
Commenti/Opinioni/Alternative per le NewRules

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Se Lunah si azzarda a dire una A di troppo viene riaccusato di cheating, e il resto di noi probabilmente non ha più voglia di pensarci, quindi fottesega :\
Io direi di no
Cosa significa quell'immagine?
Topic Starter
Card N'FoRcE
Che c'è un despota rosa che vuole avere sempre ragione.

Ah, oltre al fatto che si "discute" ancora.
Ma tanto mi sa che si discuterà in eterno. Per quanto riguarda il despota rosa lol, quello c'è sempre. Comunque con "Il resto di noi" mi riferisco alla comunità italiana.
In effetti alcune regole le applicano senza che si sia fatta la modifica al draft
Il limite delle difficoltà è aumentato a 8 (6 STandard e 2 Taiko)

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Ah, oltre al fatto che si "discute" ancora.
Io penso A, Io penso B

(100 years later)

Io penso A, Io penso B

Non è il fatto di non voler discutere per quella raigone, è il fatto che quella sezione rimarrà li a vita, perchè qualcuno è troppo lazy per fare il community manager jussaying

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

In effetti alcune regole le applicano senza che si sia fatta la modifica al draft
Il limite delle difficoltà è aumentato a 8 (6 STandard e 2 Taiko)
Io sapevo che esistevano solo la difficoltà beginner, easy, normal, hard ed insane O_O

sono 6

per Taiko
Inner Oni

ci sono anche i nomi Coreani e Cinesi talvolta, ma lasciamo stare...

Comunque, è il limite di difficoltà massime, non le difficoltà.
Io la difficoltà massima di pika girl l'avevo chiamata lunatic e mi hanno cazziato dicendo che è solo per touhou (fa niente che l'altra mia mappa rankata ha una lunatic) :|

Devo capire come sono abbinati questi nomi: lunatic=touhou, Another=iidx? Extra=? Challenge=?

Takuya wrote:

Io la difficoltà massima di pika girl l'avevo chiamata lunatic e mi hanno cazziato dicendo che è solo per touhou (fa niente che l'altra mia mappa rankata ha una lunatic) :|

Devo capire come sono abbinati questi nomi: lunatic=touhou, Another=iidx? Extra=? Challenge=?
Non c'è nessuna regola che lo impone, chiama la tua difficoltà come piu' desideri; comunque normalmente per roba Beatmania si usa, hyper, another etc; per extra non c'è una sezione specifica, e lunatic è partito per le mappe di touhou
alla fin fine lo scegli te...
Orz, io pensavo che lunatic fosse un pò più difficile di una regolare insane
Certe volte si usa per altri motivi
Topic Starter
Card N'FoRcE
Ma dio santo, è solo un nome indicativo, quante pippe mentali.
._. Tipico dei modders di oggi, no?
Beh, c'eran diversi che non volevano nomi di difficoltà che centravano con gli anime e ti dovevano PER FORZA far scrivere "Easy", "Normal",ecc.

Cosa strana che non sono neanche MAT o BAT O.o

Comunque finora:
-Il limite delle difficoltà è 6+2 (non più 6 compresi i Taiko)
-Abolita la regola del "massimo due difficolta per livello di difficoltà"
-Le difficoltà non dovrano più essere per forza consecutive
-Si sta cambiando la regola che impediva i collab mapset, in una versione "contributiva", chi submitta la mappa dovrà logicamente aver contribuito almeno la stessa quantità se non di più dei guester, contando Skin e SB...

