
Wakaba - Ashita, Boku wa Kimi ni Ai ni Yuku (Full Ver.)

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Megurine Luka
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年1月18日 at 1:57:48

Artist: Wakaba
Title: Ashita, Boku wa Kimi ni Ai ni Yuku (Full Ver.)
Source: Sekai ichi Hatsukoi
Tags: sherrie__fay
BPM: 107
Filesize: 10785kb
Play Time: 03:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Daisuki (4.91 stars, 553 notes)
  2. Easy (2.06 stars, 234 notes)
  3. Normal (3.26 stars, 291 notes)
  4. SuKi SuKI (4.49 stars, 425 notes)
Download: Wakaba - Ashita, Boku wa Kimi ni Ai ni Yuku (Full Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st. Map. BL anime.
Fine not the first ranked map though :<
Ready for mod.
Special Thanks:
xykbear (skins)
BakaHuang (Offset check >///< Good Luck in University entrance exam.)
Selee (Offset check)
CSY the corrupt (baka suggestions)
LKs (diff setting)

sherrie__fay for excellent SB <3

Do not ask me to change the diff name.
SuKi SukI is for Yumeko Yuki (Yuki YukI). Sukidesu.
random mod time!!


Timing>>set current position as preview point

View>>Grid level>>选用2-3吧

mp3因为是完整版 所以要不高于192kps (不知道这个蛋疼的规定有没有改掉..Orz

因为作为map的最低难度 所以在spacing上不要出现问题。
Open AImod , and try to fix some spacing problems.

问题和Easy一样 有点太跳了

总之先给个star// 糯米加油啊> <
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

BakaHuang wrote:

random mod time!!


Timing>>set current position as preview point

View>>Grid level>>选用2-3吧

mp3因为是完整版 所以要不高于192kps (不知道这个蛋疼的规定有没有改掉..Orz

因为作为map的最低难度 所以在spacing上不要出现问题。
Open AImod , and try to fix some spacing problems.

问题和Easy一样 有点太跳了

总之先给个star// 糯米加油啊> <



中考完還沒rank我也要做>< 基圖賽高
Megpoid Gumi_old
Yumeko Yuki
how can i help you
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

_Kiva wrote:

how can i help you
做完了KIVA姐姐来mod一下就好了XD如果KIVA姐姐想做GD也欢迎欢迎 > < 谢谢kiva姐姐扑倒蹂躏~

Hexagram Matrix
8-) star~~!

Yumeko Yuki
来mod了 :)

mp3是320K的,建议转到128和192之间..记得full submit
[Suki SukI]
00:07:954 (8) - spacing和前面的不对
00:15:524 (4) - 这个不叠在3上麽?
00:21:692 (9,10) - 这两个最好保持和前面的spacing一致就好
00:25:056 (4) - new combo
00:29:542 (4) - ^
00:31:785 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这一段中间夹的circle间距不对 建议用distance snap来摆= =
00:43:000 (1) - 这个移到这里再加上个newcombo怎么样
00:54:495 (3) - 这个spacing不对
00:57:580 (8) - newcombo
01:05:711 (4,5,6,7) - 这个1/8太蛋疼了 :o 用1/4就好 还有需要改下spacing
01:15:523 (3) - 这个spacing不对(后面接着还有几串我就不说了)
01:16:084 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^ 这些刚开始都可以用distance snap来摆嗯
01:31:785 (1,2,3) - 这里可以重新排版下...打着不是很舒服
01:55:336 (7,8) - 这里会让人误认为连打的
02:20:291 (5) - newcombo
02:30:384 (8) - 间距
03:08:795 (5,6) - 这两个和7摆一起吧
03:16:365 (4,5,6,7) - spacing...
03:30:103 (3,4) - 容易误解成连打....

音效方面先不做mod了= =
大部分都还是间距问题~这也是新人最容易出现的问题...其实用distance snap是一个不错的功能啊我觉得..

ez和nm不怎么会mod所以怕误导我就不做mod了 :( :(


Download: Wakaba - Ashita Boku wa Kimi ni Ainiiku (Full Ver.) (Megurine Luka) [Yuki YukI].osu
8-) I like
好吧我是来这找rin叔搅基的= =
offset : 384 (試試看吧,我不太會聽)


00:14:963 (3) - 間距拉小
00:43:561 (2) - ^
01:15:524 (1) - 間距拉大
01:30:664 (3,4,5) - 間距拉小

00:45:804 (2,3,4) - 間距拉近

[SuKi SuKI]
建議重新排一下 ;)

00:08:795 (10) - 這邊的節奏改這樣如何?

