
takamatt - Mr. Wonder / feat. Hatsune Miku Append

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Topic Starter
Colin Hou
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年9月24日 at 18:52:18

Artist: takamatt
Title: Mr. Wonder
Tags: Vocaloid sm13920166 feat. Hatsune Miku Append
BPM: 90
Filesize: 6443kb
Play Time: 03:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.01 stars, 232 notes)
  2. Hard (4.93 stars, 514 notes)
  3. Normal (4.49 stars, 333 notes)
Download: takamatt - Mr. Wonder
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
for the memories of pwc days

BG by way_
S o r d a
S h i a
:P Nice BG and Nice mapping.
woo! really good!!
m i z u k i
y u c a
staaar ;)
Topic Starter
Colin Hou
Topic Starter
Colin Hou
finally pending
I saw your userpage.
My modding skills really bad, but if helpful, please m4m this map :3

Delete unwanted green line. I don't think it is important seriously, but I guess to be pointed out to a lot of people.
02:16:596 (x) - add note? I want a sound here.

02:20:762 (1) - Add clap at the slider's reverse arrow. You forget to put perhaps?
03:12:762 (2) - Add clap at the end of slider?

00:14:762 (3) - I understand you referring to the sound of the harp, but it is a little strange to me. How about this? 01:02:762 (2) - I don't like there is a sound in 01:02:929. For me it feel to break the lyrics. Change to another pattern?
01:05:929 (6) - Miku is singing mildly, so I prefer to use the slider. I think it produce good flow.
02:09:429 (4) - How about this? I feel better to fit the lyrics. 02:14:762 (4) - If you take the lyrics perfectly, then the sound of 02:14:929 feel unnecessary. However, I feel the sound is increased as the second half. so really just a suggestion.
02:31:262 (3) - I think this is good, but you did not use the whistle until now for this sound, so it is a strange feeling. If you don't mind hitsound pattern, I proposes to add a whistle to 02:31:762 ​​(4)'s head. You put whistle here on Normal.

That's all.

Sorry for my bad English :(
I wish your map is Ranked.
bye~ :)
Topic Starter
Colin Hou
Easy/Normal fixed, things in Hard are kept.

01:30:595 (2) - humanity
03:12:096 (1) - o.o
03:56:429 (2,3) - 这里第一次打不好读

no kd


edt: 嗯, 好像是 lol
Topic Starter
Colin Hou

※ 注意

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. 推薦skin for combo and score: 來源: Otokaze - Karen (Short Ver.)
    反正是我做的 如果要用就在Creator's Words寫一下skin from哪張圖 或誰誰誰就OK了


  • Hitsound
    (For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:24:096 (1) - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo.
  2. 00:44:262 (1) - used 10~20% volume for spinner end to make it blend. I think it's more fit imo.

  3. 01:28:096 (3) - finish... same reason as 00:24:096 (1) -.

  4. 02:25:179 - 其實這條音效並沒有用lol ((而且如果你移除了這條 02:26:762 - 也變成多於的線...

  5. 03:57:429 - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo.
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:10:762 (4) - NC this. as you used NC for previous part, I think you should add NC for this too.

  2. 00:17:429 (4,1) - 我會建議移動到x392,y6o ((做這個可以讓你的的00:16:096 (3,4) - flow更順點 而且pattern會比較好看

  3. 00:26:762 (5) - for easy diff: It's too stream combo for easy diff. I think you should add NC at 00:26:762 (5) - . 這combo確實比較長些 我會建議在00:26:762 (5) - 加個補血點(NC)

  4. 00:32:096 (4) - if you add the previous mod. you should add NC for this way.

  5. 00:40:096 (3) - ^ 恩... 斷落開頭來著...

  6. 01:04:096 (5) - and 01:05:429 (1,2,3) - I think those are in one sentence. so remove this NC: 01:04:096 (5) - it's more fit imo.

  7. 01:06:929 (1) - spinner it's too short for Easy diff. and the voice it's end at 01:08:762 - . so I suggest spinner should end at 01:08:762 - ((你可以聽道唱歌的句子以及後頭有個ya~~的聲音 正式結尾處都在這 所以我會建議end在這...

