
IOSYS - One-sided Love

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you meant "Back Ground" or exactly "Background" ?

Soror's Normal



[01:20:812] irrelevant nazi here

maybe it plays better being shaped more like a circle
[02:01:479] 1 grid right in grid size 3
[02:07:979] this slider overlaps not very properly with note 2&7
[02:44:146] use clap instead of whistle

dksslqj's Song

this is fine


yes, nothing is essential enough to point out
but dose nor-whistle really fit the song?
Hello~ as you requested

[Soror's Normal]

00:44:812 (1) - finish?
And why here are finishes and then there are no ones :S
Add them, please!
01:03:479 (1) - finish
01:08:812 (1) - ^
01:14:146 (1) - ^
And so on :S

Good diff, but if you add more hitsounds, it will be better.

[dksslqj's Song]

00:34:146 (1) - finish?
01:08:812 (x) - this part have too many finishes, maybe remove some?
01:40:812 (1) - finish?
02:15:479 (x) - same as in 01:08:812 -
02:50:146 (2) - finish?
02:55:479 (1) - ^

Very impressive diff.


00:12:812 (5) - finish
00:18:146 (5) - ^
00:39:312 (x) - add note :<
00:44:812 (1,2,3) - move them farther from each other
00:46:146 (1,2,3) - ^
00:50:146 (1,2,3) - ^
00:51:479 (1,2,3) - ^

Love this >w<


00:12:812 (5) - finish
00:13:812 (1) - remove nc
00:14:146 (2) - nc
00:18:146 (7) - finish
01:03:479 (1) - ^
01:08:812 (1) - ^
01:14:146 (3) - ^
01:19:479 (1) - ^
02:20:812 (1) - ^
02:50:146 (1) - ^
03:19:479 (1) - ^

Sooo good map. Good luck! ;)
What a great mapset.

Couldn't spot a single thing wrong with this...

00:46:146 (1,2,3,4) - I think flipping this pattern vertically would look nice

dksslqj's Song
00:49:646 (6) - Add a hit circle here
00:49:812 (7) - and here
00:49:979 (8) - and here
01:56:312 (6) - Same deal
01:56:479 (7) - ^^^
01:56:646 (8) - ^^^
The ending is really awesome

02:47:979 (4) - Move this one tick to the right. It's weird to suddenly follow the vocals when you've been following the beat the whole time.
Soror's Normal

SliderMultiplier:0.699999999999999 ?!
change it to 0.7 in .osu [Difficulty]
개인적으로 하드가 너무 어렵다고 보는데;;

게스트 난이도 아닌 하드는 되도록 쉽게 해줬으면 좋겠습니다.
(연타도 많이 나오고 중간중간에 점프까지...)


00:38:646 (3) - : ㅇ? 삼각형 만드시려고 하신거 같은데 한칸 오른쪽으로 하시는게 좋을 듯.(솔직히 하드치곤 어려운 노트배치)

00:48:813 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - : 하드에 엄청난 점프로군요...

00:57:146 (4,5) - : ^

01:05:313 (8) - : 3칸 옆으로 가시는게 좋을듯 합니다.

01:16:146 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - : 이 역시 점프가..

01:44:646 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - : ^

01:55:479 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - : ^

02:02:479 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - : ^

02:12:146 (1,2,3,4) - : ^

03:01:813 (1,2,3,4,5) - : ^

03:09:479 (6,7) - : ^

03:10:813 (10,11) - : ^

03:12:813 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - : ^

토탈 스코어를 보니까 9700000이더라고요;; 연타도 너무 많고... 약간 줄이시는게 좋을 듯 합니다.

하드치곤 너무 많은 스코어 같아보입니다. (디스턴스 + 프리 스타일은 인센있는 하드 상에서는 별로 않 좋다고 생각됩니다...)

이 모딩이 마음에 안드시면 버리셔도 되요 ㅠ... 아직 미완이시면...

여튼 모딩 끝입니다. 감사합니다. ^^... 맵 랭크 되기를 기원합니다!

나머지 맵은 모두 좋아요!
  • General
    The hitsound is just a little loud, all 70% -> 60%

    Soror's Normal
  1. I don't know why here is
    in fact, we all know it should be 0.7
  2. 01:55:479(3,4) 3 end at 00:15:812, and 4 begin at 01:56:146


    dksslqj's Song
    the second section is just Ctrl+H? Maybe you should change some patterns.
  3. 00:23:479(3) end at 00:24:146
  4. 00:24:312(1) remove
  5. 00:57:146(2) I know you want to jump here, but 3.06x is still too far, maybe 2.5x is better
  6. 01:05:419(3) ^
  7. 01:30:146(3,1) like 00:23:479
  8. 03:00:812(1~4) too far, like 03:19:419
Sry, I cannot mod Lunatic, it's too hard for me...
Good luck, and No kds
Nice map L i a :)
A short little mod for you~

• You can barley hear the Normal Hit clap. You can't hear the difference between the normal sounds and normal clap in game.
• Not quite fond of the spread on this map. Only one easier diff and three harder ones. You should make an Easy.

• 01:06:146 (1) - This squiggly slider is slow and would throw people off. I suggest re-making the slider or maybe speeding it up would do the trick.
• 01:49:146 (4) - Add a new combo on this note to match 01:43:813 (1).
• 01:56:313 (4) - This slider is pretty off-putting, people would hit it too early because the guitar is on 01:56:146. I suggest you try this:

• 01:59:313 (4) - New combo on this note to match the lyrics better.
• 02:04:812 - Why don't you have another Kiai time to stay consistent?

[dksslqj's Song]
• 00:28:146 (1) - Move this note closer so people would not confuse it for a note on the red tick like 00:27:646 (1)
• 01:04:646 (1) - Remove the new combo on this note to match with 00:59:313 (3).
• 01:34:812 (1) - Same as the first point.
• 02:11:312 (1) - Same as the second point.

• 01:18:146 (1) - This slider would work better if it started on 01:17:979. It flows better and matches the music also.
• 03:22:646 (2) - I think this pattern would work better if you deleted this note. It's pretty frustrating to hit.


• 00:44:479 (6) - Not sure anyone is going to get this slow down on their first play through especially since everything else is so fast paced.

