
World of Tanks

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So, anyone here play World of Tanks?

I find it enjoyable though I can't play for more than an hour without a break.
Tanks :P :
American: M7, M6, T49
British: Covenanter
German: Panther I, VK 30.02, Tiger, JagdPz IV, Hummel
French: AMX 12t, BDR G1B, FCM 50t, S-35 CA
Russian: T-50-2, T-44, KV-3, IS-3, SU-85, SU-122-44
Chinese: Type 62, Type 59

Discuss all World of Tanks stuff here and share your list of tanks in your garage. :D
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Also, if anyone is thinking about buying the FCM. I find it fun; just avoid damage and always shoot from cover. Rushing and flanking is not a good idea.
Yay World of Tanks~


American: T1E6, M5 Stuart, T71, M4, T69, T54E1, T57 HT, T29, M103, Hellcat, T25/2
German: Pz1C, Leopard, VK2801, Aufk Pz Panther, Indien Pz, Pz 3/4, Lowe, E-75, E-100, Hetzer, StuG, JgPz, GWPanther
French: RenaultFT, AMX 13 75
Russian: Tetrarch, T-127, KV-1, KV-1S
British: TOG II (=D)
Chinese: None


The next patch is going to make me sad, the HEAT nerf is the final nail in the coffin for the poor VK2801 D:
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I like the nerf myself since I don't actually use derp guns and I hate getting shot with HE when I'm in my M7. Stupid paper armor. :lol:

I do remember going up against a TOG in my T1. lol that guy was an idiot, I did 800 damage without getting hit. :roll:

German : VK2801 (primary), Panther II (primary), Pz III/IV (money maker) JgTiger (for fun), GW Panther (soon maybe GW Tiger)
French : AMX 13 90 (primary), ELC AMX (money maker/ for fun).

I don't need any more tanks. I'm not really fan of slow and big tanks. I need a fast and nimble tanks.

Rantai wrote:

The next patch is going to make me sad, the HEAT nerf is the final nail in the coffin for the poor VK2801 D:
Pfff, people only see bad things about VK nerf. First thing, it's slower but with this is easier to control it, rarely losing tracks over small hills (look at T-50-2...), better aim while moving (especially with driver perks even derp cannon can hit something while being at full speed).
After 1500 battles with it I'm still the same "pain in ass" for enemy even without speed or premium ammo. You only need to change your tactics. For example look at Chaffee top speed - 56km/h yet it's still good tank.
HEAT shells aren't great at all, especially VS very heavy tanks because you MUST penetrate armour to do any damage and with normal HE shells you can easily damage any tank even at long ranges.

MLGnom wrote:

Pfff, people only see bad things about VK nerf. First thing, it's slower but with this is easier to control it, rarely losing tracks over small hills (look at T-50-2...), better aim while moving (especially with driver perks even derp cannon can hit something while being at full speed).
After 1500 battles with it I'm still the same "pain in ass" for enemy even without speed or premium ammo. You only need to change your tactics. For example look at Chaffee top speed - 56km/h yet it's still good tank.
HEAT shells aren't great at all, especially VS very heavy tanks because you MUST penetrate armour to do any damage and with normal HE shells you can easily damage any tank even at long ranges.
Huh. The VK was never hard to handle. Sure it had terrible turning and acceleration for a light but the speed nerf certainly didn't affect its handling in any big regard (honestly the speed nerf was the smallest problem). The 33% (I think it was actually more) dispersion increase and accuracy nerf makes it nearly impossible to hit anything outside 100m at full speed unless you have a golden rng generator. I have snap shot, smooth ride, bia and vents and there is no way it will reliably hit on the move unless point blank.

As a scout though, it's still viable, but right now all it has going for it is the gun. Take that away and basically it's outclassed by everything bar a T-50/T-50-2. I've got around 1650 battles in mine and still perform just fine (3-6 kills, scout medals, patrol duties etc) but I know for a fact that once the HEAT nerf comes in it'll be no where near as effective as it is right now (a hit and run scout) simply because you can only do 80-150 damage opposed to 350-400 (on higher tier tanks of course, at lower tiers, 100 pen is more than enough to stomp things). Oh and the depression nerf is just a kick in the balls.

Though in the end, I've been playing my T71 a lot more because it's better in basically every regard.