Si dimenticano sempre di aggiornare il Draft
Curiosità: Quando vado a scaricarmi un beatmap trovo la classifica con i primi 50 utenti che hanno fatto il punteggio più alto, e noto che come mods arrivano a usare: hardrock, hidden, flashlight e doubletime, ma il sudden death (non mi ricordo come si scrive :P) non lo usa nessuno???
Il suddendeath non dà punti extra, è una mod opzionale possiamo dire.
Ricordavo che aggiungeva punti, ma probabilmente mi sarò confuso a causa degli altri 4 che li danno :P
In effetti è un po' inutile il sudden death, dasse almeno punti in più
E' utile se non vuoi prendere qualche spiacevole A :P
Toglietemi un dubbio, se, per esempio, crea una beatmap e diventa ranked, guadagno puteggio in base a quanti giocatori ci giocano??
Ti piacerebbe, vero?

osuplayer sarebbe stato sempre al primo posto per quanto mappe crea e ranka (in poco tempo) e quanto persone ci giocano.

Takuya wrote:

Ti piacerebbe, vero?
Mi sarebbe piaciuto un sacco XD XD

HakuNoKaemi wrote:


osuplayer sarebbe stato sempre al primo posto per quanto mappe crea e ranka (in poco tempo) e quanto persone ci giocano.
Adesso che ci penso... :D

A mapset must not have more than two difficulties in the same difficulty level (not based on stars, but on how the map "feels"). That is, a map set can have no more than two "Insane" difficulties, etc, so that the diff spread is varied and balanced. Taiko-specific difficulties are an exception to this rule, but a good spread must be retained (e.g. two osu!standard Insanes, two Taiko Insanes, and one or two other difficulties is completely unbalanced and will not get ranked).

Catch the Beat-specific difficulties are not allowed due to the fact that osu!standard difficulties convert to Catch the Beat difficulties well enough without specific difficulties having to be created. However, feel free to include an external link to any Catch the Beat difficulties in your mapthread.
In discussione su un possibile abolimento, quindi è possibile comunque iniziare a mappare difficioltà CtB

The number of maps by any mapper should not exceed the number of maps by the uploader: this means that if you have 2 diffs, no guest mapper can have more than 2 diffs; collaboration maps are exempt from this. Ask a BAT if you're unsure of who should upload the mapset.
Nuova regola, potrebbe non piacervi... ma comunque c'è

No mapset can have more than 6 standard difficulties and 6 alternative mode difficulties which include Taiko and Catch the Beat difficulties together. This is to leave mappers more freedom in how they want their mapsets but to prevent a flood of endless amount of difficulties. This however will require some careful modding to eliminate all problems, so if a mapset has 8 or more total difficulties, the ranking of the mapset will be handled just like approval maps, meaning it will require atleast a MAT and a BAT bubble before ranking.
Questa è la versione corrente del limite di difficoltà... Sakura Hana, Derekku e Krisom non erano d'accordo per il limite a 16. Purtroppo non sono d'accordo per la richiesta di 2 bolle al rank: motivo? il carico di difficoltà standard da moddare non aumenta molto... solo di 1/2, e le difficoltà Taiko sono solitamente più moddate dai Taiko Modder, che da MAT/BAT... Insieme alle CtB

All spinners must be able to achieve at least a 2000 bonus from autoplay. Any less than this and players will not be able to react in enough time to fully complete the spinner (and thus getting a 100 or breaking their combo).
cambiata in
Auto must achieve at least 1000 bonus points on spinners and the object following the spinner must not be visible before the spinner starts.
Non potrete usare spinner ultrashort, (se sono mediocorti e l'oggetto si vede prima, possibilmente state usando una AR bassissima). ma è un evoluzione...

