
Your comfort zone?

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Narrill wrote:

I think people are confusing "comfort zone" with "I can pass that."
I think you're confusing it with something that has a set definition rather than just being what the person is comfortable playing.
Everything with streams and without jumps is my comfort zone.

[-Cloud-] wrote:

Everything with streams and without jumps is my comfort zone.

also, 3 stars. Seriously.
4.10-4.30 AR9s with no jumps(or at least not the screen-wide ones), very slow or(or spaced) streams and reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally short sliders that are arranged like a stream(sry, dunno the term)
Somewhere 4.7 star and everything below it.
Between 4 to 4.75 stars with hidden on.

Also with minimal streams and more jumps.
it's funny how my comfort zone is the same as people around rank 20k
shows how different people see comfort zones
3.75 - 4.10 Something like this

B1rd wrote:

I think you're confusing it with something that has a set definition rather than just being what the person is comfortable playing.
Well, that would be a set definition. It's comfort that doesn't have a set definition. This thread is turning into "what difficulty of maps do you play?"

Narrill wrote:

B1rd wrote:

I think you're confusing it with something that has a set definition rather than just being what the person is comfortable playing.
Well, that would be a set definition. It's comfort that doesn't have a set definition. This thread is turning into "what difficulty of maps do you play?"
Well technically I could be comfortable at 80% accuracy, or even failing etc. Comfortableness depends on the person, and is a bit of a vague word here, there probably could have been a better choice of words, like "What maps can you play well?", but everyone mostly assumed it that way anyway.
Top Bunk
I'm comfortable with jumpy AR8-9 (I seem to have trouble with anything lower now) songs with no streams. I hate streams. So I would say around 4 star, give or take a few decimals.

Narrill wrote:

B1rd wrote:

I think you're confusing it with something that has a set definition rather than just being what the person is comfortable playing.
Well, that would be a set definition. It's comfort that doesn't have a set definition. This thread is turning into "what difficulty of maps do you play?"
Guess we're not allowed to be comfortable at higher difficulty map guys
I Give Up

buny wrote:

Guess we're not allowed to be comfortable at higher difficulty map guys
How comfortable can an inexperienced player really be with 6+* maps?
comfortable to me means i can ss it without warmup, but it's not so easy that it becomes boring

silmarilen wrote:

comfortable to me means i can ss it without warmup, but it's not so easy that it becomes boring

winber1 wrote:

1-2 stars
coincidence? i think not

winber1 wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

comfortable to me means i can ss it without warmup, but it's not so easy that it becomes boring

winber1 wrote:

1-2 stars
coincidence? i think not
I don't think I could even SS a 1~2 star map without HRDT ;_; ...

Edit: I don't think I can SS anything to be honest ...

nooblet wrote:

Edit: I don't think I can SS anything to be honest ...
Damn straight.

jk ily

- [ U z z I ] - wrote:

nooblet wrote:

Edit: I don't think I can SS anything to be honest ...
Damn straight.

jk ily
uzzi hidoi :(
Vuelo Eluko

Narrill wrote:

B1rd wrote:

I think you're confusing it with something that has a set definition rather than just being what the person is comfortable playing.
Well, that would be a set definition. It's comfort that doesn't have a set definition. This thread is turning into "what difficulty of maps do you play?"
which are comfortable maps generally

nooblet wrote:

uzzi hidoi :(
They're damn right though.
I don't really have a comfort zone. I guess it'd be around 4.5 stars because maps that are too easy/ low AR are impossible for me and I miss constantly regardless of difficulty.
3.5 - 4.5? Also depends on AR and HP, AR 9 is fine in some cases, but too much drain makes me uncomfortable.

Narrill wrote:

buny wrote:

Guess we're not allowed to be comfortable at higher difficulty map guys
How comfortable can an inexperienced player really be with 6+* maps?
There was only one other person that said 6+ and your statement was generalising a group
Im most comfortable with 4.5 - 4.8 because most of the maps in that difficulty area are damn fun and I can do pretty well on them

buny wrote:

There was only one other person that said 6+ and your statement was generalising a group
Including you there were four people on the first page alone whose range extended to at least 6*. You, Lightningwilly, pengua, and noobsie. That's a plurality.
Well I can't even FC sub-4 star songs after retrying them a bunch. That's how pathetic I am.

