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Aoriki wrote:

I don't know. I think staying humble takes you places in this game. There's definitely an impact on gameplay that comes from how you see the game, between "I wanna crush the enemy" and "I want to help my team and work on my mechanics" I think it's a whole different ball game IMO. Probably the reason why I don't play ranked, it probably gets to your head eventually.
Aye i can agree i won like 8 ranked games in a row and i was like omg i am a fucking god gonna own those bronze/silver noobs easy gg , now i already lost like 4 games in a row xD

Mr Color wrote:

Isn't plat more like "Arrogance"? Every plat I know or have talk to is haughty as fuck because of their league and yet when I play normals with them, they have far better csing than me, but they make the stupidest decisions just because they think they're ahead and just better than their opponent which ends up in them getting killed in lane or ganked.

(Of course, you find arrogance in every league, it's mostly the players themselves who like to boast because "muh mechanics" and then make it sound like it's not their fault when they feed "I got countered man nothing I can do ff20" "champ so fucking broken tryhard pls" "but look at my stats I do all this damage though")

I don't know. I think staying humble takes you places in this game. There's definitely an impact on gameplay that comes from how you see the game, between "I wanna crush the enemy" and "I want to help my team and work on my mechanics" I think it's a whole different ball game IMO. Probably the reason why I don't play ranked, it probably gets to your head eventually.
some plat are still humble, or more than humble õ_o
I'm plat, plat is shit, I'm a shit
and ye, csing is prolly the biggest difference between bronze/silver/gold/plat etc. Plat are only more capable of finding useless arguments to explain their faults, like those that you mentioned. I wonder if they'r really more intelligent in dia (plat II-I=dia V-IV tho) ,_,
f i z i k

Mr Color wrote:

Isn't plat more like "Arrogance"? Every plat I know or have talk to is haughty as fuck because of their league and yet when I play normals with them, they have far better csing than me, but they make the stupidest decisions just because they think they're ahead and just better than their opponent which ends up in them getting killed in lane or ganked.
this is so true. I've been playing in every tier this season on smurfs and plat is just the worst of them all. even when I was 15/0 people still told me they know better and talked me down,it's just a horrible place :/
Sounds just like any other solo queue game to me.
This has to be a joke.

If I drop one more division I will uninstall LoL.
Not gonna post anymore until I hit Platinum, wish me luck.
Witch Mercy
What is with the ryze tops lately =3= ...
P r o m i s e s

Graciee wrote:

What is with the ryze tops lately =3= ...
He counters some tanks that are played a lot, like Renekton.
Witch Mercy

P r o m i s e s wrote:

Graciee wrote:

What is with the ryze tops lately =3= ...
He counters some tanks that are played a lot, like Renekton.
I tend to run out of mana really quickly when I'm playing him, leaving me at a bad spot ._.
1 more win and i am in my promo series for silver :) #hype
P r o m i s e s

Graciee wrote:

I tend to run out of mana really quickly when I'm playing him, leaving me at a bad spot ._.
Yeah, early game he's pretty mana hungry. You can try asking your jungler for a blue buff (if your mid doesn't need it) and you'll be fine ^^.

SoG Tava wrote:

1 more win and i am in my promo series for silver :) #hype
Good luck :3
Finaly Silver :) :) :)

^ Grats! Now the true suffering begins.

Warwick rework/vu update via Twitter.

"@Danielzklein Quick question, will we be seeing the kit changes on PBE before the VU? Or not until the art is done?"

"@Warwick_Wolf not until the art is done in afraid. Kit seems pretty good atm"

In other words his relaunch won't until 2018.
Oh boy, 4 more years until I get to find out if I should email riot and get my RP back.
No way they can make his current model worse than it already is. Warwick reminds me more of a cartoony troll with shitty animations than a werewolf.

Kit wise he is going to be 100000x better (like 90% of his new kit was posted already on twitter) unless you played him in top lane. In which case you might as well refund him and his skins now because lanewick is being removed from the game.
Witch Mercy

SoG Tava wrote:

Finaly Silver :) :) :)

have fun in silver ;_;
Kanye West
i remember the good old days when i was noob and learning to jungle with warwick

built bloodrazor first and maxed e because gotta go fast

Kanye West wrote:

i remember the good old days when i was noob and learning to jungle with warwick

built bloodrazor first and maxed e because gotta go fast

The feral flare jungle item on PBE is pretty much madreds bloodrazer. Going to be a huge buff to late game jungle Warwick assuming the item doesn't get nerfed before it goes live.

