommended at this level. For example here 01:09:719 (8,9,1) - having the same distance means the rhythm is basically the same, but (1) has emphasis that is lost by keeping your distance constant, or here 01:17:822 (7,8,9,1) - where you decided to reduce the distance by a far amount.

Hope it helps a bit, gl <3.
Thank you, this mod really helped me
IRC quality mod
2015-09-05 15:40 Feb: r u there?
2015-09-05 15:40 FCL: yea
2015-09-05 15:41 Feb: can I mod here ?
2015-09-05 15:41 Feb: in irc
2015-09-05 15:41 FCL: OK, I don't mind
2015-09-05 15:42 Feb: ok sec I need to check If osu started textfile
2015-09-05 15:42 Feb: ok it does
2015-09-05 15:42 Feb: so
2015-09-05 15:42 Feb: I'll do nitpick alot on your hitsounding if it's fine for you (lol)
2015-09-05 15:43 FCL: np
2015-09-05 15:43 Feb: so general first: you use no custom hitsounds (makes me sad)
2015-09-05 15:43 Feb: the refree bell is kinda annoying
2015-09-05 15:44 Feb: sec
2015-09-05 15:45 Feb:
2015-09-05 15:45 Feb: use this?
2015-09-05 15:45 Feb: omg sec
2015-09-05 15:45 Feb:
2015-09-05 15:45 Feb: as whistlesound
2015-09-05 15:46 Feb: next thing is I think you should reconsider using those blue combo colours they are matching to well with background imo making them unreadable
2015-09-05 15:47 Feb: just say anything if you need me to stop
2015-09-05 15:47 FCL: Hmm, maybe it's right
2015-09-05 15:47 FCL: ok,ok
2015-09-05 15:47 Feb: ya maybe they are rankable but I wouldn't risk it
2015-09-05 15:48 Feb: + you have an osb in your folder for no raison
2015-09-05 15:48 Feb: reason*
2015-09-05 15:48 FCL: well, I change the color
2015-09-05 15:48 Feb: ok
2015-09-05 15:49 Feb: 00:00:408 (1) - first, I would make repeat here you map vocal right?
2015-09-05 15:49 FCL: OSB I remove too
2015-09-05 15:49 Feb: ok
2015-09-05 15:49 Feb: and remove whistle from sliderend
2015-09-05 15:49 FCL: yes
2015-09-05 15:49 Feb: that's actually in whole section you use them there to often
2015-09-05 15:50 Feb: generally I would use them here only on big white ticks
2015-09-05 15:50 Feb: 00:02:477 (1) - and never do this
2015-09-05 15:50 Feb: make sliderend have whistle
2015-09-05 15:51 Feb: or no at least not on red tick imo
2015-09-05 15:51 Feb: 00:03:856 (1) - add whistle on head
2015-09-05 15:51 FCL: it does not look, I'll change
2015-09-05 15:52 Feb: ok
2015-09-05 15:52 Feb: 00:07:305 (4) - remove finish on end
2015-09-05 15:52 Feb: 00:07:994 (1) - whistle on head
2015-09-05 15:52 Feb: 00:08:684 (4) - finishspam imo
2015-09-05 15:53 Feb: remove on end and middle
2015-09-05 15:53 Feb: 00:09:374 (1) - remove whistle from end
2015-09-05 15:53 Feb: 00:11:443 (1) - repeat? like before
2015-09-05 15:53 Feb: and use whistle on head like first note
2015-09-05 15:54 Feb: 00:15:408 (3,4) - that blanket is bad imo
2015-09-05 15:55 Feb: 00:17:650 (1,3) - those are to close to each other imo
2015-09-05 15:55 Feb: 00:21:443 (2) - remove whistle
2015-09-05 15:55 Feb: 00:17:650 (1) - add whistle
2015-09-05 15:55 Feb: on head
2015-09-05 15:55 Feb: 00:18:339 (4) - finish spam
2015-09-05 15:56 Feb: remove thefinish from end
2015-09-05 15:56 Feb: 00:16:270 (1) - add whistle on head and remove finish from end
2015-09-05 15:56 Feb: ok I'll wait this was alot LOL
2015-09-05 15:58 FCL: all right, I have time and everything changes silently
2015-09-05 15:58 Feb: ok
2015-09-05 15:58 FCL: continue
2015-09-05 15:59 Feb: 00:19:029 (1) - whistle on head
2015-09-05 15:59 Feb: 00:19:719 (3) - finish remove from end
2015-09-05 15:59 Feb: 00:20:408 (1) - whistle on head
2015-09-05 15:59 Feb: 00:21:443 (2) - remove whistle
2015-09-05 15:59 Feb: 00:21:787 (3) - add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:00 Feb: and finish on the repeat sliders end.
2015-09-05 16:00 Feb: 00:23:167 (1) - remove finish
2015-09-05 16:00 Feb: 00:23:339 (2) - remove finish from end
2015-09-05 16:00 Feb: 00:24:546 (1) - add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:01 Feb: 00:25:925 (1,2) - remove the finishes
2015-09-05 16:01 Feb: 00:27:305 (1) - add whistle
2015-09-05 16:01 Feb: 00:28:684 (1) - add whistle remove finish
2015-09-05 16:01 Feb: 00:28:856 (2) - delete the finish on end
2015-09-05 16:02 Feb: 00:29:374 (3) - uh randum clap
2015-09-05 16:02 Feb: 00:30:063 (1) - add whistle and delete the finish
2015-09-05 16:02 Feb: 00:30:236 (2) - delete finish from end
2015-09-05 16:02 Feb: 00:30:753 (3) - remove both claps
2015-09-05 16:03 Feb: 00:31:443 (1) - add whistle and remove finish
2015-09-05 16:03 Feb: 00:31:615 (2) - remove claps
2015-09-05 16:03 Feb: 00:32:477 (3) - ^
2015-09-05 16:04 Feb: 00:34:201 (1) - remove finish add whistle
2015-09-05 16:04 Feb: 00:34:374 (2) - remove finishes at all since you silence here almost
2015-09-05 16:04 Feb: 00:35:581 (2) - add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:04 Feb: 00:36:960 (1) - remove finishes
2015-09-05 16:04 Feb: add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:05 Feb: 00:38:339 (1) - add whistle
2015-09-05 16:05 Feb: 00:39:719 (1) - add whistle and remove finish
2015-09-05 16:05 Feb: 00:39:891 (2) - remove finish from end
2015-09-05 16:05 Feb: 00:40:408 (3) - remove claps
2015-09-05 16:05 Feb: 00:41:098 (1) - add whistle remove finish
2015-09-05 16:05 Feb: 00:41:270 (2) - remove finish from end
2015-09-05 16:06 Feb: 00:41:787 (3) - remove clap
2015-09-05 16:06 Feb: 00:42:477 (1) - remove finishes and add whistle onhead
2015-09-05 16:06 Feb: 00:42:994 (2) - ^but don't add whistle here
2015-09-05 16:06 Feb: 00:43:512 (3) - remove clap
2015-09-05 16:06 Feb: 00:43:856 (1) - add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:06 Feb: 00:45:236 (1) - remove finish and add whislte
2015-09-05 16:07 Feb: 00:45:753 (2) - remove finish
2015-09-05 16:07 Feb: 00:45:925 (3) - delete the claps
2015-09-05 16:07 Feb: 00:46:615 (1) - add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:07 Feb: 00:47:994 (1) - remove all finishes, and add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:08 Feb: 00:49:374 (1) - remove finish add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:08 Feb: 00:51:443 (2) - remove claps
2015-09-05 16:08 Feb: 00:52:132 (3) - ^^
2015-09-05 16:08 Feb: ^
2015-09-05 16:08 Feb: 00:53:512 (1,2) - remove finishes
2015-09-05 16:08 Feb: add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:08 Feb: of (1)
2015-09-05 16:08 Feb: 00:54:546 (3) - remove clap
2015-09-05 16:09 Feb: 00:54:891 (1) - add whistle on head
2015-09-05 16:09 Feb: 00:55:753 (4) - add finish remove clap
2015-09-05 16:09 Feb: oh ^i mean to remove all claps
2015-09-05 16:09 Feb: and finish on end
2015-09-05 16:10 Feb: 00:56:270 (1) - add whistle and clap
2015-09-05 16:11 Feb: 00:56:615 (2) - add clap
2015-09-05 16:11 Feb: on head
2015-09-05 16:11 Feb: 00:56:270 (1) - wups remove the finish...
2015-09-05 16:12 Feb: remove finsh spam
2015-09-05 16:12 Feb: 00:57:650 (1) -
2015-09-05 16:12 Feb: ^
2015-09-05 16:12 Feb: then troughout the whole map u fail to use the claps at all
2015-09-05 16:12 Feb: go trough the map again and use in normal situations the 2 and 4 tick as claps
2015-09-05 16:12 Feb: if it's not possible at some point just don't use em
