Welcome to my Taiko modding queue!
Hello everyone. I finally decided to open my modding queue here to improve my mapping and modding skills. I know I'm NEVER a pro one but still want to get me and your beatmaps better >w<
Read the following RULES and have fun.
If you don't understand something in the rules, do not hesitate to ask me, thanks~
Enjoy \:D/
Hello everyone. I finally decided to open my modding queue here to improve my mapping and modding skills. I know I'm NEVER a pro one but still want to get me and your beatmaps better >w<
Read the following RULES and have fun.
- One map per one post.
- No Bubbled maps. Popped one is okay.
- I can't mod osumania maps. I'll always check Taiko diffs, and I do osu!ohendan diffs when I'm highly motivated. CTB is only for hitsounding.
- The map you post must include at least one Taiko diff. Taiko only mapset is welcome. This is Taiko modding queue.
- Drain time of each diff can't exceed 2:00 (120 secs).
- Do not post the queue is full or I say closed unless it's m4m request.
- Post your own map. If you make Taiko diff as guest of the map you post, it's okay.
- The Star Priority of your maps should be less than +30.
- ALWAYS check my last post for extra rules and informations.
RULES (日本語)
- 1つのpostにつき1つまでリクエストを受け付けます。
- Bubbleがついている譜面はNGです。 割れてる状態ならokです。
- CtBとosumaniaの譜面はmodできません。 太鼓譜面は必ず見ます。 スタンダードは時々見ます。
- 必ずmapsetのなかに少なくとも1つ太鼓diffがあるようにしてください。 太鼓オンリー譜面はどうぞいらっしゃいヾ(・ω・*)ノ゙
- 各diffのDrain Timeは2分未満にしてください。
- 満員のとき、Closedのときはpostしないでください。
- あなた自身のmapをpostしてください。 太鼓diffをそのmapのゲストとして作ったのなら可です。
- Current Priorityは+30未満でお願いします。
- Postするときは常に私の最後のpostを確認してください。追加ルールとかあったりするかもです。
Some things better to know
- I'll mod in English or Japanese.
- If your song is related with Smile*Shooter (スマイル☆シューター) LET ME PARTICIPATE IN!!
- My mod will sometimes delay, but if you don't get my mod 2weeks after you post and no message from me, that means I forget so poke me in such situations.
- You can ask me for guest/collab difficulties. Feel free to send me PM :3
- For m4m, ignore the "RULES" and just watch out this spoilerbox.
- If possible, let me mod yours first. (Sometimes I can't mod yours because it is too good/perfect to me. In that case, I'll just shoot some star)
- Always read my last post. That's all.
- ClariS - Connect (Trance Remix) (Standard/Taiko mapset. Modding a specific mode is ok as this song is long)
M4M RULES (日本語)
- M4Mに関しては、"RULES"に書いてあるのは無視していいです。
- できればはじめに私にmodさせてください。modできなかったら申し訳ないので…
- 最後のpostは必ずチェックしてください。それだけです。
Mod history
Yooh - Dynasty (HelloSCV) <- Ranked <3
remixed celas vs 44teru-k - CONNECT r (dialgadu77) <- Ranked <3
REDALiCE feat. Shihori - Express Emotion (Cuvelia)
KOTOKO - bumpy-Jumpy! (Short Ver.) (Quilt) <- Ranked <3
ZAQ - Kimi e (TV Size) (Sekai-nyan) <- Ranked <3
eufonius - Hiyoku no Hane (TV Size) (meetmeetdee)
supercell - Hakushu Kassai Utaawase (TV Size) (mintong89)
ParagonX9 - Polar 240 (MikuWhiteRockShooter)
Osugi Kumiko - Doraemon no Uta (Frans Niko)
kanon x kanon (Nightcore) - The Doll House (AniMe666)
ZUN - Boushitsu no Emotion (Rei Hakurei)
Nomizu Iori - Ma.Ka.Se.Te Tonight (TV Size) (meetmeetdee)
ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - snow again (CoroQuetz)
sakuzyo - Scattered Rose (Leader)
remixed celas vs 44teru-k - CONNECT r (dialgadu77) <- Ranked <3
REDALiCE feat. Shihori - Express Emotion (Cuvelia)
KOTOKO - bumpy-Jumpy! (Short Ver.) (Quilt) <- Ranked <3
ZAQ - Kimi e (TV Size) (Sekai-nyan) <- Ranked <3
eufonius - Hiyoku no Hane (TV Size) (meetmeetdee)
supercell - Hakushu Kassai Utaawase (TV Size) (mintong89)
ParagonX9 - Polar 240 (MikuWhiteRockShooter)
Osugi Kumiko - Doraemon no Uta (Frans Niko)
kanon x kanon (Nightcore) - The Doll House (AniMe666)
ZUN - Boushitsu no Emotion (Rei Hakurei)
Nomizu Iori - Ma.Ka.Se.Te Tonight (TV Size) (meetmeetdee)
ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - snow again (CoroQuetz)
sakuzyo - Scattered Rose (Leader)
If you don't understand something in the rules, do not hesitate to ask me, thanks~
Enjoy \:D/