
Nanahira - Monosugoi Ikioide Keine ga Monosugoi Uta

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[ sjoy's Hard]
我来给您老摸图了,别再嚷嚷了锕 哇想不到第一个MOD是GD
  1. HP+1平衡难度
  2. 00:22:632 (5) –你这往左偏移然后看起来就有误差,看起来00:22:465 (4,5,6) –不等距离。建议和00:21:799 (1,2,3) –一样?哇好厉害
  3. 00:25:132 (2) –弧度比00:24:465 (1) –大了看起来不好看。建议00:53:465 (3) –弧度正好。好细心
  4. 00:25:632 (4,1) –这里你间距大了,为什么00:26:965 (4,1) –不也大点呢?因为光考虑重叠了
  5. 00:29:132 (3,4,5) –有点难读图,要考虑hard player的读图能力,所以00:29:465 (4,5) –间距小点。考虑好细心呀
  6. 00:32:465 –hard难度我认为是这放个圈,然后转盘00:32:549 –起,打击感好。好
  7. 00:33:465 –转盘在这结束合理的多。行
  8. 00:39:132 (1,2,3) –放点滑条啊,这梗看起来和00:38:465 (2,3) –一样无聊啊。我之前居然会放单点我都忘了
  9. 00:43:132 (1) –同上。改了
  10. 00:58:465 (3) –呀,这看起来怎么这么不对称的。
  11. 00:58:465 (3) –奇葩不明の三角形。
  12. 01:03:465 (4,5) –不对称难看。改了
  13. 01:05:466 (4,2) –这里,我建议你test一下0.0你们作图都不test吗,不知道系统有个自动堆叠偏移吗,这个靠的这么近在打图的时候可不是靠的近的。是靠的更近了吗?
  14. 01:30:466 (2) –看到这我就在想是不是前后复制的=。=别这么偷懒,至少排列改下。被发现了么 我要重新改下这段好了 :D
  15. 01:49:799 (1,2,3,4) –前面那段01:39:133 (1,2,3,4,5) -似乎有点改过排列节奏,这为什么又不改了,干脆都别改还前后对称。
  16. 01:52:966 (4) –这我觉得放到(248,200)看起来舒服点。01:51:799 (2) –这顺便搞弯点。我就不弯了
  17. 01:58:299 (2,3,1) –我倒建议这三个头部正三角形,刻意去blanket看起来难看死,还破坏了间距和flow。建议01:58:299 (2,1) –整体向下移动。改了
  18. 02:04:465 (1,2,3) –白线三连有点违和。你这里00:59:299 (2,3,4) –下的就不错。 这2处不是同样的旋律么?
  19. 02:36:799 (2,3,4) - 02:38:132 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) –这不加点音效吗?为什么不和02:35:465 (2,3,4) –统一?都加了
  20. 02:47:965 -02:37:299 –这两点仔细听其实是军鼓,如果要加clap应该加在这而不是02:37:465 。
  21. 02:37:132 –如果要下节奏,建议跟着那个军鼓下,02:37:465 –其实是没音的。仅供参考,好,其实这段我根本没听清楚背景是啥
  22. 02:59:132 (1,2,3) –前面的根看起来像圆心,这个直角有点破坏梗。恩,改了
  23. 03:28:465 (1,2,3) –白线三连又来0.0 改了
  24. 03:33:132 (3) –这个水平点更合适。
神MOD 不得不服~
Hi. From mii-KK-sheela Newbie Modding/GD Team :3

00:20:465 (2) - This slider doesn't look the same as 00:19:132 (1) . Move the second point (the second little square) of 00:20:465 (2) to x:217 y:313.
00:27:132 (3) - Just to be perfect, well, it doesn't really, but move the second point to x:437 y:118.
00:52:465 (3) - Move the second point, the red one, to x:90 y:71, and last to x:25 y:179.
00:59:799 (2) - Move it to x:150 y:49, to get a perfect blanket, sort of.
01:16:465 (4) - Move it to x:386 y:153, to align the head and the tail of 01:15:132 (3) . If you change it, move 01:17:799 (5) to x:115 y:90.
01:40:465 (3) - Add a new combo?
01:40:465 (3,4) - I think that's hard for an easy. 01:40:465 (3) goes down, but you have to go up. Try to make another pattern.
01:49:799 (5,6) - Move them to x:392 y:41?
02:45:799 (1,2) - Move 02:45:799 (1) to x:93 y:197, and 02:46:465 (2) to x:284 y:175?
02:48:465 (1,2) - Same goes here, move 02:48:465 (1) to x:413 y:334, and 02:49:131 (2) to x:222 y:312.

00:27:132 (1) - It'll be more better if you replace this by a slider.
00:32:465 (1) - Same suggestion as above.
02:59:132 (1,2) - Try to make it more readable.
03:02:465 (2) - Move it to x:184 y:15, to align the previous slider.
03:03:132 (3) - Move it to x:110 y:169.

00:35:465 (2) - Move it to x:332 y:276.

[soy's Hard]
00:25:632 (4) - Move it to x:349 y:133.

That's all I can find. Your map is well mapped.
I saw your modding queue, and thought if we can do a M4M. If you want, here's my map:
Good Luck and here's a star.

kamisamaaa wrote:

thanks for mod~
I have to study for the final exam and I will mod your map maybe a litle late~sorry for this ;)
it's allright.
good now i want to map this because your map :D
Rei Hakurei
sorry for not to mod this... (i throw the request to someone else lol)
Topic Starter

MMd- wrote:

kamisamaaa wrote:

thanks for mod~
I have to study for the final exam and I will mod your map maybe a litle late~sorry for this ;)
it's allright.
good now i want to map this because your map :D

cool~when you finish your map you can ask me to give you a mod~now give you a ticket~ ;)
(my final exam end at 14-1-2014)
Topic Starter
for sheela901's mod

sheela901 wrote:

Hi. From mii-KK-sheela Newbie Modding/GD Team :3

00:20:465 (2) - This slider doesn't look the same as 00:19:132 (1) . Move the second point (the second little square) of 00:20:465 (2) to x:217 y:313.
00:27:132 (3) - Just to be perfect, well, it doesn't really, but move the second point to x:437 y:118.
00:52:465 (3) - Move the second point, the red one, to x:90 y:71, and last to x:25 y:179.
00:59:799 (2) - Move it to x:150 y:49, to get a perfect blanket, sort of.
01:16:465 (4) - Move it to x:386 y:153, to align the head and the tail of 01:15:132 (3) . If you change it, move 01:17:799 (5) to x:115 y:90.
01:40:465 (3) - Add a new combo?
01:40:465 (3,4) - I think that's hard for an easy. 01:40:465 (3) goes down, but you have to go up. Try to make another pattern.
01:49:799 (5,6) - Move them to x:392 y:41?
02:45:799 (1,2) - Move 02:45:799 (1) to x:93 y:197, and 02:46:465 (2) to x:284 y:175?
02:48:465 (1,2) - Same goes here, move 02:48:465 (1) to x:413 y:334, and 02:49:131 (2) to x:222 y:312.

00:27:132 (1) - It'll be more better if you replace this by a slider.
00:32:465 (1) - Same suggestion as above.
02:59:132 (1,2) - Try to make it more readable.
03:02:465 (2) - Move it to x:184 y:15, to align the previous slider.
03:03:132 (3) - Move it to x:110 y:169.

00:35:465 (2) - Move it to x:332 y:276.

That's all I can find. Your map is well mapped.
I saw your modding queue, and thought if we can do a M4M. If you want, here's my map:
Good Luck and here's a star.

thanks for your mod~ I'm glad to mod your map but really busy with final exam. I'll give you a ticket when my exam end you can call me mod your map~(exam end at 14-1-2014) ;)
sorry for this and late to say~Merry Chritmas
Topic Starter

Rei Hakurei wrote:

sorry for not to mod this... (i throw the request to someone else lol)
dont mind for this~also thanks for help
and late to say~Merry Chritmas ;)
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

[Mod Info]
  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Blue: Importance.You might consider
  3. Red:Unrank issues. You Must Fix
  4. Please reply my mod and tell me where and why you don't fix, thanks.


