
OToGi 8 - Akazukin-chan Goyoujin (i-pop ver.)

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This is some Combo Color suggestions :3
Combo1 : 157,242,121
Combo2 : 255,51,51
Combo3 : 216,81,255
Combo4 : 83,83,255

00:10:246 (2) - Spacing
00:10:631 (3,4) - ^ Also, (3) is overlapping the following (1)
Make it to something like this?
00:12:169 (1,2,3,4) - spacing, due to previous slider
00:13:131 (1) - 1 grid right
00:14:669 (3) - add clap?
00:15:054 (5) - remove clap?
00:22:938 (3) - overlapping (4)
00:25:438 (5) - Add clap at the beginning and at the second repeat
00:26:785 (1,2,3,4) - placement suggestion:
00:53:900 (3) - Whistle
01:20:054 (2) - clap
01:20:823 (5) - Clap at the beginning and at the second repeat, Also remove the clap on the first repeat
01:33:131 (5) - swap the hitsounds on this slider
01:34:669 (2) - whistle

That's for now~
I could probably help you more, but I'm not sure if you like it.
If you do, PM me (probably faster reply if you PM in-game :P)

Topic Starter
- Rche -
My Lazy Post:
Colours all fixed.
Normal (should be) all fixed?

That's more than helpful.
I will call you "Saten-Senpai"!! :P
Tip: I don't know if you know this but holding Ctrl and left-clicking will create a new curve section on an existing slider :3

00:15:823 (6) - shape it like this?

00:09:669 (1,2) - place them like this?
00:10:631 (3) - 1 grid right
00:11:785 (4) - you forgot to stack this one
00:21:977 (1) - place it like this
00:34:285 (1,2,3,4) - Pattern suggestion~
00:45:054 (2) - like this?
00:46:592 (1,3) - Make them abit curvy?
01:16:785 (6,7) - spacing
01:17:362 (1) - change it to something like this?
01:41:977 (1,2,3,4) - just like 00:34:285 but mirrored instead

No kudosu for this since I could've posted this on my previous post :P
Topic Starter
- Rche -

oh god i 'm gatting lazier and lazier...

should be all fixed.
Hi.Here comes my mod.
The words with Red color means You must fix it.
The words with Blue color means You'd better do it.
The words with Purple color means Just suggetstion.

BG is 1024X768.Please make it 800X600.
00:22:939 (6) new combo color?
00:57:169 (7) new combo color?
00:49:669 (2) add finish?
00:55:823 (2) ^
01:01:977 (3) ^
01:57:362 (2) ^
02:09:669 (3) ^

00:12:874 useless green line.Delete it.
00:15:951 ^
00:23:035 ^
00:24:958 ^

00:29:958 ur....I think Normal hitsound fits this part.
01:38:804 ^

Increase AR By 1~2?
00:28:515 insert breaktime


Nice map.Star~

Mystica wrote:

BG is 1024X768.Please make it 800X600.
1024x768 is acceptable.
Nothing much to point out.
A suggestion:
02:21:400 (7) - Would be so much better if you removed one return and fill the blank with a note at 02:21:977 (x). I kinda slider break because I thought that return slider was identical to the previous two.


01:58:900 (3) - Make it start at the next red tick at 01:59:092 (x) and fill the newly empty spot with a note at 01:58:900 (x). Flows slightly better since it will play like 01:57:362 (3,4) and 02:00:439 (3,4).


Insert break at 00:28:515?

That's about it.
Topic Starter
- Rche -
@Mystica: AR+1 and break added.
@galvenize: break added.

thanks for modding
Green = Design
Blue = Suggestion
Red = Change This!

00:18:515 (1) - This note just dont fit to anything, move it on a red tick or remove it
00:31:208 (1) - Move one tick earlier or make a slider from 00:31:015 to 00:31:592
02:23:515 (5) - start 1 tick earlier

00:14:477 (2) - Start New combo here and remove new combo at (1) fits better to the music imo

[CHAS' Hard]
00:07:555 (5) - New Combo
00:10:632 (5) - ^
00:49:862 (1,1,1) - I hate you
02:17:554 (1,1,2,3,1,1) - Run away or i'll kill you!

[vincerio's Insane]
00:49:862 (3) - move the last slider-point 1 grid left
01:02:169 (4) - last slider-point 1 grid right >.>
02:15:054 (6) - 1 grid left

nazi mods are amazing right?