2015-09-05 16:13 Feb: 01:07:305 (1,2) - good example for it
2015-09-05 16:13 Feb: the song give you that strong DRUM beat
2015-09-05 16:13 Feb: like one the white ticks
2015-09-05 16:14 Feb: just use clap there
2015-09-05 16:14 Feb: 01:04:546 (1) - this is to loud 100% make it more quiet
2015-09-05 16:15 Feb: 01:00:408 (1,2) - remove the finishes
2015-09-05 16:16 Feb: 01:06:615 (1,2,3) - move it a little bit away it touches the repeat almost
2015-09-05 16:17 Feb: 01:10:925 (7) - remove thie clap from head
2015-09-05 16:17 Feb: and i think you should space this more away
2015-09-05 16:17 Feb: 01:10:408 (2,3,4,5,6) - this a 6 - stream very hard to play
2015-09-05 16:17 Feb: I'd try not to use it
2015-09-05 16:18 Feb: at all unless the music requires it
2015-09-05 16:18 Feb: but this is dnb so it doesn't
2015-09-05 16:18 Feb: 01:15:925 (2,3,4,5) - make a little bit overlap here this is not really readable
2015-09-05 16:19 Feb: overall you use to manyfinishes in the map
2015-09-05 16:19 Feb: this is dnb there is almost no finish
2015-09-05 16:19 Feb: like just don't use them at all and you are good to go
2015-09-05 16:19 Feb: 01:15:236 (8) - remove the clap from end
2015-09-05 16:20 Feb: 01:21:443 (2,3,4) - huge jump into stack triplet :/
2015-09-05 16:20 Feb: 01:26:098 (7) - you can space little bit more
2015-09-05 16:21 Feb: 02:01:615 (4,5,6,7,8) - that stack is bad
2015-09-05 16:21 Feb: it'snot readable at all
2015-09-05 16:22 Feb: hdhr players will cry
2015-09-05 16:22 Feb: 02:02:994 (3,4,5,6,7) - that anti jump doesn't work
2015-09-05 16:22 Feb: on 3
2015-09-05 16:22 FCL: lol
2015-09-05 16:22 Feb: and the curve could better imo
2015-09-05 16:22 FCL: okay
2015-09-05 16:22 Feb: shall i stop ? LOL
2015-09-05 16:24 FCL: I just wanted to show that I'm listening u)
2015-09-05 16:24 FCL: continue
2015-09-05 16:24 Feb: LOL
2015-09-05 16:25 Feb: 02:09:891 (3,4,5,6,7) - curve could be better
2015-09-05 16:25 Feb: imo you shoul duse more slidershapes
2015-09-05 16:26 Feb: in your not (i change alot sv parts)
2015-09-05 16:26 Feb: your almost only use straight and curvy sliders
2015-09-05 16:26 Feb: but no siders with directionchange
2015-09-05 16:26 Feb: or anything
2015-09-05 16:26 Feb: 02:12:132 (1) - dat random claps LUL
2015-09-05 16:27 Feb: 02:40:753 (7,8,9) - I don'tthink this should be that curved
2015-09-05 16:28 Feb: like to the bottom rotate it so it makes an curve which doesn't hurt players whrist
2015-09-05 16:28 Feb: 02:56:960 (1) - repeat
2015-09-05 16:29 Feb: notice I'm not pointing anything now about hitsounds.
2015-09-05 16:29 Feb: it should be clear by now, what I said :P
2015-09-05 16:30 FCL: yea
2015-09-05 16:30 Feb: 03:07:305 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is not readable as like the last 2 notes are blue ticks
2015-09-05 16:31 Feb: 03:29:374 (1) - what's that spinner for, what are you following? I can't tell.
2015-09-05 16:33 FCL: кit is really out of place, I delete it
2015-09-05 16:33 FCL: it*
2015-09-05 16:33 Feb: 03:39:719 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - streamshape is really not my thing, but da heck
2015-09-05 16:33 Feb: ok
2015-09-05 16:33 Feb: who cares right
2015-09-05 16:34 Feb: 03:52:305 (6,7) - that back and forth jumps ruined this stacks flow
2015-09-05 16:34 Feb: don't stack it
2015-09-05 16:34 Feb: 03:51:443 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - make star pattern maybe
2015-09-05 16:34 Feb: imo
2015-09-05 16:34 Feb: 03:57:477 (4,5,6,7) - same stack is hard
2015-09-05 16:36 Feb: 04:00:322 (3,4,5) - if you would have used this stack in like the 4 minutes before it I wouldn't say anything, but this is hard to tell that 3 circles are underneath it.
2015-09-05 16:36 Feb: 04:17:650 (1,2) - randum double?
2015-09-05 16:36 Feb: hello miss
2015-09-05 16:37 Feb: 04:22:305 (4,5,6) - dunno about this
2015-09-05 16:37 Feb: maybe it's an awkward stop
2015-09-05 16:37 Feb: i can't really play this kind of stuff
2015-09-05 16:37 Feb: 04:25:236 (1) - repeat
2015-09-05 16:37 Feb: 04:37:563 (4,5,6) - hmm like before
2015-09-05 16:39 Feb: 05:03:684 (4,5,6,7) - hnrg stack
2015-09-05 16:39 Feb: just make little overlaps
2015-09-05 16:40 Feb: 04:14:029 (3,4,5,6) - this is to hard to read
2015-09-05 16:41 Feb: 04:31:960 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - little bit to much spacing imo
2015-09-05 16:41 Feb: 04:33:856 (8) - ctrl+g?
2015-09-05 16:44 Feb: lol dat 25 sec downtime
2015-09-05 16:44 Feb: LOL
2015-09-05 16:46 Feb: idk if i have more
2015-09-05 16:46 FCL: sec problems with mirc
2015-09-05 16:47 Feb: ok
2015-09-05 16:49 FCL: ok, you can continue
2015-09-05 16:50 Feb: what wasyour last message from me? (like from the mod)
2015-09-05 16:51 FCL: 04:33:856 (8) - ctrl+g?
2015-09-05 16:51 Feb: oh then it was it imo LOL
2015-09-05 16:51 Feb: maybe use some more different patterns in 5 streams
2015-09-05 16:51 Feb: because dnb (is in my opinion) to boring to be mapped imo
2015-09-05 16:52 Feb: this is working like supergood bcs it has this extended slider section so it's okay
2015-09-05 16:52 Feb: but idk
2015-09-05 16:52 Feb: if you know that feint song which is ranked this 6 min song or sth
2015-09-05 16:52 Feb: it's uper boring to play
2015-09-05 16:52 Feb: because the streams are just the same over and over again
2015-09-05 16:53 FCL: well, I'll work on it
2015-09-05 16:54 Feb: i mean this
2015-09-05 16:54 Feb: ACTION is listening to [ TwoThirds & Feint - Epiphany (feat. Veela)]
2015-09-05 16:54 Feb: it's like superboring
2015-09-05 16:56 FCL: hmm, you know maps with interesting streams? I would like see this
2015-09-05 16:56 Feb: like how long
2015-09-05 16:57 FCL: just as an example it is easier to understand
2015-09-05 16:57 Feb: the streamlenght?
2015-09-05 16:57 Feb: like 10 or sth
2015-09-05 16:57 Feb: depends on stream
2015-09-05 16:57 Feb: and on music
2015-09-05 16:57 Feb: dnb generellay tends to have curvy streams
2015-09-05 16:58 Feb: because anything else does not fit the music imo
2015-09-05 16:58 FCL: Well, I mean maps with a flow like mine
2015-09-05 16:58 Feb: like the edgy streams wouldn't flow
2015-09-05 16:58 Feb: the one i posted
2015-09-05 16:58 Feb: it's similiar
2015-09-05 16:58 Feb: just yours is more in circular motion all thime
2015-09-05 16:58 Feb: time*
2015-09-05 16:58 Feb: like around and around
2015-09-05 16:59 Feb: and this sticks alot more in one place
2015-09-05 17:00 FCL: hm, okay
2015-09-05 17:00 Feb: but this doesn't mean you have to do it like him
2015-09-05 17:00 Feb: if you know what i mean
2015-09-05 17:00 Feb: it mustn't be bad
2015-09-05 17:01 Feb: that's all
2015-09-05 17:02 FCL: okay
2015-09-05 17:02 Feb: I post IRC later
2015-09-05 17:02 FCL: this really helped me)
2015-09-05 17:02 Feb: good
2015-09-05 17:02 FCL: thanks for hitsounds too
2015-09-05 17:03 Feb: Idk if you know kibbleru's
2015-09-05 17:03 Feb: tutorial
2015-09-05 17:03 Feb: on hitsounding
2015-09-05 17:03 Feb:
2015-09-05 17:03 Feb: it's really helpful
2015-09-05 17:03 Feb: in my opinion
2015-09-05 17:04 FCL: oh, thanks
2015-09-05 17:04 FCL: I'll see

