
Laura Shigihara - Brainiac Maniac [Osu|OsuMania]

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No changes in my diffs, the beats you suggest is mostly a fade out for the music, but I've already put a spinner ther to finish the map, thanks anyways, made some light tweaking in some parts o3o
IRC mod!
22:26 *mancuso_JM_ is editing [ Laura Shigihara - Brainiac Maniac [Imp]]
22:26 mancuso_JM_: veamos que puedo encontrar :)
22:26 Zexion_Vi: okap
22:27 mancuso_JM_: Las dificultades de o!m tienen offset diferente a las standard
22:27 mancuso_JM_: debes arreglar esto
22:28 Zexion_Vi: Creo que lo habia arreglado
22:28 Zexion_Vi: aah el offset
22:28 mancuso_JM_: sip, el offset xD
22:28 mancuso_JM_: deberias usar 24 en todas las dificultades
22:28 Zexion_Vi: si los reemplazo por el de las de o!m quedarían iguales no?
22:28 Zexion_Vi: osea... no sonarian "fuera" las notas?
22:29 mancuso_JM_: obviamente que no
22:29 Zexion_Vi: ok!
22:29 mancuso_JM_: el mp3 es el mismo en todas las dificultades, asi que el offset deberia ser el mismo tambien :p
22:30 Zexion_Vi: De hecho pensaba a hacerlo pero me daba miedo volver a tener que ver el timing xD
22:31 mancuso_JM_: avisame cuando estes
22:31 Zexion_Vi: estoy
22:31 Zexion_Vi: no me he ido xD
22:32 mancuso_JM_: cuando estes, me referia a cuando termines con los cambios xDD
22:32 mancuso_JM_: empezemos en Imp
22:33 Zexion_Vi: ah, listo!
22:33 Zexion_Vi: offsets cambiados
22:33 Zexion_Vi: todos son 24
22:33 mancuso_JM_: 00:14:024 (1) - Eliminaria ese New Combo, viendo que el slider previo esta solo en el combo
22:33 mancuso_JM_: uh.. btw, actualiza
22:33 mancuso_JM_: y de ahi empezamos
22:33 Zexion_Vi: okap
22:33 mancuso_JM_: por las dudas :p
22:34 Zexion_Vi: listo
22:34 mancuso_JM_: oh.. btw, AR +1 diria
22:34 mancuso_JM_: me parece que queda mejor
22:35 Zexion_Vi: si... creo que tienes razón
22:35 Zexion_Vi: Incluso otro MAT (en ese entonces) me sugirió AR3 pero luego lo cambié por no-se-que
22:36 mancuso_JM_: xD
22:37 mancuso_JM_: 00:18:024 (1) - Agregate un finish al comienzo del slider
22:38 Zexion_Vi: okap
22:38 Zexion_Vi: en las otras diffs tambien?
22:38 mancuso_JM_: en lo posible si
22:38 mancuso_JM_: :)
22:39 mancuso_JM_: 00:22:024 (1) - Esto es algo nazi, pero la curva de este Slider se ve exagerada, reducila un poco para que el slider quede mas o menos asi
22:39 mancuso_JM_:
22:39 mancuso_JM_: 00:32:024 (1) - Esta tambien se ve exagerada :p
22:40 Zexion_Vi: corregidas
22:41 Zexion_Vi: la segunda quedó asi
22:41 Zexion_Vi:
22:43 mancuso_JM_: hmm.. todavia la siento algo exagerada
22:43 mancuso_JM_: preferiria algo un poco mas asi
22:43 mancuso_JM_:
22:43 mancuso_JM_: 00:34:024 (1) - Este otro tambien podrias corregirlo un poco
22:45 Zexion_Vi: ahi se ven ambos:
22:46 mancuso_JM_: ahi si estan mejores :)
22:46 mancuso_JM_: continuemos..
22:46 mancuso_JM_: 00:46:024 - Agrega un finish (tambien en las otras diffs.)
22:48 Zexion_Vi: agregados
22:49 mancuso_JM_: 00:47:024 (1,2) - Le da un mejor efecto al instrumental si usas un Slider en lugar de las notas
22:49 mancuso_JM_: podrias agregar Whistles en el sliderbody y al final del Slider para darle un mejor efecto aun
22:50 mancuso_JM_: (y no agregues un New Combo, no lo encuentro muy necesario)
22:51 Zexion_Vi: excelente!
22:51 Zexion_Vi: yo habia puesto el NC porque ahi empezaba el ritmo "fuerte"
22:52 mancuso_JM_: entiendo, entiendo