  8. 02:14:762 (7) - 恩...NC 這段combo對Easy有點太長了lol

  9. 03:08:096 (1,2,3,4,5) - 你可以把這個作的類似五角形看起來會比較好看些 看你的感覺

  10. 03:47:262 (1,1) - too close rhythm for Easy diff. maybe end spinner at 03:49:429 - and add note to 03:50:762 - it's possible solution.


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. SV有些太高了...(連帶間距也高了) Normal來說slider不該這麼快(spacing也不會那麼遠)... 強烈建議改低點...但是這樣等於重做:/
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:24:096 (1) - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo.

  2. 00:44:262 (1) - used 10~20% volume for spinner end to make it blend. I think it's more fit imo.

  3. 01:28:096 (3) - finish... same reason as 00:24:096 (1) -.

  4. 03:57:429 - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo.
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 01:04:095 (1,2,3,4,1) - as Normal you set the note on 1/4 rhythm it's too confuse. 我個人會建議是用slider比較好 slider打起來就算有所延遲也不會便成100 但是你用note在1/4上會有難度 而你的slider反到下在重音上 會導致這個pattern略難 (相對於Normal難度而言) btw: 我認為slider後面加1/4 note ok 因為前面的slider可以明確的指示出你下一個note地節奏 但是單獨出現note而且直接擺在1/4上感覺真的有難度 ((剛剛test的時後被坑了一下 即使他是Normal 可是我還是稍為被坑了

  2. 00:52:095 (3,4) - 其實我認為這個兩個slider的關聯性可以讓這個pattern看起來更平滑些 看看有沒有辦法作成?

  3. 02:08:096 (1,2) - follow (1)'s slider tail arc to make (2)'s slider start allow this curve... 順著(1)結尾的弧度 讓(2)的開頭符合這個弧度?


  • Hitsound
    (For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:24:096 (1) - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo.
  2. 00:44:262 (1) - used 10~20% volume for spinner end to make it blend. I think it's more fit imo.

  3. 01:28:096 (3) - finish... same reason as 00:24:096 (1) -.

  4. 03:57:429 - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo.
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 01:38:762 (1,2) - you can make those SL like this↓ It's more clean and readable imo.

  2. 02:17:429 (4) - 何不讓轉回來後的slider作成平滑點的slider? 感覺現在的slider有些轉過頭 變的slider的形狀有些變形

  3. 03:56:429 (2,3) - reverse this pattern. it's more helpful for flow and move 03:56:762 (1) - to x289,y289 從你的pattern可以看出來你是想作成 120∘的slider 正時鐘轉法的pattern 但是你在最後面的這個突然讓spacing變短 會讓人打起來挺拗手 而且不和flow...

OK~ cell me back when you fix my mod~ but please reply my mod post and used 2 color to reply it
Blue: you accept my mod item
Red: you deny my mod item and please reply the reason.
and you can used 中文 or English to reply for me :)

:arrow: GO~~~
Topic Starter
Colin Hou
thanks a lot!

spboxer3 wrote:

※ 注意

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. 推薦skin for combo and score: 來源: Otokaze - Karen (Short Ver.)
    反正是我做的 如果要用就在Creator's Words寫一下skin from哪張圖 或誰誰誰就OK了 这张图还是朴素点来了 毕竟自定义音效都没用 那套东西收了/


  • Hitsound
    (For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:24:096 (1) - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo. fixed
  2. 00:44:262 (1) - used 10~20% volume for spinner end to make it blend. I think it's more fit imo. fixed

  3. 01:28:096 (3) - finish... same reason as 00:24:096 (1) -. fixed

  4. 02:25:179 - 其實這條音效並沒有用lol ((而且如果你移除了這條 02:26:762 - 也變成多於的線... fixed

  5. 03:57:429 - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo. fixed
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:10:762 (4) - NC this. as you used NC for previous part, I think you should add NC for this too. fixed

  2. 00:17:429 (4,1) - 我會建議移動到x392,y6o ((做這個可以讓你的的00:16:096 (3,4) - flow更順點 而且pattern會比較好看 fixed

  3. 00:26:762 (5) - for easy diff: It's too stream combo for easy diff. I think you should add NC at 00:26:762 (5) - . 這combo確實比較長些 我會建議在00:26:762 (5) - 加個補血點(NC) [/color]