00:41:879 (1) - 取消new combo
01:05:711 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這裡的間距感覺不太好
01:41:318 (1) - 從 01:41:038 開始,結束的位置不變
01:52:533 (1,2) - 間距
02:31:225 (9,10,11) - 間距
02:32:346 (1) - 取消new combo
02:32:907 (1) - 增加new combo
03:19:729 (2) - 間距加大,不然很容易把後面的也當成1/2按
03:24:496 (1) - 忘了加kiai time嗎 :?
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

Evil_Twilight wrote:

offset : 384 (試試看吧,我不太會聽)


00:14:963 (3) - 間距拉小
00:43:561 (2) - ^
01:15:524 (1) - 間距拉大
01:30:664 (3,4,5) - 間距拉小

00:45:804 (2,3,4) - 間距拉近

[SuKi SuKI]
建議重新排一下 ;)

00:08:795 (10) - 這邊的節奏改這樣如何?

00:41:879 (1) - 取消new combo
01:05:711 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這裡的間距感覺不太好
01:41:318 (1) - 從 01:41:038 開始,結束的位置不變
01:52:533 (1,2) - 間距
02:31:225 (9,10,11) - 間距
02:32:346 (1) - 取消new combo
02:32:907 (1) - 增加new combo
03:19:729 (2) - 間距加大,不然很容易把後面的也當成1/2按
03:24:496 (1) - 忘了加kiai time嗎 :?
FIXed. Thanks a lot.
Download: Wakaba - Ashita Boku wa Kimi ni Ainiiku (Full Ver.) (Megurine Luka) [X].osu

EDIT 这给KD太客气了..那正好又凑成一个star
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

LKs wrote:

[attachment=0:4d112]Wakaba - Ashita Boku wa Kimi ni Ainiiku (Full Ver.) (Megurine Luka) [X].osu[/attachment:4d112]

Gogo Luka XD~
:( Star~另外建議最高難度別用AR9..這個bpm不適合那麼高的ar..
S h i o n
full ver. 加油~~

Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

Lisa wrote:

:( Star~另外建議最高難度別用AR9..這個bpm不適合那麼高的ar..
Kyonko Hizara
^mb put them x:432 y:136

try to add this notes

01:21:131 remove it, sounds weird
try to add
01:20:851 note
01:21:131 short slider
01:21:692 short slider
01:22:253 note
01:22:673 note

01:28:141 note
01:54:496 note

01:54:776 to 01:57:580 dont like this part
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

^mb put them x:432 y:136 fixed

try to add this notes
00:26:598 added
00:31:365 added
00:31:505 added

01:21:131 remove it, sounds weird remained
try to add
01:20:851 note added
01:21:131 short slider remained
01:21:692 short slider ^
01:22:253 note added
01:22:673 note remained

01:28:141 note added
01:54:496 note added

01:54:776 to 01:57:580 dont like this part sorry, dk how to change it
Thanks for modding :)
In fact the timing is fine, but the guitar is earlier than the heavy beat for a little; thus, the timing sounds off...

so just an option here...

  1. BPM: 107.000 Offset: 352
  2. BPM: 107.000 Offset: 186503
  3. BPM: 107.000 Offset 202221
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

Selee wrote:

In fact the timing is fine, but the guitar is earlier than the heavy beat for a little; thus, the timing sounds off...

so just an option here...

  1. BPM: 107.000 Offset: 352
  2. BPM: 107.000 Offset: 186503
  3. BPM: 107.000 Offset 202221
Thanks a lot..
Ibuki Suika
Sekai ichi Ouji Sama 8-)

Your message is too short.

--I don't have any problems reading the map, but it just has random streams everywhere. Many times it doesn't really follow the music that well. (e.g. 03:17:415 (4,5,6,7,8) -)

00:28:389 (3,4,5) - I would just make a stream to follow the original pattern
00:30:211 (4) - remove clap, sounds a lot better imo
00:39:323 (7,1) - although i read this correctly, it just doesn't fit imo. i wouldn't use such spacing
01:06:239 (2,3) - ^
01:09:604 (1) - remove combo and add one to the next note.
01:12:127 (1) - doesn't really fit imo. it's better off with the regular SV imo. I kinda like having a note at 01:12:408
01:15:211 (x) - add note
01:54:744 (2) - stack perfectly
02:28:109 (x) - add note
02:28:249 (x) - ^
02:32:875 (1) - move note 1/2 tick back and add a note at 02:33:155
02:45:352 (1) - i like it better if this was not silenced, and u add a finish to it
03:28:942 (1) - add two notes 1/4 tick apart before this slider?
03:33:428 (1) - ^

Suki Suki

--why so loud at the beginning?
--I would it like better if the spacing was more even... I'm not talking about the jumps, which I'm fine with.