  • 使用这个背景图片,

  1. 00:15:799 (1,2,3,4) –finish略多吵 因为音乐是这样 所以想保留额 本来是很吵的歌
  2. 00:19:132 (1) –这由于是新起的小节/一句,所以flow反向会比较好,你这样顺着顺时针打起来不好,我建议00:19:132 (1) –像这样,
  3. 00:19:799 (1,2,3,1,2,3) –如果上面改了这也修改下。 很赞的建议 我之后慢慢想想怎么改好一些
  4. 00:23:132 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) –串子有点难看,上下对称如何?或者弧度自然点,别00:23:549 (2,3,4,5) –尖角这么明显 改了~自从会用滑条遍连打之后再也不怕不圆了。。。
  5. 00:23:799 (5) –这我是建议去掉的,你仔细25%听,00:23:799 –没音。 故意overmap的~因为奇数连打打起来比较舒服
  6. 00:31:132 (1,2) –滑条弧度略大,不自然。你要保持和00:32:132 (5) –一样看起来才整齐。 改了~
  7. 00:33:132 (4) –去掉吧,不怎么能体现音乐节奏变化。排列也需要稍微改下。 卧槽 这样的节奏好棒!
  8. 00:42:799 (5,1) –这间距真心小啊,你看看前后间距,再看看这是00:43:132 –长白线=。=放到左上去都没事。 ok 拉大了
  9. 00:50:299 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) –这串子看起来,特别是和00:49:799 (1) –组合起来,很不美观。 调整了
  10. 00:50:799 (1,2,3) –等间距? 这个因为前面串子那个改变已经变好了
  11. 00:51:132 (3,4,5,6) –这看起来有点乱9,9 自创梗,。。。
  12. 00:52:465 (1) –建议竖过来放,这样flow上转的角度比较大,更合曲。当然如果要改
  13. 00:52:965 (2) –也改直滑条向下,放远点。 这个不想改了~感觉还算合适
  14. 00:53:465 (3,1) –要么别blanket要么参考LKs关于blanket三要素。 这个是对称 压根没用blanket。。。(顺便三要素是啥没听过)
  15. 00:53:799 (1,2) –这个1到2flow不好,2都不在1的延长线上。因为不是跳不是转flow,所以对准放。 嗯 改好了~
  16. 00:54:299 (2,3,4,5,6) –其实我是建议这串子竖过来,从下往上的,斜串子怎么说都不舒服。
  17. 00:59:799 (5) –我建议放右边去,这样一左一右更符合人体工学。你现在的摆放,打起来
  18. 00:59:465 (3,4,5) –是一条直线flow,和1,2不是很合。 这个没看懂。。。因为感觉滑条很短 可以当单点的感觉额
  19. 01:04:465 (1) –你注意01:04:132 (1) -,四个一组的话,01:04:465 (1) –也错开摆,加大ds会更好。 这个赞!!!
  20. 01:04:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –这种排列有点简单的像hard?可以分开点放,例如3,5,7不动,然后01:04:715 (2,4,6) –叠到01:04:799 (3,5,7) –头上。 因为我个人很讨厌那样叠在头上的摆法 所以我喜欢这样额 这样感觉很流畅很舒服
  21. 01:06:299 (3,4,5,6,7) -3到4到7的flow不自然,参考这样,,后面的有些位置我动过了。
  22. 01:13:799 (1,2,3) –stack在这里打击感不好。 改了好多。。。
  23. 01:15:799 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) –这个串子和01:15:465 (2) –组合起来看又不好,我建议01:15:799 (3,4,5,6) –这四个直线和01:15:465 (2) –平行,然后01:16:132 (1,2,3,4) –也是直线,和01:15:799 (3,4,5,6) –成直角。 是不是有点太丧心病狂了
  24. 01:17:299 (5,6) –分开点放啊。 这个不能分开了 因为和前面那个往返间距不一样 分开的话读图太难了 我试过了
  25. 01:17:799 (1,2,3,4,5) –可以加点难度,1,2,3,4换成3/4滑条,分开放,然后4到01:19:132 (5) –来个间距大点的。 这个感觉也不错额 考虑考虑
  26. 01:29:799 (1,2,3) –flow猎奇。选中01:30:132 (2,3) –然后直接ctrl+G,什么都不用动试试。 我就是明明是120转过来的怎么老觉得怪怪的
  27. 01:38:299 (2) –弧度略大,看起来不自然。 改了~
  28. 01:41:799 (1,3) –这两个不错,给个赞。 谢谢 谢谢 简直鸡冻啊
  29. 01:44:215 (4) –这去掉,没音,overmap,严重影响打击,然后我建议01:44:132 (3,1) –合并为一个滑条,你再看看是不是好点了。另外把01:44:465 (2) –加在这里,划分梗易读图。 改了
    01:45:465 (5,6) –ctrl+g,不管和前面还是后面我觉得都更顺,因为01:45:632 (6) 到01:45:799 (1) –需要一个大间距,而且不至于和01:45:132 (4,5) –混淆影响读图,还符合人体工学。 简直赞!
    02:14:799 (7,1,2) –排列和flow都不自然,我自己摆了个参考, 改了 有变化
  30. 02:19:132 (1,2,3) –根据前面你一右一左,这个从左下起更舒服。
  31. 02:35:132 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) –节奏太无聊,排列太简单,像hard。连个跳都没 因为这里相对是这样的感觉啊 后面一段激烈一些了我就放了很多条额
  32. 02:54:965 (1,2,3) –加finish?
  33. 02:57:465 (4,1) –考虑到之前的4个离的远,这靠那么近打起来其实不好,故意的就算了。
  34. 03:05:799 (1,2,3,4) –这种梗本身不是很适合,因为打起来不舒服,这四个全改成没折返的滑条,再加四个圈大概是这样一种感觉,。如果要塞满1/4那再加4个圈也可以,其实也不怎么难。 这个考虑考虑 感觉实在有点难 主要我这一段想只用滑条不用note额
  35. 03:07:132 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2) –这边其实可以换个梗,和这03:01:799 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2) –差不多打一遍就无聊了。想个好点的,比之前那个更难的,适合音乐,或许你可以跟鼓点下节奏。 这个也是在考虑
  36. 03:13:132 (3) –我建议改成3/4滑条,增加interesting,03:14:465 (4,5) –也是。 我比较喜欢现在的节奏
  37. 03:23:799 (6) –这弧度和03:23:132 (1) –不一样看起来又不自然了。 改了
  38. 03:25:799 (1) –我觉得改成向右凹更好,后面这四个音是递进的,你这样太随意。改了
  39. 03:26:799 (4) –大概这个样,参考,改了
  40. 03:37:132 (4,5,6) –放个跳啊,这间距小的=。=略像hard。改了
  41. 03:37:799 (1,2,3) –^,放滑条跳。
  42. 03:39:799 (4,5,6) –太像hard。
  43. 03:42:465 (3,4,5) –^
  44. 03:41:799 (1,2) –为什么你这里分开放了。当然我不是说不好,之前很多你没分开放,而这里分开放你再对比下1/2的间距03:41:465 (7,1) -,这让人怎么读图?怎么统一?这些排列细节必须从一开始就要注意。改了
  45. 03:45:799 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) –03:46:632 (1,2) -第一次看到有串子包note来做blanket的,别扭难看无比。 额 这个。。。
  46. 03:47:132 (1,2,3,4,5) –我觉得直线的串子更符合这,尖而有力。 我觉得差不多
  47. 03:51:132 (1,2) –间距略小。改了
  48. 03:52:465 (1,2,3) –其实你可以鬼畜点03:52:715 (2,3) -放到滑条外面来。 我不想鬼畜啊,,,
  49. 03:53:132 (4,5,6) –间距小的可怜,你自己打打看别扭不别扭,不想多书什么。这些东西放成大三角跳别太好了啊?顺便在把03:53:465 (6,1) –叠起来,大跳+停顿空拍别太爽啊,你这小间距配合03:51:132 (1,2) –高速滑条真让我想笑噗=。=
  50. 03:53:965 (2,3) –这怎么不blanket了?
  51. 03:55:799 (1,2,3,4,5) –各人观点,这个方向和03:55:132 (1,2,3,4,5) –成180°会比较好,这样顺flow下去不合曲。参考图,
主要看的节奏和排列,音效没看。似乎略简陋。 音效不会下 确实很简陋额 :o

  1. 没细看,多注意下细节,要么别blanket,要包就坚决不要这样03:28:132 (6,1) -00:20:465 (3,4) -,不能做到blanket的尽善尽美,就全顺着flow摆,例如00:42:799 (4) –摆到(238,272)这个位置,尽量避免。
神mod!简直屌(我又不刷pp rank一直在自己下降额。。。比我高又不能说明问题=L=)
大概看了下 稍微有几条建议

节奏略缺少变化 有不少地方感觉类似前面和后面类似节奏的地方 我个人建议最好试着下点新节奏

排列的话 感觉略缺梗 其实说到底也是缺少变化.... 一样的地方或者类似的地方有点过多了

hitsound其实没啥好说的 是我做的话 也是24clap然后加finish 你就自己看着弄吧

其实如果你不求层次上的高标准的话 这图基本能达到rankable的标准 当然你自己愿意改更好那最好不过了= =(主要是缺少变化这几个事不是说改就能改的 就是做的少 缺乏经验值的通病 没法一蹴而就 所以如果是1st或者2nd map做成这样就说得过去了 如果让我mod的话 估计改的最多的是排列的细节 还有个别节奏的变化)

以上全部是废话 看看就好了 nokudosu
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

大概看了下 稍微有几条建议

节奏略缺少变化 有不少地方感觉类似前面和后面类似节奏的地方 我个人建议最好试着下点新节奏

排列的话 感觉略缺梗 其实说到底也是缺少变化.... 一样的地方或者类似的地方有点过多了

hitsound其实没啥好说的 是我做的话 也是24clap然后加finish 你就自己看着弄吧

其实如果你不求层次上的高标准的话 这图基本能达到rankable的标准 当然你自己愿意改更好那最好不过了= =(主要是缺少变化这几个事不是说改就能改的 就是做的少 缺乏经验值的通病 没法一蹴而就 所以如果是1st或者2nd map做成这样就说得过去了 如果让我mod的话 估计改的最多的是排列的细节 还有个别节奏的变化)

以上全部是废话 看看就好了 nokudosu
我不着急rank 慢慢再找点mod再改改好了~
妮妮大人我爱你! :)
11:18 *bluehall90 is editing [ nanahira - Monosugoi Ikioide Keine ga Monosugoi Uta [Insane]]
11:18 kamisamaaa: 0.0
11:19 kamisamaaa: this insane is a little diffcult
11:19 bluehall90: I don't see any particular problem on insane
11:19 kamisamaaa: ready for a IRC mod~
11:20 kamisamaaa: :)
11:20 bluehall90: So I'll give some suggestion if needed lol ~
11:20 kamisamaaa: okay~really thank you
11:22 bluehall90: 01:17:299 (5) - Put 5 a bit lower, so it is flowing with slider 6?
11:22 bluehall90: And bent it if possible?
11:23 kamisamaaa: I make this to make 5 far from 4
11:23 kamisamaaa: make player easy to read~
11:23 kamisamaaa: 01:16:965 (4,5,6) - because these three have different time
11:23 bluehall90: Oh sorry >.<
11:24 bluehall90: Yes I get it
11:24 kamisamaaa: =L=
11:24 kamisamaaa: that ok~still good suggestion
11:29 bluehall90: 03:01:799 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - I don't know, but did the other players okay with that SV changes?
11:29 bluehall90: It's good lol
11:29 bluehall90: But I wonder about it
11:29 kamisamaaa: maybe=L=
11:29 kamisamaaa: I dont know either
11:29 kamisamaaa: 0.0
11:30 bluehall90: :o just leave it at note ~~~
11:30 kamisamaaa: 03:02:132 (1,2) - these two is short easy to click~maybe they can do it..
11:31 kamisamaaa: tbh I wany to change 02:56:465 (1,2,3,4) -
11:31 kamisamaaa: these kind of slider, because these are really hard to play
11:31 bluehall90: Yes I want to suggest that to something like deadly stream maybe
11:31 kamisamaaa: but I dont knoe how to change it
11:31 kamisamaaa: know
11:31 bluehall90: Combined with some slider
11:32 kamisamaaa: I will consider of change to the stream
11:32 bluehall90: Rather than just that 4 kick slider ~
11:32 bluehall90: It's difficult though lol
11:32 kamisamaaa: yes
11:32 bluehall90: 03:19:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
11:32 bluehall90: From 3-5
11:33 bluehall90: Is it okay with the acute angle flow there? :x
11:34 kamisamaaa: because I have no place to set them...=L+
11:35 bluehall90: Yes it is difficult to repair them, even I don't have any suggestion to change it lol
11:35 kamisamaaa: I will keep them now~If I have a better idea I will change them~
11:35 bluehall90: Anyway I think your insanes would be played by some top player lol
11:36 kamisamaaa: =L=
11:36 kamisamaaa: really a little difficult for a insane
11:36 kamisamaaa: maybe a lunatic
11:36 bluehall90: Yes, should call it lunatic maybe?
11:37 kamisamaaa: but already have a lunatic diff in my map=L=
11:37 *bluehall90 is editing [ nanahira - Monosugoi Ikioide Keine ga Monosugoi Uta [Normal]]
11:37 bluehall90: 01:07:132 (4,5) -
11:37 bluehall90: Then it's okay to say it insane :p
11:37 bluehall90: About these slider
11:38 bluehall90: Put 5 on 56,96 is better I think, it's a bit flow breaking?
11:38 bluehall90: Like unconnected slider thing ~~
11:39 kamisamaaa: ok
11:40 kamisamaaa: I have change it
11:40 kamisamaaa: ~
11:40 bluehall90: By the way the coordinate is not absolute, the point is you get my idea, I'm just do a quick change though ~
11:41 kamisamaaa: sorry...I cant understand whats your mean...
11:41 kamisamaaa: my english is suck
11:42 bluehall90: You know about the flow, don't you?
11:43 bluehall90: I assume that you know that, since you make a good normal lol
11:43 kamisamaaa: yes
11:43 bluehall90: That slider doesn't seem to follow the flow, then I suggest to move slider 5 to make it better ~
11:43 bluehall90: Although it only doesn't follow the flow a bit ~
11:44 kamisamaaa: I know~
11:44 bluehall90: Okay xD
11:45 bluehall90: Normal is good ~
11:45 *bluehall90 is editing [ nanahira - Monosugoi Ikioide Keine ga Monosugoi Uta [Easy]]
11:46 kamisamaaa: ~
11:49 bluehall90: 03:51:799 (9,1) - Errrr, pretty sure to do this?
11:49 bluehall90: I don't think it's okay
11:49 kamisamaaa: ?
11:50 bluehall90: Slider 9 to slider 1 is too acute in flow? I don't know how to fix that though
11:51 kamisamaaa: I make 9 to a circle slider~
11:51 kamisamaaa: look better now
11:51 bluehall90: Ah okay :)

Fycho wrote:

[Mod Info]
  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Blue: Importance.You might consider
  3. Red:Unrank issues. You Must Fix
  4. Please reply my mod and tell me where and why you don't fix, thanks.