Good map and ready for MAT.
Deserves a star ♪~
(Yay! 100th Kudosu earned :3)
have kiai problem

[Soror's Normal]
00:58:147 - unsnap kiai time
01:19:480 - ^
03:24:814 - ^

Uh...not big problem. but note spacing really too close

[dksslqj's Song]
00:55:313 (2) - NC? looks not prefect to play
03:05:479 (5) - ^

loool Hard 5.00 star!?
unsnap kiai time
unsnap kiai time
00:58:147 -
01:07:314 -
01:08:814 -
01:18:147 -
02:04:814 -
02:13:980 -
02:15:480 -
02:24:814 -
03:03:480 -
03:12:647 -
03:14:147 -
03:24:814 -

00:19:312 (8) - NC?
02:25:479 (1) - spinner too short. at less need 2000 bonus~
03:06:646 (4,6) - stack it
03:08:813 (4,6) - ^
03:09:979 (7) - NC?

kiai problem same as Hard
03:11:479 (1,3) - stack it
These are merely suggestions. You may or may not heed them. But I urge you to consider all, if not some of them.

Soror's Normal: The spacing is consistent visually, although certain areas need to be spread out a little bit more.

- 00:17:812 (4) - Too close in proximity to the previous note imo.

dksslqj's Song: As usual, spacing is a little large here.

If this is really meant to be a Hard difficulty, I'll strongly advise you to use AR7 & OD5, I feel it works better than what the current settings are.
The map doesn't have that many objects so you wouldn't want to use AR8.
I also notice some consistent copy-pasting at parts like the chorus and the slider shaping, they're neat I think.

- 01:07:313 (4) - Reverse selection?

- 02:13:979 (4) - ^

- 03:00:479 (4) - Perhaps this is not such a good idea. It's more fitting if you stack at the slider end.

- 03:02:313 (1,2,3) - Should soften this spacing imo. Bit too large jumping here.

- 03:22:146 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^

Hard: The map itself doesn't seem to have issues.

I like your usage of anti-jumps to start off a new section.
Would have preferred if you mapped until the end, because it would be nice to finish the map with a satisfying closure.
If you do map until the end the other difficulties should follow as well.

- 00:43:813 (2) - You could stack this on (3)and shift (4) to the previous (4) like this:

- 01:06:146 (1,2) - Mmm, if you want to, you could touch up and use grid size 4 to perfect the shape of the sliders.

- 01:10:646 (7) - Perhaps you could stack this on (6). It feels like you brought it too far right imo

That's it.
from my que

kiai time not the same in all diffs , I suggest you make them all the same , just suggestion

[Soror's Normal]
  • Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
  1. 00:12:814 -
  2. 01:40:814 -
00:42:812 (2,3) - if you are not lazy and think this rhyme is better , then do this :
00:54:146 (1) - I suggest change this to a circle here , and spinner start at 00:54:479 , sound and play better
01:06:146 (1) - hold slider may be confusing to newbies..
01:12:312 (2) - move to 01:12:479 ? follow the vocal better , but hard to play.. it's up to you
01:59:313 (1) - move 2nd square to x:168 y:348 , 3rd square to x:220 y:320
02:16:479 (2) - start at 02:16:646 ?
02:19:646 (3) - start at 02:19:812 ?
02:39:479 - hitsound from now on to 02:49:479 - is too loud..
02:44:812 (1,2) - like this , don't you feel the sliderslide is very noisy ? ._.
02:57:812 (5,1,2) - this spacing is kinda confusing.. 0.83x and 0.76x..
03:01:812 (1,2) - this 2 sliders are too short.. I don't think newbies can read this
03:07:812 (5) - no repeat plz.. it is kinda hard to read

[dksslqj's Song]
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
00:22:048 00:22:798 00:22:881 00:32:964 00:33:048 01:28:714 01:29:464 01:29:548 01:39:631 01:39:714 02:39:298 02:50:048 02:50:381 02:50:548 02:51:048 02:51:214 02:51:798 02:51:881 02:52:381 02:52:548 02:53:131 02:53:214 02:53:714 02:53:881 02:54:464 02:54:548 02:55:131 02:55:214 02:55:798 02:55:881 02:56:381 02:56:548 02:57:048 02:57:214 02:57:714 02:57:881 02:58:048
so many unsnaped green lines.. it is no need to resnap them all , but may sure they all work well
CS-1 ?
00:23:479 (3) - end at 00:23:812
00:24:146 - if you fixed ^ , add a circle here
00:24:646 (3) - end at 00:25:146
00:25:479 - if you fixed ^ , add a circle here
00:25:979 (3) - end at 00:26:479
00:26:812 - if you fixed ^ , add a circle here
ok I stoped here , I won't point out this kind of suggestions again. but I strongly suggest you remap them all , I really don't know what you are following with this odd sliders.. not vocal not violin not keyboard ..
00:34:646 (2,3) - don't you think circle first , and slider later , better to follow the music?
01:05:479 (3) - ctrl + r , play better 0.0
01:41:312 (2,3) - same
02:12:146 (3) - same here..
03:10:646 (1,2) - uh.. hidden circle and hidden slider..don't do this plz

[Hard] OMG this is Insane..
  • Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
  1. 00:22:967 -
  2. 00:32:883 -
  3. 01:39:548-
AR+1/2 plz
00:44:813 (1,2,3,4) - this rhyme is too suddenly.. I suggest make them to some sliders
00:46:146 (1,2,3,4) - and change some of this to sliders
00:50:146 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - if you fixed ^ , I think it is much better for players to read at this now
01:39:479 - add a circle here ? follow nothing but play better if add something here
01:55:979 (4,5) - I think follow vocal here is better than follow guitar..
02:04:312 - add note? and 02:04:479 , 02:04:646
02:34:979 (2) - x:24 y:192
02:35:479 (3) - x:256 y:352
02:35:979 (4) - x:488 y:192
^ this 3 suggestions are a row
03:01:813 (1) - x:384 y:240 , and newcombo 03:02:313 (3) , or it is very confusing here.
03:22:813 (2) - move to 03:22:646 and add note at 03:23:146 ? sound beter
03:24:229 - add note , and put this stack down and right a bit plz , or it is not on the middle when playing

that's all
good luck

wcx19911123 wrote:

[Soror's Normal]
  • Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
  1. 00:12:814 -
  2. 01:40:814 -