  • Timing:
  1. BPM: Good!
  2. Offset: Good!

  3. BG: Good!
  4. HS: Remove drum-hitwhistle, you don't use it
  5. LeadIn: Add some Time LeadIn on the file of the diff. (1500~2000 should be fine)

    Other Stuff:
  6. Combo Color: In general they don't match the background, here are some suggestions for you:
    collapsed text
    Combo1 : 0,40,81
    Combo2 : 0,0,255
    Combo3 : 0,0,64
    Combo4 : 128,128,255
    Combo5 : 0,0,160
    Combo6 : 57,81,134
  7. Song Setup: Fix the tag "maraphon" which was supposed to be "marathon" I guess
  8. General AiMod: Good!
  1. 00:00:408 (1) - Remove whistle from this and reduce the volume, this is too loud and the whistle isn't fitting at all
  2. 00:23:339 (2) - This shape is a bit ugly, you could perfect it like this:
  3. 00:32:477 (3) - This shape.. I suggest you changing for two circles instead, looks/feels better imo
  4. 00:32:994 (1,2,3) - You mistaken the distance snap here
  5. 00:46:960 (2,3) - Improve the blanket here
  6. 00:51:098 (1,3) - ^
  7. 00:53:512 (1) - 00:54:029 (2) - The same weird slider, I suggest 2 circles instead here too, plays better
  8. 00:56:270 (1,2) - Too much clap here, sounds really awful, remove from 00:56:270 (1) - 's tail
  9. 01:06:960 (5,6,7,8) - This is overmapped. Try a slider with low SV instead
  10. 01:09:719 (8) - Very nazi but move to 120|164 to make it blanketed by the stream nicely
  11. 01:10:063 (10) - Add NC
  12. 01:10:925 (16) - Move to 232|192, current position is a bit awful
  13. 01:23:856 (1) - Slider shape is a bit weird, blanket it properly with 01:22:822 (3) - like this:
  14. 01:29:374 - to 01:48:684 - I am sorry but this doesn't make any sense, I understood what you were trying to follow, but it plays really bad and you've ignored a lot of important beats and some streams/triplets
  15. 01:50:753 (1) - Try this rhythm with very low SV:
  16. 02:03:512 (8,9,1) - I don't understand this pattern, there is too much pressure being put on 02:03:684 (9) - while nothing at 02:03:856 (1) - and it should be the opposite
  17. 02:27:994 (6,1) - This blanket looks awful, you can make it look better for sure
  18. 02:33:856 (8,9,1) - Same case explained above, too much pressure being put on 02:34:029 (9) - instead of 02:34:201 (1) -
  19. 02:35:581 - 02:54:891 - Already talked about this
  20. 02:56:960 (1) - I suggest the same I meantioned above (the long slider with slow sv)
  21. 03:30:753 (1,4) - Awful overlap here
  22. 03:32:822 (4,5) - ^
  23. 04:03:856 - 04:23:167 - Already talked about this²
  24. 04:25:236 (1) - Same suggestion of long slider with slow sv, plays very nicely
  25. 04:25:236 (1) - Miss kiai? Why just on the preview time there isn't kiai?!
  26. 04:57:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - Go to Compose>Create polygon circles and choose 5 points, this will create for you a perfect star shape, unlike this one :p
  27. 05:06:960 (8) - This shape is a bit awful as well.. 05:05:581 (8,8) - Atleast try to blanket them better

