
League of Legends

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My winrate is less than 50% and it still lets me skip gold divisions.

This + removal of first divisions LP clamping = everyone is diamond.
Kanye West
Well that's nothing new, diamond lost it's value after season 2 anyway


TKiller wrote:

I would be more like this

The loss is your fault for being 11/3 but still not being able to carry your team

Kanye West wrote:

Well that's nothing new, diamond lost it's value after season 2 anyway
Diamond 1 with 80+ LP still meant something at least. In season 4 lol no. Challenger or nothing.

TKiller wrote:

90% of the games I lose are because of bottom lane feeding their asses off like that. So I found out I can prevent that by playing Warwick bottom either in the spot of an adc or support. Bam win 15 SR games in a row.

I've noticed 1 to 3 things happen when I play Warwick bottom.

1) The enemy bot feeds their asses off.

2) They zone the shit out of me and my support, but end up losing anyways because they get all in'd at level 6 and die horribly which it snowballs from there.

3) They zone the shit out of me and my support which denies us CS for the first 10 minutes, but they still lose because I scale into mid game way harder and better with much less gold than an adc does.

Honestly it's a win - win situation lol.
Well, you just can't win some games.

Tbh they could end it by like 18 minutes but they started doing silly things so our team could come back a slight bit.

But then people still got caught before fights etc etc ggwp.

I could probably build straight up tank but then we'd have nearly zero damage midgame with Quinn still trying to build BotRK (which is terrible to rush on Quinn to begin with) and Kassadin took, uh, 25 minutes to become a threat all while Draven was rocking 3 items already, killing people in 2-3 shots.

The roulette is spinning, but sometimes you just keep rolling double 0's

tfw 99 lp ;_;

I built liandry's for the lulz
fun fact: nobody on my team in solo q ever knows how to play adc

scientifically proven
From bronze to diamond we all suffer the feeding botlane.

"Win 2 out of your next 3 games to be promoted to division III."
Yay looks like I can skip a division after my next promotion. <3

BrokenArrow wrote:

"Win 2 out of your next 3 games to be promoted to division III."
Yay looks like I can skip a division after my next promotion. <3
It bugs out quite often tho.

BRBP wrote:

How am I supposed to play 3v3 with a lv. 20 friend if we keep getting matched with plat/diamond V premades even though I'm usually matched with silvers in solo. Are SoloQ plats really matched like they were at bronze level if they haven't played 3v3 before? And vice versa.

i am mad bro
It's because nobody plays 3v3. The pool of players is smaller so the system has to match you with higher ranked players or you'd be in queue forever.

scottyyy wrote:

It's because nobody plays 3v3. The pool of players is smaller so the system has to match you with higher ranked players or you'd be in queue forever.
Shame because my brother, his wife and I used to love 3v3.
^ 3v3's are the epitome of terrible balance. The old TT was bad, but it was better than the current imo.

Jinx rushed hurricane so I thought it was a great idea to bring out KS support Warwick. Their Vayne rushed QSS in lane, but it was too late by the time she got it. LMAO

That Jarvan's name was after a Yugioh Card. xD

Vulf wrote:

3v3's are the epitome of terrible balance. The old TT was bad, but it was better than the current imo.
In what way? I found it fun at times.

Vulf wrote:

Jinx rushed hurricane so I thought it was a great idea to bring out KS support Warwick. Their Vayne rushed QSS in lane, but it was too late by the time she got it. LMAO
ADCs rush Hurricane in lane now?
uhm, 42 kills in 20 minutes xD

Kanye West

Justykanna wrote:

Vulf wrote:

3v3's are the epitome of terrible balance. The old TT was bad, but it was better than the current imo.
In what way? I found it fun at times.
Pick trynd win game
I finally reached level 30 and played two games of ranked. I want to kill myself...
It's like some of these people have negative brain cells.

TKiller wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

"Win 2 out of your next 3 games to be promoted to division III."
Yay looks like I can skip a division after my next promotion. <3
It bugs out quite often tho.
Yep, it actually does xD. But it's very possible that you will skip it if you're not stuck at it.