00:42:812 (2,3) - if you are not lazy and think this rhyme is better , then do this : I won't use 1/2 beats here considering the whole diff didn't.
00:54:146 (1) - I suggest change this to a circle here , and spinner start at 00:54:479 , sound and play better Fixed
01:06:146 (1) - hold slider may be confusing to newbies.. Not that much, especially when the slider zigzag like this...
01:12:312 (2) - move to 01:12:479 ? follow the vocal better , but hard to play.. it's up to you I guess... not, in my preference.
01:59:313 (1) - move 2nd square to x:168 y:348 , 3rd square to x:220 y:320 Fixed... Much better now. thx
02:16:479 (2) - start at 02:16:646 ? Fixed
02:19:646 (3) - start at 02:19:812 ? Fixed... in other way
02:39:479 - hitsound from now on to 02:49:479 - is too loud.. Fixed
02:44:812 (1,2) - like this , don't you feel the sliderslide is very noisy ? ._. Yeah... I agreed = =
02:57:812 (5,1,2) - this spacing is kinda confusing.. 0.83x and 0.76x.. When you see some overlapped notes, there are 1/1 beats. if not, they are 3/2 or further... and the notes here follow the beats strictly.
03:01:812 (1,2) - this 2 sliders are too short.. I don't think newbies can read this This rhythm repeats through the music several times... To be honest, I like this.
03:07:812 (5) - no repeat plz.. it is kinda hard to read Just one repeat... would be no problem?
Thanks for the modding.

Download: IOSYS - One-sided Love (L i a) [Soror's Normal].osu
Hi! from teruteru modding & guest diff queuesorry for the late...... xD

[Soror's Normal]
02:57:312 (4) - grid : 1 or 2 times up.
03:24:479 (4) - grid : 2 times to the left or 2 times to the right.

[dksslqj's Song]
02:54:146 (4) -

thats all! Good Luck :D
From queue:

Letterboxing is probably unnecessary.

[Soror's Normal]
I've never been a fan of non-standard distance spacing (specifically when it's less than 1.0x) because it leads to misleading gaps and overlaps where it shouldn't. Regardless...
00:44:812 (1,2) - Distance spacing of 0.8x says too close together.
00:52:646 (3,4) - ^

[dksslqj's Song]
Can't really flaw this map.
01:41:812 (3,1) - Might want to watch things like this, because it doesn't really look like a jump. :)

00:37:979 (1) - Try this slider...
00:38:646 (3) - ...and move this one right.
01:28:146 (2) - One left...
01:28:812 (3) - ...and try this slider:
01:49:979 (1,2,3,4) - One right?
01:51:479 (1) - Try this slider...
01:52:146 (2) - ...and move this one right.
01:52:812 (1) - Try this slider...
01:53:479 (2) - ...and move this one left.

00:21:257 (3) - Two left to centre it?
00:21:701 (2) - Two right to centre it?
01:27:479 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Move these four right to centre them?

Very nice.
Abe Nana
모딩아닙니다 보지마세여

[Soror's Normal]
02:07:812 - 02:11:146 여기도 박자가 하나씩 들어가면 좋을거같습니다만.. 1/2이네
02:18:978 (2,3) - 레드스틱 위라 어색한 느낌이 듭니다.

OD -1 :I
00:34:812 (3,4,1) - 스페이싱이 한쪽으로 쏠려있습니다.
01:15:813 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - 모양이 좀 이상한 느낌입니다. 하지만 이런식이 되면 6각이 되버리니...

왠만한 다른 맵의 인세인 뺨치는 난이도의 하드네요.


00:31:146 (6) - whistle
01:05:313 (1,2,3) - 서클과 슬라이더 간격이 다릅니다.
Hi L i a~ >w</
Mod Request accepted from my queue

  • Green combocolor doesn't fit imo. Is there a better color?
    Write that dksslqj's Song is a Hard diff in description. I thought it was a normal diff because there are 4 diffs.
Soror's Normal
  • 00:54:479 (1) - End on white tick? The "Finish" hitsound sounds awkward on a red tick imo.
    01:08:479 (2) - Stack with 01:06:146 (1) - ?
    02:00:813 (1) - As I said before.
dksslqj's song
  • There are 4 slider speeds but I think they play fine.
    00:55:146 (1,2,3,4,5) - Start at center?
    01:01:313 (3) - 1 grid left
    02:01:812 (1,2,3,4,5) - As I said before.
    02:07:979 (3) - As I said before.
    03:00:479 (4) - This plays perfectly, but it is a hidden note under slider, was this rankable? I'm not sure
  • 00:40:146 (3) - Change direction so it doesn't touch 00:40:646 (1) - ?
    01:12:646 (6) - Change shape so it doesn't touch 01:12:479 (5) - ?
    01:55:646 (2,3,4) - Maybe center these like this?
    02:12:812 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pattern suggestion
    02:39:479 (1) - Adjust shape so it doesn't touch 02:39:313 (6) - ?
    03:15:813 (5,6,7,8) - Pattern suggestion
  • 4 slider speeds but I think they're ok
    Mostly nazi mods
    00:47:312 (1) - Change shape so it doesn't touch 00:47:813 (2) - ?
    00:48:479 (4) - Move few grids left so it doesn't touch 00:48:146 (3) - ?
    00:53:479 (3) - Move few grids up so it doesn't touch 00:53:146 (2) - ?
    01:05:313 (1,2,3,4) - Center at y-axis
    01:27:479 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Move 4 grids to right so it's symmetrical at center?
    02:06:646 (1,2,3,4) - Make them symmetrical across y-axis?
    02:14:146 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^
    02:54:146 (1,2,3,4) - Space them so they don't touch each other? And make (3) and (4) symmetrical across the y-axis~
    03:22:479 (2) - Flip horizontally?
omg nice mapset
good luck for rank~ ;)
Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.Your message is too short.

Download: IOSYS - One-sided Love (L i a) [dksslqj's Song].osu
A paulo citius
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
재밋게. 잘만들엇네
노트배치가 내가 좋아하는 타입이야
재밋게 하고 갈게
Topic Starter
L i a
젠장 어디한번 해보자 이번에야말로 랭크시키겠어
..할려 했지만 지적할 부분이 없을정도로 잘 만드셧네요 허허....
실력 부족해 모딩 못해드린거 죄송하고 별이나 주고 갑니다
랭크되시길 바래요~
Topic Starter
L i a
헉 한국인이셨구나; 모딩큐 죄송해요 도배해버려서 ㅜㅜ
- Rche -
[Soror's Normal]
this diff plays okay but... sounds not okay. there are awkward beats in this diff.
e.g.00:16:479 (2,3), 00:43:146 (3,4), 01:02:146 (3), 01:06:146 (1,2), 01:11:479 (1,2,3), 01:14:812 (2,3)...
in this reason i suggest you remap some of these awkward beats.
also the new combos in this diff is...i don't know how to say, but it's no good either.
you'd better revise the placement of new combos.
btw this is not easy enough to be the easiest diffs imo.