One game I had like 350 on hit magic damage (115ish to champions) and around 60 (not including passive so it was almost 90 on hit with max stacks) life on hit. Note life on hit isn't like lifesteal at all since you will always heal for that amount unless grievous wounds. So yeah this item is pretty damn strong on Warwick if he makes it to late game with decent stacks.

Item will be really good on more auto attack reliant junglers like Nocturne, Jax, Yi, Trynd, or Kayle, and Shaco even.
Playing a lot on a mid-gold smurf atm. The amount of trolls and raging kiddos is so damn high.

tiper wrote:

Playing a lot on a mid-gold smurf atm. The amount of trolls and raging kiddos is so damn high.
From my experience Bronze /Silver/ (low) Gold are all the same like you said trolls and kiddos i recently duo qued with a diamond 4 player and we played againts plat people and man people in plat throws like crazy i mean they throw even harder then in bronze
Gotta know something is wrong when I can ask myself when was the last time I won a game. Jarvan 4 is awesome to play, if I unlock the camera when ganking.

Vulf wrote:

The feral flare jungle item on PBE is pretty much madreds bloodrazer. Going to be a huge buff to late game jungle Warwick assuming the item doesn't get nerfed before it goes live.

Item will be really good on more auto attack reliant junglers like Nocturne, Jax, Yi, Trynd, or Kayle, and Shaco even.
Ohhhh, looks like something my Jungle-Xin Zhao would like. =D Been on a bit of a roll with him lately.
The passive confuses me, so pretty much basic attacks deal 33%magic damage right? It also heals you, the thing that confuses me is that fact that the damage and heal is increased every time you get a kill,assist or kill a large monster....does anybody else find that to be weird? Jungle nasus? And won't it make pretty much any jungler another version of nasus? Can somebody explain it to me?
Being an ass by playing a champion I never played before. In ranked.

It was fun.
Kanye West

SoG Tava wrote:

The passive confuses me, so pretty much basic attacks deal 33%magic damage right? It also heals you, the thing that confuses me is that fact that the damage and heal is increased every time you get a kill,assist or kill a large monster....does anybody else find that to be weird? Jungle nasus? And won't it make pretty much any jungler another version of nasus? Can somebody explain it to me?
It will bring back farm heavy objective/team fight focused jungles because it rewards efficient balance between farming/ganking and securing vision for a superior dragon position and ensuing team fight.

And no, it's different from nasus. The item only gives stacks on large neutral monster kills and champion kills/assists so it requires you to use your time efficiently as a jungler. Nasus Q gets stacks from any last hit so you can brainlessly farm anything.
It won't be optimal on every jungler. Like you necessarily wouldn't want to build it on junglers like Amumu, Maokai, and Elise.

Vulf wrote:

Item will be really good on more auto attack reliant junglers like Nocturne, Jax, Yi, Trynd, or Kayle, and Shaco even.
Definitely not Nocturne. Elder lizard helps with mana sustain, has generally better stats, offers better early clear, as in, you can almost non-stop clear your jungle camps while visiting to do quick pressure ganks between ults in an absolutely ideal situation.

I wouldn't trade all that for a questionable late game-ish item on a champion I don't really want to reach late game in general.

Slightly scared at Shyvana here though, since she's the epitome of "farm heavy objective/team fight focused jungles" for me.
It's actually really fucking good on nocturne. I've been playing him on PBE and the new madreds path significantly improves his early clear time. Only problem is his pre-6 ganks suffer some.

Thing is feral flare isn't really a late game item. It's just scales into it well if you play with it correctly. You can get the item around the 8 - 10 minute mark (depends on kills and counter jungling) for 1650 gold with base stats comparable to BoRK. This item is hardly a laughing matter.

Another thing I want to point out is you get stacks with machete, madreds and wriggles so you don't even have to upgrade to wriggles until you get the stacks for the transform. Yes feral flare has the same transfrom mechanic arcangel and manamune does.

If anything you can build it as a situational item. I wouldn't really want to build this item on most things when I know I'm going to have a hard early game.

