
Ikimono Gakari - Blue Bird

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Ok, after I'm fully satisfied with hitsounds now I think I can rank... well, at least star it. :P
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Sorry for tardiness. Thank you much for your patience, though. :D

Should be all ready to be moved for ranks.
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Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:19:04 (3) - stack the end on 2 It's fine. It's in-between (the middle of) the end of 1 and the beginning of 2.
00:20:22 (1) - align vertically with 4 It's fine, in my opinion.
00:25:35 (3) - stack the end on 2 See the first thingie I wrote. :3
00:32:65 (1) - improper stacking Yeah, I know. It stinks. It's as close as I can get to snap it, but thanks to stacking, it's not a problem! :D
00:33:05 (2) - partly hidden It's fine, in my opinion. The distance snap proves that, which I applied almost throughout the entire beatmap.
a note on inherit sections for changing hitsounds: the section should start a little before the hit so that the people who click early don't hit it while it is still in the previous timing section Meh... I don't know. Maybe I should change, or maybe I shouldn't. Sorry, but I'm not going to go Nazi here.

00:15:48 (3) - align with 2 Ew.
00:17:06 (1) - align with the end of 4 ^
00:23:97 (2) - align with 1 :/
00:32:06 (6) - stack the end under the fading 4? more :/
01:00:48 (6) - is this spaced correctly? it looks strange and out-of-place It's fine. See? It forms an equilateral triangle with the end of 4 and beginning of 5, or at least pretty darned close to it.
01:08:97 (4) - align over the end of 3 Eh...
02:10:94 (3) - align the end under 2 Fine, in my opinion.
02:11:73 (4) - align with 3 ^
02:12:92 (6) - align with 5 ^
02:14:89 (4) - stack the end under the fading 2 Sorry, but I don't feeel like it. :(

00:15:29 (4,5) - I couldnt tell if this was two sliders or a note on top of a slider. move 4 off of 5 plz ?
00:21:60 (4,5) - ^ ^
00:27:33 (5,6,7) - uneven, unintuitive spacing I didn't see anything wrong.
00:28:11 (7,8,9) - ^ ^
00:29:89 (3,4,5) - ^ and at this point i will stop pointing them out, but you should go find and fix them ^
00:42:52 (4,5,6) - i feel like these could use some hitsounds in them somewhere I don't follow.
00:51:96 (4) - stack end on fading 3 No, thank you.
00:56:53 (6) - align with 5 (move it down a bit) Fine, in my opinion.
00:57:13 (7) - align with 6 ^
01:09:17 (6) - align with 5 ^
01:09:76 (7) - align with 6 ^
01:11:73 (5) - stack under fading 3 Sorry, but no.
01:46:07 (5) - finish Egh...
01:59:69 (6) - align with 5 No.
02:00:29 (7) - align with 6 No.
02:02:26 (5) - stack under fading 3 Denied.
02:12:92 (8) - align with 7 I do not comprehend.
02:15:48 (6) - align with 5 ^
Sorry, I don't mean to be so harsh on a fellow Nazi modder, but I think that kind of thing is going a bit too far. I stick more with the spacing and distance between two or more notes, kind of like how smoothly a combo, or pattern, runs. For example, if you're trying to make a circle, you don't want one of the major points to be very off, more or less of a single gridspace (that kind of thing really ticks me off :/ ). But really, I try and see the reasoning of the spacing and the placement, if any.

You are very picky, I can see, and I like that. I hope this will help you focus a little more on the reasoning of a pattern, or combo (I don't know if "focus" is really the right right for use, here). Some nice effective and Nazi modding, though. ;)

EDIT: Oh, hold on. I gotta re-fix the hitcircle. It's still a bit small (you can tell by looking at the bottom-right of the circles/sliders).
good song, good map >w<


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I like the Naruto theme songs a lot and i hope there will come more songs of it, anyway i really like this Beatmap so get it ranked already :D
Great song.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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vytalibus wrote:

For some reason, whenever I open up [Normal] in Editor mode, it says [Easy]. Does anyone else get this same thing?
Oh! Yeah, fix't.

vytalibus wrote:

01:04:23 (1,2) - Not being too nazi, but if you're going for a straight line, fix (2). Huh? You point that out, but not all of the other sections with this kind of error? Besides, this is one of my "old" maps where I haven't really used 'no-grid' to place my beats exact, nor do I feel like sweeping the entire maps of this preciseness error.