22:52 mancuso_JM_: podrias actualizar, tengo una sugerencia acerca de ubicacion de objetos y estructura
22:53 mancuso_JM_: pero necesito saber algunas cosas del patorn anterior
22:53 Zexion_Vi: okap, tu me dices cuando actualizar
22:53 Zexion_Vi: listo
22:57 mancuso_JM_: 00:48:024 (2,3) - Para darle algo mas de estructuara al mapa, intentaria algo asi
22:57 mancuso_JM_:
22:58 Zexion_Vi: no consigo esa curva de la imagen, se me extiende por un 1/4 tiempo más xD
22:58 mancuso_JM_: queres el codigo?
22:59 Zexion_Vi: bueno xD
22:59 Zexion_Vi: mejor
22:59 mancuso_JM_: 159,119,48024,2,0,P|111:107|63:119,2,99.9999999999999,4|8|0,0:0|0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
22:59 mancuso_JM_: 116,208,49524,2,0,P|164:219|212:208,1,99.9999999999999,8|0,0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
22:59 mancuso_JM_: ahi estan los 2 Sliders
23:01 Zexion_Vi: listo
23:02 mancuso_JM_: 00:54:524 (1) - Este combo no es tan necesario, recomiendo eliminarlo
23:03 Zexion_Vi: Ok, yo seguía mis combos cada dos downbeats
23:03 Zexion_Vi: me dijeron que "nunca los hagas según tus patrones" o algo así xd
23:03 mancuso_JM_: depende, es mas facil seguir los downbeats
23:03 mancuso_JM_: pero cada uno tiene estilos diferentes a la hora de ubicar los combos
23:04 mancuso_JM_: bueno, en este caso no es justificado ni por la musica, ni porque es un downbeat
23:04 mancuso_JM_: asi que no le veo sentido a tenerlo ahi xD
23:05 Zexion_Vi: jajaj xD, ok!
23:06 mancuso_JM_: 00:58:524 (1,3) - En este caso, va mejor con la musica si eliminas el New combo en (1) y lo agregas en (3)
23:06 Zexion_Vi: Si, ahí va mejor con la música
23:07 mancuso_JM_: 00:58:524 (3) - Mueve ese slider a x:12 y:244, se ve mejor me parece (arregla el spacing con las siguientes notas luego de hacer esto)
23:09 Zexion_Vi: no importa que quede ligeramente fuera del grid?
23:09 mancuso_JM_: no, no importa
23:09 mancuso_JM_: mientras este dentro de la pantalla, no importa si esta fuera de grid
23:10 Zexion_Vi: arreglado
23:10 Zexion_Vi: mejore unos sliders medios feos cerca de ahí
23:11 Zexion_Vi: (un poco feos)
23:11 mancuso_JM_: bien, bien :3
23:11 mancuso_JM_: 00:59:024 - Ese finish suena demasiado alto, en todo caso usaria un Whistle, pero no un finish :/
23:12 Zexion_Vi: serviria bajarle el volumen con un par de puntos?
23:12 Zexion_Vi: tengo ese patrón en mis 3 diffs
23:12 mancuso_JM_: si, podrias reducir un poco el volumen
23:13 Zexion_Vi: 60% suena bien?
23:13 Zexion_Vi: a mi gusto si :3
23:13 mancuso_JM_: si, esta bien
23:14 Zexion_Vi: actualizo..
23:14 Zexion_Vi: actualizado
23:15 mancuso_JM_: ahora me gusto mas
23:15 mancuso_JM_: 01:01:024 (2) - Haria este Slider curvo, se siente mejor viendo que el slider previo es curvo tambien (algo nazi)
23:16 mancuso_JM_: btw, creo que ya se porque no te quedaban los sliders hoy
23:16 mancuso_JM_: recomiendo usar Grid snap 4 (el mas pequeño) para hacer los sliders un poco mas perfecto
23:16 Zexion_Vi: Grid level 3?
23:17 mancuso_JM_: no, Grid Level 4
23:17 Zexion_Vi: Lo sospechaba..
23:17 Zexion_Vi: Osea claro, GL 3 era la causa xD
23:17 mancuso_JM_: claro
23:17 Zexion_Vi: ahora si
23:18 mancuso_JM_: 01:05:024 (1) - Recomiendo un clap aqui
23:18 mancuso_JM_: 01:07:024 - Lo mismo ahi
23:19 Zexion_Vi: van bien
23:19 Zexion_Vi: los cambiaré en las otras dificultades
23:20 mancuso_JM_: 01:09:024 (2) - Mejora esta curva
