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noooooooo rip SKT... ffs i wanted that blindpick game
rip in peace im crying
Eren Yaeger
The curse is still going, world's winners from last year never make it to worlds the next year :(
I'm finally out of Silver. Funny thing is that I kinda felt proud when I was Silver and got matchmade with golds, hut now that I'm in Gold I somehow feel... dunno, something like ashamed though it's not as strong as that lol.

Eren Yaeger wrote:

The curse is still going, world's winners from last year never make it to worlds the next year :(
isokay TPAs coming back this time (i hope :c)

LMQ vs TSM blindpick match hype !_!
I thought blindpick is only in OGN? D:

BrokenArrow wrote:

I thought blindpick is only in OGN? D:
yeah i think i noticed like 5 minutes after writing...... you'r right, im still cryin' then
i also hope all the TSM fans cry this game
Yeah not gonna happen
The past few weeks of LCS/Playoffs/OGN have been so depressing for me, I don't even feel like watching Worlds this year.
sad day ,_,

we can expect some rape from samsung white this year at worlds x_x

Yup, TPA is qualified for worlds this time. Rip Mineski/Imperium Pro Team
Recently stopped playing league
Used to play in euw as a toplane main around high d1 challenger elo
IG. Sënpai Carry us
IGN: Nekogami
Riven main
[- Alex -]
I'm the only one who thinks Korean teams/players are overrated?

I believe in EU teams this year.
Korean players are overrated - Korean teams are not.
DAMN what a series.. overslept the first 4 games but I can feel it was great :D

BrokenArrow wrote:

DAMN what a series.. overslept the first 4 games but I can feel it was great :D
yeah NA so excit... ResidentSleeper just copy pastering twitch chat pls don't take it srsly xd
The curses are real. All is right with the world.
Eyy! Got place into Silver 1 from placements. Is the climb from S1 to G5 that rough? My friend's having a LOT of trouble and although I have a lot of time before the Morg skin is released just wanna hear some opnions on people who've done it.
I just made it to Gold two days ago. Going from Silver 1 to Gold 5 is not hard in itself but it depends a lot on your mates and what you think you can do to carry your team (not necessarily playing an heavy damage dealer, just something which has a great impact on the game, be it in TFs, vision control, etc...). I climbed from Bronze 1 to Gold 5 almost exclusively with Zyra, playing 50% mid and 50% support, due to the fact she's got great zoning, scouting ability, and peel/CC, although she doesn't have super high damage in comparison to other mages.

I think I've played around 7 or 8 games before making it to my promos due to a 3 losses streak but winning between 25/30 LP per win easily makes up for my -15 LP per loss. Went 3W/2L in my promos. So yeah basically nothing to be afraid of.
Sounds good. I'm maining Thresh. Have mained him for ~120 games so he's really the only champ I trust myself with (besides lulu eyy) and luckily he's a super good champ for helping out and landing kills for carrys. Peel, lockdown, life-saving W. Hope I can get far with him. Thanks for the input!
^ better main more than 2 chars in case they'r all banned/picked. If you're used to carry your adc/TFs as a silver1 you'll reach G5 easily, esle you will need to have some strong mates in your team x_x (soloq is mostly about luck). That is not a good idea to start ranked with less than 10 chars you trust yourself with tho... that's what i also did (more than 2 years ago now...idk) and i can remember that i hardly made it to G5 ,_,
Nothing to say more, he gave you the right advices already.
[- Alex -]
TSM vs C9

Who will win?

Every single game with TSM in the playoffs are so great to watch. Too much hype. Praise the Bo5

Nofool wrote:

^ better main more than 2 chars in case they'r all banned/picked. If you're used to carry your adc/TFs as a silver1 you'll reach G5 easily, esle you will need to have some strong mates in your team x_x (soloq is mostly about luck). That is not a good idea to start ranked with less than 10 chars you trust yourself with tho... that's what i also did (more than 2 years ago now...idk) and i can remember that i hardly made it to G5 ,_,
Nothing to say more, he gave you the right advices already.
Nah I was kidding. I can say I'm STRONG with at least 3 champs, but my pool is definitely around 7 champs. Thresh, Leona, Lee, Syndra, Riven, Annie, Lucian. So I'll usually have options, just if it's not support I may have to play a bit safe haha.
[- Alex -]
3-2 TSM!!!!! TSM TSM

WP . nice 5 games. This was amazing .

I just hope Worlds will be as exciting as this. That Finals last year was so boring.

haha that just goes to show how bad NA is when a shit tier team like TSM can get #1
they're gonna get buttfucked at worlds
Teemo is smits easy to use, and also the mages are so underrated
TSM reclaims their spot as the best team in North America. So proud to be a fan <3
How the fuck does a Draven get roughly 150 AD with two dorans blades and nothing else?
I just want to hear your opinion, what do you think about AzirDARUDE SANDSTORM DUDUDUDUDU
Talking about counter, Azir is good against, and bad against.. ??
[- Alex -]

Blaziken wrote:

How the fuck does a Draven get roughly 150 AD with two dorans blades and nothing else?
Full ad runes?

Blaziken wrote:

How the fuck does a Draven get roughly 150 AD with two dorans blades and nothing else?
There seems to be a bug currently that you can't see some items of your opponent. Had a Zyra use Zhonya active without the item being visible her inventory for us. Everybody accused her for hacking at first but her team assured us she had the item.
Next game my lane opponent didn't see my Athene's and asked me why I had so much AP with only 2 dorans rings.

On another note I managed to finally get to plat V after only 248 normal and 107 ranked wins :>
[- Alex -]

Tshemmp wrote:

Blaziken wrote:

How the fuck does a Draven get roughly 150 AD with two dorans blades and nothing else?
There seems to be a bug currently that you can't see some items of your opponent. Had a Zyra use Zhonya active without the item being visible her inventory for us. Everybody accused her for hacking at first but her team assured us she had the item.
Next game my lane opponent didn't see my Athene's and asked me why I had so much AP with only 2 dorans rings.

On another note I managed to finally get plat V after only 248 normal and 107 ranked wins :>

Yea.... same problem. And my last game my friend was like , "Dude , 3 farm in 22 minutes?" Dam bugs....
I'm outta here for a while
>Get promoted to Gold 1
>3 afks in your team all sitting in the fountain complaining about the jungler not ganking
>I'm the jungler
>how am I supposed to help a lane when they stay in fountain
>they convince enemy team that I am toxic
>get reported

>next game
>go 4/0 in lane
>ally blitz decides to go afk because his adc misses some cs
>get death threats because I asked for a blue while playing Zed

>third game
>Ahri support
>0/11 after 7 minutes
>one more loss and I get demoted

I'm playing on Plat elo btw, this is just cancer
I saw this comment on a youtube video and I thought it was you, lol. Probably because of nickname and avatar!

uh yeah that's me lol
yes the joke is older than my mom but people still upvote it so it's ok

G e o wrote:

Yi piss me off so much, this champion is just annoying l0l.
but he dies in 1 stun :c
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