Don't use ranked maps to justify your map. The ranking system is not perfect; things that should have been picked up in the modding process are not always caught. Also, the ranking standards change frequently; what was allowed 3 months ago is not always allowed today. Therefore, ranked maps are not always a good indicator of what is rankable and should not be used to justify your map. If the best you can come up with is, "Another map did it!", you should probably rethink what you're doing.
Ci voleva, questa serve per far cambiare idea ad una mandria di ritardati che utilizzano qualcosa solo perchè altri lo fanno, senza averne un motivo reale...
Bè dai, non mi paiono troppo male rispetto ad una volta.
non ce la faccio ._. vogliono aggiungere che non devi conoscere il gioco per capire meglio in nomi delle difficoltà ._.

ha mesi che io, ziin ed altri cerchiamo di far capire che al giocatore non gl'e ne frega un emerito cassiope...
Cioè? :?
Il giocatore nuovo guarda le stars, non il nome della difficoltà.
anyway, ora c'è solo l'obbligo di scrivere il nome del mapper da qualche parte ( nell'op va bene comunque )
dopo aver visto Charles445 fare un suo draft, ci proverò anch'io... basicalmente cambio alcune regole in linee guida e cosi via...

finito tutto

They can't be broken under any circumstance.
  1. [General]
    1. Do not overuse kiai time. This means you cannot turn on and off the kiai every few milliseconds or just use it for multiple pulse effects.
    2. Do not manually edit an .osu file to obtain settings that are disabled within the editor. They're disabled for an actual reason.
    3. You can't use anything that can be rated "18+". Such as nudity, excessive violence.
    4. If you use anything rated equally or more than 15+, such as partial nudity or violence, you have to put some warnings in the map description and in the Storyboard.
    5. Ranked maps have to respects [General] Guidelines at least(implicitily, the [Mapset] Guidelines too). A map not respecting them is to be considered for Approved. You must't break too many guidelines if you want your map ranked, or your map will be considered for the Approved category.
    6. The Auto should pass every type of difficulty. If it can't pass it with an SS, it means there are some bugs.
  2. [Timing]
    1. Your map must be the most perfectly timed possible. Anything object off-timed for more than 2-3 ms, do heavily affect playing. This means that your BPM and offset are spot-on, sliders end when they should, notes are generally following a recognizable rhythm (such as the lyrics or drums) which is comprehensible by a player, and that there are no unsnapped notes (you can check this by running AIMod (shortcut ctrl+shift+a) in the editor).
    2. Uninherited timing sections must be the same in every difficulty of the mapset. That is, each section must have the same BPM and offset in each difficulty. Furthermore, there must not be extra or missing uninherited sections in any difficulty. A song's timing doesn't change between difficulties, so there's no sense in having different uninherited sections per difficulty.
    3. All uninherited sections must be on the downbeat of the measure. A downbeat is the first beat of a measure, and while this may not affect gameplay, it will affect the main menu pulsing. Therefore, any and all uninherited sections (including metronome changes such as 2/4 and 3/4 measures) must be correct. Please see this thread for more information on downbeats.
    4. No two uninherited or two inherited timing sections should be placed at the same point./b] An inherited timing section may be placed on an uninherited timing section (but only to change the slider speed). Having two uninherited or two inherited sections on top of each other will cause problems within the beatmap.
    5. [b]Uninherited timing sections cannot be used to only manipulate slider speeds. These can be very unexpected for the player while also disrupting the main menu pulse and slightly changing the overall timing of the map.
  3. [Metadata]
    1. The Artist and the Song Title of a map must be correct. And this take the precedency over any consistency issues.
    2. Artists names must be written in their local format. For example, Eastern artists(Japanese/Korean/Chinese and so) must be wirtten using the "surname firstname" format.
  4. [Hit Objects]
    1. No two hitobjects on the same tick. This includes hit circles, starts and ends of sliders, and starts and ends of spinners. Although this may be possible to accomplish while playing, it defeats the purpose of following the rhythm of the song.
    2. Hitobjects must never be off-screen. All mapsets are played from a fixed-screen viewpoint, so any hitobjects that are even partially off-screen can make it very difficult to read the pattern they are following. Test play your map to confirm this.
    3. Auto must achieve at least 1000 bonus points on spinners and the object following the spinner must not be visible before the spinner starts. Any less than this and players will not be able to react in enough time to fully complete the spinner (and thus getting a 100 or breaking their combo).
    4. Approach circles must not overlay eachother. The Automatic stacking (Stack Leniency) and Manually stacking exist to prevent this easily.
  5. [Media]
