
TRIPLANE - Kokoroe (TV Size)

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Topic Starter

Nichiyouki wrote:

Hi, kajiyatta owo

M4M request from my modding queue
and sorry for mod delay >.<

Red = You must fix
Blue = You should consider
Black = My suggestion


  1. Okay, clear


  1. 00:13:739 (2,3,4) - I think that if make by this picture will flow better imo. fixed
  2. 00:25:406 (1) - I think that you forget add finish on slider begin. fixed
  3. 00:31:739 (2) - The rhythm in slider begin isn't follow vocal, which I think it's weird to use it. Please remove this note than use start slider at 00:32:073 untill 00:32:406 instead. I know you mean but it's not difficult part and will expect for newbie
  4. 00:33:739 - If you want to make it to follow vocal, please add a circle here. fixed
  5. 00:46:073 (3,1) - Move to up ad left 1 grid to cause 00:44:740 (2,1) symmetrical. fixed
  6. 01:35:739 (2) - I want to add finish on slider end to follow vocal imo. it's loud imo


  1. 00:17:073 (3,1) - Spacing is too far. Please reduce spacing into about 1.0x by move (3) to down and right 2 grids. fixed
  2. 00:21:406 (2) - I think that remove whistle on slider end will more fit with the vocal than. fixed
  3. 00:24:073 (1) - Move to left 1 grid. It will be cause (3,4,1) are parallel, which these are look better. fixed


  1. 00:05:406 (3,4,1) - Move these to up 1 grid to cause 00:04:073 (1,3) is symmetrical. fixed
  2. 00:48:740 (7) - It cause me feel it isn't natural flow. I suggest that use Ctrl+G. It will be flow naturally more than. current seems fine for me sorry
  3. 00:49:073 (8) - Use Ctrl+G here, too, if you fixed previous suggestion.
  4. 01:32:906 (3) - You have used turn slider here, which it is no good idea. So please change this into curve slider to same with 01:34:239 (6). fixed
  5. 01:37:239 (7) - Please add finish here to follow the rhythm, but if you think that this hitsound is too loud to use it here, you can reduce volume about 60% fixed


  1. 01:07:656 (4) - I don't hear any sound in the music, which it isn't fit to put a note here. So please remove a circle. please listen carefully, it surely heard drum instrumental
  2. 01:31:739 (1,2,3) - It isn't fit to use triplet, since vocal of music is just regular sound, not stream, but you have to remove note (2). You move note (2) at 01:31:656 instead, and remove clap hitsound on this note, too, which I think that it will fit to listen vocal. Then if you fixed it, remove NC on 01:31:739 (1), but add it on 131906 instead. fixed
  3. 01:33:073 (4,5,6) - This, too. Move note (5) at 01:32:989, and remove clap here.
  4. 01:34:406 (1,2,3) - This as well. You can make by 01:31:739 (1,2,3).
  5. 01:37:239 (11) - Please add finish here to follow the rhythm, but if you think that this hitsound is too loud to use it here, you can reduce volume about 60% fixed

Hope my mod will be useful for you.

Good luck~
thanks for modding~
So heres the m4m ^^

00:24:073 - from this point youre using like no whistles.. it mabye gets a bit boring .. you should do it as in the beginning for the whole map
and yes i kinda think your ncs at the beginning are a bit weird.. you should listen to the singing and make the nc with that and not with the background.. (you see how i would have done it at my easy mod)

00:04:406 (2) - 4 grids up or down?
00:08:739 (3) - add nc
00:09:406 (1) - remove nc
00:10:739 (2) - add nc
00:12:740 (1) - remove nc
00:14:073 (3) - add nc
00:14:740 (1) - remove nc
00:16:740 (2) - add nc
00:17:740 (1) - remove nc
00:19:406 (3) - add nc
00:20:073 (1) - remove nc
00:21:406 (2) - add nc
00:53:740 (3,4,5) - that looks weird.. maybe make it like or something else .. since the 1 after that combo doesn't really fit to that.. maybe change the 1 ^^
01:10:406 (3) - add nc here
01:10:740 (1) - remove nc
01:29:073 (3) - add nc
01:29:406 (1) - remove nc

00:03:406 (1,2) - 1 x:124 y:32 ... 2 x:96 y:128
00:38:406 (4) - 4 grids up?
01:30:739 (3) - make it like:
01:32:406 (1,2,3,4) - ,

00:03:406 (1,2) - 1 to x:112 y:28 ... 2 x:148 y:118
00:05:073 (2) - 5 grids down
00:06:406 (4) - 5 grids up
00:13:740 (2) - make it like that
00:24:573 (2,3,4) - 2 and 4 move like that
00:53:240 (4,5) - 4 ctrl + g and then like that pls..
00:56:073 (4) - ctrl + g..