[Aya's Lunatic]
  1. 00:12:465 (1) –一般来说开头的转盘尾上都要踩音,重音之类的,结尾的表示长音的那个可以不用,建议转盘00:13:715 –结束。00:13:799 (1) –删了,换成00:13:965 –在这。
  2. 00:23:715 –这还有个音,00:23:465 (6) –改双折返?不过我跟建议换成4个圈的串子,加大难度后突然来个停顿效果很好。
  3. 00:23:965 (1) –两个同等的鼓音人声换成两个note打击感会更好,滑条尾太弱。第一个kiai之前remap,不回复,下同
  4. 00:24:465 (1) –这段开始的减速别扭无比。根本不合音乐,我是觉得00:45:799 –减速还可以。而且00:24:465 (1,2,1,2,3,4) –减速配上大间距这看着图都要散架了。
  5. 00:25:632 (4) –whistle去掉吧,你00:36:299 (4) –也没加
  6. 00:33:799 (1,2,3,4) –逐渐加速滑条梗?我觉得会跟interesting,你现在这四个看起来间距位置似乎都没什么规律很随机。
  7. 00:38:299 (1) –NC加的莫名奇妙,你要是加在00:38:465 (2) –还能起到划分梗的作用,便于读图,加在一个弱拍红线上而且还没什么特别意义这看着乱。
  8. 00:44:465 (1,2,3,4) –我建议跟鼓点这,这鼓点表现力很强,跟着人声和00:33:799 (1,2,3,4) –梗一样及其无聊。而且跟鼓点下三连note时间距也可以逐步增大,后面是过渡段。
  9. 00:47:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –全滑条太无聊,还没特点,强烈建议换梗。
  10. 00:50:632 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –这里可以逐步加难,那个背景里那个乐器音高一直在增加,要符合音乐。
  11. 00:55:132 (1,2,3,4) –音乐激烈段这么小间距减速滑条看着有点难产,这同样建议跟鼓点。
  12. 00:56:299 –这里的1/8拍如果表现出来会更好,音乐伴奏这么丰富拘泥与人声真是蛋疼。
  13. 00:56:465 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) –我真的不喜欢这个overmap,而且这里节奏这么密,根本不符合歌曲,这里前后的曲子氛围都比这个过渡区域要弱。我反而觉得这里该放antijump。
  14. 01:01:465 (4) –我建议左右翻转然后摆,大概这个感觉,,我觉得这样flow顺点打着舒服。虽然空着左上角我的强迫症就犯了,心有点痛。
  15. 01:05:132 (3) –像下放点,离(2)太近。
  16. 01:06:299 (2,3) –这个作为1/2间距我觉得是十分小的,间距1.0,和这个00:59:632 (2,3) –保持统一。现在看着和01:03:799 (3,4) -1/4差不多。不,没啥感觉
  17. 01:07:132 (1,2,3,4) –KIAI中间区域算过渡区域,多放1/4增加节奏上的多变性和难度,现在跟着人声一点意思都没啊。你看音乐这里都出1/8节奏来加强了。01:07:132 (1,2,3) –这段非要跟人声那么请滑条加速到1.7或者2.0来贴合歌曲。结合了一下意见
  18. 01:08:465 (4) –重音,离远点,前面1/4你都放的那么分开这个重音跟得大间距。而且建议NC,因为你这00:57:799 (1) –加了NC。。现在接的是1/8
  19. 01:09:132 (1,2,3,1,2) –这其实跳的挺违和,不怎么合曲,打着十分别扭,用正常间距就可以了,而且你要跳的话,最起码01:09:132 (1) –比01:09:299 (2) –间距大点,这跳没能反映重音变化。我还是不知道怎么改,于是不改
  20. 01:17:799 (2) –滑条尾漏finish?我觉得加了更好。想平淡点收场
  21. 02:23:132 (1) -^
  22. 01:32:465 (3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –串子形状看的有点难看,特别是配合01:31:799 (1) –看起来。即使如此还是懒改啊
  23. 01:33:799 (1,2) –这两个斜度不一样我看起来非常别扭。
  24. 01:34:465 (3) –这你要注意,音乐里这和01:33:799 (1,2) –的鼓点是不一样的,这是很响亮的两个鼓音,所以换成两个圈打击感更好还能体现音乐节奏强弱的不同。
  25. 01:34:465 –这可加finish不这么加
  26. 01:41:799 (3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) –考虑到前面那个串子是顺时针转这个也顺时针转的就不舒服,老往一个方向转圈我打着十分难受。其实我看着好像也不大舒服。想了想不知道怎么改,但还是试着换个个放学
  27. 01:42:632 (2,3) –这个(3)根本不是什么重音,间距还哦那么大,不配合音乐。
  28. 01:43:132 (4,1,2,3) –为什么NC都这么奇葩,好几个串子都是大白线不加nc,后面的蓝线加nc,其他就算了,这个串子,四个圈一组看起来才是对称,这奇葩的nc我觉得毫无意义。
  29. 01:44:132 (5) –加nc。
  30. 01:44:465 (1,2,3) –前面串子间距算比较大的了,这个1/2拍的间距加减速滑条看起来又难产。。还是就这样
  31. 01:51:132 (1) –重音stack无打击感,非要stack的话那就叠好吧。
  32. 02:04:465 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –这里音乐是一个调的,这个串子波浪形的打起来也很别扭,不合曲。建议改成直线形串子。[/color]
  33. 02:08:132 (4) –建议2个crircle理由同上。要是我的话我会在02:07:132 (1,2,3,4) –放8个圈两个一组摆跳,因为前面02:05:799 (1,2,3,4) –刚一组滑条过来,音乐变了你节奏没变打着很无聊,不能体现那个乐器音02:07:132 –还是保持
  34. 02:16:132 (8,9,1) –真难读图的,建议加大1/2间距。直接改单点了
  35. 02:45:799 (1) –因为本身这diff的SV是1.6左右就不高,这里0.63和0.5的区别几乎没有,根本不能反映和02:35:132 (1) –的区别。。保持
  36. 02:54:965 (4,5) –还是那个,滑条尾很弱,打击相同的鼓点的节奏打击感效果很差。不明意思。
  37. 02:55:965 –这有几个1/8的音很强,忽略掉了略别扭。保持。一般听着应该就是那样
  38. 03:01:132 (1,2) –分开放?没怎么懂
  39. 03:07:049 (4,1) –前面串子都是四个一组然后间距变一下,你这滑条建议也放远点,1.2间距差不多。保持
  40. 03:31:132 (1,2,3,4) –和03:29:799 (1,2,3,4) –一样boring。。懒
  41. 03:32:465 (1,2,3,4) –更boring。
  42. 03:33:465 (4,1) –这个(1)是重音间距那么小,有什么打击感?建议放最上面去。
  43. 最后空的建议做完,最好所有难度不一样时间结束。。最后面不会做

Insane diff Irc
2013-12-28 17:02 Jemmmmy: 00:36:465 (1,2,3,4,5) -
2013-12-28 17:04 kamisamaaa: ok~
2013-12-28 17:04 kamisamaaa: 调整好了
2013-12-28 17:04 Jemmmmy: 00:37:465 (6,7) -
2013-12-28 17:06 kamisamaaa: 嗯~
2013-12-28 17:08 Jemmmmy: 00:37:799 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
2013-12-28 17:08 Jemmmmy: 8的位置不是很顺手。。
2013-12-28 17:08 kamisamaaa: 额 我调整一下
2013-12-28 17:09 Jemmmmy: 俩个关联性不大。
2013-12-28 17:09 Jemmmmy: 00:42:465 (4,5) -
2013-12-28 17:09 Jemmmmy: 我想想
2013-12-28 17:12 Jemmmmy: 00:48:132 - 节奏 排列变
2013-12-28 17:12 kamisamaaa: 这样子算是顺手么 不确定额
2013-12-28 17:13 Jemmmmy: 00:50:965 (2) - 移动到[40.12]
2013-12-28 17:13 Jemmmmy: 嗯会好挺多
2013-12-28 17:14 Jemmmmy: 00:51:465 (4) - 移动到[424.120]
2013-12-28 17:14 Jemmmmy: 00:58:465 (1) -
2013-12-28 17:16 Jemmmmy: 01:06:799 (7) -
2013-12-28 17:18 Jemmmmy: 01:14:132 (3,4) -
2013-12-28 17:18 Jemmmmy: 01:29:799 (1,2,3) - 用相同形状
2013-12-28 17:21 Jemmmmy: 01:43:632 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 微调
2013-12-28 17:22 Jemmmmy: 01:54:799 (5) -
2013-12-28 17:23 Jemmmmy: 02:03:548 (2,3,4,5) - 微调
2013-12-28 17:23 Jemmmmy: 02:04:132 (6) - ctrl+g
2013-12-28 17:25 Jemmmmy: 02:20:060 - 加个circle
2013-12-28 17:25 Jemmmmy: 02:20:060 - 相同形状
2013-12-28 17:27 Jemmmmy: 03:04:132 (1,1) - 这两个遮挡了。
2013-12-28 17:29 kamisamaaa: 02:04:132 (6) -
2013-12-28 17:29 kamisamaaa: 这个 因为音比较强 然后才ctrl+g 为了距离远一点来个逆flow额
2013-12-28 17:30 Jemmmmy: 03:03:799 (1,1,2,1,2,3,4) -
2013-12-28 17:31 Jemmmmy: 。。你摆放还是有点太难读
2013-12-28 17:31 kamisamaaa: 全图?
2013-12-28 17:31 Jemmmmy: 不是就是刚刚的遮挡
2013-12-28 17:32 Jemmmmy: 其他都好
2013-12-28 17:32 Jemmmmy: 03:19:049 - 加个note?
2013-12-28 17:33 Jemmmmy: 03:31:965 (8) -
2013-12-28 17:36 Jemmmmy: 03:36:465 - 这里开始的节奏有点松散了
2013-12-28 17:36 Jemmmmy: 背景音是连打,起码红线要有个滑条尾
2013-12-28 17:37 kamisamaaa: O1
2013-12-28 17:37 kamisamaaa: 我一会改一下节奏好了 本来想着是最后了就舒缓点额
2013-12-28 17:38 Jemmmmy: ,主要是只跟vocal会比较,,,
2013-12-28 17:40 Jemmmmy: 给你指些前后关系不大的note
2013-12-28 17:40 kamisamaaa: 嗯好
2013-12-28 17:41 Jemmmmy: 01:08:465 (1,2,3,4,5) -
2013-12-28 17:42 Jemmmmy: 01:10:132 (2,3) -
2013-12-28 17:42 Jemmmmy: 01:11:132 (1,2,7) -
2013-12-28 17:42 Jemmmmy: 01:14:799 (7,1,2) -
2013-12-28 17:43 Jemmmmy: 顺便01:42:965 (4) - [24.232]
2013-12-28 17:44 Jemmmmy: 01:55:799 (4,5) -
2013-12-28 17:44 kamisamaaa: 这种不太会改。。
2013-12-28 17:45 kamisamaaa: 就是因为不知道放哪里所以会联系不大额0.0
2013-12-28 17:45 Jemmmmy: 02:16:798 (2,7) -
2013-12-28 17:45 Jemmmmy: 大概就是尽量让滑条尾指向下一个note
2013-12-28 17:45 Jemmmmy: 这只是一种关系
2013-12-28 17:45 kamisamaaa: 哦 这样就行啊
2013-12-28 17:46 Jemmmmy: 你摆的一些90度,180读也是关系
2013-12-28 17:46 Jemmmmy: 滑条包着一个物件也是关系
2013-12-28 17:47 kamisamaaa: 嗯 明白了
2013-12-28 17:48 Jemmmmy: 比如02:16:465 (1,2,7) - 就能变成
2013-12-28 17:50 kamisamaaa: 哇!这个帅啊
2013-12-28 17:51 Jemmmmy: 02:35:799 (3,4) -
2013-12-28 17:51 Jemmmmy: 02:36:465 (1) - ctrl+g
2013-12-28 17:57 Jemmmmy: 当然大白线的开头note就不用太过在意
2013-12-28 17:57 kamisamaaa: ok~
2013-12-28 17:57 kamisamaaa: 话说
2013-12-28 17:57 kamisamaaa: 最后那一段背景是连打
2013-12-28 17:57 Jemmmmy: 0.0嗯
2013-12-28 17:57 kamisamaaa: 是不是就要把1/2全部填满额
2013-12-28 17:58 kamisamaaa: 可是我觉得那样会不会太激烈。。。
2013-12-28 17:58 Jemmmmy: 最好,因为红线的音其实还是挺重的
2013-12-28 17:58 kamisamaaa: 好吧=L= 看来要remap最后一段了额
2013-12-28 17:59 Jemmmmy: 。。嘛不用完全啦。填填改改就嗯
2013-12-28 17:59 kamisamaaa: 我先吧你说练习不强的地方改了额
2013-12-28 18:05 kamisamaaa: 那我先找你说的改~改完找找找mod
2013-12-28 18:05 Jemmmmy: 其实这种夹鱼蛋可以这样
2013-12-28 18:05 kamisamaaa: 是在没啥提高了就去找bat!
2013-12-28 18:06 kamisamaaa: 嗯 但是我不喜欢这样子的
2013-12-28 18:06 kamisamaaa: 感觉是个人原因
2013-12-28 18:06 kamisamaaa: 我可以试着吧一部分换成那样
2013-12-28 18:06 Jemmmmy: 一直夹鱼蛋有点。。
2013-12-28 18:06 kamisamaaa: 果然有点单调额
2013-12-28 18:07 Jemmmmy: 夹鱼蛋也比较难用
2013-12-28 18:08 Jemmmmy: 02:14:465 (5,6,7) - 这种因为你滑条不够顺可以摆成
2013-12-28 18:09 kamisamaaa: 看着好棒!
2013-12-28 18:10 Jemmmmy: 两个滑条要比较顺才放正中间
2013-12-28 18:10 kamisamaaa: 我一般这种两个滑条都是直接复制的
2013-12-28 18:10 kamisamaaa: 弧度应该是一样~
2013-12-28 18:11 Jemmmmy: 弧度是一样但是你要再旋转多一点让两个滑条能画出一个圆
2013-12-28 18:12 kamisamaaa: 恩
2013-12-28 18:12 Jemmmmy: 03:19:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这个你可以在中轴线摆完对称再旋转获取
Topic Starter
upload the ayaya'GD!
From my Modding Queue ~