23:21 mancuso_JM_: (cuando estes listo, obviamente xD)
23:21 Zexion_Vi: si
23:21 Zexion_Vi: ahora me salen las curvas
23:22 mancuso_JM_: :D
23:22 Zexion_Vi:
23:22 mancuso_JM_: bien de bien
23:24 mancuso_JM_: 01:13:024 (1) - 01:15:024 (4) - 01:17:024 - 01:19:024 (4) - 01:21:024 (2) - 01:23:024 (4) - Agregemos Claps en todos esos puntos
23:25 Zexion_Vi: me gusta ese alternado clap/wristle!
23:25 Zexion_Vi: realmente no se nada de hitsounding u_u
23:25 mancuso_JM_: se siente bien
23:26 mancuso_JM_: no te preocupes, es algo que cuesta al principio
23:26 mancuso_JM_: bueno, de aca al final faltaria arreglar las curvas de tus Sliders, me parece que lo puedes hacer tu solo
23:27 mancuso_JM_: o quieres que te haga una lista con los sliders a arreglar?
23:27 Zexion_Vi: hmmm creo que pillo cuales son
23:27 mancuso_JM_: bien :)
23:27 Zexion_Vi: 01:24:524
23:27 mancuso_JM_: sep
23:29 mancuso_JM_: bueno, basicamente eso.. no esta mal pero podria mejorar un poco en cuanto a lo estetico
23:29 Zexion_Vi: actualizo..
23:29 mancuso_JM_: igual considero que es tu primer mapa y puedes mejorar esto
23:30 Zexion_Vi: si, me ha costado mucho
23:30 Zexion_Vi: lo hubieras visto al principio xD
23:31 mancuso_JM_: pasemos a Cone-Head
23:32 mancuso_JM_: vi que Byakugan249 te dijo que redujeras el AR
23:32 mancuso_JM_: pero yo por mi parte no estoy de acuerdo
23:32 mancuso_JM_: el AR se ve lento comparado con la velocidad de sliders, siento que AR5 juega mejor
23:33 Zexion_Vi: AR5 entonces!
23:34 Zexion_Vi: actualizado
23:35 mancuso_JM_: 00:38:524 - Personalmente, moveria este Spinner a 00:38:274 - me parece que sigue la musica mejor
23:35 mancuso_JM_: siento que no sigue nada concreto ahora donde esta
23:35 Zexion_Vi: pero que termine donde mismo?
23:36 mancuso_JM_: que termine en 00:40:024 - como estaba
23:36 Zexion_Vi: que dia:::
23:36 Zexion_Vi: espera
23:36 Zexion_Vi: me esta trolleando mi pc
23:36 Zexion_Vi: me reconecto en un minuto
23:36 mancuso_JM_: go..
23:38 Zexion_Vi: ahora si
23:38 Zexion_Vi: spinner cambiado
23:39 mancuso_JM_: bien..
23:41 mancuso_JM_: 01:15:024 - Deberias agregar un Clap en este slidertick :/
23:41 Zexion_Vi: ups
23:42 mancuso_JM_: 01:15:774 (5,1) - Elimina el Clap de (5) y agrega un finish en (1)...
23:42 Zexion_Vi: rayos, los agregue mal
23:42 Zexion_Vi: eso me pasa por apurado
23:43 Zexion_Vi: sabes ese clap en (1)
23:43 Zexion_Vi: lo tenia ahí y en la hard pero me aconsejaron quitarlos
23:43 mancuso_JM_: hay muchos claps fuera de lugar en esta parte
23:43 Zexion_Vi: Si, me pasó por agregar los claps que me dijiste en la easy a la rápida
23:43 mancuso_JM_: 01:19:024 - Ahi deberia ir un clap y no en 01:19:524 (2) -
23:44 mancuso_JM_: avisame cuando puedo seguir
23:45 Zexion_Vi: si
23:45 Zexion_Vi: sigue xD
23:46 mancuso_JM_: 01:19:524 (2) - No me gusta como suena este Slider, siento que una Nota en este lugar es mas que suficiente
23:46 mancuso_JM_: no hay necesidad de tener ningun beat en 01:19:774 -
23:46 mancuso_JM_: (creo)
23:47 Zexion_Vi: removido
23:47 mancuso_JM_: arreglaste todos los claps??
23:47 Zexion_Vi: creo que me falta uno
23:48 Zexion_Vi: el de 01:21:524 esta mal cierto?
23:48 mancuso_JM_: si, el clap va al final del slider (1)
23:49 mancuso_JM_: 01:23:024 - ahi iria otro clap
23:49 mancuso_JM_: mientras que en 01:23:524 - Deberias eliminar el clap
23:50 Zexion_Vi: ahora están arreglados
