
Hatsuki Yura - Nightmare -Overture-

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Natsu wrote:

Hi hi hi ~

  1. Combo colours are almost the same:
    Try to change them a bit maybe like:
Sorry, I think they are fine and fit the song ;w;

  1. 00:04:213 (4) - this should be 1/2 slider since you should map this 00:04:474 - for consistency with the music and 00:03:952 -, also you map it here 00:08:387 (4) - Sorry, I like to add some variation here.
  2. 00:08:908 (1) - try to curve the second part of the slider? not really important but will look a lot better imo,something similar to: Sorry, I want to keep the parallels ;w;
  3. 00:09:952 (3) - with this one you're losing all the consistency with the 1/2 sliders and the music, try: Yes, but I used the version from the beginning instead.
  4. 00:10:995 (1) - finish + whistle fit better here Ok
  5. 00:19:082 this kind of songs should be mapped exactly to the music, 00:19:082 add a circle, also you was mapping all the other similars parts No, I want to keep this little break before the new section
  6. 00:23:256 (4,3) - try to avoid the overlap? Hmm, it's not too bad I think ;w; And I don't want to change the angle
  7. 00:41:517 (4) - this slider is starting in a really weak bit, and feel kinda weird in game, try a better rhythm: I think it's ok and fits
  8. 00:46:474 (1,2,3) - cool Thanks :3
  1. Reduce HP drain by 1 (5) to have a more balanced settings Ok
  2. 00:05:778 (3,4) - they look a bit weird, mainly because they are not symmetrical, try to copy paste them Waah this is my favourite thingy in Hard diffs o:
  3. 00:49:082 (3) - ah not a fan of this flow, making the slider curved can work better, like: Ok
  4. 00:51:691 (3) - mm this play kinda forced, try CTRL G, for better flow Ok
  1. 00:03:430 (2) - make this slider curved for a bit better flow with previous and next object Ok
  2. 00:05:517 (2) - ^ Want to keep parallel
  3. 00:09:691 (2,1) - not a fan of this overlap, but maybe just me Sry, I like it ;w;
  4. 00:15:952 add a circle since the melody get faster here, is ok to use some 1/2 circles Ok
  5. 00:29:778 (1) - make this a slider symmetrical? actually look not nicely done Ok, done differently though
  1. Reduce AR by 1 (3), since fit better how you mapped this Ok
  2. 00:21:430 (2) - make this a slider symmetrical? actually look not nicely done It is almost
well that's all, sorry for be a bit nazi with some slider shapes, the only thing i'm kinda worry is for some rhythms in both insane diffs and for the como colours, GL :)
Thanks <3 Very helpful

Koalazy wrote:

Hihi- Requested via forum PM

00:26:126 (2) - Ctrl+G ? Flows better~ Not at all

I love the flow ohhh

00:09:952 (3,4) - hmm I recommend to do it like this, this flows better for me My version is different but flows as well as that
00:18:300 (3) - Adjust the tail of this slider to make00:18:300 (3,1,2,3) - a better curve I don't think it's a problem o: Atleast it points to them
00:49:865 (2,3) - I think this flows better I don't think so ;w;

I wonder if CS4 is too small for normal diffs... Already changed that
00:10:213 - 00:10:734 - I think you can map some beats here since the music is different from the previous notes Not really o/


Really really nice mapset~ Good luck! :)
Thanks for modding :3 No changes though sorry ;w; You seem to not like that specific flow, because pointed it out multiple times. But it works actually

Kazuya-sama wrote:

Hello, from PM

All diff: Uncheck widescreen support Yo


AR: -1 Yo

00:40:213 (1) - little better blanket: ? No, mine is more correct than yours

00:43:343 (4) - rotate -15 degress ?
00:44:387 (1) - move: x: 112 y: 20 ? and better blanket: + ^, I want to keep the flow here sry

00:45:952 (2) - Move x: 68 y: 292 (distance fix) The spacing is 100% correct

CS: -1 It's "normal", not hard

00:10:995 (1,2,3,1,2) - Move? E.g.: and ? Why? no

AR: +1

00:06:300 (4) - move x: 108 y: 232 ? and slider end/last point/white tick: x: 148 y: 156 ? This is on purpose oô
00:06:821 (1) - after fix spacing: Move: x: 208 y: 100? and move: 00:07:604 (2) - x: 460 y: 76 ? ^
00:13:082 (1) - Little better blanket: (image + Coords) ? Mine is more correct

CS: -1, please. It's better. Naah

00:04:213 (4) - move: x: 396 y: 60 ?
00:06:300 (4) - Better blanket. Slider center (2nd white tick) point: x: 192 y: 168 ? and last point (3rd white tick) x: 256 y: 192 ?
00:10:995 (1) - move: x: 352 y: 240?
00:11:517 (2) - move: x 436 y: 224?
00:11:778 (3) - ^ x: 396 y: 148 ?
00:12:039 (4) - ^x: 436 y: 72 ?
00:19:343 (1,2,3,4) - move: x 377 y: 286? Result:
00:34:474 (2) - Slider center point x: 412 y: 20 ?
00:36:039 (1) - move: x: 474 y: 360 ? Sorry ;w; it's all on purpose

It's okay.