  1. NC
    00:33:799 (2) - This NC should starts at 00:32:465 (1)
    00:44:465 (2) - ^
    01:05:799 (1) - Delete this NC, it's logical with the other Kiai time's NC
    01:32:465 (4) - Add a NC here and...
    ...01:34:465 (1) - This one should start at 01:35:132 (2)
    01:39:132 (1) - Should start at 01:37:799 (5)
    01:49:799 (1) - ^
    02:11:132 (1) - Delete
    03:21:132 (1) - ^
    03:39:132 (3,4,5,3) - I think you should add a NC to make a patern "which follow the song"
  2. Hitsounds
    Nothing special to say, but you if you add sliderticks, it'll be more "rythmic"
  3. Placements
    00:27:132 (3) - Try to blanket please x3
    00:32:465 (1) - ^
    00:52:465 (3) - ^
    01:15:132 (3,4,5) - Warning about overlapping =/
    01:32:465 (4) - Blanket xD
    01:57:799 (3,4) - Strange °w°
    02:56:465 (1,2) - Distance Snap ?
    03:03:132 (2) - Please blanket xD
    03:51:799 (5,1) - Maybe make a blanket ?


  1. NC
    00:44:465 (1) - Delete this NC
    01:17:799 (1) - Not necessary
    01:59:133 (1) - ^
    02:23:132 (1) - ^
    03:04:465 (1) - Add NC and...
    ...03:05:799 (2) - Delete NC
    03:32:465 (1) - ^
  2. Hitsounds
    00:56:799 (2,3,4) - Please delete these hitsounds, It makes feel the kiai time more "epic" x3
    01:18:133 (6,7,8) - ^
    01:33:799 (1,2,3,4) - Too many finish
    01:57:132 (1) - Add a clap at the end of the slider
  3. Placements
    01:42:799 (4) - Move at x:320 y:136


  • Nothing to say but too many NC (Extra too)

sjoy's Hard

[list=]A little bit difficult for a Hard...[/list]

I hope it'll be helpful, hope it'll be rank ^w^
Topic Starter

Kenterz9 wrote:

From my Modding Queue ~


  1. NC
    00:33:799 (2) - This NC should starts at 00:32:465 (1)
    00:44:465 (2) - ^
    01:05:799 (1) - Delete this NC, it's logical with the other Kiai time's NC
    01:32:465 (4) - Add a NC here and...
    ...01:34:465 (1) - This one should start at 01:35:132 (2)
    01:39:132 (1) - Should start at 01:37:799 (5)
    01:49:799 (1) - ^
    02:11:132 (1) - Delete
    03:21:132 (1) - ^
    03:39:132 (3,4,5,3) - I think you should add a NC to make a patern "which follow the song"
    okay, I check the NC all map~thanks :)
  2. Hitsounds
    Nothing special to say, but you if you add sliderticks, it'll be more "rythmic"
  3. Placements
    00:27:132 (3) - Try to blanket please x3
    00:32:465 (1) - ^
    00:52:465 (3) - ^
    01:15:132 (3,4,5) - Warning about overlapping =/
    01:32:465 (4) - Blanket xD
    01:57:799 (3,4) - Strange °w°
    02:56:465 (1,2) - Distance Snap ?
    03:03:132 (2) - Please blanket xD I make blanket better all these place
    03:51:799 (5,1) - Maybe make a blanket ? I dont want to make a blanket here


  1. NC
    00:44:465 (1) - Delete this NC
    01:17:799 (1) - Not necessary
    01:59:133 (1) - ^
    02:23:132 (1) - ^
    03:04:465 (1) - Add NC and...
    ...03:05:799 (2) - Delete NC
    03:32:465 (1) - ^
    recheck the NC like easy diff~
  2. Hitsounds
    00:56:799 (2,3,4) - Please delete these hitsounds, It makes feel the kiai time more "epic" x3 I add finish wrong=L=
    01:18:133 (6,7,8) - ^ just like lunatic diff=L=I will keep this
    01:33:799 (1,2,3,4) - Too many finish just like lunatic diff=L=I will keep this
    01:57:132 (1) - Add a clap at the end of the slider I think there no need a clap
  3. Placements
    01:42:799 (4) - Move at x:320 y:136 something wrong with this note=L=


  • Nothing to say but too many NC (Extra too)

sjoy's Hard

[list=]A little bit difficult for a Hard...[/list]

I hope it'll be helpful, hope it'll be rank ^w^
really thanks for your mod~ ;)
你问我看看你的图 ~

  • General
    03:57:965 (1) - for spin. i heard sound has stopped at 04:00:465 - . try to stop at 04:00:465 - instead?

  • Easy
  1. 00:13:799 (1) - flow of this slider isn't really good because suddenly go up a little. i guess symmetrical slider will be better for this,
  2. 00:15:132 (2) - same as above, just copy paste after fix the above
  3. 00:21:799 (1) - tail 312,280 for better blanket with next slider
  4. 00:23:132 (2) - finish on tail. there is a cymbal sound at 00:24:465 -
  5. 00:25:132 (1) - remove the 2nd anchor point. that point seems make curved and flow become a little bad
  6. 00:27:132 (1) - too close with 00:26:465 (2) - , not really nice to see. move to 429,30 instead
  7. 00:29:132 (2) - move to 44,240 for better flow? :3
  8. 00:29:799 (3) - if you fix the above. move this circle to 100,92 then. oh also add finish. i heard a cymbal sound
  9. 00:30:465 (4,1) - i have a rhythm suggestion for this. try (start from 00:30:465 - ) to following vocal properly?
  10. 00:35:132 (1,2) - try to make them like
    if you want to use it, here is the code
    00:45:799 (1) - from 00:44:465 (2,3) - the flow is like straight down dui ma? it will be better if you do it again but straight line flow. i mean move to 276,124. fix the spacing of 00:46:465 (2) - if you follow this suggestion
  11. 00:45:799 (1) - also finish pls for emphasize cymbal >3<
  12. 00:49:799 (3) - finish on tail to emphasize cymbal sound :3
  13. 00:51:799 (2) - flow will be better if you move to 88,184. flow become bad because this circle in behind of 00:52:465 (3) - 's body ><
  14. 00:58:465 (1) - flow could be better if you ctrl+G this slider. idk how to explain but it can feel from testplaying >3<
  15. 01:01:132 (4) - remove finish on head. there isn't any cymbal sound. whistle only will be better
  16. 01:03:132 (2) - finish on head. i heard a cymbal sound :3
  17. 01:05:132 (2) - same as 01:01:132 (4) -
  18. 01:07:799 (2) - same as above too
  19. 01:08:465 (3) - finish instead. cymbal sound
  20. 01:09:132 (1) - also no need to NC
  21. 01:11:799 (3) - lol same as 01:01:132 (4) -
  22. 01:13:799 (1) - move to 400,224 for better flow with previous (slider)? if you follow this suggestion, 01:14:465 (2) - move to 264,44 to keep consistency spacing
  23. 01:16:465 (4) - NC it? combo is too long than usual
  24. 01:15:132 (3) - no need finish on this slider's head. cymbal is appear on 01:16:465 -
  25. 01:29:799 (1) - finish to emphasize a cymbal sound >3<
  26. 01:32:465 (4) - too close too as previous i said it. 458,121 instead?
  27. 01:34:465 (1,2) - finish on both circles to emphasize cymbal sound >3<
  28. 01:35:798 (3,4) - i was thinking to change rhythm same as 00:30:465 (4,1) -
  29. 01:51:132 (3) - just move to 276,128 to make diagonal line flow here. flow will be better ofc
  30. 01:55:132 (3) - finish on tail because a cymbal sound :3
  31. 02:08:465 (1) - finish on head because a cymbal sound too
  32. 02:13:799 (1) - finish it too. same reason as above
  33. 02:17:799 (3) - finish whistle on head. whistle for consistency, finish for emphasize cymbal sound
  34. 02:19:132 (1) - finish too
  35. 02:21:799 (4) - NC it? combo is kinda long than usual
  36. 02:35:132 (1) - how about circle only at 02:35:132 - ? so we're following loud drum sound only. much better imo xD (if you do it. finish pls because a little cymbal sound)
  37. 02:40:465 (1) - same that i mean from above. circle only on downbeat with finish :3
  38. 02:45:799 (1) - finish too. cymbal sound desu
  39. 02:46:465 (2) - move to 244,168 for better flow ><
  40. 03:01:799 (1) - just mention it for your future diff, if you find flow like 03:01:132 (4,5,1) - . it could be better if you ctrl+G 03:01:799 (1) - , so flow is going to down and down instead down down up
  41. 03:04:465 (1) - inconsistency 0,92x spacing. make it consistency
  42. 03:23:132 (1) - finish on head because cymbal sound :3
  43. 03:31:132 (4) - maybe NC it? combo is kinda long than usual :p
  44. 03:39:132 (1,3) - you need to change this pattern. (3)'s tail touched with (1) right? it's not good for visual also many modders always say about this too. change it better imo xD
  45. 03:41:799 (1) - finish because cymbal sound
  46. 03:45:799 (3) - it could be better if you follow vocal here. extend until 03:46:465 - and remove 03:47:132 (1) -
  47. 03:56:465 (3) - okay last. try to make blanket here with (2) so it more neat to see like
    if you want to use it, here is the code