00:02:594 (5) - his also really doesn't fit the music, at least with the current hitsoudns that it has.
00:03:716 (7) - new combo
00:04:837 (1) - add finish
00:36:239 (1) - remove one repeat
00:50:538 (4) - space out a little more
02:00:912 (1,2) - move 1/4 tick back?
02:05:959 (1,2,3) - nice shape, but so random >_>. This really isn't a place that fits very well for this >_>
02:18:296 (1) - not the best place to put this note imo...
02:18:857 (2,3,4) - pointless jump imo. switch combo 3 and 4?
02:21:100 (3,4) - ^
02:23:903 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - space more evenly
02:30:352 (8,9,10,11) - space normally
02:45:352 (1) - add finish
03:07:080 (2,3) - i would space this regularly
03:10:445 (8) - the overlap is weird imo.
03:12:120 (2) - just stack it?
03:13:349 (5,8) - delete these blue tick notes and rearrange notes
03:15:452 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - i would space these evenly.
03:26:707 (7,8) - anti-spacing doesn't fit with music at all


--try using more uniform spacing... although spacing doesn't jump to an insane amount, you have random small spacing increases and decreases.

00:03:436 (6) - i would unstack
00:10:445 (3,4,5) - space evenly
00:16:894 (5,6) - spacing
00:33:996 (3,4,1) - and etc. - why are you increasing spacing now?
00:40:165 (1) - i would just change this into 1 note and rearrange the spacing
00:45:772 (2,3,4) - 1) you really should NOT use something like this in a normal 2) it doesn't even follow the music >_>
00:49:697 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - why the spacing increase?
00:54:183 (1) - i wouldn't use this, but it's still up to you
01:02:034 (6) - no jumps plz
01:03:155 (1) - don't silence
01:19:978 (4) - unstack?
01:23:342 (1) - i would move it closer to the previous note
01:30:632 (2,3) - move closer to each other
02:38:762 (4,5,6) - asdfasdf. i wouldn't put streams like this in a normal, even if the song is slow and it's a triplet

--you should really finish mapping to the end...

i did not mod easy since it is above my time limit for my queue. but nothing really seems that wrong with it so ok.
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

winber1 wrote:


--I don't have any problems reading the map, but it just has random streams everywhere. Many times it doesn't really follow the music that well. (e.g. 03:17:415 (4,5,6,7,8) -)
Even it does not follow, I hope u guys think it fits :)
I will see others' opinions to decide whether I should change it.(cuz it is really a huge change if I do)
Thank u all the same :>

00:28:389 (3,4,5) - I would just make a stream to follow the original pattern Sorry I can not catch the original pattern. If u dont mind could u place it and puush it for me :>
00:30:211 (4) - remove clap, sounds a lot better imo removed
00:39:323 (7,1) - although i read this correctly, it just doesn't fit imo. i wouldn't use such spacing Originally there was no slider in between. Is it better to remove the slider?
01:06:239 (2,3) - ^ Fixed
01:09:604 (1) - remove combo and add one to the next note. Fixed
01:12:127 (1) - doesn't really fit imo. it's better off with the regular SV imo. I kinda like having a note at 01:12:408 Fixed
01:15:211 (x) - add note nope
01:54:744 (2) - stack perfectly Yes fixed.
02:28:109 (x) - add note Added
02:28:249 (x) - ^ That sounds better, thx
02:32:875 (1) - move note 1/2 tick back and add a note at 02:33:155 ^
02:45:352 (1) - i like it better if this was not silenced, and u add a finish to it Fixed.
03:28:942 (1) - add two notes 1/4 tick apart before this slider? Fixed
03:33:428 (1) - ^ Fixed

Suki Suki

--why so loud at the beginning? Sorry it's my mistake. Fixed.
--I would it like better if the spacing was more even... I'm not talking about the jumps, which I'm fine with. Yep cuz it was originally an insane diff. I've already decrease the spacing actually :> BPM is low so I hope I can remain this.