23:50 Zexion_Vi: el de 01:21:524 estaba mal xD
23:50 mancuso_JM_: sep xD
23:50 mancuso_JM_: algunas sugerencias de combos para que sigan mejor la musica
23:51 mancuso_JM_: 01:25:024 (1) - Elimina ese New Combo y agregalo en 01:26:024 (3) -
23:51 mancuso_JM_: 01:27:024 (1) - Elimina ese New Combo tambien
23:51 Zexion_Vi: ok!
23:52 Zexion_Vi: listo
23:52 mancuso_JM_: 01:28:274 (2,1) - New Combo en (2) y eliminalo en (1)
23:52 mancuso_JM_: con eso estariamos
23:53 Zexion_Vi: actualizado
23:53 mancuso_JM_: 01:29:024 (2) - Hay un feo overlap entre este slider y el previo Slider (3), recomiendo re-acomodar algunas cositas para evitar esto
23:54 mancuso_JM_: porque actualmente se ve bastante feo :/
23:54 Zexion_Vi: hmm eso te iba a preguntar
23:54 Zexion_Vi: como lo puedo mejorar?
23:54 Zexion_Vi: creo que tendré que cambiar todo el pattern que sigue
23:54 Zexion_Vi: para evitar ese overlap
23:56 Zexion_Vi: hmmm hice un pattern nuevo
23:56 Zexion_Vi: actualizo para que lo veas?
23:56 mancuso_JM_: yo tengo uno..
23:56 mancuso_JM_: dejame mostrarte
23:56 mancuso_JM_: ubique (1) en x:192 y:324
23:57 mancuso_JM_: luego (2) en x:212 y:248
23:57 mancuso_JM_: y luego arregle el spacing entre (1,2,3,4,5,1)
23:58 mancuso_JM_: ya te doy screenshoot y codigo si queres
23:58 Zexion_Vi: bueno el codigo lo haria mas facil xd
23:59 mancuso_JM_: 192,324,88274,6,0,L|263:345,2,75,0|8|0,0:0|0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
23:59 mancuso_JM_: 212,248,89024,2,0,L|283:269,2,75,0|0|8,0:0|0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
23:59 mancuso_JM_: 192,100,90024,1,0,0:0:0:0:
23:59 mancuso_JM_: 312,192,90524,2,0,B|464:192,2,150,8|0|8,0:0|0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
23:59 mancuso_JM_: 348,48,92024,1,4,0:0:0:0:
00:00 mancuso_JM_: 312,192,92524,6,0,B|184:112,1,150,8|0,0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
00:00 mancuso_JM_:
00:00 mancuso_JM_: y quedo algo asi ^
00:02 Zexion_Vi: listo!
00:02 Zexion_Vi: que geniales tus ideas
00:02 mancuso_JM_: Gracias xD
00:02 mancuso_JM_: 01:39:274 (2) - *nazi* Mueve ese slider un par de grids hacia abajo
00:03 mancuso_JM_: (mueve y arregla el spacing entre (2,3))
00:03 Zexion_Vi: okap, moví un par de grids con GL4
00:04 mancuso_JM_: bien
00:04 mancuso_JM_: terminamos con esa diff. entonces
00:04 mancuso_JM_: pasemos a Bucket-Head ahora :3
00:04 Zexion_Vi: actualizé y ok
00:06 mancuso_JM_: 00:13:524 (6) - No encuentro esta nota del todo necesario, me parece que el patron juega mejor sin ella. Deberias eliminarla
00:06 Zexion_Vi: si, absolutamente!
00:07 mancuso_JM_: 00:38:274 - recomiendo mover este spinner a 00:38:149 - viendo que es una Hard, no seria algo dificil y sigue mejor la musica
00:07 mancuso_JM_: btw, que este slider termine en 00:39:524 -
00:08 mancuso_JM_: 00:46:274 - Y en este caso, move el spinner a 00:46:149 -
00:08 Zexion_Vi: en tu segunda linea te referias al spinner que terminara en 00:39:524- cierto?
00:09 mancuso_JM_: si, eso.. no se porque dije slider xD
00:09 mancuso_JM_: suelo equivocarme :p
00:09 Zexion_Vi: dale
00:09 Zexion_Vi: pasa xD
00:09 Zexion_Vi: okap, spinners reajustados
00:10 mancuso_JM_: 01:13:024 (3) - 01:15:024 (2) - 01:17:024 (3) - 01:19:024 - 01:21:024 (3) - Agrega claps en todos esos puntos
00:12 Zexion_Vi: finish en 01:16:024 ?
00:12 Zexion_Vi: no me sale el hipervinculo xD
00:12 mancuso_JM_: si, dale..