Sparres wrote:

I like the nerf myself since I don't actually use derp guns and I hate getting shot with HE when I'm in my M7. Stupid paper armor. :lol:
The nerf won't save your M7 :<. Actually it won't save anything at tier 5 except some of the heavies.
Come on, wanting to shoot something while driving with gun that have 0.52 accuracy with vents and 100% crew is a little too much. ^^;
But you are right about gun depression nerf it is really kick in the balls. Any smaller tank can easily evade your shots at close combat, I'm often missing ELC that is right in front of me (well of course a second later I'm ramming it but still) and it's painful if it come to fight on small hills. :/
Good thing I like is reduced repair price, 10k was waaaaay to high.

But right now I'm playing way more with AMX 13 90 , sadly it still need a lot of experience for new skills.
Hehe yes that repair cost reduction was really nice :D
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Honestly, I never liked the light scout tanks I played except the T-50 and thats only when tier 5s were on the top of the list. 57mm plus stupid tier 5s equals hilarity and a lot of kills. People only try to turn their turret instead of their hull and turret. I always get close to a red TD, track and most of the time I take huge chunks of their health if I don't kill them. T-50-2 is expensive to run though.

Anyways, the VKs I've seen have always suicided at the start of match. They don't have the speed to get across so theyre massacred. :P Dunno though, maybe NA players are inherently bad at scouting. 1 of every 5 scouts actually do well. Oh and maybe playing pubs contributes as well to the general suckiness. >.<
People simply don't know how to scout or even how spotting works (love reading things like "World of invisible tanks" etc.). They think that scouting is just detecting enemy tank and dying. :/
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That's why my friend couldn't get into the game. He whined so much about invisible tanks. >.<

Also, I hate how people judge others so much on their win rate. Theres not much control over those things unless youre in a clan.
I don't know. When I was still nubcake I would just suicide scout, contributing almost nothing to the team. Back then I sat on a 48% win rate @ 4500 games.

5000 games later I've brought that up to 54/55% because I started playing properly. There is definitely a lot you can control in a game, to a certain limit of course (I doubt many people can achieve 60+% by solo pubbing except maybe people like Zakaladas (NA) >.<)
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Just had a game I had to carry the entire team. :/ Sad thing is that it was just me in my FCM and an IS-6 on one side and another IS-6 on the enemy side. We both died. I had 5 kills in that game and the opposing IS-6 had 8 by the end. :P I had 50 hp when I went up against the IS-6; our IS-6 didn't know how to brawl. >.<
Welp. I'm ZikiAyumu NorthAmerica.

German: Ferdinand, JgPanther, Stug III, Hetzer, Pz IV, Tiger (P), Pz 1.C
American: T18
England: -
Russia: KV-1, KV-1S
China: -
--> didn't keep the JgPanzer, good choice ;P

Also it makes me sad that they put up the German on track event for the E-100. Of all the potential tier 10's available to me in the German tree, it's the only one I have >_>
Played this along time ago.. Might re-download xD
Tsukimi Luna
i kinda think this thread begs to be here.....

I'm pretty sure there will be WoT players among the osu! community

General discussion for world of tanks
Ranting about scrubs during holiday weekends
Or RNG fking you up ... whatevre it is...

and fyi : i play on the NA server....
SEA regulars should know why i never ever paly games hosted in SEA anymore

the adreneline when a kv-2 pops up a "little" too late

The great escape

You can post shit like this too
similar thread
Tsukimi Luna
well if someone can merge it......
1. Because I saw the other thread, might as well make this more visible.

2. 8.7, yay!

3. - for anyone who likes to read up about dev interviews, general tank history and other interesting tidbits related to WoT.

Actually, I also updated my tank garage. I tell you, the T57 Heavy is stupidly good.
Tsukimi Luna
My garage
German : Leichtraktor (best tank to go seal clubbing <3), Tiger, Tiger II, JT 8.8, StuG III
French : ELC AMX, AMX 13 75
Russian : KV-2, KV-1S, T-50, Churchill III
Effin SU-85 tanks can't penetrate even Tier V tanks ; ______ ;
Now I'm running out of money to buy another Tier V tanks ; ___ ;
Tsukimi Luna
how do you like the m3 lee?

