from my que
kiai time not the same in all diffs , I suggest you make them all the same , just suggestion
[Soror's Normal]
- Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
- 00:12:814 -
- 01:40:814 -
00:42:812 (2,3) - if you are not lazy and think this rhyme is better , then do this : (1) - I suggest change this to a circle here , and spinner start at 00:54:479 , sound and play better
01:06:146 (1) - hold slider may be confusing to newbies..
01:12:312 (2) - move to 01:12:479 ? follow the vocal better , but hard to play.. it's up to you
01:59:313 (1) - move 2nd square to x:168 y:348 , 3rd square to x:220 y:320
02:16:479 (2) - start at 02:16:646 ?
02:19:646 (3) - start at 02:19:812 ?
02:39:479 - hitsound from now on to 02:49:479 - is too loud..
02:44:812 (1,2) - like this , don't you feel the sliderslide is very noisy ? ._.
02:57:812 (5,1,2) - this spacing is kinda confusing.. 0.83x and 0.76x..
03:01:812 (1,2) - this 2 sliders are too short.. I don't think newbies can read this
03:07:812 (5) - no repeat plz.. it is kinda hard to read
[dksslqj's Song]
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
SPOILER00:22:048 00:22:798 00:22:881 00:32:964 00:33:048 01:28:714 01:29:464 01:29:548 01:39:631 01:39:714 02:39:298 02:50:048 02:50:381 02:50:548 02:51:048 02:51:214 02:51:798 02:51:881 02:52:381 02:52:548 02:53:131 02:53:214 02:53:714 02:53:881 02:54:464 02:54:548 02:55:131 02:55:214 02:55:798 02:55:881 02:56:381 02:56:548 02:57:048 02:57:214 02:57:714 02:57:881 02:58:048
so many unsnaped green lines.. it is no need to resnap them all , but may sure they all work well
CS-1 ?
00:23:479 (3) - end at 00:23:812
00:24:146 - if you fixed ^ , add a circle here
00:24:646 (3) - end at 00:25:146
00:25:479 - if you fixed ^ , add a circle here
00:25:979 (3) - end at 00:26:479
00:26:812 - if you fixed ^ , add a circle here
ok I stoped here , I won't point out this kind of suggestions again. but I strongly suggest you remap them all , I really don't know what you are following with this odd sliders.. not vocal not violin not keyboard ..
00:34:646 (2,3) - don't you think circle first , and slider later , better to follow the music?
01:05:479 (3) - ctrl + r , play better 0.0
01:41:312 (2,3) - same
02:12:146 (3) - same here..
03:10:646 (1,2) - uh.. hidden circle and hidden slider..don't do this plz
[Hard] OMG this is Insane..
- Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
- 00:22:967 -
- 00:32:883 -
- 01:39:548-
AR+1/2 plz
00:44:813 (1,2,3,4) - this rhyme is too suddenly.. I suggest make them to some sliders
00:46:146 (1,2,3,4) - and change some of this to sliders
00:50:146 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - if you fixed ^ , I think it is much better for players to read at this now
01:39:479 - add a circle here ? follow nothing but play better if add something here
01:55:979 (4,5) - I think follow vocal here is better than follow guitar..
02:04:312 - add note? and 02:04:479 , 02:04:646
02:34:979 (2) - x:24 y:192
02:35:479 (3) - x:256 y:352
02:35:979 (4) - x:488 y:192
^ this 3 suggestions are a row
03:01:813 (1) - x:384 y:240 , and newcombo 03:02:313 (3) , or it is very confusing here.
03:22:813 (2) - move to 03:22:646 and add note at 03:23:146 ? sound beter
03:24:229 - add note , and put this stack down and right a bit plz , or it is not on the middle when playing
that's all
good luck