
Show which beatmaps you've already downloaded

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +10
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Tar Curunir
I have no clue if this is already planned to be implemented in the new osu website, but all of your downloaded beatmaps in the beatmap listing should have a different color than undownloaded ones. As of right now all of them are in grey boxes. Why not make the already downloaded ones pink for example?
use osu!direct!

this kind of thing is already implemented at there.

Shurelia wrote:

use osu!direct!

this kind of thing is already implemented at there.
sadly it's available for osu! supporters only :o
I don't think it would be useful, cause you already guess the beatmaps your downloaded/play, when you go on a website you can see your rank, so you can somehow guess which map you have downloaded/played.
Mio Winter
I would find this usefwl. : )

It's not uncommon for me to download songs I've already downloaded before, because I couldn't remember having downloaded it.
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