Good Luck!
Thanks o: Well, your style doesn't fit mine very well, so I didn't apply your suggestions ;w; Sry

Dariano wrote:

Hi hi~

This is a kind of shitty mod I just don't know why I couldn't mod this properly, so sorry.
Maybe it was because I could barely hear the hitsounds, perhaps you should consider stepping up the volume a little bit. Calm song = calm hitsounds ;w;


Offset: 2,635 (Current one -13ms) Well, I looked at it again, and I think my offset is correct

I played with both offsets and changed the OD to 9 to be more accurate and the new offset made a big difference there.


00:14:908 (4) - It feels like the song doesn't want this note here :x W..why ;(


00:37:082 (3) - This feels odd. I don't think so, sry ;w;
Perhaps you want to try something like this


00:23:517 (1) - Super nazi, not symmetrical, you didn't use grid snap did you? maybe if you used it, it would be perfect like Mine is almost perfect though this


00:27:691 (1,2) - make them symmetrical to the x axys. I can't, because it would mess up the spacing

All in all, I loved the map, the song was nice too, it was very polished so it deserves a star~
Good luck ranking this!.
Thank you :3

moonlightleaf wrote:

hi~from pm-req


all diff 00:51:821 spinner to 00:54:821 ? Uhh I don't like spinners for fade outs sry


seem no problem


use cs3?

00:13:865 (2,3) - the same with 00:11:778 (2,3) Why, is different rhythm even

00:44:387 (1,2) - oh,suddenly appear different form fefore a little suprise , change the same typesetting as before? Variety is fine for me


AR-7 OD-6

00:13:865 (2,3,4) - try this , make diff more fun to play

00:15:169 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^

00:48:561 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^ you can consder it

like this ↑ sometimes no use DS to put notes will be funny more (but no too far it depend the song Well, I think with DS it fits the diff spread more, and also, I don't really like yuor suggestions

00:42:300 (1) - try Why change my only creative pattern ;w;


cs4 plz


00:14:908 (4) - delete Sorry, it belongs there

00:26:126 (2) - ctrl+g No, it will destroy the flow

good luck :)
Thank ya <3

Moway wrote:

00:41:778 (2) - I prefer this to the right more, kind of similar to the way you have it at 00:06:821 (1,2). Here I think making the blanket breaks flow a bit, so I think it is okay to forego the blanket for this part. Sorry, I think it's fine flow ;w;


00:15:430 (2) - I prefer this to be somewhere around (420,48). Forcing the blanket plays kind of oddly, so I think it is better to go out a bit more since it will form better circular flow from 00:14:648 (4,1) then down into 00:15:691 (3). I think the flow is fine


Odd to me that you have this diff at CS5 and Mao's diff at CS6, considering that your idea was to increase CS with difficulty. Settings and object count indicate that this diff is supposed to be the harder one, so I suggest switching the CS between the two diffs if you really want to have the ascending CS with difficulty pattern. I personally really discourage CS6, but since you want to do it this way I suggest switching here. Alternatively, if you think Mao's diff is the harder one, then give the higher settings to that diff. I think it's cool to have the CS6 at the easier diff though

That's all from me, as you can see it's mostly hitsounding stuff. Good luck!
Waaa, awesome mod! Thank you so much! I fixed the rest o: Especially the hitsounding. My hitsounding really sucks.

Phew, finally I'm through this

Natsu wrote:

[Mao's Insae]
  1. 00:04:213 (4) - this should be 1/2 slider for consistency with the music, also with 00:06:300 (4) - Mapped the loudest instrument here and this kind of instrument isn't that noticeable here so I really think it fits as it is.
  2. 00:08:387 (4) - same as above ^
  3. 00:12:561 (4) - and here too, since you are not being consistent, you map some like 00:10:474 (4) - and 00:14:648 (4) - , but you ignore the similars one in the above suggestions <:, try to be a bit more consistent IMO These are totally different parts in terms of that instrument, I'm consistent in the parts where the instrument is playing the same notes
  4. 00:19:865 (2,3,4,5,6) - not a fan, I prefer if you do a perfect star pattern here I like this shape :c
  5. 00:37:604 (4) - should be a 1/2 slider for consitency with 00:39:691 (4) - Nothing to be consistent here, different parts in the music for me.
  6. 00:41:778 same as above ^
  7. 00:45:952 (4) - ^ ^


Kazuya-sama wrote:

[Mao's Insane]

Jesus. CS6... o_o : Suggestion: CS4 or CS5. It's very very small. o_o Why is everybody against CS6? CS6 fits the song very much imo

00:50:648 (1) - move: x: 393 y: 161? ^ That would make the blanket look worse :v
Good Luck!