Narrill wrote:

buny wrote:

There was only one other person that said 6+ and your statement was generalising a group
Including you there were four people on the first page alone whose range extended to at least 6*. You, Lightningwilly, pengua, and noobsie. That's a plurality.
That's because the only people that stated 6+ were the people on the front page, and I'm sure with that statement people reconsidered what they input because it doesn't agree to your definition of comfort.
nooblet and I's best performances are above 6 star difficulty, so it's not hard to believe that it can be our "comfort zone"

I also consider them easy maps, so it's not hard to believe that 10k ranks can be comfortable at 6 stars. Especially since i was getting 95%+ acc at 6star difficulties at rank 10k also.
Top Bunk
Who even cares about the definition of comfort. Everyone has their own opinions of it and will only state their comfort zone based off their own opinion of what it means. It's not hard to determine what definition people go by when they make their statement. If people say they are comfortable at 6*, or if it's AR10 and OD10 songs then let them be. Whether their opinion fits your own or not is irrelevant. Considering it should be easy enough to determine if it's bs or not by looking at their song performances.

With that out of the way, I'm only comfortable with The Big Black and nothing else. Anything lower is obviously for plebes.

GoldenWolf wrote:

nooblet wrote:

uzzi hidoi :(
They're damn right though.
senpai hidoi ;__;

buny wrote:

nooblet and I's best performances are above 6 star difficulty, so it's not hard to believe that it can be our "comfort zone"
B...b-but buny,-senpai, my top performance is less than 4 stars ;__;
I hate how all of you are... wayyyy better... :c
My comfort zone is around 3.8 stars at rank 50k without streams every damn second.

Wikipedia wrote:

The comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk.[1]

Anyhow, I'd say comfort zone is basically around where you can play a map up to whatever your standard is without having to put in much effort.

So anything that's not streams or AR10+
Comfort... hmm........ probably around 4.5*
AR 9.3 4.5-5.5 stars
AR10 5.5-7.5 stars
since i am comfortable when i can FC / SS the map,

then i guess my comfort zone is non-streamy 2~4 stars, med-high bpm
I usually play beatmaps with 220BPM at 4.5 - 5 stars, sometimes I play 5.5 stars song but my hands just die after and I quit the game of a while haha

buny wrote:

That's because the only people that stated 6+ were the people on the front page, and I'm sure with that statement people reconsidered what they input because it doesn't agree to your definition of comfort.
nooblet and I's best performances are above 6 star difficulty, so it's not hard to believe that it can be our "comfort zone"

I also consider them easy maps, so it's not hard to believe that 10k ranks can be comfortable at 6 stars. Especially since i was getting 95%+ acc at 6star difficulties at rank 10k also.
We don't have to rely on my definition of comfort, we can just use accepted definitions of "comfort zone," the vast majority of which define it as a state in which the subject is free of anxiety or stress. Your top rank is not an indicator of a play made free of anxiety or stress, it's literally your best play ever according to the star system.

And I guess I can't really speak for anyone besides myself, but I don't think it matters that someone can calmly swat their way through a 6* with piss-poor accuracy. You're not going to improve if you aren't giving a play your all, and if you're giving a 6* play your all you won't be calm while it's happening. If a 10k told me 6* was within their comfort zone, I'd tell them they had a map selection problem.
Not HR, though I enjoy playing HR immensely. Probably 4.5-5.0 DT (map dependent) or 4.5-5.1 nomod (again, map dependent) depending on the day. Some days I can single tap really fast, other days not so much. My comfort zone is probably a function of sleep and maybe a few other factors such as RL stress.
My comfort zone is usually about 3-3.5 stars at 57k rank. I still can't FC very well in this range, but can maintain 95-98% accuracy.

Once I hit the 4-4.5 star range it just feels like luck decides whether or not I will pass. Even if I do pass a song in this range after ~20 retries (and 86-92% accuracy), there is a good chance I will fail that song many times in the future.
Hmm at 5.1 stars if the map has many streams and almost no jumps and 4.7 if it has way more jumps
Probably around 4 - 4.5 stars ;w;
around 2 stars is where I dont get random sliderbreaks and 1x's.
2 star.
In related news I am bad at osu!.

Going for SS or quit? 1 star.
Did I mention I am very bad at osu!?
Miku Maekawa
172-192bpm comfort tempo
up til 5.5* i guess i can get an A on things as long as its not too streamy
streaming ability is what hinders me
working on 4.8-5* FCs right now

edit: also working on FCing more 3+ min maps that i havent touched
Vuelo Eluko
7.15 stars
4-5* and 160-185 bpm.
5.5 stars and below, I still screw up sometimes mainly because I wasn't serious
My god I'm such a noob my comfort zone is only like below 3 stars.
After that it just gets much harder for me for no reason.
Like to me easy is too slow and normal is easy
And then hard is just...hard

So yeah, only 3 stars or below for me. T-T
Anything that isn't DT or over 190bpm.
Around 3.5-4 stars, but I can pass 4-4.5 stars.

ilipad wrote:

4-4.5 for me
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