Looking the other map from you that I modded some days ago, this one has improved a lot, but there are still many things to work on, such as the hitsounding, the claps are very random, it makes me feel like the sliders were wrongly placed, but in fact the problem are the claps. I hope my mod was helpful, don't forget to vote on my Poll
Topic Starter

Lumael wrote:


  • Timing:
  1. BPM: Good!
  2. Offset: Good!

  3. BG: Good!
  4. HS: Remove drum-hitwhistle, you don't use it I use it in the future
  5. LeadIn: Add some Time LeadIn on the file of the diff. (1500~2000 should be fine) Oh, it will take a lot of time, I'd better come up with something better

    Other Stuff:
  6. Combo Color: In general they don't match the background, here are some suggestions for you:
    collapsed text
    Combo1 : 0,40,81
    Combo2 : 0,0,255
    Combo3 : 0,0,64
    Combo4 : 128,128,255
    Combo5 : 0,0,160
    Combo6 : 57,81,134
    I think that these colors will be merged with BG, but I take them
  7. Song Setup: Fix the tag "maraphon" which was supposed to be "marathon" I guess
  8. General AiMod: Good!
  1. 00:00:408 (1) - Remove whistle from this and reduce the volume, this is too loud and the whistle isn't fitting at all
  2. 00:23:339 (2) - This shape is a bit ugly, you could perfect it like this:
  3. 00:32:477 (3) - This shape.. I suggest you changing for two circles instead, looks/feels better imo simply changed form
  4. 00:32:994 (1,2,3) - You mistaken the distance snap here No, everything is follow the 1.5 DS
  5. 00:46:960 (2,3) - Improve the blanket here changed, but differently
  6. 00:51:098 (1,3) - ^
  7. 00:53:512 (1) - 00:54:029 (2) - The same weird slider, I suggest 2 circles instead here too, plays better simply changed form
  8. 00:56:270 (1,2) - Too much clap here, sounds really awful, remove from 00:56:270 (1) - 's tail
  9. 01:06:960 (5,6,7,8) - This is overmapped. Try a slider with low SV instead
  10. 01:09:719 (8) - Very nazi but move to 120|164 to make it blanketed by the stream nicely
  11. 01:10:063 (10) - Add NC
  12. 01:10:925 (16) - Move to 232|192, current position is a bit awful
  13. 01:23:856 (1) - Slider shape is a bit weird, blanket it properly with 01:22:822 (3) - like this:
  14. 01:29:374 - to 01:48:684 - I am sorry but this doesn't make any sense, I understood what you were trying to follow, but it plays really bad and you've ignored a lot of important beats and some streams/triplets not so bad it's played. But in general I would like to hear your proposal for this section
  15. 01:50:753 (1) - Try this rhythm with very low SV: good offer, but I like the current version
  16. 02:03:512 (8,9,1) - I don't understand this pattern, there is too much pressure being put on 02:03:684 (9) - while nothing at 02:03:856 (1) - and it should be the opposite
  17. 02:27:994 (6,1) - This blanket looks awful, you can make it look better for sure
  18. 02:33:856 (8,9,1) - Same case explained above, too much pressure being put on 02:34:029 (9) - instead of 02:34:201 (1) -
  19. 02:35:581 - 02:54:891 - Already talked about this
  20. 02:56:960 (1) - I suggest the same I meantioned above (the long slider with slow sv)
  21. 03:30:753 (1,4) - Awful overlap here
  22. 03:32:822 (4,5) - ^
  23. 04:03:856 - 04:23:167 - Already talked about this²
  24. 04:25:236 (1) - Same suggestion of long slider with slow sv, plays very nicely
  25. 04:25:236 (1) - Miss kiai? Why just on the preview time there isn't kiai?! you're the second person who says it. Add kiai
  26. 04:57:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - Go to Compose>Create polygon circles and choose 5 points, this will create for you a perfect star shape, unlike this one :p
  27. 05:06:960 (8) - This shape is a bit awful as well.. 05:05:581 (8,8) - Atleast try to blanket them better

Looking the other map from you that I modded some days ago, this one has improved a lot, but there are still many things to work on, such as the hitsounding, the claps are very random, it makes me feel like the sliders were wrongly placed, but in fact the problem are the claps. I hope my mod was helpful, don't forget to vote on my Poll
Thaaaanks for mod! Updated!
No reply=fixed
Hey there~ M4M as requested in my queue~
Sorry for the late mod :/

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Just small suggestions/nazi

  1. Similar to the above mod, add AudioLeadIn. To do this, go to file > open .osu in Notepad, and replace the number on AudioLeadIn: 0 to AudioLeadIn: 1600.
  2. Looks fine other than that.
  1. 00:04:546 (3) - This rhythmically doesn't really make sense, as you can possibly emphasize the vocals, like you did in 00:00:408 (1) - . This slider there shouldn't have a repeat, and instead a circle to fill up its place.
  2. 00:01:098 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - To make the notes fit with the song much better, it would be nice if the distance for these notes(and several similar others) were increasing gradually, as the song is on its build-up stage.
  3. 00:06:615 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These aesthetically doesn't look good, as it feels like these notes are all cramped up to the left side of the playfield. You could have made 00:07:994 (1,2,3,4) - these go to the right side since the flow suggests that.
  4. 00:07:305 (4,1,4) - I am aware that these are strong beats, but finish won't fit, since there are no drum cymbals in the background. Using whistle will work a lot better than finishes.
  5. 00:09:374 (1,2,3) - Add NCs to (2) and (3), as the SV is changing on both notes.
  6. 00:10:667 - Timing point here should be snapped to the note, so move it to 00:10:753 - .
  7. 00:26:270 (3,4,1) - Not really sure about this pattern... (4) and (1) can play out better when (1) is instead placed like this :