  • Normal
  1. 00:18:799 (5) - would you try to move 184,12 for have same flow with 00:15:132 (3,4,5,1) - ? it's nice for playing imo ~
  2. 00:21:465 (5) - try 324,292 for natural flow? it's moar natural to play imo
  3. 00:27:132 (1,1) - usually for Easy and Normal. after need 1 whitetick to rest/break because newbie always do a random spin until they got confused. just do like you can't skip 00:28:465 - because have a cymbal sound
  4. 00:32:465 (1,1) - same as above. or change spin become some of slider/circle instead ~
  5. 00:57:465 (4) - move to 212,216 instead to make diagonal line flow
  6. 00:58:799 (3) - move to 124,116 and 00:59:132 (4,5) - (click both) move to 196,48 to avoid forced flow from 00:58:465 (2,3) -
  7. 01:07:632 (5) - finish on head. i heard cymbal sound. Cymbal sound are really much in this song lol
  8. 01:08:465 (1,2,3) - try to make symmetrical for better design visual? :3
  9. 01:12:465 (3,4,5,6) - flow seems forced to play again. try to arrange like maybe~ but it's up to you lol
  10. 01:29:799 (1) - finish on head. obviously because have a cymbal sound
  11. 01:47:132 (3) - just nazi thing, move to 420,228 for make better symmetrical between (1) and (3).(if you follow this, you need to fix the spacing so
  12. 01:48:132 (4) - move to 148,228 and 01:48:465 (1) - 116,132
  13. 01:50:799 (6,1,2) - flow could be better/improved here. example : :3
  14. 01:56:132 (4) - finish on tail because cymbal lol
  15. 02:12:965 (5) - finish on head too for emphasize cymbal
  16. 02:13:798 (1,3) - better symmetrical please. i did it on 01:08:465 (1,3) - . similar like that lol
  17. 02:35:465 (2) - remove it. so we can to following drum sound only ~
  18. 02:35:132 (1) - finish cause cymbal
  19. 02:40:465 (1,2) - same as both of above ( i mean 02:35:465 (2) - and 02:35:132 (1) -)
  20. 02:45:799 (1) - finish too
  21. 02:54:132 (2,3,4) - flow seems forced again. try to arrange like ?
  22. 03:04:465 (5) - aaa 1/2 with too many repeats aren't nice to play and make newbie confused. try or instead
  23. 03:04:465 (5,1) - also make sure you're swap the NC to make consistency NC (NC = new combo btw)
  24. 03:16:465 (1,1) - remove circle and extend spin until 03:17:799 - instead
  25. 03:23:132 (1,3) - symmetrical onegai >3< , remove (3) and copy paste flip from (1)
    Have better flow than Easy diff, Nice job :3

  • Hard
  1. 00:14:799 (4) - i was thinking maybe should be to use 1,2x spacing here to keep consistency with 00:14:132 (2,2) - lol
  2. 00:27:799 (2,3,4,5) - four 1/4 circles in Hard diff which have high bpm are really hard.. change to 1/4 slider instead
  3. 00:32:465 (5) - imo, flow could be better if you move to 476,100
  4. 00:38:465 (2,3,4,5) - same as 00:27:799 (2,3,4,5) -
  5. 00:40:299 (5) - try to make a little jump between (5) and (1)? maybe with move this circle to 404,204
  6. 00:45:465 (4) - flow seems forced if the (3)'s tail go to up and (4)'s tail go to up too. try move the tail 316,388 instead?
  7. 01:03:132 (1) - finish instead clap. cymbal sound appear
    this diff is Nice, just wondering 4 of 1/4 circles lol

  • Insane
  1. 00:27:382 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - flow could be better :3
  2. 00:38:465 (7) - NC to warning 1/4 sliders jump?
  3. 00:57:882 (2) - as i heard, this is overmapped :<
  4. 01:04:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - extreme 1/4 jumps OAO , arrange as
    actually nice Lunatic here ~

我觉得你的图 很好~

edit : oAo 不错吗? 谢谢 lol
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

你问我看看你的图 ~

  • General
    03:57:965 (1) - for spin. i heard sound has stopped at 04:00:465 - . try to stop at 04:00:465 - instead? I feel current is ok=L=

  • Easy
  1. 00:13:799 (1) - flow of this slider isn't really good because suddenly go up a little. i guess symmetrical slider will be better for this, sorry I cant understand what this mean=L=
  2. 00:15:132 (2) - same as above, just copy paste after fix the above
  3. 00:21:799 (1) - tail 312,280 for better blanket with next slider fix
  4. 00:23:132 (2) - finish on tail. there is a cymbal sound at 00:24:465 - fix
  5. 00:25:132 (1) - remove the 2nd anchor point. that point seems make curved and flow become a little bad fix
  6. 00:27:132 (1) - too close with 00:26:465 (2) - , not really nice to see. move to 429,30 instead amm because I use the DS1.0X
  7. 00:29:132 (2) - move to 44,240 for better flow? :3 I think both are okay
  8. 00:29:799 (3) - if you fix the above. move this circle to 100,92 then. oh also add finish. i heard a cymbal sound
  9. 00:30:465 (4,1) - i have a rhythm suggestion for this. try (start from 00:30:465 - ) to following vocal properly? good idea!
  10. 00:35:132 (1,2) - try to make them like fix
    if you want to use it, here is the code
    00:45:799 (1) - from 00:44:465 (2,3) - the flow is like straight down dui ma? it will be better if you do it again but straight line flow. i mean move to 276,124. fix the spacing of 00:46:465 (2) - if you follow this suggestion fix
  11. 00:45:799 (1) - also finish pls for emphasize cymbal >3< fix
  12. 00:49:799 (3) - finish on tail to emphasize cymbal sound :3 fix
  13. 00:51:799 (2) - flow will be better if you move to 88,184. flow become bad because this circle in behind of 00:52:465 (3) - 's body ><
  14. 00:58:465 (1) - flow could be better if you ctrl+G this slider. idk how to explain but it can feel from testplaying >3< yes youare right~:D
  15. 01:01:132 (4) - remove finish on head. there isn't any cymbal sound. whistle only will be better
  16. 01:03:132 (2) - finish on head. i heard a cymbal sound :3 I use finish on my own way in kiai time=L=so I will keep
  17. 01:05:132 (2) - same as 01:01:132 (4) -
  18. 01:07:799 (2) - same as above too
  19. 01:08:465 (3) - finish instead. cymbal sound
  20. 01:09:132 (1) - also no need to NC fix
  21. 01:11:799 (3) - lol same as 01:01:132 (4) -
  22. 01:13:799 (1) - move to 400,224 for better flow with previous (slider)? if you follow this suggestion, 01:14:465 (2) - move to 264,44 to keep consistency spacing fix
  23. 01:16:465 (4) - NC it? combo is too long than usual amm...I want to this three look like a group so I not add NC here
  24. 01:15:132 (3) - no need finish on this slider's head. cymbal is appear on 01:16:465 -
  25. 01:29:799 (1) - finish to emphasize a cymbal sound >3<
  26. 01:32:465 (4) - too close too as previous i said it. 458,121 instead?
  27. 01:34:465 (1,2) - finish on both circles to emphasize cymbal sound >3<
  28. 01:35:798 (3,4) - i was thinking to change rhythm same as 00:30:465 (4,1) - fix
  29. 01:51:132 (3) - just move to 276,128 to make diagonal line flow here. flow will be better ofc fix
  30. 01:55:132 (3) - finish on tail because a cymbal sound :3
  31. 02:08:465 (1) - finish on head because a cymbal sound too
  32. 02:13:799 (1) - finish it too. same reason as above
  33. 02:17:799 (3) - finish whistle on head. whistle for consistency, finish for emphasize cymbal sound
  34. 02:19:132 (1) - finish too
  35. 02:21:799 (4) - NC it? combo is kinda long than usual
  36. 02:35:132 (1) - how about circle only at 02:35:132 - ? so we're following loud drum sound only. much better imo xD (if you do it. finish pls because a little cymbal sound) fix
  37. 02:40:465 (1) - same that i mean from above. circle only on downbeat with finish :3 fix
  38. 02:45:799 (1) - finish too. cymbal sound desu
  39. 02:46:465 (2) - move to 244,168 for better flow >< here I want to make a line and I will keep this~
  40. 03:01:799 (1) - just mention it for your future diff, if you find flow like 03:01:132 (4,5,1) - . it could be better if you ctrl+G 03:01:799 (1) - , so flow is going to down and down instead down down up
  41. 03:04:465 (1) - inconsistency 0,92x spacing. make it consistency
  42. 03:23:132 (1) - finish on head because cymbal sound :3
  43. 03:31:132 (4) - maybe NC it? combo is kinda long than usual :p
  44. 03:39:132 (1,3) - you need to change this pattern. (3)'s tail touched with (1) right? it's not good for visual also many modders always say about this too. change it better imo xD okay~fix
  45. 03:41:799 (1) - finish because cymbal sound
  46. 03:45:799 (3) - it could be better if you follow vocal here. extend until 03:46:465 - and remove 03:47:132 (1) -
  47. 03:56:465 (3) - okay last. try to make blanket here with (2) so it more neat to see like
    if you want to use it, here is the code