00:03:406 (1,2) - 1 x:84 y:84 .. 2 x:132 y:168 or something similar
00:06:739 (1,2,3) - about that fits much better
01:22:739 (5) - 3 grids up so it fits to the next slider
01:23:573 (7) - ^
01:31:739 (1) - remove nc
01:31:906 (2) - add nc
01:33:239 (6) - ^
01:34:406 (1) - remove nc
01:34:573 (2) - add nc
01:35:906 (7) - ^
01:37:239 (1) - ^ and maybe ctrl + h

the map is good so good luck for it ^^
Starring map, since I took too long. Good luck with your map. :3
Topic Starter

Parachute wrote:

So heres the m4m ^^

00:24:073 - from this point youre using like no whistles.. it mabye gets a bit boring .. you should do it as in the beginning for the whole map
and yes i kinda think your ncs at the beginning are a bit weird.. you should listen to the singing and make the nc with that and not with the background.. (you see how i would have done it at my easy mod) about NC, I'll usually put it on Long white line, it means to follow the music not vocal.

00:04:406 (2) - 4 grids up or down? fixed
00:08:739 (3) - add nc
00:09:406 (1) - remove nc
00:10:739 (2) - add nc
00:12:740 (1) - remove nc
00:14:073 (3) - add nc
00:14:740 (1) - remove nc
00:16:740 (2) - add nc
00:17:740 (1) - remove nc
00:19:406 (3) - add nc
00:20:073 (1) - remove nc
00:21:406 (2) - add nc
00:53:740 (3,4,5) - that looks weird.. maybe make it like or something else .. since the 1 after that combo doesn't really fit to that.. maybe change the 1 ^^ fixed
01:10:406 (3) - add nc here
01:10:740 (1) - remove nc
01:29:073 (3) - add nc
01:29:406 (1) - remove nc

00:03:406 (1,2) - 1 x:124 y:32 ... 2 x:96 y:128 nope
00:38:406 (4) - 4 grids up? no fixed
01:30:739 (3) - make it like: fixed
01:32:406 (1,2,3,4) - , fixed

00:03:406 (1,2) - 1 to x:112 y:28 ... 2 x:148 y:118 no fixed
00:05:073 (2) - 5 grids down I just feel nice , so current seems better.
00:06:406 (4) - 5 grids up
00:13:740 (2) - make it like that fixed
00:24:573 (2,3,4) - 2 and 4 move like that
00:53:240 (4,5) - 4 ctrl + g and then like that pls.. this jump seems not difficult I suppose, but otheres say that I'll fix
00:56:073 (4) - ctrl + g.. ^

00:03:406 (1,2) - 1 x:84 y:84 .. 2 x:132 y:168 or something similar
00:06:739 (1,2,3) - about that fits much better so narrow...?
01:22:739 (5) - 3 grids up so it fits to the next slider another fixed
01:23:573 (7) - ^
01:31:739 (1) - remove nc
01:31:906 (2) - add nc
01:33:239 (6) - ^
01:34:406 (1) - remove nc
01:34:573 (2) - add nc
01:35:906 (7) - ^
01:37:239 (1) - ^ and maybe ctrl + h current seems better sorry

the map is good so good luck for it ^^
thanks for modding.

BeatofIke wrote:

Starring map, since I took too long. Good luck with your map. :3
thanks for star~
Hi~ M4M here >-</

00:04:073 (1) - dele nc? i think no need ><
00:36:406 (2) - jump with (3) feel a bit strange..
(^maybe this..?
00:40:239 - empty...
01:31:406 (7,8) - change to slider or dele (8) ?

00:04:073 (1) - dele nc
01:20:739 (7) - arc it a bit?

00:04:073 (1) - dele nc

good map that I just can find the mini mod...
gomene ; _;

Topic Starter

yanlu wrote:

Hi~ M4M here >-</

00:04:073 (1) - dele nc? i think no need ><
00:36:406 (2) - jump with (3) feel a bit strange..
(^maybe this..?
00:40:239 - empty... I know but it feels not bad I suppose.
01:31:406 (7,8) - change to slider or dele (8) ?

00:04:073 (1) - dele nc
01:20:739 (7) - arc it a bit?

00:04:073 (1) - dele nc

good map that I just can find the mini mod...
gomene ; _;

others fixed. thanks for modding & star~
Hi~ I'm so sorry to late for this mod


  1. offset 2735 is good.


  • Useless Green line
    1. Fine.


  • Fine.
Sound Effect




  1. Fine.

    Useless Green line


00:39:740 (2) - 1/1 slider is well.01:24:739 (3,4) - blanket not well.

Sound Effect




  • Useless Green line
    1. None.


  • 01:23:406 (7) - 1/2 slider is well,if you do, & 01:23:739 - add a note .
  • 01:27:073 (2) - I don't like flow vocaloid <3

Sound Effect

hit-normal sound is too loadly.



  • Useless Green line
    1. None.