Whenever Im 1 game to get in promos..... Malzahar mid feeding without saying a single word in the whole game, diana afk jungling, and the worst thing, is that their jayce jungle carried the game.... u.u"
I have never ever won against a Malzahar in lane, same goes for Swain.. they literally destroy me everytime
Thanks god nobody plays them anymore

Also fuck you guys, I will skip this division even if it costs my life

BrokenArrow wrote:

I have never ever won against a Malzahar in lane, same goes for Swain.. they literally destroy me everytime
Thanks god nobody plays them anymore

Also fuck you guys, I will skip this division even if it costs my life
If u are Midlane and u got Swain as enemy, u should just pick Ahri. She is in my opinion the best Champ against him, idk why. Never pick Fizz against him. A good Swain destroys Fizz. ;o
And vs Malz u can't do that much. Just play safe and don't get poked by his E.. <.<
Just wondering, why is karma so underplayed? I tried her once she's pretty fun as long as you know when to skill and what to use your ult on. Pretty easy to get used to IMO.
RIP old karma

She was my favourite champ. The new one is lame as hell.

Ok, I wish I had refunds so I could refund my deep one skin and get this instead. >_>
The new Karma is significantly better than the old one in terms of balance. They keep randomly buffing her so she will probably end up like the current Ziggs did at some point.

The old Karma was really unique and they took pretty much all of it away which a ton of people hated. 1 or 2 things could have happened with Karma.

1) She could have been left alone, but nerver buffed and would have gotten gutted to hell and back if she ever became good. Her old kit was a disaster when it came to balance. Other champions in this situation right now are Poppy, Warwick (I'm really worried about him since he is seeing competitive play), Rengar, and Shaco.

2) Reworked

Reworks can turn out for the worst and end up being a lose - lose, but Karma is actually far better (healthy balance) with her new kit than she was with her old one.
Smite vicious on support gg
First Akali penta of the season and the game sucked massive cock.

In fact I don't think I felt such disgust towards League ever before the games today.

In almost 4 years of ups and downs, these were ten most revolting and void of fun games of LoL I've had.

Vulf wrote:

The new Karma is significantly better than the old one in terms of balance. They keep randomly buffing her so she will probably end up like the current Ziggs did at some point.

The old Karma was really unique and they took pretty much all of it away which a ton of people hated. 1 or 2 things could have happened with Karma.

1) She could have been left alone, but nerver buffed and would have gotten gutted to hell and back if she ever became good. Her old kit was a disaster when it came to balance. Other champions in this situation right now are Poppy, Warwick (I'm really worried about him since he is seeing competitive play), Rengar, and Shaco.

2) Reworked

Reworks can turn out for the worst and end up being a lose - lose, but Karma is actually far better (healthy balance) with her new kit than she was with her old one.
I hate this attitude so much. Give me an underpowered unique and fun champion over a generic balanced one any day.
I wouldn't call new Karma generic. Also she bacame a lot more of strentgh by herself rather than a semi-support reliant on good melee fighters. And her old kit was a nightmare to balance through numbers.

Old thread interaction was slightly more interesting to play around, new one is a lot like single target Morgana ult but it's cool that they kept her missing health reneneration feat although moved from other ability.

New shield is much cooler, a single/aoe shield+surge is way more fun than her old plain stuff.

But I guess what really turns off old Karma players is lack of passive that added a lot of hidden strength (and balancing hardships) and her Q becoming a projectile rather than close ranged unblockable fan.
Something being fun and unique is not an excuse for it to stay the way it is (underpowered or overpowered). A lot of the unique mechanics and kits in this game were/are disasters waiting to happen for example: AP Yi and AP trynd when they went out of control.

I agree with TKiller the new Karma is far from generic.

Honestly the big reason I was upset over her rework is because it was a sudden change and there was no communication about it all. A lot of the major reworks that happen now are posted by Riot and discussed within the community. Heimerdinger for example was done this way and look how great his rework was. I've even talked Zenon (Rioter who is reworking Warwick) into making a thread when he fully switches over to Warwick which is after the Xerath rework goes live and settles down.
Hoooooly shit I never knew teamwork in SoloQ was possible until this match.
Those teamfights were literally as coordinated as some next level LCS teamfights.. such a great game.

It all started off with Thresh connecting a madlife hook, throwing himself in the middle of the enemy team, lanterning Galio with him. Lissandra follows them and they all ult together. Then I jumped in as Kha'Zix and took a the kills. 8-)

Best wombo combo in SoloQ ever
- O n i -
/ff20 possible?

I was in ranked champ select waiting for the first 2 people to pick (i was 4th) but it kind of lags for 2-4 seconds then I immediately see enemy's champions being picked then it suddenly is my turn (that happened in like 5 or 6 seconds) and I immediately automatically get out of champ select because I've "failed to select a champion"

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