
Rain - Love Story

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 5:17:34 PM

Artist: Rain
Title: Love Story
Tags: K-Pop Bi Rainism
BPM: 118
Filesize: 7084kb
Play Time: 03:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dancing (4.83 stars, 485 notes)
  2. Sleeping (0.38 stars, 120 notes)
  3. Walking (2.71 stars, 227 notes)
Download: Rain - Love Story
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
If you already have this beatmap, please RE-DOWNLOAD!!

Storyboard by: Lissette & Astom
Images & Colors by: Astom
Thank you! I <3 you

hi :D

00:40:159 (4,5,6,7) - Add hitsound whistle

Dunno what mod D: for me is perfect <3
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Delete the .osb file

  • • 02:27:955 (1,2,1,2) - Delete these circles/sliders and add a break
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all done! thanks xxheroxx =3

Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to.
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these.
Red = major issues. you need to change these

  1. Timing seems fine, but it *could* be a little bit early though (as in, 2ms early).
  2. The difficulty gap between Sleeping and Walking is pretty big. Perhaps you could map another difficulty to fill the gap? (and call in "Relaxing" maybe? :P)

Looks good


Very nice


I'm not a fan of some of the jumps you used (namely, jumps like at 00:38:125 (1,2) or 01:34:311 (4)), but apart from those, Very nicely mapped. :)

Nice map. Nicely mapped and fun too. Good job ;)

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Doomsday93 wrote:

The difficulty gap between Sleeping and Walking is pretty big. Perhaps you could map another difficulty to fill the gap? (and call in "Relaxing" maybe? :P)
I was thinking same thing, but I think the correct thing to do is lighten a bit difficulty in Walking. Gonna try to get some time to do this.

Thanks for modding Doomsday =)
I won't have many comments because this looks really well-done.

I really like the combo colors you've chosen, they match the background image very well.
I notice that notes are pretty frequently partially off the grid (sometimes almost halfway). I dunno what's considered "too far" off the grid, but if the circle is poking into the timeline maybe it should be moved.

03:04:565 (1,2,3) - The spacing is fine, but the triangle these three notes make is tilted, so it looks kind of ugly. Maybe consider repositioning?

00:45:752 (4) - I think move this left 1 grid to match the 2,3
00:53:506 (4) - move right 1 for a straight line if you had intended it to be straight
01:13:832 (7) - the bottom of this circle goes off the screen, maybe it's too close to the border. The next 3 notes are also the same.
01:42:701 (3) - move 1 grid left to match 1,2
01:44:989 (2-6) - it looks like this isn't a straight line on purpose. just making sure you meant to do it like that.
03:31:514 (2,3) - ^

00:57:447 (4) - halfway off the grid, maybe too far
02:35:074 (5) - ^

Disclaimer: There may be mistakes since I'm new here, but it's better to double check and make sure!
Good :D
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=O omg thank you! >////<
Louis Cyphre
There are many jumps in these map, but some ща them seems to me strange

Another diffs are good. Good Luck :D
Star ><"
aaa generic kpop love song ffff

good map though! no problems for me. just remove your osb file and resubmit :P
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Thanks for modding and starrin =3
this map is cool
all the difficulties seem balanced and [Dancing] is really nice :)
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thank you eee =D
Good map~
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Thank you Glasslake =3

Btw. The SB is added, so plz re download =)
Termine el nuevo SB sry no se me ocurrio nada mas pero quedo lindo xD creo.... Cree un nuevo BG parecido al anterior, dentro del .zip vienen la carpeta SB, el BG nuevo y el archivo .osb es copy y paste a la carpeta de la cancion ojala no tengan problemas u.u


Por otra parte aqui un pequeño Mod.
-Desabilitar "letterbox during breaks" en todas las diff, genera problemas con el SB
-Habilitar "Display storyboard in front of combo fire" en todas las diff, es mejor el SB que el combo fire haha xD


PD: tengo frio ;o;
Sunny Holic
support k-pop~ ~
Hi Lizbeth ^_^ Thanks for modding my map before, I'll try my best to mod this.