  • Normal
  1. 00:18:799 (5) - would you try to move 184,12 for have same flow with 00:15:132 (3,4,5,1) - ? it's nice for playing imo ~
  2. 00:21:465 (5) - try 324,292 for natural flow? it's moar natural to play imo
  3. 00:27:132 (1,1) - usually for Easy and Normal. after need 1 whitetick to rest/break because newbie always do a random spin until they got confused. just do like you can't skip 00:28:465 - because have a cymbal sound
  4. 00:32:465 (1,1) - same as above. or change spin become some of slider/circle instead ~
  5. 00:57:465 (4) - move to 212,216 instead to make diagonal line flow
  6. 00:58:799 (3) - move to 124,116 and 00:59:132 (4,5) - (click both) move to 196,48 to avoid forced flow from 00:58:465 (2,3) -
  7. 01:07:632 (5) - finish on head. i heard cymbal sound. Cymbal sound are really much in this song lol
  8. 01:08:465 (1,2,3) - try to make symmetrical for better design visual? :3
  9. 01:12:465 (3,4,5,6) - flow seems forced to play again. try to arrange like maybe~ but it's up to you lol
  10. 01:29:799 (1) - finish on head. obviously because have a cymbal sound
  11. 01:47:132 (3) - just nazi thing, move to 420,228 for make better symmetrical between (1) and (3).(if you follow this, you need to fix the spacing so
  12. 01:48:132 (4) - move to 148,228 and 01:48:465 (1) - 116,132
  13. 01:50:799 (6,1,2) - flow could be better/improved here. example : :3
  14. 01:56:132 (4) - finish on tail because cymbal lol
  15. 02:12:965 (5) - finish on head too for emphasize cymbal
  16. 02:13:798 (1,3) - better symmetrical please. i did it on 01:08:465 (1,3) - . similar like that lol
  17. 02:35:465 (2) - remove it. so we can to following drum sound only ~
  18. 02:35:132 (1) - finish cause cymbal
  19. 02:40:465 (1,2) - same as both of above ( i mean 02:35:465 (2) - and 02:35:132 (1) -)
  20. 02:45:799 (1) - finish too
  21. 02:54:132 (2,3,4) - flow seems forced again. try to arrange like ?
  22. 03:04:465 (5) - aaa 1/2 with too many repeats aren't nice to play and make newbie confused. try or instead
  23. 03:04:465 (5,1) - also make sure you're swap the NC to make consistency NC (NC = new combo btw)
  24. 03:16:465 (1,1) - remove circle and extend spin until 03:17:799 - instead
  25. 03:23:132 (1,3) - symmetrical onegai >3< , remove (3) and copy paste flip from (1)
    Have better flow than Easy diff, Nice job :3

atually I almost change all you point out in normall diff=L=

  • Insane
  1. 00:27:382 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - flow could be better :3
  2. 00:38:465 (7) - NC to warning 1/4 sliders jump? fix
  3. 00:57:882 (2) - as i heard, this is overmapped :< yes here is overmap but I feel more comtable in this way
  4. 01:04:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - extreme 1/4 jumps OAO , arrange as I use your idea at begin but I change to this to make more interesting~
    actually nice Lunatic here ~

我觉得你的图 很好~
thanks for your mod~and 中文不错~ ;)

  • Hard
  1. 00:14:799 (4) - i was thinking maybe should be to use 1,2x spacing here to keep consistency with 00:14:132 (2,2) - lol fixed
  2. 00:27:799 (2,3,4,5) - four 1/4 circles in Hard diff which have high bpm are really hard.. change to 1/4 slider instead ;) I think it's ok
  3. 00:32:465 (5) - imo, flow could be better if you move to 476,100 ok
  4. 00:38:465 (2,3,4,5) - same as 00:27:799 (2,3,4,5) - :D
  5. 00:40:299 (5) - try to make a little jump between (5) and (1)? maybe with move this circle to 404,204 great
  6. 00:45:465 (4) - flow seems forced if the (3)'s tail go to up and (4)'s tail go to up too. try move the tail 316,388 instead?change it
  7. 01:03:132 (1) - finish instead clap. cymbal sound appear ok
    this diff is Nice, just wondering 4 of 1/4 circles lol :D

  1. Red: Be unrankable
  2. Blue: Be important
  3. Black: Suggestions
00:15:799 (1,2,3,4) - 个人认为太多finish会违和
00:21:132 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:28:465 (2,3) - 用whistle更好
00:39:132 (2,3) - ^
01:12:799 (3,5) - ^
01:34:132 (2,3) - ^
01:44:799 (2,3) - ^
02:07:465 (3,5) - ^
01:17:465 (6) - 改成1/8?
02:22:799 (6) - ^
01:32:549 (1) - 个人觉得摆上物件比较好 后面类似这段的都是铺note的
01:56:465 (1) - 略丑
03:38:465 (3) - ^
03:49:132 (4) - ^
02:17:965 (2,5,6) - 音效违和...

个人觉得03:01:799 (1) - 这种不需要变速 打起来还会更有感觉

只是要注意下finish不要滥用 不是怕吵 finish这样多真的是太违和了 要么就是默认的softfinish根本不适合这首


这周没时间了 下次回来补上nm和ez的mod :P
Mod Request Queue!Lets see here:
• Have the Grid Snap disabled in order to do these re-positioning and fixes
• Not sure if the changes I made actually affects the hitsounds, if it does then remember where you placed those hitsounds

  1. The creator's spinner and the Guest difficulties's spinner end on different time. Suggest picking a specific time for all four difficulties to end on.
    kamisamaaa's Spinner end : 04:01:799
    sjoy's Difficulties end : 03:59:965
  1. 00:25:132 (1) - Re-positioned to x: 313 y: 287 so that it'll be at the same spot and overlap the slider's tail from 00:21:799
  2. 00:23:132 (2) - Blanketed a bit better with the next slider's head. Here's the code:
  3. 00:25:132 (1) - Blanketed a bit better with the next slider's head. Here's the code:
  4. 00:27:132 (1) - Pretty sure I made it somewhat better on blanketing with the previous slider's tail. Here's the code:
  5. 00:30:465 (4) - Blanketed a bit better with the circle note. Here's the code:
  6. 00:32:465 (2,3,4) - If you want, I've made these blanketed one after another. Here's the code:
  7. 00:45:799 (1) - Re-positioned to x: 267 y: 87 so that it'll be in the middle of the parallel and seem to show a forms of a triangle from the slider's ends
  8. 00:46:465 (2) - Blanketed a bit better with the next slider's head. Here's the code:
  9. 00:48:465 (1,2,3) - Blanketed the two sliders bit better with the circle note. Here's the code:
  10. 01:07:799 (2) - Re-position this to x: 422 y: 241 so it'll have the same x and y coordinates as the slider from 01:07:132
  11. 01:08:465 (3) - Re-positioned to x: 382 y: 91 so that it'll be in the middle of the parallel
  12. 01:30:465 (2) - This seem to have a point that makes the slider's head looks bit different, not sure if it was intended, just wanted to let you know.
  13. 01:32:465 (4) - Pretty sure I made it somewhat better on blanketing with the previous slider's tail as well as the next circle note. Here's the code:
  14. 01:35:799 (3) - Blanketed a bit better with the circle note. Here's the code:
  15. 01:39:132 (2,3) - Re-positioned a bit and made them blanketed one after another. Here's the code:
  16. 01:53:799 (1,2,3) - If you want, made this blanketed a bit better with the circle note.(Sorry for being crazy about this but that's how I am Orz) Here's the code:

    Suggestions and Ideas

  17. Delete the inherited points from 03:58:632 ~ 04:00:465 ?

    Test play for Easy Difficulty

    Comments: Appropriate slider velocity, HD, CS, AR, and OD, flow and distance snap. Doesn't seem to have any major issues in this difficulty. Just polishing and I believe it should be good to go. Sorry if used mod, it was slow for me ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
    Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Easy

  1. 00:23:132 (3,4) - Re-positioned a bit so that it'll be straight. Here's the code:
  2. 00:24:465 (1,2,3) - Made it blanket bit better with the circle note. Here's the code:
  3. 00:29:799 (1,2) - Since you made a form at 00:28:465 . Have 00:29:799 (1) re-positioned at x: 448 y: 148 . Then move the circle note from 00:30:799 (2) to x: 336 y: 241 to keep that constant 1.00x distance snap.
  4. 00:31:132 (3,4) - Since the x axis from slider 3 is 212 and and slider 4's x axis is 211, re-position slider 4 to x: 212 y: 250. Also had slider 3 blanket a bit better with the next slider's head. Here's the code for the slider:
  5. 00:33:799 (1,2,3,4,1) - Circle notes 1~2 and 3~4 are not reflective towards each other so I fixed that along with the blanket for the slider. Here's the code:
  6. 00:44:799 (4,5) - Didn't seem linear so re-position circle note 4 to x: 146 y: 209 and re-position circle note 5 to x: 239 y: 174.
  7. 00:57:799 (1) - Blanketed a bit better with the circle note. Here's the code:
  8. 01:41:799 (3,4,1) - Slider 3 blankets bit better with circle note 4 along with slider 1 for both previous and next circle note. Still keeps that 1.00x distance snap
    Picture and the Code

  9. 02:00:465 (1) - Don't seem like it feels right to just keep this spinner long. At 02:01:799, on that point of the song it feels different instead of on 02:02:799. So have the spinner end on 02:01:799? doesn't seem to hurt to have it like that and it feel right to have it like that due to the feel of that point. If you know what I mean :/ ( Then again if you do do this then you might have to do the same for your Easy difficulty and have to add a note that difficulty, it's your call)
  10. 02:49:132 (3) - If you want this to be led to a linear path then re-position the slider's 2nd point to x: 437 y: 354
  11. 03:25:465 (4) - Re-positioned to x: 236 y: 226 to stack on the same spot.

    Suggestions and Ideas

  12. 01:57:799 (2,3,4) - See the picture if you want to have these like what I did. Code is also included:
    Picture and the Code

  13. 01:59:132 (1,2,3) - See the picture if you want to have these like what I did. Code is also included:
    Picture and the Code

  14. Delete the inherited points from 03:58:632 ~ 04:00:465 ?

    Test play for Normal Difficulty

    Comments: Again, appropriate slider velocity, HD, CS, AR, and OD, flow and distance snap. Doesn't seem to have any major issues in this difficulty as well. Just some polishing and I believe it should be good to go. You did indeed give some good patterns in this difficulty. Sorry if I used mod on this difficulty again, was bit slow for me. haha
    Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Normal ~ Hard (2%)

[sjoy's Hard]
  1. 00:15:132 (1) - seems to be missing a clap
  2. 00:16:465 (1) - Clap here? since the song at this part goes in a loop from the beginning which you also place a clap on the white tick here at 00:13:799 (1)
  3. 00:17:132 (5) - Clap
  4. 00:17:799 (1) - Clap
  5. 00:19:132 (1) - Clap on the slider's head since it's going in a loop the third time
  6. 00:20:799 (3) - Remove Clap from the slider's tail since again it's going in a loop
  7. 00:21:799 (1) - Clap
  8. 00:22:465 (4) - Clap
  9. 01:11:465 (2) - Clap on the head to empthisize the vocal part along with the hitsounds you added there. If not then the clap here at 01:12:132 (4) doesn't seem suited for the hitsound pattern
  10. 02:20:799 (2,4) - Remove clap since in the first kiai time at 01:15:132 (1,2,3,4) doesn't seem to have the same as the one here. If you don't want to remove them, mind having the others in these parts like this?
  11. 03:36:465 Starting here you can have the same hitsound pattern as the one starting here 00:13:799.

    Suggestions and Ideas


    Test play for sjoy's Hard Difficulty

    Comments: Appropriate slider velocity, HD, CS, AR, and OD, flow and distance snap. Just make sure to double check those hitsounds again in case I missed some of them. Maybe if you want, lower the Health Drain down by 1 though keep it if you want to intensify the difficulty. Other than that it's good.
    Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Hard ~ Insane(15%~)

  1. 00:23:798 (5) - Rather than having the whistle on this circle note, remove it and have it on 00:23:965 (6) since I believe sounds much better.
  2. 02:14:465 (5,6,7) - this part got me few times due to the placement of the circle note. Mind having it like you did here at 00:19:132 (1,2,3)

    Suggestions and Ideas

  3. Delete the inherited points from 03:58:632 ~ 04:00:465 ?

    Test play for Lunatic Difficulty

    Comments: Appropriate slider velocity, HD, CS, AR, and OD and flow. Reason why there's not much to say for this difficulty is that I believe it's good enough to my standards. You did well with the jumps that were large shapes, the patterns are good as well. The one part that I only feel weird is the one starting here 03:04:132 , though it's passable, just a risky part to attempt to do (Just saying). Other than that, I can see you worked hard on this and done a good job of it. Might come back again and check on some things like hitsounds and such. (If I do, don't give me kudosu for it please). Final comment, I believe you can still fit in a Insane difficulty between this and sjoy's difficulty just to level it out , if not then leave it be.
    Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Expert

If you have any complaints, questions, comments, etc. or found any errors in my work, in-game or on the osu website!