00:22:146 (1) - i would suggest you start this spinner a bit later and put a note on here.
00:40:146 (3,1) - (3) is overlapping (1) and it's a bit...not good-looking. not a big deal though.
01:05:146 (7,8,9) - i don't know if i should mark "spacing" here. there are quite many similar "spacing" though...
03:01:813 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is ...damn hard to read.
sry if i'm too harsh.
03:24:313 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - i wonder if it fits the song.

that's all.
leave a star here.
and merry x'mas.
hi~ L i a :)

from my queue ~

here my mod ~

  1. Song Setup - tags - add Nakagawa-Kanon ? in all diff
  2. KIAI TIME - It is not unified in all diff. Please unify it ><;
[Soror's Normal]
  1. 00:52:646 (3) - add NC
  2. 00:53:479 (4) - spacing too close (0.68x)
  3. 00:54:479 (1) - spinner start 00:54:312
  4. 01:08:479 (2) - stack to end of the slider with 01:06:146 (1) ?
  5. 01:12:312 (2,3) - Suggestion of the rhythm
  6. 02:15:146 (4) - add NC and 02:15:813 - remove NC
  7. 02:18:979 (2,3,4) - Suggestion of the rhythm
  8. 02:24:812 (1) - spinner start 02:24:646
  9. 02:39:479 - green line. Why do you use N:C2 ? ( folder does not have normal-customhitsound2 )
  10. 02:47:979 (4) - I think slider end 02:48:812 is better. ><
  11. 03:14:812 (3,4) - 3slider: end 03:15:146, 4slider:03:15:479~03:16:146
  12. 03:24:479 (4) - add NC ?
[dksslqj's Song]
  1. green line S:C1 - Why do you use S:C1 ? ( folder does not have soft-customhitsound. ) Is it a mistake of S:C2 ?
  2. 00:37:979 (4) - add NC ?
  3. 00:43:313 (4) - ^
  4. 00:49:646~00:49:979 - plz put something >< suggestion
  5. 00:55:146 (1) - remove NC and 00:55:313 - add NC ?
  6. 00:57:646 (1,2,3,1) - Why is it that DS is not constant?
  7. 01:03:146 (1) - remove NC and 01:03:479 - add NC
  8. 01:04:646 (1) - remove NC ?
  9. 01:56:312~01:56:646 - same 00:49:646~00:49:979
  10. 02:01:812 (1) - remove NC and 02:01:979 - add NC ?
  11. 02:05:312 (2) - two tick right move? ( 02:05:479 )
  12. 02:12:812 (4) - add NC ?
  1. OD -1 ( lower than Lunatic diff )
  2. 01:02:813 (8) - add NC and 01:03:146 - remove NC and 01:03:479 - add NC
  3. 01:05:479 (7) - add NC ?
  4. 01:10:813 (8) - ^
  5. 01:18:146 (1) - spinner start 01:17:979
  6. 01:24:812 (4) - add NC
  7. 02:06:646 (3) - add NC ?
  8. 02:09:562 (8) - ^
  9. 02:17:479 (7) - ^
  10. 02:22:812 (9) - ^
  11. 02:24:812 (1) - spinner start 02:24:646
  12. 02:39:479 (1) - more point slider. try ↓
  13. 02:56:979 (1) - one grid right. x220,y224 ( use grid size 4 )
  14. 03:02:313 (3) - add NC
  15. 03:05:479 (8) - ^
  16. 03:09:979 (1) - remove NC and 03:10:813 - add NC
  17. 03:16:146 (7) - add NC
  18. 03:18:646 (8) - add NC and 03:19:146 - remove NC and 03:19:479 - add NC
  19. 03:21:479 (8) - add NC
  20. 03:24:313 (6) - ^
  1. HD +1 (higher than Hard diff )
  2. 00:32:979 (3) - add NC and 00:33:812 - remove NC and 00:34:146 - add NC
  3. 01:10:813 (7) - add NC
  4. 01:40:479 (1) - remove NC and 01:40:812 - add NC
  5. 01:51:146 (1) - remove NC and 01:51:479 - add NC ( same 00:44:479 (6,1) )
  6. 02:38:813 (7) - add NC ?
  7. 03:00:146 (5) - slider velocity use 0.50x or 0.75x is better ?
  8. 03:07:979 (8) - add NC and 03:08:479 - remove NC and 03:08:813 - add NC
  9. 03:15:479 (1) - remove NC and 03:16:146 - add NC
  10. 03:18:146 (1) - remove NC and 03:18:813 - add NC
  11. 03:18:813 (3,4) - add a whistle instead of clap to start of the slider
  12. 03:20:813 (1) - remove NC and 03:21:479 - add NC
  13. 03:24:146 (5) - add NC ?
That's all ~

Good map ~ Star☆ :oops:

Good luck ~ :)
The 08 team_Bourdon
Hi :)

  1. KIAI Time did not same as all difficulty.
Soror's Normal
00:49:812 (4) - why dont start the New Combo from here??
01:00:812 (1,2) - change them like this?? -->
01:12:312 (2,3) - ^ -->
01:55:479 (3,4) - ^ --> , if you agree this, then New Combo start from this circle (4).
02:15:146 (4) - why dont start the New Combo from here??
02:18:979 (2,3) - move two of them on the next white line??

  1. Approach Rate change to 6??
00:32:979 (1,2,3) - move the slider (1) to x:208, y:156. (2) x:256, y:100. (3) x:304, y:156 ?
02:44:813 (1,4) - try to make this two slider to a bit curve?
@ Nice Difficulty. <3

dksslqj's Song
  1. Approach Rate change to 7??
  2. Resnap all Green timing line.
00:16:813 (4) - down 1 grid? x:176, y:296
02:05:646 (3) - move to in-front white line? and 02:05:979 - add a circle?
02:20:312 (5) - why dont start the New Combo at here?
02:21:979 (5) - add a New Combo?
02:24:479 (5) - why dont start the New Combo at here??
03:14:146 (1) - start from here... got lot boring slider... try to change some circle at here??

