
Peter Lambert - osu! tutorial [OsuMania]

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Too much 1/2 notes x_x
Please consider to leave some of it blank. Otherwise it can just fit to any song. I saw you placed some of the sliders, that's nice.
Maybe you can also try this pattern to help the beginners to learn more patterns:

There are two types of 8K. One is "asdf ;lkj", the other is "shift sdf space jkl"(iidx)
Perhaps you want to do iidx style also? It's basically 7K + one extra key where we put all the hit-finishs.
Topic Starter

elinia wrote:


Some suggestions:
1. To be a tutorial, there should be added some storyboard at the beginning telling the newbies what they should do to play the osu!mania. Such as telling them the default keys(which key is corresponded to which line) for each diff.
- It is not a real 'tutorial' to tell player how to play since mania is much easier to understand than standard. I only provide a easy map for new players.
2. If you put a note for upbeat on one line, try not to put the next note for downbeat on the same line, no newbies would like it ;)
such as this
- Ok
3. Try to add some break times! Add storyboard to teach them how to manage the notes and sliders during break times would be better :D
- Hmm...I will consider this.

支持 :3
fairly nice tutorial :D
  1. be a real tutorial, this is not enough. Here's a piece of advice:
    For newbies, hardly will they change their skin. So, you could make another mania-board on the right by storyboard. The another board is used for teaching and playing together with the new players. Btw, 2min is to long to the new so some breaks are needed. Just consult the tutorial of standard mode.
  2. I think there should be a 7+1 mode for it's different from 8K.
  3. Don't you think it's too fast if you want it to be REAL mania version of the tutorial. ppy's tutorial just have 0.5*(and with HP0 AR0 OD0)!Ah, if you don't, just ignore that.
If you think my eng poor , here's the chinese ver. :o
  1. 我觉得真要做教程,应该有些教程应该有的东西,譬如你可以用sb做个类似2P的东西,然后在上面做教学啊什么的。顺便2分钟有些长了,中间加一些break作教学是正好的。
  2. 7+1和8K完全不一样啊;w;
  3. 你不觉得有些快么,皮皮的教程才0.5*啊,虽然我mania只能打hard以下的难度,但是打这教程居然都会miss啊!当然如果你不想做成皮皮那样的面向纯新的教程,那就当我放屁
Topic Starter

TOKI wrote:

fairly nice tutorial :D
  1. be a real tutorial, this is not enough. Here's a piece of advice:
    For newbies, hardly will they change their skin. So, you could make another mania-board on the right by storyboard. The another board is used for teaching and playing together with the new players. Btw, 2min is to long to the new so some breaks are needed. Just consult the tutorial of standard mode.
  2. I think there should be a 7+1 mode for it's different from 8K.
  3. Don't you think it's too fast if you want it to be REAL mania version of the tutorial. ppy's tutorial just have 0.5*(and with HP0 AR0 OD0)!Ah, if you don't, just ignore that.
If you think my eng poor , here's the chinese ver. :o
  1. 我觉得真要做教程,应该有些教程应该有的东西,譬如你可以用sb做个类似2P的东西,然后在上面做教学啊什么的。顺便2分钟有些长了,中间加一些break作教学是正好的。
  2. 7+1和8K完全不一样啊;w;
  3. 你不觉得有些快么,皮皮的教程才0.5*啊,虽然我mania只能打hard以下的难度,但是打这教程居然都会miss啊!当然如果你不想做成皮皮那样的面向纯新的教程,那就当我放屁
osu!mania! D:
Here are some advice how the patterns should be for beginners to practice.
This is the theory for 4K Basic, use it to adapt and apply to other diffs.