(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚ Wish you best of luck!~

Topic Starter

yf_bmp wrote:


  1. Red: Be unrankable
  2. Blue: Be important
  3. Black: Suggestions
00:15:799 (1,2,3,4) - 个人认为太多finish会违和 这几个地方加finish是因为音乐就是这个声音,,加finish只是加强一下额
00:21:132 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:28:465 (2,3) - 用whistle更好 也是因为音乐
00:39:132 (2,3) - ^
01:12:799 (3,5) - ^
01:34:132 (2,3) - ^
01:44:799 (2,3) - ^
02:07:465 (3,5) - ^
01:17:465 (6) - 改成1/8? 感觉不合适
02:22:799 (6) - ^
01:32:549 (1) - 个人觉得摆上物件比较好 后面类似这段的都是铺note的 这个可以考虑额 换成转盘主要是想要节奏有点变化 因为前后节奏都是一模一样的额
01:56:465 (1) - 略丑 主要是不知道能拉成什么样子比较合适,,,
03:38:465 (3) - ^ 这两个是因为那个mo的音 很多人有颤抖的感觉 所以故意做成这样的
03:49:132 (4) - ^
02:17:965 (2,5,6) - 音效违和...

个人觉得03:01:799 (1) - 这种不需要变速 打起来还会更有感觉 这里变速是sjoy推荐的 其实打的时候不太明显 因为短滑条很短

排列和节奏感觉没什么好说 妮妮说主要是排列需要改,,别的还好额
只是要注意下finish不要滥用 不是怕吵 finish这样多真的是太违和了 要么就是默认的softfinish根本不适合这首


这周没时间了 下次回来补上nm和ez的mod :P 嗯 感谢啊 你的图我可能会晚一点=L= 原谅我吧 考试真心吃翔了额


AllStar12 wrote:

Mod Request Queue!Lets see here:
• Have the Grid Snap disabled in order to do these re-positioning and fixes
• Not sure if the changes I made actually affects the hitsounds, if it does then remember where you placed those hitsounds

  1. 00:25:132 (1) - Re-positioned to x: 313 y: 287 so that it'll be at the same spot and overlap the slider's tail from 00:21:799 okay~fix
  2. 00:23:132 (2) - Blanketed a bit better with the next slider's head. Here's the code: now is better~
  3. 00:25:132 (1) - Blanketed a bit better with the next slider's head. Here's the code: imo this is good enough
  4. 00:27:132 (1) - Pretty sure I made it somewhat better on blanketing with the previous slider's tail. Here's the code: imo this is good enough
  5. 00:30:465 (4) - Blanketed a bit better with the circle note. Here's the code: imo this is good enough
  6. 00:32:465 (2,3,4) - If you want, I've made these blanketed one after another. Here's the code: imo this is good enough
  7. 00:45:799 (1) - Re-positioned to x: 267 y: 87 so that it'll be in the middle of the parallel and seem to show a forms of a triangle from the slider's ends imo this is good enough
  8. 00:46:465 (2) - Blanketed a bit better with the next slider's head. Here's the code: fix this~
  9. 00:48:465 (1,2,3) - Blanketed the two sliders bit better with the circle note. Here's the code: okay fix~
  10. 01:07:799 (2) - Re-position this to x: 422 y: 241 so it'll have the same x and y coordinates as the slider from 01:07:132 okay~fix
  11. 01:08:465 (3) - Re-positioned to x: 382 y: 91 so that it'll be in the middle of the parallel
  12. 01:30:465 (2) - This seem to have a point that makes the slider's head looks bit different, not sure if it was intended, just wanted to let you know. yes you are right~ here is a mistake
  13. 01:32:465 (4) - Pretty sure I made it somewhat better on blanketing with the previous slider's tail as well as the next circle note. Here's the code:
    imo this is good enough
  14. 01:35:799 (3) - Blanketed a bit better with the circle note. Here's the code: change a little~
  15. 01:39:132 (2,3) - Re-positioned a bit and made them blanketed one after another. Here's the code:
    imo this is good enough
  16. 01:53:799 (1,2,3) - If you want, made this blanketed a bit better with the circle note.(Sorry for being crazy about this but that's how I am Orz) Here's the code:
    imo this is good enough

    Suggestions and Ideas

  17. Delete the inherited points from 03:58:632 ~ 04:00:465 ? I keep this because I make all these same in all diff

    Test play for Easy Difficulty
    thanks for test~ ;)
Comments: Appropriate slider velocity, HD, CS, AR, and OD, flow and distance snap. Doesn't seem to have any major issues in this difficulty. Just polishing and I believe it should be good to go. Sorry if used mod, it was slow for me ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Easy
  1. 00:23:132 (3,4) - Re-positioned a bit so that it'll be straight. Here's the code: okay fix
  2. 00:24:465 (1,2,3) - Made it blanket bit better with the circle note. Here's the code:
  3. 00:29:799 (1,2) - Since you made a form at 00:28:465 . Have 00:29:799 (1) re-positioned at x: 448 y: 148 . Then move the circle note from 00:30:799 (2) to x: 336 y: 241 to keep that constant 1.00x distance snap. I think 0.99 is okay
  4. 00:31:132 (3,4) - Since the x axis from slider 3 is 212 and and slider 4's x axis is 211, re-position slider 4 to x: 212 y: 250. Also had slider 3 blanket a bit better with the next slider's head. Here's the code for the slider: because the anchor is not the centre of the slider
  5. 00:33:799 (1,2,3,4,1) - Circle notes 1~2 and 3~4 are not reflective towards each other so I fixed that along with the blanket for the slider. Here's the code:
    sorry I cant understand whats your mean..
  6. 00:44:799 (4,5) - Didn't seem linear so re-position circle note 4 to x: 146 y: 209 and re-position circle note 5 to x: 239 y: 174.
    okay fix
  7. 00:57:799 (1) - Blanketed a bit better with the circle note. Here's the code:
    okay fix
  8. 01:41:799 (3,4,1) - Slider 3 blankets bit better with circle note 4 along with slider 1 for both previous and next circle note. Still keeps that 1.00x distance snap
    Picture and the Code
  9. 02:00:465 (1) - Don't seem like it feels right to just keep this spinner long. At 02:01:799, on that point of the song it feels different instead of on 02:02:799. So have the spinner end on 02:01:799? doesn't seem to hurt to have it like that and it feel right to have it like that due to the feel of that point. If you know what I mean :/ ( Then again if you do do this then you might have to do the same for your Easy difficulty and have to add a note that difficulty, it's your call)I make a long spiner just because its beforee the kiai , and I want to begin the kiai with frist note
  10. 02:49:132 (3) - If you want this to be led to a linear path then re-position the slider's 2nd point to x: 437 y: 354 a little change~
  11. 03:25:465 (4) - Re-positioned to x: 236 y: 226 to stack on the same spot. fix

    Suggestions and Ideas

  12. 01:57:799 (2,3,4) - See the picture if you want to have these like what I did. Code is also included: I think current is just okay and want to keep~sorry
    Picture and the Code

  13. 01:59:132 (1,2,3) - See the picture if you want to have these like what I did. Code is also included:
    Picture and the Code

  14. Delete the inherited points from 03:58:632 ~ 04:00:465 ?

    Test play for Normal Difficulty

    Comments: Again, appropriate slider velocity, HD, CS, AR, and OD, flow and distance snap. Doesn't seem to have any major issues in this difficulty as well. Just some polishing and I believe it should be good to go. You did indeed give some good patterns in this difficulty. Sorry if I used mod on this difficulty again, was bit slow for me. haha
    Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Normal ~ Hard (2%)

Will edit this to add in sjoy's Hard and Lunatic. Should be done before the end of Saturday. Thank you for providing me time to do something such as mapping as well ^^[/box]

really thanks for mod :) for AllStar12 actually you use too many spoikerbox and really hard to read
[sjoy's Hard]
  1. 00:15:132 (1) - seems to be missing a clap
  2. 00:16:465 (1) - Clap here? since the song at this part goes in a loop from the beginning which you also place a clap on the white tick here at 00:13:799 (1)
  3. 00:17:132 (5) - Clap
  4. 00:17:799 (1) - Clap
  5. 00:19:132 (1) - Clap on the slider's head since it's going in a loop the third time
  6. 00:20:799 (3) - Remove Clap from the slider's tail since again it's going in a loop
  7. 00:21:799 (1) - Clap
  8. 00:22:465 (4) - Clap I decided to use 2-4clap for this part :D
  9. 01:11:465 (2) - Clap on the head to empthisize the vocal part along with the hitsounds you added there. If not then the clap here at 01:12:132 (4) doesn't seem suited for the hitsound patternremoved
  10. 02:20:799 (2,4) - Remove clap since in the first kiai time at 01:15:132 (1,2,3,4) doesn't seem to have the same as the one here. If you don't want to remove them, mind having the others in these parts like this?removed
  11. 03:36:465 Starting here you can have the same hitsound pattern as the one starting here 00:13:799. the same as last part

    Suggestions and Ideas


    Test play for sjoy's Hard Difficulty

    Comments: Appropriate slider velocity, HD, CS, AR, and OD, flow and distance snap. Just make sure to double check those hitsounds again in case I missed some of them. Maybe if you want, lower the Health Drain down by 1 though keep it if you want to intensify the difficulty. Other than that it's good.
    Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Hard ~ Insane(15%~)

thanks for modding and testing :)
温柔の忘却 19:04:14

温柔の忘却 19:04:20
温柔の忘却 19:04:24
木漏れ日 19:04:27

温柔の忘却 19:04:42
我说的大概是一个方法吧 这个diff其实也算还行了 就是可以试着提高一下
温柔の忘却 19:05:09

温柔の忘却 19:05:19
木漏れ日 19:05:20
嗯 你说额
温柔の忘却 19:05:30
木漏れ日 19:06:13
哦 我调整一下~
木漏れ日 19:08:53
温柔の忘却 19:08:59
木漏れ日 19:09:14
哦 明白了!
温柔の忘却 19:09:46
恩 很多地方可以用这个方法 在你的图里 做一个slider当做参照物
木漏れ日 19:09:48
温柔の忘却 19:10:05
不啊 你只需要画一个长的好弧度slider
温柔の忘却 19:10:12
温柔の忘却 19:10:18
温柔の忘却 19:10:27
木漏れ日 19:10:31
温柔の忘却 19:10:57
当然能用 但是主要是这里你有个短slider
温柔の忘却 19:11:12
温柔の忘却 19:11:14
温柔の忘却 19:11:23
当然你全是note的连打 直接用slider转就行了
木漏れ日 19:11:31

木漏れ日 19:11:34
温柔の忘却 19:11:47

温柔の忘却 19:11:54
木漏れ日 19:12:00
温柔の忘却 19:12:03
你就对准距离 放在他身体上就行了
温柔の忘却 19:12:53

温柔の忘却 19:12:55
温柔の忘却 19:13:06
木漏れ日 19:13:51
嗯 我感觉好多连打都要调整了
温柔の忘却 19:14:39
温柔の忘却 19:15:32
温柔の忘却 19:15:55
=_=其实没别的啥问题了 你就主要改改这类的摆放就行
温柔の忘却 19:15:58
木漏れ日 19:16:07
木漏れ日 19:16:12
温柔の忘却 19:16:37
低难度都还行 没啥值得说的
温柔の忘却 19:16:40
木漏れ日 19:16:50
好的 我去调整~
木漏れ日 19:43:59
木漏れ日 19:44:06
温柔の忘却 19:44:16
木漏れ日 19:44:37
温柔の忘却 19:44:45

