Touhou 13.5 - Hopeless Masquerade eng info
Info about Touhou 13.5 announced as of today!, for people who's curious. I'm looking forward to it , from what I can see it's has big grahpical changes and probably a new engine overall, I'm not going to write much about it, Visit their site or the wiki for more info.
"The plot seems to involve the Taoists, Buddhist, and Shinto factions fighting over the human village." - MLGnom eng info
Info about Touhou 13.5 announced as of today!, for people who's curious. I'm looking forward to it , from what I can see it's has big grahpical changes and probably a new engine overall, I'm not going to write much about it, Visit their site or the wiki for more info.
"The plot seems to involve the Taoists, Buddhist, and Shinto factions fighting over the human village." - MLGnom