
To anyone who uses Xfire

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Please do sign this and request it be supported! Thanks. ;)

Those of you who have never heard of Xfire before, look into it. If you're a gamer, you'll like it.

Edit: To whoever unstickied, I have permission from Peppy to sticky this thread.

2013 edit: Uhm...yeah. Unstickied....
I know what it is, but I'm not interested in it at all. Are you implying I'm not a gamer? <_<"
Evil edit: Oh, what the hell. :3
Topic Starter
Not necessarily. Just means you suck.
Dumb question, but do you have to download Xfire in order to get the what-nots? I don't feel like downloading something, especially at where my computer is being on the height of unfriendliness. D:

And by the way Eiji I am alive! :O
<3 Teamspeak!

ps. i didn't unsticky it
My post:
Truly a fun music-based game with a large, friendly community. Highly recommended for both Ouendan/EBA Fans and those new to the series as well. :D
Hip-hooray for osu!
XD I got banned form the xfire forum for I guess bumping your topic cause I went to xfire's forum to bump again and it said I was banned from the forum. :twisted:
Topic Starter
Xfire has finally looked into this and is in the process of adding support for it. However, since Osu uses no registry keys, Osu! will need to be detected manually (set path to osu.exe) for it to work.
osu! does have two registry keys. I'll try and go ahead and fill in their support document today if I get a change.

I was whinging yesterday that they hadn't done anything, so this is great news :). Thanks for the initiative EiJi.
Topic Starter
I'd like to thank all who posted on the Xfire forum requesting the addition of Osu. The waiting has finally stopped. Well, almost.

Sometime next week Osu will be officially supported by Xfire. But for now, we have!/

Thanks again. ;)
Topic Starter
Osu is officially supported on Xfire. Enjoy.
Unfortunately, the game will not automatically be detected until the NEXT xfire release (they have a slow development/update cycle it seems). Not to fear though - if you go into the xfire options and find osu on the not installed games list, you can manually set the directory you have it installed to for the time being.
Yeah that's what I did...almost got five hours clocked already <3

edit: username hiawp

awp was taken. IT WAS FUCKIN' TAKEN

granted had I gone with Garvar (another, more "personal"? alias) that's never taken but awp is awp~
my username is peppyhax
So, some people have xf :)

What do you think about Clan/Cult in "Xfire Clans & Guilds" for people who are playing osu? Maybe "Osu! Players" ?

my xf: darksergecod2
oh fuck yes profile avatars



DarkSerge wrote:

So, some people have xf :)

What do you think about Clan/Cult in "Xfire Clans & Guilds" for people who are playing osu? Maybe "Osu! Players" ?

my xf: darksergecod2

done :)
I'm Lolginer(Loginer was taken).

peppy wrote:

DarkSerge wrote:

So, some people have xf :)

What do you think about Clan/Cult in "Xfire Clans & Guilds" for people who are playing osu? Maybe "Osu! Players" ?

my xf: darksergecod2

done :)
Add Osu! :) (favorite games, Gameplay Hours)
Topic Starter

Loginer wrote:

I'm Lolginer(Loginer was taken).
I've always considered you lolginer anyway. It suits your...well, you.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Hello , :) My xfire id is MasacruForGroove.
Everyone add me Hooah.Osu has a nice future :)
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maybe you have sounds enables and people on your friends list are doing stuff to trigger it
Just go to the sound options and disable all sounds :)
Hell yeah bitches

100 hours in under a week


DarkSerge wrote:

Just go to the sound options and disable all sounds :)
Been there, done that. AGES ago. So that's not the problem. :/
Maybe it's not Xfire. D:
It could be the ad that loads inside xfire, or even the profile to the right. As far as I can tell, it does use IE for internal rendering.
my xfire: kamistar
I use xfire my id is metroidfan117
I would use Xfire if my computer would actually run any of the games it supports... *sigh*

Anyway, I'm fdtoonsman. Add me!
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I got the 1000th view. :3
I'm getting Xfire and I probably won't use it much. I play WoW a lot and my computer dies if I run anything else. I hope SBKT isn't taken, and I'll update this post later with my name.

My name is

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I don't like the look of xfire client, I just tried it.
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Metroid wrote:

You can change the look, look around for a theme that suites you.
Yes, look in the skins section. And don't complain about the noises, you can change them too. And you can make new friend windows minimized. And there's probably an alternative to whatever else you'll complain about too.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

shinn wrote:

Xfire isn't detecting my osu, even if it's running :(

Any chance anyone can help?
Go into Tools> Options > Games
It'll "detect" your games now, so be patient. It may or may not find osu!.
If it doesn't detect osu! on it's own expand the "not installed" section on the right and look for osu!. It's in alphabetical order and, not too question your use in computers, you can press the "o" key to jump to games under o. Just scroll untill you find osu! and highlight it. Check "Manual Setup" in the right side and then browse to or put in the folder that contains osu!.exe
Here's a visual:

You can also enter command parameters you would in a shortcut there in xfire, so when you launch it via xfire you could run a game windowed ( -w or -windowed) or whatever. Click Apply when you're done. Xfire should detect when you have osu! open now and be able to launch, chat in-game, take Xfire screenshots (which you can upload to your profile and put in captions), and take video. Some games also allow live-feed broadcast of you playing and web-browser, but I don't think osu! does.

Anyways, if you, or anyone else has any more questions the best way is just to hit me up on Xfire when I'm on. Either look for me in the osu!group. Or add me (Pokebis) as a friend and message me then. I'll probably accept the request if you say your from osu! and need help with Xfire. I'm pretty experienced with the program so feel free to ask me anything about it. Also tell me your complaints about it and I may be able to tell you how to "fix" them too. ;) This is of course implying I'm on at the time which could vary. :(
wow that is a gay looking menu
My Xfire detected it on the fly O o

It is good to upload videos of your feats ingame xD

Also good for VoIP and other clan coordinations.

*prefers it to TS*


*also found Osu! while browsing around Xfire*
My xfire is:
I would also prefer mentioned TeamSpeak or something because I use Linux by general...but in theory XFire can be run there so maybe I will register...or maybe I am already ^_^"
Leon Magnus
I also use Xfire, view my sign
I just posted, didnt read what the xfire topic was about. :/
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