DOOD. Cut out the finish hitsounds on sliders like 00:18:64 (7). ? I thought that was perfectly fine? Is anybody else having issues with this?
I have personal problems involving the unpredictable spacing on the verses part. Can someone back me up on this? Sorry, it's purely a stylistic error, in my opinion. I think I'll leave this. Besides, there are too-many-to-count maps which have this problem times ten. And if I recall correctly, they are pretty current.
I love insane, the spacing is awesome.
All difficulties:
-00:51:381 - Set preview point here.

-Remember the whole inherit timing section needing to be a bit early on clicked beats thing, so it can actually be heard the way you want it heard.
-00:47:85 (1) - Either extend by 1/1 or shorten by 1/1.
-01:19:82 (1) - Add a Finish.

-Timing section thing still applies.
-01:19:82 (1) - Add a Finish.

-Timing section thing still applies.
-Look at your spacing very thoroughly. You can't have multiple distances grid-wise within the same timeline distance in the same combo. You can solve this by respacing or by adding New Combo marks when the spacing is different. Applying either of these methods where you see fit is your decision, though.
-01:19:82 (1) - Add a Finish.

So yes. Starred. It may not look like a long list, but Insane needs a lot of fixing. ):
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Mogsworth wrote:

All difficulties:
-00:51:381 - Set preview point here. Actually, I think two beats prior sounds a lot better.

-Remember the whole inherit timing section needing to be a bit early on clicked beats thing, so it can actually be heard the way you want it heard. I've never heard of that rule. And anyway, inherit timing sections really apply about 18 or so milliseconds before (sound-wise, anyway). Notice the way the timing sections are set for 00:55:15 (3) - .
-00:47:85 (1) - Either extend by 1/1 or shorten by 1/1. Honestly, I don't know if this makes a big difference game play -wise, but I extended this by 1/1 anyway. Let's see what others think of it.
-01:19:82 (1) - Add a Finish. Done.

-Timing section thing still applies. Read my second comment.
-01:19:82 (1) - Add a Finish. Done.

-Timing section thing still applies. Read my second comment.
-Look at your spacing very thoroughly. You can't have multiple distances grid-wise within the same timeline distance in the same combo. You can solve this by respacing or by adding New Combo marks when the spacing is different. Applying either of these methods where you see fit is your decision, though. Oh, come on! Give me a break! I really don't see the big deal about this. First, let me say that I spent hours upon hours of intense consideration on the soft sections, both the sounds (not in debate here) and the spacing alike. I am very contempt and at home with my decisions, and I am not just about to change them. Second, what is with this "New Combo because of different spacing" rule? I think it's been considered waaay too strictly, and it ruins a lot of brilliant beatmaps. Perhaps, it's just based off of personal preferences. Me, I like to keep most of my combos around the same length and just be overall creative with them. No jumps are going to mess with them, unless their something absolutely epic or whatever like 01:15:88 (1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2) - . I do respect your opinions on the matters, though, but I think these "issues" are being taken a bit too literally.
-01:19:82 (1) - Add a Finish. Done.

So yes. Starred. It may not look like a long list, but Insane needs a lot of fixing. ):
Comments in quote.
The hitsound thing I mentioned is to make up for people who end up clicking early. It'd only ever need to be 1/8 earlier than what you want max, imo.

The other rule...I'm sorry, but I'm not changing my position on it. I will agree that parts of it seem very intuitive, but it's been a rule for awhile now, and I find that it's only small adjustments in spacing that would be need to be made. Or maybe you should just find another person to mod your map.
imo spacing in insane is totally FINE, nothing to do with the combo colors.
you are one of those who are best at controlling inconstant spacings to fit the music (BURAI, fff, sousei)
cool map buraimaster!@#$!! :)

01:52:18 (1) - must make this straight!
00:53:38 (6) - i suggest remove the last clap
01:13:11 (7) - i suggest remove the clap
01:56:54 (6) - same
02:09:96 (7) - same

can you find a better BG?
something like this?
combo color i would suggest light yellow, grass green and white.

Awesome burai! I love the intuitive spacing and hitsounds :)
very good beatmap
nice song~
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Hi. Thanks DaRRi MIx for bgimage and combocolors. I think it actually brought out the feelings and emotion (not sure if I said it properly) of the intuitive spacing and combos. :)

Changes in Normal:
01:04:23 (1) - positioned more between before and after notes.
01:19:03 (1) - changed the direction of the second half of slider.