Great map, i think it's ready to get ranked ^^
Have a Star~
Topic Starter
- Rche -

KillerRind wrote:

Green = Design
Blue = Suggestion
Red = Change This!

00:18:515 (1) - This note just dont fit to anything, move it on a red tick or remove it don't think so imo.
00:31:208 (1) - Move one tick earlier or make a slider from 00:31:015 to 00:31:592 fixed.
02:23:515 (5) - start 1 tick earlier got it.

00:14:477 (2) - Start New combo here and remove new combo at (1) fits better to the music imo my fault. fixed

Great map, i think it's ready to get ranked ^^
Have a Star~
thank you very much.
don't mind nazy moddings.
no response?
CHAS' diff updated.
Here's my mod~


01:21:977 (5) - 1 grid down (to make symmetrical the notes 01:20:439 (1,2,3,4,5) - )
02:03:515 (8) - Delete this note


01:14:477 - Add a note
01:32:746 (4) - Move this 1 grid up

[CHAS' Hard]


[vincerio's Insane]

00:18:900 - Add a note

Like the map and song,star!
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game :)

Why are there "lazy" and "cover" in tags ?
Your mp3 has 256kbps bitrate. Compress it to 192.
The diffs don't have the same ending points...

I find this to be rather hard for an Easy (because of all the 1/2, the long streams of note, and some of the rhythms used).
01:21:977 (5,1,2) - It's a bit nazi, but can you space them perfectly ? It will look a lot better.

This is too hard for a Normal. It plays more like a Hard.

CHAS' Hard
Seems fine... despite the many 1/2 beats that were added and that hardly make any sense.

vincerio's Insane
Why doesn't this start at the same point as the other diffs ?
The difficulty feels forced here...

Odaril wrote:

Your mp3 has 256kbps bitrate. Compress it to 192. Make sure to double check the offset afterwards~

This is too hard for a Normal. It plays more like a Hard. Plays like a Hard? No way~
You should keep it imo~.
Sorry if I sounded selfish :P
Topic Starter
- Rche -
kevincela's mod:
my part all fixed.

Odaril wrote:

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game

Why are there "lazy" and "cover" in tags ?
about the "lazy"as i know this song is somewhat an old song in japan.
if this is not a reason then i will remove it.
about the "cover" : removed.

Your mp3 has 256kbps bitrate. Compress it to 192.
arrrgh this is a VBR with average 141 kbps so it should be fine.
The diffs don't have the same ending points...
i will map my part to the end...

I find this to be rather hard for an Easy (because of all the 1/2, the long streams of note, and some of the rhythms used).
01:21:977 (5,1,2) - It's a bit nazi, but can you space them perfectly ? It will look a lot better.
This is too hard for a Normal. It plays more like a Hard.
mastering in IELTS don't mean mastering everyday english.
i'm full of mis-understanding...

wow i was ninja'd by Saten-sama.
I will talk to Odaril later.

Odaril wrote:

vincerio's Insane
Why doesn't this start at the same point as the other diffs ?
The difficulty feels forced here...
Seriously? I'm just following the song rhythm... Owo
Why Starting and Ending point should be the same for all difficulties? as long as its look fine, that wasn't a problems at all.
Don't say it's unrankable or unacceptable. Im used to deal with it.
Thanks for understanding :3

vincerio wrote:

Odaril wrote:

vincerio's Insane
Why doesn't this start at the same point as the other diffs ?
The difficulty feels forced here...
Seriously? I'm just following the song rhythm... Owo
Why Starting and Ending point should be the same for all difficulties? as long as its look fine, that wasn't a problems at all.
Don't say it's unrankable or unacceptable. Im used to deal with it.
Thanks for understanding :3
The starting points being different is perfectly acceptable, but I think it's always better to have all the diffs start at the same point and end at the same point :P
Also, the difficulty feels forced because most of the patterns felt like they were put there for the sake of placing them here (I said nothing about beat placement as I thought it's fine). That's only my personal view anyway.
Topic Starter
- Rche -
now i have changed the diff names.