Fixed everything else.
Some hitsounding issues and especially this long break at the one part was already fixed but Desperate-baka didn't update with my diff =.=

Only one thing, tags are inconsistent o/
Dat CSs o.o Nice, I love them!

No, I am too lazy to mod..
And the map looks good already imo. No KD please
Nice difficult spread!
Mao's diff looks really fresh and intresting to play. Isnt that better rename to "Mao's Extra"?
Whatever, good luck with rank!
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

I fixed the Tags.

Thanks guys <3
Hello =3

Take this SB (」・ω・)」 (.osb file)
Topic Starter

Kenterz9 wrote:

Hello =3

Take this SB (」・ω・)」 (.osb file)
Thank you so much <33

  1. It seems there are elements in the storyboard that are scripted but the files aren't in the download, I would talk to the storyboarder and see what's up with that
  2. I'd recommend a 10% increase in hitsounds overall, I understand that you want them to be quiet but remember that hitsounds are there to provide feedback to the player, and when they're so quiet all the time it's hard to get that feedback.
Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. 00:06:821 (1,2,3) - the pattern here could look a bit nicer, try moving 1 to x172 y92 and 2 to x420 y192, will look like this
  2. 00:48:561 (1,2) - try a pattern like this? would flow a bit better
  1. I think you could use claps a little more consistently like you did in the normal, if you're going to place them on the third beat of a measure like 00:04:734 (3) - , then why not do it for both measures and put one on the end of 00:02:648 (1) - as well? can go through the whole map like this, just an idea
  2. 00:08:908 (3,4) - a few more whistles would fit well, tail of 3 and head of 4 perhaps?
  3. 00:42:300 (3,4) - same as before
Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. nice
  1. 00:04:734 (1) - I'd move the whistle from the head to the tail
  2. 00:08:908 (1) - try a whistle on the end?
Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. 00:06:300 (4) - is this supposed to be a blanket? might want to make it clearer if it is or not, since right now it just looks like a messy blanket
  2. 00:26:648 (3,4) - the fact that you increase spacing here with the melody is cool, but they don't flow well into 00:27:691 (1,2,3) - after.
  3. 00:29:778 (1,2,3) - placement here looks odd, since 3 does not flow well with the rest of the combo, where it did at 00:27:691 (1,2,3) - right before. Might want to see what you can do about this
  1. 00:39:169 (3) - missed whistle?
Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. 00:08:387 (4,1) - since this is basically consistent for the whole map i'll just leave as a suggestion, I think it would be much nicer if you increased the spacing between these two notes a lot, since they're both sliders the motion will still be smooth to play and it will accent the high point in the melody
  2. 00:28:995 (2) - note is a bit tricky to read even nomod, I can only imagine that it'll be even more frustrating to play with hd
overall won't say much since this is so opposite from my style. having the higher spacing between circles rather than sliders doesn't make sense to me at all, but if this is how you wish to map it then that's fine.

  • nice
[Mao's Insane]
Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. 00:28:734 (5) - were you going for an equal triangle here? x408 y32 if you were (perhaps move 00:27:952 (2) - so it's centered again if you do)
  2. 00:42:300 (1,3) - if you drag 00:43:343 (3) - to 00:42:952 - you will be able to do the blanket for this a bit better
  • 00:27:691 - it seems like in this section you were doing whistles on every beat but missed a couple? or if you're intentionally skipping some i would create a pattern with it, like beats 1, 3, and 4 have whistles and 2 does not, since at the moment it's inconsistent
certainly an interesting concept for a map, and small circles do fit the map well
good luck!
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

overall won't say much since this is so opposite from my style. having the higher spacing between circles rather than sliders doesn't make sense to me at all, but if this is how you wish to map it then that's fine.
Thanks for your mod :3 I will fully reply to it later, but right now I can't because I'm at school....

Anyways, it makes sense for me here. The high spacing fits, because I emphasizes the melody in those parts. And I don't think higher spacing between sliders is necessary here, as the song is so calm and there is not really a reason for that ;w;
Normally I map with higher spacing between sliders, but I don't do for special songs like this :3
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:


  1. It seems there are elements in the storyboard that are scripted but the files aren't in the download, I would talk to the storyboarder and see what's up with that Huh, I will ask Kenterz about it
  2. I'd recommend a 10% increase in hitsounds overall, I understand that you want them to be quiet but remember that hitsounds are there to provide feedback to the player, and when they're so quiet all the time it's hard to get that feedback.

Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. 00:06:821 (1,2,3) - the pattern here could look a bit nicer, try moving 1 to x172 y92 and 2 to x420 y192, will look like this
  2. 00:48:561 (1,2) - try a pattern like this? would flow a bit better Yes
  1. I think you could use claps a little more consistently like you did in the normal, if you're going to place them on the third beat of a measure like 00:04:734 (3) - , then why not do it for both measures and put one on the end of 00:02:648 (1) - as well? can go through the whole map like this, just an idea
  2. 00:08:908 (3,4) - a few more whistles would fit well, tail of 3 and head of 4 perhaps?
  3. 00:42:300 (3,4) - same as before
I don't want so many whistles in the easy, sorry.

Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. nice
  1. 00:04:734 (1) - I'd move the whistle from the head to the tail
  2. 00:08:908 (1) - try a whistle on the end?
I don't wnat so many whistles ;w; And the first ones fit the pattern of hitsounding

Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. 00:06:300 (4) - is this supposed to be a blanket? might want to make it clearer if it is or not, since right now it just looks like a messy blanket Yes
  2. 00:26:648 (3,4) - the fact that you increase spacing here with the melody is cool, but they don't flow well into 00:27:691 (1,2,3) - after. I think the flow is good ;w; Sorry I can't explain why
  3. 00:29:778 (1,2,3) - placement here looks odd, since 3 does not flow well with the rest of the combo, where it did at 00:27:691 (1,2,3) - right before. Might want to see what you can do about this
I don't see a problem with it

  1. 00:39:169 (3) - missed whistle?

Placement/Rhythm/Nazi Patterning
  1. 00:08:387 (4,1) - since this is basically consistent for the whole map i'll just leave as a suggestion, I think it would be much nicer if you increased the spacing between these two notes a lot, since they're both sliders the motion will still be smooth to play and it will accent the high point in the melody I think the flow is good, and it fits, as I actually never used high spacing between these sliders
  2. 00:28:995 (2) - note is a bit tricky to read even nomod, I can only imagine that it'll be even more frustrating to play with hd
It's not tricky, even on hidden o: And also, I don't make a map for hidden. Many maps got those stacks.
overall won't say much since this is so opposite from my style. having the higher spacing between circles rather than sliders doesn't make sense to me at all, but if this is how you wish to map it then that's fine. <- Already commented on that

  • nice
certainly an interesting concept for a map, and small circles do fit the map well
good luck!
Thank you <333 One of the best modders :b
mod from PM req

  1. 00:06:821 (1) - bend little more will be nice like
  2. Nice Job~

  1. I think CS3 is better to spread Difficulties but maybe can't change now
  2. 00:40:213 (1) - i think this slider doesn't look that good i recommend this one

  1. 00:06:821 (1) - make like this will be better shape
  2. 00:48:561 (1,2) - bend little more will be nice
  3. 00:36:039 (1) - move slider's end point to 416,120 and move slider's 3rd point to 392, 160 looks nice~

  1. 00:02:648 (1) - i think this shape looks nicer

Nice Map!

No big problems :)

my mod is all suggestion just fix what you want

Star~ and GL
Topic Starter

Neta wrote:

mod from PM req

  1. 00:06:821 (1) - bend little more will be nice like Uhhh but it messes up the curve completely
  2. Nice Job~

  1. I think CS3 is better to spread Difficulties but maybe can't change now CS4 fits the spread better imo
  2. 00:40:213 (1) - i think this slider doesn't look that good i recommend this one Sorry, I'd like to keep this shape, nothing wrong with it

  1. 00:06:821 (1) - make like this will be better shape Messep up curve... I doN't like this
  2. 00:48:561 (1,2) - bend little more will be nice ^
  3. 00:36:039 (1) - move slider's end point to 416,120 and move slider's 3rd point to 392, 160 looks nice~ ^

  1. 00:02:648 (1) - i think this shape looks nicer I can't see why I should change it ;w;

Nice Map!

No big problems :)

my mod is all suggestion just fix what you want

Star~ and GL
Thank you for the mod and star <3 Sorry, I didn't fix ;w; Because it were all slidershape suggestions and I like my versions better

Das erste Bild bewegt sich echt schnell, willst du es nicht ein wenig mehr von rechts nach links moven (und langsamer) anstatt so schnell von oben nach unten?
00:27:952 - Dieses rote Bild könnte ein bisschen mehr zum Gong passen, aka es sollte langsamer ausfaden.
00:44:908 - Den Übergang kriegste bestimmt besser hin.