  1. Resnap all Green timing line.
00:41:146 (1) - make it like this? *ignore the notes' positioning*-->
00:42:479 (5) - why dont start the New Combo at here? If you agree this, 00:44:146 (3) - add a New Combo?
02:02:646 (3,4,5) - move to left 1 grid?? and the circle (5) up 1 grid?
02:22:479 (4) - move this slider middle point down 1 grid??

Good Luck. ;)
Sorry for taking so long to get to this...

You probably need a diff between Soror's Normal and Hard/dksslqj's song, a 4-star diff having a max score at about 3M max score i guess...
Add dksslqj to tags.

[Soror's Normal]
00:16:479 (2) - maybe place beats like this..?

00:54:312 (1) - i don't think the finish is needed, cause it stops at a irregular point and you'll have a finish to start your next part... so this is a bit extra.
01:12:312 (2) - the beats sounds not good here, especially when compared to your previous parts (suddenly follow vocal here and the effect is not good)
01:56:313 (4) - you should really start this 1/2 earlier, don't pay too much attention to the symmetry placement orz.
02:18:979 (2,3) - similar to 01:12:312 (2)
03:15:646 (4) - start this 1/2 later may be a good idea..?
Also the spacing could be larger imo, having 1/1 notes have parts stack on each other is kinda crowded.

00:42:979 (3,4) - personally i prefer not to use a point to stack multiple times now... so maybe..?

00:50:146 (1) - maybe you'd like to use a slider here first (the beats are not intuitive here) like what you did in the next part (01:51:479 (1) - )
01:17:979 - add a note?
03:00:479 (6) - stack on next (1)?
03:14:813 (3) - maybe ctrl+r
03:24:146 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - move the notes right&down a bit, then it would look nicer when playing.

[dksslqj's song]
01:09:479 (2) - do you really need so many finishes here....(also other parts, won't mention again)
02:05:479 - it's maybe on purpose but... add a note?

00:32:979 (1,2) - i think the spacing increase should start from here...?
00:50:062 - add a note?
00:57:146 (4,5) - use a slider instead? (a mirror of 00:56:813 (3) or whatever)
01:02:646 - add a note?
01:56:729 - ^
01:56:812 (1,2,3) - the large jumps here don't make much sense to me...
02:03:812 (4,5) - same suggestion as 00:57:146 (4,5)
Kirino Kousaka
Hello~ Here's my mod =w=(a request from my queue)

03:32:812 - Add a spinner here until "03:34:812", with 5% soft audio.

02:34:979 (2) - Remove "finish".
02:35:979 (4) - ^
02:58:146 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Remove "whistle".

01:08:146 (5) - Add NC.
01:18:812 (4) - ^
02:01:979 (1) - This slider's design looks kinda irrelevant compared to the others.
02:14:812 (5) - Add NC.
02:25:479 (4) - ^

Cool map :3 Good Luck~ :)
Hi! Here's my fast mod :3

[Soror’s Normal]

00:12:979 (1) – This spinner starts really early to the previous slider for a Normal difficulty. You should move it at least 2 ticks forward or search for an alternative.
00:15:479 (1,2,3) – This rhythm sounds a bit weird to me. Maybe make (1) 1 tick larger? It sounds better imo.
00:17:812 (4) – NC and remove NC of 00:18:146 (1).
00:49:812 (1) – NC here and remove NC of 00:50:812 (1).
00:54:312 (1) – Same spinner problem as I told you above.
00:59:312 (2) – I see and understand that you’re following the vocal but I don’t like when there are notes placed (or ending in the case of sliders) at red ticks in Easy and Normal difficulties. It doesn’t sound good to me. It’s a Normal difficulty so try to follow the vocals in a more simple way, placing (and ending, again in the case of sliders) notes at white ticks. Try this, it sounds better to me:
01:08:479 (2) – NC here and remove NC of 01:08:812 (1).
01:13:812 (4) – NC here and remove NC of 01:14:146 (1).
01:14:812 (2,3) – Try this to avoid red ticks and to make a more simple and easy to follow rhythm:
01:30:146 (1,2,3) - ^
01:30:813 (1) – Remove NC.
01:35:146 (3) – Remove hitfinish. It doesn’t sound good there.
01:35:479 (1,2,3,4) – Again, try this to avoid red ticks and to make a more simple and easy to follow rhythm:
01:40:479 (4) – Remove hitfinish here and add it to the next slider (1) start instead.
01:40:813 (1,2,3) - ^
01:43:813 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:46:479 (1,2,3) - ^
01:49:146 (1,2,3) – Again, to avoid red ticks and stuff: Also, I don’t want to be annoying complaining about slider shapes but the slider (2) shape doesn’t look good.
01:53:979 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:57:479 (1,2,1,2) - ^
02:04:813 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:09:813 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:12:813 (1) – Make this slider 1 tick shorter and add 1 repeat.
02:15:146 (4) – NC here and remove NC of 02:15:813 (1).
02:16:646 (2) – Move this slider 1 tick back, then make it 1 tick shorter and add 1 repeat.
02:17:812 (x) – Maybe you can add a note here.
02:20:813 (1,2,3) – Try this instead:
02:23:146 (x) – Add a note?
02:23:479 (1) – Make 1 tick larger.
02:42:146 (3) – I don’t like this hitfinish here.
02:47:479 (3) – NC.
02:49:479 (1) – I don’t find this NC so necessary.
03:06:146 (3) – Add a repeat to this slider and delete (4).
03:14:812 (3) – Make this slider 1 tick shorter and add 1 repeat to it.
03:18:312 (3,4) – Move this 2 notes 1 tick back. After that, make slider (4) 1 tick shorter and add 1 repeat to it.
03:24:479 (4) – What a weird ending. It sounds better if you put a spinner at 03:23:146.


00:12:646 (3) – Whistle.
00:12:812 (5) – Whistle at start.
00:17:313 (8) - ^
00:17:979 (3) – Whistle.
00:18:146 (5) – Whistle at start.
01:10:813 (8) – Remove NC?
01:40:479 (5) – NC here instead of being at 01:40:812 (1)?
02:09:812 (3) – NC here instead of being at 02:10:146 (1)?

[dksslqj’s Song]

00:12:479 (1,2) – I don’t like this overlap >o<
00:22:146 (1) – Remove NC?
00:43:313 (4) – NC.
00:46:146 (3) – Maybe NC?
00:52:146 (4) - ^
03:01:479 (3) – Place where previous note 03:00:479 (4) was?