Changes in Hard:
01:29:30 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - revised sliders and spacing.
01:35:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - revised sliders and spacing.

Changes in Insane:
00:17:26 (9,11) - positioned closer to 10.
00:23:58 (9,11) - positioned closer to 10.

Oh, and I was thinking of applying kiai time at the end of Hard and Insane. Maybe I can implement it tomorrow or this weekend.

EDIT: And could someone change the thumbnail to match the new bgimage?
why not map the rest part in Insane
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DaRRi MIx wrote:

why not map the rest part in Insane
Okay, I expanded on Insane. Hope that's good enough for you. :oops:
XDthat what i want :D

Extended Part

02:32:85 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - i think the pattern can be improved, at least not stack (7) and (8)
02:39:36 (2,3,4,5) - how about make these 4 a big parallelogram or something? stacking them does not feel right for me
02:40:94 (2,3,4,5) - same
02:45:09 (1,2,3) - how about a horizontal flip
02:49:43 (7) - i feel this note should be far away from others, e.g. top left corner?
03:02:06 (7) - same

i made an example here for reference

Download: Ikimono Gakari - Blue Bird (buraimaster1234) [Insane].osu
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I followed your advice, but I was a little unsure about the "parallelogram". I make a compromise, here. I hope it works out. Thank you~.

how about you ask deepsea to remod/rebubble this for you since somehow the bubble got popped?

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More changes:
00:34:43 (5,7) - whistles added.
01:29:89 (3) - end claps.
01:38:38 (7) - whistles added.

I don't know how those could have happened.

03:14:59 (1) - begins 5/4 later now.
Rebubbled. o.o
I liked it, one star for you~ \o/
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JarJarJacob wrote:

Move all inherited sections 1/4 back. No, if you played the notes on time rather than not on time, there would be no problem.
Remove those awful single combo markers. HUH?


01:04:43 (2,3) - Unsnapped. Okay, I will fix this in the next update.
02:14:10 - Kiai burst should be here instead of the one 1/1 forward. Who are you to tell me what should be or shouldn't be in such a subjective situation as this? I find this to be very appalling.


Constant spacing changes within combos. Umm ... thank you?
Also, congrats to you for the promotion ... I ... think ... ... .
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I looked at this map a long time ago, and it was good then... but it's even better now! :)

(Why isn't it ranked yet???) :D

Here's a star to help you along burai :)
well ...... burai you actually did a good job. but... hmm... bad luck? :(

stared, for sure.
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Alace wrote:

haha try this
Thanks a bunch Alace! It seems so cleans and fits in so nicely. Thanks also for letting me use it. I also gave credit in the OP. ^^
I like it ~~ Star
AIMod Detects:

01:04:43 (2) - Object is not snapped.

01:04:43 (3) - Object is not snapped.


00:59:69 (5) - Out of area.

I actually like Hard and Insane, even if I know Insane is way beyond me. Just fix thisthese issues, holler for me, and I'll bubble this.

EDIT: If Alace has given you an Alazy, then I will have to mod again before telling you if it is bubble-able.
Why is this great map rotten here?T_T
Why this great stuff was come to here???

It's pubble-able XD
Burai it's ok if you keep this on the graveyard but at least finish [Special] :3
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Hey, it's long time no post.

So I got lesjuh and happy to collab with me for [Special].
Here's what we have planned:
1st: burai [uploaded+edits]
2nd: lesjuh [incomplete]
3rd: happy [incomplete]

Can I have this beatmap ungraved, please? so updates can be made.
Somehow it isn't revived so I revived this.

Really want to see this ranked.o.o
Yuji Tokaji
Hi :)


00:29:523(8) : Unsnapped
01:04:432(4) : Unsnapped

Good map :)

No problem

01:16:67(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - New combo spam... How about cut by 3 notes?

02:41:73(4) - Unsnapped
01:01:07(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - New combo spam...
01:13:71(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - New combo spam...
01:18:25(1) - loled at velocity 4.00
02:56:34(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - New combo spam...

Not modded [Insane] yet :3...

Nice song :3
But I can't follow as old style :(... Sorry :3
Anyway good luck XD

ps. Don't give kudosu to this reply.
Can't believe this map isn't ranked yet... It seems to be having as much bad luck as my B'z map (also from 2008).

Don't give up! You can get it ranked :)
Its very nice map!
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