<00:18:515> sounds weird, add notes on <00:17:746> and <00:18:131> and move finish to (2)
<01:18:515> (2) move to x:360 y:320
<01:21:977> (5) new combo here instead

<01:16:977> (7) clap instead
<01:22:746> (4) a 1/2 slider repeating 2 times play better here
<01:26:592..> (1..) change all finishes in this section into clap?
<01:38:900> (1) whistle instead

[CHAS' Hard]
<00:57:939> (6) remove clap and clap on (7)
<01:05:823> (4) x (5) clap, same for (6,7); (8,9) clap clap, spinner finish
<01:19:092> wierd finish
<01:30:631> ^
<02:36:978> nice,

[vincerio's Insane]
<01:02:169> (4) make it straight?
- note placement could be further optimized but since it's insane and it's good...nevermind

you don't have to worry about 2 Hard issue, since they have completely different mapping style and played out well imo, also very nice score spread!

Topic Starter
- Rche -

loveFantasy wrote:


<00:18:515> sounds weird, add notes on <00:17:746> and <00:18:131> and move finish to (2)
<01:18:515> (2) move to x:360 y:320
<01:21:977> (5) new combo here instead
all fixed.
<01:16:977> (7) clap instead
<01:22:746> (4) a 1/2 slider repeating 2 times play better here Fixed.
<01:26:592..> (1..) change all finishes in this section into clap?
<01:38:900> (1) whistle instead
others are not fixed...i think the hitsounds here are okay.

you don't have to worry about 2 Hard issue, since they have completely different mapping style and played out well imo, also very nice score spread!

thanks for modding.
still a bit worried.

EDIT: CHAS' diff updated.
vincerio did you check the mod posts in the last page?

loveFantasy wrote:

[CHAS' Hard]
<00:57:939> (6) remove clap and clap on (7)
<01:05:823> (4) x (5) clap, same for (6,7); (8,9) clap clap, spinner finish
<01:19:092> wierd finish
<01:30:631> ^
<02:36:978> nice,
thank you

Download: OToGi 8 - Akazukin-chan Goyoujin [i-pop ver.] (justnobody) [CHAS' Hard].osu
Colin Hou
  1. tags: lazy 这个是什么 0.0
[CHAS's Hard]:
  1. 00:17:939 (2,3) - finish
  2. 00:49:862 (1,1,1) - 这样使用spinner会突然丢失节奏感 后面也有类似情况
  3. 总体上是好diff 只是应该更多注重下pattern的使用 有一段貌似在摆方框或者拉长蛇
[vincerio's Insane]:
  • 00:31:208 (5) - normal-hitnormal here
  1. 01:38:900 (5) - ^
  2. 00:40:246 (4) - finish
  3. 00:41:785 (9) - ^
  4. 01:08:227 ~ 01:09:669 (T) - spinner here, mute the end
  5. 01:25:246 (1,1,1,1) - finish
  6. 01:47:938 (4) - ^
  7. 01:49:477 (5) - ^
  8. 01:56:977 (2,3) - spacing
  9. hitsounds are nicely done, use more soft sliders instead of liner ones could fit the song much better imo, current spacing is fun to play btw
  1. AR +2 OD+1
  2. hitsounds比较混乱, 通常情况选定一个whistle/clap来跟音乐打节拍在重音处下 另一个用来点缀 这个曲子有清楚的鼓点 应该不会很难 部分地方下的合格 但是整体看会发现很乱 大概是mapping前后时间跨度较长的原因 请注重以下整体性
  1. 要把这个说成一个Hard很难... 156bpm的SV(slider velocity)只有1.2 而且常用spacing snap只有x0.8 如果想要做一个Hard的话 不妨试试SV1.6 spacing snap放到x1.2? 目前的情况和Normal的难度比起 我感觉仅仅是圈小了而已. (星数什么的可以忽略) 另外欢快的曲子可以试试把slider做成有点微弧度. 直来直去的话太硬气了 orz
另外这个帖子标题上的ver后面的点别忘了加 :P
Topic Starter
- Rche -

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. tags: lazy 这个是什么 0.0

  1. AR +2 OD+1
  2. hitsounds比较混乱, 通常情况选定一个whistle/clap来跟音乐打节拍在重音处下 另一个用来点缀 这个曲子有清楚的鼓点 应该不会很难 部分地方下的合格 但是整体看会发现很乱 大概是mapping前后时间跨度较长的原因 请注重以下整体性
  1. 要把这个说成一个Hard很难... 156bpm的SV(slider velocity)只有1.2 而且常用spacing snap只有x0.8 如果想要做一个Hard的话 不妨试试SV1.6 spacing snap放到x1.2? 目前的情况和Normal的难度比起 我感觉仅仅是圈小了而已. (星数什么的可以忽略) 另外欢快的曲子可以试试把slider做成有点微弧度. 直来直去的话太硬气了 orz
另外这个帖子标题上的ver后面的点别忘了加 :P加了.
Hard2 是remap中的hard 恐怕會變成很兇的五星吧...
sorry for wasting everyone's time here.