    1. The song's audio file must be of reasonable quality and must not exceed an average of 192 kbps. Try and source mp3 files yourself; ripping them from a streaming video site often results in low quality audio with high file sizes. If you are having trouble acquiring an appropriate audio file of 128 kbps - 192 kbps, contact one of the more audio-savvy BAT; they will be more than happy to help find an mp3 for you.
    2. Every .wav file must be at least 100ms long to prevent issues with soundcards. If you want a silent/blank hitsound, then you must use a 0-byte .wav file.
    3. The video must not have a resolution higher than 1024x768(4:3) or 1280x720(16:9). Though it's suggested to use 800x600(4:3) or 854x480(16:9). This is to prevent mass-lagging on older computers.
    4. The video's offset must be correct and consistent between difficulties so that it follows the music how it was originally meant to be.
  6. [Skin]
    1. If you are using any elements created by another community member, ask permission beforehand. Respecting the work of others is paramount and most people will be delighted to have their work featured in your projects!
    2. Gameplay elements must be visible. You cannot make any element that will impair the playability of the map invisible as it will make the map unintuitive or even impossible to play.
    3. Spinner circles must be clearly visible (i.e. they should not be excessively transparent or near-invisible). This will ensure that players have a visible aid to help them spin consistently.
    4. Background images resolutions cannot be larger than 1280X960 pixels, although 800x600 is recommended. Most background ratios that are 4:3 should also work reasonably well. Using an image with a different ratio is fine, but will result in letterboxing (black bars at the top/bottom of the screen).
    5. Hitbursts must be clearly distinguishable from each other (e.g. 300/100). The best way to ensure this is to use a different color for each hitburst. Otherwise, the player won't know if they're hitting beats accurately.
    6. Combobursts must be oriented for the left side of the screen. Combobursts are aligned to the bottom and left sides of the screen by default, and are just horizontally flipped for the right side. Thus, you only need to worry about making sure that the comboburst is cleanly cropped on the top and right sides of the image.
    7. There must not be any unused files in the map's folder except for the map's .osb file(since they sometimes get added even if the map doesn't have a storyboard, and don't occupy much space) and storyboard .thumb files (since they are automatically created in image directories). Unused files add extra file size which is unnecessary.
  7. [Storyboard]
    1. Storyboard images must be at a reasonable size for their usage. For most uses (e.g. full-screen images), the maximum is 800x600 pixels, although 640x480 is highly preferred. The editor is 640x480 at default, so there's really no need to use anything larger for full-screen purposes.
    2. The maximum dimensions for tall or wide scrolling images are 640x1440 and 1920x480 respectively. This is for the sake of gameplay performance, image loading time, and filesize.
    3. Maps that use repetitive strobes, pulsing images, or flashing colors in the storyboard must use the epilepsy warning. There is one built-into the editor, which will display a visual warning at the beginning of the map and also mark the map's online thumbnail with a warning icon. Also, it helps to make a note of the flashing/strobes/etc. in the map's thread. This warning is absolutely needed so that players with epilepsy can avoid any danger.
  8. [Taiko] (Taiko Only)
    1. You mustn't use a countdown. That's because it don't work and it could add some kind of bugs.
    2. The mulplication between BPM, Slider Velocity and the Section Slider Velocity Multiplier mustn't be higher than 400, this is to ensure that the notes on the screen aren't too fast to be even seen.
    3. No notes should overlap while using a Section Slider Velocity Multiplier. This is to avoid all genre of confusion while changing the SV.
  9. [Catch The Beat](CtB Only)
    1. No fruit can be too close to a spinner as you won't see the space difference between the spinner fruits and the fruit.
    2. While mapping a CtB-Only difficulty, remember there are two possible bugs: "In-slider Jumps", that happen because the hyperdash do not activate when it should because there are one slider and a really distant circle in a map with a fast Slider Velocity(more than 400 SV*BPM*Section Multiplier) and "Pixeljump", ask a CtB Expert if you think to have those bugs(they won't show up while using Auto)
They must be followed, but can be broken on a case-by-case basis. Be sure that the reasons you're breaking them do have sense, if not, this will prevent your map ranking.
  1. [General]
    1. Maps difficulties mustn't exceed 25 milions of score and their draining time mustn't be more than 270 seconds. This is so player can't easily gain an high score easily. It's suggested to not pass 18 milions of score anyway.
    2. Try to make a good spread of difficulties if you want your map to be ranked. To do so, you must respect the [Mapset] Guidelines.
    3. Each map must use at least two different combo colors. Be sure they don't blend too much with the background, and don't use the same combo colour two consecutive times.