La première image se déplace très vite, tu veux qu'il ne bouge pas un peu plus de droite à gauche (et plus lent) au lieu de le plus rapidement de haut en bas?
00:27:952 - Cette image rouge pourrait être un peu plus approprié pour le gong, ce qui signifie qu'il devrait disparaître lentement.
00:44:908 - la transition que vous avez déterminé à aller mieux.

Google translater.


00:23:517 (1) - Blanket

..naja, ok? xD 00:09:952 (4) - Das einzige was ich noch erwähnen könnte wäre das hier, weil der flow hier ein wenig doof ist, der Slider pointed nach unten, der andere Slider ist oben, du kennst es ja.


00:21:430 (1) - Wie wärs mit ner schöneren Kurve oder was ausgefallenerem?
00:29:778 (1) - Naja, auch wieder nkomisches Shape, machs symmetrisch oder so ;w;
00:45:169 (2) - Blanket

Die Slidershapes gefallen mir nicht so, würden schöner gehen. Rest ist ok.


00:15:430 (2) - Wie wärs mit irgendwo wie.. 428 48 fürn bessren flow? (Ist nicht die beste Stelle, aber du solltest sehen was ich mein)
00:18:300 (3) - Willst du die heavy beats echt ignoireren?
00:23:517 (1,2,3) - Nschöneres Pattern geht bestimmt, wow.. dat useful mods today xD Naja, eigentlich würd ich hier 00:24:561 - Circles machen anstatt den grossen Slider. Iwie so..


..SV ist meiner Meinung nach viel zu hoch, das Feeling vom Song geht damit echt flöten. Wie auch immer D: AR 7.

00:19:343 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Eigentlich gute Idee, allerdings gehts immer im Kreis, etwas langweilig oder? Versuch ein paar Directionchange pro Pattern reinzukriegen.
00:26:648 (1,2,3,4) - Und das sieht einfach Random aus im Vergleich zum Rest.

[Mao's Insane]

00:34:995 (4) - Nicht schön. [Insert screen of something prettier here]

Eigentlich ist die Map ganz gut.. aber die Geraden slider am anfang.. die scheinen mir etwas unkreativ.

Tut mir leid, der Mod ist echt fürn Arsch xD Es gibt zum einen nicht viel zu sagen, aber es überzeugt mich noch nicht wirklich - liegt aber eher am Song, nicht an der Map, deswegen passts :P Die Maps sind nicht schlecht.

Viel Glück, star4u! Wenn du kein Glück hast mit BATs finden kannst du mich dann rufen.
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:


Das erste Bild bewegt sich echt schnell, willst du es nicht ein wenig mehr von rechts nach links moven (und langsamer) anstatt so schnell von oben nach unten?
00:27:952 - Dieses rote Bild könnte ein bisschen mehr zum Gong passen, aka es sollte langsamer ausfaden.
00:44:908 - Den Übergang kriegste bestimmt besser hin.

La première image se déplace très vite, tu veux qu'il ne bouge pas un peu plus de droite à gauche (et plus lent) au lieu de le plus rapidement de haut en bas?
00:27:952 - Cette image rouge pourrait être un peu plus approprié pour le gong, ce qui signifie qu'il devrait disparaître lentement.
00:44:908 - la transition que vous avez déterminé à aller mieux.

Google translater. Lol


00:23:517 (1) - Blanket Yes

..naja, ok? xD 00:09:952 (4) - Das einzige was ich noch erwähnen könnte wäre das hier, weil der flow hier ein wenig doof ist, der Slider pointed nach unten, der andere Slider ist oben, du kennst es ja.


00:21:430 (1) - Wie wärs mit ner schöneren Kurve oder was ausgefallenerem? Aber das ist doch nur ein S-Slider ;w; Was ist daran verwerflich
00:29:778 (1) - Naja, auch wieder nkomisches Shape, machs symmetrisch oder so ;w; ._.
00:45:169 (2) - Blanket Ok

Die Slidershapes gefallen mir nicht so, würden schöner gehen. Rest ist ok. ;w;


00:15:430 (2) - Wie wärs mit irgendwo wie.. 428 48 fürn bessren flow? (Ist nicht die beste Stelle, aber du solltest sehen was ich mein) Jo
00:18:300 (3) - Willst du die heavy beats echt ignoireren? Jap, mappe hier nur das eine Instrument und nich das andere ;w;
00:23:517 (1,2,3) - Nschöneres Pattern geht bestimmt, wow.. dat useful mods today xD Naja, eigentlich würd ich hier 00:24:561 - Circles machen anstatt den grossen Slider. Iwie so.. Sorry, mir gefällt der Pattern ._.