  8. 00:32:477 (3) - You should try to avoid unclear slider shapes, as they won't really suggest a definite flow of any sort.
  9. 00:38:339 (1) - This note distance is reduce with no clear reason, instead you can make a diamond pattern with 00:37:994 (5,1,2,3) - .
  10. 00:43:856 (1,2,3,4,5) - SV change here seems bit too overdone, considering the note density being really high. It looks really cramped o.o
  11. 00:47:994 (1,2,3,4) - Flow here will be much better if (3)'s shape was copied from (1).
  12. 00:56:270 (1,2) - I don't think this overlap is good, tbh the hitcircle is overlapped way too much. It could be better if this was normally placed.
  13. First kiai time - I don't really get why, but why is those 5 circle streams are all in different DS? I would like to hear the reason.
  14. 01:29:460 (2,4) - Nitpicky here, but you should avoid this small overlap.
  15. 01:33:598 (1,3) - ^^ and so on. Patterns like this should be neat and clean to read.
  16. Actually the whole pattern 01:29:374 - 01:48:684 - is skipping lots of triplets in the background, which would be really fun for a DnB map. Honestly I think that following the triplets and such will make the pattern more fun to play, since singletapping that much would be too repetitive.
  17. 03:10:236 (2) - Jumps here doesn't make sense, as there is no strong beat present here. Instead a jump should be present at 03:10:408 (3) - this note.
  18. 03:19:201 (5) - Try to avoid unclear slider shapes, using a straight slider instead of a sharp angled slider for this one won't really hurt much on play mode anyway.
  19. 03:40:063 (7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4) - Transition of the flow of this stream is weird, since (7) to (10) was a curve, then (1) to (4) is a linear flow. You can go for this pattern :

  20. I don't mod Extra, but this map needs some work. Some finishes such as 00:05:236 (1) - doesn't really make sense, as that specific note doesn't contain a cymbals. Like some hitsounds makes some sliders sound bit wrong sometimes ;-; I at least hope my Extra mods are helpful.
That is all from me. GL!
Topic Starter

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

Hey there~ M4M as requested in my queue~
Sorry for the late mod :/

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Just small suggestions/nazi

  1. Similar to the above mod, add AudioLeadIn. To do this, go to file > open .osu in Notepad, and replace the number on AudioLeadIn: 0 to AudioLeadIn: 1600.
  2. Looks fine other than that.
  1. 00:04:546 (3) - This rhythmically doesn't really make sense, as you can possibly emphasize the vocals, like you did in 00:00:408 (1) - . This slider there shouldn't have a repeat, and instead a circle to fill up its place.
  2. 00:01:098 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - To make the notes fit with the song much better, it would be nice if the distance for these notes(and several similar others) were increasing gradually, as the song is on its build-up stage. not see the point, here it is better to maintain a constant DS
  3. 00:06:615 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These aesthetically doesn't look good, as it feels like these notes are all cramped up to the left side of the playfield. You could have made 00:07:994 (1,2,3,4) - these go to the right side since the flow suggests that.
  4. 00:07:305 (4,1,4) - I am aware that these are strong beats, but finish won't fit, since there are no drum cymbals in the background. Using whistle will work a lot better than finishes.
  5. 00:09:374 (1,2,3) - Add NCs to (2) and (3), as the SV is changing on both notes.
  6. 00:10:667 - Timing point here should be snapped to the note, so move it to 00:10:753 - .
  7. 00:26:270 (3,4,1) - Not really sure about this pattern... (4) and (1) can play out better when (1) is instead placed like this :

  8. 00:32:477 (3) - You should try to avoid unclear slider shapes, as they won't really suggest a definite flow of any sort.
  9. 00:38:339 (1) - This note distance is reduce with no clear reason, instead you can make a diamond pattern with 00:37:994 (5,1,2,3) - .
  10. 00:43:856 (1,2,3,4,5) - SV change here seems bit too overdone, considering the note density being really high. It looks really cramped o.o
  11. 00:47:994 (1,2,3,4) - Flow here will be much better if (3)'s shape was copied from (1).
  12. 00:56:270 (1,2) - I don't think this overlap is good, tbh the hitcircle is overlapped way too much. It could be better if this was normally placed. this overlap looks good and has no badly effect when you play
  13. First kiai time - I don't really get why, but why is those 5 circle streams are all in different DS? I would like to hear the reason. There's no reason, I just forgot to fix it :D
  14. 01:29:460 (2,4) - Nitpicky here, but you should avoid this small overlap.
  15. 01:33:598 (1,3) - ^^ and so on. Patterns like this should be neat and clean to read.
  16. Actually the whole pattern 01:29:374 - 01:48:684 - is skipping lots of triplets in the background, which would be really fun for a DnB map. Honestly I think that following the triplets and such will make the pattern more fun to play, since singletapping that much would be too repetitive. Regarding this part, I do not want her to do the standard, as the music allows you to do this. But I would like to make it better
  17. 03:10:236 (2) - Jumps here doesn't make sense, as there is no strong beat present here. Instead a jump should be present at 03:10:408 (3) - this note.
  18. 03:19:201 (5) - Try to avoid unclear slider shapes, using a straight slider instead of a sharp angled slider for this one won't really hurt much on play mode anyway.
  19. 03:40:063 (7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4) - Transition of the flow of this stream is weird, since (7) to (10) was a curve, then (1) to (4) is a linear flow. You can go for this pattern :

  20. I don't mod Extra, but this map needs some work. Some finishes such as 00:05:236 (1) - doesn't really make sense, as that specific note doesn't contain a cymbals. Like some hitsounds makes some sliders sound bit wrong sometimes ;-; I at least hope my Extra mods are helpful. of cource
That is all from me. GL!
Thanks for mod!Fact that you have written mod with large delay is not as bad, the main thing you wrote it
No reply=fixed
Hello. Here for M4M from my queue. Hope this helps!

I mention pacing, and you probably have a good notion of this, but in case you're looking for more context or if you want to see an interesting video, here's a video that goes into greater detail:


00:56:615 (2) – The claps mark a transition to a new section, but then you abandon the claps. Try finding a good hitsounding pattern to include them until here 01:01:787 (1) - , where you can then add more of a kick to go with the rising bass.

01:04:546 (1) – These whistles feel like they belong more in traditional japanese music. See if you can find a different custom hitsound that fits the style of music a little better.