  • 00:24:734 (3) - In my opinion,this slide is use 3 circles in there that can underline this rhythm.
  • 00:30:734 (1) - I recommend that this slider is change the direct or add space can express this rhythm.
  • 00:36:401 (2) - umm...if I were you,I will use this idea to add some space to fit this music.
  • 00:38:068 (7,8,1) - This idea have a bad flow...
  • 00:40:234 - This place not should be block,if this place keep a block,this time 00:40:568 - should be keep a block to fit 00:40:234 -
  • 00:45:401 (5,6) - Why not use a jump?
  • 01:14:734 - If you flow the rhythm not vocaloid ,I think this idea is bad in this place.

Sound Effect


it's a good map
Topic Starter

Rotte wrote:

Hi~ I'm so sorry to late for this mod


  1. offset 2735 is good. just wait some opinions


  • Useless Green line
    1. Fine.


  • Fine.
Sound Effect




  1. Fine.

    Useless Green line


00:39:740 (2) - 1/1 slider is well. follow the vocal better I suppose/01:24:739 (3,4) - blanket not well fixed.

Sound Effect




  • Useless Green line
    1. None.


  • 01:23:406 (7) - 1/2 slider is well,if you do, & 01:23:739 - add a note . just consider now
  • 01:27:073 (2) - I don't like flow vocaloid <3 fine for me...

Sound Effect

hit-normal sound is too loadly.



  • Useless Green line
    1. None.


  • 00:24:734 (3) - In my opinion,this slide is use 3 circles in there that can underline this rhythm. fixed
  • 00:30:734 (1) - I recommend that this slider is change the direct or add space can express this rhythm. fixed
  • 00:36:401 (2) - umm...if I were you,I will use this idea to add some space to fit this music. fixed
  • 00:38:068 (7,8,1) - This idea have a bad flow... current seems fine I suppose
  • 00:40:234 - This place not should be block,if this place keep a block,this time 00:40:568 - should be keep a block to fit 00:40:234 - ok I'll change it but now I don't have any idea.
  • 00:45:401 (5,6) - Why not use a jump? ? already used jump.

    [notice]Sound Effect

  • Fine.
    it's a good map
thanks for modding
ohai kajiyatta ~
m4m from my queue

01:37:239 - kiai is better if end in this time
00:03:406 - until 00:23:406 - Having the slider slide and tick silenced at once is unrankable, make one of them audible?

00:14:740 (1) - 1 grid up? to make difference 4 in coordinat, 00:13:739 (2,4) - it's difference 4 in coordinat too w
00:44:740 (2) - 1 grid down? to make same line with 00:46:740 (1) -
01:00:073 (1) - try this rhythm?
01:20:073 (2) - 1 grid down?
01:35:739 (2) - finish in end?

00:09:073 (3) - 176,304?
00:11:740 (3) - 152,124?
00:18:406 (2) - 1 grid right? to avoid spacing issue (0,93x)
01:00:073 (1) - same as easy
01:18:073 (4,1) - how about make it same line too just like 01:18:406 (5,2) - , it's better imo
01:20:073 (3) - 1 grid up?
01:23:739 (4) - 404,292?
01:24:406 (2) - 256,292?

00:21:739 (2) - 140,276?
nothing else, nice diff ~

00:10:406 (2) - how about 172,168?
00:11:740 (4) - 327,192? i think it's too much hard in relax
00:45:406 (5,6) - remove the whistles in head to emphasize whistle in repeat?
00:27:239 (6) - 176,124?
00:35:406 (7) - whistle? (apply in all diff is yes)
00:50:406 (3) - hmm ctrl+G?

nothing else, nice map
Good Luck and take my star ~
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

ohai kajiyatta ~
m4m from my queue

01:37:239 - kiai is better if end in this time
00:03:406 - until 00:23:406 - Having the slider slide and tick silenced at once is unrankable, make one of them audible?

00:14:740 (1) - 1 grid up? to make difference 4 in coordinat, 00:13:739 (2,4) - it's difference 4 in coordinat too w
00:44:740 (2) - 1 grid down? to make same line with 00:46:740 (1) -
01:00:073 (1) - try this rhythm? to be consistence with next slider, keep current.
01:20:073 (2) - 1 grid down?
01:35:739 (2) - finish in end?

00:09:073 (3) - 176,304?
00:11:740 (3) - 152,124? nope.
00:18:406 (2) - 1 grid right? to avoid spacing issue (0,93x)
01:00:073 (1) - same as easy ^
01:18:073 (4,1) - how about make it same line too just like 01:18:406 (5,2) - , it's better imo I just feel better current sorry.
01:20:073 (3) - 1 grid up?
01:23:739 (4) - 404,292?
01:24:406 (2) - 256,292?