Yuu-Chii wrote:

how do you like the m3 lee?
I only use either Russian or German tanks
The M3 Lee is the biggest pile of sh-

Ahem. Yeah.
Tsukimi Luna
i freaking hate how they completely nerf-ed the t-50 to oblivion.....

You cant drift it anymore
Its just now some fat sluggish mobile microwave with a peashooter....
U can pen a tanks rear

Heh yeah. Welcome to obscurity T-50.

Don't forget to keep up with your daily missions (especially this month's one). 300k credits every 30 kills amounts to a free 9 mil this month~
Tsukimi Luna

Rantai wrote:

Heh yeah. Welcome to obscurity T-50.

Don't forget to keep up with your daily missions (especially this month's one). 300k credits every 30 kills amounts to a free 9 mil this month~
On my way to my beautiful e-75

Oh really??
200 meters away and a ac mle 48. that has already shot me thrice doesnt pop up?
Doesnt pop up until i get into point blank range with him
To top it off there was a t25/2 beside me...

While im in my elc 300 meters away with camo net camo paint camo crew
I shoot and sixth sense gets triggers

Plz dont bullshit me plz
Well, TD's have great camo, better than light tanks when shooting.

Btw which wot server did you play on again?
I understand that the probability is very low but maybe there's someone from Russian server?
I'd be more than happy to return into WoT after 6 months break.

I've played since 2010 beta, I was part of the SuperTesters team and I have 30+ tanks with 60% w/l ratio in random.

This is my account, message me if you want to play together:
Someone here from the EU server ? ^^

Well, here's my current garage

China: Type 59
France: ELC AMX
Germany: Pz.Kpfw 38H 735 (f), T-25, VK 36.01 (H), Maus, Marder II, Jagdtiger
Britain: Cromwell, Bishop
USA: T2 Light, T71, M46 Patton, M103, T28
Russia: LTP, T-70, MT-25, T-44, KV-2, KV-5, Object 268

Phew, I guess these are all of my current tanks xD

Just view my account, if you want to see more, even if I don't care about stats :P
Tsukimi Luna

Rantai wrote:

Well, TD's have great camo, better than light tanks when shooting.

Btw which wot server did you play on again?
American Server

World of tanks to me seems like a plate of rage
I wonder if anyone feels the same as me

I just get pissed off right away especially on weekends where u get scrubs on your team non-stop
How can they not learn to play when they can play up ti tier IX and tier X

Pub matches
A fking pile of poop

I ragequit countless time on WoT

osu! is probly 5% of the rage of this game
@Senaya - I'd love to play with you but I'm on NA so.. D: (maybe when we can go cross server?)

And that's why I play my T29 when I am having a bad day. Vent your anger into something productive, with something stupidly powerful.

Tsukimi Luna
Rantai, maybe we should play together someday
The only Tier 8 i have is the Tiger II and of course i just got the e-75
But i only have the tracks for that....
High tier battles are too stressful for long sessions

Also why would people want to play the aufklpanther?
Since rantai has one
If its for the line
I would say the E-50M is superior to the leopard 1 in many ways
Clearly the E-50M has hell a lot more armor and to top that of it has a gun thats slightly better
Not to mention its still very mobile

The aufklpanther looks like an extremely awful tank...
Aufkl is pretty bad to be honest. Only reason I am running it is because I really like the look of the Leopard 1's play style and that I had so much exp on my VK2801 that it only made sense to go to the Aufkl to get to the Ind Pz.

I'm not concerned about armour, I need speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed or an autoloader on my meds.

If you want to play together, give me a message if you see me in game (I play mostly NA west). I usually get on sporadically between 5 pm and 12 am AEST.

Rantai wrote:

@Senaya - I'd love to play with you but I'm on NA so.. D: (maybe when we can go cross server?)
I hope that day will come :)
Ok, I actually have a love hate relationship with the aufk.

Somedays it's so damn good, other days makes me want to sell my entire garage in rage.

Can someone explain how to do that?

Find a player with a Leopard, find a player with an ELC.

Get them to ram each other at full speed on a slight hill.

