
Link's Quest to find Mr. Fishy.

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Link leapt off of the horse, running towards the fishing club, where his best friend, the Fisherman, lived.

Still reeling from the bizarre occurrence, Link ran down the slope towards the vegetable garden, which was barren and lifeless, except for a single, lone Scarecrow named George.

George has a terrible memory after an accident involving a Master Sword and a watermelon which occurred six years ago. Every time George sees Link, he only remembers him as a child. The poor thing.

Link said his goodbyes to George and swam the short distance to the fishing club...

...When he was attacked by the Fisherman's guard Tektite, Stevie. Stevie is a ruthless guard Tektite, which only obeys a specific set of Terminian orders. Link doesn't have the Terminian accent down yet, so he has one option. RUN!

Phew... Link finally made it. Link opens the door to the fishing club with a smile, ready to greet the Fisherman, who would be surprised at Link's sudden visit. Link couldn't wait.

The Fisherman beamed as Link walked through the door. He was ecstatic that his only returning customer would be coming back for another round of fishing, but he had some terrible news to tell Link.

Somebody had stolen his fishing rods!

IppE wrote:

I want Fishie back.
Topic Starter

Corin wrote:

IppE wrote:

I want Fishie back.
We all do.


The Fisherman had a pretty good idea as to who it was that stole the fishing rods. a single, blue Zora Scale was dropped directly below where the fishing rods were kept.

The Fisherman explained to Link that he suspected that is was a Zora who stole his fishing rods, and asked him to go to Zora's Domain to investigate. Link couldn't say no, because he really wanted to go fishing, and the Fisherman was actually a paraplegic. Zora's Domain was simply too far for him to travel to.

Mood Setting Time


Link nodded and ran out the door, in pursuit of the dastardly rod thief!

Link swam back across to shore, towards the horse; Link was frightened about what happened to his carrot collection, but he couldn't let that get to him. Time was of the essence.

Faster than the wind Link sped off down the path towards Hyrule Field, where he could then travel to Zora's Domain.

Night approached as Link reached the Field. All was silent as Link traversed the giant, empty wasteland.

After a night's hard riding, Link finally reached the mouth of Zora's River. This is the entrance to the Zora's Place of Residence.

Link crossed the stream, leaving his faithful horse (Aptly named Daisy) to guard his back, as who knew what could be following him.

Link was a little worried about the undertows, but he pressed on. He had to find those rods!

IppE wrote:

I want Fishie back.
Keep going, Äzyre.
Topic Starter
Link pressed on, he needed to recover the stolen rods!

Link continued working his way up the river, until he reached a large waterfall. It was impossible to proceed.

For some reason, Link was compelled to play some music, and his hearts settled on Zelda's Lullaby.

For reasons unbeknownst to Link, the Waterfall parted, revealing a large doorway, presumably to Zora's Domain. Link jumped into the hole, and the waterfall closed over the entrance.

It's cold in here! Fighting back shivers, Link methodically explored the frozen domain.

Climbing up the stairs towards the throne room, Link spied King Zora, sitting upon the frozen river, alone.

The Zora didn't notice Link standing on the altar. Instead, he continued mumbling to himself; it seemed Ganondorf has messed with the poor King's mind.

The Sacred Rods.... The Sacred Rods.... They must return to Mr. Fishy. Mr. Fishy is the key. All is key. All for the Zora. Zora. Zora. Zorararararararara. It seems King Zora broke.

Something nagged at Link's mind; He recalled the name "Mr. Fishy" from somewhere. Then it became clear. He and Princess Ruto named Jabu Jabu Mr. Fishy after a romp through his digestive system.

Link knew where the Fishing Rods were.

Azure_Kite wrote:

Link pressed on, he needed to recover the stolen rods!

Link knew where the Fishing Rods were.[/b][/size]
please don't.
shhhh~~ nice one!

please continue the story (moar win with BGMs) :)
Kanye West
8/10 for effort
Be careful Link!
I totally see what you did there. Nice job. I'd sticky this if I could Nevermind.
You shouldn't have done that.
Topic Starter
Mood Setting Time


Link looked up from his flashback, his gaze resting on the now silent King Zora. he knew where he had to go now. Running up the pathway to his right, Link climbed upon the frozen river the Zora sat upon, and headed towards it's source. It was close. He could feel it.

He ran as fast as his legs would carry him to Mr. Fishy's shrine. He had to make sure. He had to know they were safe.

Yet something was wrong. Mr. Fishy was nowhere to be seen. Icebergs floated freely around the frozen spring. Link sank to his knees in dismay. It was too late... Link hadn't reached the Fountain in time... It was all his fault.

Time eternal seemed to pass by as Link wept. He wept for all those who had fallen. The Mask Salesman, the Bombchu Alley Owner, the graveyard kid, the Carpenter's son. And then he heard an unfamiliar voice.

This voice seemed to permeate the entire surrounding area; Link couldn't determine where it came from; it seemed to come from everywhere.

