
Improvement by looking at the circle...after the circle

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So, noticed a weird phenomenon which caused me to drastically improve, which I want to share with you.

Prior to this, I was missing maybe 20% of my jumps, due to overshooting and undershooting. I did the thing where you look at the circle you're jumping to, and, well, that leads to lots of panicked half-second-long "where is the next circle" which never ends well. Also, my timing was all screwed up since I was physically staring at the circle to get the timing instead of actually listening to the music.

Cue a flu shot on Saturday (which I wish made me better) and my new mindset.

Why stare at the circle you're staring at instead of the one AFTER that, or even the one after that?

The trick is to set up a kind of "queue" in your brain for new circles, it helps by:
-Making jumping all muscle memory since you're not physically looking and eye-timing your jumps (Before, couldn't jump CS4, now can jump HR far easier)
-Increasing accuracy as you tap to the beat instead of to the approach circle
-Makes AR much easier to read (compared to last week where I could barely read AR9.5 due to having to struggle to find the next circle, now I can read AR10 with much more ease than before)
-Making patterns easier (such as side to side and back and forth) since you don't physically have to "panic" and snap your mouse after doing what I did before, and instead queue and make everything more mechanical instead of reactional

TL;DR: Instead of staring at the circle you're currently jumping to, try staring one or a few circles ahead and set up a "queue" in your brain, see if it helps.

Not sure how this helps for anyone else, but feel free to try it!
(I think I can actually FC stuff now to be honest, good luck!)
E m i
why not both? I feel like I have a shitton of focuses, the highest focuses are assigned to the current circle and next circle, and then from there as they go down in importance/relevance they go down in focus as well.
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