..SV ist meiner Meinung nach viel zu hoch, das Feeling vom Song geht damit echt flöten. Wie auch immer D: AR 7. Ja, hast irgendwie recht. Naja, ich lass die diff drin, für die leute, denen es gefällt. Auf DT is es schon wieder was anderes, finde ich. Gibt ja auch noch ne Insane o:

00:19:343 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Eigentlich gute Idee, allerdings gehts immer im Kreis, etwas langweilig oder? Versuch ein paar Directionchange pro Pattern reinzukriegen. Aber danach kommen doch changes ;w; Ich wollte nicht den Flow zerstören, vorallem wegen CS5 war mir das zu riskant
00:26:648 (1,2,3,4) - Und das sieht einfach Random aus im Vergleich zum Rest. Fixed

Tut mir leid, der Mod ist echt fürn Arsch xD Es gibt zum einen nicht viel zu sagen, aber es überzeugt mich noch nicht wirklich - liegt aber eher am Song, nicht an der Map, deswegen passts :P Die Maps sind nicht schlecht. Danke <33

Viel Glück, star4u! Wenn du kein Glück hast mit BATs finden kannst du mich dann rufen.

Danke danke danke <3

Irreversible wrote:


Das erste Bild bewegt sich echt schnell, willst du es nicht ein wenig mehr von rechts nach links moven (und langsamer) anstatt so schnell von oben nach unten?
00:27:952 - Dieses rote Bild könnte ein bisschen mehr zum Gong passen, aka es sollte langsamer ausfaden.
00:44:908 - Den Übergang kriegste bestimmt besser hin.

La première image se déplace très vite, tu veux qu'il ne bouge pas un peu plus de droite à gauche (et plus lent) au lieu de le plus rapidement de haut en bas? I think you're right
00:27:952 - Cette image rouge pourrait être un peu plus approprié pour le gong, ce qui signifie qu'il devrait disparaître lentement. Okey
00:44:908 - la transition que vous avez déterminé à aller mieux. Strange sentence, but I understand. Fixed

Google translater.
Thanks for having modded the SB <3
nice song~! :)
Geh, Geh Verzweifelt-chan! ><
Heey /

  1. With that SB I had an idea that maybe you like: Add a new red combo colour and force the colour of combos when the bg of the sb turns on red (00:10:995, 00:27:691 and 00:44:387). You can try with this example of the easy diff:
  2. The combo colours are so similars now (1 with 3, 2 with 4), maybe remove one and make another more light or dark, idk.
  3. Maybe considers add a spinner at the end to vary the score.
  1. 00:27:691 (1) - This slider shape would look more smooth if you remove the red control point and move the white one downwards until the slider restore its shape.
  2. 00:29:778 (2) - Same.
  3. 00:50:648 (3) - Add finish at the end, I think it fits properly with the sound of the track. If you add then go and fix this in all diffs.
  1. Considers increasing the AR and OD +1 since this is a hard diff. Now the AR is kinda slow.
  2. 00:26:648 (3) - A) Add a new combo here. B) Move the previous slider to make a sequence of jumps.
  1. 00:26:126 (2) - I think this would work better if you invert the start of the slider (ctrl+g), if you add, then the sliders would be consistent with the others. (Jumps: 00:27:691 (1,2), 00:29:778 (1,2), 00:31:865 (1,2) etc)
Very short mod, very short map lol
Okay, that's all from me. Hope this can help you. Very tidy mapset btw
The m4m is done~
Topic Starter

Kenezz wrote:

Heey / Hi :3

  1. With that SB I had an idea that maybe you like: Add a new red combo colour and force the colour of combos when the bg of the sb turns on red (00:10:995, 00:27:691 and 00:44:387). You can try with this example of the easy diff: Done in all diffs ^^
  2. The combo colours are so similars now (1 with 3, 2 with 4), maybe remove one and make another more light or dark, idk. I dunno, I think I like it how similar they are ;w; I think the calm song doesn't need many different combo colours.
  3. Maybe considers add a spinner at the end to vary the score.
I tried it, but it sounds not good ;w; In my opinion, spinners don't fit so well for fade-outs, even when you lower the volume