木漏れ日 19:51:39
木漏れ日 19:51:41
温柔の忘却 19:51:55

温柔の忘却 19:54:55
温柔の忘却 19:54:57
木漏れ日 19:55:30
温柔の忘却 19:55:41

温柔の忘却 19:55:42
木漏れ日 19:55:49
木漏れ日 19:55:51
木漏れ日 19:55:57
温柔の忘却 19:56:12
木漏れ日 20:01:23
你可以用qq接受试试 qq一般比较坚挺~不受太多影响
温柔の忘却 20:02:04
00:58:465 (1) - 改下这个吧 其他都还好

木漏れ日 20:05:35
这个刚调了一下 不过是从开头哪里做了个滑条 现在从未把做了一个滑条 把后面稍微移动了一点
温柔の忘却 20:05:55
恩反正改一下吧 这个看起来不好看
木漏れ日 20:05:58
木漏れ日 20:05:59

木漏れ日 20:06:06

木漏れ日 20:06:09
温柔の忘却 20:06:21

mod via chinese chat software
looks much better now
good luck:3
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

温柔の忘却 19:04:14

温柔の忘却 19:04:20
温柔の忘却 19:04:24
木漏れ日 19:04:27

温柔の忘却 19:04:42
我说的大概是一个方法吧 这个diff其实也算还行了 就是可以试着提高一下
温柔の忘却 19:05:09

温柔の忘却 19:05:19
木漏れ日 19:05:20
嗯 你说额
温柔の忘却 19:05:30
木漏れ日 19:06:13
哦 我调整一下~
木漏れ日 19:08:53
温柔の忘却 19:08:59
木漏れ日 19:09:14
哦 明白了!
温柔の忘却 19:09:46
恩 很多地方可以用这个方法 在你的图里 做一个slider当做参照物
木漏れ日 19:09:48
温柔の忘却 19:10:05
不啊 你只需要画一个长的好弧度slider
温柔の忘却 19:10:12
温柔の忘却 19:10:18
温柔の忘却 19:10:27
木漏れ日 19:10:31
温柔の忘却 19:10:57
当然能用 但是主要是这里你有个短slider
温柔の忘却 19:11:12
温柔の忘却 19:11:14
温柔の忘却 19:11:23
当然你全是note的连打 直接用slider转就行了
木漏れ日 19:11:31

木漏れ日 19:11:34
温柔の忘却 19:11:47

温柔の忘却 19:11:54
木漏れ日 19:12:00
温柔の忘却 19:12:03
你就对准距离 放在他身体上就行了
温柔の忘却 19:12:53

温柔の忘却 19:12:55
温柔の忘却 19:13:06
木漏れ日 19:13:51
嗯 我感觉好多连打都要调整了
温柔の忘却 19:14:39
温柔の忘却 19:15:32
温柔の忘却 19:15:55
=_=其实没别的啥问题了 你就主要改改这类的摆放就行
温柔の忘却 19:15:58
木漏れ日 19:16:07
木漏れ日 19:16:12
温柔の忘却 19:16:37
低难度都还行 没啥值得说的
温柔の忘却 19:16:40
木漏れ日 19:16:50
好的 我去调整~
木漏れ日 19:43:59
木漏れ日 19:44:06
温柔の忘却 19:44:16
木漏れ日 19:44:37
温柔の忘却 19:44:45

木漏れ日 19:51:39
木漏れ日 19:51:41
温柔の忘却 19:51:55

温柔の忘却 19:54:55
温柔の忘却 19:54:57
木漏れ日 19:55:30
温柔の忘却 19:55:41

温柔の忘却 19:55:42
木漏れ日 19:55:49
木漏れ日 19:55:51
木漏れ日 19:55:57
温柔の忘却 19:56:12
木漏れ日 20:01:23
你可以用qq接受试试 qq一般比较坚挺~不受太多影响
温柔の忘却 20:02:04
00:58:465 (1) - 改下这个吧 其他都还好

木漏れ日 20:05:35
这个刚调了一下 不过是从开头哪里做了个滑条 现在从未把做了一个滑条 把后面稍微移动了一点
温柔の忘却 20:05:55
恩反正改一下吧 这个看起来不好看
木漏れ日 20:05:58
木漏れ日 20:05:59

木漏れ日 20:06:06

木漏れ日 20:06:09
温柔の忘却 20:06:21

mod via chinese chat software
looks much better now
good luck:3
哇~感谢妮妮!!!! :)
bubble check

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. Add ZUN to tags
  1. 00:15:799 (1,2,3,4) - 这几个soft-finish用的感觉很怪异,还是直接normal音效就好去掉附加效果
  2. 00:21:132 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  3. 00:29:799 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 前面三连用的挺欢,这里一下子变的平平的了。建议去掉最后一个(4),然后把00:30:465 (1,2,3) - 整个向后挪动1/2拍,同时把00:30:299 (4) - 后面补成三连,加的note和其stack到一起即可,排列不用动,节奏这样:
  4. 00:40:465 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 其实和上面那里一样的节奏问题,变化过大反而起到了反效果,但是考虑你专门在这里弄了个梗所以就放过好了。
  5. 00:48:965 (3,4,5) - 这里速度既然已经有对比出来了,中间的三连就多余了。删掉(4)
  6. 00:56:465 (1,2,3,4) - 这4个,分别选中,点开edit -> rotate -> 勾选selection centre,然后anti-clockwise旋转10度,效果图如下,原先的横平竖直太僵硬了
  7. 01:01:465 (6,1) - bad flow,这就是我之前和你所说的“为了放梗和放梗”的典型负面教材。
  8. 01:11:799 (3,4,5,6,7) - 这里的连打也是没什么意义的突然冒出来一个,其他地方的同样节奏点你基本都是放的1/2的节奏吧
  9. 01:35:799 (1,2,3,4) - 全部选中,rotate-> selection centre -> clockwise 15度
  10. 01:48:465 (1,2) - 这里应该是3个note,间距3/2而不是两个2/1,节奏如图。这类节奏自己多体会下吧
  11. 01:53:799 (1,2) - 这里也是个bad flow,在没有减速的情况下slider连着叠上还不如一个弧线跳,而且节奏也不太舒服。给你个建议做成这样,从前面01:53:465 (8) - 开始
  12. 02:08:132 (7,8) - 这两个可以换下位置
  13. 02:09:799 (1,2,3,4) - 按照我前面教你的方法,稍微歪一点
  14. 02:44:215 (1) - 左上角那里SampleSet改成soft
  15. 02:48:799 (2) - bad flow,考虑这个样子,节奏不变:
  16. 03:06:799 (3) - 做成折返还不如取消折返,然后在后面再放一个slider做满1/4
  17. 03:13:465 (4) - ctrl+g for better flow
  18. 03:35:132 (1,2,3,4) - 前面两个叠的okay,这里还叠就有点生硬了,按顺序往右下排列彼此遮挡半个圆的距离会好一些(控制不好的话可以用DS 0.1x)
other diffs are generally fine. Call me back when you go through the mod
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

bubble check

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. Add ZUN to tags
  1. 00:15:799 (1,2,3,4) - 这几个soft-finish用的感觉很怪异,还是直接normal音效就好去掉附加效果 fix
  2. 00:21:132 (1,2,3,4) - ^fix
  3. 00:29:799 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 前面三连用的挺欢,这里一下子变的平平的了。建议去掉最后一个(4),然后把00:30:465 (1,2,3) - 整个向后挪动1/2拍,同时把00:30:299 (4) - 后面补成三连,加的note和其stack到一起即可,排列不用动,节奏这样:fix
  4. 00:40:465 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 其实和上面那里一样的节奏问题,变化过大反而起到了反效果,但是考虑你专门在这里弄了个梗所以就放过好了。
  5. 00:48:965 (3,4,5) - 这里速度既然已经有对比出来了,中间的三连就多余了。删掉(4)fix
  6. 00:56:465 (1,2,3,4) - 这4个,分别选中,点开edit -> rotate -> 勾选selection centre,然后anti-clockwise旋转10度,效果图如下,原先的横平竖直太僵硬了fix
  7. 01:01:465 (6,1) - bad flow,这就是我之前和你所说的“为了放梗和放梗”的典型负面教材。fix 并且调整了前后
  8. 01:11:799 (3,4,5,6,7) - 这里的连打也是没什么意义的突然冒出来一个,其他地方的同样节奏点你基本都是放的1/2的节奏吧 没啊两段比较强烈的kiai我这里都用的五连 你说的同样节奏是因为这首歌kiai前面那一大段和kiai节奏是一样的额 不过稍微舒缓一点点罢了 所以可能有这种感觉
  9. 01:35:799 (1,2,3,4) - 全部选中,rotate-> selection centre -> clockwise 15度fix
  10. 01:48:465 (1,2) - 这里应该是3个note,间距3/2而不是两个2/1,节奏如图。这类节奏自己多体会下吧 这里就是两个2/1吧 怎么听你那个都不太对额
  11. 01:53:799 (1,2) - 这里也是个bad flow,在没有减速的情况下slider连着叠上还不如一个弧线跳,而且节奏也不太舒服。给你个建议做成这样,从前面01:53:465 (8) - 开始 这个好棒!!
  12. 02:08:132 (7,8) - 这两个可以换下位置fix
  13. 02:09:799 (1,2,3,4) - 按照我前面教你的方法,稍微歪一点fix
  14. 02:44:215 (1) - 左上角那里SampleSet改成softfix
  15. 02:48:799 (2) - bad flow,考虑这个样子,节奏不变:fix
  16. 03:06:799 (3) - 做成折返还不如取消折返,然后在后面再放一个slider做满1/4 这个我想保留 因为我仔细听了 感觉这里就三个音这段solo就要收尾了 所以同时空一个拍额
  17. 03:13:465 (4) - ctrl+g for better flow 改了 顺便吧后面一个一起ctrl+G了
  18. 03:35:132 (1,2,3,4) - 前面两个叠的okay,这里还叠就有点生硬了,按顺序往右下排列彼此遮挡半个圆的距离会好一些(控制不好的话可以用DS 0.1x)
other diffs are generally fine. Call me back when you go through the mod
改完啦~thanks for check
irc rechecked with mapper, fixed several patterns in all diffs and sand details. And then, enjoy your first rank here :>

Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

irc rechecked with mapper, fixed several patterns in all diffs and sand details. And then, enjoy your first rank here :>

thank you very much~ :)

kamisamaaa wrote:

Scorpiour wrote:

irc rechecked with mapper, fixed several patterns in all diffs and sand details. And then, enjoy your first rank here :>

thank you very much~ :)
Congrats for your first ranked map , I love it <3
haha another Nanahira song :D

Not bad for being your first map, congratulations!

I ♥ Nanahira
Nanahira <3 congratz :3
Congratz at your first beatmap. Hope i can catch up, haha :D

Nanahira <3
gratz first rank
gratz for first rank !!!!
why sjoy's hard's combo colours are different from other diffs...............
anyway,gratz for your 1st rank!
GRATZZZZZZZ <33333333333333333 :P
Gratzz!! kamisamaaa and sjoy!!^^ for First Ranked Maps!!^^

Gratz !!!
Amazing map :D

Congratz :3
Topic Starter

lkx_Shore wrote:

嗯哼 是rank了哦~
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

Amazing map :D

Congratz :3
thanks~hope you like it :)
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