I like a lot this difficulty. Cool mapping style. Nice job!


Nothing special to say about this difficulty. Oh, since you used sound samples in a similar way than the Hard, you can apply the hitsound suggestions that I told you in the Hard Difficulty if you like how it sounds.


Good luck!
Request from my and Crystals modding queue~ :D
Damn Kei was faster than me ._.
Sororo s Normal: nothing to mod here~
03:14:730 - (2)- place the hit circle a little bit closer to that slider~
00:20:812 - (1)- similar as above ^ need to place it closer to the previous slider.
dksslqj s song:
00:17:230 - (5)- same as above^
00:43:229 - (slider 3)- ^
Lunatic: nothing generall... ._.
And there is also something that really bugs me; dksslqj s diff and Lunatic diff have a problem: the both use more than 3 slider speeds. Maps can have a max of 3 slider speeds so try to reduce them to that number~
Thats all I guess...hope it heled ya anyways! ^3
nothing to fix
Hey! you requested a mod in my mod queue! so here I am :3

everything looks good

I did a timing check, everything looks good there too

[Soror's Normal]
00:43:146 (3,4) - try something like this:
01:14:812 (2,3) - ^
01:40:479 (4) - remove finish and add a finish 01:40:813 (1) - here instead. (on start)
01:55:479 (3,4) - try something like this:
02:47:479 (3) - add new combo here and remove nc 02:49:479 (1) - here instead
03:01:812 (1) - remove nc
03:17:479 (2,3,4) - try something like this:

01:28:812 (3) - add new combo
02:05:979 (1) - remove new combo
03:06:646 (4,6) - stack the end of these two sliders better like this
03:24:146 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - make that stream like you did in lunatic. It fits awesome

[dksslgj's Song]
I suggest dksslgj's Love as diff name. It relates better to the song title :P
00:35:312 (1) - 1 grid right and 00:35:812 (2) - 1 grid up. (It looks better imo) Nazi
00:38:479 (5,6) - 1 grid left Nazi
00:41:979 (1) - 1 grid right Nazi
01:02:646 (7) - stack the start of the slider with 01:01:979 (5) - better. Nazi
01:02:646 (7,1) - ^
01:43:312 (1,2) - ^
03:10:646 (1,2) - ^
02:26:146 (6) - NC?

AR -1
OD +1
01:51:146 (4) - make it 1/4 shorter
02:07:979 (4,5,6,7) - stack these slider ends better. Nazi
02:33:979 (9) - make it 1/4 shorter
03:16:813 (1,2,3,4) - stack these slider ends better. Nazi
omg. That SV in the end is killing everybody :D

that's all. Awesome map. Awesome song! Starr :3
:) Lunatic is so hard :)

44:479 (4) - 별로 중요한 부분은 아니지만 1:51:146 (4)와 같은 부분인데 앞파트는 소리가 없고 뒤쪽은 소리가 있는데
의도 하신 부분인가요??
2:27:812 (1,2) - 1번 슬라이더에 가려서 뒤쪽의 3,4,1 부분이 눈에 잘 들어오지 않는데
특별히 문제가 없다면 이렇게 바꿔보는건 어떨까요
3:19:449 (1,2,3,4) - 주변 슬라이더가 전부 대칭적이라 생각해봤는데 이렇게 하면 어떨까요
All suggestions~
You can ignore if you don't like it.

Soror's Normal
00:23:479 (1) - remove new combo
Looks nice~

00:43:979 (3) - add whistle to start this slider
01:50:646 (3) - Ctrl+R?
02:01:979 (1) - 1 grid up at red point
02:43:479 (6) - remove whistle to sliderslide this slider
03:00:479 (6) - this like x:256 y:328

dksslqj's Song
01:05:479 (3) - Ctrl+R?
02:20:479 (1,2,3,4) - this like pattern 02:48:813 (2) - add whistle to end this slider

02:24:479 (5) - Ctrl+R?
03:07:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this like
Good song and Nice mapset!!!<3
sry I'm noob Modder :o
01:51:146 (4) - Just end on 1/2??? I don't think why that should be on 1/4 ;_; Since there's no melody but just tricky orz

Just wonder about something but whatever orz
Hai, took from #modreqs

  1. Try offset 12470, it's better to me.
  2. In the normal and dksslqj's song use the same kiai time of the hard and lunatic please :S
Soror's Normal
  1. 00:17:146 (3) - This circle follows nothing :\ Move it to 00:17:312 so it fits the sound "P" lol
  2. 01:15:646 (3) - Mh, I suggest you to move it to 01:15:812 and reduce it by 1/2:
  3. 01:55:479 (3) - Extend this slider 1/2 so it follows the voice, and make in this way?
  1. Rename it insane? It's has as an insane diff o:
  2. 02:13:812 (5,6) - Overlap with 02:12:646 (4)?
  3. fine :S
dksslqj's Song
  1. 01:05:479 (3) - ctrl + r
  2. 03:00:479 (4) - Un grid left, so it's overlap with the next slider 03:01:479 (3)
  3. Omg I like this map >w<
  1. 00:18:146 (7,1) - Exchange new combo :S
  2. 00:23:312 (1) - Useless circle, please remove it :\
  3. 00:57:646 - 00:57:812 - 00:57:979Add 3 circles here, they are good:
  4. 02:04:312 ^
  5. 03:02:979 ^ I understand that you did it on purpouse but it's better if you add it imho
That's all, good luck \:D/
Modding! Hope to help you! >w<''

  1. Hmmm, At 'dksslqj's Song' the third and fifth kiais ends half tick after after the other difficulties, is that on purpose? I suggest you to finish them:
    1. #3 Kiai - 02:13:969
      #5 Kiai - 03:12:636
  1. 00:22:136 (2,1) - I think I can say about these two because they are on the end of the phrase... The flow looks really bad here, but it's still easy to fix, try making something like this. Just 'ctrl+<' the pattern and put it on it's place.
  2. 02:49:469 (1) - Here I suggest you to remove the new combo, it looks redundant since you have a new combo on the next note.
Overall Grade: 6.7

dksslqj's Song
  1. 00:48:803 (1,2,3,4,5) - dksslqj, sir. This pattern follows really nothing. I think you can do something like this.
  2. 01:55:469 (1,2,3,4,5) - Oh copy/paste copy/suggestion.
  3. Consider adding a spinner in somewhere to differentiate the score.
Overall Grade: 9.7