00:13 Zexion_Vi: listo
00:14 mancuso_JM_: 01:17:024 (3,4) - Demasiadas notas aca, no esta mal pero viendo la seccion de la cancion algun slider entraria mejor
00:14 mancuso_JM_: sugiero un slider en lugar de estas dos notas
00:14 mancuso_JM_: puedes agregar una nota en 01:17:399 - si queres
00:15 Zexion_Vi: cambiado
00:15 Zexion_Vi: :o, buena idea!
00:15 mancuso_JM_: 01:21:024 (3,4) - mismo aca y puedes agregar una nota en 01:21:399 -
00:16 Zexion_Vi: cambiado
00:17 Zexion_Vi: (pregunta off-topic: jugaste Plants vs Zombies?)
00:17 Zexion_Vi: por curiosidad
00:17 mancuso_JM_: si, por supuesto xD
00:18 mancuso_JM_: si no jugaste Plants vs. Zombies no tuviste infancia xD
00:18 Zexion_Vi: jjaja dale, es que muchos de los modders chinos/japoneses nunca lo han jugado
00:18 Zexion_Vi: creo que no fue muy popular por allá
00:18 mancuso_JM_: lol
00:18 Zexion_Vi: y koreanos
00:19 mancuso_JM_: 01:21:774 - 01:22:024 - Agrega dos notas en estos lugares para un mejor ritmo, mueve el spinner a 01:22:149 -
00:20 Zexion_Vi: terminé el spinner donde estaba antes
00:20 Zexion_Vi: en 01:23:524
00:21 mancuso_JM_: 01:36:024 (1,2) - Fluye mejor si moves (2) a x:24 y:192
00:21 mancuso_JM_: 01:37:024 (3,4) - En este caso si moves (4) a x:200 y:92
00:23 Zexion_Vi: 3 dejarlo tal cual?
00:23 mancuso_JM_: si, (1,3) dejalo como esta
00:23 mancuso_JM_: solo desapila las notas y ubicalas donde dije
00:24 Zexion_Vi: desapiladas :B
00:24 mancuso_JM_: 01:39:774 - Despues del constante 1/4, se siente vacio aca :p.. Agregaria una nota si fuese tu
00:25 Zexion_Vi: :D
00:25 Zexion_Vi: okap
00:26 mancuso_JM_: bueno, en tus dificultades eso seria todo, no estan mal solo algo desprolijas
00:26 mancuso_JM_: vuelvo a repetir, que me doy cuenta que es tu primer mapa y vas a seguir aprendiendo :)
00:27 Zexion_Vi: Si, voy a dedicarme a arreglar las curvas en la easy y otras más
00:27 Zexion_Vi: y que opinas? falta mucho más?
00:27 Zexion_Vi: ya va mas de un año asi que apurado no estoy xD...
00:27 mancuso_JM_: no tanto, pero algun mod mas estaria bien creo
00:27 mancuso_JM_: mañana intentare modear la diff. de Dake si tengo tiempo
00:28 mancuso_JM_: ohh.. otra cosa
00:28 Zexion_Vi: osea unos mods mas... de usuarios normales o me consigo otro BAT?
00:28 mancuso_JM_: no, de usuarios normales
00:28 mancuso_JM_: no te preocupes, tendre un ojo en tu mapa
00:28 mancuso_JM_: para ver como mejora :3
00:28 Zexion_Vi: :D
00:28 Zexion_Vi: Muchas gracias
00:28 Zexion_Vi: es hora de hacer mi queue de M4M xD
00:28 mancuso_JM_: jaja
00:28 mancuso_JM_: otra cosita, no se si estas enterado
00:29 mancuso_JM_: pero todavia te falta un icono de piano por un BAT de o!m
00:29 Zexion_Vi: Me parecía necesario
00:29 Zexion_Vi: a esos voy a tener que molestarlos
00:29 Zexion_Vi: xD
00:30 mancuso_JM_: si xD
00:30 mancuso_JM_: por las dudas, en este hilo tenes los BATs que pueden aprobar dificultades de o!m
00:30 mancuso_JM_:
00:30 Zexion_Vi: una duda eso si
00:30 Zexion_Vi: Bucket-Head es hard cierto?
00:30 Zexion_Vi: porque osu dice que es Insane... xD
00:31 mancuso_JM_: es Hard.. no le des importancia al star rating xDD
00:31 Zexion_Vi: y otro detalle
00:31 Zexion_Vi: el stream de sliders de 00:54:649 está bien?
00:31 Zexion_Vi: o es muy díficil?
00:31 mancuso_JM_: esta bien, a mi me gusto como quedo
00:32 mancuso_JM_: asi que no deberias tener problemas
00:32 Zexion_Vi: de acuerdo