00:21:739 (2) - 140,276? ?
nothing else, nice diff ~

00:10:406 (2) - how about 172,168? I want to make consistence jump here.
00:11:740 (4) - 327,192? i think it's too much hard in relax I know itis huge jump but it is aimming.
00:45:406 (5,6) - remove the whistles in head to emphasize whistle in repeat?
00:27:239 (6) - 176,124?
00:35:406 (7) - whistle? (apply in all diff is yes) no, there isn't piano sound here.
00:50:406 (3) - hmm ctrl+G? aimming to jump

nothing else, nice map
Good Luck and take my star ~
no comment = fixed
thanks for modding and star~

  1. 00:23:239 why you ignore the vocal here? that slider play weird cause of that
  2. 00:24:073 add finish since gonna empathize very well with music also finish is more noticeable for players about sv change imo
  3. 00:39:906 (4) - this repeat get overlaped by previous hitburst or ima you fail the ¨X¨ overlap the repeat too maybe move it to other place
  4. 00:41:406 (1,2) - stack they perfect
  5. 00:44:073 maybe you can move this slider a little to the left to make a perfect triangle here 00:43:406 (7,8,1) -
  6. 01:07:656 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - all this claps sound bad to me why better use normal samplest here in the stream gonna sound better imo
  7. 01:18:406 (10,11,12,13,1) - ^
  8. 01:09:406 add finish
  9. 01:14:739 add circle I hear vocals here

  1. 00:23:239 same as Insane i feel weird this orz
  2. 00:24:073 add finish here same reason as Insane
  3. 01:00:073 (1,2,3) - this pattern can look better in the exactly center of the screen imo
  4. 01:09:406 finish fit alot for me here
  5. 01:35:906 this repeat feel out of place cuz you map before the long vocals with 1/1 slider why you dont do the same here?

  1. 00:03:406 (1,2,3) - maybe can you move (1) to make a perfect triangle here like you did on 00:06:073 (4,5,1) - gonna look much better imo
  2. 00:24:073 add finish
  3. 00:39:740 this a little confuse why you dont move it 1 grid down to make it more clean nazi o3o
  4. 01:37:239 add a circle with finish here and start spinner on 01:37:323 like you did on hard and insane not gonna be hard for normal and fit the song better imo
  5. 01:09:406 same as easy

  1. 00:22:406 ths place feel so empty imo add a circle following vocals?
  2. 00:24:073 same as other diffs add finish here the change of music is enought for it :o
  3. 01:09:406 add finish

look for a bat also great map gl star here :p
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:


  1. 00:23:239 why you ignore the vocal here? that slider play weird cause of that since it is a calm part, so I suppose to follow the music better.
  2. 01:07:656 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - all this claps sound bad to me why better use normal samplest here in the stream gonna sound better imo just consider now, current sounds fine for me.
  3. 01:18:406 (10,11,12,13,1) - ^
  4. 01:09:406 add finish loudly imo

  1. 00:23:239 same as Insane i feel weird this orz same as Insane
  2. 01:09:406 finish fit alot for me here too emphasized imo

  1. 01:37:239 add a circle with finish here and start spinner on 01:37:323 like you did on hard and insane not gonna be hard for normal and fit the song better imo for newbie, I suppose it would be a bit difficult and confused. so just put a spinner.
  2. 01:09:406 same as easy same as Insane

  1. 00:22:406 ths place feel so empty imo add a circle following vocals? keep my pattern now, but I'll change if other modders say that.
  2. 01:09:406 add finish same as Insane

look for a bat also great map gl star here :p
others fixed.
thanks for modding & star.
Cerulean Veyron
Hi ~ From my queue

You shouldn't use white combo color, it would be blinding during kiai time.

DR -1

Nice diff ~
Perfect map o.o Star ~
Good Luck ^^
Topic Starter

GrayKaiser82 wrote:

Hi ~ From my queue

You shouldn't use white combo color, it would be blinding during kiai time. just consider now, but it is a color of ball, so it is suitable for the anime.

DR -1 AR4 looks not better imo

Nice diff ~
Perfect map o.o Star ~
Good Luck ^^
thanks for modding and star~
- Melody
~M4M ;)

Easy ;

01:05:406 (1) - Spinner instead Slider ? From 01:05:406 to 01:07:406
01:36:406 (3,1) - The Spinner after the Slider is too fast for Beginner, set the spinner to 01:37:406

Normal ;

00:08:073 - Finish-Sound at Slider-End
00:35:073 - Add Circle
00:25:073 (2) - Finish-Sound

Hard ;

00:06:739 (1) - Split this Slider to Circles

Insane ;

00:22:739 (1) - Stretch this Slider to 00:23:739

~Sorry for short Modding, but the Map is perfect :|
Topic Starter

- Melody wrote:

~M4M ;)

Easy ;

01:05:406 (1) - Spinner instead Slider ? From 01:05:406 to 01:07:406 no fixed
01:36:406 (3,1) - The Spinner after the Slider is too fast for Beginner, set the spinner to 01:37:406 ? it's no problem.

Normal ;

00:08:073 - Finish-Sound at Slider-End fixed
00:35:073 - Add Circle no fixed
00:25:073 (2) - Finish-Sound fixed

Hard ;

00:06:739 (1) - Split this Slider to Circles no fixed

Insane ;

00:22:739 (1) - Stretch this Slider to 00:23:739 current is better I suppose.