EDIT: change in title

Colin Hou wrote:

[CHAS's Hard]:
  1. 00:17:939 (2,3) - finish
  2. 00:49:862 (1,1,1) - 这样使用spinner会突然丢失节奏感 后面也有类似情况
  3. 总体上是好diff 只是应该更多注重下pattern的使用 有一段貌似在摆方框或者拉长蛇
多謝 :)
不過我還是很希望保留spinner :P

Download: OToGi 8 - Akazukin-chan Goyoujin [i-pop ver.] (justnobody) [CHAS' Hard].osu
Topic Starter
- Rche -
還有vincerio's insane又該怎麼辦...

easy remap100%
normal remap80%樽頸了.100%.
will upload on 12:30AM.
Topic Starter
- Rche -
finally completed?
the easy is really slightly easier than before.
but the normal is just...
i just keep making it harder maybe.
still don't know if the easy should be called a normal
and if the normal should be hard or someting like normal+.
modders below don't mod the insane plz.
把難度名稱改成 "easy+"/"normal+"之後就沒人吐槽了www(貌似是wwwwww)
XD~繼續支持 :)
Topic Starter
- Rche -

21:26 <justnobody> : the question is "is 'normal+' and 'easy+' rankaple now?"
21:26 <justnobody> : rankable
21:27 <Garven> : They are, but they're discouraged
21:27 <Garven> : It's best to try and go for a smooth difficulty curve
21:27 <Garven> : So as you progress from Easy -> Normal -> Hard -> Insane, there shouldn't be a big gap in difficulty
21:27 <Garven> : So as long as what you create fits within that curve and still fits in the general criteria for that type of difficulty
21:27 <Garven> : (e.g. easy, normal etc.) then you should be fine

00:15:823 (1) - 結尾對齊
00:43:515 (1) - finish 還有這邊該加個kiai
01:51:208 - kiai
02:12:746 (2,4) - stack

00:28:515 - 不要break time!
01:20:631 - 少了什麼的感覺
01:23:323 - ^
01:32:939 - ^

[CHAS' Hard]
00:21:015 (6,7) -別用finish阿
01:36:015 - 應該用note. spinner加在後面

[vincerio's Insane]
00:18:708 (1,2) - 2連不適合 (用3連?)
01:04:285 (5,7) - stack
02:12:746 (1,4) - 讓他堆疊起來吧

star~ ;)
Topic Starter
- Rche -

spboxer3 wrote:


00:15:823 (1) - 結尾對齊
00:43:515 (1) - finish 還有這邊該加個kiai
01:51:208 - kiai
02:12:746 (2,4) - stack

00:28:515 - 不要break time!
01:20:631 - 少了什麼的感覺
01:23:323 - ^
01:32:939 - ^

star~ ;)
應該all fixed了.

from my que


01:22:746 (2,4) - 这里叠起来有点不好看
01:47:746 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这里太难了,换成slider
02:02:746 (5,6,7,8) - ^
02:22:746 (3,4) - 这里只有一组,不算太难,不过还是建议叠起来简单点
02:28:900 (3,4,2,3) - 这两个就换成slider吧,免得让人结束的时候miss

00:18:708 (1) - 少一次折返,然后在00:18:900开始
00:19:477 (2,4) - 最好别这样挡住
00:22:554 (2,4) - ^
00:25:246 (5) - 试试弄个好玩的shape然后结束在00:26:400?

