
Anime North 2013

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When should we have our group dinner?

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so who is making the new thread to post all the pics?
btw the group photo of the sushi dinner attendants will be up soon, meiikyuu is doing some cool edits atm

and dont forget Just Dance 4 ;)
Ppl can send them to me again like last year and i'll just upload all of them and make the Anime North Picture thread
Best part that happened during the Saturday meetup:

Nyquill turned out to be someone I knew a long time ago from middle school, even before I knew him as Nyquill.

oh oh, and free advice from jonathanlfj, Layne and Yoda. <3
Hey guys, finally homeee
Video Posting Time!!!

Edit: Awww those removed his "Can I have your number" post :P
Lol forgot I had it.

Also just been told she missed her stop to get off the train...

those wrote:

Lol forgot I had it.

Also just been told she missed her stop to get off the train...
Yeah i saw that lmfao
Satonaka, if you have any more pictures (cosplayers, swag, and the like), could you send 'em my way please?
Topic Starter

YodaSnipe wrote:

those wrote:
Lol forgot I had it.

Also just been told she missed her stop to get off the train...

Yeah i saw that lmfao
Not funny! Nearly ended up in Montreal! D:

Also, anyone else getting that post-con depression? T_T

I'll send my pics to you in a bit @ Yoda

Haneii wrote:

Not funny! Nearly ended up in Montreal! D:

Also, anyone else getting that post-con depression? T_T

I'll send my pics to you in a bit @ Yoda
Very funny indeed :)

Yes, I miss everyone :(

OK :)
lulz saw some of u randomly~ heard from giralda about everything that transpired~ xD
nice indeed....
lol, i'm assuming you ppl will be doing this meet up for the years 2 come? =) glad to see the utter randomness of what happened last year i started created a tradition~
I feel quite weird that I missed the meet-up(and how I haven't posted at all :o ). I think I'll PROBABLY come meet up next year if I come on saturday.
sucks i missed the meet up ;~;
Hurry up with these pics, I want to see what I missed out on.

Haneii wrote:

Also, anyone else getting that post-con depression? T_T
if by depression you mean soreness, I'm right there with you

if by depression you mean depression, no - I'm a robot and don't have emotional attachment. You remember me saying it takes me longer to become cold than you do? That's because my processors are a heat source
tsuntsun awp-kun

those wrote:

tsuntsun awp-kun

awp wrote:

if by depression you mean soreness, I'm right there with you
My pillow was too soft -> my neck hurts
Other than that my shoulders hurt for being unfit and suddenly getting too much exercise.
Anime north was da bes this year. I was rooming with my nigguh Xiaounlimited and shit
Too bad he didn't make me a theme.
I can confirm the legitimacy of the above post as I was also their roomies.

I've got a fuckload of pics and vids but they aren't relevant to osu! lol.

I did drop by the meetup secretly on Saturday with Layne but I left shortly after watching Yoda play a bit. Also, our SM/FFR crew literally crossed paths with the osu! crew while walking across the bridge to the Sheraton on Friday afternoon, lmao. I only know this because I recognized Yoda and told Layne "yo, that was the osu crew just now."

If any of you saw a Ginoza Nobuchika cosplay from Psycho-pass with a dominator, you probably saw me.
Topic Starter

Gundam-Dude wrote:

I've got a fuckload of pics and vids but they aren't relevant to osu! lol.
You should still send some of your pics of the con: interesting events, cosplays, stuff you bought etc..

tysonultima wrote:

Anime north was da bes this year. I was rooming with my nigguh Xiaounlimited and shit
Awww. I want to meet the person behind all those awesome skins :(
crossplaypicsplease :'D
I'm probably cosplaying next year. Just gotta figure out what I want to be.

friday around 1pm. pretty empty, it was a good call to go early

lines, lines, lines

kommisar's beautiful kuro matsumi crossplay

before 5pm when everything opens

DDR room on friday evening

massive friday night dinner at swiss chalet with FFR/SM crew

DDR room on saturday afternoon/evening, right before the massive FFR/SM meetup here at 5~6pm

our hotel room had a really nice view

this is how real men play stepmania

huge panoramic shot. drinking party in our hotel room on saturday night what's good

sunday afternoon final group shots

and to cocktease osu here's our photo of elusive skin god xiao who was our roomie (guy with osu logo on his face)

I've got a lot of videos but most of them are shenanigans shit
Once again, I'll be posting the Photo Album. So if you have photos you want in it, send them to me and I'll add them there.

Sent mine. Haneii, you didn't sign my mug D:

You did that on purpose to get me to come to FanExpo 2013/Anime North 2014, clever girl

awp wrote:

FanExpo 2013
I'll be at Fan Expo on the Saturday, browsing around and checking things out.
Fan Expo was my substitute Anime North for a long while during High School when I was never really allowed to go that far out for a convention.