~Sorry for short Modding, but the Map is perfect :|
thanks for modding.

00:04:406 ここの②のサークル。前後にある①と③の往復スライダーの始点の高さに揃えたほうがいいと思います。
00:16:739~00:18:739 ここの②の往復スライダー ①の往復スライダーと②のサークル。②の往復スライダーの中心との距離と②のサークルの中心との距離が線一本分だけずれています。中心との距離は揃えたほうがきれいな配置になると思います。
00:34:406~00:34:739 ここの②のスライダー。最初は、この長さでもいいと思ったのですが、よく音を聴いているともう少しスライダーの長さは短いほうがいいんじゃないかと思いました。一応、僕が試しに配置してみたところ②のスライダーの長さは、00:34:406~00:34:573のほうが曲どおりだと思います。
00:49:406~00:51:406 ここの①と②のスライダー。①のスライダーの長さは今、00:49:406~00:50:073となっていますが、終点は00:49:906のほうが曲どおりだと思います。②のスライダーも同様に長さは今、00:50:739~00:51:406となっていますが、終点は00:51:239のほうが曲どおりだと思います。でも、この指摘に関してはあまり自信がありません><



一応、Double timeとHardrockをつけてプレイしてみたのですが、Approach Circleが少し速いような気がしました。最近のranked譜面ではNormalのARは3あるいは4がよく見られます。AR5はNormalにしては高すぎな気がします。ARに関しては3か4がいいと思います。


00:34:739 ここの④のサークル。④のサークルは、00:34:573に配置したほうが曲どおりだと思います。それに伴い、④のサークルは00:34:406にある③のサークル付近または真下に配置すればいいと思います。
00:39:739~00:40:073 ここの②の往復スライダー。往復スライダーにせず、00:39:739~00:39:906のスライダーにすれば曲どおりだと思います。
00:45:406~00:45:739 ここの③のスライダー。スライダーの長さを00:45:406~00:45:573にしたら曲どおりになると思います。
00:46:073~00:46:406 ここの④と⑤のサークル。④のサークルは00:45:906に⑤のサークルは00:46:551に置いたほうが曲どおりだと思います。それに伴って、④と⑤のサークルの位置を変えたほうがいいと思います。

Topic Starter

putigame wrote:


00:04:406 ここの②のサークル。前後にある①と③の往復スライダーの始点の高さに揃えたほうがいいと思います。 元々そうだったんですが、別のmodで流れを考えるとこの方がいいという意見が合ったので、いまのところこのままで
00:16:739~00:18:739 ここの②の往復スライダー ①の往復スライダーと②のサークル。②の往復スライダーの中心との距離と②のサークルの中心との距離が線一本分だけずれています。中心との距離は揃えたほうがきれいな配置になると思います。 fixed
00:34:406~00:34:739 ここの②のスライダー。最初は、この長さでもいいと思ったのですが、よく音を聴いているともう少しスライダーの長さは短いほうがいいんじゃないかと思いました。一応、僕が試しに配置してみたところ②のスライダーの長さは、00:34:406~00:34:573のほうが曲どおりだと思います。 ここはボーカルではなく曲をフォローしてるのでこのままで
00:49:406~00:51:406 ここの①と②のスライダー。①のスライダーの長さは今、00:49:406~00:50:073となっていますが、終点は00:49:906のほうが曲どおりだと思います。②のスライダーも同様に長さは今、00:50:739~00:51:406となっていますが、終点は00:51:239のほうが曲どおりだと思います。でも、この指摘に関してはあまり自信がありません>< 今のところ保留で、同じような意見があれば変更します



一応、Double timeとHardrockをつけてプレイしてみたのですが、Approach Circleが少し速いような気がしました。最近のranked譜面ではNormalのARは3あるいは4がよく見られます。AR5はNormalにしては高すぎな気がします。ARに関しては3か4がいいと思います。


00:34:739 ここの④のサークル。④のサークルは、00:34:573に配置したほうが曲どおりだと思います。それに伴い、④のサークルは00:34:406にある③のサークル付近または真下に配置すればいいと思います。 うーん、個人的にはNormalのAR5は結構スタンダートだと思います。BPMも180なのでAR4はやや遅いかなと思います。
00:39:739~00:40:073 ここの②の往復スライダー。往復スライダーにせず、00:39:739~00:39:906のスライダーにすれば曲どおりだと思います。 ここもeasy同様曲をフォローしてるのでこのままで
00:45:406~00:45:739 ここの③のスライダー。スライダーの長さを00:45:406~00:45:573にしたら曲どおりになると思います。 fixed
00:46:073~00:46:406 ここの④と⑤のサークル。④のサークルは00:45:906に⑤のサークルは00:46:551に置いたほうが曲どおりだと思います。それに伴って、④と⑤のサークルの位置を変えたほうがいいと思います。 このままで

thanks for modding.
Hello, from popner's modding team

I think you can use a more louder and clearer drum-hitsound to this song
just try this as your clap
your Easy & Normal are nice, no problem