[CHAS' Hard]
00:12:939 (5) - change to 3 sliders is better imo , back too many times is counfusing
00:16:016 (9) - ^
00:38:132 (3,4,5,6,7) - try this :
01:25:055 (1) - too far from the spinner
01:27:555 (1,2,3,4,5) - pentagon?
02:21:401 (1) - too far

[vincerio's Insane]
00:18:900 - add circle
00:49:862 (3) - seem it is not vertical
00:57:939 (12,13) - this spacing is confusing , make it 1.5x?
01:02:169 (4) - vertical
02:21:400 (7) - repeat 1 time less , follow the sliders before it , and circle at 02:21:977

nice song
I love this song ;)
Topic Starter
- Rche -

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my que


01:22:746 (2,4) - 这里叠起来有点不好看
01:47:746 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这里太难了,换成slider
02:02:746 (5,6,7,8) - ^
02:22:746 (3,4) - 这里只有一组,不算太难,不过还是建议叠起来简单点
02:28:900 (3,4,2,3) - 这两个就换成slider吧,免得让人结束的时候miss
因為N個post前garven說過1/2 slider很不好所以還是算了.

00:18:708 (1) - 少一次折返,然后在00:18:900开始
00:19:477 (2,4) - 最好别这样挡住
00:22:554 (2,4) - ^
00:25:246 (5) - 试试弄个好玩的shape然后结束在00:26:400?我明天再想...
nice song

spboxer3 wrote:

[CHAS' Hard]
kiai照Easy 能不裝kiai嗎 :?
00:21:015 (6,7) -別用finish阿 換成whistle怎麼樣lol
01:36:015 - 應該用note. spinner加在後面 完成.
thank you :)

wcx19911123 wrote:

[CHAS' Hard]
00:12:939 (5) - change to 3 sliders is better imo , back too many times is counfusing 改良了
00:16:016 (9) - ^ ^
00:38:132 (3,4,5,6,7) - try this : 改良了~部分完成
01:25:055 (1) - too far from the spinner 這樣就好了...
01:27:555 (1,2,3,4,5) - pentagon? 就現在這樣吧 :P
02:21:401 (1) - too far 這樣就好了...
抱歉 我不太會英文 :? (所以使用中文)
thank you! :D

Download: OToGi 8 - Akazukin-chan Goyoujin (i-pop ver.) (justnobody) [CHAS' Hard].osu

justnobody wrote:

是指2:36:785~2:37:362這裡麼 囧
Topic Starter
- Rche -

CHAS wrote:

justnobody wrote:

是指2:36:785~2:37:362這裡麼 囧

justnobody wrote:

CHAS wrote:

justnobody wrote:

是指2:36:785~2:37:362這裡麼 囧
Modding your map as your request. Hope it helps :3

[!] = You NEED to change.
[.] = If possible, change.
[?] = Suggestion.

00:06:592 (2) - New combo ?
00:18:515 (1) - Remove this note ? (I don't feel much sense on it, once that doesn't follow the rhythm nor the vocal)
00:31:208 (1) - Start this slider at: 00:31:015, to follow the vocal
00:32:746 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:35:823 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:54:285 (1) - Remove new combo ?
02:00:438 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:01:592 (2) - New combo.
02:15:054 (1) - Remove new combo.

00:06:208 (1) - New combo ?
00:44:862 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:00:439 (7) - New combo.
01:13:900 (1) - New combo.
01:29:285 (1) - New combo ?
01:35:631 (5) - New combo.
01:36:208 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:43:515 (4) - New combo.
01:44:092 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:58:515 (5) - New combo.
01:58:900 (1) - Remove new combo

[CHAS's Hard]
00:06:208 (1) - New combo ?
00:24:668 (1,2) - Consider unstacking it, once that the combo looks kind blind and force an anti-jump.

Opinion:Too many forced jumps, consider changing it.

[vincerio's Insane]
00:18:804 (2) - This beat in the blue tick sounds really weird, move it to: 00:18:900.
00:21:785 (10) - I can't see the meaning of this note. Remove it cause it doesn't follow the rhythm, makes the flow odd and the spacing is also weird.
00:31:592 (6) - New combo.
00:31:785 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:33:900 (7) - New combo.
00:34:285 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:39:669 (1,2,3,4) - Change the spacing? (2) is hidden because of the overlap on the previous slider, looks odd. Blind pattern.
00:40:631 (5) - New combo.
00:41:785 (9) - New combo ?
01:34:285 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:34:669 (2) - New combo.
01:39:284 (6) - New combo.
01:39:477 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:41:592 (7) - New combo.

Opinion:Too many forced jumps, consider changing it. Also, you change in a weird way from the voice to the beats. It can make the map confusing. Still, it's a good map.
Topic Starter
- Rche -
pchan's mod:
i can't remember which new combo i have done but should be about 90%...