  4. 00:32:096 (4) - if you add the previous mod. you should add NC for this way. fixed

  5. 00:40:096 (3) - ^ 恩... 斷落開頭來著... fixed

  6. 01:04:096 (5) - and 01:05:429 (1,2,3) - I think those are in one sentence. so remove this NC: 01:04:096 (5) - it's more fit imo. fixed

  7. 01:06:929 (1) - spinner it's too short for Easy diff. and the voice it's end at 01:08:762 - . so I suggest spinner should end at 01:08:762 - ((你可以聽道唱歌的句子以及後頭有個ya~~的聲音 正式結尾處都在這 所以我會建議end在這... no, for the drum

  8. 02:14:762 (7) - 恩...NC 這段combo對Easy有點太長了lol fixed

  9. 03:08:096 (1,2,3,4,5) - 你可以把這個作的類似五角形看起來會比較好看些 看你的感覺 I cannot cuz of the spacing.

  10. 03:47:262 (1,1) - too close rhythm for Easy diff. maybe end spinner at 03:49:429 - and add note to 03:50:762 - it's possible solution. fixed


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. SV有些太高了...(連帶間距也高了) Normal來說slider不該這麼快(spacing也不會那麼遠)... 強烈建議改低點...但是這樣等於重做:/ I can DT it so it's fine imo
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:24:096 (1) - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo. fixed

  2. 00:44:262 (1) - used 10~20% volume for spinner end to make it blend. I think it's more fit imo. ehh, copy mistake?

  3. 01:28:096 (3) - finish... same reason as 00:24:096 (1) -. fixed

  4. 03:57:429 - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo. fixed
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 01:04:095 (1,2,3,4,1) - as Normal you set the note on 1/4 rhythm it's too confuse. 我個人會建議是用slider比較好 slider打起來就算有所延遲也不會便成100 但是你用note在1/4上會有難度 而你的slider反到下在重音上 會導致這個pattern略難 (相對於Normal難度而言) btw: 我認為slider後面加1/4 note ok 因為前面的slider可以明確的指示出你下一個note地節奏 但是單獨出現note而且直接擺在1/4上感覺真的有難度 ((剛剛test的時後被坑了一下 即使他是Normal 可是我還是稍為被坑了 fixed

  2. 00:52:095 (3,4) - 其實我認為這個兩個slider的關聯性可以讓這個pattern看起來更平滑些 看看有沒有辦法作成? fine imo

  3. 02:08:096 (1,2) - follow (1)'s slider tail arc to make (2)'s slider start allow this curve... 順著(1)結尾的弧度 讓(2)的開頭符合這個弧度?
didn't work well in testing for me


  • Hitsound
    (For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:24:096 (1) - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo.
  2. 00:44:262 (1) - used 10~20% volume for spinner end to make it blend. I think it's more fit imo.

  3. 01:28:096 (3) - finish... same reason as 00:24:096 (1) -.

  4. 03:57:429 - finish at paragraph it's more fit imo.

(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 01:38:762 (1,2) - you can make those SL like this↓ It's more clean and readable imo. i prefer the original stacking way

02:17:429 (4) - 何不讓轉回來後的slider作成平滑點的slider? 感覺現在的slider有些轉過頭 變的slider的形狀有些變形 right part of 'ね'

03:56:429 (2,3) - reverse this pattern. it's more helpful for flow and move 03:56:762 (1) - to x289,y289 從你的pattern可以看出來你是想作成 120∘的slider 正時鐘轉法的pattern 但是你在最後面的這個突然讓spacing變短 會讓人打起來挺拗手 而且不和flow... 一个往返而已-.- 叠起来不能接受

OK~ cell me back when you fix my mod~ but please reply my mod post and used 2 color to reply it
Blue: you accept my mod item
Red: you deny my mod item and please reply the reason.
and you can used 中文 or English to reply for me :)

