
SoulEye - PPPPPP

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I just love this soundtrack and wanna draw more attention to it.

Some of the songs here are just too short that's why they aren't really mappable. I will point these out.

  1. Pending Silence *Unmappable*
  2. Powerup *Unmappable*
  3. Presenting VVVVVV
  4. Pause *Unmappable*
  5. Pushing Onwards*Claimed by Rukarioman*
  6. Path Complete *Unmappable*
  7. Passion For Exploring*Claimed by 0_o*
  8. Positive Force *Ranked by Garven*
  9. Predestined Fate *Pending by Kitsunemimi*
  10. Phear *Unmappable*
  11. Potential For Anything *Claimed by Garven*
  12. Pressure Cooker *Ranked by Xgor*
  13. Plenary *Unmappable*
  14. Pipe Dream
  15. Popular Potpourri *Credit Song. Huge Collab planned*
  16. Positive Force Reversed *I'd say unmappable to this*
  17. Waiting For VVVVVV (Bonus Track)
I can provide a good quality mp3 for every song btw.

That is all.
I gonna try map Pressure Cooker
Hopefully I will finish this claim unlike the rest x.x

(Gimme mp3)
Hmm... I think I'll try doing Predestined Fate (I actually started half a difficulty for Potential For Anything a while back but... :< )
I actually really like these songs, so I might be quick with it. Then again, this is like... that week of school, and everything's getting really difficult at the moment. I'll try my best though.

Also, this means that I have to reencode the mp3 at 192kbps right? Also tell me if there are any sort of small guidelines, it would be nice if these maps had some consistency in them.
I'd map some of this if I actually could.
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Kitsunemimi wrote:

Hmm... I think I'll try doing Predestined Fate (I actually started half a difficulty for Potential For Anything a while back but... :< )
I actually really like these songs, so I might be quick with it. Then again, this is like... that week of school, and everything's getting really difficult at the moment. I'll try my best though.

Also, this means that I have to reencode the mp3 at 192kbps right? Also tell me if there are any sort of small guidelines, it would be nice if these maps had some consistency in them.
Okay I'll mark you for Predestined Fate.
And you have time, no need to rush^^
yeah you should reencode it to 192kbps, also ask Garven if you can use his skin that he used for his ranked map for this project.

Gens wrote:

I'd map some of this if I actually could.
>w<, I miss you Gens.
Get a video card lol
Passion For Exploring~
I think I might map that~
(Just finished the game x_x. Fuck is it ever so hard!)
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Pressure Cooker mapped by Xgor is now in Pending with a sexy SB
Hmm... I know this might be a little late but... I have three random screenshots in case if someone doesn't have a BG. I think our backgrounds should correspond with the specific level of which they're played on.

The screenshots are only screenshots, I dunno if we should add some text somewhere or something..... And oh crap, I just realized how big they were. Oh well~


Kitsunemimi wrote:

Just saying that I won't use it for mine, has made a cusom one myself and even so, it's only for the song select as I have my cool SB 8-)

I can see using screenshots could be good if you can't find better but I don't want to sacrifice my hard work for a simple screenshot.
Double post but pressure cooker is in pendling now!

Oh and Predestined Fate is in WIP or something
I'll take Passion for Exploring.
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Edited, also noted that Pressure Cooker got ranked.
Pressure Cooker is one of the few beat maps that actually has a functioning Story Board.
What an insightful post.
Bump. Except of Pending Silence everything can be ranked by extending the too-short Songs. Also I will keep an eye on this project, maybe I will do something here. :P

Stefan wrote:

Bump. Except of Pending Silence everything can be ranked by extending the too-short Songs. Also I will keep an eye on this project, maybe I will do something here. :P
Can't wait for the map for Phear~
Probably Easy/Normal Spread for Phear. lol
Bump. Really good music here!

Is the Popular collab still on? Sounds like a really fun song to work on :)
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