  1. Made the offset consistent between Standard and o!m diffs.
  2. Fixed a lot of aesthetics issues (All diffs.)
  3. Fixed Hitsounds and Combo stuff (All diffs.)
  4. Added some Notes (Bucket-Head)
  5. Fixed some Flows issues (All diffs.)
  6. And some other minor changes!
Ok, I'll try to mod Dake's diff. tomorrow if I have time!
Best of Luck with this project, Zexion! ;)
Topic Starter
Everything updated. Thanks a lot for the mod mancu!
Hi, from my queue!

Lol only cause I screwed up at one part...
I guess its ok.

I didn't pass hard...O_O imo, I think you sorta overused the hit circles in this diff.

Patterns looks ok in general.

Hi~ mania check :3
Nice map and great keysound~
It's strange that Normal has HP8 OD8 but Insane has just HP7 OD7, please swap them XD
[Xin_U's 7K Insane]
A few pattern suggestions, mostly in order to emphasize the main beats. Because I think you considered whistle sound too much in some parts and neglected to care for main beats, and it'll lead to a little unconfortable when playing, just my opinion XD
00:48:649 (48649|1) - Move to 00:48:524
00:49:149 (49149|3) - Move to 00:49:274
00:49:524 - Add a note
00:52:649 (52649|5) - Move to 00:52:524, and change sample to Tambourine or sth else, and of course change 00:52:649 (52649|1) - to whistle
00:53:149 (53149|1) - Move to 00:53:274
00:53:524 - Add a note
00:55:149 (55149|2) - Move to 00:55:274
01:04:774 (64774|1) - Move to 3
01:08:399 - Add a note
01:18:399 - ^
01:31:274 - ^
01:38:274 - ^

[Xin_U's 4K Normal]
00:14:274 (14274|0) - Move to 3
00:14:524 (14524|2) - Move to 1
00:49:899 (49899|1) - Move to 1
01:37:649 (97649|2) - Move to 4
01:37:774 (97774|1) - Move to 3
01:37:899 (97899|3) - Move to 2

Waiting for your reply :)
Is time to rank this :( Go ahead Zexion! :D
Topic Starter
Okay, its been about 18 days since ljqandylee's mod and Xin hasn't shown up yet.. I've sent PM's to him but he just doesn't reply. (I even offered to edit the diffs if he agreed to make the changes) So I've decided to make the changes myself, I'm really, really sorry Xin! :c

ljqandylee wrote:

Hi~ mania check :3
Nice map and great keysound~
It's strange that Normal has HP8 OD8 but Insane has just HP7 OD7, please swap them XD
[Xin_U's 7K Insane]
A few pattern suggestions, mostly in order to emphasize the main beats. Because I think you considered whistle sound too much in some parts and neglected to care for main beats, and it'll lead to a little unconfortable when playing, just my opinion XD
00:48:649 (48649|1) - Move to 00:48:524
00:49:149 (49149|3) - Move to 00:49:274
00:49:524 - Add a note
00:52:649 (52649|5) - Move to 00:52:524, and change sample to Tambourine or sth else, and of course change 00:52:649 (52649|1) - to whistle
00:53:149 (53149|1) - Move to 00:53:274
00:53:524 - Add a note
00:55:149 (55149|2) - Move to 00:55:274
01:04:774 (64774|1) - Move to 3
01:08:399 - Add a note
01:18:399 - ^
01:31:274 - ^
01:38:274 - ^

[Xin_U's 4K Normal]
00:14:274 (14274|0) - Move to 3
00:14:524 (14524|2) - Move to 1
00:49:899 (49899|1) - Move to 1
01:37:649 (97649|2) - Move to 4
01:37:774 (97774|1) - Move to 3
01:37:899 (97899|3) - Move to 2

Waiting for your reply :)
All fixed. Also, Kiai toggle added. Sorry for being so late...
Agent cheiften
Hello everyone!
I was looking around compiling a download later list when I came across one of my favourite soundtracks. You have me interested in how this map is going to turn out.

I'll comment on your beatmap's thread once I'm done playing it.

But thanks for even uploading this. I'll be sure to help you out if I can.

- Agent Cheiften.