00:02:594 (5) - his also really doesn't fit the music, at least with the current hitsoudns that it has. uh.. wut about now?
00:03:716 (7) - new combo Fixed
00:04:837 (1) - add finish Fixed
00:36:239 (1) - remove one repeat ^
00:50:538 (4) - space out a little more ^
02:00:912 (1,2) - move 1/4 tick back? Fixed
02:05:959 (1,2,3) - nice shape, but so random >_>. This really isn't a place that fits very well for this >_> TAT I hope I can remain this one.
02:18:296 (1) - not the best place to put this note imo... Fixed
02:18:857 (2,3,4) - pointless jump imo. switch combo 3 and 4? Fixed
02:21:100 (3,4) - ^ Fixed
02:23:903 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - space more evenly Remain
02:30:352 (8,9,10,11) - space normally Fixed
02:45:352 (1) - add finish Fixed
03:07:080 (2,3) - i would space this regularly uh.. I actually I open DS when making this one
03:10:445 (8) - the overlap is weird imo. Fixed
03:12:120 (2) - just stack it? Fixed
03:13:349 (5,8) - delete these blue tick notes and rearrange notes Fixed
03:15:452 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - i would space these evenly. Remained
03:26:707 (7,8) - anti-spacing doesn't fit with music at all Fixed


--try using more uniform spacing... although spacing doesn't jump to an insane amount, you have random small spacing increases and decreases. lol, I open DS when I do this..

00:03:436 (6) - i would unstack Fixed
00:10:445 (3,4,5) - space evenly Fixed
00:16:894 (5,6) - spacing Fixed
00:33:996 (3,4,1) - and etc. - why are you increasing spacing now? Actually not. It's due to SV change, the uniform spacing changed
00:40:165 (1) - i would just change this into 1 note and rearrange the spacing Fixed
00:45:772 (2,3,4) - 1) you really should NOT use something like this in a normal 2) it doesn't even follow the music >_> Fixed
00:49:697 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - why the spacing increase? Sorry, my mistakes lol
00:54:183 (1) - i wouldn't use this, but it's still up to you Fixed
01:02:034 (6) - no jumps plz Fixed
01:03:155 (1) - don't silence Fixed
01:19:978 (4) - unstack? Nope
01:23:342 (1) - i would move it closer to the previous note Fixed
01:30:632 (2,3) - move closer to each other Fixed
02:38:762 (4,5,6) - asdfasdf. i wouldn't put streams like this in a normal, even if the song is slow and it's a triplet Fixed

--you should really finish mapping to the end... It's a Full ver. NM and already 347C so...

i did not mod easy since it is above my time limit for my queue. but nothing really seems that wrong with it so ok.

Thank you for modding and it really helps a lot.


Megurine Luka wrote:

winber1 wrote:

--try using more uniform spacing... although spacing doesn't jump to an insane amount, you have random small spacing increases and decreases. lol, I open DS when I do this..

Well then, you probably changed the Distance Snapping every once in a while by like .1 without or something.

Just a few examples:
00:05:398 (2,3,4) - is spaced a tiny bit smaller than 00:07:641 (6,7,8) - if you use Distance Snapping 1.0x, combo 2 3 and 4 are fine, but if used on combo 7, it is forced to come closer to combo 6

00:11:566 (4,5) - using DS 1.0x, combo 4 stays where it is fine, but combo 5 is forced to come back a little

00:16:894 (5,6) - this is just a jump. all your past red tick notes touch the edges of each other

00:33:436 (2,3) - the same thing with that DS 1.0x
00:36:239 (1,2,3) - before, your 1/2 tick notes were touching each other, now suddenly they don't and here 00:42:408 (4,5,6) - they start touching the edges of each other again

00:56:426 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the edges start touching again.

etc. this goes on a lot throughout the song. Although i doubt they make that much of a difference in reading the notes, it just makes the map look more neat imo.
That's what I was talking about, i guess it's still up to you if you want to fix that. also AIMod isn't perfect either i guess.

* Stacked circle under tail slider are not recommended for easy diff, because it's hard to discern the rhythm of the song. Example 01:59:230 (3,4), 02:11:006 (2), and etc

00:22:785 (1) - This spinner are too short for easy diff, replace this into slider or extend this spinner. Otherwise, newbies don't have time to complete the spinner
00:38:486 (7) - New combo?
00:55:870 (4,5) - I recommended to unstack this, it's hard to discern the rhythm of the song :P
01:00:916 (1) - Same issue as 00:22:785 (1)
01:04:842 (4) - Clap hitsound in repeating slider is kinda weird for me, remove it?
01:11:010 (3) - Short repeating sliders are not recommended for this diff, because newbies are tough to tell when it's going to end
01:11:010 (3,1) - About this, I already ask Garven about this stuff, and he said it's not recommended to easy diff. So you should unstack this
01:24:468 (1,2) - Spacing?
01:28:113 (4) - Same issue as 01:11:010 (3)
01:34:561 (1) - Too much repeating slider is tough to tell when it's going to end
01:41:290 (4) - ^
02:23:903 (7) - New combo
02:25:585 (1) - Remove new combo