@vincerio: that's so late...

poisonchan wrote:

[CHAS's Hard]
00:06:208 (1) - New combo ?
00:24:668 (1,2) - Consider unstacking it, once that the combo looks kind blind and force an anti-jump.

Opinion:Too many forced jumps, consider changing it.
Thank you. :)


Colin Hou wrote:

[vincerio's Insane]:
  • 00:31:208 (5) - normal-hitnormal here
  1. 01:38:900 (5) - ^
  2. 00:40:246 (4) - finish
  3. 00:41:785 (9) - ^
  4. 01:08:227 ~ 01:09:669 (T) - spinner here, mute the end
  5. 01:25:246 (1,1,1,1) - finish
  6. 01:47:938 (4) - ^
  7. 01:49:477 (5) - ^
  8. 01:56:977 (2,3) - spacing
  9. hitsounds are nicely done, use more soft sliders instead of liner ones could fit the song much better imo, current spacing is fun to play btw
All fixed!

Thank you so much Colin Hou~ :)

Download: OToGi 8 - Akazukin-chan Goyoujin (i-pop ver.) (justnobody) [vincerio's Insane].osu
Topic Starter
- Rche -
now late update.
it's difficult to get mod now.
it's difficult to post now.

00:13:131 (1) - Remove NC?
00:21:977 (1) - (nazi) this?
00:52:746 (4) - New combo?
02:00:438 (5) - New combo, then put one on 02:01:592 (1) and remove NC from 02:02:746 (4)?
02:12:362 (1) - Add clap
02:12:746 (2,3,4,1) - Add claps on the end
02:18:131 (2,3,4) - (nazi) Move 1 level 3 grid down?


00:43:515 ~ 01:10:823 - Add Kiai?
01:51:208 ~ 02:03:515 - ^

00:50:823 (1,2,3) - Not evenly spaced
00:52:746 (5) - New combo?
00:53:515 (1) - Remove NC?
00:54:285 (5) - New combo?
01:04:669 (1,2,3) - Not evenly spaced
01:06:977 (7) - New combo?
01:23:515 (5) - New combo?
01:23:708 (6) - This?
02:23:900 (7) - New combo?

CHAS' Hard:

00:43:515 ~ 01:10:823 - Add Kiai?
01:51:208 ~ 02:03:515 - ^

00:12:939 (5) - I'm not sure I like this slider, I think you could do something more interesting here
00:16:016 (9) - ^
00:49:862 (1,1,1) - I think you could do something more interesting instead of these spinners~ (This one plays all right though, so if you want you can keep it)
01:02:170 (1,1) - ^
01:20:631 (2) - Same as 00:12:939 (5)
01:29:285 (7) - This note seems confusing, I thought it was 1/2 earlier. Perhaps move it 1/2 earlier and add a note at 01:29:477? Alternatively, you could unstack it~
01:32:939 (5) - Same as 00:12:939 (5)
01:29:285 (7) - Unstack it?
01:57:555 (4) - This slider plays all right, but I think you could make this part more interesting instead of putting just a slider
01:59:092 (4) - ^
02:00:631 (4) - ^

vincerio's Insane:

00:43:515 ~ 01:10:823 - Add Kiai?
01:51:208 ~ 02:03:515 - ^

00:25:054 (1) - This slider doesn't really fit the music and I think you could make this part a bit more interesting, instead of putting this slider
00:42:746 (4) - (nazi) move 1 level 4 grid right?
00:57:362 (10) - New combo
01:27:939 (7) - New combo? (Also, I'm not really sure this jump fits, but maybe it's just me :? )
01:41:977 (8) - New combo? (Then, remove it from (1))
02:05:054 (10) - New combo
02:14:669 (3) - Move 1 level 4 grid down
02:15:054 (6) - Move 1 level 4 grid left
02:21:208 (6) - New combo? (Then remove it from 02:22:169 (1)~)
02:35:246 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Perhaps space this evenly? It plays fine either way so :?

