
[GD request] Kuroneko Dungeon - Lilieze to Enryuu Laevateinn

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Looking for GD's for this map: Kuroneko Dungeon - Lilieze to Enryuu Laevateinn

GD's available:
  • Easy - [Little]

    Normal(2-2.6*) - [???]

    Hard(3-3.8*) - [???]

    Insane(4-4.7*) - [???]

    (2x ?)Extra(5.2-5.7*) - [???]

    (2x)Extreme/Ultra(6.5-7.5*) - [xJ1], [???]
I am only looking for one difficulty per selection, although two 6*(one is taken) and/or 5* extras would be nice.
Please at least have a decent amount of mapping experience.

More slots will be opened as necessary.

sYreNn wrote:

Looking for GD's for this map: Kuroneko Dungeon - Lilieze to Enryuu Laevateinn

GD's available:
  • Easy(1-1.75*) - ???

    Normal(2-2.6*) - ???

    Hard(3-3.8*) - ???

    Insane(4-4.7*) - ???

    Extra(5.2-5.7*) - ???

    Extra(6.2-6.8*) - ???
I am only looking for one difficulty per selection, although two 6*/5* extras would be fine.
Please at least have a decent amount of mapping experience.

Link is messed up btw
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Ok, thanks. Fixed.
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