01:29:460 (2,4) – This overlap doesn't look good, try not overlapping here.

01:32:391 (2,4) – I'm not sure if this is your style of overlap. To me I like overlapping when you're very bold about it, but otherwise avoid it or stack. These tiny ones don't appeal to me. For example, 01:33:856 (2,3) – is a much stronger overlap that I'm more satisfied with (though it could be centered more like so: )

01:55:408 (9,1) – (1) falls on a kind of strong note. An increase in spacing would compliment this and the flow change with the slider (which is kind of at an awkward angle as is, so a jump in a slightly different direction could help it)

02:30:063 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – The angle change from (1) to (2) is a little odd, and the big change of curvature at (6) is too. See if you can make this whole curve have a more consistent curvature.

02:42:219 (6) – Be careful about stuff like this (especially 04:12:219 (2) - ) since some people like me don't like the sliders that resemble Burai Sliders (which are unrankable). Just one opinion though.

02:42:650 (2,3,4,5) – There's a lot of design ideas that might help improve the aesthetic of this pattern.
Overlap: these could be stacked instead 02:42:650 (2,5) -
Structure: the slider ends/ heads of 02:42:736 (3,4,5) – could form a geometric shape (trapezoid or square). See if making the distance between (5) and (3) the same as the distance between (3) and (4) can help you accomplish a geometric structure.
Symmetry/curvature: 02:42:736 (3,4) – yes, these have horizontal symmetry, but see if you can get it so that these form a circle to create radial symmetry. Also having sliders not have such sharp curvatures like these might look nicer. Perhaps getting 02:43:253 (5) – involved in the circle could work?
The spacing/rhythm probably doesn't allow for all of these, but see if focusing on one or two of these improves the look for you.

02:46:184 (5,6) – you can make this blanket better without disrupting whatever triangle structure you were going for on the slider end's of 02:46:012 (4,5,6) – by selecting (6), hitting ctrl+G, rotating anti-clockwise by it's selection center until the blanket looks good, then doing Ctrl + G to reset its direction

02:47:477 (5,1) – not the best overlap, imo. Maybe blanket (5)'s elbow or go for more of a half-overlap?

03:04:029 (7,8,9) – is there a reason you reduce the DS here? I think it might be nice to have this at 1.5x spacing.

03:46:098 (2) – Even though this has faded a little, try moving this to 300, 201 so that it is equidistant from these two notes 03:46:615 (6,7) - . See if that design looks nice, and maybe you could do something similar so that the distance at 03:46:787 (7,8) – and 03:46:787 (7,9) – are the same.

03:48:684 (1,4,5,6,7,8,10) – (1) and (10) could be blanketed by the stream?

04:39:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – You've used a lot of counterclockwise flow before this, so maybe going clockwise here (or maybe sometime before this) could break it up (ex: 04:39:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - )

My interpretation of pacing:

00:01:098 (1) – until 00:56:270 (1) - . You take a few rests like at 00:09:374 (1) - and 00:20:408 (1) - , but other than that the intensity level is kind of flat throughout this which makes it easy to get lost and kind of fall out of listening to the song. One thing you could to do counteract this is to create intensity by taking big rests (which makes the player pay attention to the change in pacing) by slowing down with the singer. You kind of do that at 00:49:374 (1) - , but I think you can reinforce this elsewhere. Take a look at which I think is a good example of this concept with the long jagged sliders drawing back the player into the song after a kind of repetitive start. Maybe this can be used here maybe it can't.

From 02:35:581 (1) - until 02:54:891 (1) - . I know you're going for the wub effect and I think you do a good job of it, but you're pacing is very flat due to the lack of spacing and rhythm changes and again it's easy to kind of get lost in a monotony. Try including a few 5-note streams or something at areas like 02:38:684 (3,4) – to liven up some areas and include some spacing changes like a jump into 02:46:615 (1) – to compliment the finish. I'm not asking you to ditch the wub effect, I'm asking to diversify it. The same ideas can be applied to the sections at 01:29:374 (1) - and 04:03:856 (1) - , but make it so you add more lively effects to the section at 04:03:856 (1) - and not so many at 01:29:374 (1) – for pacing reasons and to let the wub impact you more when it's fresh and new in the map.

Overall impression: A generally fun map with a very fluid core that has a few pacing and design issues I'm not as on board with. Good luck!

  1. there are many slider whistles that aren't even necessary to use it (not gonna mention all of them)
  2. hitsounds issue...
  3. there are some unnecessary slider like 05:06:960 (8) - for example. you should set the slider end to the red tick for this
  4. 00:03:856 (1,3) - not really symmetrical for me. copy (1) and paste it, then Ctrl+H from (3)'s position (better not to use the reverse)
  5. 00:07:305 (4) - remove slider whistle
  6. 00:07:994 (1) - ^
  7. 00:00:408 (1) - why normal hitsound? use soft hitsound
  8. 00:01:098 (1) - remove finish
  9. 00:01:270 (2) - this should be whistle
  10. 00:02:477 (1,2) - remove slider whistle
  11. 00:08:684 (4) - ^
  12. 00:09:374 (1,1,1) - ^
  13. 00:11:443 (1) - it's not even that REALLY loud one here. use soft hitsound
  14. 00:12:132 (1) - remove finish and whistle and add whistle on the tail
  15. 00:14:891 (1) - remove slider whistle
  16. 00:15:408 (3,4) - improve this blanket a little (i checked it on using 1/8)
  17. 00:18:339 (4) - remove finish
  18. 00:19:029 (1,2) - fix this blanket just a little bit
  19. 00:23:339 (2) - unnecessary finish
  20. 00:23:339 (2,3) - are you even trying to blanket this? if yes, fix this one
  21. 00:28:856 (2) - unnecessary finish
  22. 00:30:753 (3) - point the slider end at 247|193 (i don't use grid)
  23. 00:39:891 (2) - unnecessary finish
  24. 00:41:270 (2) - ^
  25. 00:42:822 - don't skip this beat
  26. 00:50:925 - ^
  27. 00:52:132 (3) - i'd do this if i were you
  28. 00:55:753 (4) - unnecessary finish
  29. 00:56:270 (1) - remove clap and finish on tail
  30. 00:57:132 (5) - clap
  31. 00:57:650 (1) - clap should be on the tail, not whistle
  32. 00:58:512 (5) - clap
  33. 00:59:374 (2) - clap on tail
  34. 00:59:891 (5) - clap
  35. 01:00:408 (1) - unnecessary whistle on tail
  36. 01:00:753 (2) - clap
  37. 01:01:270 (5) - clap
  38. 01:02:132 (3) - clap
  39. 01:02:822 (6) - clap
  40. 01:03:512 (3,7) - clap
  41. 01:04:891 (5,5) - clap on soft sampleset or additions
  42. 01:06:270 (2,1) - ^ on head ((2) at first)
  43. 01:07:305 (1) - remove clap and whistle
  44. 01:08:167 (7) - not really fit to use clap
  45. 01:08:339 (8) - clap
  46. ok, i better stop to mod hitsounds from here
  47. 01:14:201 (1) - welp, slider end should be in white tick
  48. 02:02:305 - i heard something here. add a note here
  49. 02:02:994 (3,4,5,6,7) - not even a perfect curve
  50. 02:12:132 (1) - totally boring here. i would make something like this and remove that useless timing if you accept this
  51. 02:30:063 (1,2) - it's way too close. make it far
  52. 04:43:856 (1,2,3,4) - trying to do something like "square" stuff? it's not even a square play for me. better use like Ctrl+. or Ctrl+, for this
  53. 04:57:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - star pattern ehh? nope. use Ctrl+Shift+D, 5 point, then play with Ctrl+G around to make it as a star pattern
  54. 05:03:167 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - try this
  55. 05:08:684 (1) - too bored. make something similar like 02:12:132 (1) -
  56. 05:10:150 (1) - end the spinner at 05:19:546 -
you better check your map all over again due to hitsound issues here. also, this map needs A LOT more work. GL!
Topic Starter