    4. A map's uploader must have provided more content towards the mapset than any other single contributor. This means that if you are to have a collaboration mapset, you must have mapped at least one difficulty fully, and no other mapper mapped more than one difficulty (Taiko difficulties count as a difficulty). In cases of specific difficulty collabs, the uploader in question must have provided more content than any other contributor. (i.e. uploader maps a seperate difficulty on top of collabing in said difficulty)
  2. [Mapset]
    1. Map at least 2 Standard difiiculties. This is the minium number of difficulties for a good spread.
    2. You must have a Normal or easier difficulty for your map. Make sure the Normal is easy enough to give an understanding level of difficulty for early players.
    3. The maximum limit of difficulties in a mapset is 12. Try to aim for a maximum of 8 difficulties, anyway.
    4. The maximum limit of standard/alternative difficulties is 8. "Alternative" means Taiko Only or Catch the Beat Only.
    5. Alternative difficulties must follow they're own rules and guidelines.
    6. Difficulties going for ranking must be playable by a Single Player.
  3. [Hit Objects]
    1. Repeat arrows on sliders must be visible. Make sure that hitbursts (100s/300s/etc) from previous notes are not covering any repeat arrows or even the paths/ends of sliders.
    2. Every slider must be clearly intuitive, this means the slider must be playable by the player, by simply seeing the graphic or, in other cases, by listening the song.
    3. Beat placement should follow the time-distance equality rule in the easier difficulties(using distance snap while placing beats enforces this). This means that you shouldn't have some fast notes with a huge distance between them followed by closely-placed (but slow) notes. This gets really confusing if the player isn't the person who designed the beatmap! Having some logic to the beat placement should be one of your goals.
    4. Avoid placing hitobjects under the HP/life bar at the top of the screen, as this can greatly impair the visibility of notes and approach circles to the player. It doesn't hurt to use the default skin to check this!
  4. [Media]
    1. Use hitsounds on the various objects to make the map less monotonous and remember to make them at least lightly audible as players mostly use them to know if they hitted or not an hit objects. If you just don't like them you can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online.
  5. [Skin]
    1. Spinner circles must have a clearly visible center to make sure players have something to effectively spin around while playing through the map.
    2. When skinning gameplay elements, complete sets of elements must be skinned. For instance, if you skin hitcircles, you must include a hitcircle.png, hitcircleoverlay.png, approachcircle.png, and a slider border color (this can be done by adding the line "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" (using RGB values) under the [Colours] section of each .osu file). The same logic applies to hitbursts, cursors, numbers, and anything else of this nature. If you didn't intend to skin an element in the set, then using the templateskin's version is okay. Setting a SkinPreference is also acceptable (e.g. forcing the default skin).
    3. Do not make any essential gameplay elements larger than template skin dimensions (especially for combobursts). Larger elements may effect gameplay performance, and thus should be avoided. However, any elements that do not directly effect gameplay (e.g. pause-back, play-skip, etc.) may be slightly larger if a legitimate reason is given.
  6. [Storyboard]
    1. There must not be any unnecessary transparency around storyboarded images, so crop and resize them as much as possible. If there are particular reasons for apparently useless transparency, then please explain them. For transparent sprites, there should be at least one pixel of transparent border around them so that interpolation (e.g. a black-bordered image on a black background) works properly (although a shadow or glow around the image will fix this problem as well).
    2. Avoid using storyboarded hitsounds on hit objects. If a player misses the hitobject that the storyboarded hitsound lands on, then the hitsound will be played (which doesn't make much sense when this is a rhythm game utilizing audio feedback). Also, storyboarded hitsounds at places where there are no objects can confuse the player into thinking there was some unseen hitobject, which doesn't make sense either.
    3. Avoid going over a 5.0x storyboard load to help prevent lag on older computers. Read this discussion if you want some tips on how to reduce the load.
  7. [Taiko] (Taiko Only)
    1. The mulplication between BPM, Slider Velocity and the Section Slider Velocity Multiplier mustn't be lower than 80, this is to ensure that the notes have at least a certain speed and don't move at a snail-like speed.
    2. You mustn't use heavy notes in the middle of a stream. If you're using an heavy note in the middle of a stream, it usually means that it start or end there.
  8. [Catch The Beat](CtB Only)
    1. Differently from Standard, the score limit for this modality is 32 milions, because of the difference in score calculation. Remember this limit is enforced on Ranked maps.