  1. 01:05:240 (8) not blanket well, move to x56, y128

  1. 00:16:740 NC here and remove 00:17:406 this NC
    00:19:406 ^
    00:22:739 remove NC
  2. 00:29:239 (4) +clap
  3. 00:35:406 (7) ^
  4. 00:31:406 (3) ctrl+G and move 00:31:906 (4) to x240, y300
    change 00:32:073 (5,6)'s order like this
    the flow will be better
  5. 00:34:739 NC
  6. 00:34:073 (3,1) try this ?
  7. 00:35:406 +clap
  8. 00:35:989 add a note?
  9. 00:40:406 NC
  10. 01:08:740 (3,4) ctrl+G / flow
  11. 01:33:239 ctrl+G and change 01:33:239 (5,6)'s order
it's time to find a BAT to check your map (I think)
Good luck :D
Topic Starter

Azure wrote:

Hello, from popner's modding team

I think you can use a more louder and clearer drum-hitsound to this song
just try this as your clap added.
your Easy & Normal are nice, no problem

  1. 01:05:240 (8) not blanket well, move to x56, y128

  1. 00:16:740 NC here and remove 00:17:406 this NC I know your mean, but keep my pattern for NC.
    00:19:406 ^
    00:22:739 remove NC
  2. 00:29:239 (4) +clap
  3. 00:35:406 (7) ^ I suppose clap sounds loudly, but another fixed.
  4. 00:31:406 (3) ctrl+G and move 00:31:906 (4) to x240, y300
    change 00:32:073 (5,6)'s order like this
    the flow will be better
  5. 00:34:739 NC keep my pattern
  6. 00:34:073 (3,1) try this ?
  7. 00:35:406 +clap
  8. 00:35:989 add a note? just consider now.
  9. 00:40:406 NC keep my pattern
  10. 01:08:740 (3,4) ctrl+G / flow
  11. 01:33:239 ctrl+G and change 01:33:239 (5,6)'s order
it's time to find a BAT to check your map (I think)
Good luck :D
no comment = fixed
thanks for modding.

  1. Good!
  1. 00:40:406- add note
  1. 00:44:573 (2) - 25°回転させると見栄えがよくなるかと
  2. 00:52:739 (3,4) - DSがきつすぎる気がしました
  3. 00:56:573 (5,6,7,8,1) - 正五角形はどうでしょう(前後のDSは調整してません)
  1. 00:44:073 (1,2,3) - 縦軸をそろえた方が良いと思います
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:


  1. Good!
  1. 00:40:406- add note ボーカルの切れ目とかいうことでここはEasy,Normalでは切ってます
  1. 00:44:573 (2) - 25°回転させると見栄えがよくなるかと
  2. 00:52:739 (3,4) - DSがきつすぎる気がしました 確かにジャンプキツイですが今のところそのままで、同様の意見があれば変更します
  3. 00:56:573 (5,6,7,8,1) - 正五角形はどうでしょう(前後のDSは調整してません)
  1. 00:44:073 (1,2,3) - 縦軸をそろえた方が良いと思います 真上にジャンプさせるよりも、流れに沿ってズラしてジャンプさせたほうが打ちやすいかなーと思います
~Good Luck~
no comment = fixed
thanks for modding~
Hey ~
As requested.. :roll:

  1. Why offset here 00:02:739 instead of here 00:03:406 ?

  1. 00:20:073 (1) - Last point 116 252 for perfect slider.. the one you have now it's look a little unbalance
  2. 00:22:739 (5) - Shorten the slider into 00:23:073 and add a 1/2 slider here 00:23:239 ? it'll follow the vocal better instead of skipping them..
  3. 00:29:406 (5,7) - This overlap looks bad for me.. since the (5) slider is not over but the (7) is clearly visible. Mind to move (7,8) a bit down ?
  4. 00:31:406 (3) - Just a suggestion.. use Ctrl + G ? the flow seems better IMO
  5. 00:41:906 (2) - Blanket this to slider (1) instead of stacking ? somewhat it's broking the flow because you use high jump from (9) to (1),
    if you want to keep it, at least stack it better instead of stacking manually
  6. 00:43:073 (6,7) - Nazi IMO.. the slider (6) is aiming down but you suddenly use straight reverse slider that pointing up, somewhat it feel weird, how about filip vertical (7) and stack it with 00:44:073 (1) start ?
  7. 00:44:073 (1,2,3) - Just questions.. why not make it symmetrical ? i'm curious..
  8. 00:47:906 (4,5) - Move them a bit up so the slider (5) doesn't overlap with (3) this kind of overlapping is bad for me though..
  9. 00:48:406 (5) - Just suggestions.. Try to making it curved as (7) ? it'll make a better pattern for me
  10. 00:54:406 (7,1) - Blanket seems a little of.. move (7) a bit down ? it would be better if you move the (1)'s middle point though, but in case you have to re make slider (2) for symmetrical
  11. 00:56:406 (5) - Separate the slider to 2 1/2 slider ? though you follow the vocal, the drum sound in 00:56:573 - it's too loud and it sounds not good if you not emphasizing them, looks like there's many slider like this, forgive me if i missed one :o
  12. 01:03:406 (3) - ^
  13. 01:04:740 (7) - ^
  14. 00:59:240 (6) - Add normal sampleset on the start of slider ? it'll emphasizing the music better IMO
  15. 01:01:740 (6) - ^ slider End
  16. 01:06:240 (3) - Add drum and normal sampleset here if you do my suggestions.. if not just add a drum like you did before
  17. 01:11:739 - Slider seems better start here to follow the vocal. end of reverse slider looks weird to emphasizing this
  18. 01:13:239 (10) - Remove clap from here.. it sounds better, since the drum in this time it's not loud enough to be emphasized with clap sound
  19. 01:36:739 (8) - Add finish here.. since it's high vocal. And to keep consistency because you used finish too in the other high vocals of this phase
  20. 01:37:156 - Seems the music ask for a triplet.. mind to add note here ?