  1. 03:24:136 (1) - Oh, this spinner is not even rankable, autoplay needs to get at least 2000 points and gets 1000 now. Try to make something like this(move 1/4 beat before) and it will be fine.
  2. The bpm is too fast for AR8, consider moving it to 9, plays really better for me.
  3. 01:16:136 (1,2,3,4) - I particulary HATE circle'd jumps just sayin'.
Overall Grade: 9.3

  1. AR 9 is all I can say, if you don't use AR9 call me and I will mod this difficulty again point every hidden note by the AR8.
Overall Grade AR8: 6.8
Overall Grade AR9: 9.6
hi- :)

request from my queue



[Soror's Normal]

●00:39:803 (1) - Move (x:352 y:264) I think so
●00:51:469 (2) - Hmm.. change please ⇒ (Easier)

[dksslqj's Song]



●00:22:136 (1) - Add whistle?
●00:41:803 (4,2) - try



●00:21:025 (2) AND 00:21:692 (2) Move (x:256 y:276)

Good map!!!!!!

That's All
00:14:136 (1) - why new combo here? remove it
00:17:303 (1) - same
00:48:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this combo sounds and plays better this way because the slider fits the guitar, and in the middle of where you had the slider before, you can place a note that follow the vocals very well

00:59:303 (1) - remove new combo and add new combo it here 01:00:136 (4) - (since this is the pattern you used in Lunatic you should keep it the same)

dksslqj's Song
01:02:636 (7) - the two sliders like here 01:00:136 (5,6) - fits way more
01:45:969 (1) - remove new combo and add it in next note
01:47:803 (1) - remove new combo too, those short combos doesn't make sense to me at all, an example of a good short combo is this one on Insane 02:17:469 (1,2) -
02:14:636 (3,4) - this is out of place, if you listen the song carefully the stream starts here 02:14:803 - and ends here 02:15:136 -
02:22:803 (8) - new combo here like you did here 02:17:469 (1,2,3) -
add a spinner to vary scores
Why not changing diff name to dksslqj's Hard?

Soror's Normal
00:21:470 (1) - remove new combo and add one here 00:22:136 - remove new combo from the next note too
01:55:470 (3,4) - sounds off, try something else that fits the music better

This is for all mappers on this set, I see you have some problem setting new combos. Not everyone uses the same criteria when adding new combo but, when you make a new combo pattern for your map, you should be consistent in it. For example, new combos will follow the music and will be one every 8 beats, or new combos will follow the vocals and will be one every 4 beats, something like that, i hope you guys understand me ^^

Good luck :)
Topic Starter
L i a
00:14:136 (1) - why new combo here? remove it (Fix)
00:17:303 (1) - same (Fix)
00:48:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this combo sounds and plays better this way because the slider fits the guitar, and in the middle of where you had the slider before, you can place a note that follow the vocals very well (no ..)

00:59:303 (1) - remove new combo and add new combo it here 01:00:136 (4) - (since this is the pattern you used in Lunatic you should keep it the same) (Fix)

Lissette wrote:

Soror's Normal
00:21:470 (1) - remove new combo and add one here 00:22:136 - remove new combo from the next note too I tried to used them every two white ticks here, and there is a long white tick before this note. And to say about the last note... it has the same reason firstly, and also there's a change of the atmosphere.
01:55:470 (3,4) - sounds off, try something else that fits the music better It follows the instrument here.
Thank you for the modding.
Hi, from my queue

[Soror's Normal]

  1. 00:34:136 (1) - endpoint 1 grid left
  2. 01:11:469 (1) - move middle point to (192,160)
  3. 01:14:803 (2) - I think this slider end at 01:15:136 is better
  4. 01:30:803 (2) - add whistle at start?
  5. 01:31:803 (3,4) - add some curve between 3 and 4 will look better.
  6. 01:55:470 (3) - 1/2 longer
  7. 01:56:469 (5) - 1/2 later; 1/2 shorter
  8. 02:12:803 (1) - end at 02:13:469 is better imo...
  9. 02:13:803 (2,3) - clap at end
  10. 02:17:470 (3) - clap
  11. 02:18:136 (1,3) - clap at end
  12. 03:18:303 (3) - 1/2 slider here? fits the song better imo.
[Dksslqj's Song]

  1. 00:28:136 (1) - spacing? / why jump here?
  2. 00:35:803 (2) - 1 grid left?
  3. 00:38:469 (5) - ^
  4. 00:41:970 (1) - use white point? because use red point then it's hard to see where it's going
  5. under the other slider
  6. 00:40:636 (1) - ^, make some curve in this?
  7. 03:10:803 (2) - maybe you need to stack this slider?

  1. 00:52:636 (1) - move the 2nd pooint to (216,220) and third point to (308,220)
  2. 00:59:303 (5) - why not the same spacing here
  3. 01:19:803 (1) - move to (92,120)
  4. 01:24:803 (1) - add whistle
  5. 01:22:136 (3) - ^
  6. 01:41:969 (1) - move the 2nd point to (160,104)
  7. 01:51:469 (1,2,1,2) - add whistle?

  1. just some hitsound suggestions... = =
  2. 00:12:803 (5,6,10) - add whistle at the beginning
  3. 00:15:470 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:17:303 (6) - ^
  5. 00:19:803 (9) - ^
  6. 00:21:025 (2,3,1,2,3) - ^
  7. 00:45:470 (4) - add whistle
  8. 00:46:803 (4) - ^
  9. 00:47:303 (1,2,3) - add whistle at the beginning
  10. 00:50:803 (4,4) - add whistle
  11. 01:00:803 (1,3) - ^
  12. 01:01:303 (4) - add whistle at the beginning
  13. 01:01:970 (6) - ^
  14. 01:03:470 (1,3,4) - ^
  15. 01:06:636 (4) - ^
  16. 01:08:802 (1,3,4) - ^
  17. 01:12:136 (3,4) - ^
  18. 01:14:136 (3,5) - ^
  19. 01:15:303 (6) - ^
  20. 01:22:136 (1,2) - ^
  21. 01:24:803 (1,2) - ^
  22. 00:18:136 (1) - ^
Good luck~
Hi, L i a

from my modding queue

No problem

[Soror's Normal]
00:16:469 (2) - add clap in the end of slider.
00:19:469 (3) - add clap in the beginning of slider.
00:46:136 (2) - remove finish in the beginning of slider.
03:24:469 (4) - change clap is finish in the end of slider.