• 00:18:238 ~ 00:36:196 - use this rhythm where • has note and ○ otherwise (•○•○|•○•○|•○•○|•○○•) x3
• 00:36:196 ~ 00:48:186 - basic jackhammer training → Line 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 4
• 00:48:186 ~ 01:00:140 - same rhythm as above, but with alternate pattern (ex. 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4)
• 01:00:140 ~ 01:12:112 - long note training, each long note starts at 1st beat and ends at 4th beat (•••○)
• 01:12:112 ~ 01:24:084 - continuous long note training, each long note starts at 1st beat and ends at 3rd beat, but make long notes every 2 beats
• 01:24:084 ~ 01:36:056 - short long note training, current pattern is fine
• 01:36:056 ~ 01:48:028 - double notes training, rhythm (•○•○) with notes on line (2,3)(2,3)(1,4)(1,4) x2 then (1,3)(1,3)(2,4)(2,4) x2
• 01:48:028 ~ 01:54:014 - rhythm (••••) with notes on line (2,3)(2,3)(1,4)(1,4) x2 then (1,3)(1,3)(2,4)(2,4) x2
• 01:54:014 ~ 01:59:626 - rhythm (••••) with notes on line (1,2)(1,2)(3,4)(3,4)(3,4) x2 then (1,2)(2,3)(3,4)(2,4)(1,4)(1,3)(1,2)(1,2,3,4)

7K and 8K can use vary pattern instead of rapid pattern, ex (1,4)(1,4)(2,5)(2,5)(3,6)(3,6)(4,7)(4,7) → (1,4)(2,5)(3,6)(4,7)(1,4)(2,5)(3,6)(4,7)
I think some pattern need to start on a different lane. For example in the 6k Basic difficult: 00:48:168 (48168|0) - this note placement feels a bit awkward because the last pattern of this song was a differnt part of the music and the last note was the finish. If the notes are on top of that it looks like 2 finish sounds after another for me. Better space it out so it gives more of an idea what it is meant to be.

If you look here 00:27:217 (27217|2) - to 00:30:210 (30210|0) - thats a better solution.
00:37:692 (37692|2) - This part needs some improvement too in my opinion. You could just copy the first pattern and mirror it. It will look like this:

Overall it looks like pretty basic and good in this beatmap, just try to recheck all your patterns. Try to make the changes in the music more pointed out with your note placement. For example here 00:58:643 (58643|2) - a quick fix would be just to move the note from the third lane to the first ;)

For the 8k mode only put finish sounds on the first lane in my opinion. And the other notes across the other 7 keys.
Topic Starter
Ok, thanks for your suggestions!

Trying to make some various patterns..
I love you, popner.
Take my babies star!
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Stefan wrote:

I love you, popner.
Take my babies star!
Oh, thanks so much! :)
Anyway, I've noticed something about the SB:

I am not really sure if it's looking soooo good. Especially when you're playing 8k more then 50% of the osu! Circle is lapped by the Playfield. At least move it at bit to right that it's looking okay for 4k (and maybe 5k).

Stefan wrote:

Anyway, I've noticed something about the SB:

I am not really sure if it's looking soooo good. Especially when you're playing 8k more then 50% of the osu! Circle is lapped by the Playfield. At least move it at bit to right that it's looking okay for 4k (and maybe 5k).
playfield could be changed in 'skin.ini' so it maybe difficult to perfect the sb in all settings..
hi there
00:21:723 - unsnapped note there please fix it or delete it

00:35:447 - change to hold please until 00:35:821 -

the other looks GOOD

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Ty for checking~ fixed.
偷偷的IRC mod (逃
good luck ~!
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Thanks very much for mod!