00:22:781 (1) - Unstack this? I think average player is confusing while gameplay (just opinion)
00:46:333 (3) - Stack this with 00:45:211 (1)? To make it clean? (Nazi)
00:50:819 (4) - Please remove the 3rd sliderpoint (right-click) to stop thinking about this slider has a bug in gameplay
01:25:585 (1,2,3) - I'm afraid that this part is might be confusing for average player, since the 3 tail slider is stack together. But, it's up to you, then
02:27:267 (7) - Ummm, I recommended to change this stuff. Because it's tough to look (nuff said :P)


Suki SuKI
00:15:492 (4) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider (Nazi)
00:28:669 (2) - Spacing error, please fix this to make it not confuse
00:55:305 (4) - ^
01:39:043 (2) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider (Nazi)
02:46:753 ~ 03:05:398 (B) - I think this breaks is too long
03:06:520 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:12:120 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:12:649 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:16:293 (4,5) - Make this distance is same as 03:16:574 (5,6)
03:17:454 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:23:342 (5) - I think this slider is kinda weird, but I don't think it's a burai slider. Perhaps, change this something?


00:07:641 (1) - End at 00:07:922 for following vocal
01:54:744 (2) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider (Nazi)
02:46:753 ~ 03:05:398 (B) - I think this breaks is too long
03:06:520 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:07:068 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:11:832 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:12:120 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:12:649 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:22:214 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points


Needs more work, but sorry for long mods :cry:
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

winber1 wrote:

Well then, you probably changed the Distance Snapping every once in a while by like .1 without or something.

Just a few examples:
00:05:398 (2,3,4) - is spaced a tiny bit smaller than 00:07:641 (6,7,8) - if you use Distance Snapping 1.0x, combo 2 3 and 4 are fine, but if used on combo 7, it is forced to come closer to combo 6

00:11:566 (4,5) - using DS 1.0x, combo 4 stays where it is fine, but combo 5 is forced to come back a little

00:16:894 (5,6) - this is just a jump. all your past red tick notes touch the edges of each other

00:33:436 (2,3) - the same thing with that DS 1.0x
00:36:239 (1,2,3) - before, your 1/2 tick notes were touching each other, now suddenly they don't and here 00:42:408 (4,5,6) - they start touching the edges of each other again

00:56:426 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the edges start touching again.

etc. this goes on a lot throughout the song. Although i doubt they make that much of a difference in reading the notes, it just makes the map look more neat imo.
That's what I was talking about, i guess it's still up to you if you want to fix that. also AIMod isn't perfect either i guess.[/quote]

Yes. Fixed All of them. Thanks again. 8-)
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

Leorda wrote:

NI HAO Hi~hi~<3

* Stacked circle under tail slider are not recommended for easy diff, because it's hard to discern the rhythm of the song. Example 01:59:230 (3,4), 02:11:006 (2), and etc
Thanks for reminding me. I just know this when H30 pointed it out for my Easy GD in another map. XD

00:22:785 (1) - This spinner are too short for easy diff, replace this into slider or extend this spinner. Otherwise, newbies don't have time to complete the spinner Replaced with a circle
00:38:486 (7) - New combo? Fixed
00:55:870 (4,5) - I recommended to unstack this, it's hard to discern the rhythm of the song :P Remained
01:00:916 (1) - Same issue as 00:22:785 (1) Extended. But I wonder the gap between spinner and the next note._.
01:04:842 (4) - Clap hitsound in repeating slider is kinda weird for me, remove it? Removed. That is a mistake :P
01:11:010 (3) - Short repeating sliders are not recommended for this diff, because newbies are tough to tell when it's going to end Fixed
01:11:010 (3,1) - About this, I already ask Garven about this stuff, and he said it's not recommended to easy diff. So you should unstack this Fixed
01:24:468 (1,2) - Spacing? Fixed
01:28:113 (4) - Same issue as 01:11:010 (3) Fixed
01:34:561 (1) - Too much repeating slider is tough to tell when it's going to end Fixed
01:41:290 (4) - ^ Fixed
02:23:903 (7) - New combo Fixed
02:25:585 (1) - Remove new combo Fixed