Pray to RNG gods.

senaya is too pro.

my tiny garage:
USSR: LTP, MT-25, T-54, IS-3, SU-14-2, Churchill III
Germany: Aufkl. Panther, GW Panther
France: AMX 13 90, Lorraine 40t, Lorraine 155 51, ARL 44 (could buy amx 50 120, but arl is so cool), FCM 36 pak 40, AMX AC mle. 46
GB: AT 2

that's it, RU
i wish you would play with me :(

i guess i'll show what i have too
USSR: T-62A, IS-3, IS-4, IS-7, IS-8, SU-122-44, Object 704
Germany: E-50M, E-100, Maus, Pz4 Schmalturm, Panther/M10, GW Panther, GW E-100
USA: M48A1, T34, T110E5, M103, T71
France: AMX 50B, Lorraine 155 51, BatChat 25t
UK: Centurion mk1
Didnt expect that my first post will be on a WoT thread..

Anyway, i'm from Asia server
i only got
Germany: StuGIII, JagdPz.IV, Pz.IV
USSR: T-34, KV-1
Others: None

Still grinding for my T-34-85..
and oh..should i go KV-2 or go T-150?
KV-2 if you like being a notorious horizontal artillery.

Rantai wrote:

KV-2 if you like being a notorious horizontal artillery.
There's this big argument about KV-2, KV-1S and T-150.
i get it that T-150 excels in armor but slow, KV-1S in mobility and good fire power, and KV-2 in beast firepower.

what are your opinions on this? why did you pick KV-1S? :)
i want to know as many info as i can before using my hard-grinded exp in one of them.
thank you!
KV-1S has better mobility and a fairly reliable, albeit powerful gun. KV-2, while it has a huge gun and is trolltastic, is way too slow and inaccurate for my liking. T-150 has a decent gun and good armour but is just too slow and less versatile than a 1S.

I went with the KV-1S because it is flat out better than the other 2. If you know how to sidescrape, the lower armour means nothing and with a decent crew the accuracy is not crippling at medium-short range. The only thing is the reload, which you'd need to work around with cover.

Rantai wrote:

KV-1S has better mobility and a fairly reliable, albeit powerful gun. KV-2, while it has a huge gun and is trolltastic, is way too slow and inaccurate for my liking. T-150 has a decent gun and good armour but is just too slow and less versatile than a 1S.

I went with the KV-1S because it is flat out better than the other 2. If you know how to sidescrape, the lower armour means nothing and with a decent crew the accuracy is not crippling at medium-short range. The only thing is the reload, which you'd need to work around with cover.
So it boils down to nice crew and equipment huh...
Thank you for that! i'll be considering that option :)
kv-1s (also called kvass like a russian beverage) was a great killing machine because of his good alpha damage after the tech tree changes several patches ago. if he was in top, he could 1hko a lot of his enemies while being far more comfortable to cruise in than kv2.

senaya wrote:

kv-1s (also called kvass like a russian beverage) was a great killing machine because of his good alpha damage after the tech tree changes several patches ago. if he was in top, he could 1hko a lot of his enemies while being far more comfortable to cruise in than kv2.
those good times when kv-2 was just kv and has lvl V. with a same powerful gun. kv-1s is cooler. but on lvl Vll... i liked kv-3 more. same gun as IS, but more HP.

well, kv-2 is not so good now. C-51 has been nerf'd A LOT. This direction is kinda "dead" direction now.
also, i had KV-4 and IS-3. KV-4 was really good, kind of E-100 of lvl VIII. But game didn't have that "FUN", as it has with IS-3. So, IS-3 in my garage, KV-4 is out. but i'll buy ST-1. at least, i'd like to try it out.

Aleks719 wrote:

but on lvl Vll... i liked kv-3 more
those days are long gone. his turret was indestructible.

Aleks719 wrote:

C-51 has been nerf'd A LOT.
they nerf arty since beta almost every single patch =_=
i miss the days when bison was a 1hko monster of the lvl 1-2 sandbox (it existed in Russian beta and was removed in July 2010)

Aleks719 wrote:

KV-4 was really good
that thing was broken when it was released and maybe still is made of rubber.
i also enjoy my is-3, brah.
The KV-2 is awesome. You can penetrate aslmost every enemy tank. I even had many KV-1S one shots.
The only detriment would be the long reloading time of the troll gun, when you're surrounded, but well, it's a howitzer.
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