General reccomendations, it's not suggested to break them, but they're breakable to obtain particular effects and so. They're not enforced anyway.
  1. [General]
    1. Make sure that you can pass each difficulty in your mapset. Continually test-playing your map is one of the best ways to spot mistakes and correct issues.
    2. If possible, Your difficulties should all end at the same spot. Having a fully-mapped Normal/Hard and a half-mapped Easy just looks sloppy/lazy. A full Easy may look boring to you, but not to a player that can't handle the harder difficulties.
    3. Use breaks where it fit, especially in long songs. It allows a bit of recovery and hand repositioning for players. However, try to avoid longer breaks that are in excess of 15 seconds. Breaks should especially be used with Easy/Normal difficulties.
    4. If possible, Options such as letterboxing, countdown, and audio lead-in should be consistent between difficulties. Having cohesive settings throughout your mapset will look much more professional, although there are always scenarios where this is impossible. One difficulty might start at the beginning of the mp3, where a countdown is impossible but an audio lead-in is absolutely necessary; while another difficulty may start a few seconds in, where a countdown is usable but an audio lead-in is senseless.
  2. [Hit Objects]
    1. When including a slider velocity change, there should be a discernible change in the map's tempo. A spacing change or a slider containing at least one tick will help show the transition between them.
    2. Use new combos often and intelligently. Using a new combo every few beats wouldn't make sense, but you also want to avoid long combos that continue for many measures.Avoid ultra-long combo too to support HP gain better.
    3. Try to avoid using hitobjects directly after spinners in the easier difficulties. Spinners are sometimes the hardest element for players, and having a hitcircle or slider half a beat (or even a beat) after a spinner will commonly result in frustration and a broken combo. Hitobjects directly after spinners are fair game for Hard/Insane difficulties, but try to give a nice pause for Easy/Normal difficulties.
  3. [Kiai]
    1. Kiai should be consistent throughout difficulties of your mapset (especially since it is shown on the main menu). If you have a guest difficulty from another mapper that uses different kiai, then it's fine as long as it still makes sense.
    2. Kiai should start on a white tick (or more commonly, the big white tick called the downbeat) of a measure. Generally, the main part of the chorus will start at this point.
  4. [Media]
    1. You must cut your mp3 if you're using less than 80% of it. This doesn't count intro time, and thus only applies if more than 20% of the outro is unmapped. If you only plan to map a portion of your song, then including the full mp3 is a waste of file space. Many mp3 editing tools like this exist which make fading and cutting a song simple. However, if you have a legitimate reason for keeping your full mp3 (e.g. a storyboard after the map ends), then that is fine.
    2. Each difficulty of the mapset should have a preview point set (and be consistent in every difficulty). This is used for both the song selection menu and the online thumbnail preview.
    3. The song should not be too long. Aim for 3 minutes maximum; anything longer gets tiring. If you need help editing a song down to length, feel free to ask in the Beatmap General Questions forum.
  5. [Skin]
    1. Skinned elements should be cropped cleanly so they don't look like they have jpeg or pixelated artifacts around them or half-cropped shadows. If you don't have a program like Photoshop, then there are many free alternatives like Paint.NET and GIMP that can be used instead.
    2. You should have a background image on every difficulty of your map. If your map has a storyboard, then you can easily fade the background out, but one is still required for the song selection menu, online thumbnail icon, and for players not downloading with video (if the map has one).
  6. [Taiko] (Taiko Only)
    1. Avoid randomly using Heavy notes in the start or end of a stream.They're difficult to take, especially if they don't have sense.
    2. Avoid using 1/3 and 1/6 notes without musical cues. Differently from 1/2 or 1/4, it's much more difficult to beat time in such beat time division.
    3. Use a lower HP Drain Rate when mapping Marathons to avoid HP draining rate being higher that it's gaining rate.4
    4. Avoid short spinners because they just distract the player
    5. Avoid sliders on songs with less than 125 BPM because they give 1/8 drumrolls, plus remember that even in higher BPMs song they give 1/4 drumrolls
Mi sembra tutto buono
imho, così si differenziano le Approved dalle Ranked
Peccato che è scritto tutto in inglese e non ho capito una mazza cosa c'è scritto T_T
Una buona occasione per impararlo
Credimi, non ho il tempo per impararlo ora, ma lo avrò :D
Io l'ho imparato semplicemente usando internet
Ho finito u.u
Topic Starter
Card N'FoRcE
Complimenti per aver sprecato ore della tua vita a scrivere un documento che non sarà considerato da nessuno nel BAT a parte quelle poche persone normali che ne fanno parte ma che non saranno comunque sufficienti a garantirti un supporto valido.

