This is because the beatmap's combo is too little (e.g. 100 or smaller) You would get one mistake or more will get your accuracy down.OmAr97 wrote:
I found some mistakes. I play CTB nearly for 9 months and I know some better..alienflybot wrote:
Getting the grades are only watch the accuracy.
If it is 100.00% = SS Rank
And 98.00 - 99.99% = S Rank
96.01 - 97.99% is A Rank
94.00 - 96.00% is B Rank
So the C rank, i think its hard to collect, its 90.00 - 95.99%
And last the D rank is 89.99% or down...
It impossible to get in A,B,C,D Grades, i think if our skills is not sucks.
SS, S - no mistakes, well done!
A - found a mistake. 95,01-97,99/98.00
B - also mistake! 90,01-94,99/95,00
C - 85,01-89,99/90,00
D - <85% accuracy