00:22:781 (1) - Unstack this? I think average player is confusing while gameplay (just opinion) Fixed
00:46:333 (3) - Stack this with 00:45:211 (1)? To make it clean? (Nazi) Fixed
00:50:819 (4) - Please remove the 3rd sliderpoint (right-click) to stop thinking about this slider has a bug in gameplay Fixed
01:25:585 (1,2,3) - I'm afraid that this part is might be confusing for average player, since the 3 tail slider is stack together. But, it's up to you, then Remained
02:27:267 (7) - Ummm, I recommended to change this stuff. Because it's tough to look (nuff said :P)Fixed


Suki SuKI
00:15:492 (4) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider (Nazi)
00:28:669 (2) - Spacing error, please fix this to make it not confuse Remained
00:55:305 (4) - ^ Remained
01:39:043 (2) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider (Nazi)
02:46:753 ~ 03:05:398 (B) - I think this breaks is too long Remained
03:06:520 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:12:120 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:12:649 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:16:293 (4,5) - Make this distance is same as 03:16:574 (5,6)
03:17:454 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:23:342 (5) - I think this slider is kinda weird, but I don't think it's a burai slider. Perhaps, change this something? DK how to fix QAQ

Fixed rest

About the timing part. Maybe you can try del all these red lines and you will find it's off.
It's because the music itself is off.. QAQ


Daisuki Fixed
00:07:641 (1) - End at 00:07:922 for following vocal
01:54:744 (2) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider (Nazi)
02:46:753 ~ 03:05:398 (B) - I think this breaks is too long
03:06:520 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:07:068 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:11:832 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:12:120 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:12:649 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points
03:22:214 (T) - Unnecessary Timing points


Needs more work, but sorry for long mods :cry:
Thanks a lot. XD
Hi, they are just suggestions, you will decide if you want to follow them or not (:


  1. Why the Easy and the Normal diff end at 02:46:333 and the other two at 03:42:407? °-°
    I suggest you to end your maps at the same points in all diffs.
  2. In many parts there are differents hitsounds between a difficult and the other one.. Fix it with the same hitsounds/volume in all diffs?
  3. Break times are different, and I don't like it 'cause there isn't a "map's consistency"...
  4. It was your intention to call the diff "SuKi SuKI" and not "SuKi SuKi"? xD If not fix it :P

  1. 00:04:837 (1) - Finish
  2. 00:09:323 (1) - ^
  3. 00:13:809 (1) - ^
  4. 00:18:295 (1) - ^
  5. 00:22:781 (7) - New combo (There is NC in the normal diff)
  6. 00:32:314 (2) - 1 grid right
  7. 00:33:996 (5) - New combo
  8. 00:49:697 (1) - Finish
  9. 00:56:430 (5) - ^
  10. 01:12:131 (4) - ^
  11. 01:12:692 (1) - No nc
  12. 01:18:860 (3) - Move the last waypoint at x:376 y:312
  13. 01:25:589 (1) - Add finish at the beginning
  14. 01:30:075 (1) - Finish
  15. 01:34:561 (1) - ^
  16. 01:36:800 (3) - New combo
  17. 01:59:230 (3) - ^?
  18. 02:01:473 (1) - Finish?
  19. 02:03:716 (3) - New combo
  20. 02:28:389 (1) - Finish
  21. 02:32:874 (1) - ^
  22. 02:37:360 (1) - ^

  1. 00:02:594 (5) - New combo
  2. 00:04:837 (1) - Finish
  3. 00:09:323 (1) - ^
  4. 00:13:809 (1) - ^
  5. 00:18:295 (1) - ^
  6. 00:49:697 (1) - ^
  7. 00:54:183 (1) - Second waypoint 1 grid left
  8. 01:11:847 (6) - New combo
  9. 01:12:968 (1) - No new combo
  10. 01:25:585 (1) - Finish
  11. 01:30:071 (1) - ^
  12. 01:34:557 (1) - ^
  13. 01:42:408 (1) - End it at 01:44:090?
  14. 01:52:501 (1) - Finish
  15. 02:01:473 (1) - ^
  16. 02:05:959 (5) - New combo
  17. 02:28:389 (1) - Finish
  18. 02:32:875 (1) - ^
  19. 02:37:361 (1) - ^
  20. 02:41:847 (2) - ^
Suki SuKI:

  1. Timing Slider Tick Rate 1! 0.5 is unrankable!
  2. 00:09:323 (2) - Finish
  3. 00:13:809 (1) - ^
  4. 00:18:295 (1) - ^
  5. 00:23:342 to 00:31:753 add break as other difficult? ç_ç
  6. 00:31:753 (1) - Finish
  7. 00:40:725 (1) - ^
  8. 00:49:697 (1) - ^
  9. 00:58:669 (1) - ^
  10. 01:07:641 No break please, make something as the previous diffs
  11. 01:25:585 (1) - Finish
  12. 01:30:071 (1) - ^
  13. 01:34:557 (1) - ^
  14. 01:52:501 (1) - ^
  15. 02:28:389 (1) - ^
  16. 02:32:875 (1) - ^
  17. 02:37:361 (1) - ^
I stop here for this diff, or I'll go against my queue rules sorry xD


  1. Tick rate 1!
  2. 00:04:837 (1) - Finish..
  3. 00:09:323 (1) - ^
  4. 00:13:809 (1) - ^
  5. 00:23:342 the same thing I wrote on the previous diff ^
  6. 00:31:753 (1) - Finish
  7. 00:40:725 (1) - ^
  8. 00:49:697 (1) - ^
  9. 00:58:669 (1) - ^
  10. 01:25:585 (1) - Finish
  11. 01:30:071 (1) - ^
  12. 01:34:557 (1) - ^
  13. 01:43:529 (6) - New combo
  14. 01:52:501 (1) - ^
  15. 02:09:884 No break please >w<
  16. 02:28:389 (1) - ^
  17. 02:32:875 (1) - ^
  18. 02:37:361 (1) - ^
Ow then, good luck o/
Please set a unique preview time
seems the countdown is useless so remove it?

(around 3:11 why there're some red lines adjusting ~2ms which is almost the error given by a vocal lol)

00:08:903 (4) - right 1 grid
00:12:888 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - spacing ._.
00:30:211 (4) - left 1 grid to fit with (2,3)
00:53:342 (3) - minor slider shape fix
01:05:959 (1,2,3) - a sudden jump compared with (1,2) ._.
01:26:006 (3) - left 1 grid
01:32:875 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這不對稱啊orz
01:59:210 (2,3,4) - ._.
02:09:604 (2) - right 2 grid

Suki Suki
00:03:996 (2) - left 1 grid
01:33:716 (5) - right 1 grid
02:10:445 (1) - this is 1/4 while the rest is 1/2

我只是單純地照顧了一下spacing~ 其實Hard和insane的spacing也頗不穩定 感覺就像打了一百次還是會打錯那種~
至於0.5 tick rate我個人覺得沒問題的,只是被人ban了 ._.


  • Blue: You must fix this.
    Red: You better fix it!
    Orange: Screenshot ahead.
    Black: Just suggestions though.

  1. 00:32:174 (1): One grid left?

  2. 01:57:548 (2): Move this to x:334 y:58
  3. 02:15:772 (1): Move this to x: 784 y:272

    ~Kuki SuKI~

    Uppercase I?
  4. 00:06:520 (4): That could be better if you move this one grid right!
  5. 00:41:847 (4): Move one grid down...


    Looks good...
I like the song!!!!
Thank you and good luck.
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

Chewin wrote:

Hi, they are just suggestions, you will decide if you want to follow them or not (:


  1. Why the Easy and the Normal diff end at 02:46:333 and the other two at 03:42:407? °-°
    I suggest you to end your maps at the same points in all diffs. hmmm I hope I can remain because I want to control the combo number :D
  2. In many parts there are differents hitsounds between a difficult and the other one.. Fix it with the same hitsounds/volume in all diffs? Fixed
  3. Break times are different, and I don't like it 'cause there isn't a "map's consistency"...
  4. It was your intention to call the diff "SuKi SuKI" and not "SuKi SuKi"? xD If not fix it :P

  1. 00:04:837 (1) - Finish Fixed
  2. 00:09:323 (1) - ^ Fixed
  3. 00:13:809 (1) - ^ nope
  4. 00:18:295 (1) - ^ nope
  5. 00:22:781 (7) - New combo (There is NC in the normal diff) Fixed, NC problem all fixed
  6. 00:32:314 (2) - 1 grid right Fixed, spacing problem all fixed
  7. 00:33:996 (5) - New combo
  8. 00:49:697 (1) - Finish Fixed
  9. 00:56:430 (5) - ^nope
  10. 01:12:131 (4) - ^ Fixed
  11. 01:12:692 (1) - No nc
  12. 01:18:860 (3) - Move the last waypoint at x:376 y:312 Fixed
  13. 01:25:589 (1) - Add finish at the beginning Fixed
  14. 01:30:075 (1) - Finish nope
  15. 01:34:561 (1) - ^ ^
  16. 01:36:800 (3) - New combo
  17. 01:59:230 (3) - ^?
  18. 02:01:473 (1) - Finish? Fixed
  19. 02:03:716 (3) - New combo
  20. 02:28:389 (1) - Finish Fixed
  21. 02:32:874 (1) - ^ nope
  22. 02:37:360 (1) - ^ nope