Giralda wrote:

I'll be at Fan Expo on the Saturday, browsing around and checking things out.
Fan Expo was my substitute Anime North for a long while during High School when I was never really allowed to go that far out for a convention.
Really? I thought you lived in Toronto. Are your parents strict?

By the by...

Here is the Anime North 2013 Photo Album:
alright YodaSnipe if I have enough moneys next year I might consider coming to this anime south event

YodaSnipe wrote:

Really? I thought you lived in Toronto. Are your parents strict?
Yeah, I live in Toronto, but Dixon Road/TCC is pretty far from where I live, and they didn't trust that I was mature enough to live in a hotel with a bunch of friends and be on my best behavior. :c

In other words, yeah - they were pretty strict while I was in high school. Now that I'm in university, they seem to be a little bit more lenient.

But now that I've spent nearly $800+ this year for Anime North (Hotels, Tickets, Food, Merchandise, Transportation, and a day off work?), there really isn't much money left over for me to spend for Fan Expo, so I'm only going to drop by on the Saturday to check for anything interesting.

Oh, and cosplaying on that day too.
if you live in Toronto, why get a hotel? Seems expensive

Giralda wrote:

Oh, and cosplaying on that day too.
Your cosplay is wonderful~
I wish I could be more moe like you!~ >u<

...I-I mean...~
M-Maybe... next time we should cosplay as a pair~

not really x:

awp wrote:

if you live in Toronto, why get a hotel? Seems expensive
its mostly for convenience since it will take a long time to get to the con if you live on the other side of the city, and having to go back and forth on a daily basis is really tiring
wouldn't be an issue if it were near the TTC or you had a car.

It only took me like an hour 30 to drive one-way and I live a few cities over

Kitsunemimi wrote:

Giralda wrote:

Oh, and cosplaying on that day too.
Your cosplay is wonderful~
I wish I could be more moe like you!~ >u<
W-whaaa? I'm not moe >///<
but thank you Kitsu ~ <3

Kitsunemimi wrote:

not really x:

awp wrote:

wouldn't be an issue if it were near the TTC or you had a car.

It only took me like an hour 30 to drive one-way and I live a few cities over
Well, TTC takes time. I have to take 2 buses and a few stops on the subway + transferring on the subway AND take another bus to actually get home.
Even if I was able to drive, I have to take into consideration of gas money going from Dixon Road to Sheppard Avenue (vice versa) through 401 six times in three days. That would mean spending even MOAR MONEHZ. ;-;

R.I.P. Wallet
yeah Dixon road sucks dixon during AN. I drove about 1km down it off the 401. Took 10 minutes.

awp wrote:

Dixon road sucks dixon
i see what u did there

jonathanlfj wrote:

awp wrote:

Dixon road sucks dixon
i see what u did there
so what were everyone's favourite memories of AN2013

mine were Dance Central 4 and
Topic Starter

Haneii wrote:

oh god lol
Just Dance 4 you know~ ;) and the J-dance omg <3.

Haneii wrote:

Haha, wow. It's the same over here @ A-kon as well. Saw at LEAST 10 different people including one of my friends.

Mafiamaster wrote:

Haneii wrote:

Haha, wow. It's the same over here @ A-kon as well. Saw at LEAST 10 different people including one of my friends.
I think my friend counted at least 50. Not sure if he repeated though.

Giralda wrote:

I think my friend counted at least 50. Not sure if he repeated though.
chicken counted 114 kiritos, amount of repeats in there, probably 50% of them...
but other than that, that's still a TONNE

this is Kirito? I guess it's like Finn: easier to pull off, more you'll see of it
Topic Starter
I always had at least 2 or more in my line of vision no matter where I turned XD. There must have been more than 50!

awp wrote:

so what were everyone's favourite memories of AN2013
- Just Dance 4!!! Shoutouts to Haruka, Xakyrie, and awp!

- Nyquill's laugh

- Late night girl talk/osu!ing - wow, mods are quick to investigate possible multi-ing o.o

- Weapon's master at the con agrees to forge chakrams (axel's) for me

- The time I spent with the osu! crew: those of you I ran into at the con, meetup, dinner, and/or dance <3 It was great finally meeting some of you <3

- Parking lot with awp and his kingdom key!

- mm201 in lolita outfit. You were so pretty <3 You too Giralda <3

- those

- Kiritos everywhere! (of course Ashikabi wins for being the best one ;)

- So much walking! First year (out of the 5) I didn't take the shuttle bus between sites D:

- Getting lost between con panels with Bayaku - He probably learned his lesson to never leave me responsible with the map/directions

- Missing my train stop on the way back home XD

Not a favourite memory but I don't think I'll ever forget feeling that cold.

@ Yodasnipe: I can't say it enough, but thank you for everything <3

Haneii wrote:

- Getting lost between con panels with Byaku - He probably learned his lesson to never leave me responsible with the map/directions
LOL YES i remember this moment omg <33. give the map to me next time ;). jonathon taught me a trick to not get lost in that :P. i hope i remember ;_;

Haneii wrote:

- those
Ha I get a one liner
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