This game <3 That pentakill <3
A team was formed to address the recent issues in EUW. The team included platform engineers, live producer, network engineer and me.

The problem:

All of a sudden the majority of the frontend systems that the players connect to, timed out and dropped players from the platform causing a Login queue. There are other side effects such as game starts slowing down significantly.

Why does this problem occur?

One or more of nodes in the memory caching cluster encounter a “out of memory” error for their java heap. This for some reason freezes up the whole cluster for a couple of minutes causing a cascading failure.

The “nitty-gritty” details:

The front end servers, backend services and databases communicate through an intermediary memory caching layer. This is a fairly standard design. What makes us unique is that we are probably the only shop that runs more than normal number nodes in that cluster design. The node that goes out of memory for some reason was shoring up a ton of data instead of sending it over the network.

We have an automated process that restarts the nodes that run out of memory. We have been doing it for a while without an issue, however in the past few days, the restart of a node fails to happen cleanly and it ends up joining the cluster in a bad state that causes it request a ton of data causing further issues.

The steps of nodes leaving and joining the cluster is a fairly normal operation, so why was it causing issues?

We reached out to the vendor of the memory caching software. It turns out we are running into a bug that might be fixed in the newer version. We have few leads on what is causing this bug and we are verifying them.

In the mean time we are doing the following.

1) Disabling the auto restart of nodes that run out of memory to prevent this.
2) Load testing the newer version of the software.
3) Separating End of Game Stats into a separate queue to enable players to get back into game faster.


1) “Add more servers Rito don't be stingy!”
Add more servers can/will probably exacerbate the problem. We added servers on March 6th in anticipation of the growth of EUW while Amsterdam is getting ready. There is a theory that the new systems might actually contribute to the problem and we might consider shutting them down as they were added to handle future growth for the month of March.

2) Why is this taking so long?
It does take a while to analyze heap dumps and stack traces and tie that to the appropriate root cause especially when the software is provided by a 3rd party and not something written in house.

3) If you are the shop running the largest number of nodes of this caching software is that good or bad?
Its neither good or bad. It just works, what it probably means is that we need to revisit some of the configuration values for the system. We have run loadtests before going live with some configurations. This problem in particular seems to have a hard fail somewhere in the boundary of 48-72 hours with an occasional blip in between.

4) If the node is not able to send data over the network then the network is bad!
We looked into this. The network engineers and the expert from the company that provides the memory caching layer confirmed that. Since the systems of the cluster are on the same network, they are no routing problems for the nodes in this cluster.”

5) But why does ONLY EUW suffer?
We have seen this problem show up in Vietnam, NA and in Latin America. However the frequency is higher in Vietnam and EUW.

Edit: Working on the issue that is happening right now.
Sigh .....
I've always had the feeling that if it was any other gaming company (like valve for example) an issue like this would have been fixed long ago.

Vulf wrote:

I've always had the feeling that if it was any other gaming company had (like valve for example) an issue like this would have been fixed long ago.
Same for me like i understand you can have some issues but tbh it is like almost every day for like what from beta ? ... they say they are doing there best ect , i think it is time to finaly see some improvement
It wasn't as bad back then at least when I started playing. Just got progressively worse like mid season 2.

Server issues aside (shit happens) Riot gets away with a lot of stuff simply because they can. They are so far on top of other games in their genre it isn't even funny anymore. Fact of the matter is until some other game rises up I wouldn't expect to see any drastic improvements. Riot as a company now is definitely a shadow of their former self from 3 years ago. I really want the old Riot back. :(

Meanwhile. A gold Olaf looks so cool.
Zhonya's glass is an amazing item which I've built in plenty of my Vayne and Zed won games.

Also I still disagree with Feral thingie on Nocturne, just can't put it into words atm, I need some sleep.

TKiller wrote:

Zhonya's glass is an amazing item which I've built in plenty of my Vayne and Zed won games.
I wanted to buy rabadon deathcap, but Olaf has no AP scales.
I'm kinda surprised it's not being picked up more as a defensive item on things. That 2.5 seconds of immunity when a bruiser dives you would probably end up getting them killed. LOL

I've even built it on some junglers and top laners too.

God that W change makes Naut's early game so much easier

Mr Color wrote:

God that W change makes Naut's early game so much easier

Dat tear on cait tho xD
Kanye West
Dat GHOST on cait tho.
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