Nice map~ :) (ノ゚ω゚)ノ☆
Topic Starter
- Rche -
fast mod fast mod!
and 2kds!!

pieguy1372 wrote:


00:13:131 (1) - Remove NC?
00:21:977 (1) - (nazi) this?
00:52:746 (4) - New combo?
02:00:438 (5) - New combo, then put one on 02:01:592 (1) and remove NC from 02:02:746 (4)? can't get this...but i re-placed the new combo here
02:12:362 (1) - Add clap
02:12:746 (2,3,4,1) - Add claps on the end
02:18:131 (2,3,4) - (nazi) Move 1 level 3 grid down?


00:43:515 ~ 01:10:823 - Add Kiai?
01:51:208 ~ 02:03:515 - ^

00:50:823 (1,2,3) - Not evenly spaced
00:52:746 (5) - New combo?
00:53:515 (1) - Remove NC?
00:54:285 (5) - New combo?
01:04:669 (1,2,3) - Not evenly spaced
01:06:977 (7) - New combo?
01:23:515 (5) - New combo?
01:23:708 (6) - This?
02:23:900 (7) - New combo?

Nice map~ :) (ノ゚ω゚)ノ☆
should be all fixed except that one in easy.
thank you so much!

pieguy1372 wrote:

CHAS' Hard:

00:43:515 ~ 01:10:823 - Add Kiai?
01:51:208 ~ 02:03:515 - ^

00:12:939 (5) - I'm not sure I like this slider, I think you could do something more interesting here
00:16:016 (9) - ^
00:49:862 (1,1,1) - I think you could do something more interesting instead of these spinners~ (This one plays all right though, so if you want you can keep it)
01:02:170 (1,1) - ^
01:20:631 (2) - Same as 00:12:939 (5)
01:29:285 (7) - This note seems confusing, I thought it was 1/2 earlier. Perhaps move it 1/2 earlier and add a note at 01:29:477? Alternatively, you could unstack it~
01:32:939 (5) - Same as 00:12:939 (5)
01:29:285 (7) - Unstack it?
01:57:555 (4) - This slider plays all right, but I think you could make this part more interesting instead of putting just a slider
01:59:092 (4) - ^
02:00:631 (4) - ^
thank you~

Download: OToGi 8 - Akazukin-chan Goyoujin (i-pop ver.) (justnobody) [CHAS' Hard].osu

突然覺得還是把1:36:015的circle拆掉比較好 :?
The 08 team_Bourdon
你好~ :)

00:15:823 (4) - make it more beautiful~
00:28:323 (1) - this spinner start form 00:28:131 - ?
00:37:362 (3,4) - make it more beautiful
02:23:323 (5) - ^

00:14:669 (2,3,4) - make it more beautiful
00:25:246 (x) - add a slider to 00:26:208 - ?
00:28:131 (4) - end at 00:29:285 - ?
00:57:362 (5) - ugly slider = = make it more beautiful
01:12:554 - here got a Drag Break. please fix it o.o
01:20:439 (4) - left 6 grid? x:80 y:248
01:52:746 (4) - ugly slider... make it more beautiful
02:03:323 (7) - why dont start the New Combo at here?
why i dont feel it is 'NORMAL'? i feel this is 'Hard' xD, try to make easier a bit~

CHAS's Hard
  1. why your difficulty dont have KIAI time?? are you forget to add it?
00:12:939 (5) - too much of this repeating.. try to make some circle or a straight slider?
00:15:439 (6,7) - change to a slider?
00:15:824 (8) - the next slider start from here? and too much of this repeating.. try to make some circle or a straight slider?
00:23:132 (5) - add a New Combo
00:24:670 (1) - cannot see very clearly of this slider.. move out to other place...
00:28:132 (5) - add a New Combo
01:20:631 (2) - again... too much of this slider repeating.. very boring :(
01:32:939 (5) - ^
01:52:555 (7) - add a New Combo
02:16:978 (7) - ^
02:17:555 (1) - change to a slider...

vincerio's Insane
00:13:131 (1) - delete this New Combo?
00:22:939 (6) - add a New Combo?
00:30:631 - add a circle?
00:44:862 (6) - add a new Combo?
00:56:785 (7) - ^
01:07:362 (4,5,6,7,8) - make them close a bit
01:24:477 (5) - add a New Combo
01:41:015 (5) - ^
01:52:554 (6) - ^
02:04:669 (8) - ^

Good Luck~! 8-)
1.looks like your mp3 is 256bits ...
i make it 192 bits xD

00:18:900 (1,2) - spacing?
00:25:246 (x) - maybe make a slider that ends at 00:26:208 ?
00:28:515 (x) - ^ it feels odd to have the gap here
00:59:092 (x) - just...add note here maybe.... it feels...strange without notes here
01:33:131 (5) - - move it to 01:32:939 (5) - ?

hard: (i really can't mod this map because it has solid pattern xD )
kiai.....oh well.... you might be bored to get this mod xD
01:32:170 (1,2,3,4) - this?

nothing more that i can find

00:49:862 (3) - well... this is super nazi xD, make it straight

can't find anything else only kiai xD

looks like that's it xD
Sorry to late mod.