  1. 00:02:594 (5) - New combo
  2. 00:04:837 (1) - Finish
  3. 00:09:323 (1) - ^
  4. 00:13:809 (1) - ^
  5. 00:18:295 (1) - ^
  6. 00:49:697 (1) - ^
  7. 00:54:183 (1) - Second waypoint 1 grid left Fixed
  8. 01:11:847 (6) - New combo
  9. 01:12:968 (1) - No new combo
  10. 01:25:585 (1) - Finish
  11. 01:30:071 (1) - ^
  12. 01:34:557 (1) - ^
  13. 01:42:408 (1) - End it at 01:44:090? no, since the EZ diff does not have spinner and end at current point:D
  14. 01:52:501 (1) - Finish
  15. 02:01:473 (1) - ^
  16. 02:05:959 (5) - New combo
  17. 02:28:389 (1) - Finish
  18. 02:32:875 (1) - ^
  19. 02:37:361 (1) - ^
  20. 02:41:847 (2) - ^
Suki SuKI:

  1. Timing Slider Tick Rate 1! 0.5 is unrankable! Fixed
  2. 00:09:323 (2) - Finish
  3. 00:13:809 (1) - ^
  4. 00:18:295 (1) - ^
  5. 00:23:342 to 00:31:753 add break as other difficult? ç_ç Fixed other diff's break
  6. 00:31:753 (1) - Finish
  7. 00:40:725 (1) - ^
  8. 00:49:697 (1) - ^
  9. 00:58:669 (1) - ^
  10. 01:07:641 No break please, make something as the previous diffs Fixed
  11. 01:25:585 (1) - Finish
  12. 01:30:071 (1) - ^
  13. 01:34:557 (1) - ^
  14. 01:52:501 (1) - ^
  15. 02:28:389 (1) - ^
  16. 02:32:875 (1) - ^
  17. 02:37:361 (1) - ^
I stop here for this diff, or I'll go against my queue rules sorry xD


  1. Tick rate 1!
  2. 00:04:837 (1) - Finish..
  3. 00:09:323 (1) - ^
  4. 00:13:809 (1) - ^
  5. 00:23:342 the same thing I wrote on the previous diff ^
  6. 00:31:753 (1) - Finish
  7. 00:40:725 (1) - ^
  8. 00:49:697 (1) - ^
  9. 00:58:669 (1) - ^
  10. 01:25:585 (1) - Finish
  11. 01:30:071 (1) - ^
  12. 01:34:557 (1) - ^
  13. 01:43:529 (6) - New combo
  14. 01:52:501 (1) - ^
  15. 02:09:884 No break please >w<
  16. 02:28:389 (1) - ^
  17. 02:32:875 (1) - ^
  18. 02:37:361 (1) - ^
Ow then, good luck o/

Fin and NC things in All other three diff fixed as the same with the first one. Thx~ :)
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

wmfchris wrote:

Please set a unique preview time fixed
seems the countdown is useless so remove it? fixed

(around 3:11 why there're some red lines adjusting ~2ms which is almost the error given by a vocal lol) hmmm....听上去会很不好,我试过去掉红线。

00:08:903 (4) - right 1 grid Fixed
00:12:888 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - spacing ._. Fixed
00:30:211 (4) - left 1 grid to fit with (2,3) Fixed
00:53:342 (3) - minor slider shape fix
01:05:959 (1,2,3) - a sudden jump compared with (1,2) ._. Fixed
01:26:006 (3) - left 1 grid Fixed
01:32:875 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這不對稱啊orz 噗,fixed
01:59:210 (2,3,4) - ._. Fixed
02:09:604 (2) - right 2 grid Fixed

Suki Suki
00:03:996 (2) - left 1 grid Fixed
01:33:716 (5) - right 1 grid Fixed
02:10:445 (1) - this is 1/4 while the rest is 1/2 绿线问题。fixed~

我只是單純地照顧了一下spacing~ 其實Hard和insane的spacing也頗不穩定 感覺就像打了一百次還是會打錯那種~
至於0.5 tick rate我個人覺得沒問題的,只是被人ban了 ._.

Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
I'm still in the process of fixing. I will add reply after I finish all fixing.

NC problem and spacing problem in first three diff. fixed.
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