
(Rhythm Heaven Fever/みんなのリズム天国) Tsunku♂- Screwbot Factory 2

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While I was on a car trip (I still am at the time of writing this) I was listening to a song from the Minna No Rhythm Tengoku, or Rhythm Heaven Fever soundtrack called Screwbot Factory 2. I felt that this would make a good addition to osu's library, and I would like some help doing the easier difficulties, since easy isn't my strong point. Maybe we could even have a Collab difficulty if possible.
Anyway, if you know a guy (or you are that said guy) who could help me out, please let me know! I would be more than happy to let you help out! :D

Anyway, I'll try to be as active on this as possible, until then!

Difficulty list
You're Screwed [Collab if possible] (Nobody so far)
Insane (none ;-;)
Hard (Zezinja)
Normal (none ;-;)
Easy (Rhyth8)
Zezinja. I could help with easy, because I am almost the opposite on strong difficulties. Good at mapping easier ones, bad at mapping harder ones.
Where is the beatmap for Guest difficulties? I only see the song.
Topic Starter
I was still on that car trip, sorry... :| But I just got back today! :D
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