True story.
voglio provare a passarlo ad altri a poco a poco, così provo a farlo controllare
"The Auto should pass every type of difficulty" , i think "The Auto should pass every type of difficulty with any mods on" will be better?

"You must map an Easy or Normal difficulty for your map. "
- same as before , the map set must contain a difficulty with less or equal than 2.5 star

"The maximum limit of difficulties in a mapset is 12. " modders might cry XDD

"Difficulties going for ranking must be playable by a Single Player." how about TAG4? has it been killed from osu?

Ok lets talk about this

"Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end."

Recently there is a map by NatsumeRin has been unranked because of this stupid rule. My idea is , as long as the slider would be playable and FIT the map ,it should be acceptable. Certainly the burai sliders should not be placed in difficulties like Easy/Normal or even Hard . So this rule would be better if

Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end. Sliders which overlap themselves in a way that makes any section unreadable or ambiguous (including "burai sliders") cannot be used except highest diffulty , but also they can not be over-used for no reason.
we need some new ideas for guildline , we need a revalution.
i made some rules guidelines, actually (mostly). You can break guideline if the fact you're breaking in make sense. The auto is to see bugs only. The Easy or Normal is actually <3, but making difficulty more mapper-controlled is better. the "every slider..." is a guideline.
The mulplication between BPM, Slider Velocity and the Section Slider Velocity Multiplier mustn't be higher than 300, this is to ensure that the notes on the screen aren't too fast to be even seen.

300 is not a large number in fact. when you play a 210 BPM song * 1.4 SV, it's not that fast, 350~400 sounds more reasonable for me, 300 could be a guideline though.

Maps difficulties mustn't exceed 25 milions of score and their draining time mustn't be more than 270 seconds. This is so player can't easily gain an high score easily. It's suggested to not pass 18 milions of score anyway.