:arrow: GO~~~看起来不错 回复起来还真是相当麻烦..
recheck savelog
19:00 spboxer3: 01:06:929 (1) - spinner實在太短了 所以我才會建議那樣 [Easy]
19:01 spboxer3: 才兩小節不到... 對Easy來說真的很短
19:01 Colin Hou: auto 5000了啊
19:01 spboxer3: 不容易轉好...
19:02 spboxer3: 還是很短._. 時間短在player眼中不等於分數...
19:02 Colin Hou: 后面都没东西的
19:02 spboxer3: 意思是 如果不小心轉歪了 時間短的和時間長的相對就有差
19:02 spboxer3: 短的可能只能轉到100 可是長的會有300
19:02 Colin Hou: 那我删掉吧》。
19:03 spboxer3: 或是你想放在鼓點上 01:06:929 (1) - 也是不錯的選擇
19:03 spboxer3: 結尾在01:06:929 (1) -
19:03 spboxer3: ....等等
19:03 spboxer3: 01:08:596 - 這
19:03 spboxer3: 後面有個clap的音效
19:04 Colin Hou: orz
19:04 spboxer3: :(
19:05 spboxer3: 決定怎麼做嗎:/ ?
19:06 Colin Hou: 00:44:262 (1) - 这个怎么办
19:07 spboxer3: 說實在的 真的不建議用這麼短的spinner... 如果你真的要用...那好吧
19:07 spboxer3: 畢竟並不是不適合 也不是不合rules 但是我認為有點太難了
19:12 spboxer3: 02:08:762 (2) - [Normal] 移到x39,y256 我感覺比較好些 你說你感覺不能做的更好了... :( 試試看吧~
19:12 spboxer3: 如果不要也無妨 告訴我你要不要就好^^
19:13 Colin Hou: 好吧
19:13 spboxer3: 03:56:429 (2,3) - [Hard] 我想了解你說的疊起來不能接受的意思~
19:13 Colin Hou: 比原来更糟糕
19:15 spboxer3: 我的意思是這樣 看你要不要改 如果不改也沒關係~ 個人有個人的看法
19:17 Colin Hou: 好吧 [stress]
19:17 Colin Hou: Easy的3个spinner也删掉了 我上传下你看看
19:18 spboxer3: OK
19:25 spboxer3: 03:36:512 (1) - 我想問一下 這個1/8是故意的嗎? 因為前兩個diff 是在1/4上 如果是故意的就沒差
19:25 spboxer3: 03:47:179 (1) - ^
19:25 spboxer3: 這是[Hard]
19:27 Colin Hou: 改掉了
19:27 spboxer3: OK 等我跑完一次~
ok :arrow:
My first attempt to mod bubbled map

  1. No kiai? Why?
  1. 00:09:429 - add note here please
  2. 00:12:762 - ^
  3. 00:13:429 (1) - Umm for sliders like this, how about adding a hitcircle before it like ?
  4. 00:30:429 - add note here?
  5. 00:31:762 - ^
  6. 00:33:096 - ^
  7. 00:39:429 (2) - Bad polarity change. How about this? slider shape, placement, and hitsound is up to you
  8. 00:44:762 (4) - Split this slider into two circle?
  9. 01:18:762 - Add note here?
  10. 01:24:096 - ^
  11. 02:21:429 - 02:31:762 - Consider clearing this section and make this as a break.
  12. 03:55:429 (2) - move to 03:55:262 - and add note at 03:55:762 (3) - ?
  1. CS 5? CS 4 is hard if combined with HardRock (Usually peoples like playing normal map with HR)
  2. 00:01:929 (1) - Starts on blue tick, this is dangerous for newbies. How about this?
  3. 00:09:429 (4) - How about replacing this with just one circle?
  4. 00:22:762 (1,2,3,4) - Whoa. These on Normal? How about these?
  5. 00:26:429 (1) - Bad polarity, how about this?
  6. 00:27:762 (3) - same like above, how about this?
  7. 00:31:095 (3) - Unstack please?
  8. 00:26:762 (1) - Two slider reverse is not recommended on normal
  9. 00:44:095 (1,2,3) - Whoa. How about this?
  10. 01:03:596 - Add note here?
  11. 01:26:762 (1) - Reduce the slider reverse from 2 to 1?
  12. 02:17:929 (1,2) - Unstack please?
  13. 02:21:429 - 02:31:762 - Just like Easy, consider clearing this section and make this as a break.
  14. 03:04:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These circles have confusing spaces. How about changing some circles into sliders?
  15. 03:22:762 (6) - NC?
  1. 00:13:096 (3,1) - Could you stack these?
  2. 00:28:429 - Add note here?
  3. 00:36:929 - ^
  4. 00:38:262 - ^
  5. 01:06:429 (1) - Remove NC?
  6. 01:31:595 (5) - To consist the patterns from the last pattern, could you change this slider into a circle? Place it on 01:31:762 -
Maybe that's all? I'm having a headache right now lol, if there's anything you don't understand here just ask me