  1. 00:43:515 (1,2) - Extend (1) to 00:44:285. And move (2) to 00:44:669.
  1. 00:14:285 (5) - Add new combo.
  2. 00:14:477 (1) - Remove new combo.
  3. 00:16:592 (1) - Extend it to 00:18:323?
  4. 00:28:323 (1) - ^ to 00:29:477? This spinner is a bit short as Normal diff.
  5. 00:40:246 (5) - Up 1 grid.
  6. 00:53:515 (4) - Add new combo.
  7. 00:53:708 (1) - Remove new combo.
  8. 00:58:131 (6,1,2) - Too near and random must fix them.
[CHAS's Hard]
  1. 00:23:132 (5,6,7,8) - This every beat clap doesn't fit the music imo...
  2. 00:25:824 (5) - It's kinda hard to read this note because it is hidden by previous slider. However not so hard, you have not to fix it.
  3. 01:26:401 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Add clap on some notes.
  4. 01:39:478 (1) - Remove clap.
  5. 01:39:670 (2) - Add clap.
  6. 01:41:016 (1,2) - ^
  7. 01:42:555 (1,2) - ^
  8. 01:44:093 (1,2) - ^
  9. 02:36:978 (2) - Good pattern as END~
[vincerio's Insane]

  • OD+1.
  1. 00:01:400 (x) - Put a note?
  2. 00:02:939 (x) - ^
  3. 00:04:477 (x) - ^
  4. 00:18:900 (x) - ^
  5. 00:57:362 (10) - Combo is too long, add new combo?
  6. 01:02:746 (6) - Right 1 grid?
  7. 01:14:285 (1,2) - (nazi) Spacing is kinda wide. Down (1) 1 grid?
  8. 01:26:977 (4) - Make it one circle and one slider to follow the vocal?
  9. 01:39:284 (6) - Remove new combo.
  10. 01:39:477 (1) - Add new combo.
  11. 02:14:861 (4,5,6) - Looks weird for me...left (6) 1 grid?
Cute song<3
Good luck~ :)

Index-San wrote:

hard: (i really can't mod this map because it has solid pattern xD )
kiai.....oh well.... you might be bored to get this mod xD
01:32:170 (1,2,3,4) - this?

nothing more that i can find
thank you

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:

CHAS's Hard
  1. why your difficulty dont have KIAI time?? are you forget to add it?
00:12:939 (5) - too much of this repeating.. try to make some circle or a straight slider?
00:15:439 (6,7) - change to a slider?
00:15:824 (8) - the next slider start from here? and too much of this repeating.. try to make some circle or a straight slider?
00:23:132 (5) - add a New Combo
00:24:670 (1) - cannot see very clearly of this slider.. move out to other place...
00:28:132 (5) - add a New Combo
01:20:631 (2) - again... too much of this slider repeating.. very boring :(
01:32:939 (5) - ^
01:52:555 (7) - add a New Combo
02:16:978 (7) - ^
02:17:555 (1) - change to a slider...
thank you

Suzully wrote:

[CHAS's Hard]
  1. 00:23:132 (5,6,7,8) - This every beat clap doesn't fit the music imo...
  2. 00:25:824 (5) - It's kinda hard to read this note because it is hidden by previous slider. However not so hard, you have not to fix it.
  3. 01:26:401 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Add clap on some notes.
  4. 01:39:478 (1) - Remove clap.
  5. 01:39:670 (2) - Add clap.
  6. 01:41:016 (1,2) - ^
  7. 01:42:555 (1,2) - ^
  8. 01:44:093 (1,2) - ^
  9. 02:36:978 (2) - Good pattern as END~
thank you

Download: OToGi 8 - Akazukin-chan Goyoujin (i-pop ver.) (justnobody) [CHAS' Hard].osu
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