Personally i think ranked maps' max score still should be made a rule not guideline, no matter what the number is. 20 seems fine enough for me, because in fact between 20m~25m there's usually only 100~150 combos.

You must map an Easy or Normal difficulty for your map. Make sure the Normal is easy enough to give an understanding level of difficulty for early players.

There're some mappers suck at making easy difficulties as i know. Though this is only a guideline, but leave it to recommendation seems better.

Repeat arrows on sliders must be visible. Make sure that hitbursts (100s/300s/etc) from previous notes are not covering any repeat arrows or even the paths/ends of sliders (use the default skin to check if using hitbursts from another skin). This way, all sliders will be easily visible and playable.

ehh though i hate to say this: it should be a rule.
No no cosa? Ora pure gli hitburst non devono coprire le cose? Ma non diciamo puttanate, con la skin default non si vede mai un cazzo, forse fino alle normal. Sarebbe più intelligente rendere la skin default meno obsoleta anche se non ci scommetto un centesimo.

Takuya wrote:

No no cosa? Ora pure gli hitburst non devono coprire le cose? Ma non diciamo puttanate, con la skin default non si vede mai un cazzo, forse fino alle normal. Sarebbe più intelligente rendere la skin default meno obsoleta anche se non ci scommetto un centesimo.
Io già proposi tempo fa (anche se ignorato) di ridurre la grandezza dei 300,100,50 dai, sono seriamente giganteschi, coprono metà schermo.. un player deve anche avere visione della mappa. D:

per quanto riguarda gli hitburst puoi benissimo disabilitarli, dov'è il problema?
A questo punto riproporrei la skin incompleta di cnf con quei fantastici hitburst che dicevano "CONGRATULATIONS!! YOU SUCCESSFULLY HIT A BEAT!!" o una cosa simile prendendo tre quarti dello schermo

NatsumeRin wrote:

The mulplication between BPM, Slider Velocity and the Section Slider Velocity Multiplier mustn't be higher than 300, this is to ensure that the notes on the screen aren't too fast to be even seen.

300 is not a large number in fact. when you play a 210 BPM song * 1.4 SV, it's not that fast, 350~400 sounds more reasonable for me, 300 could be a guideline though.

Maps difficulties mustn't exceed 25 milions of score and their draining time mustn't be more than 270 seconds. This is so player can't easily gain an high score easily. It's suggested to not pass 18 milions of score anyway.

Personally i think ranked maps' max score still should be made a rule not guideline, no matter what the number is. 20 seems fine enough for me, because in fact between 20m~25m there's usually only 100~150 combos.

You must map an Easy or Normal difficulty for your map. Make sure the Normal is easy enough to give an understanding level of difficulty for early players.

There're some mappers suck at making easy difficulties as i know. Though this is only a guideline, but leave it to recommendation seems better.

Repeat arrows on sliders must be visible. Make sure that hitbursts (100s/300s/etc) from previous notes are not covering any repeat arrows or even the paths/ends of sliders (use the default skin to check if using hitbursts from another skin). This way, all sliders will be easily visible and playable.

ehh though i hate to say this: it should be a rule.
In fact, 300 is fast enough to not see almost anything when playing... guess i could make it higher anyway.
Score higher limit is based to: 25 being the more easily remembrable number next to 25 and many maps tick rate being reduced to fit the 20 mil.
If the mapper can't make an easy, call a guest... anyway map→have
circle on repeat arrow can be visible with different skins plus you can finely use them.
Ormai la discussione riguardo le NewRules è ad un punto morto come tutti noi sappiamo, quindi lo sposto come topic normale.
parlando del punto morto, le regole che limitavano il tempo e il punteggio di una mappa sono ormail scomparse:
Approved->Gimmick e Marathon
Ranked-> qualsiasi canzone <6 min E <18 mil di score
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