Zexion_Vi wrote:

Okay, its been about 18 days since ljqandylee's mod and Xin hasn't shown up yet.. I've sent PM's to him but he just doesn't reply. (I even offered to edit the diffs if he agreed to make the changes) So I've decided to make the changes myself, I'm really, really sorry Xin! :c

ljqandylee wrote:

Hi~ mania check :3
Nice map and great keysound~
It's strange that Normal has HP8 OD8 but Insane has just HP7 OD7, please swap them XD
All fixed. Also, Kiai toggle added. Sorry for being so late...
This one not fixed? XD
Topic Starter

ljqandylee wrote:

This one not fixed? XD
Whoops! I had completely missed that one. Fixed and updated.
Omg, Beatmap Games!! :)
Topic Starter

ljqandylee wrote:

Yay! thanks a lot!

EDIT: Agent cheiften and Oyatsu, thanks a lot for your support. Sorry I didn't mention before but finding people which likes my beatmap makes me feel really happy. So a big thank you again for playing it :)
really sorry, I'm busy studying recently, because I'm preparing for university entrance examination.
Thx for the piano :D
Hello, doing a random check and if I am right, you send me a forum pm some times ago. Not sure. But, here I am c:

Can you tell me why you choosed these difficulty names? I know they comes from the game itself but, I don't really understand.. :<

  1. 00:10:024 (1) - You should do a better blanket here, it is just going to be better designing-wise. By the way, since the next combo is pretty long, it makes this one and the previous combo too small. I suggest you to delete the new combo on this slider to make it bigger.
  2. 00:18:024 (1) - The new combo could be deleted here to increase the length of the combo since it mostly looks like you were spamming new combos. That's not a great thing. You should also do a better blanket here just like I told you on 00:10:024 (1) - .
  3. 00:22:024 (1) - Also make sure to delete the new combo here to keep the consistency with your previous combos and the suggestions above.
  4. 00:34:024 (1) - Delete the new combo, the previous is too short to be cut like that
  5. 00:38:024 (1) - Delete the new combo on this object because there's only one object in this combo, that's not good~!
  6. 00:42:024 (1) - Same thing, same reason as above
  7. 00:47:024 (1) - I understand why you added a new combo here because of the time between this object and the previous one but actually, that will be better if this object was with the previous objects since it does not have the same tonality as 00:48:024 (2) - , which is very louder than the previous objects. That will be way much better if it was emphasized.
  8. 00:50:524 (1) - The flow with the previous slider is not very good. If you look closer, the circle is placed under the previous slider, which is pointing up, and not down. Make sure to move it higher to keep a nice flow with your previous and try to do so with your next object. Also, while we're at it, delete the new combo to do like I suggested you on the previous suggestions.
  9. 00:57:524 (2) - I suggest you to make a better blanket on this slider, it's going to be looking better with your previous slider and try to do the same thing with your next slider.
  10. 01:06:024 (1) - Delete the new combo, it is not needed due to the previous circles, which is way too low to actually call it a combo..
  11. 01:17:524 (1) - Delete the new combo, I think you should understand why now :p
  12. 01:19:024 (4) - First, I don't really like how this slider is formed, it is not making a nice blanket with the previous circle. Also, the flow is also bad since the previous objects were placed to go at the top and suddenly, you have to go back down to catch this slider, that's the fact of a bad flow. Try to do something else here and if you ever need my help to do something, feel free to tell me!
  13. 01:26:524 (2) - Just a little blanket imperfection. I highly suggest you to reshape it a bit. Also, make sure to delete the new combo on the previous circle (01:26:024 (1) - )
  14. 01:31:024 (2) - this slider's form is making a very weird shape, which makes a bad flow, somehow. How about making a straight slider? I like it, to be honest. Try it, it should be looking better than your previous slider. Make sure to delete the new combo on the previous object.
  15. 01:39:024 (2) - Just move this slider to x:244 y: 232 to make a better blanket with your previous slider.
  16. 01:32:024 (3) - Since this object is starting on a downbeat, it should be better to add a new combo and delete the combo on the next object. Also delete the new combo on the previous object.
The reason why I suggest you many things regarding the new combos is, since it's an Easy difficulty, you don't need to add new combos on every downbeats, if so, it's counted like "spamming" new combos, which is not looking pretty good.