Link wasn't sure about the last bit, but he followed the instructions from the bodiless voice. Standing on the ice shelf's edge, Link looked up to the heavens, and a surge of unknown power flowed through him. Link felt pain, fear, hot and cold at the same time. Link closed his eyes, and his consciousness faded.

When Link opened his eyes. He was there. He had found Mr. Fishy.
You can enter Jabu-Jabu's Belly as an adult? :/
Edit: I should get to finishing OOT :(
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

You can enter Jabu-Jabu's Belly as an adult? :/
Edit: I should get to finishing OOT :(

Technically, jabujabu is gone when you return to zoras fountain as an adult.

Nintendo just really suck at removing waypoints, and left a tiny bit of the invisible transport area on the adult map.
Long live Umineko BGMs \:D/
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Umineko OST > LoZ OST

I'll add more once I'm done with my assignment I should have done weeks ago.
I was going to ask why you used screenshots of OOT3DS since you simply could've used an emulator.
Now I don't need to anymore.
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Because a few of the glitches I wanted to do are only available on the 3ds version.
This is beautiful.

I would buy a 3DS just for this game.

Claudia wrote:

This is beautiful.

I would buy a 3DS just for this game.
I did.

And Blazblue.

And Pokemon...

Shellghost wrote:

Claudia wrote:

This is beautiful.

I would buy a 3DS just for this game.
I did.

And Blazblue.

And Pokemon...
Topic Starter
Mood Setting Time~


Link stumbled down Mr. Fishy's blubbery tongue, tripping here and there as his feet failed to find traction on the slimy, fleshy mass. Link started to get the hang of walking on the spongy substance when he ran into a valve coated with a cancerous growth.

It's okay. Link has this. He unsheathed his giant Fuck-Off sword, and swang with all his might, cleaving the door apart like cheese.

Link walked into the opening he'd created, and rode a Tonsilelevator down Mr. Fishy's oesophagus. Mr. Fishy felt slightly uncomfortable with this, but refrained from gagging, for Link's sake. Mr. Fishy is so considerate.

Link travelled down until he reached Mr. Fishy's stomach, which was little more than a small pool filled with stomach acid, lined by steep walls. Luckily, Link was able to jump over this minor obstacle, delaying his digestion by quite a bit. Link could sense the rods were close at hand!

Holy shit! Giant floating white blood cells! Link wasn't very worried about what would happen if he touched one of these things, so he decided to cleave them in half with his sword. Feeling a jolt of electricity surge through his body, Link felt a heart stop, but the enemy was no more. Thankfully, he has 19 more hearts left. Onwards!!

Link wasn't sure about this central cell growth, but he had a peculiar feeling that something amazing would happen if he stood on it.

...He was right. Link was just subjected to experiments regarding the impact of G-Forces on the Hylian body. Link was breathing heavily, but he appears to still be in one piece. Link gathered his strength and pressed on, deeper into Mr. Fishy's digestive system.

Link sensed a large opening nearby, above his head. Taking advantage of the wiry cancer growing along Mr. Fishy's intestinal tract, Link scrambled up to the clearing.

Poor Link can see a peculiar cell growth hanging from a haemorrhoid, but a thick, glasslike substance prevents Link from touching it.

Using a little ingenuity and a bomb, Link manages to blow up the growth, and inadvertently tears a hole in Mr. Fishy's intestine. Link bravely travels through the hole and into the unknown.

The gases in here are terrible!! Link steps on some putrid fleshy growth as his vision blurs. He vaguely makes out a number of pots and tries to break them out of delirious habit, before blacking out and collapsing to the floor.


hrm. do continue

oh. finally.
When do they start vomiting? Is it soon?
But I'm Mr. Fishy :<
no you are a fisherman
i already found fishie at asm

silmarilen wrote:

i already found fishie at asm

he's already been found so there's no point in looking for him

lock and wasteland
Kanye West
posting in a locked thread~
i remember mara was the guide to finding fishie
no, we found mara, and he was on the phone with fishie, so then we walked to fishie. and soon after that we saw lewa and my life was complete
not being stoned back then mustve affected your memory.
but maybe mara told fishie on the phone we were coming so he was warned, a mutual find maybe
wasnt fishie lost 24/7 anyway?
fishie would just randomly wander off and come back in a few hours
Sleep Powder
Is this thread about me?

animask wrote:

Is this thread about me?
were you in finland this month?
fishie was a total bro for filming me and valentiino though
fishie is such a nice guy

silmarilen wrote:

fishie is such a nice guy

Fuuuuck I thought so too, I got excited... *Sigh*
I'm sorry, guys, it's just me.

At least I'm still having fun with my FisHie.
I haven't spoken to FisHie in a while, accursed time differences and having IRL obligations.
fishie has been found long ago.
he was at assembly
now he's at kedi

silmarilen wrote:

fishie has been found long ago.
he was at assembly
now he's at kedi
He's already back in Finland
See, we have to find him again now! damn it!
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