Topic Starter
Colin Hou

inverness wrote:

My first attempt to mod bubbled map

  1. No kiai? Why? not fit this song.
  1. 00:09:429 - add note here please that would make it too crowded for easy cuz I should add note at 00:06:762 and so on/.
  2. 00:12:762 - ^ ^
  3. 00:13:429 (1) - Umm for sliders like this, how about adding a hitcircle before it like ? ^
  4. 00:30:429 - add note here? ^
  5. 00:31:762 - ^ ^
  6. 00:33:096 - ^ ^
  7. 00:39:429 (2) - Bad polarity change. How about this? slider shape, placement, and hitsound is up to you listen to the music
  8. 00:44:762 (4) - Split this slider into two circle? no.
  9. 01:18:762 - Add note here? no.
  10. 01:24:096 - ^ no.
  11. 02:21:429 - 02:31:762 - Consider clearing this section and make this as a break. no.
  12. 03:55:429 (2) - move to 03:55:262 - and add note at 03:55:762 (3) - ? no.
  1. CS 5? CS 4 is hard if combined with HardRock (Usually peoples like playing normal map with HR) I'm a noob but I don't see it hard to play this with HR
  2. 00:01:929 (1) - Starts on blue tick, this is dangerous for newbies. How about this? there is no difference when it is the first object
  3. 00:09:429 (4) - How about replacing this with just one circle? for piano
  4. 00:22:762 (1,2,3,4) - Whoa. These on Normal? How about these? no.
  5. 00:26:429 (1) - Bad polarity, how about this? no.
  6. 00:27:762 (3) - same like above, how about this? no.
  7. 00:31:095 (3) - Unstack please? no.
  8. 00:26:762 (1) - Two slider reverse is not recommended on normal where it comes from?
  9. 00:44:095 (1,2,3) - Whoa. How about this? no.
  10. 01:03:596 - Add note here? no.
  11. 01:26:762 (1) - Reduce the slider reverse from 2 to 1? no.
  12. 02:17:929 (1,2) - Unstack please? no.
  13. 02:21:429 - 02:31:762 - Just like Easy, consider clearing this section and make this as a break. no.
  14. 03:04:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These circles have confusing spaces. How about changing some circles into sliders? they are using the right spacing
  15. 03:22:762 (6) - NC? ok, on 5
  1. 00:13:096 (3,1) - Could you stack these? why?
  2. 00:28:429 - Add note here? no.
  3. 00:36:929 - ^ no.
  4. 00:38:262 - ^ no.
  5. 01:06:429 (1) - Remove NC? no.
  6. 01:31:595 (5) - To consist the patterns from the last pattern, could you change this slider into a circle? Place it on 01:31:762 no.
Maybe that's all? I'm having a headache right now lol, if there's anything you don't understand here just ask me

thanks, I thougt you came for the artist.

artist changed and self-pop
[fix log:]
change the title and some NC

ok~ rebubble
01:30:429 (1,2) - This jump was kind of weird.

Also NC on a post-spinner slider in Normal.

Enna Alouette
gratz o3o
Snowy Dream
Gratz :3
Topic Starter
Colin Hou
一个坑的完结 ;w;
Congratulations! :D
I really don't understand why the map has so low rating,it's actually well done :O
S h i a
8-) lindada ome
Topic Starter
Colin Hou
this all black I don't drink
Topic Starter
Colin Hou

S h i a wrote:

<3 gratz Colin
Topic Starter
Colin Hou
S o r d a
yey finally! omedeto Colin~
Not to bad :D
so boooooring map

Alduric wrote:

so boooooring map
I would like to apologize for my rude words ;c

(peppy you bunny ban me!)
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