  1. 00:06:739 (1) - 1-2 grid down on the last point so it'll looks more better slider
  2. 00:33:739 (2,3) - Just suggestions.. try to blanket this ? it will look good IMO
  3. 00:36:906 (2,3,4) - This pattern doesn't make sense for me.. if it possible, try to re-make this pattern so it'll be more beautiful
  4. 00:42:073 (3) - Make this slider horizontal ? IMO it'll flow better on the (4) and it fit the symmetrical with slider (1)
  5. 00:44:573 (2) - Make this slider same shape as (6) will make more sense to fit with (5) ?
  6. 01:05:906 (2) - Try to make it like this ? IMO it will flow better to the next note
  7. 01:23:406 (7) - Try a straight slider.. it'll fit more better than a curved slider due to (5) and (6)
  8. 01:36:739 (7) - same as Insane..
    Looks like you miss some drum sound in this diff, it'll better if you not skip it.. pointing them all will be very tiring for me. But you allready used it on Insane.. so i don't need to repeat it right ?
  1. 00:06:073 (4) - Add whistle here.. the piano sounds is loud so you need to emphasizing this, therefore your hard and insane use whistle in this note too
  2. 00:19:406 (3) - ^
  3. 00:22:739 (4) - End this slider on the red tick that following the vocal ? i think it'll be better because this is a normal diff
    Overal seems fine for me.. i just saw a few nazi things, but i thing it's your mapping style so i'll let it be..

Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:

Hey ~
As requested.. :roll:

  1. Why offset here 00:02:739 instead of here 00:03:406 ? to be consistent metronome

  1. 00:20:073 (1) - Last point 116 252 for perfect slider.. the one you have now it's look a little unbalance
  2. 00:22:739 (5) - Shorten the slider into 00:23:073 and add a 1/2 slider here 00:23:239 ? it'll follow the vocal better instead of skipping them.. I know but to follow the whie line looks fine I suppose.
  3. 00:29:406 (5,7) - This overlap looks bad for me.. since the (5) slider is not over but the (7) is clearly visible. Mind to move (7,8) a bit down ?
  4. 00:31:406 (3) - Just a suggestion.. use Ctrl + G ? the flow seems better IMO current looks fine
  5. 00:41:906 (2) - Blanket this to slider (1) instead of stacking ? somewhat it's broking the flow because you use high jump from (9) to (1),
    if you want to keep it, at least stack it better instead of stacking manually
  6. 00:43:073 (6,7) - Nazi IMO.. the slider (6) is aiming down but you suddenly use straight reverse slider that pointing up, somewhat it feel weird, how about filip vertical (7) and stack it with 00:44:073 (1) start ?
  7. 00:44:073 (1,2,3) - Just questions.. why not make it symmetrical ? i'm curious..
  8. 00:47:906 (4,5) - Move them a bit up so the slider (5) doesn't overlap with (3) this kind of overlapping is bad for me though..
  9. 00:48:406 (5) - Just suggestions.. Try to making it curved as (7) ? it'll make a better pattern for me I'll consider it
  10. 00:54:406 (7,1) - Blanket seems a little of.. move (7) a bit down ? it would be better if you move the (1)'s middle point though, but in case you have to re make slider (2) for symmetrical
  11. 00:56:406 (5) - Separate the slider to 2 1/2 slider ? though you follow the vocal, the drum sound in 00:56:573 - it's too loud and it sounds not good if you not emphasizing them, looks like there's many slider like this, forgive me if i missed one :o I know these drum sounds, but here aim to follow the vocal, it's fine for me. if anyone mentions that, I'll change it.
  12. 01:03:406 (3) - ^
  13. 01:04:740 (7) - ^
  14. 00:59:240 (6) - Add normal sampleset on the start of slider ? it'll emphasizing the music better IMO current sounds enough imo
  15. 01:01:740 (6) - ^ slider End
  16. 01:06:240 (3) - Add drum and normal sampleset here if you do my suggestions.. if not just add a drum like you did before
  17. 01:11:739 - Slider seems better start here to follow the vocal. end of reverse slider looks weird to emphasizing this
  18. 01:13:239 (10) - Remove clap from here.. it sounds better, since the drum in this time it's not loud enough to be emphasized with clap sound
  19. 01:36:739 (8) - Add finish here.. since it's high vocal. And to keep consistency because you used finish too in the other high vocals of this phase
  20. 01:37:156 - Seems the music ask for a triplet.. mind to add note here ? I suppose it's overmapped... maybe.