I'm going to stop here, I won't be looking at the other difficulty for now until you replied to this part.
Hope to bubble it soon o/

Edit: We talked about the other diffs on irc.
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Hello, doing a random check and if I am right, you send me a forum pm some times ago. Not sure. But, here I am c:

Can you tell me why you choosed these difficulty names? I know they comes from the game itself but, I don't really understand.. :<

Yes, they're from the game. The names are based on the zombies toughness, the Imp is the easiest one to kill, and the Gargantuar is the hardest. (well, the Giga-Gargantuar is actually tougher but its not included lol)

  1. 00:10:024 (1) - You should do a better blanket here, it is just going to be better designing-wise. By the way, since the next combo is pretty long, it makes this one and the previous combo too small. I suggest you to delete the new combo on this slider to make it bigger. Fixed.
  2. 00:18:024 (1) - The new combo could be deleted here to increase the length of the combo since it mostly looks like you were spamming new combos. That's not a great thing. You should also do a better blanket here just like I told you on 00:10:024 (1) - . Fixed.
  3. 00:22:024 (1) - Also make sure to delete the new combo here to keep the consistency with your previous combos and the suggestions above. Fixed.
  4. 00:34:024 (1) - Delete the new combo, the previous is too short to be cut like that Fixed.
  5. 00:38:024 (1) - Delete the new combo on this object because there's only one object in this combo, that's not good~! I thought it followed the music D:, anyways, fixed.
  6. 00:42:024 (1) - Same thing, same reason as above Fixed.
  7. 00:47:024 (1) - I understand why you added a new combo here because of the time between this object and the previous one but actually, that will be better if this object was with the previous objects since it does not have the same tonality as 00:48:024 (2) - , which is very louder than the previous objects. That will be way much better if it was emphasized. Yep, you're right. Changed NC's.
  8. 00:50:524 (1) - The flow with the previous slider is not very good. If you look closer, the circle is placed under the previous slider, which is pointing up, and not down. Make sure to move it higher to keep a nice flow with your previous and try to do so with your next object. Also, while we're at it, delete the new combo to do like I suggested you on the previous suggestions. Nice catch!
  9. 00:57:524 (2) - I suggest you to make a better blanket on this slider, it's going to be looking better with your previous slider and try to do the same thing with your next slider. I tried doing it with the next slider, but not sure if I got it right.
  10. 01:06:024 (1) - Delete the new combo, it is not needed due to the previous circles, which is way too low to actually call it a combo.. Fixed.
  11. 01:17:524 (1) - Delete the new combo, I think you should understand why now :p Fixed.
  12. 01:19:024 (4) - First, I don't really like how this slider is formed, it is not making a nice blanket with the previous circle. Also, the flow is also bad since the previous objects were placed to go at the top and suddenly, you have to go back down to catch this slider, that's the fact of a bad flow. Try to do something else here and if you ever need my help to do something, feel free to tell me! I'll need more help here :c, leaving it like that for now.
  13. 01:26:524 (2) - Just a little blanket imperfection. I highly suggest you to reshape it a bit. Also, make sure to delete the new combo on the previous circle (01:26:024 (1) - ) Fixed.
  14. 01:31:024 (2) - this slider's form is making a very weird shape, which makes a bad flow, somehow. How about making a straight slider? I like it, to be honest. Try it, it should be looking better than your previous slider. Make sure to delete the new combo on the previous object.
  15. 01:39:024 (2) - Just move this slider to x:244 y: 232 to make a better blanket with your previous slider. Changed to somewhere else, due to the new slider I had to re position some things.
  16. 01:32:024 (3) - Since this object is starting on a downbeat, it should be better to add a new combo and delete the combo on the next object. Also delete the new combo on the previous object.
The reason why I suggest you many things regarding the new combos is, since it's an Easy difficulty, you don't need to add new combos on every downbeats, if so, it's counted like "spamming" new combos, which is not looking pretty good. Yeah, I had an excess of short combos :c

I'm going to stop here, I won't be looking at the other difficulty for now until you replied to this part.
Hope to bubble it soon o/
Thanks a lot for your mod! Waiting for the others, will check them ASAP.
You earned it.
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

You earned it.
Thank you ;-;
Finally ;w; Go ahead Zexion nwn
BATs - Come and Rank this! :D
Since you have changed your name, make sure to reupload with your new name.
I will rebubble after~

Edit: Rebubbled
ola k ase? Rankea esto o kase? =3
Kawayi Rika
Checked and looks enough for rank ~ also i love this game :P

Congratulation your 1st map ~ <3

Grats man! :D
Well, you finally did it! Congratulation ^^

Ohoohoh i am so proud! Good job and gratz dude <3
Finally! :'3 Congratz Zexion!
Topic Starter
...wha?! *dies*
Finally D:
Congrats on your first rank! : )
Felicidades! :3 me alegra ver esto rankeado
OMG Grats !!!!!
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone! :D
Congratulations :D

When's the next PvZ beatmap coming? :P
I love you Rika
ahuehue, what a great game.

Congratz ~
Gj ZExion~:)
Gratz!!! for your First Ranked Map!! ^^

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