2013-03-27 17:29 popner: 求看mania..
2013-03-27 17:29 Loneight: 嘎!
2013-03-27 17:29 popner: ACTION is editing [ Peter Lambert - osu! tutorial [8K Basics]]
2013-03-27 17:29 Loneight: 8K www!
2013-03-27 17:33 Loneight: popner醬 ~! 你要現在IRC mod 還是等咱晚點用post的 ?!
2013-03-27 17:33 popner: 问题多不多..
2013-03-27 17:35 Loneight: 好像沒什麼問題 :D
2013-03-27 17:39 popner: 那就直接irc把。。
2013-03-27 17:40 Loneight: 01:46:531 (106531|7) - 跟01:47:279 (107279|1) - 看起來似乎都各少了1個note 依照前面相同部分的01:40:545 (100545|1,100545|7,101293|6,101293|2) - 來說
2013-03-27 17:41 popner: 嗯
2013-03-27 17:42 popner:
2013-03-27 17:42 Loneight: 可以的 :3
2013-03-27 17:43 Loneight: 似乎 每個難度的開頭 好像都有像這樣的00:18:238 (18238|5,18986|3) - 1個circle+1個hold ?!
2013-03-27 17:44 popner: 因为
2013-03-27 17:44 popner: 上来想密度低一点..
2013-03-27 17:44 Loneight: 嗯~ 不過對咱來說 有點weird, 因為hold 咱覺得最好是對上有拖音的聲音, 比如01:24:084 (84084|0) -
2013-03-27 17:45 Loneight: 看你要不要改成circle ~單純意見 (逃
2013-03-27 17:45 popner: 嗯
2013-03-27 17:45 popner: 感觉可以
2013-03-27 17:45 Loneight: 嗯 :3
2013-03-27 17:47 Loneight: 換7K的說~
2013-03-27 17:49 popner: 突然想起来
2013-03-27 17:49 Loneight: 嗯?!
2013-03-27 17:49 popner: 他是X X XxxX 的节奏
2013-03-27 17:49 popner: 用hold貌似也行。。
2013-03-27 17:50 Loneight: 是可以~
2013-03-27 17:51 Loneight: 只是在咱感覺起來就好像OSU的 slider的slide沒有slidertick卻發出了鼓聲 (逃
2013-03-27 17:52 popner: en..
2013-03-27 17:54 Loneight: 為了好玩點 +些hold去代替複數鼓聲 也是可以的 :3
2013-03-27 17:54 popner: 其实。。
2013-03-27 17:54 Loneight: 嗯?~
2013-03-27 17:55 popner: 主要目的是熟悉键位,以及一些基本的排列
2013-03-27 17:55 Loneight: 嘎!
2013-03-27 17:55 Loneight: 咱把他當譜面mod了 www
2013-03-27 17:56 Loneight: 咱去撞牆 (望天 ...
2013-03-27 17:56 Loneight: 那別改~! 當咱沒說 loool!
2013-03-27 17:57 popner: 要吃饭了。。
2013-03-27 17:57 popner: 要是还有就post吧。。
2013-03-27 17:57 popner: 顺便把这个log也post一下
2013-03-27 17:57 Loneight: 嗯 :3
2013-03-27 18:04 Loneight: 其他咱看起來沒什麼問題 ~ 除了7k 感覺少了與5th(空白鍵)組合鍵 :3
2013-03-27 18:59 popner: ..
2013-03-27 18:59 Loneight: 嘎?!
2013-03-27 19:09 popner: post没。。
2013-03-27 19:10 Loneight: 士說這個log嘛 .. 咱剛剛關掉了 lol! 因為想說才一點點的說 ...
I notice that volume of hitsound from each rows are not equal, like 4K 01:40:545 (100545|2,100545|1) - , two normal note result to a total volume = 50% + 50%, while other rows with single note just play hitsound at 50%. Adjust note's volume by apply half volume to them, or add inhertied timing point at 01:36:305 - with 25% volume. Be careful you have some single note rows behind.

Another problem, 4K 01:36:056 (96056|1,96056|2) - ,the first note play finish and second play normal, but they should be the same to fit audio. Adjust hitsound and apply half volume too.

turn on special style in meta.
Topic Starter
Changed the volume, and adjusted the hitsounds.

Thanks for mod!
Wow, nice!
走起 ;)

spboxer3 wrote:

irc mod with mapper, unchecked letterbox and no more change

lol first :)
:) :) :)
sco 连发rank :D

gratz pop pop :D
omg!! congrats
The difficulties are well constructed, amazing job! Congratulations!
Topic Starter
Thank you guys :D
yaay osu!mania tutorial
Snowy Dream
瞎了 這麼快 恭喜~!
congratz :D
Best song ever
o.o grats~
wow it's like april fools 1 day too early
This is really nice
I hope we get more beginners getting into osumania
congrats~meaningful map xD
Lol, again...
omedeto o.o
GJ 233
grats~ popner~
lol on how the difficulties are arranged in reverse order :D
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