pinataman wrote:

Hello. Here for M4M from my queue. Hope this helps!

I mention pacing, and you probably have a good notion of this, but in case you're looking for more context or if you want to see an interesting video, here's a video that goes into greater detail:


00:56:615 (2) – The claps mark a transition to a new section, but then you abandon the claps. Try finding a good hitsounding pattern to include them until here 01:01:787 (1) - , where you can then add more of a kick to go with the rising bass.

01:04:546 (1) – These whistles feel like they belong more in traditional japanese music. See if you can find a different custom hitsound that fits the style of music a little better. I quite like whistles here. Maybe I'll change them if someone else will pay attention to it

01:29:460 (2,4) – This overlap doesn't look good, try not overlapping here.

01:32:391 (2,4) – I'm not sure if this is your style of overlap. To me I like overlapping when you're very bold about it, but otherwise avoid it or stack. These tiny ones don't appeal to me. For example, 01:33:856 (2,3) – is a much stronger overlap that I'm more satisfied with (though it could be centered more like so: )

01:55:408 (9,1) – (1) falls on a kind of strong note. An increase in spacing would compliment this and the flow change with the slider (which is kind of at an awkward angle as is, so a jump in a slightly different direction could help it)

02:30:063 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – The angle change from (1) to (2) is a little odd, and the big change of curvature at (6) is too. See if you can make this whole curve have a more consistent curvature.

02:42:219 (6) – Be careful about stuff like this (especially 04:12:219 (2) - ) since some people like me don't like the sliders that resemble Burai Sliders (which are unrankable). Just one opinion though. This form of sliders are perfect for music, although I will try to resort to this form is much rarer

02:42:650 (2,3,4,5) – There's a lot of design ideas that might help improve the aesthetic of this pattern. All this is certainly nice, but changed this piece before the your mod
Overlap: these could be stacked instead 02:42:650 (2,5) -
Structure: the slider ends/ heads of 02:42:736 (3,4,5) – could form a geometric shape (trapezoid or square). See if making the distance between (5) and (3) the same as the distance between (3) and (4) can help you accomplish a geometric structure.
Symmetry/curvature: 02:42:736 (3,4) – yes, these have horizontal symmetry, but see if you can get it so that these form a circle to create radial symmetry. Also having sliders not have such sharp curvatures like these might look nicer. Perhaps getting 02:43:253 (5) – involved in the circle could work?
The spacing/rhythm probably doesn't allow for all of these, but see if focusing on one or two of these improves the look for you.

02:46:184 (5,6) – you can make this blanket better without disrupting whatever triangle structure you were going for on the slider end's of 02:46:012 (4,5,6) – by selecting (6), hitting ctrl+G, rotating anti-clockwise by it's selection center until the blanket looks good, then doing Ctrl + G to reset its direction maybe it's a good option, but then the subsequent flow may suffer

02:47:477 (5,1) – not the best overlap, imo. Maybe blanket (5)'s elbow or go for more of a half-overlap?

03:04:029 (7,8,9) – is there a reason you reduce the DS here? I think it might be nice to have this at 1.5x spacing.

03:46:098 (2) – Even though this has faded a little, try moving this to 300, 201 so that it is equidistant from these two notes 03:46:615 (6,7) - . See if that design looks nice, and maybe you could do something similar so that the distance at 03:46:787 (7,8) – and 03:46:787 (7,9) – are the same.

03:48:684 (1,4,5,6,7,8,10) – (1) and (10) could be blanketed by the stream?

04:39:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – You've used a lot of counterclockwise flow before this, so maybe going clockwise here (or maybe sometime before this) could break it up (ex: 04:39:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - )

My interpretation of pacing:

00:01:098 (1) – until 00:56:270 (1) - . You take a few rests like at 00:09:374 (1) - and 00:20:408 (1) - , but other than that the intensity level is kind of flat throughout this which makes it easy to get lost and kind of fall out of listening to the song. One thing you could to do counteract this is to create intensity by taking big rests (which makes the player pay attention to the change in pacing) by slowing down with the singer. You kind of do that at 00:49:374 (1) - , but I think you can reinforce this elsewhere. Take a look at which I think is a good example of this concept with the long jagged sliders drawing back the player into the song after a kind of repetitive start. Maybe this can be used here maybe it can't. SV slider has no bad effect on play, I checked it many times. so I'll leave as is

From 02:35:581 (1) - until 02:54:891 (1) - . I know you're going for the wub effect and I think you do a good job of it, but you're pacing is very flat due to the lack of spacing and rhythm changes and again it's easy to kind of get lost in a monotony. Try including a few 5-note streams or something at areas like 02:38:684 (3,4) – to liven up some areas and include some spacing changes like a jump into 02:46:615 (1) – to compliment the finish. I'm not asking you to ditch the wub effect, I'm asking to diversify it. The same ideas can be applied to the sections at 01:29:374 (1) - and 04:03:856 (1) - , but make it so you add more lively effects to the section at 04:03:856 (1) - and not so many at 01:29:374 (1) – for pacing reasons and to let the wub impact you more when it's fresh and new in the map. well, I'll try to make this part better

Overall impression: A generally fun map with a very fluid core that has a few pacing and design issues I'm not as on board with. Good luck!
Thanks for mod!
No reply=fixed!
By the way, your mod bit delayed, because one day I received a lot of really mods. Sorry
Topic Starter