  1. 00:06:739 (1) - 1-2 grid down on the last point so it'll looks more better slider
  2. 00:33:739 (2,3) - Just suggestions.. try to blanket this ? it will look good IMO
  3. 00:36:906 (2,3,4) - This pattern doesn't make sense for me.. if it possible, try to re-make this pattern so it'll be more beautiful
  4. 00:42:073 (3) - Make this slider horizontal ? IMO it'll flow better on the (4) and it fit the symmetrical with slider (1) no fixed
  5. 00:44:573 (2) - Make this slider same shape as (6) will make more sense to fit with (5) ? current looks fine.
  6. 01:05:906 (2) - Try to make it like this ? IMO it will flow better to the next note
  7. 01:23:406 (7) - Try a straight slider.. it'll fit more better than a curved slider due to (5) and (6) curved slider looks fine to next flow.
  8. 01:36:739 (7) - same as Insane..
    Looks like you miss some drum sound in this diff, it'll better if you not skip it.. pointing them all will be very tiring for me. But you allready used it on Insane.. so i don't need to repeat it right ? I know you mean, but again, I'm aimming to follow the vocal on the calm part.
  1. 00:06:073 (4) - Add whistle here.. the piano sounds is loud so you need to emphasizing this, therefore your hard and insane use whistle in this note too
  2. 00:19:406 (3) - ^
  3. 00:22:739 (4) - End this slider on the red tick that following the vocal ? i think it'll be better because this is a normal diff end at white line looks fine for newbie.
    Overal seems fine for me.. i just saw a few nazi things, but i thing it's your mapping style so i'll let it be..

Good Luck ~
no comment = fixed
thanks for modding.
Try to use P slider to make the blankets, they will looks better.

00:30:739 (1) - this flows better:
00:44:573 (2) - make this slider a symmetry of 00:45:406 (5)?
01:35:406 (3) - make more spacing between (2) and (3):

00:56:073 (4) - move it down 3 grids to make more spacing between 00:56:073 (4,5)
01:02:740 (1,2,3) - ^ make more spacing between them
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Try to use P slider to make the blankets, they will looks better. applied to some slider. but , I don't like new slider algorithm since it will tend to make similar one.

00:30:739 (1) - this flows better: fixed
00:44:573 (2) - make this slider a symmetry of 00:45:406 (5)? fixed
01:35:406 (3) - make more spacing between (2) and (3): fixed

00:56:073 (4) - move it down 3 grids to make more spacing between 00:56:073 (4,5) fixed
01:02:740 (1,2,3) - ^ make more spacing between them fixed
thanks for modding.
Topic Starter
thanks for Rechecking.
Oyatsu didn't mod
Go! Go! Rank plz :)
kajiyatta san gogo xD


01:21:406 - silenced sliderticks with silenced sliderslides are unrankable. You could fix this using this rhythm:
01:35:906 (2) - same


00:58:740 (3) - same on the second slidertick and for 01:00:073 (1) / 01:22:739 (3) as well (just increase its volume till 20%-30%)


00:22:073 (3,4) - Remove these two whistles to emphasize better the one on 00:22:739 (5)'s head?


00:31:406 (3) - CTRL + G flows better IMO
00:35:406 (7) - New combo?
01:25:406 (7) - ^

send me a pm after fixed at least unrankable issues
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:



01:21:406 - silenced sliderticks with silenced sliderslides are unrankable. You could fix this using this rhythm: changed to normal slider tick.
01:35:906 (2) - same ^


00:58:740 (3) - same on the second slidertick and for 01:00:073 (1) / 01:22:739 (3) as well (just increase its volume till 20%-30%)


00:22:073 (3,4) - Remove these two whistles to emphasize better the one on 00:22:739 (5)'s head? fixed


00:31:406 (3) - CTRL + G flows better IMO fixed
00:35:406 (7) - New combo? sorry I want to keep my pattern for consistence.
01:25:406 (7) - ^ ^

send me a pm after fixed at least unrankable issues
thanks for modding.
Let's go
congrats!!! :)

Congraaaatz ^^

EDIT: The Post of The Beast!
congrats :)
Congratz :3
P o M u T a
Gratz!!~ :D
Congratulation! :)
Congratz! :3/
oh this <333
Topic Starter
thanks everyone.
Grarz \:D/
おめでとおおお!天国のおとさんも喜んでいます :oops:
Nice map
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