  1. 00:27:691 (1) - This slider shape would look more smooth if you remove the red control point and move the white one downwards until the slider restore its shape. Nice, done ^^
  2. 00:29:778 (2) - Same. ^
  3. 00:50:648 (3) - Add finish at the end, I think it fits properly with the sound of the track. If you add then go and fix this in all diffs. No. I only used finishes for special sounds in the music, which is not there. And also, I think the end is too calm to add a finish of another sampleset
  1. Considers increasing the AR and OD +1 since this is a hard diff. Now the AR is kinda slow. It fits the diff spread, as both Insanes have AR7. I don't want the hard to have the same AR a the Insane diffs. Then, the OD, I think it fits to the AR so no change here
  2. 00:26:648 (3) - A) Add a new combo here. B) Move the previous slider to make a sequence of jumps. Added NC. I once had a different placement of these similar to yours, but I prefer my new one now.
  1. 00:26:126 (2) - I think this would work better if you invert the start of the slider (ctrl+g), if you add, then the sliders would be consistent with the others. (Jumps: 00:27:691 (1,2), 00:29:778 (1,2), 00:31:865 (1,2) etc) Done
Very short mod, very short map lol
Okay, that's all from me. Hope this can help you. Very tidy mapset btw
The m4m is done~
Thank you very much <3
Star for you /O/
Topic Starter

Secretpipe wrote:

Star for you /O/
Thanks <3
Sorry for the delay.

  1. 00:04:734 (3) - I think this whole pattern would look a bit better if you would move this to x:268 y:264, kinda helps it become a better circle in a way.
  2. 00:21:430 (2,1) - Small improvements in the blanket would be nice~
  3. 00:29:778 (1) - Is this NC really that necessary? I mean it doesn't feel like that. I'd just remove the combo from 00:31:865 (1) -
  1. 00:19:343 (1) - I think this slider could use some improvements, the red point makes it kind of awkward, might be just me though. So in this picture I made a slider that is pretty casual, has the blankety effect going on there and now the wave slider blankets with 2 too, so it makes sense! Idk, use it if you like.
  2. 00:29:778 (1) - Looks kind of funny because it's unbalanced, can you make it like 00:23:517 (1) - ? Or like this:
  1. 00:05:778 (3,4) - I dislike this because they are so close to each other, usually people blanket these or move them a bit further away, this is an example how I would prefer to see them;
  2. 00:17:256 (1) - You can blanket it with 00:17:778 (2) - in order to make this better, see this example; And now since you curved 2 to the opposite direction, move 00:18:300 (3) - more to the right so the transition is better.
  3. 00:29:517 (4,1,2) - Kind of disappointed that you guys didn't do a nice circle / star / square pattern with these notes, oh well, here's an example still; Would look better imo
  4. 00:32:387 (2) - Curving it could be a possibility in order to make it look more clean, see this;
Insane looks good, so does Mao's, although for Mao's difficulty there are room to improve, because some slider shapes like 00:34:995 (4) - and 00:36:039 (1) - are not that appealing. Just by making it more curvy or moving the red point could improve them so much. Also the transitions at 00:16:734 (6,1) - , 00:18:300 (4,5) - and 00:18:821 (5,1) - for example weren't the best but that's fine. Nice map overall. I guess you can call me back~
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

Sorry for the delay.

  1. 00:04:734 (3) - I think this whole pattern would look a bit better if you would move this to x:268 y:264, kinda helps it become a better circle in a way. Ok
  2. 00:21:430 (2,1) - Small improvements in the blanket would be nice~ Sorry, I don't really see a difference
  3. 00:29:778 (1) - Is this NC really that necessary? I mean it doesn't feel like that. I'd just remove the combo from 00:31:865 (1) - Yes it is. Because the red combo colour is used when the storyboard turns red and that slider isn't part of the red section
  1. 00:19:343 (1) - I think this slider could use some improvements, the red point makes it kind of awkward, might be just me though. So in this picture I made a slider that is pretty casual, has the blankety effect going on there and now the wave slider blankets with 2 too, so it makes sense! Idk, use it if you like. I changed it, but I just used a curved slider instead
  2. 00:29:778 (1) - Looks kind of funny because it's unbalanced, can you make it like 00:23:517 (1) - ? Or like this: I changed it
  1. 00:05:778 (3,4) - I dislike this because they are so close to each other, usually people blanket these or move them a bit further away, this is an example how I would prefer to see them; I really like this, so I'll keep it ;w;
  2. 00:17:256 (1) - You can blanket it with 00:17:778 (2) - in order to make this better, see this example; And now since you curved 2 to the opposite direction, move 00:18:300 (3) - more to the right so the transition is better. I'm not sure, but I'd like to keep it since it fits the style of the map and I wanted to reuse the straight slider from before
  3. 00:29:517 (4,1,2) - Kind of disappointed that you guys didn't do a nice circle / star / square pattern with these notes, oh well, here's an example still; Would look better imo Hmm sorry I didn't use any patterns like these in this mapset so it wouldn't really fit into it imo. Also, circle reusing
  4. 00:32:387 (2) - Curving it could be a possibility in order to make it look more clean, see this; Fixed, but in a different way then in your screenie
Insane looks good, so does Mao's, although for Mao's difficulty there are room to improve, because some slider shapes like 00:34:995 (4) - and 00:36:039 (1) - are not that appealing. Just by making it more curvy or moving the red point could improve them so much. Also the transitions at 00:16:734 (6,1) - , 00:18:300 (4,5) - and 00:18:821 (5,1) - for example weren't the best but that's fine. Nice map overall. I guess you can call me back~
Thank you :) Awesome mod!
Well, I've tryed to make some adjustments to the slider's shapes. About the transitions, I actually like most of them. Not much to fix with them, it would take a lot of rearranging and they aren't bad at all imo.