Why only "Dancing" has background image?
Maybe add Lissette and Astom to the tags? (because they helped you with the SB)

00:32:023 (1) - Perhaps curve it a bit so it doesn't touch 00:31:006 (4)?
00:58:464 (1,2) - One grid up?
01:18:803 (1,2,3) - Not a perfect triangle? (01:20:836 (3) should be somewhere upper right)

Very nice Normal diff, I can almost FC it with DoubleTime+HardRock on my first try. (I miss at 03:31:006 (4), but it's fine)
00:25:413 (1) - The reverse arrow is quite obscure, perhaps try rotating it 180° and curve it a bit?
00:31:514 (1,2) - Maybe make it same as 00:28:464 (2,3)? (the sliders facing at the same direction)
00:44:481 (1) - Curve a bit?
01:40:667 (1) - Sudden whistle? Feels quite weird...
02:22:362 (1,2) - Not stacked perfectly

Very well done difficulty... No problem I guess, perhaps just delete those cluster of bookmarks

Star! I love this map :D
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Thanks for modding Nivalis =3
Also thanks Sunny Holic for the star <3
@_@ hitsound triggered flashes
ooh.. I thought you used the snap hitsound, but its just the music :X
The storyboard doesn't have to stay till the end of the mp3... could fade out and end sooner, but its fine

The flashes kept be awake. Great~


02:09:904 (4,5) - this distance is on purpose I assume?
03:14:481 (3,4,5) - nazi spacing?
03:16:006 (1,2,3) - ^
03:26:175 (1,2,3) - ^

None of those ^ matter, so theres nothing really stopping me from bubbling this... unless you DO wanna apply those slight changes, then feel free to pop this yourself and ask me to rebubble :D
Lizzyyyyyyyyyyy I love you <3333

Yuji Tokaji
Good !
Star !
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Shinxyn wrote:

@_@ hitsound triggered flashes
ooh.. I thought you used the snap hitsound, but its just the music :X
The storyboard doesn't have to stay till the end of the mp3... could fade out and end sooner, but its fine

The flashes kept be awake. Great~


02:09:904 (4,5) - this distance is on purpose I assume?
03:14:481 (3,4,5) - nazi spacing?
03:16:006 (1,2,3) - ^
03:26:175 (1,2,3) - ^

None of those ^ matter, so theres nothing really stopping me from bubbling this... unless you DO wanna apply those slight changes, then feel free to pop this yourself and ask me to rebubble :D
Thanks for modding and bubbling Shinxyn =)
After checking I decided not to pop.

Also thanks for stars guys *.*
I love u too dolce keccoooo <333

02:14:735 (1,2) - Not stacked properly.
02:37:362 (1,2,3) - Not stacked properly

And why not keep the same slider tick rate on all difficulties?

Of course I'm picky. Though I will rank after this.
If you have trouble stacking them up correctly, call me.
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All fixed. Thank u Gens =)
Leaving tick rate like that? Alright. =[
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Thanks Gens :)
And I do changed slider tick rate O.o
Card N'FoRcE
Nice, i really like this.

Nice song, nice map, nice storyboard.

Grats ^^

EDIT: i just noticed that the SB is heavily off-limits, the main two images are big and the SB lags a lot to me ;_;

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Nice, i really like this.

Nice song, nice map, nice storyboard.

Grats ^^

EDIT: i just noticed that the SB is heavily off-limits, the main two images are big and the SB lags a lot to me ;_;
IMG are fine, how peppy say (lol) u can delete SB if u have lag.
I'm not saying that I don't know why u have lag or maybe other people have it too, but I haven't, it's over u pc.

Well gratz for get this ranked ^^
Card N'FoRcE
I know my PC is at fault too (I'm gonna change the GPU probabily), but this is the first time i encounter this problem in a "BG storyboarded" beatmap D:

Anyway, i never delete anything from a beatmap, i respect the author's decisions.
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I dunno what to say about this D: I do get some lags sometimes with this map, but actually my pc is not good enough =( so I thought it wasn't big deal, plus anyone else complain about it before.
Anyway thank you for the concern CnF and Astom >.<
- - 那个、、这个音乐叫什么名字啊?好想要、、
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