[dksslqj's Song]
No problem

00:21:469 (2) - remove whistle in the end of slider
00:22:136 (1) - add finish
00:34:136 (1) - add clap in the beginning of slider
00:39:470 (1) - remove finish in the beginning of slider?
00:56:636 (1) - add whistle
01:09:470 (3) - remove whistle in the beginning of slider?
01:13:136 (7) - change whistle in the beginning is the end of slider
01:28:136 (2) - remove whistle in the end of slider
01:28:803 (1) - add finish in the end of slider
01:46:136 (1) - remove finish in the beginning of slider?
02:03:303 (1) - add whistle
02:05:969 (5) - remove whistle
02:10:136 (1) - add finish in the beginning of slider
02:19:803 (7) - change whistle is clap, then add whistle in the beginning of slider at 02:19:969?
02:37:970 (1) - add whistle in the end of slider
03:18:470 (7) - change whistle is clap, then add whistle in the beginning of slider at 03:18:636?

00:43:303 (4) - remove finish in the beginning of slider
00:56:636 (1) - add whistle
02:26:136 (1) - add finish in the beginning of slider
03:11:470 (1) - add clap in the end of slider
03:12:136 (3) - remove finish in the beginning of slider
03:18:470 (6) - add whistle in the end of slider?

That's all that I can find them.

Good luck~
내꺼 대신 고쳐주면 안됨?
[Soror's Normal]
Some suggestions for the rhythm in your map
  1. 00:17:136 (3) - Move the note 1/2 further (00:17:303 - ) for a better flow in the rhythm?
  2. 00:43:136 (3) - How about starting this slider 1/2 further (00:43:136 (3) - )
  3. 01:04:469 (2) - Maybe start this 1/2 later as well? (make it something similar to 00:58:136 (1,2) - this rhythm sounds nice.)
  4. Try this out: 01:33:803 (2) - move this slider 1/2 later, then remove this note: 01:35:136 (3) - and at last 01:35:303 (1) - move this slider 1/2 back and extend it by 1/2.
  5. 02:18:136 (1) - Extend the slider to the next red tick? and then move the startpoint of 02:18:803 (2) - 1/2 further.
  6. 03:16:803 (1,2) - same thing! Extend the slider to the next red tick? and then move the startpoint of 03:16:803 (1,2) - 1/2 further.
[dksslqj's Hard]
Some suggestions for the rhythm in your map
  1. 01:02:803 - It would be nice if you could place a note or start a slider at this position, it feels a bit empty. This is how I would do it, haha
  2. 02:09:469 - ^
  3. 03:08:136 - ^
To be honest, this difficulty is too hard to be considered a [Hard]. Maybe rename it to [dksslqj's Insane]

  1. The difficulty is fine as an Insane but I suggest you to reduce some jumps, use AR7 and rename it to [Hard]. You mapset really needs a good [Hard] difficulty if you want it ranked, especially with 3 Insane diffs. Currently the diff spread in your mapset isn't good enough for ranking.
  1. 00:44:470 (4) - Don't silence the end. it's not really intuitive
  2. 01:51:136 (4) - Same here but the volume is still normal. (Just make the sampleset normal as well?)
  3. 02:33:969 (9) - you gotta change this. 1- don't silence notes. 2- don't let it randomly end on a blue tick
  4. The speed up at the end is a bit unnecessary but ok.

happy30 wrote:

[Soror's Normal]
Some suggestions for the rhythm in your map
  1. 00:17:136 (3) - Move the note 1/2 further (00:17:303 - ) for a better flow in the rhythm? Fixed
  2. 00:43:136 (3) - How about starting this slider 1/2 further (00:43:136 (3) - ) Fixed
  3. 01:04:469 (2) - Maybe start this 1/2 later as well? (make it something similar to 00:58:136 (1,2) - this rhythm sounds nice.) I'll keep this at this time..
  4. Try this out: 01:33:803 (2) - move this slider 1/2 later, then remove this note: 01:35:136 (3) - and at last 01:35:303 (1) - move this slider 1/2 back and extend it by 1/2. Fixed in other way
  5. 02:18:136 (1) - Extend the slider to the next red tick? and then move the startpoint of 02:18:803 (2) - 1/2 further. I'll keep this, it follows a bit regular rhythm.
  6. 03:16:803 (1,2) - same thing! Extend the slider to the next red tick? and then move the startpoint of 03:16:803 (1,2) - 1/2 further. Fixed
Thanks for the modding ~
ok it seems fine for me now :)

from my queue
just did a quick check and no problem found , so
good luck :3

Bubble Pop.

  1. Incorrect title according to IOSYS' Website,, VGMDB, and many other sources. The correct title should be 'one-sided love' (No Capitals.) This was confirmed by Faust and Blue Dragon.
  2. dksslqj's First Kiai Section should end at 01:07:303 - like it does in all of the other difficulties.
Me and L i a talked about the incorrect title on IRC and we both agreed that it's supposed to be in lowercase letters, so he/she didn't want to pop it. Since this is an unrankable issue, however, this must get popped.

Contact Faust for a rebubble after you fix these issues. (Simple Translation: You Will Get Another Bubble If You Fix These Things!) Kiddo-Kun Will ^^

((Waiting For Either a Bubble Pop Icon or for L i a to pop his/her bubble~))


• Popping that bubble because Elly-chan is right. The name should actually be one-sided love (With no caps)

Now, I guess I should take a good look at this map.

[Soror's Normal]

• 00:49:303 (3,4) - This could match the music better if it was like this instead.
• 00:51:469 (2) - Add a finish to the start of the slider to be consistent with 00:46:136 (2).
• 01:06:136 (1) - This slider will cause players to over-jump, thus rendering inappropriate for a Normal diff.
• 02:04:803 (1) - BOOORRRIIING Long kick sliders are boring and I expect something more exciting for the kiai start.
• 02:07:470 (2) - New combo on this note to match the previous parts like this.
• 02:49:469 (1) - Remove the new combo on this note, it does not really match the music.


• 03:01:970 (1) - This circle comes way too early after the spinner. I would delete it and just extend the spinner.

Yeah, fix those and I'll bubble.
The hunterx
Nice map :)
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