-Hakurei- wrote:


  1. there are many slider whistles that aren't even necessary to use it (not gonna mention all of them)
  2. hitsounds issue... sorry for the bad hitsounds. I had little time to prepare for mod map
  3. there are some unnecessary slider like 05:06:960 (8) - for example. you should set the slider end to the red tick for this I do not see anything bad in it
  4. 00:03:856 (1,3) - not really symmetrical for me. copy (1) and paste it, then Ctrl+H from (3)'s position (better not to use the reverse)
  5. 00:07:305 (4) - remove slider whistle
  6. 00:07:994 (1) - ^
  7. 00:00:408 (1) - why normal hitsound? use soft hitsound
  8. 00:01:098 (1) - remove finish
  9. 00:01:270 (2) - this should be whistle
  10. 00:02:477 (1,2) - remove slider whistle
  11. 00:08:684 (4) - ^
  12. 00:09:374 (1,1,1) - ^
  13. 00:11:443 (1) - it's not even that REALLY loud one here. use soft hitsound
  14. 00:12:132 (1) - remove finish and whistle and add whistle on the tail
  15. 00:14:891 (1) - remove slider whistle
  16. 00:15:408 (3,4) - improve this blanket a little (i checked it on using 1/8)
  17. 00:18:339 (4) - remove finish
  18. 00:19:029 (1,2) - fix this blanket just a little bit But I was not going to make a blanket here :О
  19. 00:23:339 (2) - unnecessary finish
  20. 00:23:339 (2,3) - are you even trying to blanket this? if yes, fix this one
  21. 00:28:856 (2) - unnecessary finish
  22. 00:30:753 (3) - point the slider end at 247|193 (i don't use grid)
  23. 00:39:891 (2) - unnecessary finish
  24. 00:41:270 (2) - ^
  25. 00:42:822 - don't skip this beat
  26. 00:50:925 - ^ At this point I intentionally skip bits
  27. 00:52:132 (3) - i'd do this if i were you
  28. 00:55:753 (4) - unnecessary finish
  29. 00:56:270 (1) - remove clap and finish on tail on this fragment I used claps a little differently, but leaning on your advice
  30. 00:57:132 (5) - clap
  31. 00:57:650 (1) - clap should be on the tail, not whistle
  32. 00:58:512 (5) - clap
  33. 00:59:374 (2) - clap on tail
  34. 00:59:891 (5) - clap
  35. 01:00:408 (1) - unnecessary whistle on tail
  36. 01:00:753 (2) - clap
  37. 01:01:270 (5) - clap
  38. 01:02:132 (3) - clap
  39. 01:02:822 (6) - clap
  40. 01:03:512 (3,7) - clap
  41. 01:04:891 (5,5) - clap on soft sampleset or additions
  42. 01:06:270 (2,1) - ^ on head ((2) at first)
  43. 01:07:305 (1) - remove clap and whistle
  44. 01:08:167 (7) - not really fit to use clap
  45. 01:08:339 (8) - clap
  46. ok, i better stop to mod hitsounds from here
  47. 01:14:201 (1) - welp, slider end should be in white tick
  48. 02:02:305 - i heard something here. add a note here here the vocals withstand a short pause, so skip this bit is a good idea
  49. 02:02:994 (3,4,5,6,7) - not even a perfect curve
  50. 02:12:132 (1) - totally boring here. i would make something like this and remove that useless timing if you accept this
  51. 02:30:063 (1,2) - it's way too close. make it far
  52. 04:43:856 (1,2,3,4) - trying to do something like "square" stuff? it's not even a square play for me. better use like Ctrl+. or Ctrl+, for this
  53. 04:57:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - star pattern ehh? nope. use Ctrl+Shift+D, 5 point, then play with Ctrl+G around to make it as a star pattern
  54. 05:03:167 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - try this
  55. 05:08:684 (1) - too bored. make something similar like 02:12:132 (1) -
  56. 05:10:150 (1) - end the spinner at 05:19:546 -
you better check your map all over again due to hitsound issues here. also, this map needs A LOT more work. GL!
no reply=fixed

Thank you for applying at the #modreqsea. Feel free to ignore or reject any parts of your map that you deem unfit and vice versa.

General (Metadata, Timing, etc.)


  1. Why is your offset -276? Try 1075.

Difficulty name

  1. 00:05:236 (1) - This finish here is quite random, don't you think?
  2. 00:30:236 (2) - ^
  3. 00:56:615 (2) - This very obscured by (1), perhaps a blanket should work.
  4. 00:59:029 (1) - This sound a bit better shortened back 1/4.
  5. 01:29:374 to 01:48:598 (x) - Now I don't know why you didn't keep following the drums, but instead you're following the wubs and testing it, it didn't feel natural to me.
  6. 02:13:008 (x) - Unsnapped.
  7. 02:35:581 to 02:54:546 (x) - Just like 01:29:374 to 01:48:598 (x).
  8. 05:10:150 (1) - Shorten this spinner to 05:15:581 since the length of this is a bit over kill.
  9. 05:10:153 (x) Spinner is unsnapped.

I think this map needs a bit more work on it, just recheck your parts and you'll see what I mean~ 8-)
Topic Starter

Crimmi wrote:

Thank you for applying at the #modreqsea. Feel free to ignore or reject any parts of your map that you deem unfit and vice versa.

General (Metadata, Timing, etc.)


  1. Why is your offset -276? Try 1075.
I don't want 00:00:408 (1) - was beyond the red line

Difficulty name

  1. 00:05:236 (1) - This finish here is quite random, don't you think?
  2. 00:30:236 (2) - ^
  3. 00:56:615 (2) - This very obscured by (1), perhaps a blanket should work. everything is in order, I think
  4. 00:59:029 (1) - This sound a bit better shortened back 1/4.
  5. 01:29:374 to 01:48:598 (x) - Now I don't know why you didn't keep following the drums, but instead you're following the wubs and testing it, it didn't feel natural to me. woob woob is fine for me there
  6. 02:13:008 (x) - Unsnapped. this is normal, as the slider follows woob woob effect
  7. 02:35:581 to 02:54:546 (x) - Just like 01:29:374 to 01:48:598 (x).
  8. 05:10:150 (1) - Shorten this spinner to 05:15:581 since the length of this is a bit over kill.
  9. 05:10:153 (x) Spinner is unsnapped. it's fine

I think this map needs a bit more work on it, just recheck your parts and you'll see what I mean~ 8-)
Thanks for mod\No reply=fixed
p/3987869 read this
Topic Starter
RIP map, don't mod later pls
though u can mod this map, it's good quality
I will read pishi mod later for overall development =)
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