osu file format v12

AudioFilename: 01 Nightmare -Overture-.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 2648
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
EpilepsyWarning: 1
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 0.63
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Title:Nightmare -Overture-
TitleUnicode:ナイトメア - 序曲 -
Artist:Hatsuki Yura
Version:Mao's Insane
Tags:Mao Baraepikyurian Rose Epicurean Naitomea -jokyoku- Yami no Kodomo Tachi


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 230,0,0
Combo2 : 128,128,255
Combo3 : 0,128,255
Combo4 : 128,128,192
Combo5 : 0,128,192

Topic Starter
Updated :)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Blase!
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Thank you so much Asphyxia <33
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

Thank you <3
I forgot to add "Kenterz" to the tags before ^^
Mapper wanted to change something so yeah. ~
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

Mapper wanted to change something so yeah. ~
Thank you really much again <3 I just adjusted the diff settings, according to the new possibilities. I think the spread is better now.
After a minor changes on the tags/source:

Gratz! \:D/
Topic Starter
Cool, graz!
gz :)
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

gz :)
Omg 2000 posts Irre-chan o:

Thanks for the gratz-ing guys :3
Gratz Desperate-kun and Mao, great map :D
Gratz man *thumbs up*
So much fun to play both insanes
GJ Desperate-kun and Mao
Congratz ;3
Gratzz!! Mao and Desperate-kun!

Wait, how are you know Artist is Hatsuki Yura?

I want delete my map & change artist is Roses Epicurean (Is insturmental not Singing)

You use the MP3 is who? Because you MP3 is same like my MP3

gokugohan12468 wrote:

Gratzz!! Mao and Desperate-kun!

Wait, how are you know Artist is Hatsuki Yura?

I want delete my map & change artist is Roses Epicurean (Is insturmental not Singing)

The artist is okay, if we assuming Roses Epicurean is the real artist then why this map have "Roses Epicurean" as source? Is a game really? I think no.
Roses Epicurean is the album/circle, and Hatsuki Yura the artist (the artist is the same although this song is instrumental).

I can't see the real problem here, if you have some evidence then shoot it.
><, sorry

spboxer3: no, i not sure ><
Congratz ~ <3
Yes.Roses Epicurean is the album circle name,but Hatsuki Yura must not be Artist because she is the vocal.
As you see the music and arrange is done by キラ星ひかる. :3
Next time check it accurately please.

Kenezz wrote:

The artist is okay, if we assuming Roses Epicurean is the real artist then why this map have "Roses Epicurean" as source? Is a game really? I think no.
Roses Epicurean is the album/circle, and Hatsuki Yura the artist (the artist is the same although this song is instrumental).

I can't see the real problem here, if you have some evidence then shoot it.
Hmm..I know I was a bit late, but lets have a clarification on the metadata.
  1. 葉月ゆら(Hatsuki Yura), A Female Vocalist
  2. Roses Epicurean, A Doujin Circle(Publisher)
  3. 闇童話工房(Yami Douwa Koubou), Album Title
  4. キラ星ひかる(KiraBosi Hikaru), Composer of the whole CD
Here are some references:

From Hatsuki Yura's homepage:

Doujin CD's information page:

Toranoana(Doujin Product Seller): ... 45809.html

A main factor, Hatsuki Yura didn't sing as a vocalist on this instrumental version. We can't assume she contribute nothing on composing, but in fact Kirabosi Hikaru is the real composer. Therefore, using her name as artist doesn't seem reasonable.

Another error according to those sources above. We found nothing related to -Overture- from the current title, it supposed to be removed. Please rectify me if I'm wrong on this.

And meh, this map is now out of qualified. Please do checking on metadata more carefully if possible, don't make it happen again!
Topic Starter
*Desperate-kun feels ashamed*

I should have checked the metadata myself right at the beginning and not copy it from another mapset...


Desperate-kun wrote:

copy it from another mapset...
The easiest way to have incorrect metadata. I actually meant to take a look at this when it got qualified because of the title, but never got around to it. ;_;
Kazuo Kun_old
I did easy perfect w/ FL NC HR HD But I'm not even on the top 50. Is this a bug or what is it?
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